Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/topic/projects' into cp/project-codebase-browse

This commit is contained in:
Chris Penner 2023-03-14 15:25:13 -06:00
commit 1aa70be181
130 changed files with 5788 additions and 957 deletions

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@ -73,3 +73,4 @@ The format for this list: name, GitHub handle
* Jesse Looney (@jesselooney)
* Vlad Posmangiu Luchian (@cstml)
* Andrii Uvarov (@unorsk)
* Mario Bašić (@mabasic)

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@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ If these instructions don't work for you or are incomplete, please file an issue
The build uses [Stack]( If you don't already have it installed, [follow the install instructions]( for your platform. (Hint: `brew update && brew install stack`)
If you have not set up the Haskell toolchain before and are trying to contribute to Unison on an M1 Mac, we have [some tips specifically for you](docs/m1-mac-setup-tips.markdown/new).
If you have not set up the Haskell toolchain before and are trying to contribute to Unison on an M1 Mac, we have [some tips specifically for you](docs/m1-mac-setup-tips.markdown).
$ git clone

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@ -322,6 +322,8 @@ import U.Codebase.WatchKind (WatchKind)
import qualified U.Core.ABT as ABT
import qualified U.Util.Serialization as S
import qualified U.Util.Term as TermUtil
import Unison.Core.Orphans.Sqlite ()
import Unison.Core.Project (ProjectBranchName, ProjectName)
import Unison.Hash (Hash)
import qualified Unison.Hash as Hash
import Unison.Hash32 (Hash32)
@ -2484,7 +2486,7 @@ getReflog numEntries = queryListRow sql (Only numEntries)
data Project = Project
{ projectId :: ProjectId,
name :: Text
name :: ProjectName
deriving stock (Generic, Show)
deriving anyclass (ToRow, FromRow)
@ -2492,7 +2494,7 @@ data Project = Project
data RemoteProject = RemoteProject
{ projectId :: RemoteProjectId,
host :: URI,
name :: Text
name :: ProjectName
deriving stock (Generic, Show)
deriving anyclass (ToRow, FromRow)
@ -2500,7 +2502,7 @@ data RemoteProject = RemoteProject
data Branch = Branch
{ projectId :: ProjectId,
branchId :: ProjectBranchId,
name :: Text
name :: ProjectBranchName
deriving stock (Generic, Show)
deriving anyclass (ToRow, FromRow)
@ -2509,7 +2511,7 @@ data RemoteProjectBranch = RemoteProjectBranch
{ projectId :: RemoteProjectId,
branchId :: RemoteProjectBranchId,
host :: URI,
name :: Text
name :: ProjectBranchName
deriving stock (Generic, Show)
deriving anyclass (ToRow, FromRow)
@ -2528,7 +2530,7 @@ projectExists projectId =
(Only projectId)
-- | Does a project exist by this name?
projectExistsByName :: Text -> Transaction Bool
projectExistsByName :: ProjectName -> Transaction Bool
projectExistsByName name =
@ -2558,7 +2560,7 @@ loadProjectSql =
id = ?
loadProjectByName :: Text -> Transaction (Maybe Project)
loadProjectByName :: ProjectName -> Transaction (Maybe Project)
loadProjectByName name =
@ -2572,17 +2574,18 @@ loadProjectByName name =
(Only name)
insertProject :: ProjectId -> Text -> Transaction ()
-- | Insert a `project` row.
insertProject :: ProjectId -> ProjectName -> Transaction ()
insertProject uuid name = execute bonk (uuid, name)
bonk =
INSERT INTO project (id, name)
VALUES (?, ?)
-- | Does a project branch exist by this name?
projectBranchExistsByName :: ProjectId -> Text -> Transaction Bool
projectBranchExistsByName :: ProjectId -> ProjectBranchName -> Transaction Bool
projectBranchExistsByName projectId name =
@ -2620,7 +2623,7 @@ loadProjectBranchSql =
AND branch_id = ?
loadProjectBranchByName :: ProjectId -> Text -> Transaction (Maybe Branch)
loadProjectBranchByName :: ProjectId -> ProjectBranchName -> Transaction (Maybe Branch)
loadProjectBranchByName projectId name =
@ -2636,7 +2639,7 @@ loadProjectBranchByName projectId name =
(projectId, name)
loadProjectAndBranchNames :: ProjectId -> ProjectBranchId -> Transaction (Maybe (Text, Text))
loadProjectAndBranchNames :: ProjectId -> ProjectBranchId -> Transaction (Maybe (ProjectName, ProjectBranchName))
loadProjectAndBranchNames projectId branchId =
@ -2652,7 +2655,8 @@ loadProjectAndBranchNames projectId branchId =
(projectId, branchId)
insertProjectBranch :: ProjectId -> ProjectBranchId -> Text -> Transaction ()
-- | Insert a `project_branch` row.
insertProjectBranch :: ProjectId -> ProjectBranchId -> ProjectBranchName -> Transaction ()
insertProjectBranch pid bid bname = execute bonk (pid, bid, bname)
bonk =
@ -2797,7 +2801,7 @@ loadRemoteProject rpid host =
(rpid, host)
ensureRemoteProject :: RemoteProjectId -> URI -> Text -> Transaction ()
ensureRemoteProject :: RemoteProjectId -> URI -> ProjectName -> Transaction ()
ensureRemoteProject rpid host name =
@ -2817,7 +2821,7 @@ ensureRemoteProject rpid host name =
(rpid, host, name)
expectRemoteProjectName :: RemoteProjectId -> URI -> Transaction Text
expectRemoteProjectName :: RemoteProjectId -> URI -> Transaction ProjectName
expectRemoteProjectName projectId host =
@ -2831,7 +2835,7 @@ expectRemoteProjectName projectId host =
(projectId, host)
setRemoteProjectName :: RemoteProjectId -> Text -> Transaction ()
setRemoteProjectName :: RemoteProjectId -> ProjectName -> Transaction ()
setRemoteProjectName rpid name =
@ -2862,7 +2866,7 @@ loadRemoteBranch rpid host rbid =
(rpid, rbid, host)
ensureRemoteProjectBranch :: RemoteProjectId -> URI -> RemoteProjectBranchId -> Text -> Transaction ()
ensureRemoteProjectBranch :: RemoteProjectId -> URI -> RemoteProjectBranchId -> ProjectBranchName -> Transaction ()
ensureRemoteProjectBranch rpid host rbid name =
@ -2885,7 +2889,7 @@ ensureRemoteProjectBranch rpid host rbid name =
(rpid, host, rbid, name)
expectRemoteProjectBranchName :: URI -> RemoteProjectId -> RemoteProjectBranchId -> Transaction Text
expectRemoteProjectBranchName :: URI -> RemoteProjectId -> RemoteProjectBranchId -> Transaction ProjectBranchName
expectRemoteProjectBranchName host projectId branchId =
@ -2900,7 +2904,7 @@ expectRemoteProjectBranchName host projectId branchId =
(host, projectId, branchId)
setRemoteProjectBranchName :: RemoteProjectId -> URI -> RemoteProjectBranchId -> Text -> Transaction ()
setRemoteProjectBranchName :: RemoteProjectId -> URI -> RemoteProjectBranchId -> ProjectBranchName -> Transaction ()
setRemoteProjectBranchName rpid host rbid name =

View File

@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ dependencies:
- unison-codebase
- unison-codebase-sync
- unison-core
- unison-core-orphans-sqlite
- unison-hash
- unison-hash-orphans-sqlite
- unison-prelude

View File

@ -110,6 +110,7 @@ library
, unison-codebase
, unison-codebase-sync
, unison-core
, unison-core-orphans-sqlite
, unison-hash
, unison-hash-orphans-sqlite
, unison-prelude

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
-- | Project-related types.
-- A larger API, including orphan instances for parsing from 'Text', is available in "Unison.Project". Here, we just
-- define the types, which are shared among the low-level database layer (which assumes without verifying that project
-- names and such are syntactically valid) and the higher-level project manipulation exposed by UCM.
module Unison.Core.Project
( ProjectName (..),
ProjectBranchName (..),
ProjectAndBranch (..),
import Unison.Prelude
-- | The name of a project.
newtype ProjectName
= UnsafeProjectName Text
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- | The name of a branch of a project.
newtype ProjectBranchName
= ProjectBranchName Text
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- | A generic data structure that contains information about a project and a branch in that project.
data ProjectAndBranch a b = ProjectAndBranch
{ project :: a,
branch :: b
deriving stock (Eq, Generic, Show)

View File

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ library

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@ -79,6 +79,26 @@ Note that you'll need to start UCM _before_ you try connecting to it in your edi
Simply install the [Unison Language VSCode extension](
### Helix Editor
To `~/.config/helix/languages.toml` append this code:
name = "unison"
scope = "source.unison"
injection-regex = "unison"
file-types = ["u"]
shebangs = []
roots = []
auto-format = false
comment-token = "--"
indent = { tab-width = 4, unit = " " }
language-server = { command = "ncat", args = ["localhost", "5757"] }
or follow the instructions for Unison in "[How to install the default language servers](" wiki page.
### Other Editors

View File

@ -21,13 +21,16 @@ cradle:
- path: "codebase2/util-term/./"
component: "unison-util-term:lib"
- path: "lib/orphans/unison-core-orphans-sqlite/src"
component: "unison-core-orphans-sqlite:lib"
- path: "lib/unison-hash/src"
component: "unison-hash:lib"
- path: "lib/unison-hash-orphans-aeson/src"
- path: "lib/orphans/unison-hash-orphans-aeson/src"
component: "unison-hash-orphans-aeson:lib"
- path: "lib/unison-hash-orphans-sqlite/src"
- path: "lib/orphans/unison-hash-orphans-sqlite/src"
component: "unison-hash-orphans-sqlite:lib"
- path: "lib/unison-hashing/src"
@ -75,7 +78,7 @@ cradle:
- path: "lib/unison-util-rope/src"
component: "unison-util-rope:lib"
- path: "lib/uuid-orphans-sqlite/src"
- path: "lib/orphans/uuid-orphans-sqlite/src"
component: "uuid-orphans-sqlite:lib"
- path: "parser-typechecker/src"

lib/orphans/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
Canonical orphans packages.
The package name template is
(with some flexibility as to what exactly `<package-providing-typeclass>` is called; for example, although we are
currently using the `sqlite-simple` package, we call suffix sqlite orphan packages with `-sqlite`, not `-sqlite-simple`,
for no great reason other than aesthetics).
For example, the package that defines `To/FromField` instances (from `sqlite-simple`) for types defined in `unison-core`
is called `unison-core-orphans-sqlite`.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
name: unison-core-orphans-sqlite
github: unisonweb/unison
copyright: Copyright (C) 2013-2021 Unison Computing, PBC and contributors
- condition: false
other-modules: Paths_unison_core_orphans_sqlite
source-dirs: src
- base
- sqlite-simple
- text
- unison-core
- ApplicativeDo
- BangPatterns
- BlockArguments
- DeriveFunctor
- DeriveGeneric
- DeriveTraversable
- DerivingStrategies
- DerivingVia
- DoAndIfThenElse
- FlexibleContexts
- FlexibleInstances
- GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
- LambdaCase
- MultiParamTypeClasses
- NamedFieldPuns
- OverloadedStrings
- PatternSynonyms
- RankNTypes
- ScopedTypeVariables
- StandaloneDeriving
- TupleSections
- TypeApplications
- ViewPatterns

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Unison.Core.Orphans.Sqlite () where
import Data.Text (Text)
import Database.SQLite.Simple.FromField (FromField)
import Database.SQLite.Simple.ToField (ToField)
import Unison.Core.Project (ProjectBranchName (..), ProjectName (..))
deriving via Text instance ToField ProjectName
deriving via Text instance FromField ProjectName
deriving via Text instance ToField ProjectBranchName
deriving via Text instance FromField ProjectBranchName

View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
cabal-version: 1.12
-- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.35.0.
-- see:
name: unison-core-orphans-sqlite
version: 0.0.0
copyright: Copyright (C) 2013-2021 Unison Computing, PBC and contributors
build-type: Simple
source-repository head
type: git
ghc-options: -Wall
, sqlite-simple
, text
, unison-core
default-language: Haskell2010

View File

@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ data DebugFlag
| -- | Shows Annotations when printing terms
| PatternCoverage
| PatternCoverageConstraintSolver
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Bounded, Enum)
debugFlags :: Set DebugFlag
@ -61,6 +63,8 @@ debugFlags = case (unsafePerformIO (lookupEnv "UNISON_DEBUG")) of
"TIMING" -> pure Timing
"TEMP" -> pure Temp
"ANNOTATIONS" -> pure Annotations
"PATTERN_COVERAGE" -> pure PatternCoverage
"PATTERN_COVERAGE_CONSTRAINT_SOLVER" -> pure PatternCoverageConstraintSolver
_ -> empty
{-# NOINLINE debugFlags #-}
@ -108,6 +112,14 @@ debugAnnotations :: Bool
debugAnnotations = Annotations `Set.member` debugFlags
{-# NOINLINE debugAnnotations #-}
debugPatternCoverage :: Bool
debugPatternCoverage = PatternCoverage `Set.member` debugFlags
{-# NOINLINE debugPatternCoverage #-}
debugPatternCoverageConstraintSolver :: Bool
debugPatternCoverageConstraintSolver = PatternCoverageConstraintSolver `Set.member` debugFlags
{-# NOINLINE debugPatternCoverageConstraintSolver #-}
-- | Use for trace-style selective debugging.
-- E.g. 1 + (debug Git "The second number" 2)
@ -159,3 +171,5 @@ shouldDebug = \case
Timing -> debugTiming
Temp -> debugTemp
Annotations -> debugAnnotations
PatternCoverage -> debugPatternCoverage
PatternCoverageConstraintSolver -> debugPatternCoverageConstraintSolver

View File

@ -162,6 +162,7 @@ import Unison.Symbol (Symbol)
import Unison.Term (Term)
import qualified Unison.Term as Term
import Unison.Type (Type)
import qualified Unison.Type as Type
import Unison.Typechecker.TypeLookup (TypeLookup (TypeLookup))
import qualified Unison.Typechecker.TypeLookup as TL
import qualified Unison.UnisonFile as UF
@ -347,26 +348,45 @@ lookupWatchCache codebase h = do
maybe (getWatch codebase WK.TestWatch h) (pure . Just) m1
typeLookupForDependencies ::
forall m a.
(BuiltinAnnotation a) =>
Codebase m Symbol a ->
Set Reference ->
Sqlite.Transaction (TL.TypeLookup Symbol a)
typeLookupForDependencies codebase s = do
when debug $ traceM $ "typeLookupForDependencies " ++ show s
foldM go mempty s
depthFirstAccum mempty s
depthFirstAccum :: TL.TypeLookup Symbol a -> Set Reference -> Sqlite.Transaction (TL.TypeLookup Symbol a)
depthFirstAccum tl refs = foldM go tl (Set.filter (unseen tl) refs)
-- We need the transitive dependencies of data decls
-- that are scrutinized in a match expression for
-- pattern match coverage checking (specifically for
-- the inhabitation check). We ensure these are found
-- by collecting all transitive type dependencies.
go tl ref@(Reference.DerivedId id) =
fmap (tl <>) $
getTypeOfTerm codebase ref >>= \case
Just typ -> pure $ TypeLookup (Map.singleton ref typ) mempty mempty
Nothing ->
getTypeDeclaration codebase id >>= \case
Just (Left ed) ->
pure $ TypeLookup mempty mempty (Map.singleton ref ed)
Just (Right dd) ->
pure $ TypeLookup mempty (Map.singleton ref dd) mempty
Nothing -> pure mempty
getTypeOfTerm codebase ref >>= \case
Just typ ->
let z = tl <> TypeLookup (Map.singleton ref typ) mempty mempty
in depthFirstAccum z (Type.dependencies typ)
Nothing ->
getTypeDeclaration codebase id >>= \case
Just (Left ed) ->
let z = tl <> TypeLookup mempty mempty (Map.singleton ref ed)
in depthFirstAccum z (DD.dependencies $ DD.toDataDecl ed)
Just (Right dd) ->
let z = tl <> TypeLookup mempty (Map.singleton ref dd) mempty
in depthFirstAccum z (DD.dependencies dd)
Nothing -> pure tl
go tl Reference.Builtin {} = pure tl -- codebase isn't consulted for builtins
unseen :: TL.TypeLookup Symbol a -> Reference -> Bool
unseen tl r =
( Map.lookup r (TL.dataDecls tl) $> ()
<|> Map.lookup r (TL.typeOfTerms tl) $> ()
<|> Map.lookup r (TL.effectDecls tl) $> ()
toCodeLookup :: (MonadIO m) => Codebase m Symbol Parser.Ann -> CL.CodeLookup Symbol m Parser.Ann
toCodeLookup c =

View File

@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ writeToReadGit :: WriteGitRepo -> ReadGitRepo
writeToReadGit = \case
WriteGitRepo {url, branch} -> ReadGitRepo {url = url, ref = branch}
writePathToRead :: WriteRemotePath -> ReadRemoteNamespace
writePathToRead :: WriteRemotePath -> ReadRemoteNamespace void
writePathToRead = \case
WriteRemotePathGit WriteGitRemotePath {repo, path} ->
ReadRemoteNamespaceGit ReadGitRemoteNamespace {repo = writeToReadGit repo, sch = Nothing, path}
@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ printWriteGitRepo :: WriteGitRepo -> Text
printWriteGitRepo WriteGitRepo {url, branch} = "git(" <> url <> Monoid.fromMaybe (Text.cons ':' <$> branch) <> ")"
-- | print remote namespace
printNamespace :: ReadRemoteNamespace -> Text
printNamespace = \case
printNamespace :: (a -> Text) -> ReadRemoteNamespace a -> Text
printNamespace printProject = \case
ReadRemoteNamespaceGit ReadGitRemoteNamespace {repo, sch, path} ->
printReadGitRepo repo <> maybePrintSCH sch <> maybePrintPath path
@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ printNamespace = \case
Just sch -> "#" <> SCH.toText sch
ReadRemoteNamespaceShare ReadShareRemoteNamespace {server, repo, path} ->
displayShareCodeserver server repo path
ReadRemoteProjectBranch project -> printProject project
-- | Render a 'WriteRemotePath' as text.
printWriteRemotePath :: WriteRemotePath -> Text
@ -103,10 +104,13 @@ maybePrintPath path =
then mempty
else "." <> Path.toText path
data ReadRemoteNamespace
data ReadRemoteNamespace a
= ReadRemoteNamespaceGit ReadGitRemoteNamespace
| ReadRemoteNamespaceShare ReadShareRemoteNamespace
deriving stock (Eq, Show)
| -- | A remote project+branch, specified by name (e.g. @unison/base/main).
-- Currently assumed to be hosted on Share, though we could include a ShareCodeserver in here, too.
ReadRemoteProjectBranch a
deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic)
data ReadGitRemoteNamespace = ReadGitRemoteNamespace
{ repo :: ReadGitRepo,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
-- | Pattern match coverage checking is implemented following the
-- algorithm described in [Lower Your
-- Guards]( The
-- goal of pattern match coverage checking is to identify the
-- following problems that may arise in a pattern match:
-- * It is missing clauses (/i.e./ it is non-exhaustive)
-- * It contains redundant patterns (/i.e./ the case can be deleted without altering the program)
-- * It contains inaccessible patterns (/i.e/ the rhs can never be entered)
-- Furthermore, in the case of a non-exhaustive match, the goal to
-- present the user with concrete values that do not match any of the
-- existing patterns.
-- /N.B./ An inaccessible pattern in unison would be one that performs
-- effects in a guard although the constraints are unsatisfiable. Such
-- a pattern cannot be deleted without altering the program.
-- == High-level algorithm overview
-- 1. [Desugar]("Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.Desugar") a match expression into a 'Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.GrdTree.GrdTree'.
-- 2. Annotate the @GrdTree@ leaves with [refinement types]("Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.NormalizedConstraints")
-- describing values that match this branch. Redundant and inaccessible patterns are then identified by @GrdTree@ leaves
-- with uninhabited refinement types. Inaccessible patterns are distinguished by an effect being performed between the
-- @GrdTree@ root and the leaf.
-- 3. Traverse the @GrdTree@ building up a refinement type describing uncovered values. If the resulting refinement type
-- is inhabited then the match is missing clauses.
-- 4. Find inhabitants of the uncovered refinement type to present to the user.
-- Step (1) is implemented by 'desugarMatch'. Steps (2) and (3) are
-- implemented as a single traversal: 'uncoverAnnotate'/'classify'. Step (4) is
-- implemented by 'expandSolution'/'generateInhabitants'.
module Unison.PatternMatchCoverage
( checkMatch,
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Debug.Trace
import Unison.Debug
import Unison.Pattern (Pattern)
import Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.Class (Pmc (..))
import Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.Desugar (desugarMatch)
import Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.GrdTree (prettyGrdTree)
import qualified Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.NormalizedConstraints as NC
import Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.PmGrd (prettyPmGrd)
import Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.Solve (classify, expandSolution, generateInhabitants, uncoverAnnotate)
import qualified Unison.Term as Term
import qualified Unison.Type as Type
import qualified Unison.Util.Pretty as P
-- | Perform pattern match coverage checking on a match expression
checkMatch ::
forall vt v loc m.
(Pmc vt v loc m) =>
-- | the match location
loc ->
-- | scrutinee type
Type.Type vt loc ->
-- | match cases
[Term.MatchCase loc (Term.Term' vt v loc)] ->
-- | (redundant locations, inaccessible locations, inhabitants of uncovered refinement type)
m ([loc], [loc], [Pattern ()])
checkMatch matchLocation scrutineeType cases = do
v0 <- fresh
grdtree0 <- desugarMatch matchLocation scrutineeType v0 cases
(uncovered, grdtree1) <- uncoverAnnotate (Set.singleton (NC.markDirty v0 $ NC.declVar v0 scrutineeType id NC.emptyNormalizedConstraints)) grdtree0
uncoveredExpanded <- concat . fmap Set.toList <$> traverse (expandSolution v0) (Set.toList uncovered)
let sols = map (generateInhabitants v0) uncoveredExpanded
let (_accessible, inaccessible, redundant) = classify grdtree1
let debugOutput =
[ P.hang "desugared:" (prettyGrdTree prettyPmGrd (\_ -> "<loc>") grdtree0),
P.hang "annotated:" (prettyGrdTree NC.prettyDnf (NC.prettyDnf . fst) grdtree1),
P.hang "uncovered:" (NC.prettyDnf uncovered),
P.hang "uncovered expanded:" (NC.prettyDnf (Set.fromList uncoveredExpanded))
doDebug = case shouldDebug PatternCoverage of
True -> trace (P.toPlainUnbroken debugOutput)
False -> id
doDebug (pure (redundant, inaccessible, sols))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
module Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.Class
( Pmc (..),
EnumeratedConstructors (..),
import Control.Monad.Fix (MonadFix)
import Unison.ConstructorReference (ConstructorReference)
import Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.ListPat (ListPat)
import Unison.Type (Type)
import Unison.Var (Var)
-- | A typeclass for the queries required to perform pattern match
-- coverage checking.
class (Ord loc, Var vt, Var v, MonadFix m) => Pmc vt v loc m | m -> vt v loc where
-- | Get the constructors of a type
getConstructors :: Type vt loc -> m (EnumeratedConstructors vt v loc)
-- | Get the types of the arguments of a specific constructor
getConstructorVarTypes :: Type vt loc -> ConstructorReference -> m [Type vt loc]
-- | Get a fresh variable
fresh :: m v
data EnumeratedConstructors vt v loc
= ConstructorType [(v, ConstructorReference, Type vt loc)]
| SequenceType [(ListPat, [Type vt loc])]
| BooleanType
| OtherType
deriving stock (Show)
traverseConstructors ::
(Applicative f) =>
(v -> ConstructorReference -> Type vt loc -> f (v, ConstructorReference, Type vt loc)) ->
EnumeratedConstructors vt v loc ->
f (EnumeratedConstructors vt v loc)
traverseConstructors f = \case
ConstructorType xs -> ConstructorType <$> traverse (\(a, b, c) -> f a b c) xs
SequenceType x -> pure (SequenceType x)
BooleanType -> pure BooleanType
OtherType -> pure OtherType

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@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
module Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.Constraint
( Constraint (..),
import Unison.ConstructorReference (ConstructorReference)
import Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.IntervalSet (IntervalSet)
import Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.PmLit
import qualified Unison.PrettyPrintEnv as PPE
import qualified Unison.Syntax.TypePrinter as TypePrinter
import Unison.Type (Type)
import Unison.Util.Pretty
import Unison.Var (Var)
-- | A constraint to add to a [normalized constraint
-- set]("Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.NormalizedConstraints") (fig 6)
-- See 'Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.Solve.addConstraint'
data Constraint vt v loc
= -- | Positive constraint regarding data type. States that the
-- given variable must be the given constructor, and it also binds
-- variables corresponding to constructor arguments.
PosCon v ConstructorReference [(v, Type vt loc)]
| -- | Negative constraint concerning data type. States that the
-- given variable must not be the given constructor.
NegCon v ConstructorReference
| -- | Positive constraint regarding literal
PosLit v PmLit
| -- | Negative constraint regarding literal
NegLit v PmLit
| -- | Positive constraint on list element with position relative to head of list
-- ^ list root
-- ^ cons position (0 is head)
-- ^ element variable
| -- | Positive constraint on list element with position relative to end of list
-- ^ list root
-- ^ snoc position (0 is last)
-- ^ element variable
| -- | Negative constraint on length of the list (/i.e./ the list
-- may not be an element of the interval set)
NegListInterval v IntervalSet
| -- | An effect is performed
Effectful v
| -- | Equality constraint
Eq v v
deriving stock (Eq, Ord)
prettyConstraint :: (Var vt, Var v) => Constraint vt v loc -> Pretty ColorText
prettyConstraint = \case
PosCon var con convars ->
let xs = pc con : fmap (\(trm, typ) -> sep " " [pv trm, ":", TypePrinter.pretty PPE.empty typ]) convars ++ ["<-", pv var]
in sep " " xs
NegCon var con -> sep " " [pv var, "", pc con]
PosLit var lit -> sep " " [prettyPmLit lit, "<-", pv var]
NegLit var lit -> sep " " [pv var, "", prettyPmLit lit]
PosListHead root n el -> sep " " [pv el, "<-", "head", pc n, pv root]
PosListTail root n el -> sep " " [pv el, "<-", "tail", pc n, pv root]
NegListInterval var x -> sep " " [pv var, "", string (show x)]
Effectful var -> "!" <> pv var
Eq v0 v1 -> sep " " [pv v0, "=", pv v1]
pv = string . show
pc :: forall a. (Show a) => a -> Pretty ColorText
pc = string . show

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@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
module Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.Desugar
( desugarMatch,
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import qualified U.Core.ABT as ABT
import Unison.Pattern
import qualified Unison.Pattern as Pattern
import Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.Class
import Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.Fix
import Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.GrdTree
import Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.PmGrd
import qualified Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.PmLit as PmLit
import Unison.Term (MatchCase (..), Term', app, var)
import Unison.Type (Type)
import qualified Unison.Type as Type
-- | Desugar a match into a 'GrdTree'
desugarMatch ::
forall loc vt v m.
(Pmc vt v loc m) =>
-- | loc of match
loc ->
-- | scrutinee type
Type vt loc ->
-- | scrutinee variable
v ->
-- | match cases
[MatchCase loc (Term' vt v loc)] ->
m (GrdTree (PmGrd vt v loc) loc)
desugarMatch loc0 scrutineeType v0 cs0 =
traverse desugarClause cs0 >>= \case
[] -> pure $ Leaf loc0
x : xs -> pure $ Fork (x :| xs)
desugarClause :: MatchCase loc (Term' vt v loc) -> m (GrdTree (PmGrd vt v loc) loc)
desugarClause MatchCase {matchPattern, matchGuard} =
desugarPattern scrutineeType v0 matchPattern (finalK (Pattern.loc matchPattern) matchGuard) []
finalK :: loc -> Maybe (Term' vt v loc) -> [v] -> m (GrdTree (PmGrd vt v loc) loc)
finalK loc mterm vs = case mterm of
Nothing -> pure (Leaf loc)
Just grdExpr -> do
let ann = ABT.annotation grdExpr
expr = foldr (\a b -> app ann (var ann a) b) grdExpr vs
typ = Type.boolean ann
v <- fresh
pure (Grd (PmLet v expr typ) (Grd (PmLit v (PmLit.Boolean True)) (Leaf loc)))
desugarPattern ::
forall v vt loc m.
(Pmc vt v loc m) =>
Type vt loc ->
v ->
Pattern loc ->
([v] -> m (GrdTree (PmGrd vt v loc) loc)) ->
[v] ->
m (GrdTree (PmGrd vt v loc) loc)
desugarPattern typ v0 pat k vs = case pat of
Unbound _ -> k vs
Var _ -> k (v0 : vs)
Boolean _ x -> Grd (PmLit v0 $ PmLit.Boolean x) <$> k vs
Int _ x -> Grd (PmLit v0 $ PmLit.Int x) <$> k vs
Nat _ x -> Grd (PmLit v0 $ PmLit.Nat x) <$> k vs
Float _ x -> Grd (PmLit v0 $ PmLit.Float x) <$> k vs
Text _ x -> Grd (PmLit v0 $ PmLit.Text x) <$> k vs
Char _ x -> Grd (PmLit v0 $ PmLit.Char x) <$> k vs
Constructor _loc consRef pats -> do
contyps <- getConstructorVarTypes typ consRef
patvars <- assignFreshPatternVars pats
let c = PmCon v0 consRef convars
convars :: [(v, Type vt loc)]
convars = map (\(v, _, t) -> (v, t)) tpatvars
tpatvars = zipWith (\(v, p) t -> (v, p, t)) patvars contyps
rest <- foldr (\(v, pat, t) b -> desugarPattern t v pat b) k tpatvars vs
pure (Grd c rest)
As _ rest -> desugarPattern typ v0 rest k (v0 : vs)
EffectPure {} -> k vs
EffectBind {} -> k vs
SequenceLiteral {} -> handleSequence typ v0 pat k vs
SequenceOp {} -> handleSequence typ v0 pat k vs
handleSequence ::
forall v vt loc m.
(Pmc vt v loc m) =>
Type vt loc ->
v ->
Pattern loc ->
([v] -> m (GrdTree (PmGrd vt v loc) loc)) ->
[v] ->
m (GrdTree (PmGrd vt v loc) loc)
handleSequence typ v pat k vs = do
let listArg = case typ of
Type.App' _list arg -> arg
_ -> error "list type is not an application?"
listToGrdTree typ listArg v (normalizeList pat) k vs
listToGrdTree ::
forall v vt loc m.
(Pmc vt v loc m) =>
Type vt loc ->
Type vt loc ->
v ->
NormalizedList loc ->
([v] -> m (GrdTree (PmGrd vt v loc) loc)) ->
[v] ->
m (GrdTree (PmGrd vt v loc) loc)
listToGrdTree _listTyp elemTyp listVar nl0 k0 vs0 =
let (minLen, maxLen) = countMinListLen nl0
in Grd (PmListInterval listVar minLen maxLen) <$> go 0 0 nl0 k0 vs0
go consCount snocCount (Fix pat) k vs = case pat of
N'ConsF x xs -> do
element <- fresh
let grd = PmListHead listVar consCount element elemTyp
let !consCount' = consCount + 1
Grd grd <$> desugarPattern elemTyp element x (go consCount' snocCount xs k) vs
N'SnocF xs x -> do
element <- fresh
let grd = PmListTail listVar snocCount element elemTyp
let !snocCount' = snocCount + 1
Grd grd <$> go consCount snocCount' xs (desugarPattern elemTyp element x k) vs
N'NilF -> k vs
N'VarF _ -> k (listVar : vs)
N'UnboundF _ -> k vs
countMinListLen :: NormalizedList loc -> (Int, Int)
countMinListLen =
($ 0) . cata \case
N'ConsF _ b -> \acc -> b $! acc + 1
N'SnocF b _ -> \acc -> b $! acc + 1
N'NilF -> \ !n -> (n, n)
N'VarF _ -> \ !n -> (n, maxBound)
N'UnboundF _ -> \ !n -> (n, maxBound)
data NormalizedListF loc a
= N'ConsF (Pattern loc) a
| N'SnocF a (Pattern loc)
| N'NilF
| N'VarF loc
| N'UnboundF loc
deriving stock (Functor)
type NormalizedList loc = Fix (NormalizedListF loc)
pattern N'Cons :: Pattern loc -> Fix (NormalizedListF loc) -> Fix (NormalizedListF loc)
pattern N'Cons x xs = Fix (N'ConsF x xs)
pattern N'Snoc :: Fix (NormalizedListF loc) -> Pattern loc -> Fix (NormalizedListF loc)
pattern N'Snoc xs x = Fix (N'SnocF xs x)
pattern N'Nil :: Fix (NormalizedListF loc)
pattern N'Nil = Fix N'NilF
pattern N'Var :: loc -> Fix (NormalizedListF loc)
pattern N'Var x = Fix (N'VarF x)
pattern N'Unbound :: loc -> Fix (NormalizedListF loc)
pattern N'Unbound x = Fix (N'UnboundF x)
-- | strip out sequence literals and concats
normalizeList :: Pattern loc -> NormalizedList loc
normalizeList pat0 = case goCons pat0 of
Left f -> f N'Nil
Right x -> x
goCons :: Pattern loc -> Either (NormalizedList loc -> NormalizedList loc) (NormalizedList loc)
goCons = \case
SequenceLiteral _loc xs ->
Left \nil -> foldr N'Cons nil xs
SequenceOp _loc lhs op rhs -> case op of
Cons ->
case goCons rhs of
Left f -> Left (N'Cons lhs . f)
Right x -> Right (N'Cons lhs x)
Snoc ->
case goCons lhs of
Left f -> Left (f . N'Cons rhs)
Right x -> Right (N'Snoc x rhs)
Concat ->
case goCons lhs of
Left f -> case goCons rhs of
Left g -> Left (f . g)
Right x -> Right (f x)
Right x -> Right (goSnoc rhs x)
Var loc -> Right (N'Var loc)
Unbound loc -> Right (N'Unbound loc)
-- as-patterns are not handled properly here, which is fine while we
-- only have boolean guards, but this needs to be fixed if we
-- introduce pattern guards
As _loc pat -> goCons pat
_ -> error "goCons: unexpected pattern"
goSnoc :: Pattern loc -> NormalizedList loc -> NormalizedList loc
goSnoc pat nlp = case pat of
SequenceLiteral _loc xs ->
foldl N'Snoc nlp xs
SequenceOp _loc lhs op rhs -> case op of
Cons ->
goSnoc rhs (N'Snoc nlp lhs)
Snoc ->
N'Snoc (goSnoc rhs nlp) lhs
Concat ->
goSnoc rhs (goSnoc lhs nlp)
As _loc pat -> goSnoc pat nlp
_ -> error "goSnoc: unexpected pattern"
assignFreshPatternVars :: (Pmc vt v loc m) => [Pattern loc] -> m [(v, Pattern loc)]
assignFreshPatternVars pats = traverse (\p -> (,p) <$> fresh) pats

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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.Fix where
newtype Fix f = Fix {unFix :: f (Fix f)}
deriving instance (forall a. (Show a) => Show (f a)) => Show (Fix f)
deriving instance (forall a. (Eq a) => Eq (f a)) => Eq (Fix f)
deriving instance (Eq (Fix f), forall a. (Ord a) => Ord (f a)) => Ord (Fix f)
cata :: (Functor f) => (f a -> a) -> Fix f -> a
cata alg = let c = alg . fmap c . unFix in c
para :: (Functor f) => (f (Fix f, a) -> a) -> Fix f -> a
para alg = let c = alg . fmap (\x -> (x, c x)) . unFix in c

