Add note re: LSP on windows

This commit is contained in:
Chris Penner 2022-09-12 10:11:26 -06:00
parent 3aa659ddfa
commit 195ecf2cc9
2 changed files with 22 additions and 17 deletions

View File

@ -127,8 +127,8 @@ library
, exceptions
, extra
, filepath
, fuzzyfind
, friendly-time
, fuzzyfind
, generic-lens
, haskeline
, here
@ -246,8 +246,8 @@ executable cli-integration-tests
, exceptions
, extra
, filepath
, fuzzyfind
, friendly-time
, fuzzyfind
, generic-lens
, haskeline
, here
@ -360,8 +360,8 @@ executable transcripts
, exceptions
, extra
, filepath
, fuzzyfind
, friendly-time
, fuzzyfind
, generic-lens
, haskeline
, here
@ -478,8 +478,8 @@ executable unison
, exceptions
, extra
, filepath
, fuzzyfind
, friendly-time
, fuzzyfind
, generic-lens
, haskeline
, here
@ -602,8 +602,8 @@ test-suite cli-tests
, exceptions
, extra
, filepath
, fuzzyfind
, friendly-time
, fuzzyfind
, generic-lens
, haskeline
, here

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import ArgParse
import Compat (defaultInterruptHandler, withInterruptHandler, onWindows)
import Compat (defaultInterruptHandler, onWindows, withInterruptHandler)
import Control.Concurrent (newEmptyMVar, takeMVar)
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Error.Safe (rightMay)
@ -124,16 +124,16 @@ main = withCP65001 . Ki.scoped $ \scope -> do
Run (RunFromFile file mainName) args
| not (isDotU file) -> PT.putPrettyLn $ P.callout "⚠️" "Files must have a .u extension."
| otherwise -> do
e <- safeReadUtf8 file
case e of
Left _ -> PT.putPrettyLn $ P.callout "⚠️" "I couldn't find that file or it is for some reason unreadable."
Right contents -> do
getCodebaseOrExit mCodePathOption \(initRes, _, theCodebase) -> do
rt <- RTI.startRuntime False RTI.OneOff Version.gitDescribeWithDate
sbrt <- RTI.startRuntime True RTI.OneOff Version.gitDescribeWithDate
let fileEvent = Input.UnisonFileChanged (Text.pack file) contents
let notifyOnUcmChanges _ = pure ()
launch currentDir config rt sbrt theCodebase [Left fileEvent, Right $ Input.ExecuteI mainName args, Right Input.QuitI] Nothing ShouldNotDownloadBase initRes notifyOnUcmChanges
e <- safeReadUtf8 file
case e of
Left _ -> PT.putPrettyLn $ P.callout "⚠️" "I couldn't find that file or it is for some reason unreadable."
Right contents -> do
getCodebaseOrExit mCodePathOption \(initRes, _, theCodebase) -> do
rt <- RTI.startRuntime False RTI.OneOff Version.gitDescribeWithDate
sbrt <- RTI.startRuntime True RTI.OneOff Version.gitDescribeWithDate
let fileEvent = Input.UnisonFileChanged (Text.pack file) contents
let notifyOnUcmChanges _ = pure ()
launch currentDir config rt sbrt theCodebase [Left fileEvent, Right $ Input.ExecuteI mainName args, Right Input.QuitI] Nothing ShouldNotDownloadBase initRes notifyOnUcmChanges
Run (RunFromPipe mainName) args -> do
e <- safeReadUtf8StdIn
case e of
@ -227,7 +227,12 @@ main = withCP65001 . Ki.scoped $ \scope -> do
let ucmState :: STM (Branch IO, Path.Absolute)
ucmState = readTVar ucmStateVar >>= maybe retry pure
sbRuntime <- RTI.startRuntime True RTI.Persistent Version.gitDescribeWithDate
when (not onWindows) . Ki.fork scope $ LSP.spawnLsp theCodebase runtime ucmState
-- Unfortunately, the windows IO manager on GHC 8.* is prone to just hanging forever
-- when waiting for input on handles, so if we listen for LSP connections it will
-- prevent UCM from shutting down properly. Hopefully we can re-enable LSP on
-- Windows when we move to GHC 9.*
when (not onWindows) . void . Ki.fork scope $ LSP.spawnLsp theCodebase runtime ucmState
Server.startServer (Backend.BackendEnv {Backend.useNamesIndex = False}) codebaseServerOpts sbRuntime theCodebase $ \baseUrl -> do
case exitOption of
DoNotExit -> do