fixed bug in Term.dependencies function and some cleanup of front-end

This commit is contained in:
Paul Chiusano 2015-04-29 17:52:05 -04:00
parent 626e82de4b
commit 23e887de0a
10 changed files with 62 additions and 147 deletions

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@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ import Keyboard
import Result
import Signal
import Unison.Action as Action
import Unison.Explorer as Explorer
import Unison.EditableTerm as EditableTerm
import Unison.SearchboxParser as SearchboxParser
import Unison.Hash (Hash)

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@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
module Unison.Explorer where
import Debug
import Elmz.Layout (Layout,Pt,Region,Containment(Inside,Outside))
import Elmz.Layout as Layout
import Elmz.Maybe
import Elmz.Movement as Movement
import Elmz.Selection1D
import Elmz.Signal as Signals
import Graphics.Element (Element)
import Graphics.Element as E
import Graphics.Input as Input
import Graphics.Input.Field as Field
import Keyboard
import List
import List ((::))
import Maybe
import Mouse
import Result
import Set
import Signal
import String
import Time
import Unison.Styles as Styles
import Window
type alias Model = Maybe
{ isKeyboardOpen : Bool
, prompt : String
, input : Field.Content
, above : Element
, completions : List Element
, below : Element }
type alias Action = Model -> Model
zero : Model
zero = Just
{ isKeyboardOpen = False
, prompt = ""
, input = Field.noContent
, above = E.empty -- todo: fill with sweet animated GIF
, completions = []
, below = E.empty }
setPrompt : String -> Action
setPrompt s = (\m -> { m | prompt <- s })
getInputOr : Field.Content -> Model -> Field.Content
getInputOr default model = case model of
Nothing -> default
Just model -> model.input
setInput : Field.Content -> Action
setInput content = (\m -> { m | input <- content })
openKeyboard : Action
openKeyboard = (\m -> { m | isKeyboardOpen <- True })
setAbove : Element -> Action
setAbove e = (\m -> { m | above <- e })
setCompletions : List Element -> Action
setCompletions e = (\m -> { m | completions <- e })
setBelow : Element -> Action
setBelow e = (\m -> { m | below <- e })
type alias Sink a = a -> Signal.Message
view : Pt -> Sink Field.Content -> Model -> Layout (Result Containment Int)
view origin searchbox model = case model of
Nothing -> Layout.empty (Result.Err Outside)
Just s ->
let ok = not (List.isEmpty s.completions)
statusColor = Styles.statusColor ok
fld = Field.field (Styles.autocomplete ok) searchbox s.prompt s.input
completions =
let fit e = E.width ((E.widthOf s.above - 12) `max`
E.widthOf e `max`
(E.widthOf s.below - 12))
in List.indexedMap (\i e -> Layout.embed (Result.Ok i) (fit e)) s.completions
inside = Result.Err Inside
bottom = Styles.explorerOutline statusColor <|
Layout.vertical inside
[ Layout.embed inside s.above
, Styles.explorerCells inside completions
, Layout.embed inside s.below ]
box = Layout.vertical inside
[ Layout.embed inside (E.flow E.right [E.spacer 9 1, Styles.carotUp 6 statusColor])
, Layout.embed inside (E.width (Layout.widthOf bottom) fld)
, Layout.embed inside (E.spacer 1 6)
, bottom ]
boxTopLeft = origin
h = boxTopLeft.y + Layout.heightOf box + 50
in Layout.container (Result.Err Outside)
(boxTopLeft.x + Layout.widthOf box)

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@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ type alias Symbol = { freshId : Int, name : String, fixity : Fixity, precedence
type alias Key = String
toKey : Symbol -> Key
toKey = toString
toKey s = if s.freshId == 0 then
else ++ toString s.freshId
anonymous : Symbol
anonymous = Symbol 0 "anonymous" Prefix 9

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@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ key env cur =
Lit lit -> case lit of
Ref r -> Metadata.firstName (Reference.toKey r) (env.metadata r)
_ -> toString lit
Universal v -> "t"++toString v
Existential v -> "t"++toString v++"'"
Universal v -> Symbol.toKey v
Existential v -> "'" ++ Symbol.toKey v
Arrow i o -> paren 0 prec (go False (prec+1) i ++ " " ++ go top prec o)
App x y -> paren 9 prec (go top 9 x ++ " " ++ go top 10 y)
Forall v body ->

