Generalize to pretty text

This commit is contained in:
Chris Penner 2024-03-13 11:46:27 -07:00
parent 4d2cec6f4e
commit 19b8131777
2 changed files with 93 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ where
import Control.Lens ((%~))
import Control.Lens.Tuple (_1, _2, _3)
import Data.Foldable qualified as Foldable
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List (find, intersperse, sortBy)
import Data.List.Extra (nubOrd)
@ -1498,19 +1499,42 @@ renderParseErrors s = \case
style ErrorSite msg
P.TrivialError errOffset unexpected expected ->
let (src, ranges) = case unexpected of
Just (P.Tokens (toList -> ts)) -> case ts of
[] -> (mempty, [])
_ ->
let rs = rangeForToken <$> ts
in (showSource s $ (\r -> (r, ErrorSite)) <$> rs, rs)
_ -> mempty
-- Same error that we just pattern matched on, but with a different error component (here Void) - we need one
-- with a ShowErrorComponent instance, which our error type doesn't have.
sameErr :: P.ParseError Parser.Input Void
sameErr = P.TrivialError errOffset unexpected expected
in [(fromString (P.parseErrorPretty sameErr) <> src, ranges)]
P.TrivialError _errOffset unexpected expected ->
let unexpectedTokens :: Maybe (Nel.NonEmpty (L.Token L.Lexeme))
unexpectedTokenStrs :: Set String
(unexpectedTokens, unexpectedTokenStrs) = case unexpected of
Just (P.Tokens ts) ->
Foldable.toList ts
& fmap (L.displayLexeme . L.payload)
& Set.fromList
& (Just ts,)
Just (P.Label ts) -> (mempty, Set.singleton $ Foldable.toList ts)
Just (P.EndOfInput) -> (mempty, Set.singleton "end of input")
Nothing -> (mempty, mempty)
expectedTokenStrs :: Set String
expectedTokenStrs =
expected & foldMap \case
(P.Tokens ts) ->
Foldable.toList ts
& fmap (L.displayLexeme . L.payload)
& Set.fromList
(P.Label ts) -> Set.singleton $ Foldable.toList ts
(P.EndOfInput) -> Set.singleton "end of input"
ranges = case unexpectedTokens of
Nothing -> []
Just ts -> rangeForToken <$> Foldable.toList ts
excerpt = showSource s ((\r -> (r, ErrorSite)) <$> ranges)
msg = L.formatTrivialError _ unexpectedTokenStrs expectedTokenStrs
in [ ( Pr.lines
[ "I got confused here:",
style ErrorSite msg
P.FancyError _sp fancyErrors ->
(go' <$> Set.toList fancyErrors)

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@ -22,6 +22,10 @@ module Unison.Syntax.Lexer
-- * Error formatting
@ -50,6 +54,7 @@ import Unison.NameSegment (NameSegment)
import Unison.NameSegment qualified as NameSegment
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.ShortHash (ShortHash)
import Unison.ShortHash qualified as SH
import Unison.Syntax.HashQualified' qualified as HQ' (toText)
import Unison.Syntax.Lexer.Token (Token (..), posP, tokenP)
import Unison.Syntax.Name qualified as Name (isSymboly, nameP, toText, unsafeParseText)
@ -267,17 +272,21 @@ lexer0' scope rem =
let msg = intercalateMap "\n" showErrorFancy es
in [Token (Err (UnexpectedTokens msg)) (toPos top) (toPos top)]
P.TrivialError _errOffset mayUnexpectedTokens expectedTokens ->
let mayUnexpectedStr :: Maybe String
mayUnexpectedStr = errorItemToString <$> mayUnexpectedTokens
let unexpectedStr :: Set String
unexpectedStr =
& fmap errorItemToString
& maybeToList
& Set.fromList
expectedStr :: Set String
expectedStr =
& errorItemToString
err = UnexpectedTokens $ case (mayUnexpectedStr, Set.toList expectedStr) of
(Nothing, []) -> "I found something I didn't expect."
(Nothing, xs) -> "I found something I didn't expect here. I was hoping for one of these instead:\n\n* " <> List.intercalate "\n* " xs
(Just x, []) -> "I was surprised to find the text '" <> x <> "' here."
(Just x, xs) -> "I was surprised to find the text '" <> x <> "' here. I was hoping for one of these instead:\n\n* " <> List.intercalate "\n* " xs
startsWithVowel :: String -> Bool
startsWithVowel = \case
[] -> False
(ch : _) -> ch `elem` ("aeiou" :: String)
err = UnexpectedTokens $ formatTrivialError startsWithVowel unexpectedStr expectedStr
in [Token (Err err) (toPos top) (toPos top)]
in errsWithSourcePos >>= errorToTokens
Right ts -> Token (Open scope) topLeftCorner topLeftCorner : tweak ts
@ -313,6 +322,46 @@ lexer0' scope rem =
tweak (h : t) = h : tweak t
isSigned num = all (\ch -> ch == '-' || ch == '+') $ take 1 num
formatTrivialError ::
(IsString s, Monoid s) =>
-- | A function that returns True if the given string starts with a vowel,
-- Used for selecting the correct article.
(s -> Bool) ->
Set s ->
Set s ->
formatTrivialError startsWithVowel unexpectedTokens expectedTokens =
let unexpectedMsg = case Set.toList unexpectedTokens of
[] -> "I found something I didn't expect."
[x] ->
let article =
if startsWithVowel x
then "an"
else "a"
in "I was surprised to find " <> article <> " " <> x <> " here."
xs -> "I was surprised to find these:\n\n* " <> intercalateMap "\n* " id xs
expectedMsg = case Set.toList expectedTokens of
[] -> Nothing
xs -> Just $ "\nI was hoping for one of these instead:\n\n* " <> intercalateMap "\n* " id xs
in mconcat $ catMaybes [Just unexpectedMsg, expectedMsg]
displayLexeme :: Lexeme -> String
displayLexeme = \case
Open o -> o
Semi True -> "end of section"
Semi False -> "semicolon"
Close -> "end of section"
Reserved r -> "'" <> r <> "'"
Textual t -> "\"" <> t <> "\""
Character c -> "?" <> [c]
WordyId hq -> Text.unpack (HQ'.toTextWith Name.toText hq)
SymbolyId hq -> Text.unpack (HQ'.toTextWith Name.toText hq)
Blank b -> b
Numeric n -> n
Bytes _b -> "bytes literal"
Hash h -> Text.unpack (SH.toText h)
Err e -> show e
infixl 2 <+>
(<+>) :: (Monoid a) => P a -> P a -> P a