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@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.GrdTree
( GrdTree,
GrdTreeF (..),
pattern Leaf,
pattern Grd,
pattern Fork,
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NEL
import Data.ListLike (ListLike)
import Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.Fix
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.Util.Pretty
-- | A @GrdTree@ is the simple language to desugar matches into. All
-- pattern matching constructs (/e.g./ structural pattern matching,
-- boolean guards, pattern guards, view patterns, etc) are desugared
-- into this simpler structure.
-- It is parameterized by the values at guard nodes, @n@, and the
-- values at the leaves, @l@. When desugaring, @n@ is
-- 'Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.PmGrd.PmGrd' and @l@ is the source
-- location. After annotating the @GrdTree@, @n@ is a refinement type
-- representing matching values and the @l@ is pairs of the
-- aforementioned refinement type and source location.
-- For example:
-- @
-- example : Optional Nat -> Nat
-- example = cases
-- None -> 0
-- Some x
-- | isEven x -> 0
-- | otherwise -> 1
-- @
-- is desugared into
-- @
-- ──┬─ None <- v0 ── srcloc
-- ├─ Some ( v1 :: ##Nat ) <- v0 ── let v2 = isEven v1 ── True <- v2 ── srcloc
-- └─ Some ( v3 :: ##Nat ) <- v0 ── srcloc
-- @
type GrdTree n l = Fix (GrdTreeF n l)
data GrdTreeF n l a
= -- | A successful match
LeafF l
| -- | A constraint of some kind (structural pattern match, boolan guard, etc)
GrdF n a
| -- | A list of alternative matches, tried in order
ForkF (NonEmpty a)
deriving stock (Functor, Show)
prettyGrdTree :: forall n l s. (ListLike s Char, IsString s) => (n -> Pretty s) -> (l -> Pretty s) -> GrdTree n l -> Pretty s
prettyGrdTree prettyNode prettyLeaf = cata phi
phi = \case
LeafF l -> prettyLeaf l
GrdF n rest -> sep " " [prettyNode n, "──", rest]
ForkF xs -> "──" <> group (sep "\n" (makeTree $ NEL.toList xs))
makeTree :: [Pretty s] -> [Pretty s]
makeTree = \case
[] -> []
x : [] -> [sep " " ["──", x]]
x0 : x1 : xs ->
sep " " ["┬─", x0]
: let go y0 = \case
[] -> [sep " " ["└─", y0]]
y1 : ys -> "├─ " <> y0 : go y1 ys
in [indent " " (sep "\n" (go x1 xs))]
pattern Leaf :: l -> GrdTree n l
pattern Leaf x = Fix (LeafF x)
pattern Grd :: n -> GrdTree n l -> GrdTree n l
pattern Grd x rest = Fix (GrdF x rest)
pattern Fork :: NonEmpty (GrdTree n l) -> GrdTree n l
pattern Fork alts = Fix (ForkF alts)
{-# COMPLETE Leaf, Grd, Fork #-}

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@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
module Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.IntervalSet
( IntervalSet,
import Data.Coerce (coerce)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.IntMap (IntMap)
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IntMap
import Data.List (sortOn)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe, maybeToList)
import Prelude hiding (foldr, map, null)
import qualified Prelude
newtype IntervalSet = IntervalSet {unIntervalSet :: IntMap Int}
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord)
empty :: IntervalSet
empty = IntervalSet IntMap.empty
singleton :: (Int, Int) -> IntervalSet
singleton x = insert x empty
lookupMin :: IntervalSet -> Maybe Int
lookupMin = fmap fst . IntMap.lookupMin . unIntervalSet
lookupMax :: IntervalSet -> Maybe Int
lookupMax = fmap snd . IntMap.lookupMax . unIntervalSet
member :: Int -> IntervalSet -> Bool
member i is =
case splitLookupLE i is of
(_, m, _) -> case m of
Nothing -> False
Just (_, ub) -> i <= ub
foldr :: (Int -> Int -> b -> b) -> b -> IntervalSet -> b
foldr f z = IntMap.foldrWithKey f z . unIntervalSet
map :: ((Int, Int) -> (Int, Int)) -> IntervalSet -> IntervalSet
map f = IntervalSet . foldr phi IntMap.empty
phi k v b = let (k', v') = f (k, v) in IntMap.insert k' v' b
-- | insert inclusive bounds interval into set
insert :: (Int, Int) -> IntervalSet -> IntervalSet
insert i@(lb, ub) is
| nullInterval i = is
| otherwise =
case splitLookupLE lb is of
(smaller, m1, xs) ->
case splitLookupLE ub xs of
(_, m2, larger) ->
IntervalSet $
[ unIntervalSet smaller,
unIntervalSet $ fromList (maybeToList m1 ++ [i] ++ maybeToList m2),
unIntervalSet larger
delete :: (Int, Int) -> IntervalSet -> IntervalSet
delete i@(lb, ub) is
| nullInterval i = is
| otherwise =
case splitLookupLE lb is of
(smaller, m1, xs) ->
case splitLookupLE ub xs of
(_, m2, larger) ->
IntervalSet $
[ unIntervalSet smaller,
case m1 of
Nothing -> IntMap.empty
Just j -> IntMap.fromList (catMaybes ( (intersectIntervals j =<<) [upTo lb, downTo ub])),
fromMaybe IntMap.empty do
j <- m2
aboveDelete <- downTo ub
uncurry IntMap.singleton <$> intersectIntervals aboveDelete j,
unIntervalSet larger
complement :: IntervalSet -> IntervalSet
complement (IntervalSet m) = fromAscList . (\xs -> Prelude.foldr phi z xs Nothing) . IntMap.toAscList $ m
phi (lb, ub) b mprevUb =
case mprevUb of
Nothing -> case upTo lb of
Nothing -> b (Just ub)
Just x -> x : b (Just ub)
Just lastUb ->
let !lbPred = safeAdd lb (-1)
!lastUbSucc = safeAdd lastUb 1
proposedInterval = (lastUbSucc, lbPred)
in case nullInterval proposedInterval of
True -> b (Just ub)
False -> proposedInterval : b (Just ub)
z = \case
Nothing -> [(0, maxBound)]
Just prev -> case downTo prev of
Nothing -> []
Just x -> [x]
intersection :: IntervalSet -> IntervalSet -> IntervalSet
intersection a b = difference a (complement b)
null :: IntervalSet -> Bool
null = IntMap.null . unIntervalSet
extractSingleton :: IntervalSet -> Maybe Int
extractSingleton (IntervalSet m) = case IntMap.toList m of
[(lb, ub)]
| lb == ub -> Just lb
_ -> Nothing
-- | add two integers, sticking to a bound if it would overflow
safeAdd :: Int -> Int -> Int
safeAdd a b =
let c = a + b
in case a > 0 && b > 0 of
True -> case c < 0 of
True -> maxBound
False -> c
False -> case a < 0 && b < 0 of
True -> case c >= 0 of
True -> minBound
False -> c
False -> c
difference :: IntervalSet -> IntervalSet -> IntervalSet
difference x (IntervalSet y) = IntMap.foldlWithKey' (\b k v -> delete (k, v) b) x y
-- | the interval [0, lb)
upTo :: Int -> Maybe (Int, Int)
upTo lb = case lb <= 0 of
True -> Nothing
False -> Just (0, safeAdd lb (-1))
-- | the interval (ub, maxBound]
downTo :: Int -> Maybe (Int, Int)
downTo ub = case ub == maxBound of
True -> Nothing
False -> Just (safeAdd ub 1, maxBound)
nullInterval :: (Int, Int) -> Bool
nullInterval (lb, ub) = ub < lb
-- | merge a list sorted on the lower bound ascending
fromAscList :: [(Int, Int)] -> IntervalSet
fromAscList = IntervalSet . IntMap.fromAscList . mergeOverlappingAscList
fromList :: [(Int, Int)] -> IntervalSet
fromList = fromAscList . sortOn fst . filter (not . nullInterval)
intersectIntervals :: (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) -> Maybe (Int, Int)
intersectIntervals a b
| doOverlap a b =
let !lb = on max fst a b
!ub = on min snd a b
in Just (lb, ub)
| otherwise = Nothing
mergeOverlappingAscList :: [(Int, Int)] -> [(Int, Int)]
mergeOverlappingAscList = \case
x0 : x1 : xs -> case doOverlap x0 x1 of
True -> spanIntervals x0 x1 : mergeOverlappingAscList xs
False -> x0 : x1 : mergeOverlappingAscList xs
[x] -> [x]
[] -> []
doOverlap :: (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) -> Bool
doOverlap (lb0, ub0) (lb1, ub1)
| ub0 >= lb1 && lb0 <= ub1 = True
| otherwise = False
spanIntervals :: (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int)
spanIntervals (lb0, ub0) (lb1, ub1) =
let !lb = min lb0 lb1
!ub = max ub0 ub1
in (lb, ub)
splitLookupLE :: Int -> IntervalSet -> (IntervalSet, Maybe (Int, Int), IntervalSet)
splitLookupLE k (IntervalSet m) =
coerce case IntMap.splitLookup k m of
(smaller, Just v, larger) -> (smaller, Just (k, v), larger)
(smaller, Nothing, larger) -> case IntMap.maxViewWithKey smaller of
Just ((k, v), smaller) -> (smaller, Just (k, v), larger)
Nothing -> (smaller, Nothing, larger)

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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
module Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.ListPat where
import Unison.Util.Pretty
data ListPat
= Cons
| Snoc
| Nil
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord)
prettyListPat :: ListPat -> Pretty ColorText
prettyListPat = \case
Cons -> "Cons"
Snoc -> "Snoc"
Nil -> "Nil"

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@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
module Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.Literal
( Literal (..),
import Unison.ConstructorReference (ConstructorReference)
import Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.IntervalSet (IntervalSet)
import Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.PmLit (PmLit, prettyPmLit)
import qualified Unison.PrettyPrintEnv as PPE
import qualified Unison.Syntax.TermPrinter as TermPrinter
import qualified Unison.Syntax.TypePrinter as TypePrinter
import Unison.Term (Term')
import Unison.Type (Type)
import Unison.Typechecker.TypeVar (TypeVar, lowerTerm)
import Unison.Util.Pretty
import Unison.Var (Var)
-- | Refinement type literals (fig 3)
data Literal vt v loc
= -- | True
| -- | False
| -- | Positive constraint regarding data type. States that the
-- given variable must be the given constructor, and it also binds
-- variables corresponding to constructor arguments.
PosCon v ConstructorReference [(v, Type vt loc)]
| -- | Negative constraint concerning data type. States that the
-- given variable must not be the given constructor.
NegCon v ConstructorReference
| -- | Positive constraint regarding literal
PosLit v PmLit
| -- | Negative constraint regarding literal
NegLit v PmLit
| -- | Positive constraint on list element with position relative to head of list
-- ^ list root
-- ^ cons position (0 is head)
-- ^ element variable
(Type vt loc)
| -- | Positive constraint on list element with position relative to end of list
-- ^ list root
-- ^ snoc position (0 is last)
-- ^ element variable
(Type vt loc)
| -- | Negative constraint on length of the list (/i.e./ the list
-- may not be an element of the interval set)
NegListInterval v IntervalSet
| -- | An effect is performed
Effectful v
| -- | Introduce a binding for a term
Let v (Term' vt v loc) (Type vt loc)
deriving stock (Show)
prettyLiteral :: (Var v) => Literal (TypeVar b v) v loc -> Pretty ColorText
prettyLiteral = \case
T -> ""
F -> ""
PosCon var con convars ->
let xs = pc con : fmap (\(trm, typ) -> sep " " [pv trm, ":", TypePrinter.pretty PPE.empty typ]) convars ++ ["<-", pv var]
in sep " " xs
NegCon var con -> sep " " [pv var, "", pc con]
PosLit var lit -> sep " " [prettyPmLit lit, "<-", pv var]
NegLit var lit -> sep " " [pv var, "", prettyPmLit lit]
PosListHead root n el _ -> sep " " [pv el, "<-", "head", pc n, pv root]
PosListTail root n el _ -> sep " " [pv el, "<-", "tail", pc n, pv root]
NegListInterval var x -> sep " " [pv var, "", string (show x)]
Effectful var -> "!" <> pv var
Let var expr typ -> sep " " ["let", pv var, "=", TermPrinter.pretty PPE.empty (lowerTerm expr), ":", TypePrinter.pretty PPE.empty typ]
pv = string . show
pc :: forall a. (Show a) => a -> Pretty ColorText
pc = string . show

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@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
module Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.NormalizedConstraints
( NormalizedConstraints (..),
VarInfo (..),
VarConstraints (..),
EffectInfo (..),
ConstraintUpdate (..),
import Data.Functor.Compose
import Data.List (intersperse)
import Data.Sequence (pattern Empty)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Unison.ConstructorReference (ConstructorReference)
import Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.Constraint
import Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.IntervalSet (IntervalSet)
import qualified Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.IntervalSet as IntervalSet
import qualified Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.PmLit as PmLit
import Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.UFMap (UFMap)
import qualified Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.UFMap as UFMap
import Unison.Prelude
import qualified Unison.PrettyPrintEnv as PPE
import qualified Unison.Syntax.TypePrinter as TypePrinter
import Unison.Type (Type, booleanRef, charRef, floatRef, intRef, listRef, natRef, textRef, pattern App', pattern Ref')
import Unison.Util.Pretty
import Unison.Var (Var)
-- | Normalized refinement types (fig 6)
-- Each variable may be associated with a number of constraints
-- represented by 'VarInfo'. A 'NormalizedConstraints' is conceptually
-- the conjunction of all constraints in the map. Disjunction is
-- represented by passing a Set of NormalizedConstraints. So, the
-- constraints are normalized into disjunctive normal form and each
-- @NormalizedConstraints@ is a DNF term.
-- Additionally, the following invariants are enforced (Section 3.4)
-- * Mutual compatibility: No two constraints should conflict with
-- each other.
-- * Inhabitation: There must be at least one value that inhabits each
-- refinement type. (N.B. We don't truly know if a type is inhabited,
-- see 'inhabited' in "Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.Solve" for
-- details. However, the refinement type is inhabited as far as our
-- inhabitation checker is concerned.)
-- These invariants ensure that each term in our DNF has at least one
-- solution, and it is easy to expand and print these solutions.
data NormalizedConstraints vt v loc = NormalizedConstraints
{ -- | Constraints keyed by the variable they constrain. Equality
-- constraints are handled by 'UFMap'.
constraintMap :: UFMap v (VarInfo vt v loc),
-- | dirty variables are ones that must be checked for inhabitance
dirtySet :: Set v
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- | Mark a variable as requiring a new test for inhabitation.
markDirty ::
(Ord v) =>
v ->
NormalizedConstraints vt v loc ->
NormalizedConstraints vt v loc
markDirty k nc@NormalizedConstraints {dirtySet} =
nc {dirtySet = Set.insert k dirtySet}
emptyNormalizedConstraints :: (Ord v) => NormalizedConstraints vt v loc
emptyNormalizedConstraints =
{ constraintMap = UFMap.empty,
dirtySet = mempty
-- | Lookup the canonical value of @v@ from the constraint map. Throws
-- an error if the variable is not in the map.
expectCanon ::
forall vt v loc.
(Var v) =>
v ->
NormalizedConstraints vt v loc ->
(v, VarInfo vt v loc, NormalizedConstraints vt v loc)
expectCanon k nc =
let ((v, vi), nc') = updateF k (\v vi -> ((v, vi), Ignore)) nc
in (v, vi, nc')
-- | Alter a constraint, marks var as dirty if updated
alterF ::
forall vt v loc f.
(Var v, Functor f) =>
v ->
f (ConstraintUpdate (VarInfo vt v loc)) ->
(v -> VarInfo vt v loc -> f (ConstraintUpdate (VarInfo vt v loc))) ->
NormalizedConstraints vt v loc ->
f (NormalizedConstraints vt v loc)
alterF v nothing just nc =
(\(f, x) -> f nc {constraintMap = x})
<$> getCompose
( UFMap.alterF
(constraintMap nc)
just' canonK eqClassSize vi =
fmap (UFMap.Canonical eqClassSize) $
Compose $
just canonK vi <&> \case
Ignore -> (id, vi)
Update vi -> (markDirty canonK, vi)
nothing' =
Compose $
nothing <&> \case
Ignore -> (id, Nothing)
Update x -> (markDirty v, Just x)
{-# INLINE alterF #-}
-- | Generic function to lookup or alter constraints in the constraint
-- map. Throws an error if the variable is not in the map.
updateF ::
forall vt v loc f.
(Var v, Functor f) =>
-- | variable to lookup
v ->
-- | update function
(v -> VarInfo vt v loc -> f (ConstraintUpdate (VarInfo vt v loc))) ->
-- | constraint map
NormalizedConstraints vt v loc ->
f (NormalizedConstraints vt v loc)
updateF v just nc =
alterF v nothing just nc
nothing = error ("expected " <> show v <> " to be in UFMap")
data ConstraintUpdate a
= Update a
| Ignore
deriving stock (Functor)
-- | Install a new variable into the constraint map. Throws an error
-- if the variable already exists in the map.
declVar ::
forall vt v loc.
(Var v) =>
-- | new variable to install
v ->
-- | type of variable
Type vt loc ->
-- | modifier for the default var info of the given type
(VarInfo vt v loc -> VarInfo vt v loc) ->
-- | Normalized constraints to install the variable into
NormalizedConstraints vt v loc ->
NormalizedConstraints vt v loc
declVar v t f nc@NormalizedConstraints {constraintMap} =
nc {constraintMap = UFMap.alter v nothing just constraintMap}
nothing =
let !vi = f (mkVarInfo v t)
in Just vi
just _ _ _ = error ("attempted to declare: " <> show v <> " but it already exists")
mkVarInfo :: forall vt v loc. v -> Type vt loc -> VarInfo vt v loc
mkVarInfo v t =
{ vi_id = v,
vi_typ = t,
vi_con = case t of
App' (Ref' r) t
| r == listRef -> Vc'ListRoot t Empty Empty (IntervalSet.singleton (0, maxBound))
Ref' r
| r == booleanRef -> Vc'Boolean Nothing mempty
| r == intRef -> Vc'Int Nothing mempty
| r == natRef -> Vc'Nat Nothing mempty
| r == floatRef -> Vc'Float Nothing mempty
| r == textRef -> Vc'Text Nothing mempty
| r == charRef -> Vc'Char Nothing mempty
-- this may not be a constructor, but we won't be producing
-- any constraints for it in that case anyway
_ -> Vc'Constructor Nothing mempty,
vi_eff = IsNotEffectful
-- | Normalized constraints on a specific variable
data VarInfo vt v loc = VarInfo
{ vi_id :: v,
vi_typ :: Type vt loc,
vi_con :: VarConstraints vt v loc,
vi_eff :: EffectInfo
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
-- | The constraints are different for different types, although most
-- of them take the form of an optional positive constraint and a set
-- of negative constraints.
data VarConstraints vt v loc
= Vc'Constructor
(Maybe (ConstructorReference, [(v, Type vt loc)]))
(Set ConstructorReference)
| Vc'Boolean (Maybe Bool) (Set Bool)
| Vc'Int (Maybe Int64) (Set Int64)
| Vc'Nat (Maybe Word64) (Set Word64)
| Vc'Float (Maybe Double) (Set Double)
| Vc'Text (Maybe Text) (Set Text)
| Vc'Char (Maybe Char) (Set Char)
| Vc'ListRoot
(Type vt loc)
-- ^ type of list elems
(Seq v)
-- ^ Positive constraint on cons elements
(Seq v)
-- ^ Positive constraint on snoc elements
-- ^ positive constraint on input list size
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
data EffectInfo
= IsEffectful
| IsNotEffectful
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord)
prettyNormalizedConstraints :: forall vt v loc. (Var v, Var vt) => NormalizedConstraints vt v loc -> Pretty ColorText
prettyNormalizedConstraints (NormalizedConstraints {constraintMap}) = sep " " ["", pconstraints, ""]
cls = UFMap.toClasses constraintMap
pconstraints = sep " " (intersperse "," $ prettyCon <$> cls)
prettyCon (kcanon, ks, vi) =
let posCon = fromMaybe [] $ case vi_con vi of
Vc'Constructor pos _neg ->
(\(datacon, convars) -> [PosCon kcanon datacon convars]) <$> pos
Vc'Boolean pos _neg ->
(\x -> [PosLit kcanon (PmLit.Boolean x)]) <$> pos
Vc'Int pos _neg ->
(\x -> [PosLit kcanon (PmLit.Int x)]) <$> pos
Vc'Nat pos _neg ->
(\x -> [PosLit kcanon (PmLit.Nat x)]) <$> pos
Vc'Float pos _neg ->
(\x -> [PosLit kcanon (PmLit.Float x)]) <$> pos
Vc'Text pos _neg ->
(\x -> [PosLit kcanon (PmLit.Text x)]) <$> pos
Vc'Char pos _neg ->
(\x -> [PosLit kcanon (PmLit.Char x)]) <$> pos
Vc'ListRoot _typ posCons posSnoc _iset ->
let consConstraints = fmap (\(i, x) -> PosListHead kcanon i x) (zip [0 ..] (toList posCons))
snocConstraints = fmap (\(i, x) -> PosListTail kcanon i x) (zip [0 ..] (toList posSnoc))
in Just (consConstraints ++ snocConstraints)
negConK :: forall x. Set x -> (v -> x -> Constraint vt v loc) -> [Constraint vt v loc]
negConK s f = foldr (\a b -> f kcanon a : b) [] s
negCon = case vi_con vi of
Vc'Constructor _pos neg -> negConK neg NegCon
Vc'Boolean _pos neg -> negConK neg (\v a -> NegLit v (PmLit.Boolean a))
Vc'Int _pos neg -> negConK neg (\v a -> NegLit v (PmLit.Int a))
Vc'Nat _pos neg -> negConK neg (\v a -> NegLit v (PmLit.Nat a))
Vc'Float _pos neg -> negConK neg (\v a -> NegLit v (PmLit.Float a))
Vc'Text _pos neg -> negConK neg (\v a -> NegLit v (PmLit.Text a))
Vc'Char _pos neg -> negConK neg (\v a -> NegLit v (PmLit.Char a))
Vc'ListRoot _typ _posCons _posSnoc iset -> [NegListInterval kcanon (IntervalSet.complement iset)]
botCon = case vi_eff vi of
IsNotEffectful -> []
IsEffectful -> [Effectful kcanon]
in sep " " $
pv kcanon
: fmap pv (Set.toList $ Set.delete kcanon ks)
++ [":", TypePrinter.pretty PPE.empty (vi_typ vi)]
++ ["|"]
++ [sep ", " $ fmap prettyConstraint (posCon ++ negCon ++ botCon)]
pv = string . show
prettyDnf :: (Var v, Var vt) => Set (NormalizedConstraints vt v loc) -> Pretty ColorText
prettyDnf xs = sep " " ("{" : intersperse "," (prettyNormalizedConstraints <$> Set.toList xs) ++ ["}"])

View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
module Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.PmGrd where
import Unison.ConstructorReference (ConstructorReference)
import Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.PmLit (PmLit, prettyPmLit)
import qualified Unison.PrettyPrintEnv as PPE
import qualified Unison.Syntax.TypePrinter as TypePrinter
import Unison.Term (Term')
import Unison.Type (Type)
import Unison.Util.Pretty
import Unison.Var (Var)
vt -- Type variable
v -- Term variable
loc -- annotation
= -- | @PmCon x Con xs ys@ corresponds to the constraint @Con ys <- x@
-- ^ Variable
-- ^ Constructor
[(v, Type vt loc)]
-- ^ Constructor argument values and types
| PmLit v PmLit
| PmListHead
-- ^ list root
-- ^ cons position (0 is head)
-- ^ element variable
(Type vt loc)
-- ^ element type
| PmListTail
-- ^ list root
-- ^ snoc position (0 is last)
-- ^ element variable
(Type vt loc)
-- ^ element type
| -- | The size of the list must fall within this inclusive range
PmListInterval v Int Int
| -- | If a guard performs an effect
PmBang v
| -- | @PmLet x expr@ corresponds to a @let x = expr@ guard. This actually
-- /binds/ @x@.
PmLet v (Term' vt v loc) (Type vt loc)
deriving stock (Show)
prettyPmGrd :: (Var vt, Var v) => PmGrd vt v loc -> Pretty ColorText
prettyPmGrd = \case
PmCon var con convars ->
let xs = string (show con) : (formatConVar <$> convars) ++ ["<-", string (show var)]
formatConVar (v, t) = sep " " ["(", string (show v), ":", TypePrinter.pretty PPE.empty t, ")"]
in sep " " xs
PmListHead var n el _ -> sep " " ["Cons", string (show n), string (show el), "<-", string (show var)]
PmListTail var n el _ -> sep " " ["Snoc", string (show n), string (show el), "<-", string (show var)]
PmListInterval var minLen maxLen -> sep " " ["Interval", string (show (minLen, maxLen)), "<-", string (show var)]
PmLit var lit -> sep " " [prettyPmLit lit, "<-", string (show var)]
PmBang v -> "!" <> string (show v)
PmLet v _expr _ -> sep " " ["let", string (show v), "=", "<expr>"]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
module Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.PmLit where
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.Util.Pretty (Pretty, string)
data PmLit
= Int Int64
| Nat Word64
| Boolean Bool
| Float Double
| Text Text
| Char Char
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord)
prettyPmLit :: (IsString s) => PmLit -> Pretty s
prettyPmLit =
string . \case
Int x -> show x
Nat x -> show x
Boolean x -> show x
Float x -> show x
Text x -> show x
Char x -> show x

