
This commit is contained in:
Arya Irani 2019-12-23 16:59:39 -05:00
parent b1f042d008
commit 1a4533af99
3 changed files with 41 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -110,6 +110,7 @@ import qualified Unison.Util.List as List
import qualified Unison.Util.Monoid as Monoid
import Data.Tuple (swap)
import Unison.Codebase.ShortBranchHash (ShortBranchHash)
import Control.Lens (view, _1)
type Pretty = P.Pretty P.ColorText
@ -1209,7 +1210,7 @@ showDiffNamespace ppe d@OBD.BranchDiffOutput{..} =
-- updateIndicator = " └─ "
prettyUpdateType :: OBD.UpdateTypeDisplay v Ann -> _ Pretty
1. ability Foo#pqr x y
2. - AllRightsReserved : License
3. + MIT : License
@ -1217,9 +1218,9 @@ showDiffNamespace ppe d@OBD.BranchDiffOutput{..} =
5. - apiDocs : License
6. + MIT : License
prettyUpdateType (Nothing, mdUps) =
prettyUpdateType (Nothing, mdUps) =
fmap P.linesNonEmpty $ traverse mdTypeLine mdUps
1. ability Foo#pqr x y
2. ability Foo#xyz a b
replaced with
@ -1238,32 +1239,50 @@ showDiffNamespace ppe d@OBD.BranchDiffOutput{..} =
prettyUpdateType (Just olds, news) =
fmap P.linesNonEmpty $ do
olds <- P.boxLeft <$>
olds <- P.boxLeft <$>
traverse mdTypeLine [ (name,decl,mempty) | (name,decl) <- olds ]
news <- P.boxLeft <$>
news <- P.boxLeft <$>
traverse mdTypeLine news
pure $ olds <> [downArrow] <> news
downArrow = P.bold "⧩ replaced with"
mdTypeLine (hq, otype, mddiff) = do
n <- num
fmap P.linesNonEmpty . sequence $
n <- num
fmap P.linesNonEmpty . sequence $
[ pure $ n <> prettyDecl hq otype
, P.indentN leftNumsWidth <$> prettyMetadataDiff mddiff ]
prettyUpdateTerm (Nothing, terms) = undefined
mdTermLine namesWidth (hq, otype, mddiff) = do
n <- num
fmap P.linesNonEmpty . sequence $
[ pure $ P.rightPad namesWidth (phq' hq) <> " : " <> prettyType otype
, P.indentN leftNumsWidth <$> prettyMetadataDiff mddiff ]
prettyUpdateTerm (Nothing, newTerms) =
if null newTerms then error "Super invalid UpdateTermDisplay" else
fmap P.linesNonEmpty $ traverse (mdTermLine namesWidth) newTerms
where namesWidth = foldl1' max $ fmap (HQ'.nameLength . view _1) newTerms
prettyUpdateTerm (Just olds, news) =
fmap P.linesNonEmpty $ do
olds <- P.boxLeft <$>
traverse (mdTermLine namesWidth) [ (name,typ,mempty) | (name,typ) <- olds ]
news <- P.boxLeft <$>
traverse (mdTermLine namesWidth) news
pure $ olds <> [downArrow] <> news
where namesWidth = foldl1' max $ fmap (HQ'.nameLength . view _1) news
<> fmap (HQ'.nameLength . view _1) olds
prettyMetadataDiff OBD.MetadataDiff{..} = P.column2M $
map (elem " - ") removedMetadata <>
map (elem " + ") addedMetadata
elem x (hq, otype) = do
num <- num
pure (x <> num <> phq' hq, " : " <> prettyType otype)
prettyType = maybe ( "type not found") (TypePrinter.pretty ppe)
prettyType = maybe ( "type not found") (TypePrinter.pretty ppe)
prettyDecl hq =
maybe ( "type not found")
maybe ( "type not found")
(P.syntaxToColor . DeclPrinter.prettyDeclOrBuiltinHeader (HQ'.toHQ hq))
phq' = P.syntaxToColor . prettyHashQualified'
@ -1277,7 +1296,7 @@ showDiffNamespace ppe d@OBD.BranchDiffOutput{..} =
padNumber :: Int -> Pretty
padNumber n = P.hiBlack . P.rightPad leftNumsWidth $ P.shown n <> ". "
leftNumsWidth = 4 -- length (show . max d) + length ". "
noResults :: Pretty
noResults = P.callout "😶" $
P.wrap $ "No results. Check your spelling, or try using tab completion "

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@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ wrapImpl (p:ps) = wrap_ . Seq.fromList $
wrapString :: (LL.ListLike s Char, IsString s) => String -> Pretty s
wrapString s = wrap (lit $ fromString s)
-- 0. Preserve all leading and trailing whitespace
-- 0. Preserve all leading and trailing whitespace
-- 1. Preserve all newlines
-- 2. Wrap all text in between newlines
paragraphyText :: (LL.ListLike s Char, IsString s) => Text -> Pretty s
@ -582,10 +582,10 @@ bracket :: (LL.ListLike s Char, IsString s) => Pretty s -> Pretty s
bracket = indent " "
boxLeft :: forall s . (LL.ListLike s Char, IsString s) => [Pretty s] -> [Pretty s]
boxLeft ps = go ps where
go [] = []
go [p] = [decorate singleton p]
go (Seq.fromList -> a Seq.:<| (mid Seq.:|> b)) =
boxLeft ps = go (Seq.fromList ps) where
go Seq.Empty = []
go (p Seq.:<| Seq.Empty) = [decorate singleton p]
go (a Seq.:<| (mid Seq.:|> b)) =
[decorate first a] ++ toList (decorate middle <$> mid) ++ [decorate last b]
decorate (first, mid) p = first <> indentAfterNewline mid p
first = ("", "")

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@ -34,13 +34,16 @@ fromHQ = \case
HQ.HashOnly{} -> Nothing
unsafeFromHQ :: HQ.HashQualified' n -> HashQualified' n
unsafeFromHQ = fromJust . fromHQ
unsafeFromHQ = fromJust . fromHQ
toName :: HashQualified' n -> n
toName = \case
NameOnly name -> name
HashQualified name _ -> name
nameLength :: HashQualified' Name -> Int
nameLength = Text.length . Name.toText . toName
take :: Int -> HashQualified' n -> HashQualified' n
take i = \case
n@(NameOnly _) -> n