
This commit is contained in:
Arya Irani 2018-07-16 17:22:00 -04:00
parent 5254bf43b4
commit 18e2782d74

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@ -80,6 +80,8 @@ data Note v loc
= WithinSynthesize (Term v loc) (Note v loc)
| WithinSubtype (Type v loc) (Type v loc) (Note v loc)
| WithinCheck (Term v loc) (Type v loc) (Note v loc)
| WithinInstantiateL v (Type v loc) (Note v loc)
| WithinInstantiateR (Type v loc) v (Note v loc)
| TypeMismatch (Context v loc)
| IllFormedType (Context v loc)
| CompilerBug (CompilerBug v loc)
@ -103,6 +105,18 @@ withinCheck e t2 (M m) = M go where
let (notes, r) = m menv
in (WithinCheck e t2 <$> notes, r)
withinInstantiateL :: v -> Type v loc -> M v loc a -> M v loc a
withinInstantiateL v t (M m) = M go where
go menv =
let (notes, r) = m menv
in (WithinInstantiateL v t <$> notes, r)
withinInstantiateR :: Type v loc -> v -> M v loc a -> M v loc a
withinInstantiateR t v (M m) = M go where
go menv =
let (notes, r) = m menv
in (WithinInstantiateR t v <$> notes, r)
-- | The typechecking environment
data MEnv v loc = MEnv {
env :: Env v loc, -- The typechecking state
@ -574,52 +588,109 @@ subtype tx ty = withinSubtype tx ty $
-- in the process.
instantiateL :: (Eq loc, Var v) => v -> Type v loc -> M v loc ()
instantiateL v t | debugEnabled && traceShow ("instantiateL"::String, v, t) False = undefined
instantiateL v t = getContext >>= \ctx -> case Type.monotype t >>= (solve ctx v) of
Just ctx -> setContext ctx -- InstLSolve
Nothing -> case t of
Type.Existential' v2 | ordered ctx v v2 -> -- InstLReach (both are existential, set v2 = v)
maybe (failNote $ TypeMismatch ctx) setContext $
solve ctx v2 (Type.Monotype (Type.existential' (loc t) v))
Type.Arrow' i o -> do -- InstLArr
[i',o'] <- traverse freshenVar [ABT.v' "i", ABT.v' "o"]
let s = Solved v (Type.Monotype (Type.arrow (loc t)
(Type.existential' (loc i) i')
(Type.existential' (loc o) o')))
modifyContext' $ replace (Existential v) (context [Existential o', Existential i', s])
instantiateR i i'
ctx <- getContext
instantiateL o' (apply ctx o)
Type.App' x y -> do -- analogue of InstLArr
[x', y'] <- traverse freshenVar [ABT.v' "x", ABT.v' "y"]
let s = Solved v (Type.Monotype ( (loc t)
(Type.existential' (loc x) x')
(Type.existential' (loc y) y')))
modifyContext' $ replace (Existential v) (context [Existential y', Existential x', s])
ctx0 <- getContext
ctx' <- instantiateL x' (apply ctx0 x) >> getContext
instantiateL y' (apply ctx' y)
Type.Effect' es vt -> do
es' <- replicateM (length es) (freshNamed "e")
vt' <- freshNamed "vt"
let locs = loc <$> es
s = Solved v (Type.Monotype
(Type.effect (loc t)
(uncurry Type.existential' <$> locs `zip` es')
(Type.existential' (loc vt) vt')))
modifyContext' $ replace (Existential v) (context $ (Existential <$> es') ++ [Existential vt', s])
Foldable.for_ (es' `zip` es) $ \(e',e) -> do
instantiateL v t = withinInstantiateL v t $
getContext >>= \ctx -> case Type.monotype t >>= (solve ctx v) of
Just ctx -> setContext ctx -- InstLSolve
Nothing -> case t of
Type.Existential' v2 | ordered ctx v v2 -> -- InstLReach (both are existential, set v2 = v)
maybe (failNote $ TypeMismatch ctx) setContext $
solve ctx v2 (Type.Monotype (Type.existential' (loc t) v))
Type.Arrow' i o -> do -- InstLArr
[i',o'] <- traverse freshenVar [ABT.v' "i", ABT.v' "o"]
let s = Solved v (Type.Monotype (Type.arrow (loc t)
(Type.existential' (loc i) i')
(Type.existential' (loc o) o')))
modifyContext' $ replace (Existential v)
(context [Existential o', Existential i', s])
instantiateR i i'
ctx <- getContext
instantiateL e' (apply ctx e)
ctx <- getContext
instantiateL vt' (apply ctx vt)
Type.Forall' body -> do -- InstLIIL
v <- extendUniversal =<< ABT.freshen body freshenTypeVar
instantiateL v (ABT.bindInheritAnnotation body (Type.universal v))