View File

@ -0,0 +1,883 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
module Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.Solve
( uncoverAnnotate,
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Trans.Compose
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Function
import Data.Functor
import Data.Functor.Compose
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Unison.Builtin.Decls (unitRef)
import Unison.ConstructorReference (ConstructorReference)
import Unison.Debug (DebugFlag (PatternCoverageConstraintSolver), shouldDebug)
import Unison.Pattern (Pattern)
import qualified Unison.Pattern as Pattern
import Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.Class
import Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.Constraint (Constraint)
import qualified Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.Constraint as C
import Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.Fix
import Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.GrdTree
import Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.IntervalSet (IntervalSet)
import qualified Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.IntervalSet as IntervalSet
import Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.Literal
import Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.NormalizedConstraints
import Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.PmGrd
import Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.PmLit (PmLit)
import qualified Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.PmLit as PmLit
import qualified Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.UFMap as UFMap
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.Type (Type)
import qualified Unison.Type as Type
import qualified Unison.Util.Pretty as P
import Unison.Var (Var)
-- | top-down traversal of the 'GrdTree' that produces:
-- * a refinement type describing values that do not match the 'GrdTree'
-- (the "uncovered" set)
-- * a new 'GrdTree' annotated with refinement types at the nodes describing
-- values that cause an effect to be performed and values that match
-- the case at the leaves.
-- If the former is inhabited then its inhabitants are unmatched
-- values. If the leaves of the latter are inhabited then the case is
-- redundant.
uncoverAnnotate ::
forall vt v loc m l.
(Pmc vt v loc m) =>
Set (NormalizedConstraints vt v loc) ->
GrdTree (PmGrd vt v loc) l ->
( m
( Set (NormalizedConstraints vt v loc),
GrdTree (Set (NormalizedConstraints vt v loc)) (Set (NormalizedConstraints vt v loc), l)
uncoverAnnotate z grdtree0 = cata phi grdtree0 z
phi = \case
-- There is no way to fail matching a leaf, return the empty set
-- to represent false.
LeafF l -> \nc -> do
nc' <- ensureInhabited' nc
pure (Set.empty, Leaf (nc', l))
ForkF (kinit :| ks) -> \nc0 -> do
-- depth-first fold in match-case order to acculate the
-- constraints for a match failure at every case.
(nc1, t1) <- kinit nc0
(ncfinal, ts) <- foldlM (\(nc, ts) a -> a nc >>= \(nc', t) -> pure (nc', t : ts)) (nc1, []) ks
pure (ncfinal, Fork (t1 :| reverse ts))
GrdF grd k -> \nc0 -> case grd of
PmCon var con convars -> do
handleGrd (PosCon var con convars) (NegCon var con) k nc0
PmLit var lit -> do
handleGrd (PosLit var lit) (NegLit var lit) k nc0
PmListHead listVar n el elt -> do
nc <- addLiteral' nc0 (PosListHead listVar n el elt)
k nc
PmListTail listVar n el elt -> do
nc <- addLiteral' nc0 (PosListTail listVar n el elt)
k nc
PmListInterval listVar lb ub -> do
let iset = IntervalSet.singleton (lb, ub)
handleGrd (NegListInterval listVar (IntervalSet.complement iset)) (NegListInterval listVar iset) k nc0
PmBang var -> do
(ncCont, t) <- k nc0
ncEff <- addLiteral' nc0 (Effectful var)
let t' = Grd ncEff t
pure (ncCont, t')
PmLet var expr typ -> do
nc <- addLiteral' nc0 (Let var expr typ)
k nc
-- Constructors and literals are handled uniformly except that
-- they pass different positive and negative literals.
handleGrd pos neg k nc0 = do
ncNoMatch <- addLiteral' nc0 neg
ncMatch <- addLiteral' nc0 pos
(ncMatch, t) <- k ncMatch
-- A match can fail bacause it fails to match the immediate
-- pattern or it can match the immediate pattern but fail to
-- match some pattern or guard defined later in this same case.
-- This split can lead to an exponential number of terms, so we
-- limit this growth to a constant, conservatively
-- approximating. This is known as "throttling" in the paper and
-- described in section 5.2.
let ncFinalCandidate = Set.union ncMatch ncNoMatch
ncFinal = case Set.size ncFinalCandidate >= 30 of
True -> nc0
False -> ncFinalCandidate
pure (ncFinal, t)
ensureInhabited' ::
Set (NormalizedConstraints vt v loc) ->
m (Set (NormalizedConstraints vt v loc))
ensureInhabited' ncs0 = foldlM phi Set.empty ncs0
phi ncs nc =
ensureInhabited initFuel nc <&> \case
Nothing -> ncs
Just nc -> Set.insert nc ncs
-- Add a literal to each term in our DNF, dropping terms that
-- become contradictory
addLiteral' ::
Set (NormalizedConstraints vt v loc) ->
Literal vt v loc ->
m (Set (NormalizedConstraints vt v loc))
addLiteral' ncs0 lit = foldlM phi Set.empty ncs0
phi ncs nc =
addLiteral lit nc <&> \case
Nothing -> ncs
Just nc -> Set.insert nc ncs
-- | Collect accessible, inaccessible, and redundant GRHSs
classify ::
forall vt v loc l.
GrdTree (Set (NormalizedConstraints vt v loc)) (Set (NormalizedConstraints vt v loc), l) ->
([l], [l], [l])
classify = cata classifyAlg
classifyAlg ::
forall vt v loc l.
GrdTreeF (Set (NormalizedConstraints vt v loc)) (Set (NormalizedConstraints vt v loc), l) ([l], [l], [l]) ->
([l], [l], [l])
classifyAlg = \case
LeafF (rt, l) ->
case inh rt of
True -> ([l], [], [])
False -> ([], [], [l])
GrdF rt rest ->
-- The presence of a 'GrdF' node indicates that an effect was
-- performed (see 'uncoverAnnotate').
case inh rt of
True ->
-- The rest of the subtree is redundant, but an effect is
-- performed. Classify this as "Inaccessible".
case rest of
([], [], x : xs) -> ([], [x], xs)
_ -> rest
False -> rest
ForkF xs -> foldr (\(a, b, c) ~(acc, inacc, redun) -> (a ++ acc, b ++ inacc, c ++ redun)) ([], [], []) xs
-- inhabitation check
inh = not . Set.null
-- | Expand a full DNF term (i.e. each term identifies exactly one
-- solution) into an inhabiting pattern.
generateInhabitants ::
forall vt v loc.
(Var v) =>
v ->
NormalizedConstraints vt v loc ->
Pattern ()
generateInhabitants x nc =
let (_xcanon, xvi, nc') = expectCanon x nc
in case vi_con xvi of
Vc'Constructor pos _neg -> case pos of
Nothing -> Pattern.Unbound ()
Just (dc, convars) ->
Pattern.Constructor () dc (map (\(v, _) -> generateInhabitants v nc') convars)
Vc'Boolean pos _neg -> case pos of
Nothing -> Pattern.Unbound ()
Just b -> Pattern.Boolean () b
Vc'ListRoot _typ consPos snocPos intset ->
let matchedLength = on (+) length consPos snocPos
mmaxLength = IntervalSet.lookupMax intset
matchIsIncomplete = case mmaxLength of
Nothing -> True
Just maxLength -> matchedLength < maxLength
rootPat = case matchIsIncomplete of
True -> Pattern.Unbound ()
False -> Pattern.SequenceLiteral () []
snoced = foldr (\a b -> Pattern.SequenceOp () b Pattern.Snoc (generateInhabitants a nc')) rootPat snocPos
consed = foldr (\a b -> Pattern.SequenceOp () (generateInhabitants a nc') Pattern.Cons b) snoced consPos
in consed
_ -> Pattern.Unbound ()
-- | Instantiate a variable to a given constructor.
instantiate ::
forall vt v loc x m.
(Pmc vt v loc m) =>
Fuel ->
NormalizedConstraints vt v loc ->
v ->
-- | constructor
x ->
-- | type of datacon's args
[Type vt loc] ->
-- | produce positive constraint
(v -> x -> [(v, Type vt loc)] -> [Constraint vt v loc]) ->
m (Maybe (NormalizedConstraints vt v loc, [(v, Type vt loc)]))
instantiate fuel nc x c argTyps posConstraint = do
-- todo: centralize this declVar logic. Currently in 'addLiteral' and here.
newVars :: [(var, typ)] <- traverse (\t -> (,t) <$> fresh) argTyps
let nc' = foldr (\(v, t) b -> declVar v t id b) nc newVars
cons = posConstraint x c newVars
mnc <- runMaybeT do
nc <- MaybeT (addConstraints cons nc')
-- mark all new fields as dirty as we need to ensure they are
-- inhabited
let nc' = foldr (\(v, _) b -> markDirty v b) nc newVars
-- branching factor
let newFuel = case length newVars > 1 of
True -> min fuel 3
False -> fuel
-- we must ensure that all strict fields are inhabited
MaybeT (ensureInhabited newFuel nc')
pure ((\x -> (x, newVars)) <$> mnc)
-- | Given a variable and a term in DNF, expand it to an identical DNF
-- expression with enough positive info to print pattern suggestions.
expandSolution ::
forall vt v loc m.
(Pmc vt v loc m) =>
v ->
NormalizedConstraints vt v loc ->
m (Set (NormalizedConstraints vt v loc))
expandSolution x nc =
let go fuel x nc
-- If we run out of fuel conservatively assume the term is
-- inhabited.
| fuel == 0 = pure (Set.singleton nc)
| otherwise =
let (_xcanon, xvi, nc') = expectCanon x nc
in withConstructors (pure (Set.singleton nc')) xvi \cs posConstraint _negConstraint ->
-- We have some constructors to attempt
-- instantiation with. Instantiate each one, if
-- doesn't lead to a contradiction then add it to
-- the set of valid solutions.
let phi (cref, cvt) = do
instantiate initFuel nc' x cref cvt posConstraint >>= \case
Nothing -> pure Set.empty -- contradiction
Just (nc'', newVars) -> case newVars of
[] -> pure (Set.singleton nc'')
_ ->
-- If we have the match expression:
-- @
-- match blerg : Maybe (Maybe ()) with
-- Nothing -> ()
-- Just Nothing -> ()
-- @
-- Then we would like to suggest @Just (Just _)@ rather than @Just _@.
-- To accomplish this, we recurse and expand variables for which we have
-- positive or negative information.
-- branching factor
let newFuel = case length newVars > 1 of
True -> min fuel 3
False -> fuel
in Set.fromList
<$> foldlM
( \b (v, _t) ->
Set.toList . Set.unions
<$> traverse
( \nc ->
case expectCanon v nc of
(_vc, vi, nc') -> case vi_con vi of
Vc'Constructor pos neg
-- always instantiate unit, this ensures we print tuple patterns correctly
| Type.Ref' x <- vi_typ vi, x == unitRef -> go newFuel v nc'
| Just _ <- pos -> go newFuel v nc'
| not (Set.null neg) -> go (newFuel - 1) v nc'
Vc'Boolean _pos neg
| not (Set.null neg) -> go (newFuel - 1) v nc'
Vc'ListRoot _typ _posCons _posSnoc neg
| not (IntervalSet.singleton (0, maxBound) == neg) -> go (newFuel - 1) v nc'
_ -> pure (Set.singleton nc')
in foldr (\a b s -> phi a >>= \a' -> b (Set.union a' s)) pure cs Set.empty
in go initFuel x nc
withConstructors ::
forall vt v loc r m.
(Pmc vt v loc m) =>
m r ->
VarInfo vt v loc ->
( forall x.
[(x, [Type vt loc])] ->
(v -> x -> [(v, Type vt loc)] -> [Constraint vt v loc]) ->
(v -> x -> Constraint vt v loc) ->
m r
) ->
m r
withConstructors nil vinfo k = do
getConstructors typ >>= \case
ConstructorType cs -> do
arg <- for cs \(v, cref, _) -> do
cvts <- getConstructorVarTypes typ cref
pure ((v, cref), cvts)
k arg (\v (_, cref) args -> [C.PosCon v cref args]) (\v (_, cref) -> C.NegCon v cref)
SequenceType _cs ->
let Vc'ListRoot elemType consPos snocPos iset = case vi_con vinfo of
Vc'ListRoot {} -> vi_con vinfo
_ -> error "impossible: constraint for sequence type not a list root"
varCount = length consPos + length snocPos
minLen = fromMaybe 0 $ IntervalSet.lookupMin iset
mkPosCons :: (Int -> [v] -> [Constraint vt v loc]) -> Int -> [v] -> [Constraint vt v loc]
mkPosCons z elvs0 = foldr (\_ b n (elv : elvs) -> C.PosListHead v n elv : b (n + 1) elvs) z consPos elvs0
mkPosSnoc :: (Int -> [v] -> [Constraint vt v loc]) -> Int -> [v] -> [Constraint vt v loc]
mkPosSnoc z elvs0 = foldr (\_ b n (elv : elvs) -> C.PosListTail v n elv : b (n + 1) elvs) z snocPos elvs0
constraints :: [(([(v, Type vt loc)] -> [Constraint vt v loc], Constraint vt v loc), [Type vt loc])]
constraints =
let mk f elvs = mkPosCons (\_ elvs -> mkPosSnoc (\_ elvs -> f elvs) 0 elvs) 0 (map fst elvs)
in [ ((mk \[] -> [], C.NegListInterval v (IntervalSet.singleton (minLen, maxBound))), replicate varCount elemType)
mkPos _v (pos, _neg) args =
pos args
mkNeg _v (_pos, neg) =
in k constraints mkPos mkNeg
BooleanType -> do
k [(True, []), (False, [])] (\v b _ -> [C.PosLit v (PmLit.Boolean b)]) (\v b -> C.NegLit v (PmLit.Boolean b))
OtherType -> nil
typ = vi_typ vinfo
v = vi_id vinfo
-- | Test that the given variable is inhabited. This test is
-- undecidable in general so we adopt a fuel based approach as
-- described in section 3.7.
inhabited ::
forall vt v loc m.
(Pmc vt v loc m) =>
Fuel ->
v ->
NormalizedConstraints vt v loc ->
m (Maybe (NormalizedConstraints vt v loc))
inhabited fuel x nc0 =
let (_xcanon, xvi, nc') = expectCanon x nc0
in withConstructors (pure (Just nc')) xvi \cs posConstraint negConstraint ->
-- one of the constructors must be inhabited, Return the
-- first non-contradictory instantiation.
let phi (cref, cvt) b nc = do
instantiate fuel nc x cref cvt posConstraint >>= \case
Nothing -> do
-- record failed instantiation attempt so we don't
-- attempt to instantiate this constructor again
addConstraint (negConstraint x cref) nc >>= \case
Nothing -> b nc
Just nc -> b nc
Just _ -> pure (Just nc)
in foldr phi (\_ -> pure Nothing) cs nc'
newtype Fuel = Fuel Int
deriving newtype (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Num)
initFuel :: Fuel
initFuel = 8
-- | Check that all variables marked dirty are inhabited.
ensureInhabited ::
forall vt v loc m.
(Pmc vt v loc m) =>
Fuel ->
NormalizedConstraints vt v loc ->
m (Maybe (NormalizedConstraints vt v loc))
ensureInhabited fuel nc0@NormalizedConstraints {dirtySet}
| fuel == 0 = pure (Just clean) -- out of fuel, assume inhabited
| otherwise = do
-- all dirty vars must be inhabited or this NormalizedConstraints
-- is dropped
let phi dirtyVar b nc = do
nc <- MaybeT (inhabited (fuel - 1) dirtyVar nc)
b nc
in runMaybeT (foldr phi pure dirtySet clean)
clean = nc0 {dirtySet = mempty}
-- | Add a formula literal to our normalized constraint set. This
-- corresponds to fig 7.
addLiteral ::
forall vt v loc m.
(Pmc vt v loc m) =>
Literal vt v loc ->
NormalizedConstraints vt v loc ->
m (Maybe (NormalizedConstraints vt v loc))
addLiteral lit0 nabla0 = runMaybeT do
nc <- MaybeT $ case lit0 of
F -> pure Nothing
T -> pure (Just nabla0)
PosCon var datacon convars ->
let ctx = foldr (\(trm, typ) b -> declVar trm typ id b) nabla0 convars
c = C.PosCon var datacon convars
in addConstraint c ctx
NegCon var datacon -> addConstraint (C.NegCon var datacon) nabla0
PosLit var lit -> addConstraint (C.PosLit var lit) nabla0
NegLit var lit -> addConstraint (C.NegLit var lit) nabla0
PosListHead listRoot n listElem listElemType -> do
let nabla1 = declVar listElem listElemType id nabla0
c = C.PosListHead listRoot n listElem
addConstraint c nabla1
PosListTail listRoot n listElem listElemType -> do
let nabla1 = declVar listElem listElemType id nabla0
c = C.PosListTail listRoot n listElem
addConstraint c nabla1
NegListInterval listVar iset -> addConstraint (C.NegListInterval listVar iset) nabla0
Effectful var -> addConstraint (C.Effectful var) nabla0
Let var _expr typ -> pure (Just (declVar var typ id nabla0))
MaybeT (ensureInhabited initFuel nc)
insertVarInfo ::
forall vt v loc.
(Ord v) =>
v ->
VarInfo vt v loc ->
NormalizedConstraints vt v loc ->
NormalizedConstraints vt v loc
insertVarInfo k v nc@NormalizedConstraints {constraintMap} =
nc {constraintMap = UFMap.insert k v constraintMap}
-- | Add a constraint to our normalized constraint set. This
-- corresponds to fig 7.
addConstraint ::
forall vt v loc m.
(Pmc vt v loc m) =>
Constraint vt v loc ->
NormalizedConstraints vt v loc ->
m (Maybe (NormalizedConstraints vt v loc))
addConstraint con0 nc =
debugConstraint <$> case con0 of
C.PosLit var pmlit ->
let updateLiteral pos neg lit
| Just lit1 <- pos,
lit1 == lit = case lit1 == lit of
-- we already have this positive constraint
True -> (pure (), Ignore)
-- contradicts positive info
False -> (contradiction, Ignore)
-- the constraint contradicts negative info
| Set.member lit neg = (contradiction, Ignore)
| otherwise = (pure (), Update (Just lit, neg))
in modifyLiteralC var pmlit updateLiteral nc
C.NegLit var pmlit ->
let updateLiteral pos neg lit
-- the constraint contradicts positive info
| Just lit1 <- pos, lit1 == lit = (contradiction, Ignore)
-- we already have this negative constraint
| Set.member lit neg = (pure (), Ignore)
| otherwise = (pure (), Update (pos, Set.insert lit neg))
in modifyLiteralC var pmlit updateLiteral nc
C.NegListInterval var negMatchInterval ->
let updateList _typ pCons pSnoc posMatchInterval
-- No lengths are accepted
| IntervalSet.null newMatchInterval = (contradiction, Ignore)
-- This length constraint forces equating some cons and snoc matches
| let unconflictedLen = length pCons + length pSnoc,
Just maxLen <- IntervalSet.lookupMax newMatchInterval,
maxLen < unconflictedLen =
let varsToEquate = unconflictedLen - maxLen
(newPSnoc, vars) =
let (_as, bs) = Seq.splitAt (length pCons - varsToEquate) pCons
(cs, ds) = Seq.splitAt (length pSnoc - varsToEquate) pSnoc
in (cs, zip (toList bs) (toList ds))
in (equate vars, Update (pCons, newPSnoc, newMatchInterval))
| otherwise =
(populateCons var pCons newMatchInterval, Update (pCons, pSnoc, newMatchInterval))
newMatchInterval = IntervalSet.difference posMatchInterval negMatchInterval
in modifyListC var updateList nc
C.PosListHead r n e ->
let updateList _elmType posCons posSnocs iset
-- there is an existing positive constraint on this element
| Just existingElemVar <- Seq.lookup n posCons = (equate [(e, existingElemVar)], Ignore)
-- a list of this length is proscribed
| let minPatLen = length posCons + 1,
Just maxLen <- IntervalSet.lookupMax iset,
maxLen < minPatLen =
(contradiction, Ignore)
-- the length constraint forces us to equate some cons and snoc patterns
| let unconflictedLen = length posCons + length posSnocs + 1,
Just maxLen <- IntervalSet.lookupMax iset,
maxLen < unconflictedLen =
let posCons' = posCons Seq.|> e
e' = Seq.index posSnocs (maxLen - length posCons')
in (equate [(e, e')], Update (posCons', posSnocs, iset))
| otherwise =
let posCons' = posCons Seq.|> e
iset' = IntervalSet.delete (0, length posCons' - 1) iset
in (pure (), Update (posCons', posSnocs, iset'))
in modifyListC r updateList nc
C.PosListTail r n e ->
let updateList _elmType posCons posSnoc iset
-- there is an existing positive constraint on this element
| Just existingElemVar <- Seq.lookup n posSnoc = (equate [(e, existingElemVar)], Ignore)
-- a list of this length is proscribed
| let minPatLen = length posSnoc + 1,
Just maxLen <- IntervalSet.lookupMax iset,
maxLen < minPatLen =
(contradiction, Ignore)
-- the length constraint forces us to equate some cons and snoc patterns
| let unconflictedLen = length posCons + length posSnoc + 1,
Just maxLen <- IntervalSet.lookupMax iset,
maxLen < unconflictedLen =
let posSnoc' = posSnoc Seq.|> e
e' = Seq.index posCons (maxLen - length posSnoc')
in (equate [(e, e')], Update (posCons, posSnoc', iset))
| otherwise =
let posSnoc' = posSnoc Seq.|> e
iset' = IntervalSet.delete (0, length posSnoc' - 1) iset
in (populateCons r posCons iset', Update (posCons, posSnoc', iset'))
in modifyListC r updateList nc
C.PosCon var datacon convars ->
let updateConstructor pos neg
| Just (datacon1, convars1) <- pos = case datacon == datacon1 of
True -> do
-- we already have an assertion, so equate convars
let varsToEquate = zipWith (\(y, _) (z, _) -> (y, z)) convars convars1
(equate varsToEquate, Ignore)
False -> (contradiction, Ignore)
-- contradicts negative info
| True <- Set.member datacon neg = (contradiction, Ignore)
| otherwise =
-- no conflicting info, add constraint
(pure (), Update (Just (datacon, convars), neg))
in modifyConstructorC var updateConstructor nc -- runC nc (put =<< modifyConstructor var updateConstructor =<< get)
C.NegCon var datacon ->
let updateConstructor pos neg
-- contradicts positive info
| Just (datacon1, _) <- pos, datacon1 == datacon = (contradiction, Ignore)
-- we already have this negative constraint
| Set.member datacon neg = (pure (), Ignore)
| otherwise = (pure (), Update (pos, Set.insert datacon neg))
in modifyConstructorC var updateConstructor nc
C.Effectful var ->
case expectCanon var nc of
(var, vi, nc)
| otherwise -> pure $ Just $ insertVarInfo var vi {vi_eff = IsEffectful} nc
C.Eq x y -> union x y nc
debugConstraint x =
let debugOutput =
[ P.hang ( "input constraints: ") (prettyNormalizedConstraints nc),
P.hang (P.yellow "additional constraint: ") (C.prettyConstraint con0),
P.hang ( "resulting constraint: ") (maybe "contradiction" prettyNormalizedConstraints x),
in if shouldDebug PatternCoverageConstraintSolver then trace (P.toAnsiUnbroken debugOutput) x else x
-- | Like 'addConstraint', but for a list of constraints
addConstraints ::
forall vt v loc m.
(Pmc vt v loc m) =>
[Constraint vt v loc] ->
NormalizedConstraints vt v loc ->
m (Maybe (NormalizedConstraints vt v loc))
addConstraints cs nc0 = runMaybeT $ foldlM (\b a -> MaybeT (addConstraint a b)) nc0 cs
-- | Equate two variables
union ::
forall vt v loc m.
(Pmc vt v loc m) =>
v ->
v ->
NormalizedConstraints vt v loc ->
m (Maybe (NormalizedConstraints vt v loc))
union v0 v1 nc@NormalizedConstraints {constraintMap} =
UFMap.union v0 v1 constraintMap \chosenCanon nonCanonValue m ->
-- In this block we want to collect the constraints from the
-- non-canonical value and add them to the canonical value.
-- literals are handled uniformly
let handleLit :: forall x. (x -> PmLit) -> Maybe x -> Set x -> ([Constraint vt v loc], [Constraint vt v loc])
handleLit toPmLit pos neg =
let posC = case pos of
Nothing -> []
Just lit -> [C.PosLit chosenCanon (toPmLit lit)]
negC = foldr (\a b -> C.NegLit chosenCanon (toPmLit a) : b) [] neg
in (posC, negC)
constraints = posCon ++ negCon ++ effCon
(posCon, negCon) = case vi_con nonCanonValue of
Vc'Constructor pos neg ->
let posC = case pos of
Nothing -> []
Just (datacon, convars) -> [C.PosCon chosenCanon datacon convars]
negC = foldr (\a b -> C.NegCon chosenCanon a : b) [] neg
in (posC, negC)
Vc'ListRoot _typ posCons posSnoc iset ->
let consConstraints = map (\(i, x) -> C.PosListHead chosenCanon i x) (zip [0 ..] (toList posCons))
snocConstraints = map (\(i, x) -> C.PosListTail chosenCanon i x) (zip [0 ..] (toList posSnoc))
neg = [C.NegListInterval chosenCanon (IntervalSet.complement iset)]
in (consConstraints ++ snocConstraints, neg)
Vc'Boolean pos neg -> handleLit PmLit.Boolean pos neg
Vc'Int pos neg -> handleLit PmLit.Int pos neg
Vc'Nat pos neg -> handleLit PmLit.Nat pos neg
Vc'Float pos neg -> handleLit PmLit.Float pos neg
Vc'Text pos neg -> handleLit PmLit.Text pos neg
Vc'Char pos neg -> handleLit PmLit.Char pos neg
effCon = case vi_eff nonCanonValue of
IsNotEffectful -> []
IsEffectful -> [C.Effectful chosenCanon]
in addConstraints constraints nc {constraintMap = m}
modifyListC ::
forall vt v loc m.
(Pmc vt v loc m) =>
v ->
( Type vt loc ->
Seq v ->
Seq v ->
IntervalSet ->
(C vt v loc m (), ConstraintUpdate (Seq v, Seq v, IntervalSet))
) ->
NormalizedConstraints vt v loc ->
m (Maybe (NormalizedConstraints vt v loc))
modifyListC v f nc0 =
let (ccomp, nc1) = modifyListF v f nc0
in fmap snd <$> runC nc1 ccomp
modifyListF ::
forall vt v loc f.
(Var v, Functor f) =>
v ->
( Type vt loc ->
Seq v ->
Seq v ->
IntervalSet ->
f (ConstraintUpdate (Seq v, Seq v, IntervalSet))
) ->
NormalizedConstraints vt v loc ->
f (NormalizedConstraints vt v loc)
modifyListF v f nc =
let g vc = getCompose (posAndNegList (\typ pcons psnoc iset -> Compose (f typ pcons psnoc iset)) vc)
in modifyVarConstraints v g nc
modifyConstructorC ::
forall vt v loc m.
(Pmc vt v loc m) =>
v ->
( (Maybe (ConstructorReference, [(v, Type vt loc)])) ->
Set ConstructorReference ->
(C vt v loc m (), ConstraintUpdate (Maybe (ConstructorReference, [(v, Type vt loc)]), Set ConstructorReference))
) ->
NormalizedConstraints vt v loc ->
m (Maybe (NormalizedConstraints vt v loc))
modifyConstructorC v f nc0 =
let (ccomp, nc1) = modifyConstructorF v f nc0
in fmap snd <$> runC nc1 ccomp
modifyConstructorF ::
forall vt v loc f.
(Var v, Functor f) =>
v ->
( (Maybe (ConstructorReference, [(v, Type vt loc)])) ->
Set ConstructorReference ->
f (ConstraintUpdate (Maybe (ConstructorReference, [(v, Type vt loc)]), Set ConstructorReference))
) ->
NormalizedConstraints vt v loc ->
f (NormalizedConstraints vt v loc)
modifyConstructorF v f nc =
let g vc = getCompose (posAndNegConstructor (\pos neg -> Compose (f pos neg)) vc)
in modifyVarConstraints v g nc
modifyLiteralC ::
forall vt v loc m.
(Pmc vt v loc m) =>
v ->
PmLit ->
( forall a.
(Ord a) =>
-- positive info
Maybe a ->
-- negative info
Set a ->
-- the passed in PmLit, unpacked
a ->
(C vt v loc m (), ConstraintUpdate (Maybe a, Set a))
) ->
NormalizedConstraints vt v loc ->
m (Maybe (NormalizedConstraints vt v loc))
modifyLiteralC v lit f nc0 =
let (ccomp, nc1) = modifyLiteralF v lit f nc0
in fmap snd <$> runC nc1 ccomp
-- | Update constraints on some literal by only depending on their Ord
-- instance.
modifyLiteralF ::
forall vt v loc f.
(Var v, Functor f) =>
v ->
PmLit ->
( forall a.
(Ord a) =>
-- positive info
Maybe a ->
-- negative info
Set a ->
-- the passed in PmLit, unpacked
a ->
f (ConstraintUpdate (Maybe a, Set a))
) ->
NormalizedConstraints vt v loc ->
f (NormalizedConstraints vt v loc)
modifyLiteralF v lit f nc =
let g vc = getCompose (posAndNegLiteral (\pos neg candidate -> Compose (f pos neg candidate)) lit vc)
in modifyVarConstraints v g nc
modifyVarConstraints ::
forall vt v loc f.
(Var v, Functor f) =>
v ->
( VarConstraints vt v loc ->
f (ConstraintUpdate (VarConstraints vt v loc))
) ->
NormalizedConstraints vt v loc ->
-- | applied to 'Vc'Constructor'
f (NormalizedConstraints vt v loc)
modifyVarConstraints v updateVarConstraint nc0 = do
updateF v (\_v vi -> fmap (\vc -> vi {vi_con = vc}) <$> updateVarConstraint (vi_con vi)) nc0
{-# INLINE modifyVarConstraints #-}
-- | Modify the positive and negative constraints of a constructor.
posAndNegConstructor ::
forall f vt v loc.
(Functor f) =>
( (Maybe (ConstructorReference, [(v, Type vt loc)])) ->
Set ConstructorReference ->
f (Maybe (ConstructorReference, [(v, Type vt loc)]), Set ConstructorReference)
) ->
VarConstraints vt v loc ->
f (VarConstraints vt v loc)
posAndNegConstructor f = \case
Vc'Constructor pos neg -> uncurry Vc'Constructor <$> f pos neg
_ -> error "impossible: posAndNegConstructor called on a literal"
{-# INLINE posAndNegConstructor #-}
-- | Modify the positive and negative constraints in a way that
-- doesn't rely upon the particular literal type, but only on it being
-- an instance of Ord.
posAndNegLiteral ::
forall f vt v loc.
(Functor f) =>
( forall a.
(Ord a) =>
Maybe a ->
Set a ->
a ->
f (Maybe a, Set a)
) ->
PmLit ->
VarConstraints vt v loc ->
f (VarConstraints vt v loc)
posAndNegLiteral f lit = \case
Vc'Boolean pos neg
| PmLit.Boolean b <- lit -> uncurry Vc'Boolean <$> f pos neg b
Vc'Int pos neg
| PmLit.Int b <- lit -> uncurry Vc'Int <$> f pos neg b
Vc'Nat pos neg
| PmLit.Nat b <- lit -> uncurry Vc'Nat <$> f pos neg b
Vc'Float pos neg
| PmLit.Float b <- lit -> uncurry Vc'Float <$> f pos neg b
Vc'Text pos neg
| PmLit.Text b <- lit -> uncurry Vc'Text <$> f pos neg b
Vc'Char pos neg
| PmLit.Char b <- lit -> uncurry Vc'Char <$> f pos neg b
Vc'Constructor _ _ -> error "impossible: posAndNegLiteral called on constructor"
_ -> error "impossible: incompatible PmLit and VarConstraints types"
{-# INLINE posAndNegLiteral #-}
posAndNegList ::
forall f vt v loc.
(Functor f) =>
( Type vt loc ->
Seq v ->
Seq v ->
IntervalSet ->
f (Seq v, Seq v, IntervalSet)
) ->
VarConstraints vt v loc ->
f (VarConstraints vt v loc)
posAndNegList f = \case
Vc'ListRoot typ posCons posSnocs iset -> (\(posCons, posSnocs, iset) -> Vc'ListRoot typ posCons posSnocs iset) <$> f typ posCons posSnocs iset
_ -> error "impossible: posAndNegList called on a something that isn't a list"
{-# INLINE posAndNegList #-}
newtype C vt v loc m a = C
{ unC ::
NormalizedConstraints vt v loc ->
m (Maybe (a, NormalizedConstraints vt v loc))
(Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadState (NormalizedConstraints vt v loc))
via StateT (NormalizedConstraints vt v loc) (MaybeT m)
deriving (MonadTrans) via ComposeT (StateT (NormalizedConstraints vt v loc)) MaybeT
contradiction :: (Applicative m) => C vt v loc m a
contradiction = C \_ -> pure Nothing
equate :: (Pmc vt v loc m) => [(v, v)] -> C vt v loc m ()
equate vs = addConstraintsC (map (uncurry C.Eq) vs)
lookupListElemTypeC :: (Pmc vt v loc m) => v -> C vt v loc m (Type vt loc)
lookupListElemTypeC listVar = do
nc0 <- get
let (_var, vi, nc1) = expectCanon listVar nc0
put nc1
pure $ getConst (posAndNegList (\elemTyp _ _ _ -> Const elemTyp) (vi_con vi))
addConstraintsC :: (Pmc vt v loc m) => [Constraint vt v loc] -> C vt v loc m ()
addConstraintsC cs = do
nc <- get
lift (addConstraints cs nc) >>= \case
Nothing -> contradiction
Just nc -> put nc
declVarC ::
(Pmc vt v loc m) =>
v ->
Type vt loc ->
(VarInfo vt v loc -> VarInfo vt v loc) ->
C vt v loc m ()
declVarC v vt vimod = do
nc0 <- get
let nc1 = declVar v vt vimod nc0
put nc1
freshC ::
(Pmc vt v loc m) =>
C vt v loc m v
freshC = lift fresh
populateCons :: (Pmc vt v loc m) => v -> Seq v -> IntervalSet -> C vt v loc m ()
populateCons listVar pCons iset = do
case IntervalSet.lookupMin iset of
Just minLen
| minLen > 0,
let targets = [length pCons .. minLen - 1],
not (null targets) -> do
elemTyp <- lookupListElemTypeC listVar
for_ targets \idx -> do
elv <- freshC
declVarC elv elemTyp id
addConstraintsC [C.PosListHead listVar idx elv]
_ -> pure ()
runC ::
(Applicative m) =>
NormalizedConstraints vt v loc ->
C vt v loc m a ->
m (Maybe (a, NormalizedConstraints vt v loc))
runC nc0 ca = unC ca nc0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
module Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.UFMap
( UFMap,
UFValue (..),
import Control.Monad.Fix (MonadFix)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (ExceptT (..))
import Data.Foldable (foldl')
import Data.Functor ((<&>))
import Data.Functor.Compose (Compose (..))
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity (Identity, runIdentity))
import Data.Functor.Sum (Sum (..))
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Lazy as LazyMap
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
-- | A union-find structure. Used by
-- 'Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.NormalizedConstraints.NormalizedConstraints'
-- to provide efficient unification.
newtype UFMap k v = UFMap (Map k (UFValue k v))
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
data UFValue k v
= -- | This is not the canonical value, lookup k in the map to try again
Indirection !k
| -- | The number of elements in the equivalence class
Canonical !Int !v
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
empty :: UFMap k v
empty = UFMap Map.empty
insert :: (Ord k) => k -> v -> UFMap k v -> UFMap k v
insert k !v m =
alter k (Just v) (\_ s _ -> Canonical s v) m
alterF' ::
forall f k v.
(Functor f, Ord k) =>
-- | The key to lookup
k ->
-- | The canonical key (use laziness to supply if unknown)
k ->
-- | Return Just to short-circuit the indirection lookup loop
(k -> UFMap k v -> Maybe (f (UFMap k v))) ->
-- | Nothing case
f (Maybe v) ->
-- | Just case
-- @canonicalKey -> size -> value -> new value@
-- /N.B./ deleting a value is not supported
(k -> Int -> v -> f (UFValue k v)) ->
UFMap k v ->
-- | Returns the canonical k, the size, the value, and the path
-- compressed UFMap
f (UFMap k v)
alterF' k0 kcanon loopGuard handleNothing handleJust map0 =
let phi :: k -> Maybe (UFValue k v) -> Sum ((,) k) f (Maybe (UFValue k v))
phi k =
Nothing -> InR (fmap (Canonical 1) <$> handleNothing)
Just alpha -> case alpha of
Indirection k -> InL (k, Just (Indirection kcanon))
Canonical sizeOrig v -> InR (Just <$> handleJust k sizeOrig v)
go :: k -> UFMap k v -> f (UFMap k v)
go k ufm@(UFMap m) = case loopGuard k ufm of
Just short -> short
Nothing -> case LazyMap.alterF (phi k) k m of
InL (k, m') -> go k (UFMap m')
InR res -> UFMap <$> res
in go k0 map0
{-# INLINE alterF' #-}
alterFWithHalt ::
forall f k v.
(Functor f, Ord k) =>
k ->
(k -> UFMap k v -> Maybe (f (UFMap k v))) ->
f (Maybe v) ->
(k -> Int -> v -> f (UFValue k v)) ->
UFMap k v ->
f (UFMap k v)
alterFWithHalt k0 isCanonical handleNothing handleJust map0 =
-- tie the canonicalK knot
let (canonicalK, res) = getCompose (alterF' k0 canonicalK loopGuard handleNothing' handleJust' map0)
handleNothing' = Compose (k0, handleNothing)
handleJust' k s v = Compose (k, handleJust k s v)
-- if the key is canonical then we halt and return it as the
-- left element of the tuple
loopGuard k m = Compose . (k,) <$> isCanonical k m
in res
{-# INLINE alterFWithHalt #-}
alterF ::
forall f k v.
(Functor f, Ord k) =>
k ->
f (Maybe v) ->
(k -> Int -> v -> f (UFValue k v)) ->
UFMap k v ->
f (UFMap k v)
alterF k = alterFWithHalt k (\_ _ -> Nothing)
{-# INLINE alterF #-}
alter ::
forall k v.
(Ord k) =>
k ->
Maybe v ->
(k -> Int -> v -> UFValue k v) ->
UFMap k v ->
UFMap k v
alter k handleNothing handleJust map0 =
runIdentity (alterF k (Identity handleNothing) (\k s v -> Identity (handleJust k s v)) map0)
-- | Lookup the canonical value
lookupCanon ::
(Ord k) =>
k ->
UFMap k v ->
-- | returns:
-- * the canonical member of the equivalence set
-- * the size of the equivalence set
-- * the associated value
-- * the @UFMap@ after path compression
Maybe (k, Int, v, UFMap k v)
lookupCanon k m =
getCompose (alterF k nothing just m)
nothing = Compose Nothing
just k s v = Compose (Just (k, s, v, Canonical s v))
data UnionHaltReason k v
= KeyNotFound k
| MergeFailed v v
data UnionValue k v a
= UnionValue k Int v (UFValue k v) a
deriving stock (Functor)
union ::
forall m k v r.
(MonadFix m, Ord k) =>
k ->
k ->
UFMap k v ->
(k -> v -> UFMap k v -> m (Maybe r)) ->
m (Maybe r)
union k0 k1 mapinit mergeValues = toMaybe do
rec let lu ::
k ->
UFMap k v ->
(k -> UFMap k v -> Maybe (Compose (Either (UnionHaltReason k v)) (UnionValue k v) (UFMap k v))) ->
Either (UnionHaltReason k v) (UnionValue k v (UFMap k v))
lu k m loopGuard = getCompose (alterFWithHalt k loopGuard luNothing luJust m)
luNothing = Compose (Left (KeyNotFound k))
luJust k s v =
-- a final value thunk is inserted before it is resolved,
-- as the final result cannot be known before we have
-- looked up both values and merged them
let newValue =
let newSize = case kcanon0 == kcanon1 of
True -> size0
False -> size0 + size1
in case chosenCanon == k of
True -> Canonical newSize canonValue
False -> Indirection chosenCanon
in Compose (Right (UnionValue k s v newValue newValue))
UnionValue kcanon0 size0 v0 vfinal0 map0 <- ExceptT $ pure $ lu k0 mapinit \_ _ -> Nothing
UnionValue kcanon1 size1 v1 vfinal1 map1 <- ExceptT $
pure $ lu k1 map0 \k m -> case k == kcanon0 of
False -> Nothing
True -> Just (Compose (Right (UnionValue k size0 v0 vfinal0 m)))
-- Join the smaller equivalence class to the larger to bound
-- worst case number of lookups to log(n). This is the same
-- strategy as the weighted fast-union algorithm.
let (chosenCanon, canonValue, nonCanonValue) = case size0 > size1 of
True -> (kcanon0, v0, v1)
False -> (kcanon1, v1, v0)
map2 <-
let res =
ExceptT $
mergeValues chosenCanon nonCanonValue map1 <&> \case
Nothing -> Left (MergeFailed v0 v1)
Just x -> Right x
in -- Now that both lookups have completed we can safely force the
-- final values
vfinal0 `seq` vfinal1 `seq` res
pure map2
toMaybe :: ExceptT (UnionHaltReason k v) m r -> m (Maybe r)
toMaybe (ExceptT action) =
action <&> \case
Right m -> Just m
Left r -> case r of
KeyNotFound _k -> Nothing
MergeFailed _v0 _v1 -> Nothing
-- | Dump the @UFmap@ to a list grouped by equivalence class
toClasses ::
forall k v.
(Ord k) =>
UFMap k v ->
-- | [(canonical key, equivalence class, value)]
[(k, Set k, v)]
toClasses m0 =
let cmFinal :: Map k (k, Set k, v)
(_mfinal, cmFinal) =
-- we fold over the UFMap's keys and build up a Map that
-- groups the keys by equivalence class.
foldl' buildCmFinal (m0, Map.empty) keys
keys = case m0 of
UFMap m -> Map.keys m
buildCmFinal (m, cm) k =
let (kcanon, _, v, m') = fromJust (lookupCanon k m)
cm' =
(\(k0, s0, v0) (_k1, s1, _v1) -> (k0, s0 <> s1, v0))
(k, Set.singleton k, v)
in (m', cm')
in Map.elems cmFinal
keys :: UFMap k v -> [k]
keys (UFMap m) = Map.keys m

View File

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ import qualified Unison.Names as Names
import qualified Unison.Names.ResolutionResult as Names
import qualified Unison.NamesWithHistory as NamesWithHistory
import Unison.Parser.Ann (Ann (..))
import Unison.Pattern (Pattern)
import Unison.Prelude
import qualified Unison.PrettyPrintEnv as PPE
import qualified Unison.PrettyPrintEnv.Names as PPE
@ -36,6 +37,7 @@ import Unison.Referent (Referent, pattern Ref)
import Unison.Result (Note (..))
import qualified Unison.Result as Result
import qualified Unison.Settings as Settings
import Unison.Symbol (Symbol)
import qualified Unison.Syntax.HashQualified as HQ (toString)
import qualified Unison.Syntax.Lexer as L
import qualified Unison.Syntax.Name as Name (toText)
@ -591,6 +593,22 @@ renderTypeError e env src curPath = case e of
<> annotatedAsErrorSite src typeSite,
"Make sure it's imported and spelled correctly."
UncoveredPatterns loc tms ->
[ Pr.hang
"Pattern match doesn't cover all possible cases:"
(annotatedAsErrorSite src loc),
<> Pr.hang
"Patterns not matched:\n"
( Pr.bulleted
(map (\x -> Pr.lit (renderPattern env x)) (Nel.toList tms))
RedundantPattern loc ->
"This case would be ignored because it's already covered by the preceding case(s):"
(annotatedAsErrorSite src loc)
UnknownTerm {..} ->
let (correct, wrongTypes, wrongNames) =
foldr sep id suggestions ([], [], [])
@ -809,6 +827,26 @@ renderTypeError e env src curPath = case e of
-- C.InMatchBody -> "InMatchBody"
simpleCause :: C.Cause v loc -> Pretty ColorText
simpleCause = \case
C.UncoveredPatterns loc tms ->
[ "Incomplete pattern matches:\n",
annotatedAsErrorSite src loc,
"Uncovered cases:\n"
<> Pr.sep "\n" (map (\x -> Pr.lit (renderPattern env x)) (Nel.toList tms))
C.RedundantPattern loc ->
[ "Redundant pattern match: ",
annotatedAsErrorSite src loc
C.InaccessiblePattern loc ->
[ "Inaccessible pattern match: ",
annotatedAsErrorSite src loc
C.TypeMismatch c ->
mconcat ["TypeMismatch\n", " context:\n", renderContext env c]
C.HandlerOfUnexpectedType loc typ ->
@ -935,7 +973,7 @@ renderCompilerBug env _src bug = mconcat $ case bug of
C.Data -> " data type"
C.Effect -> " ability",
" reerence = ",
" reference = ",
showTypeRef env rf
C.UnknownConstructor sort (ConstructorReference rf i) _decl ->
@ -1019,13 +1057,16 @@ renderContext env ctx@(C.Context es) =
shortName v <> " : " <> renderType' env (C.apply ctx t)
showElem _ (C.Marker v) = "|" <> shortName v <> "|"
renderTerm :: (IsString s, Var v) => Env -> C.Term v loc -> s
renderTerm :: (IsString s, Var v) => Env -> Term.Term' (TypeVar.TypeVar loc0 v) v loc1 -> s
renderTerm env e =
let s = Color.toPlain $ TermPrinter.pretty' (Just 80) env (TypeVar.lowerTerm e)
in if length s > Settings.renderTermMaxLength
then fromString (take Settings.renderTermMaxLength s <> "...")
else fromString s
renderPattern :: Env -> Pattern ann -> ColorText
renderPattern env e = Pr.renderUnbroken . Pr.syntaxToColor . fst $ TermPrinter.prettyPattern env TermPrinter.emptyAc 0 ([] :: [Symbol]) e
-- | renders a type with no special styling
renderType' :: (IsString s, Var v) => Env -> Type v loc -> s
renderType' env typ =

