Bytes.{to,from}Base{16,32,64,64UrlUnpadded} builtins

This commit is contained in:
Paul Chiusano 2020-10-02 11:16:36 -04:00
parent af9190ee22
commit 1e395336b4
3 changed files with 67 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -385,6 +385,15 @@ builtinsSrc =
, B "Bytes.size" $ bytes --> nat
, B "Bytes.flatten" $ bytes --> bytes
, B "Bytes.toBase16" $ bytes --> bytes
, B "Bytes.toBase32" $ bytes --> bytes
, B "Bytes.toBase64" $ bytes --> bytes
, B "Bytes.toBase64UrlUnpadded" $ bytes --> bytes
, B "Bytes.fromBase16" $ bytes --> eithert text bytes
, B "Bytes.fromBase32" $ bytes --> eithert text bytes
, B "Bytes.fromBase64" $ bytes --> eithert text bytes
, B "Bytes.fromBase64UrlUnpadded" $ bytes --> eithert text bytes
, B "List.empty" $ forall1 "a" list
, B "List.cons" $ forall1 "a" (\a -> a --> list a --> list a)
, Alias "List.cons" "List.+:"
@ -511,9 +520,10 @@ infixr -->
io, ioe :: Var v => Type v -> Type v
io = Type.effect1 () (Type.builtinIO ())
ioe = io . either (DD.ioErrorType ())
either l r = DD.eitherType () `app` l `app` r
ioe = io . eithert (DD.ioErrorType ())
eithert :: Var v => Type v -> Type v -> Type v
eithert l r = DD.eitherType () `app` l `app` r
socket, threadId, handle, unit :: Var v => Type v
socket = Type.socket ()

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@ -1146,7 +1146,6 @@ pfop0 :: ForeignOp
pfop0 instr = ([],) $ TFOp instr []
-- Pure ForeignOp taking 1 boxed value
pfopb :: ForeignOp
pfopb instr
= ([BX],)
@ -1154,7 +1153,6 @@ pfopb instr
$ TFOp instr [b]
[b] = freshes 1
builtinLookup :: Var v => Map.Map Reference (SuperNormal v)
@ -1470,6 +1468,16 @@ declareForeigns = do
u _ h = h -- to help typechecker along
in pure $ Bytes.fromArray out
declareForeign "Bytes.toBase16" pfopb . mkForeign $ pure . Bytes.toBase16
declareForeign "Bytes.toBase32" pfopb . mkForeign $ pure . Bytes.toBase32
declareForeign "Bytes.toBase64" pfopb . mkForeign $ pure . Bytes.toBase64
declareForeign "Bytes.toBase64UrlUnpadded" pfopb . mkForeign $ pure . Bytes.toBase64UrlUnpadded
declareForeign "Bytes.fromBase16" pfopb . mkForeign $ pure . Bytes.fromBase16
declareForeign "Bytes.fromBase32" pfopb . mkForeign $ pure . Bytes.fromBase32
declareForeign "Bytes.fromBase64" pfopb . mkForeign $ pure . Bytes.fromBase64
declareForeign "Bytes.fromBase64UrlUnpadded" pfopb . mkForeign $ pure . Bytes.fromBase64UrlUnpadded
hostPreference :: Maybe Text -> SYS.HostPreference
hostPreference Nothing = SYS.HostAny
hostPreference (Just host) = SYS.Host $ Text.unpack host

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@ -3,19 +3,15 @@
module Unison.Util.Bytes where
import Unison.Prelude hiding (empty)
import Data.Monoid (Sum(..))
-- import Prelude hiding (drop)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafeDupablePerformIO)
-- import Data.ByteArray.Methods (unsafeDoIO)
-- import Data.ByteArray.Types
import Data.Memory.PtrMethods (memCompare, memEqual)
-- import Data.Memory.Internal.Compat
import Data.Monoid (Sum(..))
import Foreign.Ptr (plusPtr)
import Prelude hiding (length, take, drop)
import qualified Data.FingerTree as T
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafeDupablePerformIO)
import Unison.Prelude hiding (empty)
import qualified Data.ByteArray as B
import qualified Data.ByteArray.Encoding as BE
import qualified Data.FingerTree as T
import qualified Data.Text as Text
-- Bytes type represented as a finger tree of ByteStrings.
-- Can be efficiently sliced and indexed, using the byte count
@ -40,6 +36,13 @@ size (Bytes bs) = getSum (T.measure bs)
chunks :: Bytes -> [View B.Bytes]
chunks (Bytes b) = toList b
fromChunks :: [View B.Bytes] -> Bytes
fromChunks = foldl' snocView empty
snocView :: Bytes -> View B.Bytes -> Bytes
snocView bs b | B.null b = bs
snocView (Bytes bs) b = Bytes (bs T.|> b)
cons :: B.ByteArrayAccess ba => ba -> Bytes -> Bytes
cons b bs | B.null b = bs
cons b (Bytes bs) = Bytes (view (B.convert b) T.<| bs)
@ -68,11 +71,41 @@ drop n b0@(Bytes bs) = go (T.dropUntil (> Sum n) bs) where
_ -> s
at :: Int -> Bytes -> Maybe Word8
at i bs = case drop i bs of
at i bs = case Unison.Util.Bytes.drop i bs of
-- todo: there's a more efficient implementation that does no allocation
-- note: chunks guaranteed nonempty (see `snoc` and `cons` implementations)
Bytes (T.viewl -> hd T.:< _) -> Just (B.index hd 0)
_ -> Nothing
toBase16 :: Bytes -> Bytes
toBase16 bs = foldl' step empty (chunks bs) where
step bs b = snoc bs (BE.convertToBase BE.Base16 b :: B.Bytes)
fromBase16 :: Bytes -> Either Text.Text Bytes
fromBase16 bs = case traverse convert (chunks bs) of
Left e -> Left (Text.pack e)
Right bs -> Right (fromChunks (map view bs))
convert b = BE.convertFromBase BE.Base16 b :: Either String B.Bytes
toBase32, toBase64, toBase64UrlUnpadded :: Bytes -> Bytes
toBase32 = toBase BE.Base32
toBase64 = toBase BE.Base64
toBase64UrlUnpadded = toBase BE.Base64URLUnpadded
fromBase32, fromBase64, fromBase64UrlUnpadded :: Bytes -> Either Text.Text Bytes
fromBase32 = fromBase BE.Base32
fromBase64 = fromBase BE.Base64
fromBase64UrlUnpadded = fromBase BE.Base64URLUnpadded
fromBase :: BE.Base -> Bytes -> Either Text.Text Bytes
fromBase e bs = case BE.convertFromBase e (toArray bs :: B.Bytes) of
Left e -> Left (Text.pack e)
Right b -> Right $ snocView empty (view b)
toBase :: BE.Base -> Bytes -> Bytes
toBase e bs = snoc empty (BE.convertToBase e (toArray bs :: B.Bytes) :: B.Bytes)
toWord8s :: Bytes -> [Word8]
toWord8s bs = chunks bs >>= B.unpack