doRetract (Universal v)
_ -> failNote $ TypeMismatch ctx
instantiateL o' (apply ctx o)
Type.App' x y -> do -- analogue of InstLArr
[x', y'] <- traverse freshenVar [ABT.v' "x", ABT.v' "y"]
let s = Solved v (Type.Monotype ( (loc t)
(Type.existential' (loc x) x')
(Type.existential' (loc y) y')))
modifyContext' $ replace (Existential v)
(context [Existential y', Existential x', s])
ctx0 <- getContext
ctx' <- instantiateL x' (apply ctx0 x) >> getContext
instantiateL y' (apply ctx' y)
Type.Effect' es vt -> do
es' <- replicateM (length es) (freshNamed "e")
vt' <- freshNamed "vt"
let locs = loc <$> es
s = Solved v (Type.Monotype
(Type.effect (loc t)
(uncurry Type.existential' <$> locs `zip` es')
(Type.existential' (loc vt) vt')))
modifyContext' $ replace (Existential v)
(context $ (Existential <$> es') ++
[Existential vt', s])
Foldable.for_ (es' `zip` es) $ \(e',e) -> do
ctx <- getContext
instantiateL e' (apply ctx e)
ctx <- getContext
instantiateL vt' (apply ctx vt)
Type.Forall' body -> do -- InstLIIL
v <- extendUniversal =<< ABT.freshen body freshenTypeVar
instantiateL v (ABT.bindInheritAnnotation body (Type.universal v))
doRetract (Universal v)
_ -> failNote $ TypeMismatch ctx
instantiateR :: Var v => Type v loc -> v -> M v loc ()
instantiateR = error "todo" -- may need a loc parameter?
-- | Instantiate the given existential such that it is
-- a supertype of the given type, updating the context
-- in the process.
instantiateR :: (Eq loc, Var v) => Type v loc -> v -> M v loc ()
instantiateR t v | debugEnabled && traceShow ("instantiateR"::String, t, v) False = undefined
instantiateR t v = withinInstantiateR t v $
getContext >>= \ctx -> case Type.monotype t >>= solve ctx v of
Just ctx -> setContext ctx -- InstRSolve
Nothing -> case t of
Type.Existential' v2 | ordered ctx v v2 -> -- InstRReach (both are existential, set v2 = v)
maybe (failNote $ TypeMismatch ctx) setContext $
solve ctx v2 (Type.Monotype (Type.existential' (loc t) v))
Type.Arrow' i o -> do -- InstRArrow
[i', o'] <- traverse freshenVar [ABT.v' "i", ABT.v' "o"]
let s = Solved v (Type.Monotype
(Type.arrow (loc t)
(Type.existential' (loc i) i')
(Type.existential' (loc o) o')))
modifyContext' $ replace (Existential v)
(context [Existential o', Existential i', s])
ctx <- instantiateL i' i >> getContext
instantiateR (apply ctx o) o'
Type.App' x y -> do -- analogue of InstRArr
-- example foo a <: v' will
-- 1. create foo', a', add these to the context
-- 2. add v' = foo' a' to the context
-- 3. recurse to refine the types of foo' and a'
[x', y'] <- traverse freshenVar [ABT.v' "x", ABT.v' "y"]
let s = Solved v (Type.Monotype ( (loc t) (Type.existential' (loc x) x') (Type.existential' (loc y) y')))
modifyContext' $ replace (Existential v) (context [Existential y', Existential x', s])
ctx <- getContext
instantiateR (apply ctx x) x'
ctx <- getContext
instantiateR (apply ctx y) y'
Type.Effect' es vt -> do
es' <- replicateM (length es) (freshNamed "e")
vt' <- freshNamed "vt"
let locs = loc <$> es
s = Solved v (Type.Monotype
(Type.effect (loc t)
(uncurry Type.existential' <$> locs `zip` es')
(Type.existential' (loc vt) vt')))
modifyContext' $ replace (Existential v) (context $ (Existential <$> es') ++ [Existential vt', s])
Foldable.for_ (es `zip` es') $ \(e, e') -> do
ctx <- getContext
instantiateR (apply ctx e) e'
ctx <- getContext
instantiateR (apply ctx vt) vt'
Type.Forall' body -> do -- InstRAIIL
x' <- ABT.freshen body freshenTypeVar
setContext $ ctx `mappend` context [Marker x', Existential x']
instantiateR (ABT.bindInheritAnnotation body (Type.existential x')) v
doRetract (Marker x')
_ -> failNote $ TypeMismatch ctx
-- | solve (ΓL,α^,ΓR) α τ = (ΓL,α^ = τ,ΓR)
-- If the given existential variable exists in the context,