View File

@ -7,18 +7,23 @@ import Control.Lens (view, _1)
import Control.Monad.Morph (hoist)
import Data.List (elemIndex, genericIndex)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Debug.RecoverRTTI (anythingToString)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Text.RawString.QQ (r)
import qualified Unison.Builtin as Builtin
import Unison.Codebase.CodeLookup (CodeLookup (..))
import qualified Unison.Codebase.CodeLookup.Util as CL
import qualified Unison.Codebase.Path as Path
import Unison.ConstructorReference (GConstructorReference (..))
import qualified Unison.DataDeclaration as DD
import qualified Unison.DataDeclaration.ConstructorId as DD
import Unison.FileParsers (parseAndSynthesizeFile)
import qualified Unison.NamesWithHistory as Names
import qualified Unison.NamesWithHistory as NamesWithHistory
import Unison.Parser.Ann (Ann (..))
import Unison.Prelude
import qualified Unison.PrettyPrintEnv as PPE
import qualified Unison.PrettyPrintEnv.Names as PPE
import qualified Unison.PrintError as PrintError
import qualified Unison.Reference as R
import qualified Unison.Result as Result
import Unison.Symbol (Symbol)
@ -26,6 +31,8 @@ import qualified Unison.Syntax.Parser as Parser
import qualified Unison.Term as Term
import qualified Unison.Typechecker.TypeLookup as TL
import qualified Unison.UnisonFile as UF
import qualified Unison.UnisonFile.Names as UF
import Unison.Util.Monoid (intercalateMap)
import qualified Unison.Var as Var
debug :: Bool
@ -42,10 +49,9 @@ typecheckedFile' =
tl = const $ pure (External <$ Builtin.typeLookup)
env = Parser.ParsingEnv mempty (Names.NamesWithHistory Builtin.names0 mempty)
r = parseAndSynthesizeFile [] tl env "<IO.u builtin>" source
in case runIdentity $ Result.runResultT r of
(Nothing, notes) -> error $ "parsing failed: " <> anythingToString (toList notes)
(Just Left {}, notes) -> error $ "typechecking failed" <> anythingToString (toList notes)
(Just (Right file), _) -> file
in case decodeResult (Text.unpack source) r of
Left str -> error str
Right file -> file
typecheckedFileTerms :: Map.Map Symbol R.Reference
typecheckedFileTerms = view _1 <$> UF.hashTerms typecheckedFile
@ -708,6 +714,7 @@ f p =
Lit _ t -> Lit () (f t)
Wrap _ p -> Wrap () (go p)
OrElse _ p1 p2 -> OrElse () (go p1) (go p2)
Table _ xs -> Table () ( ( go) xs)
Indent _ i0 iN p -> Indent () (go i0) (go iN) (go p)
Annotated.Append _ ps -> Annotated.Append () ( go ps)
Pretty (go (Pretty.get p))
@ -959,3 +966,38 @@ syntax.docFormatConsole d =
Special sf -> Pretty.lit (Left sf)
go d
type Note = Result.Note Symbol Ann
type TFile = UF.TypecheckedUnisonFile Symbol Ann
type SynthResult =
(Seq Note)
(Either (UF.UnisonFile Symbol Ann) TFile)
type EitherResult = Either String TFile
showNotes :: (Foldable f) => String -> PrintError.Env -> f Note -> String
showNotes source env =
intercalateMap "\n\n" $ PrintError.renderNoteAsANSI 60 env source Path.absoluteEmpty
decodeResult ::
String -> SynthResult -> EitherResult
decodeResult source (Result.Result notes Nothing) =
Left $ showNotes source ppEnv notes
decodeResult source (Result.Result notes (Just (Left uf))) =
let errNames = UF.toNames uf
in Left $
( PPE.fromNames
(NamesWithHistory.shadowing errNames Builtin.names)
decodeResult _source (Result.Result _notes (Just (Right uf))) =
Right uf
ppEnv :: PPE.PrettyPrintEnv
ppEnv = PPE.fromNames 10 Builtin.names

View File

@ -151,6 +151,7 @@ recursiveDeclDeps ::
Set RF.LabeledDependency ->
CodeLookup Symbol IO () ->
Decl Symbol () ->
-- (type deps, term deps)
IO (Set Reference, Set Reference)
recursiveDeclDeps seen0 cl d = do
rec <- for (toList newDeps) $ \case
@ -176,6 +177,7 @@ recursiveTermDeps ::
Set RF.LabeledDependency ->
CodeLookup Symbol IO () ->
Term Symbol ->
-- (type deps, term deps)
IO (Set Reference, Set Reference)
recursiveTermDeps seen0 cl tm = do
rec <- for (toList (deps \\ seen0)) $ \case

View File

@ -9,12 +9,14 @@ module Unison.Syntax.TermPrinter
import Control.Lens (unsnoc, (^.))
import Control.Monad.State (evalState)
import qualified Control.Monad.State as State
import Data.Char (isPrint)
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
@ -86,12 +88,12 @@ data AmbientContext = AmbientContext
{ -- The operator precedence of the enclosing context (a number from 0 to 11,
-- or -1 to render without outer parentheses unconditionally).
-- Function application has precedence 10.
precedence :: Int,
blockContext :: BlockContext,
infixContext :: InfixContext,
imports :: Imports,
docContext :: DocLiteralContext,
elideUnit :: Bool -- `True` if a `()` at the end of a block should be elided
precedence :: !Int,
blockContext :: !BlockContext,
infixContext :: !InfixContext,
imports :: !Imports,
docContext :: !DocLiteralContext,
elideUnit :: !Bool -- `True` if a `()` at the end of a block should be elided
-- Description of the position of this ABT node, when viewed in the
@ -226,6 +228,24 @@ pretty0
-- metaprograms), then it needs to be able to print them (and then the
-- parser ought to be able to parse them, to maintain symmetry.)
Boolean' b -> pure . fmt S.BooleanLiteral $ if b then l "true" else l "false"
Text' s
| Just quotes <- useRaw s ->
pure . fmt S.TextLiteral $ PP.text quotes <> "\n" <> PP.text s <> PP.text quotes
-- we only use this syntax if we're not wrapped in something else,
-- to avoid possible round trip issues if the text ends at an odd column
useRaw _ | p > 0 = Nothing
useRaw s | Text.find (== '\n') s == Just '\n' && Text.all ok s = n 3
useRaw _ = Nothing
ok ch = isPrint ch || ch == '\n' || ch == '\r'
-- Picks smallest number of surrounding """ to be unique
n 10 = Nothing -- bail at 10, avoiding quadratic behavior in weird cases
n cur =
if null (Text.breakOnAll quotes s)
then Just quotes
else n (cur + 1)
quotes = Text.pack (replicate cur '"')
Text' s -> pure . fmt S.TextLiteral $ l $ U.ushow s
Char' c -> pure
. fmt S.CharLiteral
@ -470,7 +490,7 @@ pretty0
paren (p >= 10) <$> do
lastArg' <- pretty0 (ac 10 Normal im doc) lastArg
booleanOps (fmt S.ControlKeyword "||") xs lastArg'
_ -> case (term, nonForcePred) of
_other -> case (term, nonForcePred) of
OverappliedBinaryAppPred' f a b r
| binaryOpsPred f ->
-- Special case for overapplied binary op
@ -484,16 +504,20 @@ pretty0
f' <- pretty0 (ac 10 Normal im doc) f
args' <- PP.spacedTraverse (pretty0 (ac 10 Normal im doc)) args
pure $ f' `PP.hang` args'
_ -> case (term, \v -> nonUnitArgPred v && not (isDelay term)) of
_other -> case (term, \v -> nonUnitArgPred v && not (isDelay term)) of
(LamsNamedMatch' [] branches, _) -> do
pbs <- printCase im doc branches
pure . paren (p >= 3) $ (fmt S.ControlKeyword "cases") `PP.hang` pbs
LamsNamedPred' vs body -> do
prettyBody <- pretty0 (ac 2 Block im doc) body
prettyBody <- pretty0 (ac 2 Normal im doc) body
let hang = case body of
Delay' (Lets' _ _) -> PP.softHang
Lets' _ _ -> PP.softHang
_ -> PP.hang
pure . paren (p >= 3) $ (varList vs <> fmt S.ControlKeyword " ->") `PP.hang` prettyBody
_ -> go term (varList vs <> fmt S.ControlKeyword " ->") `hang` prettyBody
_other -> go term
isDelay (Delay' _) = True
isDelay _ = False

View File

@ -42,10 +42,12 @@ where
import Control.Lens (over, view, _2)
import qualified Control.Monad.Fail as MonadFail
import Control.Monad.Fix (MonadFix (..))
import Control.Monad.State
( MonadState,
@ -59,6 +61,7 @@ import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as Nel
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import Data.Sequence.NonEmpty (NESeq)
@ -81,9 +84,13 @@ import qualified Unison.DataDeclaration as DD
import Unison.DataDeclaration.ConstructorId (ConstructorId)
import Unison.Pattern (Pattern)
import qualified Unison.Pattern as Pattern
import Unison.PatternMatchCoverage (checkMatch)
import Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.Class (EnumeratedConstructors (..), Pmc (..), traverseConstructors)
import qualified Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.ListPat as ListPat
import Unison.Prelude
import qualified Unison.PrettyPrintEnv as PPE
import Unison.Reference (Reference)
import qualified Unison.Reference as Reference
import Unison.Referent (Referent)
import qualified Unison.Syntax.TypePrinter as TP
import qualified Unison.Term as Term
@ -173,6 +180,14 @@ instance Monad (Result v loc) where
CompilerBug bug es is >>= _ = CompilerBug bug es is
{-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
instance MonadFix (Result v loc) where
mfix f =
let res = f theA
theA = case res of
Success _ a -> a
_ -> error "mfix Result: forced an unsuccessful value"
in res
btw' :: InfoNote v loc -> Result v loc ()
btw' note = Success (Seq.singleton note) ()
@ -374,6 +389,9 @@ data Cause v loc
| ConcatPatternWithoutConstantLength loc (Type v loc)
| HandlerOfUnexpectedType loc (Type v loc)
| DataEffectMismatch Unknown Reference (DataDeclaration v loc)
| UncoveredPatterns loc (NonEmpty (Pattern ()))
| RedundantPattern loc
| InaccessiblePattern loc
deriving (Show)
errorTerms :: ErrorNote v loc -> [Term v loc]
@ -765,6 +783,26 @@ getEffectDeclaration r = do
getDataConstructorType :: (Var v, Ord loc) => ConstructorReference -> M v loc (Type v loc)
getDataConstructorType = getConstructorType' Data getDataDeclaration
getDataConstructors :: (Var v) => Type v loc -> M v loc (EnumeratedConstructors (TypeVar v loc) v loc)
getDataConstructors typ
| Type.Ref' r <- typ, r == Type.booleanRef = pure BooleanType
| Type.App' (Type.Ref' r) arg <- typ,
r == Type.listRef =
let xs =
[ (ListPat.Cons, [arg]),
(ListPat.Nil, [])
in pure (SequenceType xs)
| Just r <- theRef = do
decl <- getDataDeclaration r
pure $ ConstructorType [(v, ConstructorReference r i, ABT.vmap TypeVar.Universal t) | (i, (v, t)) <- zip [0 ..] (DD.constructors decl)]
| otherwise = pure OtherType
theRef = case typ of
Type.Apps' (Type.Ref' r@Reference.DerivedId {}) _targs -> Just r
Type.Ref' r@Reference.DerivedId {} -> Just r
_ -> Nothing
getEffectConstructorType :: (Var v, Ord loc) => ConstructorReference -> M v loc (Type v loc)
getEffectConstructorType = getConstructorType' Effect go
@ -1212,6 +1250,7 @@ synthesizeWanted e
let outputType = existential' l B.Blank outputTypev
appendContext [existential outputTypev]
cwant <- checkCases scrutineeType outputType cases
ensurePatternCoverage e scrutinee scrutineeType cases
want <- coalesceWanted cwant swant
ctx <- getContext
pure $ (apply ctx outputType, want)
@ -1219,6 +1258,61 @@ synthesizeWanted e
l = loc e
synthesizeWanted _e = compilerCrash PatternMatchFailure
getDataConstructorsAtType :: (Ord loc, Var v) => Type v loc -> M v loc (EnumeratedConstructors (TypeVar v loc) v loc)
getDataConstructorsAtType t0 = do
dataConstructors <- getDataConstructors t0
res <- traverseConstructors (\v cr t -> (v,cr,) <$> fixType t) dataConstructors
pure res
fixType t = do
t <- ungeneralize t
let lastT = case t of
Type.Arrows' xs -> last xs
_ -> t
equate t0 lastT
applyM t
instance (Ord loc, Var v) => Pmc (TypeVar v loc) v loc (StateT (Set v) (M v loc)) where
getConstructors = lift . getDataConstructorsAtType
getConstructorVarTypes t cref@(ConstructorReference _r cid) = do
getConstructors t >>= \case
ConstructorType cs -> case drop (fromIntegral cid) cs of
[] -> error $ show cref <> " not found in constructor list: " <> show cs
(_, _, consArgs) : _ -> case consArgs of
Type.Arrows' xs -> pure (init xs)
_ -> pure []
BooleanType -> pure []
OtherType -> pure []
SequenceType {} -> pure []
fresh = do
vs <- get
let v = Var.freshIn vs (Var.typed Var.Pattern)
put (Set.insert v vs)
pure v
ensurePatternCoverage ::
forall v loc.
(Ord loc, Var v) =>
Term v loc ->
Term v loc ->
Type v loc ->
[Term.MatchCase loc (Term v loc)] ->
MT v loc (Result v loc) ()
ensurePatternCoverage wholeMatch _scrutinee scrutineeType cases = do
let matchLoc = ABT.annotation wholeMatch
scrutineeType <- applyM scrutineeType
case scrutineeType of
-- Don't check coverage on ability handlers yet
Type.Apps' (Type.Ref' r) _args | r == Type.effectRef -> pure ()
_ -> do
(redundant, _inaccessible, uncovered) <- flip evalStateT (ABT.freeVars wholeMatch) do
checkMatch matchLoc scrutineeType cases
let checkUncovered = case Nel.nonEmpty uncovered of
Nothing -> pure ()
Just xs -> failWith (UncoveredPatterns matchLoc xs)
checkRedundant = foldr (\a b -> failWith (RedundantPattern a) *> b) (pure ()) redundant
checkUncovered *> checkRedundant
checkCases ::
(Var v) =>
(Ord loc) =>
@ -3051,3 +3145,8 @@ instance (Monad f) => Applicative (MT v loc f) where
instance (Monad f) => MonadState (Env v loc) (MT v loc f) where
get = MT \_ _ env -> pure (env, env)
put env = MT \_ _ _ -> pure ((), env)
instance (MonadFix f) => MonadFix (MT v loc f) where
mfix f = MT \a b c ->
let res = mfix (\ ~(wubble, _finalenv) -> runM (f wubble) a b c)
in res

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Unison.Blank as B
import Unison.ConstructorReference (ConstructorReference)
import Unison.Pattern (Pattern)
import Unison.Prelude hiding (whenM)
import qualified Unison.Term as Term
import Unison.Type (Type)
@ -242,6 +243,18 @@ duplicateDefinitions =
C.DuplicateDefinitions vs -> pure vs
_ -> mzero
uncoveredPatterns :: ErrorExtractor v loc (loc, NonEmpty (Pattern ()))
uncoveredPatterns =
cause >>= \case
C.UncoveredPatterns matchLoc xs -> pure (matchLoc, xs)
_ -> empty
redundantPattern :: ErrorExtractor v loc loc
redundantPattern =
cause >>= \case
C.RedundantPattern patternLoc -> pure patternLoc
_ -> empty
typeMismatch :: ErrorExtractor v loc (C.Context v loc)
typeMismatch =
cause >>= \case

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ module Unison.Typechecker.TypeError where
import Data.Bifunctor (second)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import qualified Unison.ABT as ABT
import Unison.Pattern (Pattern)
import Unison.Prelude hiding (whenM)
import Unison.Type (Type)
import qualified Unison.Type as Type
@ -103,6 +104,8 @@ data TypeError v loc
{ defns :: NonEmpty (v, [loc]),
note :: C.ErrorNote v loc
| UncoveredPatterns loc (NonEmpty (Pattern ()))
| RedundantPattern loc
| Other (C.ErrorNote v loc)
deriving (Show)
@ -145,7 +148,9 @@ allErrors =
topLevelComponent :: Ex.InfoExtractor v a (TypeInfo v a)
@ -153,6 +158,16 @@ topLevelComponent = do
defs <- Ex.topLevelComponent
pure $ TopLevelComponent defs
redundantPattern :: Ex.ErrorExtractor v a (TypeError v a)
redundantPattern = do
ploc <- Ex.redundantPattern
pure (RedundantPattern ploc)
uncoveredPatterns :: Ex.ErrorExtractor v a (TypeError v a)
uncoveredPatterns = do
(mloc, uncoveredCases) <- Ex.uncoveredPatterns
pure (UncoveredPatterns mloc uncoveredCases)
abilityCheckFailure :: Ex.ErrorExtractor v a (TypeError v a)
abilityCheckFailure = do
(ambient, requested, _ctx) <- Ex.abilityCheckFailure

View File

@ -98,6 +98,20 @@ library

View File

@ -19,13 +19,22 @@
(import (rnrs)
(only (unison core) syntax->list)
(only (srfi :28) format)
(unison core)
(unison data)
(unison cont)
(unison crypto))
@ -147,13 +156,19 @@
(prompt0-at p
(let ([v (let-marks (list (quote r) ...) (cons p h)
(prompt0-at p e ...))])
(h (list 0 v)))))]))
(h (make-pure v)))))]))
; wrapper that more closely matches ability requests
(define-syntax request
(syntax-rules ()
[(request r t . args)
((cdr (ref-mark (quote r))) (list (quote r) t . args))]))
(let ([rq (make-request (quote r) t (list . args))])
(let ([current-mark (ref-mark (quote r))])
(if (equal? #f current-mark)
(raise (condition
(make-message-condition (format "Unhandled top-level effect! ~a" (list r t . args)))))
((cdr current-mark) rq))))]))
; See the explanation of `handle` for a more thorough understanding
; of why this is doing two control operations.
@ -169,38 +184,6 @@
(let ([p (car (ref-mark r))])
(control0-at p k (control0-at p _k e ...)))]))
; Wrapper around record-case that more closely matches request
; matching. This gets around having to manage an intermediate
; variable name during code emission that doesn't correspond to an
; actual ANF name, which was causing variable numbering problems in
; the code emitter. Hygienic macros are a much more convenient
; mechanism for this.
(define-syntax request-case
(syntax-rules (pure)
[(request-case scrut
[pure (pv ...) pe ...]
[effect (ev ...) ee ...]
(record-case scrut
[0 (pv ...) pe ...]
[ability subscrut
(record-case subscrut
[effect (ev ...) ee ...]
(fields type-ref payload))
(define-syntax data-case
(syntax-rules ()
[(data-case scrut c ...)
(record-case (data-payload scrut) c ...)]))
(define (identity x) x)
; forces something that is expected to be a thunk, defined with
@ -209,4 +192,134 @@
(define (unison-force x)
(if (procedure? x) (x) x))
(define-syntax sum-case
(lambda (stx)
(define (make-case scrut-stx)
(lambda (cur)
(with-syntax ([scrut scrut-stx])
(syntax-case cur (else)
[(else e ...) #'(else e ...)]
[((t ...) () e ...) #'((t ...) e ...)]
[(t () e ...) #'((t) e ...)]
[((t ...) (v ...) e ...)
#'((t ...)
([(v ...) (apply values (sum-fields scrut))])
e ...))]
[(t (v ...) e ...)
([(v ...) (apply values (sum-fields scrut))])
e ...))]
[((t ...) v e ...)
(identifier? #'v)
#'((t ...)
(let ([v (sum-fields scrut)])
e ...))]
[(t v e ...)
(identifier? #'v)
(let ([v (sum-fields scrut)])
e ...))]))))
(syntax-case stx ()
[(sum-case scrut c ...)
([(tc ...)
(map (make-case #'scrut) (syntax->list #'(c ...)))])
#'(case (sum-tag scrut) tc ...))])))
(define-syntax data-case
(lambda (stx)
(define (make-case scrut-stx)
(lambda (cur)
(with-syntax ([scrut scrut-stx])
(syntax-case cur (else)
[(else e ...) #'(else e ...)]
[((t ...) () e ...) #'((t ...) e ...)]
[(t () e ...) #'((t) e ...)]
[((t ...) (v ...) e ...)
#'((t ...)
([(v ...) (apply values (data-fields scrut))])
e ...))]
[(t (v ...) e ...)
([(v ...) (apply values (data-fields scrut))])
e ...))]
[((t ...) v e ...)
(identifier? #'v)
#'((t ...)
(let ([v (data-fields scrut)])
e ...))]
[(t v e ...)
(identifier? #'v)
(let ([v (data-fields scrut)])
e ...))]))))
(syntax-case stx ()
[(data-case scrut c ...)
([(tc ...)
(map (make-case #'scrut) (syntax->list #'(c ...)))])
#'(case (data-tag scrut) tc ...))])))
(define-syntax request-case
(lambda (stx)
(define (pure-case? c)
(syntax-case c (pure)
[(pure . xs) #t]
[_ #f]))
(define (mk-pure scrut ps)
(if (null? ps)
#`(pure-val #,scrut)
(syntax-case (car ps) (pure)
[(pure (v) e ...)
#`(let ([v (pure-val #,scrut)])
e ...)]
[(pure vs e ...)
"pure cases receive exactly one variable"
(car ps)
(define (mk-req scrut-stx)
(lambda (stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(t vs e ...)
(with-syntax ([scrut scrut-stx])
#'((t) (let-values
([vs (apply values (request-fields scrut))])
e ...)))])))
(define (mk-abil scrut-stx)
(lambda (stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(t sc ...)
(let ([sub (mk-req scrut-stx)])
([(sc ...) (map sub (syntax->list #'(sc ...)))]
[scrut scrut-stx])
#'((t) (case (request-tag scrut) sc ...))))])))
(syntax-case stx ()
[(request-case scrut c ...)
([(ps as) (partition pure-case? (syntax->list #'(c ...)))])
(if (> 1 (length ps))
"multiple pure cases in request-case"
([pc (mk-pure #'scrut ps)]
[(ac ...) (map (mk-abil #'scrut) as)])
[(pure? scrut) pc]
[else (case (request-ability scrut) ac ...)]))))])))

View File

@ -3,6 +3,30 @@
(library (unison data)
@ -23,54 +47,79 @@
(import (rnrs))
(define-record-type (unison-data make-data data?)
(immutable ref data-ref)
(immutable tag data-tag)
(immutable fields data-fields)))
(define (data r t . args) (make-data r t args))
(define-record-type (unison-sum make-sum sum?)
(immutable tag sum-tag)
(immutable fields sum-fields)))
(define (sum t . args) (make-sum t args))
(define-record-type (unison-pure make-pure pure?)
(immutable val pure-val)))
(define-record-type (unison-request make-request request?)
(immutable ability request-ability)
(immutable tag request-tag)
(immutable fields request-fields)))
; Option a
(define none `(0))
(define none (sum 0))
; a -> Option a
(define (some a) `(1 ,a))
(define (some a) (sum 1 a))
; Option a -> Bool
(define (some? option) (eq? 1 (car option)))
(define (some? option) (eq? 1 (sum-tag option)))
; Option a -> Bool
(define (none? option) (eq? 0 (car option)))
(define (none? option) (eq? 0 (sum-tag option)))
; Option a -> a (or #f)
(define (option-get option)
(some? option)
(car (cdr option))
(car (sum-fields option))
(raise "Cannot get the value of an empty option ")))
; #<void> works as well
; Unit
(define unit `(0))
(define unit (sum 0))
; Booleans are represented as numbers
(define false 0)
(define true 1)
; a -> Either b a
(define (right a) `(1 ,a))
(define (right a) (sum 1 a))
; b -> Either b a
(define (left b) `(0 ,b))
(define (left b) (sum 0 b))
; Either a b -> Boolean
(define (right? either) (eq? 1 (car either)))
(define (right? either) (eq? 1 (sum-tag either)))
; Either a b -> Boolean
(define (left? either) (eq? 0 (car either)))
(define (left? either) (eq? 0 (sum-tag either)))
; Either a b -> a | b
(define (either-get either) (car (cdr either)))
(define (either-get either) (car (sum-fields either)))
; a -> Any
(define (any a) `(0 ,a))
(define (any a) (data 'Any 0 a))
; Type -> Text -> Any -> Failure
(define (failure typeLink msg any)
`(0 ,typeLink ,msg ,any))
(sum 0 typeLink msg any))
; Type -> Text -> a ->{Exception} b
(define (exception typeLink msg a)

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
; unison-FOp-Text.fromUtf8.impl.v3
; unison-FOp-Value.serialize
@ -48,6 +48,15 @@
@ -55,9 +64,16 @@
@ -87,6 +103,7 @@
@ -140,12 +157,24 @@
(import (rnrs)
(unison core)
(unison data)
(unison string)
(unison crypto)
(unison data)
(unison tcp)
(unison bytevector)
(unison vector)
(unison concurrent))
@ -163,7 +192,7 @@
(define (reify-exn thunk)
(e [else
(list 0 '() (exception->string e) e) ])
(sum 0 '() (exception->string e) e)])
; Core implemented primops, upon which primops-in-unison can be built.
@ -183,7 +212,7 @@
(define (unison-POp-DRPT n t) (istring-drop n t))
(define (unison-POp-EQLN m n) (if (fx=? m n) 1 0))
(define (unison-POp-EQLT s t) (if (string=? s t) 1 0))
(define (unison-POp-EQLU x y) (if (equal? x y) 1 0))
(define (unison-POp-EQLU x y) (if (universal-equal? x y) 1 0))
(define (unison-POp-EROR fnm x)
(let-values ([(p g) (open-string-output-port)])
(put-string p fnm)
@ -193,8 +222,8 @@
(define (unison-POp-FTOT f) (number->istring f))
(define (unison-POp-IDXB n bs) (bytevector-u8-ref bs n))
(define (unison-POp-IDXS n l)
(guard (x [else (list 0)])
(list 1 (list-ref l n))))
(guard (x [else (sum 0)])
(sum 1 (list-ref l n))))
(define (unison-POp-IORN m n) (fxior m n))
(define (unison-POp-ITOT i) (signed-number->istring i))
(define (unison-POp-LEQN m n) (if (fx<=? m n) 1 0))
@ -217,21 +246,23 @@
(define (unison-POp-TRCE s x)
(display s)
(display "\n")
(display x)
(display "\n")
(display (describe-value x))
(display "\n"))
(define (unison-POp-TTON s)
(let ([mn (string->number s)])
(if mn (list 1 mn) (list 0))))
(if mn (sum 1 mn) (sum 0))))
(define (unison-POp-UPKT t) (string->list t))
(define (unison-POp-VWLS l)
(if (null? l)
(list 0)
(list 1 (car l) (cdr l))))
(sum 0)
(sum 1 (car l) (cdr l))))
(define (unison-POp-VWRS l)
(if (null? l)
(list 0)
(sum 0)
(let ([r (reverse l)])
(list 1 (reverse (cdr l)) (car l)))))
(sum 1 (reverse (cdr l)) (car l)))))
(define (unison-POp-XORN m n) (fxxor m n))
(define (unison-POp-VALU c) (decode-value c))
@ -240,7 +271,7 @@
(put-bytevector p bs)
(flush-output-port p)
(list 1 #f)))
(sum 1 #f)))
(define (unison-FOp-Char.toText c) (istring c))
@ -255,7 +286,10 @@
[(2) stderr]))
(define (unison-FOp-IO.getArgs.impl.v1)
(list 1 (cdr (command-line))))
(sum 1 (cdr (command-line))))
(define (unison-FOp-Text.fromUtf8.impl.v3 s)
(right (bytevector->string s utf-8-transcoder)))
(define (unison-FOp-Text.toUtf8 s)
(string->bytevector s utf-8-transcoder))
@ -278,14 +312,14 @@
(define ( vec i)
(lambda ()
(list 1 (vector-ref vec i)))))
(sum 1 (vector-ref vec i)))))
(define (unison-FOp-ImmutableArray.copyTo! dst doff src soff n)
(lambda ()
(let next ([i (fx1- n)])
(if (< i 0)
(list 1 #f)
(sum 1 #f)
(vector-set! dst (+ doff i) (vector-ref src (+ soff i)))
(next (fx1- i))))))))
@ -297,24 +331,24 @@
(define ( src i)
(lambda ()
(list 1 (vector-ref src i)))))
(sum 1 (vector-ref src i)))))
(define (unison-FOp-MutableArray.write dst i x)
(lambda ()
(vector-set! dst i x)
(list 1))))
(sum 1))))
(define (unison-FOp-ImmutableByteArray.copyTo! dst doff src soff n)
(lambda ()
(bytevector-copy! src soff dst doff n)
(list 1 #f))))
(sum 1 #f))))
(define (unison-FOp-ImmutableByteArray.read8 arr i)
(lambda ()
(list 1 (bytevector-u8-ref arr i)))))
(sum 1 (bytevector-u8-ref arr i)))))
(define unison-FOp-MutableByteArray.freeze! freeze-bytevector!)
@ -322,10 +356,26 @@
(lambda ()
(bytevector-u8-set! arr i b)
(list 1))))
(sum 1))))
(define (unison-FOp-Scope.bytearray n) (make-bytevector n))
(define (unison-FOp-IO.bytearray n) (make-bytevector n))
(define (unison-FOp-Scope.array n) (make-vector n))
(define (unison-FOp-IO.array n) (make-vector n))
(define (unison-FOp-Scope.bytearrayOf b n) (make-bytevector n b))
(define (unison-FOp-IO.bytearrayOf b n) (make-bytevector n b))
(define (unison-FOp-Scope.arrayOf v n) (make-vector n v))
(define (unison-FOp-IO.arrayOf v n) (make-vector n v))
(define unison-FOp-MutableByteArray.length bytevector-length)
(define unison-FOp-ImmutableByteArray.length bytevector-length)
(define unison-FOp-MutableByteArray.size bytevector-length)
(define unison-FOp-ImmutableByteArray.size bytevector-length)
(define unison-FOp-MutableArray.size vector-length)
(define unison-FOp-ImmutableArray.size vector-length)
(define (unison-POp-FORK thunk) (fork thunk))
(define (unison-POp-TFRC thunk) (try-eval thunk))

View File

@ -6,7 +6,8 @@
(import (rnrs)
(unison core))
(unison core)
(unison data))
(define (freeze-subvector src off len)
(let ([dst (make-vector len)])
@ -14,7 +15,7 @@
(if (< i 0)
(freeze-vector! dst)
(list 1 dst))
(sum 1 dst))
(vector-set! dst i (vector-ref src (+ off i)))
(next (fx1- i)))))))

View File

@ -14,12 +14,15 @@
@ -37,11 +40,13 @@
(string-copy! racket-string-copy!)
(bytes bytevector))
(racket exn)
(racket unsafe ops))
(racket unsafe ops)
(unison data))
(define (fx1- n) (fx- n 1))
@ -66,43 +71,28 @@
[(and (number? l) (number? r)) (if (< l r) 0 2)]
[else (raise "universal-compare: unimplemented")]))
(define (universal-equal? l r)
(define (pointwise ll lr)
(let ([nl (null? ll)] [nr (null? lr)])
[(and nl nr) #t]
[(or nl nr) #f]
(and (universal-equal? (car ll) (car lr))
(pointwise (cdr ll) (cdr lr)))])))
[(eq? l r) 1]
[(and (data? l) (data? r))
(eqv? (data-tag l) (data-tag r))
(pointwise (data-fields l) (data-fields r)))]))
(define exception->string exn->string)
(define-syntax record-case
(lambda (stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(record-case scrut c ...)
(define (syntax->list stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[() '()]
[(x . xs) (cons #'x (syntax->list #'xs))]))
(define (make-case cur)
(syntax-case cur (else)
[(else e ...) #'(else e ...)]
[((t ...) () e ...) #'((t ...) e ...)]
[(t () e ...) #'((t) e ...)]
[((t ...) (v ...) e ...)
#'((t ...)
(let-values ([(v ...) (apply values (cdr scrut))])
e ...))]
[(t (v ...) e ...)
(let-values ([(v ...) (apply values (cdr scrut))])
e ...))]
[((t ...) v e ...)
(identifier? #'v)
#'((t ...)
(let ([v (cdr scrut)])
e ...))]
[(t v e ...)
(identifier? #'v)
(let ([v (cdr scrut)])
e ...))]))
#`(case (car scrut)
#,@(map make-case (syntax->list #'(c ...)))))])))
(define (syntax->list stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[() '()]
[(x . xs) (cons #'x (syntax->list #'xs))]))
(define (call-with-marks rs v f)

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
(require ffi/unsafe
(provide (prefix-out unison-FOp-crypto.
@ -18,10 +19,12 @@
(define libcrypto
(with-handlers [[exn:fail? exn->string]] (ffi-lib "libcrypto.1.1")))
(with-handlers [[exn:fail? exn->string]]
(ffi-lib "libcrypto" openssl-lib-versions)))
(define libb2
(with-handlers [[exn:fail? exn->string]] (ffi-lib "libb2")))
(with-handlers [[exn:fail? exn->string]]
(ffi-lib "libb2" '("" "1"))))
(define _EVP-pointer (_cpointer 'EVP))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
; TLS primitives! Supplied by openssl (libssl)
#lang racket/base
(require racket/exn
(define (input socket) (car socket))
(define (output socket) (car (cdr socket)))
(define (closeSocket.impl.v3 socket)
(if (pair? socket)
(close-input-port (input socket))
(close-output-port (output socket)))
(tcp-close socket))
(right none))
(define (clientSocket.impl.v3 host port)
[[exn:fail:network? (lambda (e) (exception "IOFailure" (exn->string e) '()))]
[exn:fail:contract? (lambda (e) (exception "InvalidArguments" (exn->string e) '()))]
[(lambda _ #t) (lambda (e) (exception "MiscFailure" "Unknown exception" e))] ]
(let-values ([(input output) (tcp-connect host (string->number port))])
(right (list input output)))))
(define (socketSend.impl.v3 socket data)
(if (not (pair? socket))
(exception "InvalidArguments" "Cannot send on a server socket")
(write-bytes data (output socket))
(flush-output (output socket))
(right none))))
(define (socketReceive.impl.v3 socket amt)
(if (not (pair? socket))
(exception "InvalidArguments" "Cannot receive on a server socket")
(let ([buffer (make-bytes amt)])
(read-bytes-avail! buffer (input socket))
(right buffer)))))
; A "connected" socket is represented as a list of (list input-port output-port),
; while a "listening" socket is just the tcp-listener itself.
(define (socketPort.impl.v3 socket)
(let-values ([(_ local-port __ ___) (tcp-addresses (if (pair? socket) (input socket) socket) #t)])
(right local-port)))
(define serverSocket.impl.v3
(lambda args
(let-values ([(hostname port)
(match args
[(list _ port) (values #f port)]
[(list _ hostname port) (values hostname port)])])
[[exn:fail:network? (lambda (e) (exception "IOFailure" (exn->string e) '()))]
[exn:fail:contract? (lambda (e) (exception "InvalidArguments" (exn->string e) '()))]
[(lambda _ #t) (lambda (e) (exception "MiscFailure" "Unknown exception" e))] ]
(let ([listener (tcp-listen (string->number port) 4 #f (if (equal? 0 hostname) #f hostname))])
(right listener))))))
; NOTE: This is a no-op because racket's public TCP stack doesn't have separate operations for
; "bind" vs "listen". We've decided to have `serverSocket` do the "bind & listen", and have
; this do nothing.
; If we want ~a little better parity with the haskell implementation, we might set a flag or
; something on the listener, and error if you try to `accept` on a server socket that you haven't
; called `listen` on yet.
(define (listen.impl.v3 _listener)
(right none))
(define (socketAccept.impl.v3 listener)
(if (pair? listener)
(exception "InvalidArguments" "Cannot accept on a non-server socket")
(let-values ([(input output) (tcp-accept listener)])
(right (list input output))))))

View File

@ -10,14 +10,6 @@ build:
interleaved-output: false
- yaks/easytest
- parser-typechecker
- unison-core
- unison-cli
- unison-hashing-v2
- unison-share-api
- unison-share-projects-api
- unison-syntax
- codebase2/codebase
- codebase2/codebase-sqlite
- codebase2/codebase-sqlite-hashing-v2
@ -25,20 +17,29 @@ packages:
- codebase2/core
- codebase2/util-serialization
- codebase2/util-term
- lib/network-uri-orphans-sqlite
- lib/orphans/network-uri-orphans-sqlite
- lib/orphans/unison-core-orphans-sqlite
- lib/orphans/unison-hash-orphans-aeson
- lib/orphans/unison-hash-orphans-sqlite
- lib/orphans/uuid-orphans-sqlite
- lib/unison-hash
- lib/unison-hash-orphans-aeson
- lib/unison-hash-orphans-sqlite
- lib/unison-hashing
- lib/unison-prelude
- lib/unison-pretty-printer
- lib/unison-sqlite
- lib/unison-util-base32hex
- lib/unison-util-bytes
- lib/unison-util-cache
- lib/unison-util-relation
- lib/unison-util-rope
- lib/unison-pretty-printer
- lib/uuid-orphans-sqlite
- parser-typechecker
- unison-cli
- unison-core
- unison-hashing-v2
- unison-share-api
- unison-share-projects-api
- unison-syntax
- yaks/easytest
#compiler-check: match-exact
resolver: lts-18.28

View File

@ -4,9 +4,17 @@ module Unison.Cli.ProjectUtils
-- * Name resolution
-- ** Path prisms
-- ** Project/Branch names
-- ** Temp
@ -15,15 +23,21 @@ where
import Control.Lens
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text
import Data.These (These (..))
import Data.UUID (UUID)
import qualified Data.UUID as UUID
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.DbId
import qualified U.Codebase.Sqlite.Queries as Queries
import Unison.Cli.Monad (Cli)
import qualified Unison.Cli.Monad as Cli
import qualified Unison.Cli.MonadUtils as Cli
import qualified Unison.Cli.Share.Projects as Share
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Output (Output (LocalProjectBranchDoesntExist))
import qualified Unison.Codebase.Path as Path
import Unison.NameSegment (NameSegment (..))
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.Project (ProjectAndBranch (..))
import Unison.Project (ProjectAndBranch (..), ProjectBranchName, ProjectName)
import Witch (unsafeFrom)
-- | Get the current project+branch that a user is on.
@ -36,6 +50,71 @@ getCurrentProjectBranch = do
path <- Cli.getCurrentPath
pure (preview projectBranchPathPrism path)
-- Resolve a "these names" to a "both names", using the following defaults if a name is missing:
-- * The project at the current path
-- * The branch named "main"
resolveNames :: These ProjectName ProjectBranchName -> Cli (ProjectAndBranch ProjectName ProjectBranchName)
resolveNames = \case
This projectName -> pure (ProjectAndBranch projectName (unsafeFrom @Text "main"))
That branchName -> do
ProjectAndBranch projectId _branchId <-
getCurrentProjectBranch & onNothingM do
loggeth ["not on a project branch"]
Cli.runTransaction do
project <- Queries.expectProject projectId
pure (ProjectAndBranch (project ^. #name) branchName)
These projectName branchName -> pure (ProjectAndBranch projectName branchName)
expectResolveRemoteProjectName :: ProjectName -> Cli Share.RemoteProject
expectResolveRemoteProjectName remoteProjectName = do
Share.getProjectByName remoteProjectName & onNothingM do
loggeth ["remote project doesn't exist"]
expectResolveRemoteProjectBranchName :: RemoteProjectId -> ProjectBranchName -> Cli Share.RemoteProjectBranch
expectResolveRemoteProjectBranchName remoteProjectId branchName = do
resolveRemoteProjectBranchName remoteProjectId branchName >>= \case
Nothing -> do
loggeth ["branch doesn't exist: ", tShow branchName]
Just x -> pure x
resolveRemoteProjectBranchName :: RemoteProjectId -> ProjectBranchName -> Cli (Maybe Share.RemoteProjectBranch)
resolveRemoteProjectBranchName remoteProjectId remoteProjectBranchName = do
Share.getProjectBranchByName (ProjectAndBranch remoteProjectId remoteProjectBranchName) >>= \case
Share.GetProjectBranchResponseBranchNotFound -> pure Nothing
Share.GetProjectBranchResponseProjectNotFound -> do
-- todo: mark remote project as deleted
pure Nothing
Share.GetProjectBranchResponseSuccess remoteBranch -> pure (Just remoteBranch)
-- Like 'resolveNames', but resolves to project and branch ids.
resolveNamesToIds :: These ProjectName ProjectBranchName -> Cli (ProjectAndBranch ProjectId ProjectBranchId)
resolveNamesToIds = \case
This projectName -> resolveNamesToIds (These projectName (unsafeFrom @Text "main"))
That branchName -> do
ProjectAndBranch projectId _branchId <-
getCurrentProjectBranch & onNothingM do
loggeth ["not on a project branch yo"]
branch <-
Cli.runTransaction (Queries.loadProjectBranchByName projectId branchName) & onNothingM do
project <- Cli.runTransaction (Queries.expectProject projectId)
Cli.returnEarly (LocalProjectBranchDoesntExist (ProjectAndBranch (project ^. #name) branchName))
pure (ProjectAndBranch projectId (branch ^. #branchId))
These projectName branchName -> do
maybeProjectAndBranch <-
Cli.runTransaction do
runMaybeT do
project <- MaybeT (Queries.loadProjectByName projectName)
let projectId = project ^. #projectId
branch <- MaybeT (Queries.loadProjectBranchByName projectId branchName)
pure (ProjectAndBranch projectId (branch ^. #branchId))
maybeProjectAndBranch & onNothing do
Cli.returnEarly (LocalProjectBranchDoesntExist (ProjectAndBranch projectName branchName))
-- | Get the path that a project is stored at. Users aren't supposed to go here.
-- >>> projectPath "ABCD"

View File

@ -2,14 +2,24 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
-- | This module contains Share API calls related to projects, wrapped in the Cli monad.
-- Here, we also validate inputs from Share that the API itself does not. For example, in the API,
-- a project name is just a Text. But because our client requires a richer structure for project names, we try parsing
-- them into a ProjectName, and fail right away if parsing fails.
module Unison.Cli.Share.Projects
( -- * API functions
( -- * API types
RemoteProject (..),
RemoteProjectBranch (..),
-- * API functions
GetProjectBranchResponse (..),
SetProjectBranchHeadResponse (..),
-- * Temporary special hard-coded base url
@ -30,41 +40,63 @@ import qualified U.Codebase.Sqlite.Queries as Queries
import qualified Unison.Auth.HTTPClient as Auth
import Unison.Cli.Monad (Cli)
import qualified Unison.Cli.Monad as Cli
import qualified Unison.Codebase.Editor.Output as Output
import Unison.Hash32 (Hash32)
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.Project (ProjectAndBranch (..), ProjectBranchName, ProjectName)
import Unison.Share.API.Projects
import qualified Unison.Share.API.Hash as Share.API
import qualified Unison.Share.API.Projects as Share.API
import Unison.Share.Codeserver (defaultCodeserver)
import Unison.Share.Types (codeserverBaseURL)
-- | A remote project.
data RemoteProject = RemoteProject
{ projectId :: RemoteProjectId,
projectName :: ProjectName
deriving stock (Eq, Generic, Show)
-- | A remote project branch.
data RemoteProjectBranch = RemoteProjectBranch
{ projectId :: RemoteProjectId,
projectName :: ProjectName,
branchId :: RemoteProjectBranchId,
branchName :: ProjectBranchName,
branchHead :: Share.API.HashJWT
deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic)
-- | Get a project by id.
-- On success, update the `remote_project` table.
getProjectById :: RemoteProjectId -> Cli GetProjectResponse
getProjectById :: RemoteProjectId -> Cli (Maybe RemoteProject)
getProjectById (RemoteProjectId projectId) = do
response <- servantClientToCli (getProject0 (Just projectId) Nothing)
onGetProjectResponse response
pure response
-- | Get a project by name.
-- On success, update the `remote_project` table.
getProjectByName :: ProjectName -> Cli GetProjectResponse
getProjectByName :: ProjectName -> Cli (Maybe RemoteProject)
getProjectByName projectName = do
response <- servantClientToCli (getProject0 Nothing (Just (into @Text projectName)))
onGetProjectResponse response
pure response
-- | Create a new project.
-- On success, update the `remote_project` table.
createProject :: CreateProjectRequest -> Cli CreateProjectResponse
createProject request = do
response <- servantClientToCli (createProject0 request)
case response of
CreateProjectResponseNotFound {} -> pure ()
CreateProjectResponseUnauthorized {} -> pure ()
CreateProjectResponseSuccess project -> onProject project
pure response
createProject :: ProjectName -> Cli (Maybe RemoteProject)
createProject projectName = do
let request = Share.API.CreateProjectRequest {projectName = into @Text projectName}
servantClientToCli (createProject0 request) >>= \case
Share.API.CreateProjectResponseNotFound {} -> pure Nothing
Share.API.CreateProjectResponseUnauthorized x -> unauthorized x
Share.API.CreateProjectResponseSuccess project -> Just <$> onProject project
data GetProjectBranchResponse
= GetProjectBranchResponseBranchNotFound
| GetProjectBranchResponseProjectNotFound
| GetProjectBranchResponseSuccess !RemoteProjectBranch
-- | Get a project branch by id.
@ -73,7 +105,6 @@ getProjectBranchById :: ProjectAndBranch RemoteProjectId RemoteProjectBranchId -
getProjectBranchById (ProjectAndBranch (RemoteProjectId projectId) (RemoteProjectBranchId branchId)) = do
response <- servantClientToCli (getProjectBranch0 projectId (Just branchId) Nothing)
onGetProjectBranchResponse response
pure response
-- | Get a project branch by name.
@ -82,58 +113,97 @@ getProjectBranchByName :: ProjectAndBranch RemoteProjectId ProjectBranchName ->
getProjectBranchByName (ProjectAndBranch (RemoteProjectId projectId) branchName) = do
response <- servantClientToCli (getProjectBranch0 projectId Nothing (Just (into @Text branchName)))
onGetProjectBranchResponse response
pure response
-- | Create a new project branch.
-- On success, update the `remote_project_branch` table.
createProjectBranch :: CreateProjectBranchRequest -> Cli CreateProjectBranchResponse
createProjectBranch request = do
response <- servantClientToCli (createProjectBranch0 request)
case response of
CreateProjectBranchResponseMissingCausalHash {} -> pure ()
CreateProjectBranchResponseNotFound {} -> pure ()
CreateProjectBranchResponseUnauthorized {} -> pure ()
CreateProjectBranchResponseSuccess branch -> onProjectBranch branch
pure response
createProjectBranch :: Share.API.CreateProjectBranchRequest -> Cli (Maybe RemoteProjectBranch)
createProjectBranch request =
servantClientToCli (createProjectBranch0 request) >>= \case
Share.API.CreateProjectBranchResponseMissingCausalHash hash -> bugRemoteMissingCausalHash hash
Share.API.CreateProjectBranchResponseNotFound {} -> pure Nothing
Share.API.CreateProjectBranchResponseUnauthorized x -> unauthorized x
Share.API.CreateProjectBranchResponseSuccess branch -> Just <$> onProjectBranch branch
data SetProjectBranchHeadResponse
= SetProjectBranchHeadResponseNotFound
| -- | (expected, actual)
SetProjectBranchHeadResponseExpectedCausalHashMismatch !Hash32 !Hash32
| SetProjectBranchHeadResponseSuccess
deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic)
-- | Set a project branch head (can be a fast-forward or force-push).
setProjectBranchHead :: SetProjectBranchHeadRequest -> Cli SetProjectBranchHeadResponse
setProjectBranchHead :: Share.API.SetProjectBranchHeadRequest -> Cli SetProjectBranchHeadResponse
setProjectBranchHead request =
servantClientToCli (setProjectBranchHead0 request)
servantClientToCli (setProjectBranchHead0 request) >>= \case
Share.API.SetProjectBranchHeadResponseUnauthorized x -> unauthorized x
Share.API.SetProjectBranchHeadResponseNotFound _ -> pure SetProjectBranchHeadResponseNotFound
Share.API.SetProjectBranchHeadResponseMissingCausalHash hash -> bugRemoteMissingCausalHash hash
Share.API.SetProjectBranchHeadResponseExpectedCausalHashMismatch expected actual ->
pure (SetProjectBranchHeadResponseExpectedCausalHashMismatch expected actual)
Share.API.SetProjectBranchHeadResponseSuccess -> pure SetProjectBranchHeadResponseSuccess
-- Database manipulation callbacks
onGetProjectResponse :: GetProjectResponse -> Cli ()
onGetProjectResponse :: Share.API.GetProjectResponse -> Cli (Maybe RemoteProject)
onGetProjectResponse = \case
GetProjectResponseNotFound {} -> pure ()
GetProjectResponseUnauthorized {} -> pure ()
GetProjectResponseSuccess project -> onProject project
Share.API.GetProjectResponseNotFound {} -> pure Nothing
Share.API.GetProjectResponseUnauthorized x -> unauthorized x
Share.API.GetProjectResponseSuccess project -> Just <$> onProject project
onGetProjectBranchResponse :: GetProjectBranchResponse -> Cli ()
onGetProjectBranchResponse :: Share.API.GetProjectBranchResponse -> Cli GetProjectBranchResponse
onGetProjectBranchResponse = \case
GetProjectBranchResponseBranchNotFound {} -> pure ()
GetProjectBranchResponseProjectNotFound {} -> pure ()
GetProjectBranchResponseUnauthorized {} -> pure ()
GetProjectBranchResponseSuccess branch -> onProjectBranch branch
Share.API.GetProjectBranchResponseBranchNotFound {} -> pure GetProjectBranchResponseBranchNotFound
Share.API.GetProjectBranchResponseProjectNotFound {} -> pure GetProjectBranchResponseProjectNotFound
Share.API.GetProjectBranchResponseUnauthorized x -> unauthorized x
Share.API.GetProjectBranchResponseSuccess branch -> GetProjectBranchResponseSuccess <$> onProjectBranch branch
onProject :: Project -> Cli ()
onProject project =
Cli.runTransaction do
(RemoteProjectId (project ^. #projectId))
(project ^. #projectName)
onProject :: Share.API.Project -> Cli RemoteProject
onProject project = do
let projectId = RemoteProjectId (project ^. #projectId)
projectName <- validateProjectName (project ^. #projectName)
Cli.runTransaction (Queries.ensureRemoteProject projectId hardCodedUri projectName)
pure RemoteProject {projectId, projectName}
onProjectBranch :: ProjectBranch -> Cli ()
onProjectBranch branch =
onProjectBranch :: Share.API.ProjectBranch -> Cli RemoteProjectBranch
onProjectBranch branch = do
let projectId = RemoteProjectId (branch ^. #projectId)
let branchId = RemoteProjectBranchId (branch ^. #branchId)
projectName <- validateProjectName (branch ^. #projectName)
branchName <- validateBranchName (branch ^. #branchName)
Cli.runTransaction do
(RemoteProjectId (branch ^. #projectId))
(RemoteProjectBranchId (branch ^. #branchId))
(branch ^. #branchName)
{ projectId,
branchHead = branch ^. #branchHead
validateProjectName :: Text -> Cli ProjectName
validateProjectName projectName =
tryInto @ProjectName projectName & onLeft \err -> do
validateBranchName :: Text -> Cli ProjectBranchName
validateBranchName branchName =
tryInto @ProjectBranchName branchName & onLeft \err -> do
unauthorized :: Share.API.Unauthorized -> Cli void
unauthorized (Share.API.Unauthorized message) =
Cli.returnEarly (Output.Unauthorized message)
bugRemoteMissingCausalHash :: Hash32 -> a
bugRemoteMissingCausalHash hash =
error (reportBug "E796475" ("Create remote branch: causal hash missing: " ++ show hash))
-- Low-level servant client generation and wrapping
@ -164,15 +234,15 @@ servantClientToCli action = do
liftIO (putStrLn "FIXME: ^ make this prettier")
getProject0 :: Maybe Text -> Maybe Text -> ClientM GetProjectResponse
createProject0 :: CreateProjectRequest -> ClientM CreateProjectResponse
getProjectBranch0 :: Text -> Maybe Text -> Maybe Text -> ClientM GetProjectBranchResponse
createProjectBranch0 :: CreateProjectBranchRequest -> ClientM CreateProjectBranchResponse
setProjectBranchHead0 :: SetProjectBranchHeadRequest -> ClientM SetProjectBranchHeadResponse
getProject0 :: Maybe Text -> Maybe Text -> ClientM Share.API.GetProjectResponse
createProject0 :: Share.API.CreateProjectRequest -> ClientM Share.API.CreateProjectResponse
getProjectBranch0 :: Text -> Maybe Text -> Maybe Text -> ClientM Share.API.GetProjectBranchResponse
createProjectBranch0 :: Share.API.CreateProjectBranchRequest -> ClientM Share.API.CreateProjectBranchResponse
setProjectBranchHead0 :: Share.API.SetProjectBranchHeadRequest -> ClientM Share.API.SetProjectBranchHeadResponse
( getProject0
:<|> createProject0
:<|> getProjectBranch0
:<|> createProjectBranch0
:<|> setProjectBranchHead0
) =
client (Proxy :: Proxy ("ucm" :> "v1" :> "projects" :> ProjectsAPI))
client (Proxy :: Proxy ("ucm" :> "v1" :> "projects" :> Share.API.ProjectsAPI))

View File

@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ import qualified Unison.Cli.MonadUtils as Cli
import Unison.Cli.NamesUtils (basicParseNames, displayNames, findHistoricalHQs, getBasicPrettyPrintNames, makeHistoricalParsingNames, makePrintNamesFromLabeled', makeShadowedPrintNamesFromHQ)
import Unison.Cli.PrettyPrintUtils (currentPrettyPrintEnvDecl, prettyPrintEnvDecl)
import Unison.Cli.TypeCheck (typecheck, typecheckTerm)
import Unison.Codebase (Codebase, Preprocessing (..))
import Unison.Codebase (Codebase)
import qualified Unison.Codebase as Codebase
import Unison.Codebase.Branch (Branch (..), Branch0 (..))
import qualified Unison.Codebase.Branch as Branch
@ -72,8 +72,9 @@ import qualified Unison.Codebase.Causal as Causal
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.AuthorInfo (AuthorInfo (..))
import qualified Unison.Codebase.Editor.AuthorInfo as AuthorInfo
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.DisplayObject
import qualified Unison.Codebase.Editor.Git as Git
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.AuthLogin (authLogin)
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.CreatePullRequest (handleCreatePullRequest)
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.LoadPullRequest (handleLoadPullRequest)
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.MetadataUtils (addDefaultMetadata, manageLinks)
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.MoveBranch (doMoveBranch)
import qualified Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.NamespaceDependencies as NamespaceDependencies
@ -81,7 +82,7 @@ import Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.NamespaceDiffUtils (diffHelper)
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.ProjectClone (projectClone)
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.ProjectCreate (projectCreate)
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.ProjectSwitch (projectSwitch)
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.Pull (doPullRemoteBranch, importRemoteShareBranch, loadPropagateDiffDefaultPatch, mergeBranchAndPropagateDefaultPatch, propagatePatch)
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.Pull (doPullRemoteBranch, mergeBranchAndPropagateDefaultPatch, propagatePatch)
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.Push (handleGist, handlePushRemoteBranch)
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.TermResolution
( resolveCon,
@ -435,38 +436,8 @@ loop e = do
Cli.respondNumbered (ShowDiffNamespace absBefore absAfter ppe diff)
CreatePullRequestI baseRepo headRepo -> handleCreatePullRequest baseRepo headRepo
LoadPullRequestI baseRepo headRepo dest0 -> do
Cli.assertNoBranchAtPath' dest0
Cli.Env {codebase} <- ask
description <- inputDescription input
destAbs <- Cli.resolvePath' dest0
let getBranch = \case
ReadRemoteNamespaceGit repo ->
Cli.ioE (Codebase.importRemoteBranch codebase repo SyncMode.ShortCircuit Unmodified) \err ->
Cli.returnEarly (Output.GitError err)
ReadRemoteNamespaceShare repo -> importRemoteShareBranch repo
baseb <- getBranch baseRepo
headb <- getBranch headRepo
mergedb <- liftIO (Branch.merge'' (Codebase.lca codebase) Branch.RegularMerge baseb headb)
squashedb <- liftIO (Branch.merge'' (Codebase.lca codebase) Branch.SquashMerge headb baseb)
Cli.updateAt description destAbs $ Branch.step \destBranch0 ->
& Branch.children
%~ ( \childMap ->
& at "base" ?~ baseb
& at "head" ?~ headb
& at "merged" ?~ mergedb
& at "squashed" ?~ squashedb
let base = snoc dest0 "base"
head = snoc dest0 "head"
merged = snoc dest0 "merged"
squashed = snoc dest0 "squashed"
Cli.respond $ LoadPullRequest baseRepo headRepo base head merged squashed
(Just merged)
(snoc destAbs "merged")
handleLoadPullRequest description baseRepo headRepo dest0
MoveBranchI src' dest' -> do
hasConfirmed <- confirmedCommand input
description <- inputDescription input
@ -1149,7 +1120,7 @@ loop e = do
CompileSchemeI output main -> doCompileScheme output main
ExecuteSchemeI main args -> doRunAsScheme main args
GenSchemeLibsI -> doGenerateSchemeBoot True Nothing
FetchSchemeCompilerI -> doFetchCompiler
FetchSchemeCompilerI name -> doFetchCompiler name
IOTestI main -> handleIOTest main
-- UpdateBuiltinsI -> do
-- stepAt updateBuiltins
@ -1202,9 +1173,9 @@ loop e = do
patch <- Cli.getPatchAt (fromMaybe Cli.defaultPatchPath maybePath)
ppe <- suffixifiedPPE =<< makePrintNamesFromLabeled' (Patch.labeledDependencies patch)
Cli.respondNumbered $ ListEdits patch ppe
PullRemoteBranchI mRepo path sMode pMode verbosity ->
PullRemoteBranchI sourceTarget sMode pMode verbosity ->
inputDescription input
>>= doPullRemoteBranch mRepo path sMode pMode verbosity
>>= doPullRemoteBranch sourceTarget sMode pMode verbosity
PushRemoteBranchI pushRemoteBranchInput -> handlePushRemoteBranch pushRemoteBranchInput
ListDependentsI hq -> handleDependents hq
ListDependenciesI hq -> do
@ -1498,9 +1469,9 @@ inputDescription input =
<> Text.unwords (fmap Text.pack args)
CompileSchemeI fi nm -> pure ("compile.native " <> HQ.toText nm <> " " <> Text.pack fi)
GenSchemeLibsI -> pure "compile.native.genlibs"
FetchSchemeCompilerI -> pure "compile.native.fetch"
PullRemoteBranchI orepo dest0 _syncMode pullMode _ -> do
dest <- p' dest0
FetchSchemeCompilerI name -> pure ("compile.native.fetch" <> Text.pack name)
PullRemoteBranchI sourceTarget _syncMode pullMode _ -> do
dest <- wundefined -- p' dest0
let command =
Text.pack . InputPattern.patternName $
case pullMode of
@ -1512,8 +1483,8 @@ inputDescription input =
-- todo: show the actual config-loaded namespace
<> maybe
"(remote namespace from .unisonConfig)"
wundefined -- (printNamespace absurd)
wundefined -- orepo
<> " "
<> dest
CreateAuthorI (NameSegment id) name -> pure (" " <> id <> " " <> name)
@ -1521,9 +1492,9 @@ inputDescription input =
dest <- p' dest0
pure $
"pr.load "
<> printNamespace base
<> printNamespace (into @Text) base
<> " "
<> printNamespace head
<> printNamespace (into @Text) head
<> " "
<> dest
RemoveTermReplacementI src p0 -> do
@ -1608,23 +1579,6 @@ inputDescription input =
hqs (p, hq) = hqs' (Path' . Right . Path.Relative $ p, hq)
ps' = p' . Path.unsplit'
handleCreatePullRequest :: ReadRemoteNamespace -> ReadRemoteNamespace -> Cli ()
handleCreatePullRequest baseRepo0 headRepo0 = do
Cli.Env {codebase} <- ask
let withBranch :: ReadRemoteNamespace -> (forall x. (Branch IO -> Cli x) -> Cli x)
withBranch rrn k = case rrn of
ReadRemoteNamespaceGit repo -> do
Cli.withE (Codebase.viewRemoteBranch codebase repo Git.RequireExistingBranch) \case
Left err -> Cli.returnEarly (Output.GitError err)
Right x -> k x
ReadRemoteNamespaceShare repo -> k =<< importRemoteShareBranch repo
(ppe, diff) <- withBranch baseRepo0 \baseBranch -> withBranch headRepo0 \headBranch -> do
merged <- liftIO (Branch.merge'' (Codebase.lca codebase) Branch.RegularMerge baseBranch headBranch)
diffHelper (Branch.head baseBranch) (Branch.head merged)
Cli.respondNumbered (ShowDiffAfterCreatePR baseRepo0 headRepo0 ppe diff)
handleFindI ::
Bool ->
FindScope ->
@ -2303,12 +2257,11 @@ compilerPath = Path.Path' {Path.unPath' = Left abs}
rootPath = Path.Path {Path.toSeq = Seq.fromList segs}
abs = Path.Absolute {Path.unabsolute = rootPath}
doFetchCompiler :: Cli ()
doFetchCompiler =
doFetchCompiler :: String -> Cli ()
doFetchCompiler username =
inputDescription pullInput
>>= doPullRemoteBranch
@ -2317,16 +2270,15 @@ doFetchCompiler =
ns =
{ server = RemoteRepo.DefaultCodeserver,
repo = ShareUserHandle "unison",
repo = ShareUserHandle (Text.pack username),
path =
Path.fromList $ NameSegment <$> ["public", "internal", "trunk"]
repo = Just $ ReadRemoteNamespaceShare ns
sourceTarget = PullSourceTarget2 (ReadRemoteNamespaceShare ns) (PullTargetLooseCode compilerPath)
pullInput =
@ -2334,7 +2286,7 @@ doFetchCompiler =
ensureCompilerExists :: Cli ()
ensureCompilerExists =
Cli.branchExistsAtPath' compilerPath
>>= flip unless doFetchCompiler
>>= flip unless (doFetchCompiler "unison")
getCacheDir :: Cli String
getCacheDir = liftIO $ getXdgDirectory XdgCache "unisonlanguage"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
module Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.CreatePullRequest
( handleCreatePullRequest,
import Control.Monad.Reader (ask)
import Data.These (These)
import Unison.Cli.Monad (Cli)
import qualified Unison.Cli.Monad as Cli
import qualified Unison.Codebase as Codebase
import Unison.Codebase.Branch (Branch (..))
import qualified Unison.Codebase.Branch as Branch
import qualified Unison.Codebase.Branch.Merge as Branch
import qualified Unison.Codebase.Editor.Git as Git
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.NamespaceDiffUtils (diffHelper)
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.Pull (importRemoteShareBranch)
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Output
import qualified Unison.Codebase.Editor.Output as Output
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.RemoteRepo (ReadRemoteNamespace (..))
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.Project (ProjectBranchName, ProjectName)
handleCreatePullRequest ::
ReadRemoteNamespace (These ProjectName ProjectBranchName) ->
ReadRemoteNamespace (These ProjectName ProjectBranchName) ->
Cli ()
handleCreatePullRequest baseRepo0 headRepo0 = do
Cli.Env {codebase} <- ask
let withBranch :: ReadRemoteNamespace Void -> (forall x. (Branch IO -> Cli x) -> Cli x)
withBranch rrn k = case rrn of
ReadRemoteNamespaceGit repo -> do
Cli.withE (Codebase.viewRemoteBranch codebase repo Git.RequireExistingBranch) \case
Left err -> Cli.returnEarly (Output.GitError err)
Right x -> k x
ReadRemoteNamespaceShare repo -> k =<< importRemoteShareBranch repo
ReadRemoteProjectBranch _ -> wundefined
(ppe, diff) <- withBranch (wundefined baseRepo0) \baseBranch -> withBranch (wundefined headRepo0) \headBranch -> do
merged <- liftIO (Branch.merge'' (Codebase.lca codebase) Branch.RegularMerge baseBranch headBranch)
diffHelper (Branch.head baseBranch) (Branch.head merged)
Cli.respondNumbered (ShowDiffAfterCreatePR (wundefined baseRepo0) (wundefined headRepo0) ppe diff)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
module Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.LoadPullRequest
( handleLoadPullRequest,
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.Reader (ask)
import Data.These (These)
import Unison.Cli.Monad (Cli)
import qualified Unison.Cli.Monad as Cli
import qualified Unison.Cli.MonadUtils as Cli
import Unison.Codebase (Preprocessing (..))
import qualified Unison.Codebase as Codebase
import qualified Unison.Codebase.Branch as Branch
import qualified Unison.Codebase.Branch.Merge as Branch
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.Pull (importRemoteShareBranch, loadPropagateDiffDefaultPatch)
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Output
import qualified Unison.Codebase.Editor.Output as Output
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.RemoteRepo (ReadRemoteNamespace (..))
import Unison.Codebase.Path (Path' (..))
import qualified Unison.Codebase.SyncMode as SyncMode
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.Project (ProjectBranchName, ProjectName)
handleLoadPullRequest ::
Text ->
(ReadRemoteNamespace (These ProjectName ProjectBranchName)) ->
(ReadRemoteNamespace (These ProjectName ProjectBranchName)) ->
Path' ->
Cli ()
handleLoadPullRequest description baseRepo headRepo dest0 = do
Cli.assertNoBranchAtPath' dest0
Cli.Env {codebase} <- ask
destAbs <- Cli.resolvePath' dest0
let getBranch = \case
ReadRemoteNamespaceGit repo ->
Cli.ioE (Codebase.importRemoteBranch codebase repo SyncMode.ShortCircuit Unmodified) \err ->
Cli.returnEarly (Output.GitError err)
ReadRemoteNamespaceShare repo -> importRemoteShareBranch repo
ReadRemoteProjectBranch _ -> wundefined
baseb <- getBranch baseRepo
headb <- getBranch headRepo
mergedb <- liftIO (Branch.merge'' (Codebase.lca codebase) Branch.RegularMerge baseb headb)
squashedb <- liftIO (Branch.merge'' (Codebase.lca codebase) Branch.SquashMerge headb baseb)
Cli.updateAt description destAbs $ Branch.step \destBranch0 ->
& Branch.children
%~ ( \childMap ->
& at "base" ?~ baseb
& at "head" ?~ headb
& at "merged" ?~ mergedb
& at "squashed" ?~ squashedb
let base = snoc dest0 "base"
head = snoc dest0 "head"
merged = snoc dest0 "merged"
squashed = snoc dest0 "squashed"
Cli.respond $ LoadPullRequest (wundefined baseRepo) (wundefined headRepo) base head merged squashed
(Just merged)
(snoc destAbs "merged")

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import Control.Lens ((^.))
import Control.Monad.Reader (ask)
import Data.These (These (..))
import qualified Data.UUID.V4 as UUID
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.DbId (ProjectBranchId (..), ProjectId (..), RemoteProjectBranchId (..), RemoteProjectId (..))
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.DbId (ProjectBranchId (..), ProjectId (..))
import qualified U.Codebase.Sqlite.Queries as Queries
import Unison.Cli.Monad (Cli)
import qualified Unison.Cli.Monad as Cli
@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ import qualified Unison.Codebase.Path as Path
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.Project (ProjectAndBranch (..), ProjectBranchName, ProjectName, projectNameUserSlug)
import qualified Unison.Share.API.Hash as Share.API
import qualified Unison.Share.API.Projects as Share.API
import qualified Unison.Share.Sync as Share (downloadEntities)
import qualified Unison.Sqlite as Sqlite
import Unison.Sync.Common (hash32ToCausalHash)
@ -69,29 +68,23 @@ cloneProjectAndBranch remoteProjectAndBranch = do
-- Quick local check before hitting share to determine whether this project+branch already exists.
let assertLocalProjectBranchDoesntExist :: Sqlite.Transaction (Either Output.Output (Maybe Queries.Project))
assertLocalProjectBranchDoesntExist =
Queries.loadProjectByName (into @Text localProjectName) >>= \case
Queries.loadProjectByName localProjectName >>= \case
Nothing -> pure (Right Nothing)
Just project ->
Queries.projectBranchExistsByName (project ^. #projectId) (into @Text localBranchName) <&> \case
Queries.projectBranchExistsByName (project ^. #projectId) localBranchName <&> \case
False -> Right (Just project)
True -> Left (Output.ProjectAndBranchNameAlreadyExists (ProjectAndBranch localProjectName localBranchName))
True ->
let localProject = ProjectAndBranch localProjectName localBranchName
in Left (Output.ProjectAndBranchNameAlreadyExists localProject)
void (Cli.runEitherTransaction assertLocalProjectBranchDoesntExist)
-- Get the branch of the given project.
remoteProjectBranch <- do
project <-
Share.getProjectByName remoteProjectName >>= \case
Share.API.GetProjectResponseNotFound _ -> remoteProjectBranchDoesntExist
Share.API.GetProjectResponseUnauthorized (Share.API.Unauthorized message) ->
Cli.returnEarly (Output.Unauthorized message)
Share.API.GetProjectResponseSuccess project -> pure project
let remoteProjectId = RemoteProjectId (project ^. #projectId)
Share.getProjectBranchByName (ProjectAndBranch remoteProjectId remoteBranchName) >>= \case
Share.API.GetProjectBranchResponseBranchNotFound _ -> remoteProjectBranchDoesntExist
Share.API.GetProjectBranchResponseProjectNotFound _ -> remoteProjectBranchDoesntExist
Share.API.GetProjectBranchResponseUnauthorized (Share.API.Unauthorized message) ->
Cli.returnEarly (Output.Unauthorized message)
Share.API.GetProjectBranchResponseSuccess projectBranch -> pure projectBranch
project <- Share.getProjectByName remoteProjectName & onNothingM remoteProjectBranchDoesntExist
Share.getProjectBranchByName (ProjectAndBranch (project ^. #projectId) remoteBranchName) >>= \case
Share.GetProjectBranchResponseBranchNotFound -> remoteProjectBranchDoesntExist
Share.GetProjectBranchResponseProjectNotFound -> remoteProjectBranchDoesntExist
Share.GetProjectBranchResponseSuccess projectBranch -> pure projectBranch
-- Pull the remote branch's contents
let remoteBranchHeadJwt = remoteProjectBranch ^. #branchHead
@ -118,17 +111,17 @@ cloneProjectAndBranch remoteProjectAndBranch = do
case maybeLocalProject of
Nothing -> do
localProjectId <- Sqlite.unsafeIO (ProjectId <$> UUID.nextRandom)
Queries.insertProject localProjectId (into @Text localProjectName)
Queries.insertProject localProjectId localProjectName
pure localProjectId
Just localProject -> pure (localProject ^. #projectId)
localBranchId <- Sqlite.unsafeIO (ProjectBranchId <$> UUID.nextRandom)
Queries.insertProjectBranch localProjectId localBranchId (into @Text localBranchName)
Queries.insertProjectBranch localProjectId localBranchId localBranchName
(RemoteProjectId (remoteProjectBranch ^. #projectId))
(remoteProjectBranch ^. #projectId)
(RemoteProjectBranchId (remoteProjectBranch ^. #branchId))
(remoteProjectBranch ^. #branchId)
pure (Right (ProjectAndBranch localProjectId localBranchId))
-- Manipulate the root namespace and cd

View File

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import qualified Unison.Codebase.Editor.Output as Output
import qualified Unison.Codebase.Path as Path
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.Project (ProjectAndBranch (..), ProjectName)
import Witch (unsafeFrom)
-- | Create a new project.
@ -50,10 +51,10 @@ projectCreate name = do
branchId <- liftIO (ProjectBranchId <$> UUID.nextRandom)
Cli.runEitherTransaction do
Queries.projectExistsByName (into @Text name) >>= \case
Queries.projectExistsByName name >>= \case
False -> do
Queries.insertProject projectId (into @Text name)
Queries.insertProjectBranch projectId branchId "main"
Queries.insertProject projectId name
Queries.insertProjectBranch projectId branchId (unsafeFrom @Text "main")
pure (Right ())
True -> pure (Left (Output.ProjectNameAlreadyExists name))

View File

@ -32,15 +32,13 @@ projectSwitch = \case
let projectId = projectAndBranch ^. #project
project <- Cli.runTransaction (Queries.expectProject projectId)
let projectName = unsafeFrom @Text (project ^. #name)
switchToProjectAndBranch2 (ProjectAndBranch (projectId, projectName) branchName) (Just projectAndBranch)
switchToProjectAndBranch2 (ProjectAndBranch (projectId, project ^. #name) branchName) (Just projectAndBranch)
-- Switch to a project+branch.
switchToProjectAndBranch :: ProjectAndBranch ProjectName ProjectBranchName -> Cli ()
switchToProjectAndBranch projectAndBranch = do
project <- do
let projectName = into @Text (projectAndBranch ^. #project)
Cli.runTransaction (Queries.loadProjectByName projectName) & onNothingM do
project <-
Cli.runTransaction (Queries.loadProjectByName (projectAndBranch ^. #project)) & onNothingM do
loggeth ["no such project"]
let projectId = project ^. #projectId
@ -59,11 +57,11 @@ switchToProjectAndBranch2 ::
switchToProjectAndBranch2 (ProjectAndBranch (projectId, projectName) branchName) maybeCurrentProject = do
(outcome, branchId) <-
Cli.runTransaction do
Queries.loadProjectBranchByName projectId (into @Text branchName) >>= \case
Queries.loadProjectBranchByName projectId branchName >>= \case
Just branch -> pure (SwitchedToExistingBranch, branch ^. #branchId)
Nothing -> do
newBranchId <- Sqlite.unsafeIO (ProjectBranchId <$> UUID.nextRandom)
Queries.insertProjectBranch projectId newBranchId (into @Text branchName)
Queries.insertProjectBranch projectId newBranchId branchName
fromBranchId <-
case maybeCurrentProject of
Just (ProjectAndBranch currentProjectId currentBranchId)
@ -73,7 +71,7 @@ switchToProjectAndBranch2 (ProjectAndBranch (projectId, projectName) branchName)
-- For now, we treat switching to a new branch from outside of a project as equivalent to switching to a
-- new branch from the branch called "main" in that project. Eventually, we should probably instead
-- use the default project branch
Queries.loadProjectBranchByName projectId "main" >>= \case
Queries.loadProjectBranchByName projectId (unsafeFrom @Text "main") >>= \case
Nothing ->
error $
reportBug "E469471" $

View File

@ -10,14 +10,19 @@ module Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.Pull
import Control.Concurrent.STM (atomically, modifyTVar', newTVarIO, readTVar, readTVarIO)
import Control.Lens
import Control.Lens (over, snoc, (^.))
import Control.Monad.Reader (ask)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as Nel
import Data.These
import qualified System.Console.Regions as Console.Regions
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.DbId (RemoteProjectBranchId (..), RemoteProjectId (..))
import qualified U.Codebase.Sqlite.Queries as Queries
import Unison.Cli.Monad (Cli)
import qualified Unison.Cli.Monad as Cli
import qualified Unison.Cli.MonadUtils as Cli
import Unison.Cli.UnisonConfigUtils (resolveConfiguredUrl)
import Unison.Cli.ProjectUtils (loggeth)
import qualified Unison.Cli.ProjectUtils as ProjectUtils
import qualified Unison.Cli.Share.Projects as Share
import Unison.Codebase (Preprocessing (..))
import qualified Unison.Codebase as Codebase
import Unison.Codebase.Branch (Branch (..))
@ -29,59 +34,105 @@ import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Input
import qualified Unison.Codebase.Editor.Input as Input
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Output
import qualified Unison.Codebase.Editor.Output as Output
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Output.PushPull (PushPull (Pull))
import qualified Unison.Codebase.Editor.Propagate as Propagate
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.RemoteRepo
( ReadRemoteNamespace (..),
ReadShareRemoteNamespace (..),
ShareUserHandle (..),
import qualified Unison.Codebase.Editor.RemoteRepo as RemoteRepo
import Unison.Codebase.Patch (Patch (..))
import Unison.Codebase.Path (Path' (..))
import qualified Unison.Codebase.Path as Path
import qualified Unison.Codebase.SyncMode as SyncMode
import qualified Unison.Codebase.Verbosity as Verbosity
import Unison.NameSegment (NameSegment (..))
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.Project (ProjectAndBranch (..), ProjectBranchName, ProjectName)
import qualified Unison.Share.Codeserver as Codeserver
import qualified Unison.Share.Sync as Share
import qualified Unison.Share.Sync.Types as Share
import Unison.Share.Types (codeserverBaseURL)
import Unison.Sqlite (Transaction)
import qualified Unison.Sync.Types as Share
import Witch (unsafeFrom)
doPullRemoteBranch ::
Maybe ReadRemoteNamespace ->
Path' ->
PullSourceTarget ->
SyncMode.SyncMode ->
PullMode ->
Verbosity.Verbosity ->
Text ->
Cli ()
doPullRemoteBranch mayRepo path syncMode pullMode verbosity description = do
doPullRemoteBranch sourceTarget {- mayRepo target -} syncMode pullMode verbosity description = do
Cli.Env {codebase} <- ask
let preprocess = case pullMode of
Input.PullWithHistory -> Unmodified
Input.PullWithoutHistory -> Preprocessed $ pure . Branch.discardHistory
ns <- maybe (writePathToRead <$> resolveConfiguredUrl Pull path) pure mayRepo
ns :: ReadRemoteNamespace (ProjectAndBranch (RemoteProjectId, ProjectName) Share.RemoteProjectBranch) <-
case sourceTarget of
Input.PullSourceTarget0 ->
ProjectUtils.getCurrentProjectBranch >>= \case
Nothing -> wundefined
Just (ProjectAndBranch projectId projectBranchId) ->
let loadRemoteNames :: Transaction (Maybe (RemoteProjectId, ProjectName, RemoteProjectBranchId, ProjectBranchName))
loadRemoteNames = runMaybeT do
(remoteProjectId, mremoteBranchId) <- MaybeT (Queries.loadRemoteProjectBranch projectId projectBranchId)
remoteBranchId <- MaybeT (pure mremoteBranchId)
remoteProjectName <- lift $ Queries.expectRemoteProjectName remoteProjectId Share.hardCodedUri
remoteProjectBranchName <- lift $ Queries.expectRemoteProjectBranchName Share.hardCodedUri remoteProjectId remoteBranchId
pure (remoteProjectId, remoteProjectName, remoteBranchId, remoteProjectBranchName)
in Cli.runTransaction loadRemoteNames >>= \case
Nothing -> do
loggeth ["No default pull target for this branch"]
Just (remoteProjectId, remoteProjectName, remoteProjectBranchId, _remoteProjectBranchName) -> do
branch <- expectRemoteProjectBranchById remoteProjectId remoteProjectBranchId
pure (ReadRemoteProjectBranch (ProjectAndBranch (remoteProjectId, remoteProjectName) branch))
Input.PullSourceTarget1 source -> case source of
ReadRemoteProjectBranch projectAndBranchNames -> ReadRemoteProjectBranch <$> resolveRemoteNames projectAndBranchNames
_ -> wundefined
Input.PullSourceTarget2 source _target -> wundefined source
remoteBranch <- case ns of
ReadRemoteNamespaceGit repo ->
Cli.ioE (Codebase.importRemoteBranch codebase repo syncMode preprocess) \err ->
Cli.returnEarly (Output.GitError err)
ReadRemoteNamespaceShare repo -> importRemoteShareBranch repo
ReadRemoteProjectBranch (ProjectAndBranch (_, remoteProjectName) branch) ->
let repoInfo = Share.RepoInfo (into @Text (These remoteProjectName remoteProjectBranchName))
causalHash = wundefined
causalHashJwt = wundefined
remoteProjectBranchName = branch ^. #branchName
in Cli.with withEntitiesDownloadedProgressCallback \downloadedCallback ->
Share.downloadEntities Share.hardCodedBaseUrl repoInfo causalHashJwt downloadedCallback >>= \case
Left err -> wundefined err
Right () -> liftIO (Codebase.expectBranchForHash codebase causalHash)
let nsNamesOnly :: ReadRemoteNamespace (ProjectAndBranch ProjectName ProjectBranchName)
nsNamesOnly =
(\(ProjectAndBranch (_, projectName) branch) -> ProjectAndBranch projectName (branch ^. #branchName))
when (Branch.isEmpty0 (Branch.head remoteBranch)) do
Cli.respond (PulledEmptyBranch ns)
let unchangedMsg = PullAlreadyUpToDate ns path
destAbs <- Cli.resolvePath' path
let printDiffPath = if Verbosity.isSilent verbosity then Nothing else Just path
Cli.respond (PulledEmptyBranch nsNamesOnly)
target <- wundefined
let unchangedMsg = PullAlreadyUpToDate nsNamesOnly target
destAbs <-
case target of
PullTargetLooseCode path -> Cli.resolvePath' path
PullTargetProject _ -> wundefined
let printDiffPath =
if Verbosity.isSilent verbosity
then Nothing
else case target of
PullTargetLooseCode path -> Just path
PullTargetProject _ -> wundefined
case pullMode of
Input.PullWithHistory -> do
destBranch <- Cli.getBranch0At destAbs
if Branch.isEmpty0 destBranch
then do
void $ Cli.updateAtM description destAbs (const $ pure remoteBranch)
Cli.respond $ MergeOverEmpty path
Cli.respond $ MergeOverEmpty target
@ -98,7 +149,7 @@ doPullRemoteBranch mayRepo path syncMode pullMode verbosity description = do
(\destBranch -> pure $ remoteBranch `Branch.consBranchSnapshot` destBranch)
if didUpdate
then PullSuccessful ns path
then PullSuccessful nsNamesOnly target
else unchangedMsg
importRemoteShareBranch :: ReadShareRemoteNamespace -> Cli (Branch IO)
@ -116,7 +167,7 @@ importRemoteShareBranch rrn@(ReadShareRemoteNamespace {server, repo, path}) = do
Share.SyncError err -> Output.ShareErrorPull err
Share.TransportError err -> Output.ShareErrorTransport err
liftIO (Codebase.expectBranchForHash codebase causalHash)
-- Provide the given action a callback that display to the terminal.
withEntitiesDownloadedProgressCallback :: ((Int -> IO ()) -> IO a) -> IO a
withEntitiesDownloadedProgressCallback action = do
@ -191,3 +242,54 @@ propagatePatch inputDescription patch scopePath = do
(inputDescription <> " (applying patch)")
(Path.unabsolute scopePath, Propagate.propagateAndApply patch)
resolveRemoteNames ::
These ProjectName ProjectBranchName ->
Cli (ProjectAndBranch (RemoteProjectId, ProjectName) Share.RemoteProjectBranch)
resolveRemoteNames = \case
This projectName -> do
remoteProject <- ProjectUtils.expectResolveRemoteProjectName projectName
let remoteProjectId = remoteProject ^. #projectId
let remoteBranchName = unsafeFrom @Text "main"
remoteBranch <- expectRemoteProjectBranchByName remoteProjectId remoteBranchName
pure (ProjectAndBranch (remoteProjectId, projectName) remoteBranch)
That branchName -> do
ProjectAndBranch projectId branchId <-
ProjectUtils.getCurrentProjectBranch & onNothingM do
loggeth ["not on a project branch"]
Cli.runTransaction (Queries.loadRemoteProjectBranch projectId branchId) >>= \case
Just (remoteProjectId, _maybeProjectBranchId) -> do
projectName <- Cli.runTransaction (Queries.expectRemoteProjectName remoteProjectId Share.hardCodedUri)
remoteBranch <- expectRemoteProjectBranchByName remoteProjectId branchName
pure (ProjectAndBranch (remoteProjectId, projectName) remoteBranch)
Nothing -> do
loggeth ["no remote associated with this project"]
These projectName branchName -> do
remoteProject <- ProjectUtils.expectResolveRemoteProjectName projectName
let remoteProjectId = remoteProject ^. #projectId
remoteBranch <- expectRemoteProjectBranchByName remoteProjectId branchName
pure (ProjectAndBranch (remoteProjectId, projectName) remoteBranch)
expectRemoteProjectBranchByName :: RemoteProjectId -> ProjectBranchName -> Cli Share.RemoteProjectBranch
expectRemoteProjectBranchByName remoteProjectId remoteBranchName =
Share.getProjectBranchByName (ProjectAndBranch remoteProjectId remoteBranchName) >>= \case
Share.GetProjectBranchResponseBranchNotFound -> do
loggeth ["The associated remote no longer exists"]
Share.GetProjectBranchResponseProjectNotFound -> do
loggeth ["The associated remote doesn't have a branch named: ", tShow remoteBranchName]
Share.GetProjectBranchResponseSuccess branch -> pure branch
expectRemoteProjectBranchById :: RemoteProjectId -> RemoteProjectBranchId -> Cli Share.RemoteProjectBranch
expectRemoteProjectBranchById remoteProjectId remoteProjectBranchId =
Share.getProjectBranchById (ProjectAndBranch remoteProjectId remoteProjectBranchId) >>= \case
Share.GetProjectBranchResponseBranchNotFound -> do
loggeth ["The associated remote no longer exists"]
Share.GetProjectBranchResponseProjectNotFound -> do
loggeth ["The associated remote doesn't have a branch with id: ", tShow remoteProjectBranchId]
Share.GetProjectBranchResponseSuccess branch -> pure branch

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ module Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.Push
import Control.Concurrent.STM (atomically, modifyTVar', newTVarIO, readTVar, readTVarIO)
import Control.Lens (over, to, (^.), _1)
import Control.Lens (over, (.~), (^.), _1)
import Control.Monad.Reader (ask)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as Nel
import qualified Data.Set.NonEmpty as Set.NonEmpty
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import Unison.Cli.Monad (Cli)
import qualified Unison.Cli.Monad as Cli
import qualified Unison.Cli.MonadUtils as Cli
import Unison.Cli.ProjectUtils (getCurrentProjectBranch, loggeth, projectBranchPath)
import qualified Unison.Cli.ProjectUtils as ProjectUtils
import qualified Unison.Cli.Share.Projects as Share
import qualified Unison.Cli.UnisonConfigUtils as UnisonConfigUtils
import Unison.Codebase (PushGitBranchOpts (..))
@ -30,7 +31,13 @@ import Unison.Codebase.Branch (Branch (..))
import qualified Unison.Codebase.Branch as Branch
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.AuthLogin (ensureAuthenticatedWithCodeserver)
import qualified Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.AuthLogin as AuthLogin
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Input (GistInput (..), PushRemoteBranchInput (..), PushSource (..), PushSourceTarget (..), PushTarget (..))
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Input
( GistInput (..),
PushRemoteBranchInput (..),
PushSource (..),
PushSourceTarget (..),
PushTarget (..),
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Output
import qualified Unison.Codebase.Editor.Output as Output
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Output.PushPull (PushPull (Push))
@ -72,7 +79,6 @@ import qualified Unison.Share.Sync.Types as Share
import Unison.Share.Types (codeserverBaseURL)
import qualified Unison.Sqlite as Sqlite
import qualified Unison.Sync.Types as Share
import Witch (unsafeFrom)
-- | Handle a @gist@ command.
handleGist :: GistInput -> Cli ()
@ -119,7 +125,7 @@ handlePushRemoteBranch PushRemoteBranchInput {sourceTarget, pushBehavior, syncMo
getCurrentProjectBranch >>= \case
Nothing -> do
localPath <- Cli.getCurrentPath
remoteProjectAndBranch <- branchNameSpecToNames remoteProjectAndBranch0
remoteProjectAndBranch <- ProjectUtils.resolveNames remoteProjectAndBranch0
pushLooseCodeToProjectBranch localPath remoteProjectAndBranch
Just localProjectAndBranch ->
pushProjectBranchToProjectBranch localProjectAndBranch (Just remoteProjectAndBranch0)
@ -130,65 +136,17 @@ handlePushRemoteBranch PushRemoteBranchInput {sourceTarget, pushBehavior, syncMo
-- push .some.path to @some/project
PushSourceTarget2 (PathySource localPath0) (ProjyTarget remoteProjectAndBranch0) -> do
localPath <- Cli.resolvePath' localPath0
remoteProjectAndBranch <- branchNameSpecToNames remoteProjectAndBranch0
remoteProjectAndBranch <- ProjectUtils.resolveNames remoteProjectAndBranch0
pushLooseCodeToProjectBranch localPath remoteProjectAndBranch
-- push @some/project to .some.path
PushSourceTarget2 (ProjySource localProjectAndBranch0) (PathyTarget remotePath) -> do
localProjectAndBranch <- branchNameSpecToIds localProjectAndBranch0
localProjectAndBranch <- ProjectUtils.resolveNamesToIds localProjectAndBranch0
pushLooseCodeToLooseCode (projectBranchPath localProjectAndBranch) remotePath pushBehavior syncMode
-- push @some/project to @some/project
PushSourceTarget2 (ProjySource localProjectAndBranch0) (ProjyTarget remoteProjectAndBranch) -> do
localProjectAndBranch <- branchNameSpecToIds localProjectAndBranch0
localProjectAndBranch <- ProjectUtils.resolveNamesToIds localProjectAndBranch0
pushProjectBranchToProjectBranch localProjectAndBranch (Just remoteProjectAndBranch)
-- Convert a "branch name spec" (project name, or branch name, or both) into local ids for the project and branch, using
-- the following defaults, if a name is missing:
-- - The project at the current path
-- - The branch named "main"
branchNameSpecToIds :: These ProjectName ProjectBranchName -> Cli (ProjectAndBranch ProjectId ProjectBranchId)
branchNameSpecToIds = \case
This projectName -> branchNameSpecToIds (These projectName (unsafeFrom @Text "main"))
That branchName -> do
ProjectAndBranch projectId _branchId <-
getCurrentProjectBranch & onNothingM do
loggeth ["not on a project branch yo"]
branch <-
Cli.runTransaction (Queries.loadProjectBranchByName projectId (into @Text branchName)) & onNothingM do
project <- Cli.runTransaction (Queries.expectProject projectId)
Cli.returnEarly $
LocalProjectBranchDoesntExist (ProjectAndBranch (unsafeFrom @Text (project ^. #name)) branchName)
pure (ProjectAndBranch projectId (branch ^. #branchId))
These projectName branchName -> do
maybeProjectAndBranch <-
Cli.runTransaction do
runMaybeT do
project <- MaybeT (Queries.loadProjectByName (into @Text projectName))
let projectId = project ^. #projectId
branch <- MaybeT (Queries.loadProjectBranchByName projectId (into @Text branchName))
pure (ProjectAndBranch projectId (branch ^. #branchId))
maybeProjectAndBranch & onNothing do
Cli.returnEarly (LocalProjectBranchDoesntExist (ProjectAndBranch projectName branchName))
-- Convert a "branch name spec" (project name, or branch name, or both) into names for the project and branch, using the
-- following defaults, if a name is missing:
-- - The project at the current path
-- - The branch named "main"
branchNameSpecToNames :: These ProjectName ProjectBranchName -> Cli (ProjectAndBranch ProjectName ProjectBranchName)
branchNameSpecToNames = \case
This projectName -> pure (ProjectAndBranch projectName (unsafeFrom @Text "main"))
That branchName -> do
ProjectAndBranch projectId _branchId <-
getCurrentProjectBranch & onNothingM do
loggeth ["not on a project branch"]
Cli.runTransaction do
project <- Queries.expectProject projectId
pure (ProjectAndBranch (unsafeFrom @Text (project ^. #name)) branchName)
These projectName branchName -> pure (ProjectAndBranch projectName branchName)
-- Push a local namespace ("loose code") to a remote namespace ("loose code").
pushLooseCodeToLooseCode :: Path.Absolute -> WriteRemotePath -> PushBehavior -> SyncMode -> Cli ()
pushLooseCodeToLooseCode localPath remotePath pushBehavior syncMode = do
@ -359,8 +317,8 @@ bazinga50 localProjectAndBranch localBranchHead maybeRemoteBranchName = do
for maybeRemoteBranchId \remoteBranchId -> do
remoteBranchName <-
Queries.expectRemoteProjectBranchName Share.hardCodedUri remoteProjectId remoteBranchId
pure (remoteBranchId, unsafeFrom @Text remoteBranchName)
pure (Just (remoteProjectId, unsafeFrom @Text remoteProjectName, maybeRemoteBranchInfo))
pure (remoteBranchId, remoteBranchName)
pure (Just (remoteProjectId, remoteProjectName, maybeRemoteBranchInfo))
Cli.runTransaction loadRemoteProjectInfo >>= \case
Nothing -> bazinga10 localProjectAndBranch localBranchHead (ProjectAndBranch Nothing maybeRemoteBranchName)
@ -371,7 +329,7 @@ bazinga50 localProjectAndBranch localBranchHead maybeRemoteBranchName = do
-- "push" with remote mapping for project from ancestor branch
Nothing -> do
myUserHandle <- oinkGetLoggedInUser
let localBranchName = unsafeFrom @Text (localProjectAndBranch ^. #branch . #name)
let localBranchName = localProjectAndBranch ^. #branch . #name
-- Derive the remote branch name from the user's handle and the local branch name.
-- user "bob" has local branch "topic": remoteBranchName = "@bob/topic"
@ -392,18 +350,20 @@ bazinga50 localProjectAndBranch localBranchHead maybeRemoteBranchName = do
(ProjectAndBranch remoteProjectName remoteBranchName)
Share.getProjectBranchById (ProjectAndBranch remoteProjectId remoteBranchId) >>= \case
Share.API.GetProjectBranchResponseBranchNotFound _ -> remoteProjectBranchDoesntExist
Share.API.GetProjectBranchResponseProjectNotFound _ -> remoteProjectBranchDoesntExist
Share.API.GetProjectBranchResponseUnauthorized (Share.API.Unauthorized message) ->
Cli.returnEarly (Output.Unauthorized message)
Share.API.GetProjectBranchResponseSuccess remoteBranch -> do
remoteBranch1 <- expectRemoteProjectAndBranch remoteBranch
Share.GetProjectBranchResponseBranchNotFound -> remoteProjectBranchDoesntExist
Share.GetProjectBranchResponseProjectNotFound -> remoteProjectBranchDoesntExist
Share.GetProjectBranchResponseSuccess remoteBranch -> do
afterUploadAction <-
(PushingProjectBranch localProjectAndBranch)
pure UploadPlan {remoteBranch = remoteBranch1, causalHash = localBranchHead, afterUploadAction}
{ remoteBranch = ProjectAndBranch (remoteBranch ^. #projectName) (remoteBranch ^. #branchName),
causalHash = localBranchHead,
-- "push /foo" with remote mapping for project from ancestor branch
Just remoteBranchName ->
@ -422,8 +382,8 @@ bazinga10 ::
Cli UploadPlan
bazinga10 localProjectAndBranch localBranchHead remoteProjectAndBranchMaybes = do
myUserHandle <- oinkGetLoggedInUser
let localProjectName = unsafeFrom @Text (localProjectAndBranch ^. #project . #name)
let localBranchName = unsafeFrom @Text (localProjectAndBranch ^. #branch . #name)
let localProjectName = localProjectAndBranch ^. #project . #name
let localBranchName = localProjectAndBranch ^. #branch . #name
let remoteProjectName =
case remoteProjectAndBranchMaybes ^. #project of
Nothing -> prependUserSlugToProjectName myUserHandle localProjectName
@ -445,25 +405,28 @@ data WhatAreWePushing
pushToProjectBranch0 :: WhatAreWePushing -> Hash32 -> ProjectAndBranch ProjectName ProjectBranchName -> Cli UploadPlan
pushToProjectBranch0 pushing localBranchHead remoteProjectAndBranch = do
let remoteProjectName = remoteProjectAndBranch ^. #project
let remoteBranchName = remoteProjectAndBranch ^. #branch
Share.getProjectByName remoteProjectName >>= \case
Share.API.GetProjectResponseNotFound {} -> do
Nothing -> do
remoteProject <-
Share.createProject remoteProjectName & onNothingM do
Cli.returnEarly $
{ remoteBranch = remoteProjectAndBranch,
causalHash = localBranchHead,
afterUploadAction =
(over #project (remoteProject ^. #projectId,) remoteProjectAndBranch)
Share.API.GetProjectResponseUnauthorized (Share.API.Unauthorized message) ->
Cli.returnEarly (Output.Unauthorized message)
Share.API.GetProjectResponseSuccess remoteProject -> do
let remoteProjectId = RemoteProjectId (remoteProject ^. #projectId)
Share.getProjectBranchByName (ProjectAndBranch remoteProjectId remoteBranchName) >>= \case
Share.API.GetProjectBranchResponseBranchNotFound {} -> do
Just remoteProject -> do
let remoteProjectId = remoteProject ^. #projectId
Share.getProjectBranchByName (remoteProjectAndBranch & #project .~ remoteProjectId) >>= \case
Share.GetProjectBranchResponseBranchNotFound -> do
{ remoteBranch = remoteProjectAndBranch,
@ -474,11 +437,9 @@ pushToProjectBranch0 pushing localBranchHead remoteProjectAndBranch = do
(over #project (remoteProjectId,) remoteProjectAndBranch)
Share.API.GetProjectBranchResponseProjectNotFound {} ->
Share.GetProjectBranchResponseProjectNotFound ->
Cli.returnEarly (Output.RemoteProjectBranchDoesntExist Share.hardCodedUri remoteProjectAndBranch)
Share.API.GetProjectBranchResponseUnauthorized (Share.API.Unauthorized message) ->
Cli.returnEarly (Output.Unauthorized message)
Share.API.GetProjectBranchResponseSuccess remoteBranch -> do
Share.GetProjectBranchResponseSuccess remoteBranch -> do
afterUploadAction <- makeFastForwardAfterUploadAction pushing localBranchHead remoteBranch
@ -496,7 +457,7 @@ pushToProjectBranch1 ::
Cli UploadPlan
pushToProjectBranch1 localProjectAndBranch localBranchHead remoteProjectAndBranch = do
Share.getProjectBranchByName (over #project fst remoteProjectAndBranch) >>= \case
Share.API.GetProjectBranchResponseBranchNotFound {} -> do
Share.GetProjectBranchResponseBranchNotFound -> do
{ remoteBranch = over #project snd remoteProjectAndBranch,
@ -507,10 +468,8 @@ pushToProjectBranch1 localProjectAndBranch localBranchHead remoteProjectAndBranc
Share.API.GetProjectBranchResponseProjectNotFound {} -> remoteProjectBranchDoesntExist
Share.API.GetProjectBranchResponseUnauthorized (Share.API.Unauthorized message) ->
Cli.returnEarly (Output.Unauthorized message)
Share.API.GetProjectBranchResponseSuccess remoteBranch -> do
Share.GetProjectBranchResponseProjectNotFound -> remoteProjectBranchDoesntExist
Share.GetProjectBranchResponseSuccess remoteBranch -> do
afterUploadAction <-
makeFastForwardAfterUploadAction (PushingProjectBranch localProjectAndBranch) localBranchHead remoteBranch
@ -573,32 +532,6 @@ executeUploadPlan UploadPlan {remoteBranch, causalHash, afterUploadAction} = do
-- An action to call after a successful upload.
type AfterUploadAction = Cli ()
-- An after-upload action that creates a remote project, then a remote branch.
-- Precondition: the remote project doesn't exist.
createProjectAndBranchAfterUploadAction ::
WhatAreWePushing ->
Hash32 ->
ProjectAndBranch ProjectName ProjectBranchName ->
createProjectAndBranchAfterUploadAction pushing localBranchHead remoteProjectAndBranch = do
remoteProject <- do
let request = Share.API.CreateProjectRequest {projectName = into @Text (remoteProjectAndBranch ^. #project)}
Share.createProject request >>= \case
Share.API.CreateProjectResponseUnauthorized (Share.API.Unauthorized message) ->
Cli.returnEarly (Output.Unauthorized message)
Share.API.CreateProjectResponseNotFound _ -> do
Cli.returnEarly $
Share.API.CreateProjectResponseSuccess remoteProject -> pure remoteProject
let remoteProjectId = RemoteProjectId (remoteProject ^. #projectId)
(over #project (remoteProjectId,) remoteProjectAndBranch)
-- An after-upload action that creates a remote branch.
-- Precondition: the remote project exists, but the remote branch doesn't.
@ -634,14 +567,9 @@ createBranchAfterUploadAction pushing localBranchHead remoteProjectAndBranch = d
remoteBranch <-
Share.createProjectBranch createProjectBranchRequest >>= \case
Share.API.CreateProjectBranchResponseUnauthorized (Share.API.Unauthorized message) ->
Cli.returnEarly (Output.Unauthorized message)
Share.API.CreateProjectBranchResponseNotFound _ ->
Cli.returnEarly $
Output.RemoteProjectBranchDoesntExist Share.hardCodedUri (over #project snd remoteProjectAndBranch)
Share.API.CreateProjectBranchResponseMissingCausalHash hash -> bugRemoteMissingCausalHash hash
Share.API.CreateProjectBranchResponseSuccess remoteBranch -> pure remoteBranch
Share.createProjectBranch createProjectBranchRequest & onNothingM do
Cli.returnEarly $
Output.RemoteProjectBranchDoesntExist Share.hardCodedUri (over #project snd remoteProjectAndBranch)
case pushing of
PushingLooseCode -> pure ()
PushingProjectBranch (ProjectAndBranch localProject localBranch) ->
@ -651,9 +579,9 @@ createBranchAfterUploadAction pushing localBranchHead remoteProjectAndBranch = d
(localProject ^. #projectId)
(localBranch ^. #branchId)
(RemoteProjectId (remoteBranch ^. #projectId))
(remoteBranch ^. #projectId)
(RemoteProjectBranchId (remoteBranch ^. #branchId))
(remoteBranch ^. #branchId)
-- We intend to fast-forward a remote branch. There's one last check to do, which may cause this action to
-- short-circuit: check to see if the remote branch is indeed behind the given causal hash. If it is, then return an
@ -661,14 +589,10 @@ createBranchAfterUploadAction pushing localBranchHead remoteProjectAndBranch = d
makeFastForwardAfterUploadAction ::
WhatAreWePushing ->
Hash32 ->
Share.API.ProjectBranch ->
Share.RemoteProjectBranch ->
Cli AfterUploadAction
makeFastForwardAfterUploadAction pushing localBranchHead remoteBranch = do
let remoteProjectAndBranchNames =
(unsafeFrom @Text (remoteBranch ^. #projectName))
(unsafeFrom @Text (remoteBranch ^. #branchName))
let remoteProjectAndBranchNames = ProjectAndBranch (remoteBranch ^. #projectName) (remoteBranch ^. #branchName)
let remoteProjectBranchHeadMismatch :: Cli a
remoteProjectBranchHeadMismatch =
Cli.returnEarly (RemoteProjectBranchHeadMismatch Share.hardCodedUri remoteProjectAndBranchNames)
@ -679,20 +603,17 @@ makeFastForwardAfterUploadAction pushing localBranchHead remoteBranch = do
pure do
let request =
{ projectId = remoteBranch ^. #projectId,
branchId = remoteBranch ^. #branchId,
{ projectId = unRemoteProjectId (remoteBranch ^. #projectId),
branchId = unRemoteProjectBranchId (remoteBranch ^. #branchId),
branchOldCausalHash = Just remoteBranchHead,
branchNewCausalHash = localBranchHead
Share.setProjectBranchHead request >>= \case
Share.API.SetProjectBranchHeadResponseUnauthorized (Share.API.Unauthorized message) ->
Cli.returnEarly (Output.Unauthorized message)
Share.API.SetProjectBranchHeadResponseNotFound _ -> do
Cli.returnEarly (Output.RemoteProjectBranchDoesntExist Share.hardCodedUri remoteProjectAndBranchNames)
Share.API.SetProjectBranchHeadResponseMissingCausalHash hash -> bugRemoteMissingCausalHash hash
Share.API.SetProjectBranchHeadResponseExpectedCausalHashMismatch _expected _actual ->
Share.SetProjectBranchHeadResponseExpectedCausalHashMismatch _expected _actual ->
Share.API.SetProjectBranchHeadResponseSuccess -> do
Share.SetProjectBranchHeadResponseNotFound -> do
Cli.returnEarly (Output.RemoteProjectBranchDoesntExist Share.hardCodedUri remoteProjectAndBranchNames)
Share.SetProjectBranchHeadResponseSuccess -> do
case pushing of
PushingLooseCode -> pure ()
PushingProjectBranch (ProjectAndBranch localProject localBranch) -> do
@ -700,17 +621,13 @@ makeFastForwardAfterUploadAction pushing localBranchHead remoteBranch = do
(localProject ^. #projectId)
(localBranch ^. #branchId)
(remoteBranch ^. #projectId . to RemoteProjectId)
(remoteBranch ^. #projectId)
(remoteBranch ^. #branchId . to RemoteProjectBranchId)
(remoteBranch ^. #branchId)
remoteBranchHead =
Share.API.hashJWTHash (remoteBranch ^. #branchHead)
bugRemoteMissingCausalHash :: Hash32 -> a
bugRemoteMissingCausalHash hash =
error (reportBug "E796475" ("Create remote branch: causal hash missing: " ++ show hash))
oinkGetLoggedInUser :: Cli Text
oinkGetLoggedInUser = do
loggeth ["Getting current logged-in user on Share"]
@ -770,36 +687,3 @@ wouldNotBeFastForward localBranchHead remoteBranchHead = do
case maybeHashIds of
Nothing -> pure True
Just (localBranchHead1, remoteBranchHead1) -> not <$> Queries.before remoteBranchHead1 localBranchHead1
-- Extracting things out of Share project/branch names
-- A Share project is just an opaque text, but we often need to assert that it actually is of the form @user/name
expectRemoteProjectAndBranch :: Share.API.ProjectBranch -> Cli (ProjectAndBranch ProjectName ProjectBranchName)
expectRemoteProjectAndBranch branch = do
projectName <- expectProjectName (branch ^. #projectName)
branchName <- expectBranchName (branch ^. #branchName)
pure (ProjectAndBranch projectName branchName)
expectProjectName :: Text -> Cli ProjectName
expectProjectName projectName =
case tryInto projectName of
-- This shouldn't happen often - Share gave us a project name that we don't consider valid?
Left err -> do
loggeth ["Invalid project name: ", tShow err]
Right x -> pure x
expectBranchName :: Text -> Cli ProjectBranchName
expectBranchName branchName = case tryInto branchName of
Left err -> do
[ "Expected text: ",
tShow branchName,
" to be a valid project branch name.",
tShow err
Right x -> pure x

View File

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ module Unison.Codebase.Editor.Input
( Input (..),
DiffNamespaceToPatchInput (..),
GistInput (..),
PullSourceTarget (..),
PullTarget (..),
PushRemoteBranchInput (..),
PushSourceTarget (..),
PushTarget (..),
@ -97,10 +99,15 @@ data Input
MergeLocalBranchI Path' Path' Branch.MergeMode
| PreviewMergeLocalBranchI Path' Path'
| DiffNamespaceI BranchId BranchId -- old new
| PullRemoteBranchI (Maybe ReadRemoteNamespace) Path' SyncMode PullMode Verbosity
| PullRemoteBranchI PullSourceTarget SyncMode PullMode Verbosity
| PushRemoteBranchI PushRemoteBranchInput
| CreatePullRequestI ReadRemoteNamespace ReadRemoteNamespace
| LoadPullRequestI ReadRemoteNamespace ReadRemoteNamespace Path'
| CreatePullRequestI
(ReadRemoteNamespace (These ProjectName ProjectBranchName))
(ReadRemoteNamespace (These ProjectName ProjectBranchName))
| LoadPullRequestI
(ReadRemoteNamespace (These ProjectName ProjectBranchName))
(ReadRemoteNamespace (These ProjectName ProjectBranchName))
| ResetRootI (Either ShortCausalHash Path')
| -- todo: Q: Does it make sense to publish to not-the-root of a Github repo?
-- Does it make sense to fork from not-the-root of a Github repo?
@ -166,8 +173,8 @@ data Input
CompileSchemeI String (HQ.HashQualified Name)
| -- generate scheme libraries
| -- fetch scheme compiler
| -- fetch scheme compiler from a given username
FetchSchemeCompilerI String
| TestI TestInput
| -- metadata
-- `link metadata definitions` (adds metadata to all of `definitions`)
@ -234,6 +241,21 @@ data GistInput = GistInput
deriving stock (Eq, Show)
-- | Pull source and target: either neither is specified, or only a source, or both.
data PullSourceTarget
= PullSourceTarget0
| PullSourceTarget1 (ReadRemoteNamespace (These ProjectName ProjectBranchName))
| PullSourceTarget2
(ReadRemoteNamespace (These ProjectName ProjectBranchName))
(PullTarget (These ProjectName ProjectBranchName))
deriving stock (Eq, Show)
-- | Where are we pulling into?
data PullTarget a
= PullTargetLooseCode Path'
| PullTargetProject a
deriving stock (Eq, Show)
data PushTarget
= PathyTarget WriteRemotePath
| ProjyTarget (These ProjectName ProjectBranchName)

View File

@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ data NumberedOutput
| ShowDiffAfterMergePropagate Path.Path' Path.Absolute Path.Path' PPE.PrettyPrintEnv (BranchDiffOutput Symbol Ann)
| ShowDiffAfterMergePreview Path.Path' Path.Absolute PPE.PrettyPrintEnv (BranchDiffOutput Symbol Ann)
| ShowDiffAfterPull Path.Path' Path.Absolute PPE.PrettyPrintEnv (BranchDiffOutput Symbol Ann)
| ShowDiffAfterCreatePR ReadRemoteNamespace ReadRemoteNamespace PPE.PrettyPrintEnv (BranchDiffOutput Symbol Ann)
| ShowDiffAfterCreatePR (ReadRemoteNamespace Void) (ReadRemoteNamespace Void) PPE.PrettyPrintEnv (BranchDiffOutput Symbol Ann)
| -- <authorIdentifier> <authorPath> <relativeBase>
ShowDiffAfterCreateAuthor NameSegment Path.Path' Path.Absolute PPE.PrettyPrintEnv (BranchDiffOutput Symbol Ann)
| -- | Invariant: there's at least one conflict or edit in the TodoOutput.
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ data Output
-- ^ acceptable type(s) of function
| BranchEmpty WhichBranchEmpty
| BranchNotEmpty Path'
| LoadPullRequest ReadRemoteNamespace ReadRemoteNamespace Path' Path' Path' Path'
| LoadPullRequest (ReadRemoteNamespace Void) (ReadRemoteNamespace Void) Path' Path' Path' Path'
| CreatedNewBranch Path.Absolute
| BranchAlreadyExists Path'
| FindNoLocalMatches
@ -246,10 +246,14 @@ data Output
| WarnIncomingRootBranch ShortCausalHash (Set ShortCausalHash)
| StartOfCurrentPathHistory
| ShowReflog [(Maybe UTCTime, SCH.ShortCausalHash, Text)]
| PullAlreadyUpToDate ReadRemoteNamespace Path'
| PullSuccessful ReadRemoteNamespace Path'
| PullAlreadyUpToDate
(ReadRemoteNamespace (ProjectAndBranch ProjectName ProjectBranchName))
(PullTarget (ProjectAndBranch ProjectName ProjectBranchName))
| PullSuccessful
(ReadRemoteNamespace (ProjectAndBranch ProjectName ProjectBranchName))
(PullTarget (ProjectAndBranch ProjectName ProjectBranchName))
| -- | Indicates a trivial merge where the destination was empty and was just replaced.
MergeOverEmpty Path'
MergeOverEmpty (PullTarget (ProjectAndBranch ProjectName ProjectBranchName))
| MergeAlreadyUpToDate Path' Path'
| PreviewMergeAlreadyUpToDate Path' Path'
| -- | No conflicts or edits remain for the current patch.
@ -276,7 +280,7 @@ data Output
| -- Refused to push, either because a `push` targeted an empty namespace, or a `push.create` targeted a non-empty namespace.
RefusedToPush PushBehavior WriteRemotePath
| -- | @GistCreated repo@ means a causal was just published to @repo@.
GistCreated ReadRemoteNamespace
GistCreated (ReadRemoteNamespace Void)
| -- | Directs the user to URI to begin an authorization flow.
InitiateAuthFlow URI
| UnknownCodeServer Text
@ -286,7 +290,7 @@ data Output
| DisplayDebugNameDiff NameChanges
| DisplayDebugCompletions [Completion.Completion]
| ClearScreen
| PulledEmptyBranch ReadRemoteNamespace
| PulledEmptyBranch (ReadRemoteNamespace (ProjectAndBranch ProjectName ProjectBranchName))
| ProjectNameAlreadyExists ProjectName
| ProjectAndBranchNameAlreadyExists (ProjectAndBranch ProjectName ProjectBranchName)
| LocalProjectBranchDoesntExist (ProjectAndBranch ProjectName ProjectBranchName)

View File

@ -559,7 +559,7 @@ typecheckFile ::
Codebase m Symbol Ann ->
[Type Symbol Ann] ->
UF.UnisonFile Symbol Ann ->
Sqlite.Transaction (Result.Result (Seq (Result.Note Symbol Ann)) (Either Names (UF.TypecheckedUnisonFile Symbol Ann)))
Sqlite.Transaction (Result.Result (Seq (Result.Note Symbol Ann)) (Either x (UF.TypecheckedUnisonFile Symbol Ann)))
typecheckFile codebase ambient file = do
typeLookup <- Codebase.typeLookupForDependencies codebase (UF.dependencies file)
pure . fmap Right $ synthesizeFile' ambient (typeLookup <> Builtin.typeLookup) file

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import Data.Bifunctor (first)
import Data.Char (isAlphaNum, isDigit, isSpace)
import Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.These (These)
import Data.Void
import qualified Text.Megaparsec as P
import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char as C
@ -33,6 +34,7 @@ import qualified Unison.Codebase.Path as Path
import Unison.Codebase.ShortCausalHash (ShortCausalHash (..))
import Unison.NameSegment (NameSegment (..))
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.Project (ProjectBranchName, ProjectName)
import qualified Unison.Syntax.Lexer
import qualified Unison.Util.Pretty as P
import qualified Unison.Util.Pretty.MegaParsec as P
@ -57,13 +59,17 @@ type P = P.Parsec Void Text.Text
-- $ git clone [user@]server:project.git[:treeish][:[#hash][.path]]
repoPath :: P ReadRemoteNamespace
repoPath :: P (ReadRemoteNamespace (These ProjectName ProjectBranchName))
repoPath =
P.label "generic repo" $
fmap ReadRemoteNamespaceGit readGitRemoteNamespace
<|> fmap ReadRemoteNamespaceShare readShareRemoteNamespace
<|> wundefined
parseReadRemoteNamespace :: String -> String -> Either (P.Pretty P.ColorText) ReadRemoteNamespace
parseReadRemoteNamespace ::
String ->
String ->
Either (P.Pretty P.ColorText) (ReadRemoteNamespace (These ProjectName ProjectBranchName))
parseReadRemoteNamespace label input =
let printError err = P.lines [P.string "I couldn't parse the repository address given above.", P.prettyPrintParseError input err]
in first printError (P.parse repoPath label (Text.pack input))

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ module Unison.Codebase.TranscriptParser
import Control.Lens ((?~), (^.))
import Control.Lens (use, (?=), (^.))
import qualified Crypto.Random as Random
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import qualified Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty as Aeson
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import Data.IORef
import Data.List (isSubsequenceOf)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.These (These (..))
import qualified Ki
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as HTTP
import System.Directory (doesFileExist)
@ -42,7 +43,10 @@ import qualified U.Codebase.Sqlite.Operations as Operations
import qualified Unison.Auth.CredentialManager as AuthN
import qualified Unison.Auth.HTTPClient as AuthN
import qualified Unison.Auth.Tokens as AuthN
import Unison.Cli.Monad (Cli)
import qualified Unison.Cli.Monad as Cli
import qualified Unison.Cli.MonadUtils as Cli
import qualified Unison.Cli.ProjectUtils as ProjectUtils
import Unison.Codebase (Codebase)
import qualified Unison.Codebase as Codebase
import qualified Unison.Codebase.Branch.Type as Branch
@ -61,6 +65,7 @@ import Unison.CommandLine.Welcome (asciiartUnison)
import Unison.Parser.Ann (Ann)
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.PrettyTerminal
import Unison.Project (ProjectAndBranch (..), ProjectBranchName, ProjectName)
import qualified Unison.Runtime.Interface as RTI
import qualified Unison.Server.Backend as Backend
import qualified Unison.Server.CodebaseServer as Server
@ -93,9 +98,14 @@ data Hidden = Shown | HideOutput | HideAll
deriving (Eq, Show)
data UcmLine
= UcmCommand Path.Absolute Text
= UcmCommand UcmContext Text
| UcmComment Text -- Text does not include the '--' prefix.
-- | Where a command is run: either loose code (>) or a project branch (myproject/mybranch>).
data UcmContext
= UcmContextLooseCode Path.Absolute
| UcmContextProject (ProjectAndBranch ProjectName ProjectBranchName)
data APIRequest
= GetRequest Text
| APIComment Text
@ -112,8 +122,13 @@ data Stanza
| Unfenced Text
instance Show UcmLine where
show (UcmCommand path txt) = show path <> ">" <> Text.unpack txt
show (UcmComment txt) = "--" ++ Text.unpack txt
show = \case
UcmCommand context txt -> showContext context <> "> " <> Text.unpack txt
UcmComment txt -> "--" ++ Text.unpack txt
showContext = \case
UcmContextLooseCode path -> show path
UcmContextProject (ProjectAndBranch project branch) -> Text.unpack (into @Text (These project branch))
instance Show Stanza where
show s = case s of
@ -166,7 +181,7 @@ parseFile filePath = do
parse :: String -> Text -> Either TranscriptError [Stanza]
parse srcName txt = case P.parse (stanzas <* P.eof) srcName txt of
Right a -> Right a
Left e -> Left . TranscriptParseError $ tShow e
Left e -> Left . TranscriptParseError . Text.pack . P.errorBundlePretty $ e
type TranscriptRunner =
( String ->
@ -183,26 +198,27 @@ withTranscriptRunner ::
(TranscriptRunner -> m r) ->
m r
withTranscriptRunner ucmVersion configFile action = do
withRuntimes $ \runtime sbRuntime -> withConfig $ \config -> do
action $ \transcriptName transcriptSrc (codebaseDir, codebase) -> do
withRuntimes \runtime sbRuntime -> withConfig $ \config -> do
action \transcriptName transcriptSrc (codebaseDir, codebase) -> do
Server.startServer (Backend.BackendEnv {Backend.useNamesIndex = False}) Server.defaultCodebaseServerOpts runtime codebase $ \baseUrl -> do
let parsed = parse transcriptName transcriptSrc
result <- for parsed $ \stanzas -> do
result <- for parsed \stanzas -> do
liftIO $ run codebaseDir stanzas codebase runtime sbRuntime config ucmVersion (tShow baseUrl)
pure $ join @(Either TranscriptError) result
withRuntimes :: ((Runtime.Runtime Symbol -> Runtime.Runtime Symbol -> m a) -> m a)
withRuntimes action =
RTI.withRuntime False RTI.Persistent ucmVersion $ \runtime -> do
RTI.withRuntime True RTI.Persistent ucmVersion $ \sbRuntime -> do
RTI.withRuntime False RTI.Persistent ucmVersion \runtime -> do
RTI.withRuntime True RTI.Persistent ucmVersion \sbRuntime -> do
action runtime sbRuntime
withConfig :: forall a. ((Maybe Config -> m a) -> m a)
withConfig action = do
case configFile of
Nothing -> action Nothing
Just configFilePath -> do
let loadConfig = liftIO $ do
catchIOError (watchConfig configFilePath) $
let loadConfig = liftIO do
(watchConfig configFilePath)
\_ -> die "Your .unisonConfig could not be loaded. Check that it's correct!"
@ -268,7 +284,7 @@ run dir stanzas codebase runtime sbRuntime config ucmVersion baseURL = UnliftIO.
HideOutput -> True && (not inputEcho)
HideAll -> True
output, outputEcho :: (String -> IO ())
output, outputEcho :: String -> IO ()
output = output' False
outputEcho = output' True
@ -276,8 +292,8 @@ run dir stanzas codebase runtime sbRuntime config ucmVersion baseURL = UnliftIO.
apiRequest req = do
output (show req <> "\n")
case req of
(APIComment {}) -> pure ()
(GetRequest path) -> do
APIComment {} -> pure ()
GetRequest path -> do
req <- case HTTP.parseRequest (Text.unpack $ baseURL <> path) of
Left err -> dieWithMsg (show err)
Right req -> pure req
@ -288,86 +304,102 @@ run dir stanzas codebase runtime sbRuntime config ucmVersion baseURL = UnliftIO.
output . (<> "\n") . BL.unpack $ prettyBytes
Left err -> dieWithMsg ("Error decoding response from " <> Text.unpack path <> ": " <> err)
awaitInput :: Cli.LoopState -> IO (Either Event Input)
awaitInput loopState = do
awaitInput :: Cli (Either Event Input)
awaitInput = do
cmd <- atomically (Q.tryDequeue cmdQueue)
case cmd of
-- end of ucm block
Just Nothing -> do
output "\n```\n"
liftIO (output "\n```\n")
-- We clear the file cache after each `ucm` stanza, so
-- that `load` command can read the file written by `edit`
-- rather than hitting the cache.
writeIORef unisonFiles Map.empty
awaitInput loopState
liftIO (writeIORef unisonFiles Map.empty)
liftIO dieUnexpectedSuccess
-- ucm command to run
Just (Just ucmLine) -> do
case ucmLine of
p@(UcmComment {}) -> do
output ("\n" <> show p)
awaitInput loopState
p@(UcmCommand path lineTxt) -> do
let curPath = loopState ^. #currentPath
if curPath /= path
then do
atomically $ Q.undequeue cmdQueue (Just p)
pure $ Right (SwitchBranchI $ Just (Path.absoluteToPath' path))
else case words . Text.unpack $ lineTxt of
[] -> awaitInput loopState
args -> do
output ("\n" <> show p <> "\n")
let getRoot = fmap Branch.head . atomically $ readTMVar (loopState ^. #root)
parseInput getRoot curPath (loopState ^. #numberedArgs) patternMap args >>= \case
-- invalid command is treated as a failure
Left msg -> dieWithMsg $ Pretty.toPlain terminalWidth msg
Right input -> pure $ Right input
liftIO (output ("\n" <> show p))
p@(UcmCommand context lineTxt) -> do
curPath <- Cli.getCurrentPath
-- We're either going to run the command now (because we're in the right context), else we'll switch to
-- the right context first, then run the command next.
maybeSwitchCommand <-
case context of
UcmContextLooseCode path ->
if curPath == path
then pure Nothing
else do
atomically $ Q.undequeue cmdQueue (Just p)
pure $ Just (SwitchBranchI $ Just (Path.absoluteToPath' path))
UcmContextProject projectNames -> do
projectIds <- ProjectUtils.resolveNamesToIds (These (projectNames ^. #project) (projectNames ^. #branch))
if curPath == ProjectUtils.projectBranchPath projectIds
then pure Nothing
else undefined
case maybeSwitchCommand of
Just switchCommand -> pure (Right switchCommand)
Nothing -> do
case words . Text.unpack $ lineTxt of
[] -> awaitInput
args -> do
liftIO (output ("\n" <> show p <> "\n"))
rootVar <- use #root
numberedArgs <- use #numberedArgs
let getRoot = fmap Branch.head . atomically $ readTMVar rootVar
liftIO (parseInput getRoot curPath numberedArgs patternMap args) >>= \case
-- invalid command is treated as a failure
Left msg -> liftIO (dieWithMsg $ Pretty.toPlain terminalWidth msg)
Right input -> pure $ Right input
Nothing -> do
writeIORef hidden Shown
writeIORef allowErrors False
liftIO (dieUnexpectedSuccess)
liftIO (writeIORef hidden Shown)
liftIO (writeIORef allowErrors False)
maybeStanza <- atomically (Q.tryDequeue inputQueue)
_ <- writeIORef mStanza maybeStanza
_ <- liftIO (writeIORef mStanza maybeStanza)
case maybeStanza of
Nothing -> do
putStrLn ""
liftIO (putStrLn "")
pure $ Right QuitI
Just (s, idx) -> do
putStr $
liftIO . putStr $
"\r⚙️ Processing stanza "
++ show idx
++ " of "
++ show (length stanzas)
++ "."
IO.hFlush IO.stdout
liftIO (IO.hFlush IO.stdout)
case s of
Unfenced _ -> do
output $ show s
awaitInput loopState
liftIO (output $ show s)
UnprocessedFence _ _ -> do
output $ show s
awaitInput loopState
liftIO (output $ show s)
Unison hide errOk filename txt -> do
writeIORef hidden hide
outputEcho $ show s
writeIORef allowErrors errOk
output "```ucm\n"
liftIO (writeIORef hidden hide)
liftIO (outputEcho $ show s)
liftIO (writeIORef allowErrors errOk)
liftIO (output "```ucm\n")
atomically . Q.enqueue cmdQueue $ Nothing
modifyIORef' unisonFiles (Map.insert (fromMaybe "scratch.u" filename) txt)
liftIO (modifyIORef' unisonFiles (Map.insert (fromMaybe "scratch.u" filename) txt))
pure $ Left (UnisonFileChanged (fromMaybe "scratch.u" filename) txt)
API apiRequests -> do
output "```api\n"
for_ apiRequests apiRequest
output "```"
awaitInput loopState
liftIO (output "```api\n")
liftIO (for_ apiRequests apiRequest)
liftIO (output "```")
Ucm hide errOk cmds -> do
writeIORef hidden hide
writeIORef allowErrors errOk
writeIORef hasErrors False
output "```ucm"
liftIO (writeIORef hidden hide)
liftIO (writeIORef allowErrors errOk)
liftIO (writeIORef hasErrors False)
liftIO (output "```ucm")
traverse_ (atomically . Q.enqueue cmdQueue . Just) cmds
atomically . Q.enqueue cmdQueue $ Nothing
awaitInput loopState
loadPreviousUnisonBlock name = do
ufs <- readIORef unisonFiles
@ -465,20 +497,19 @@ run dir stanzas codebase runtime sbRuntime config ucmVersion baseURL = UnliftIO.
let step :: Cli ()
step = do
input <- awaitInput
case input of
Left _ -> pure ()
Right inp -> #lastInput ?= inp
HandleInput.loop input
let loop :: Cli.LoopState -> IO Text
loop s0 = do
input <- awaitInput s0
Cli.runCli env s0 (HandleInput.loop input) >>= \case
(Cli.Success (), s1) -> do
let sNext = case input of
Left _ -> s1
Right inp -> s1 & #lastInput ?~ inp
loop sNext
(Cli.Continue, s1) -> do
let sNext = case input of
Left _ -> s1
Right inp -> s1 & #lastInput ?~ inp
loop sNext
Cli.runCli env s0 step >>= \case
(Cli.Success (), s1) -> loop s1
(Cli.Continue, s1) -> loop s1
(Cli.HaltRepl, _) -> do
texts <- readIORef out
pure $ Text.concat (Text.pack <$> toList (texts :: Seq String))
@ -490,11 +521,11 @@ transcriptFailure out msg = do
texts <- readIORef out
. TranscriptRunFailure
$ Text.concat (Text.pack <$> toList (texts :: Seq String))
$ Text.concat (Text.pack <$> toList texts)
<> "\n\n"
<> msg
type P = P.Parsec () Text
type P = P.Parsec Void Text
stanzas :: P [Stanza]
stanzas = P.many (fenced <|> unfenced)
@ -504,15 +535,18 @@ ucmLine = ucmCommand <|> ucmComment
ucmCommand :: P UcmLine
ucmCommand = do
P.lookAhead (word ".")
path <- P.takeWhile1P Nothing (/= '>')
void $ word ">"
context <-
P.try do
contextString <- P.takeWhile1P Nothing (/= '>')
context <-
case (tryFrom @Text contextString, Path.parsePath' (Text.unpack contextString)) of
(Right (These project branch), _) -> pure (UcmContextProject (ProjectAndBranch project branch))
(Left _, Right (Path.unPath' -> Left abs)) -> pure (UcmContextLooseCode abs)
_ -> fail "expected project/branch or absolute path"
void $ lineToken $ word ">"
pure context
line <- P.takeWhileP Nothing (/= '\n') <* spaces
path <- case Path.parsePath' (Text.unpack path) of
Right (Path.unPath' -> Left abs) -> pure abs
Right _ -> fail "expected absolute path"
Left e -> fail e
pure $ UcmCommand path line
pure $ UcmCommand context line
ucmComment :: P UcmLine
ucmComment = do
@ -611,7 +645,7 @@ lineToken :: P a -> P a
lineToken p = p <* nonNewlineSpaces
nonNewlineSpaces :: P ()
nonNewlineSpaces = void $ P.takeWhileP Nothing (\ch -> ch `elem` (" \t" :: String))
nonNewlineSpaces = void $ P.takeWhileP Nothing (\ch -> ch == ' ' || ch == '\t')
hidden :: P Hidden
hidden = (\case Just x -> x; Nothing -> Shown) <$> optional go

View File

@ -1065,14 +1065,19 @@ pullImpl name aliases verbosity pullMode addendum = do
( \case
[] ->
Right $ Input.PullRemoteBranchI Nothing Path.relativeEmpty' SyncMode.ShortCircuit pullMode verbosity
[url] -> do
ns <- parseReadRemoteNamespace "remote-namespace" url
Right $ Input.PullRemoteBranchI (Just ns) Path.relativeEmpty' SyncMode.ShortCircuit pullMode verbosity
[url, path] -> do
ns <- parseReadRemoteNamespace "remote-namespace" url
p <- first fromString $ Path.parsePath' path
Right $ Input.PullRemoteBranchI (Just ns) p SyncMode.ShortCircuit pullMode verbosity
Right $ Input.PullRemoteBranchI Input.PullSourceTarget0 SyncMode.ShortCircuit pullMode verbosity
[sourceString] -> do
source <- parseReadRemoteNamespace "remote-namespace" sourceString
Right $ Input.PullRemoteBranchI (Input.PullSourceTarget1 source) SyncMode.ShortCircuit pullMode verbosity
[sourceString, targetString] -> do
source <- parseReadRemoteNamespace "remote-namespace" sourceString
target <- parsePullTarget targetString
Right $
(Input.PullSourceTarget2 source target)
_ -> Left ( self)
@ -1096,14 +1101,29 @@ pullExhaustive =
( \case
[] ->
Right $ Input.PullRemoteBranchI Nothing Path.relativeEmpty' SyncMode.Complete Input.PullWithHistory Verbosity.Verbose
[url] -> do
ns <- parseReadRemoteNamespace "remote-namespace" url
Right $ Input.PullRemoteBranchI (Just ns) Path.relativeEmpty' SyncMode.Complete Input.PullWithHistory Verbosity.Verbose
[url, path] -> do
ns <- parseReadRemoteNamespace "remote-namespace" url
p <- first fromString $ Path.parsePath' path
Right $ Input.PullRemoteBranchI (Just ns) p SyncMode.Complete Input.PullWithHistory Verbosity.Verbose
Right $
[sourceString] -> do
source <- parseReadRemoteNamespace "remote-namespace" sourceString
Right $
(Input.PullSourceTarget1 source)
[sourceString, targetString] -> do
source <- parseReadRemoteNamespace "remote-namespace" sourceString
target <- parsePullTarget targetString
Right $
(Input.PullSourceTarget2 source target)
_ -> Left ( pullVerbose)
@ -2181,12 +2201,16 @@ fetchScheme =
<> "is run\
\ if the library is not already in the standard location\
\ (unison.internal). However, this command will force\
\ a pull even if the library already exists."
\ a pull even if the library already exists. You can also specify\
\ a username to pull from (the default is `unison`) to use an alternate\
\ implementation of the scheme compiler. It will attempt to fetch\
\ [username].public.internal.trunk for use."
( \case
[] -> pure Input.FetchSchemeCompilerI
[] -> pure (Input.FetchSchemeCompilerI "unison")
[name] -> pure (Input.FetchSchemeCompilerI name)
_ -> Left $ showPatternHelp fetchScheme
@ -2622,6 +2646,15 @@ parseProjectBranchName :: Text -> Either (P.Pretty P.ColorText) ProjectBranchNam
parseProjectBranchName s =
mapLeft (\_ -> "Invalid branch name.") (tryInto @ProjectBranchName s)
parsePullTarget :: String -> Either (P.Pretty CT.ColorText) (Input.PullTarget (These ProjectName ProjectBranchName))
parsePullTarget targetString =
case tryInto @(These ProjectName ProjectBranchName) (Text.pack targetString) of
Left _ ->
case Path.parsePath' targetString of
Left _ -> Left ( pull)
Right path -> pure (Input.PullTargetLooseCode path)
Right project -> pure (Input.PullTargetProject project)
-- | Parse a 'Input.PushSource'.
parsePushSource :: String -> Either (P.Pretty CT.ColorText) Input.PushSource
parsePushSource sourceStr =

View File

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ import qualified Unison.CommandLine.Welcome as Welcome
import Unison.Parser.Ann (Ann)
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.PrettyTerminal
import Unison.Project (ProjectAndBranch (..), ProjectBranchName, ProjectName)
import Unison.Project (ProjectAndBranch (..))
import qualified Unison.Server.CodebaseServer as Server
import Unison.Symbol (Symbol)
import qualified Unison.Syntax.Parser as Parser
@ -54,7 +54,6 @@ import qualified Unison.Util.Pretty as P
import qualified Unison.Util.TQueue as Q
import qualified UnliftIO
import UnliftIO.STM
import Witch.Utility (unsafeInto)
getUserInput ::
forall m v a.
@ -87,13 +86,7 @@ getUserInput codebase authHTTPClient getRoot currentPath numberedArgs =
lift (Codebase.runTransaction codebase (Queries.loadProjectAndBranchNames projectId branchId)) <&> \case
-- If the project branch has been deleted from sqlite, just show a borked prompt
Nothing -> "???"
Just (projectName, branchName) ->
P.purple $
P.text $
into @Text $
(unsafeInto @ProjectName projectName)
(unsafeInto @ProjectBranchName branchName)
Just (projectName, branchName) -> P.purple (P.text (into @Text (These projectName branchName)))
line <- Line.getInputLine (P.toANSI 80 (promptString <> fromString prompt))
case line of
Nothing -> pure QuitI

View File

@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import Data.Time (UTCTime, getCurrentTime)
import Data.Time.Format.Human (HumanTimeLocale (..), defaultHumanTimeLocale, humanReadableTimeI18N')
import Data.Tuple (swap)
import Data.Tuple.Extra (dupe)
import Data.Void (absurd)
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as Http
import Network.URI (URI)
import qualified Network.URI.Encode as URI
@ -314,9 +315,9 @@ notifyNumbered o = case o of
( P.wrap $
"Looks like there's no difference between "
<> prettyReadRemoteNamespace baseRepo
<> prettyReadRemoteNamespaceWith absurd baseRepo
<> "and"
<> prettyReadRemoteNamespace headRepo
<> prettyReadRemoteNamespaceWith absurd headRepo
<> ".",
@ -331,8 +332,8 @@ notifyNumbered o = case o of
P.indentN 2 $
[ prettyReadRemoteNamespace baseRepo,
prettyReadRemoteNamespace headRepo
[ prettyReadRemoteNamespaceWith absurd baseRepo,
prettyReadRemoteNamespaceWith absurd headRepo
@ -558,9 +559,14 @@ showListEdits patch ppe =
prettyURI :: URI -> Pretty
prettyURI = P.bold . . P.shown
prettyReadRemoteNamespace :: ReadRemoteNamespace -> Pretty
prettyReadRemoteNamespace :: ReadRemoteNamespace (ProjectAndBranch ProjectName ProjectBranchName) -> Pretty
prettyReadRemoteNamespace = . . P.text . RemoteRepo.printNamespace
prettyReadRemoteNamespaceWith \(ProjectAndBranch projectName branchName) ->
into @Text (These projectName branchName)
prettyReadRemoteNamespaceWith :: (a -> Text) -> ReadRemoteNamespace a -> Pretty
prettyReadRemoteNamespaceWith printProject = . . P.text . RemoteRepo.printNamespace printProject
prettyWriteRemotePath :: WriteRemotePath -> Pretty
prettyWriteRemotePath =
@ -653,8 +659,8 @@ notifyUser dir = \case
LoadPullRequest baseNS headNS basePath headPath mergedPath squashedPath ->
pure $
[ P.wrap $ "I checked out" <> prettyReadRemoteNamespace baseNS <> "to" <> (prettyPath' basePath <> "."),
P.wrap $ "I checked out" <> prettyReadRemoteNamespace headNS <> "to" <> (prettyPath' headPath <> "."),
[ P.wrap $ "I checked out" <> prettyReadRemoteNamespaceWith absurd baseNS <> "to" <> (prettyPath' basePath <> "."),
P.wrap $ "I checked out" <> prettyReadRemoteNamespaceWith absurd headNS <> "to" <> (prettyPath' headPath <> "."),
P.wrap $ "The merged result is in" <> (prettyPath' mergedPath <> "."),
P.wrap $ "The (squashed) merged result is in" <> (prettyPath' squashedPath <> "."),
@ -680,11 +686,11 @@ notifyUser dir = \case
<> IP.makeExample
[prettyReadRemoteNamespace baseNS, prettyPath' mergedPath]
[prettyReadRemoteNamespaceWith absurd baseNS, prettyPath' mergedPath]
<> "or"
<> IP.makeExample
[prettyReadRemoteNamespace baseNS, prettyPath' squashedPath]
[prettyReadRemoteNamespaceWith absurd baseNS, prettyPath' squashedPath]
<> "to push the changes."
DisplayDefinitions output -> displayDefinitions output
@ -1291,7 +1297,7 @@ notifyUser dir = \case
"I just finished importing the branch"
<> (P.shown h)
<> "from"
<> (prettyReadRemoteNamespace (RemoteRepo.ReadRemoteNamespaceGit ns))
<> (prettyReadRemoteNamespaceWith absurd (RemoteRepo.ReadRemoteNamespaceGit ns))
<> "but now I can't find it."
CouldntFindRemoteBranch repo path ->
P.wrap $
@ -1562,20 +1568,20 @@ notifyUser dir = \case
PullAlreadyUpToDate ns dest ->
pure . P.callout "😶" $
P.wrap $
prettyPath' dest
prettyPullTarget dest
<> "was already up-to-date with"
<> (prettyReadRemoteNamespace ns <> ".")
PullSuccessful ns dest ->
pure . P.okCallout $
P.wrap $
"Successfully updated"
<> prettyPath' dest
<> prettyPullTarget dest
<> "from"
<> (prettyReadRemoteNamespace ns <> ".")
MergeOverEmpty dest ->
pure . P.okCallout $
P.wrap $
"Successfully pulled into newly created namespace " <> (prettyPath' dest <> ".")
"Successfully pulled into " <> (prettyPullTarget dest <> ", which was empty.")
MergeAlreadyUpToDate src dest ->
pure . P.callout "😶" $
P.wrap $
@ -1717,7 +1723,7 @@ notifyUser dir = \case
[ "Gist created. Pull via:",
P.indentN 2 (IP.patternName IP.pull <> " " <> prettyReadRemoteNamespace remoteNamespace)
P.indentN 2 (IP.patternName IP.pull <> " " <> prettyReadRemoteNamespaceWith absurd remoteNamespace)
InitiateAuthFlow authURI -> do
pure $
@ -1779,8 +1785,9 @@ notifyUser dir = \case
_ -> P.wrap $ P.text "It looks like someone modified" <> prettySharePath sharePath <> P.text "an instant before you. Pull and try again? 🤞"
(Share.CheckAndSetPushErrorNoWritePermission sharePath) -> noWritePermission sharePath
(Share.CheckAndSetPushErrorServerMissingDependencies hashes) -> missingDependencies hashes
(Share.CheckAndSetPushErrorInvalidRepoInfo repoInfo) -> invalidRepoInfo repoInfo
(Share.CheckAndSetPushErrorInvalidRepoInfo err repoInfo) -> invalidRepoInfo err repoInfo
(Share.CheckAndSetPushErrorUserNotFound path) -> shareUserNotFound path
(Share.CheckAndSetPushErrorProjectNotFound projectShortHand) -> shareProjectNotFound projectShortHand
ShareErrorFastForwardPush e -> case e of
(Share.FastForwardPushErrorNoHistory sharePath) ->
expectedNonEmptyPushDest (sharePathToWriteRemotePathShare sharePath)
@ -1808,14 +1815,16 @@ notifyUser dir = \case
pull = . P.backticked . IP.patternName $ IP.pull
(Share.FastForwardPushErrorNoWritePermission sharePath) -> noWritePermission sharePath
(Share.FastForwardPushErrorServerMissingDependencies hashes) -> missingDependencies hashes
(Share.FastForwardPushErrorInvalidRepoInfo repoInfo) -> invalidRepoInfo repoInfo
(Share.FastForwardPushErrorInvalidRepoInfo err repoInfo) -> invalidRepoInfo err repoInfo
(Share.FastForwardPushErrorUserNotFound path) -> shareUserNotFound path
(Share.FastForwardPushErrorProjectNotFound projectShortHand) -> shareProjectNotFound projectShortHand
ShareErrorPull e -> case e of
Share.PullErrorNoHistoryAtPath sharePath ->
P.wrap $ P.text "The server didn't find anything at" <> prettySharePath sharePath
Share.PullErrorNoReadPermission sharePath -> noReadPermission sharePath
Share.PullErrorInvalidRepoInfo repoInfo -> invalidRepoInfo repoInfo
Share.PullErrorInvalidRepoInfo err repoInfo -> invalidRepoInfo err repoInfo
Share.PullErrorUserNotFound path -> shareUserNotFound path
Share.PullErrorProjectNotFound projectShortHand -> shareProjectNotFound projectShortHand
ShareErrorGetCausalHashByPath err -> handleGetCausalHashByPathError err
ShareErrorTransport te -> case te of
DecodeFailure msg resp ->
@ -1861,13 +1870,14 @@ notifyUser dir = \case
. coerce @[Text] @[NameSegment]
. toList
. Share.pathSegments
invalidRepoInfo repoInfo =
invalidRepoInfo err repoInfo =
[ P.wrap $
"The server doesn't recognize the codebase path UCM provided. This is probably a bug in UCM.",
P.text "",
P.text "The invalid path is:\n"
<> P.indentN 2 (P.text (Share.unRepoInfo repoInfo))
<> P.indentN 2 (P.text (Share.unRepoInfo repoInfo)),
P.text err
shareUserNotFound (Share.Path pathSegments) =
@ -1876,6 +1886,11 @@ notifyUser dir = \case
P.indentN 2 (P.text . Text.intercalate "." $ toList pathSegments)
shareProjectNotFound projectShortHand =
[ P.wrap $
"This project does not exist: " <> P.text projectShortHand
missingDependencies hashes =
-- maybe todo: stuff in all the args to CheckAndSetPush
@ -1889,7 +1904,7 @@ notifyUser dir = \case
handleGetCausalHashByPathError = \case
Share.GetCausalHashByPathErrorNoReadPermission sharePath -> noReadPermission sharePath
Share.GetCausalHashByPathErrorInvalidRepoInfo repoInfo -> invalidRepoInfo repoInfo
Share.GetCausalHashByPathErrorInvalidRepoInfo err repoInfo -> invalidRepoInfo err repoInfo
Share.GetCausalHashByPathErrorUserNotFound path -> shareUserNotFound path
noReadPermission sharePath =
P.wrap $ P.text "The server said you don't have permission to read" <> (prettySharePath sharePath <> ".")
@ -2046,6 +2061,11 @@ prettyPath' p' =
then "the current namespace"
else (P.shown p')
prettyPullTarget :: Input.PullTarget (ProjectAndBranch ProjectName ProjectBranchName) -> Pretty
prettyPullTarget = \case
Input.PullTargetLooseCode path -> prettyPath' path
Input.PullTargetProject project -> prettyProjectAndBranchName project
prettyBranchId :: Input.AbsBranchId -> Pretty
prettyBranchId = \case
Left sch -> prettySCH sch

View File

@ -60,8 +60,7 @@ pullBase ns =
abs = Path.Absolute {Path.unabsolute = rootPath}
pullRemote =
(Just (ReadRemoteNamespaceShare ns))
(Path.Path' {Path.unPath' = Left abs})
(PullSourceTarget2 (ReadRemoteNamespaceShare ns) (PullTargetLooseCode (Path.Path' {Path.unPath' = Left abs})))

View File

@ -234,6 +234,8 @@ analyseNotes fileUri ppe src notes = do
(_v, locs) <- toList defns
(r, rs) <- withNeighbours (locs >>= aToR)
pure (r, ("duplicate definition",) <$> rs)
TypeError.RedundantPattern loc -> singleRange loc
TypeError.UncoveredPatterns loc _pats -> singleRange loc
-- These type errors don't have custom type error conversions, but some
-- still have valid diagnostics.
TypeError.Other e@(Context.ErrorNote {cause}) -> case cause of

View File

@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ checkAndSetPush unisonShareUrl path expectedHash causalHash uploadedCallback = d
updatePath >>= \case
Share.UpdatePathSuccess -> pure (Right ())
Share.UpdatePathHashMismatch mismatch -> pure (Left (SyncError (CheckAndSetPushErrorHashMismatch mismatch)))
Share.UpdatePathInvalidRepoInfo repoInfo -> pure (Left (SyncError (CheckAndSetPushErrorInvalidRepoInfo repoInfo)))
Share.UpdatePathInvalidRepoInfo err repoInfo -> pure (Left (SyncError (CheckAndSetPushErrorInvalidRepoInfo err repoInfo)))
Share.UpdatePathUserNotFound -> pure (Left (SyncError $ CheckAndSetPushErrorUserNotFound path))
Share.UpdatePathMissingDependencies (Share.NeedDependencies dependencies) -> do
-- Upload the causal and all of its dependencies.
@ -133,7 +133,9 @@ checkAndSetPush unisonShareUrl path expectedHash causalHash uploadedCallback = d
failed $
err <&> \case
UploadEntitiesNoWritePermission -> CheckAndSetPushErrorNoWritePermission path
UploadEntitiesInvalidRepoInfo repoInfo -> CheckAndSetPushErrorInvalidRepoInfo repoInfo
UploadEntitiesInvalidRepoInfo err repoInfo -> CheckAndSetPushErrorInvalidRepoInfo err repoInfo
UploadEntitiesUserNotFound _userHandle -> CheckAndSetPushErrorUserNotFound path
UploadEntitiesProjectNotFound projectShortHand -> CheckAndSetPushErrorProjectNotFound projectShortHand
-- After uploading the causal and all of its dependencies, try setting the remote path again.
updatePath >>= \case
@ -147,7 +149,7 @@ checkAndSetPush unisonShareUrl path expectedHash causalHash uploadedCallback = d
Share.UpdatePathMissingDependencies (Share.NeedDependencies dependencies) ->
failed (SyncError (CheckAndSetPushErrorServerMissingDependencies dependencies))
Share.UpdatePathNoWritePermission _ -> failed (SyncError (CheckAndSetPushErrorNoWritePermission path))
Share.UpdatePathInvalidRepoInfo repoInfo -> failed (SyncError (CheckAndSetPushErrorInvalidRepoInfo repoInfo))
Share.UpdatePathInvalidRepoInfo err repoInfo -> failed (SyncError (CheckAndSetPushErrorInvalidRepoInfo err repoInfo))
Share.UpdatePathUserNotFound -> failed (SyncError $ CheckAndSetPushErrorUserNotFound path)
Share.UpdatePathNoWritePermission _ -> failed (SyncError (CheckAndSetPushErrorNoWritePermission path))
@ -180,8 +182,8 @@ fastForwardPush unisonShareUrl path localHeadHash uploadedCallback = do
Left (TransportError err) -> failed (TransportError err)
Left (SyncError (GetCausalHashByPathErrorNoReadPermission _)) ->
failed (SyncError (FastForwardPushErrorNoReadPermission path))
Left (SyncError (GetCausalHashByPathErrorInvalidRepoInfo repoInfo)) ->
failed (SyncError (FastForwardPushErrorInvalidRepoInfo repoInfo))
Left (SyncError (GetCausalHashByPathErrorInvalidRepoInfo err repoInfo)) ->
failed (SyncError (FastForwardPushErrorInvalidRepoInfo err repoInfo))
Left (SyncError (GetCausalHashByPathErrorUserNotFound path)) ->
failed (SyncError (FastForwardPushErrorUserNotFound path))
Right Nothing -> failed (SyncError (FastForwardPushErrorNoHistory path))
@ -214,7 +216,9 @@ fastForwardPush unisonShareUrl path localHeadHash uploadedCallback = do
failed $
err <&> \case
UploadEntitiesNoWritePermission -> (FastForwardPushErrorNoWritePermission path)
UploadEntitiesInvalidRepoInfo repoInfo -> FastForwardPushErrorInvalidRepoInfo repoInfo
UploadEntitiesInvalidRepoInfo err repoInfo -> FastForwardPushErrorInvalidRepoInfo err repoInfo
UploadEntitiesUserNotFound _userHandle -> FastForwardPushErrorUserNotFound path
UploadEntitiesProjectNotFound projectShortHand -> FastForwardPushErrorProjectNotFound projectShortHand
request =
@ -261,7 +265,7 @@ fastForwardPush unisonShareUrl path localHeadHash uploadedCallback = do
Share.FastForwardPathNotFastForward _ -> failed (SyncError (FastForwardPushErrorNotFastForward path))
Share.FastForwardPathInvalidParentage (Share.InvalidParentage parent child) ->
failed (SyncError (FastForwardPushInvalidParentage parent child))
Share.FastForwardPathInvalidRepoInfo repoInfo -> failed (SyncError (FastForwardPushErrorInvalidRepoInfo repoInfo))
Share.FastForwardPathInvalidRepoInfo err repoInfo -> failed (SyncError (FastForwardPushErrorInvalidRepoInfo err repoInfo))
Share.FastForwardPathUserNotFound -> failed (SyncError (FastForwardPushErrorUserNotFound path))
-- Return a list (in oldest-to-newest order) of hashes along the causal spine that connects the given arguments,
@ -418,13 +422,15 @@ pull unisonShareUrl repoPath downloadedCallback =
Left do
err <&> \case
Share.DownloadEntitiesNoReadPermission _ -> PullErrorNoReadPermission repoPath
Share.DownloadEntitiesInvalidRepoInfo repoInfo -> PullErrorInvalidRepoInfo repoInfo
Share.DownloadEntitiesInvalidRepoInfo err repoInfo -> PullErrorInvalidRepoInfo err repoInfo
Share.DownloadEntitiesUserNotFound _ -> PullErrorUserNotFound repoPath
Share.DownloadEntitiesProjectNotFound projectShortHand -> PullErrorProjectNotFound projectShortHand
Right () -> pure (Right (hash32ToCausalHash (Share.hashJWTHash hashJwt)))
getCausalHashByPathErrorToPullError :: GetCausalHashByPathError -> PullError
getCausalHashByPathErrorToPullError = \case
GetCausalHashByPathErrorNoReadPermission path -> PullErrorNoReadPermission path
GetCausalHashByPathErrorInvalidRepoInfo repoInfo -> PullErrorInvalidRepoInfo repoInfo
GetCausalHashByPathErrorInvalidRepoInfo err repoInfo -> PullErrorInvalidRepoInfo err repoInfo
GetCausalHashByPathErrorUserNotFound path -> PullErrorUserNotFound path
@ -717,8 +723,8 @@ getCausalHashByPath unisonShareUrl repoPath = do
Right (Share.GetCausalHashByPathSuccess maybeHashJwt) -> Right maybeHashJwt
Right (Share.GetCausalHashByPathNoReadPermission _) ->
Left (SyncError (GetCausalHashByPathErrorNoReadPermission repoPath))
Right (Share.GetCausalHashByPathInvalidRepoInfo repoInfo) ->
Left (SyncError (GetCausalHashByPathErrorInvalidRepoInfo repoInfo))
Right (Share.GetCausalHashByPathInvalidRepoInfo err repoInfo) ->
Left (SyncError (GetCausalHashByPathErrorInvalidRepoInfo err repoInfo))
Right Share.GetCausalHashByPathUserNotFound ->
Left (SyncError $ GetCausalHashByPathErrorUserNotFound repoPath)
@ -733,7 +739,12 @@ data UploadDispatcherJob
data UploadEntitiesError
= UploadEntitiesNoWritePermission
| UploadEntitiesInvalidRepoInfo Share.RepoInfo
| -- | (msg, repoInfo)
UploadEntitiesInvalidRepoInfo Text Share.RepoInfo
| -- | (userHandle)
UploadEntitiesUserNotFound Text
| -- | (project shorthand)
UploadEntitiesProjectNotFound Text
deriving stock (Show)
-- | Upload a set of entities to Unison Share. If the server responds that it cannot yet store any hash(es) due to
@ -859,7 +870,9 @@ uploadEntities unisonShareUrl repoInfo hashes0 uploadedCallback = do
Right (Share.UploadEntitiesNoWritePermission _) -> Left (SyncError UploadEntitiesNoWritePermission)
Right (Share.UploadEntitiesHashMismatchForEntity _) -> error "hash mismatch; fixme"
Right Share.UploadEntitiesSuccess -> Right Set.empty
Right (Share.UploadEntitiesInvalidRepoInfo repoInfo) -> Left (SyncError (UploadEntitiesInvalidRepoInfo repoInfo))
Right (Share.UploadEntitiesInvalidRepoInfo err repoInfo) -> Left (SyncError (UploadEntitiesInvalidRepoInfo err repoInfo))
Right (Share.UploadEntitiesProjectNotFound projectShortHand) -> Left (SyncError $ UploadEntitiesProjectNotFound projectShortHand)
Right (Share.UploadEntitiesUserNotFound userHandle) -> Left (SyncError $ UploadEntitiesUserNotFound userHandle)
case result of
Left err -> void (atomically (tryPutTMVar workerFailedVar err))

View File

@ -20,8 +20,12 @@ data CheckAndSetPushError
= CheckAndSetPushErrorHashMismatch Share.HashMismatch
| CheckAndSetPushErrorNoWritePermission Share.Path
| CheckAndSetPushErrorServerMissingDependencies (NESet Hash32)
| CheckAndSetPushErrorInvalidRepoInfo Share.RepoInfo
| CheckAndSetPushErrorUserNotFound Share.Path
| -- | The repo info was invalid. (err, repoInfo)
CheckAndSetPushErrorInvalidRepoInfo Text Share.RepoInfo
| -- | The user was not found.
CheckAndSetPushErrorUserNotFound Share.Path
| -- | (projectShortHand)
CheckAndSetPushErrorProjectNotFound Text
deriving (Show)
-- | An error occurred while fast-forward pushing code to Unison Share.
@ -33,24 +37,30 @@ data FastForwardPushError
| FastForwardPushErrorServerMissingDependencies (NESet Hash32)
| -- Parent Child
FastForwardPushInvalidParentage Hash32 Hash32
| FastForwardPushErrorInvalidRepoInfo Share.RepoInfo
| -- | The repo info was invalid. (err, repoInfo)
FastForwardPushErrorInvalidRepoInfo Text Share.RepoInfo
| FastForwardPushErrorUserNotFound Share.Path
| -- | (projectShortHand)
FastForwardPushErrorProjectNotFound Text
deriving (Show)
-- | An error occurred while pulling code from Unison Share.
data PullError
= PullErrorNoHistoryAtPath Share.Path
| PullErrorNoReadPermission Share.Path
| PullErrorInvalidRepoInfo Share.RepoInfo
| -- | The repo info was invalid. (err, repoInfo)
PullErrorInvalidRepoInfo Text Share.RepoInfo
| PullErrorUserNotFound Share.Path
| -- | (projectShortHand)
PullErrorProjectNotFound Text
deriving (Show)
-- | An error occurred when getting causal hash by path.
data GetCausalHashByPathError
= -- | The user does not have permission to read this path.
GetCausalHashByPathErrorNoReadPermission Share.Path
| -- | The repo info was invalid.
GetCausalHashByPathErrorInvalidRepoInfo Share.RepoInfo
| -- | The repo info was invalid. (err, repoInfo)
GetCausalHashByPathErrorInvalidRepoInfo Text Share.RepoInfo
| -- | The user was not found.
GetCausalHashByPathErrorUserNotFound Share.Path
deriving (Show)

View File

@ -11,10 +11,12 @@ import qualified Data.Text as Text
import EasyTest
import qualified System.IO.Temp as Temp
import qualified Unison.ABT as ABT
import Unison.Builtin.Decls (unitRef)
import qualified Unison.Cli.TypeCheck as Typecheck
import Unison.Codebase (Codebase)
import qualified Unison.Codebase.Init as Codebase.Init
import qualified Unison.Codebase.SqliteCodebase as SC
import Unison.ConstructorReference (GConstructorReference (..))
import qualified Unison.LSP.Queries as LSPQ
import qualified Unison.Lexer.Pos as Lexer
import Unison.Parser.Ann (Ann (..))
@ -138,11 +140,11 @@ term = let
( "Test annotations within pattern binds",
term = let
(third, tr^ue) = (false, true)
(third, (^)) = (false, ())
pat (Pattern.Boolean () True)
pat (Pattern.Constructor () (ConstructorReference unitRef 0) [])
( "Test annotations for types with arrows",

View File

@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ library

View File

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
-- | Projects.
-- The syntax-related parsing code (what makes a valid project name, etc) could conceivably be moved into a different
@ -20,16 +22,10 @@ import qualified Text.Builder
import qualified Text.Builder as Text (Builder)
import qualified Text.Megaparsec as Megaparsec
import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char as Megaparsec
import Unison.Core.Project (ProjectName(..), ProjectBranchName(..), ProjectAndBranch(..))
import Unison.Prelude
import Witch
-- | The name of a project.
-- Convert to and from text with the 'From' and 'TryFrom' instances.
newtype ProjectName
= ProjectName Text
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance From ProjectName Text
instance TryFrom Text ProjectName where
@ -40,7 +36,7 @@ projectNameParser :: Megaparsec.Parsec Void Text ProjectName
projectNameParser = do
userSlug <- userSlugParser <|> pure mempty
projectSlug <- projectSlugParser
pure (ProjectName ( (userSlug <> projectSlug)))
pure (UnsafeProjectName ( (userSlug <> projectSlug)))
projectSlugParser :: Megaparsec.Parsec Void Text Text.Builder
projectSlugParser = do
@ -60,7 +56,7 @@ projectNameParser = do
-- >>> projectNameUserSlug "lens"
-- Nothing
projectNameUserSlug :: ProjectName -> Maybe Text
projectNameUserSlug (ProjectName projectName) =
projectNameUserSlug (UnsafeProjectName projectName) =
if Text.head projectName == '@'
then Just (Text.takeWhile (/= '/') (Text.drop 1 projectName))
else Nothing
@ -76,10 +72,10 @@ projectNameUserSlug (ProjectName projectName) =
-- >>> prependUserSlugToProjectName "???invalid???" "@unison/base"
-- "@unison/base"
prependUserSlugToProjectName :: Text -> ProjectName -> ProjectName
prependUserSlugToProjectName userSlug (ProjectName projectName) =
prependUserSlugToProjectName userSlug (UnsafeProjectName projectName) =
if Text.head projectName == '@'
then ProjectName projectName
else fromMaybe (ProjectName projectName) (Megaparsec.parseMaybe projectNameParser newProjectName)
then UnsafeProjectName projectName
else fromMaybe (UnsafeProjectName projectName) (Megaparsec.parseMaybe projectNameParser newProjectName)
newProjectName = $
@ -88,13 +84,6 @@ prependUserSlugToProjectName userSlug (ProjectName projectName) =
<> Text.Builder.char '/'
<> Text.Builder.text projectName
-- | The name of a branch of a project.
-- Convert to and from text with the 'From' and 'TryFrom' instances.
newtype ProjectBranchName
= ProjectBranchName Text
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance From ProjectBranchName Text
instance TryFrom Text ProjectBranchName where
@ -153,13 +142,6 @@ prependUserSlugToProjectBranchName userSlug (ProjectBranchName branchName) =
<> Text.Builder.char '/'
<> Text.Builder.text branchName
-- | A generic data structure that contains information about a project and a branch in that project.
data ProjectAndBranch a b = ProjectAndBranch
{ project :: a,
branch :: b
deriving stock (Eq, Generic, Show)
-- | @project/branch@ syntax for project+branch pair, with up to one
-- side optional. Missing value means "the current one".
instance From (These ProjectName ProjectBranchName) Text where

View File

@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ startServer env opts rt codebase onStart = do
token <- case token opts of
Just t -> return $ C8.pack t
_ -> genToken
let baseUrl = BaseUrl "" token
let baseUrl = BaseUrl (fromMaybe "" (host opts)) token
let settings =
& maybe id setPort (port opts)

View File

@ -531,7 +531,7 @@ data GetCausalHashByPathResponse
= GetCausalHashByPathSuccess (Maybe HashJWT)
| GetCausalHashByPathNoReadPermission Path
| GetCausalHashByPathUserNotFound
| GetCausalHashByPathInvalidRepoInfo RepoInfo
| GetCausalHashByPathInvalidRepoInfo Text RepoInfo
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance ToJSON GetCausalHashByPathResponse where
@ -539,7 +539,7 @@ instance ToJSON GetCausalHashByPathResponse where
GetCausalHashByPathSuccess hashJWT -> jsonUnion "success" hashJWT
GetCausalHashByPathNoReadPermission path -> jsonUnion "no_read_permission" path
GetCausalHashByPathUserNotFound -> jsonUnion "user_not_found" ()
GetCausalHashByPathInvalidRepoInfo repoInfo -> jsonUnion "invalid_repo_info" repoInfo
GetCausalHashByPathInvalidRepoInfo msg repoInfo -> jsonUnion "invalid_repo_info" (msg, repoInfo)
instance FromJSON GetCausalHashByPathResponse where
parseJSON = Aeson.withObject "GetCausalHashByPathResponse" \obj -> do
@ -547,7 +547,7 @@ instance FromJSON GetCausalHashByPathResponse where
"success" -> GetCausalHashByPathSuccess <$> obj .: "payload"
"no_read_permission" -> GetCausalHashByPathNoReadPermission <$> obj .: "payload"
"user_not_found" -> pure GetCausalHashByPathUserNotFound
"invalid_repo_info" -> GetCausalHashByPathInvalidRepoInfo <$> obj .: "payload"
"invalid_repo_info" -> uncurry GetCausalHashByPathInvalidRepoInfo <$> obj .: "payload"
t -> failText $ "Unexpected GetCausalHashByPathResponse type: " <> t
@ -582,7 +582,12 @@ data DownloadEntitiesResponse
data DownloadEntitiesError
= DownloadEntitiesNoReadPermission RepoInfo
| DownloadEntitiesInvalidRepoInfo RepoInfo
| -- | (msg, repoInfo)
DownloadEntitiesInvalidRepoInfo Text RepoInfo
| -- | (userHandle)
DownloadEntitiesUserNotFound Text
| -- | (project shorthand)
DownloadEntitiesProjectNotFound Text
deriving stock (Eq, Show)
-- data DownloadEntities = DownloadEntities
@ -594,14 +599,18 @@ instance ToJSON DownloadEntitiesResponse where
toJSON = \case
DownloadEntitiesSuccess entities -> jsonUnion "success" entities
DownloadEntitiesFailure (DownloadEntitiesNoReadPermission repoInfo) -> jsonUnion "no_read_permission" repoInfo
DownloadEntitiesFailure (DownloadEntitiesInvalidRepoInfo repoInfo) -> jsonUnion "invalid_repo_info" repoInfo
DownloadEntitiesFailure (DownloadEntitiesInvalidRepoInfo msg repoInfo) -> jsonUnion "invalid_repo_info" (msg, repoInfo)
DownloadEntitiesFailure (DownloadEntitiesUserNotFound userHandle) -> jsonUnion "user_not_found" userHandle
DownloadEntitiesFailure (DownloadEntitiesProjectNotFound projectShorthand) -> jsonUnion "project_not_found" projectShorthand
instance FromJSON DownloadEntitiesResponse where
parseJSON = Aeson.withObject "DownloadEntitiesResponse" \obj ->
obj .: "type" >>= Aeson.withText "type" \case
"success" -> DownloadEntitiesSuccess <$> obj .: "payload"
"no_read_permission" -> DownloadEntitiesFailure . DownloadEntitiesNoReadPermission <$> obj .: "payload"
"invalid_repo_info" -> DownloadEntitiesFailure . DownloadEntitiesInvalidRepoInfo <$> obj .: "payload"
"invalid_repo_info" -> DownloadEntitiesFailure . uncurry DownloadEntitiesInvalidRepoInfo <$> obj .: "payload"
"user_not_found" -> DownloadEntitiesFailure . DownloadEntitiesUserNotFound <$> obj .: "payload"
"project_not_found" -> DownloadEntitiesFailure . DownloadEntitiesProjectNotFound <$> obj .: "payload"
t -> failText $ "Unexpected DownloadEntitiesResponse type: " <> t
-- instance ToJSON DownloadEntities where
@ -645,7 +654,12 @@ data UploadEntitiesResponse
| UploadEntitiesNeedDependencies (NeedDependencies Hash32)
| UploadEntitiesNoWritePermission RepoInfo
| UploadEntitiesHashMismatchForEntity HashMismatchForEntity
| UploadEntitiesInvalidRepoInfo RepoInfo
| -- | (msg, repoInfo)
UploadEntitiesInvalidRepoInfo Text RepoInfo
| -- | (userHandle)
UploadEntitiesUserNotFound Text
| -- | (project shorthand)
UploadEntitiesProjectNotFound Text
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord)
data HashMismatchForEntity = HashMismatchForEntity {supplied :: Hash32, computed :: Hash32}
@ -657,7 +671,9 @@ instance ToJSON UploadEntitiesResponse where
UploadEntitiesNeedDependencies nd -> jsonUnion "need_dependencies" nd
UploadEntitiesNoWritePermission repoInfo -> jsonUnion "no_write_permission" repoInfo
UploadEntitiesHashMismatchForEntity mismatch -> jsonUnion "hash_mismatch_for_entity" mismatch
UploadEntitiesInvalidRepoInfo repoInfo -> jsonUnion "invalid_repo_info" repoInfo
UploadEntitiesInvalidRepoInfo msg repoInfo -> jsonUnion "invalid_repo_info" (msg, repoInfo)
UploadEntitiesUserNotFound userHandle -> jsonUnion "user_not_found" userHandle
UploadEntitiesProjectNotFound projectShorthand -> jsonUnion "project_not_found" projectShorthand
instance FromJSON UploadEntitiesResponse where
parseJSON = Aeson.withObject "UploadEntitiesResponse" \obj ->
@ -666,7 +682,9 @@ instance FromJSON UploadEntitiesResponse where
"need_dependencies" -> UploadEntitiesNeedDependencies <$> obj .: "payload"
"no_write_permission" -> UploadEntitiesNoWritePermission <$> obj .: "payload"
"hash_mismatch_for_entity" -> UploadEntitiesHashMismatchForEntity <$> obj .: "payload"
"invalid_repo_info" -> UploadEntitiesInvalidRepoInfo <$> obj .: "payload"
"invalid_repo_info" -> uncurry UploadEntitiesInvalidRepoInfo <$> obj .: "payload"
"user_not_found" -> UploadEntitiesUserNotFound <$> obj .: "payload"
"project_not_found" -> UploadEntitiesProjectNotFound <$> obj .: "payload"
t -> failText $ "Unexpected UploadEntitiesResponse type: " <> t
instance ToJSON HashMismatchForEntity where
@ -739,7 +757,7 @@ data FastForwardPathResponse
| -- | This wasn't a fast-forward. You said the first hash was a parent of the second hash, but I disagree.
FastForwardPathInvalidParentage InvalidParentage
| FastForwardPathInvalidRepoInfo RepoInfo
| FastForwardPathInvalidRepoInfo Text RepoInfo
| FastForwardPathUserNotFound
deriving stock (Show)
@ -754,7 +772,7 @@ instance ToJSON FastForwardPathResponse where
FastForwardPathNotFastForward hashJwt -> jsonUnion "not_fast_forward" hashJwt
FastForwardPathNoHistory -> jsonUnion "no_history" (Object mempty)
FastForwardPathInvalidParentage invalidParentage -> jsonUnion "invalid_parentage" invalidParentage
FastForwardPathInvalidRepoInfo repoInfo -> jsonUnion "invalid_repo_info" repoInfo
FastForwardPathInvalidRepoInfo msg repoInfo -> jsonUnion "invalid_repo_info" (msg, repoInfo)
FastForwardPathUserNotFound -> jsonUnion "user_not_found" (Object mempty)
instance FromJSON FastForwardPathResponse where
@ -767,7 +785,7 @@ instance FromJSON FastForwardPathResponse where
"not_fast_forward" -> FastForwardPathNotFastForward <$> o .: "payload"
"no_history" -> pure FastForwardPathNoHistory
"invalid_parentage" -> FastForwardPathInvalidParentage <$> o .: "payload"
"invalid_repo_info" -> FastForwardPathInvalidRepoInfo <$> o .: "payload"
"invalid_repo_info" -> uncurry FastForwardPathInvalidRepoInfo <$> o .: "payload"
"user_not_found" -> pure FastForwardPathUserNotFound
t -> failText $ "Unexpected FastForwardPathResponse type: " <> t
@ -808,7 +826,8 @@ data UpdatePathResponse
| UpdatePathHashMismatch HashMismatch
| UpdatePathMissingDependencies (NeedDependencies Hash32)
| UpdatePathNoWritePermission Path
| UpdatePathInvalidRepoInfo RepoInfo
| -- | (errMsg, repoInfo)
UpdatePathInvalidRepoInfo Text RepoInfo
| UpdatePathUserNotFound
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord)
@ -818,7 +837,7 @@ instance ToJSON UpdatePathResponse where
UpdatePathHashMismatch hm -> jsonUnion "hash_mismatch" hm
UpdatePathMissingDependencies md -> jsonUnion "missing_dependencies" md
UpdatePathNoWritePermission path -> jsonUnion "no_write_permission" path
UpdatePathInvalidRepoInfo repoInfo -> jsonUnion "invalid_repo_info" repoInfo
UpdatePathInvalidRepoInfo errMsg repoInfo -> jsonUnion "invalid_repo_info" (errMsg, repoInfo)
UpdatePathUserNotFound -> jsonUnion "user_not_found" (Object mempty)
instance FromJSON UpdatePathResponse where
@ -829,7 +848,7 @@ instance FromJSON UpdatePathResponse where
"hash_mismatch" -> UpdatePathHashMismatch <$> obj .: "payload"
"missing_dependencies" -> UpdatePathMissingDependencies <$> obj .: "payload"
"no_write_permission" -> UpdatePathNoWritePermission <$> obj .: "payload"
"invalid_repo_info" -> UpdatePathInvalidRepoInfo <$> obj .: "payload"
"invalid_repo_info" -> uncurry UpdatePathInvalidRepoInfo <$> obj .: "payload"
"user_not_found" -> pure UpdatePathUserNotFound
t -> failText $ "Unexpected UpdatePathResponse type: " <> t

View File

@ -281,10 +281,10 @@ instance ToJSON SetProjectBranchHeadRequest where
data SetProjectBranchHeadResponse
= SetProjectBranchHeadResponseUnauthorized Unauthorized
| SetProjectBranchHeadResponseNotFound NotFound
| SetProjectBranchHeadResponseSuccess
| SetProjectBranchHeadResponseMissingCausalHash !Hash32
| -- | (expected, actual)
SetProjectBranchHeadResponseExpectedCausalHashMismatch !Hash32 !Hash32
| SetProjectBranchHeadResponseSuccess
deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance FromJSON SetProjectBranchHeadResponse where

View File

@ -1,10 +1,58 @@
shouldFail fn = isLeft <| catchAll fn
tests : '{IO,Exception} ()
tests = Tests.main do
check "bug is caught" do isLeft (catchAll do bug ())
check "bug is caught" do shouldFail do bug ()
tcp.tests = do
check "connects to" do
socket = Socket.client (HostName "") (Port "80")
Socket.send socket (toUtf8 "GET /index.html HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n")
response = Socket.receive socket
Socket.close socket
contains "HTTP/1.0 200 OK" (base.Text.fromUtf8 response)
check "rejects invalid port" do shouldFail do Socket.client (HostName "") (Port "what")
check "no send after close" do shouldFail do
socket = Socket.client (HostName "") (Port "80")
Socket.close socket
Socket.send socket (toUtf8 "GET /index.html HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n")
check "no send on listener" do shouldFail do
match Socket.server None (Port "0") with
BoundServerSocket socket -> Socket.send socket (toUtf8 "what")
setup = catchAll do
socket = Socket.listen (server None (Port "0"))
port = match socket with
ListeningServerSocket sock -> Socket.port sock
(socket, port)
match setup with
Left exn ->
Debug.trace "Setup failed" exn "Unable to bind and listen on a socket" ""
Right (socket, port) ->
serve = do
sock = Socket.accept socket
data = Socket.receive sock
Socket.send sock (toUtf8 "from server")
base.Text.fromUtf8 data
serveResult = !
_ = fork do Promise.write serveResult (catchAll serve)
data = catchAll do
clientSocket = Socket.client (HostName "localhost") (Port (Nat.toText port))
Socket.send clientSocket (toUtf8 "from client")
base.Text.fromUtf8 (Socket.receive clientSocket)
checkEqual "Server received data" ( serveResult) (Right "from client")
checkEqual "Client received data" data (Right "from server")
crypto.hash.tests = do
hash alg = hashBytes alg (toUtf8 "")

View File

@ -10,6 +10,6 @@ use Universal ==
f = cases
x | x == "woot" -> false
y | y == "foo" -> true
y | otherwise -> true
-- > f "woot"

View File

@ -19,4 +19,4 @@ use Nat drop
> match Some (100 + 200 / 3 * 2) with
Optional.None -> 19
Some 200 -> 20
Some _ -> 20

View File

@ -12,4 +12,5 @@ search hit bot top =
+0 -> Some mid
-1 -> go bot (drop mid 1)
+1 -> go (mid + 1) top
_ -> bug "unexpected"
go bot top

View File

@ -13,4 +13,5 @@ search hit bot top =
+0 -> Some mid
-1 -> go bot (drop mid 1)
+1 -> go (mid + 1) top
_ -> bug "unexpected"
go bot top

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ pat6 x y = cases (p1, _) -> (x + y : Nat, p1)
pat7 x y = cases
(p1, _) | p1 == 9 -> (x + y : Nat, p1)
(p1, _) | true -> (0, p1)
(p1, _) | otherwise -> (0, p1)
bpat = cases
false -> 0

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
x = (if true then 1 else 0) + 1
y = (match 1 with 1 -> 1) + 1
y = (match 1 with _ -> 1) + 1
> (x, y)

View File

@ -11,12 +11,12 @@ lenLit = cases
[_] -> 1
[_, _] -> 2
[_, _, _] -> 3
_ -> bug "unexpected"
lenCons : [a] -> Nat
lenCons = cases
[] -> 0
_ +: t -> 1 + lenCons t
_ +: (_ +: t) -> 2 + lenCons t
lenSnoc : [a] -> Nat
lenSnoc = cases

View File

@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ y = match Foo1 1 with
Foo1 _ -> 10
z = match Foo2 1 "hi" with
Foo2 x _ -> x
Foo2 1 _ -> 1
Foo2 x _ -> x
w = match Foo3.Foo3 1 2 "bye" with
Foo3.Foo3 1 2 x -> x Text.++ "bye"
@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ w = match Foo3.Foo3 1 2 "bye" with
w2 = cases
Foo3.Foo3 1 4 x -> x Text.++ "bye"
Foo3.Foo3 x y z -> z Text.++ z
_ -> "hi"
len : List a -> Nat
len = cases

View File

@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ y = match Foo1 1 with
Foo1 _ -> 10
z = match Foo2 1 "hi" with
Foo2 x "bye" -> x
Foo2 1 "hi" -> 1
Foo2 x "bye" -> x
_ -> bug "unexpected"
> z

View File

@ -3,4 +3,5 @@ r2 : Nat
r2 = match Optional.Some true with
Optional.Some true -> 1
Optional.Some false -> 0
Optional.None -> bug "unexpected"

View File

@ -2,5 +2,6 @@ r3 : Nat
r3 = match Optional.Some true with
Optional.Some true -> 1
Optional.Some false -> 0
Optional.None -> bug "unexpected"

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
r4 : Int -> Int
r4 = cases
+1 -> +1
x -> x

View File

@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
> match at 0 [100] with
Optional.Some _ -> "Hooray!"
Optional.None -> bug "unexpected"

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More