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@ -1,42 +1,21 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
import Control.Monad
import Unison.Note
import Unison.Term as E
import Unison.Type as T
import Unison.Typechecker as Typechecker
import Unison.Note as N
import Unison.Var as V
import Unison.Reference as R
identity :: E.Term
identity = E.unscope (E.lam E.var)
builtin s = E.ref (R.Builtin s)
constant :: E.Term
constant = E.unscope (E.lam (E.lam (E.weaken E.var)))
expr = lam' ["a"] $ var' "a"
expr2 = builtin "Color.rgba"
apply :: E.Term
apply = E.unscope (E.lam (E.lam (E.weaken E.var `` E.var)))
-- type Any = forall r . (forall a . a -> r) -> r
anyT :: Type
anyT = forall1 $ \r -> (forall1 $ \a -> a `T.Arrow` r) `T.Arrow` r
-- (x4 x3 → (x2 x1 → x2) x1 (x4 x1 : Number))
expr :: E.Term
expr = identityAnn
identityAnn = E.Ann identity (forall1 $ \x -> T.Arrow x x)
showType :: Either N.Note T.Type -> String
showType :: Either Note T.Type -> String
showType (Left err) = show err
showType (Right a) = show a
idType :: Type
idType = forall1 $ \x -> x
substIdType :: Type -> Type
substIdType (Forall v t) = subst t v (T.Universal (V.decr V.bound1))
main :: IO ()
-- main = putStrLn . show $ (idType, substIdType idType)
-- main = putStrLn . showCtx . snd $ extendUniversal C.empty
main = putStrLn . showType $ Typechecker.synthesize' expr
-- main = putStrLn . showType $ Typechecker.synthesize' expr
main = putStrLn . show $ dependencies' expr2

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@ -141,13 +141,14 @@ visit f t = case f t of
Abs x e -> abs x <$> visit f e
Tm body -> tm <$> traverse (visit f) body
-- | Apply an effectful function to an ABT tree bottom up, sequencing the results.
fold :: (Traversable f, Applicative g) => (f (Term f) -> g (f (Term f))) -> Term f -> g (Term f)
fold f t = case out t of
-- | Apply an effectful function to an ABT tree top down, sequencing the results.
visit' :: (Traversable f, Applicative g, Monad g)
=> (f (Term f) -> g (f (Term f))) -> Term f -> g (Term f)
visit' f t = case out t of
Var _ -> pure t
Cycle body -> cycle <$> fold f body
Abs x e -> abs x <$> fold f e
Tm body -> tm <$> traverse (fold f) body
Cycle body -> cycle <$> visit' f body
Abs x e -> abs x <$> visit' f e
Tm body -> f body >>= \body -> tm <$> traverse (visit' f) body
-- | A single step 'focusing' action, returns the subtree and a function
-- to replace that subtree

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@ -25,6 +25,17 @@ import qualified Unison.Hash as Hash
import qualified Unison.Metadata as Metadata
import qualified Unison.Node.Store as Store
-- debugging stuff
import Debug.Trace
import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
import Data.Foldable (Foldable)
watch :: Show a => String -> a -> a
watch msg a = trace (msg ++ ": " ++ show a) a
watches :: (Foldable f, Show a) => String -> f a -> f a
watches msg as = trace (msg ++ ":\n" ++ intercalate "\n" (map show (Foldable.toList as)) ++ "\n.") as
node :: (Applicative f, Monad f) => Eval (Noted f) -> Store f -> Node f Reference.Reference Type Term
node eval store =

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@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Traversable (Traversable)
import Data.Vector (Vector, (!?))
import GHC.Generics
import Text.Show
import Unison.Hash (Hash)
import Unison.Reference (Reference)
import qualified Control.Monad.Writer.Strict as Writer
@ -43,7 +44,7 @@ data Literal
= Number Double
| Text Text
| Distance Distance.Distance
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Generic)
deriving (Eq,Ord,Generic)
-- | Base functor for terms in the Unison language
data F a
@ -58,7 +59,7 @@ data F a
-- variables as there are bindings
| LetRec [a] a
| Let a a
deriving (Eq,Foldable,Functor,Generic1,Show,Traversable)
deriving (Eq,Foldable,Functor,Generic1,Traversable)
-- | Terms are represented as ABTs over the base functor F.
type Term = ABT.Term F
@ -159,7 +160,7 @@ unLet t = fixup (go t) where
fixup bst = Just bst
dependencies' :: Term -> Set Reference
dependencies' t = Set.fromList . Writer.execWriter $ ABT.fold f t
dependencies' t = Set.fromList . Writer.execWriter $ ABT.visit' f t
where f t@(Ref r) = Writer.tell [r] *> pure t
f t = pure t
@ -167,7 +168,7 @@ dependencies :: Term -> Set Hash
dependencies e = Set.fromList [ h | Reference.Derived h <- Set.toList (dependencies' e) ]
countBlanks :: Term -> Int
countBlanks t = Monoid.getSum . Writer.execWriter $ ABT.fold f t
countBlanks t = Monoid.getSum . Writer.execWriter $ ABT.visit' f t
where f Blank = Writer.tell (Monoid.Sum 1) *> pure Blank
f t = pure t
@ -284,3 +285,22 @@ instance Digest.Digestable1 F where
Let b a -> Put.putWord8 8 *> serialize (hash b) *> serialize (hash a)
deriveJSON defaultOptions ''PathElement
instance Show Literal where
show (Text t) = show t
show (Number n) = show n
show (Distance d) = show d
instance Show a => Show (F a) where
showsPrec p fa = go p fa where
go _ (Lit l) = showsPrec 0 l
go p (Ann t k) =
showParen (p > 1) $ showsPrec 0 t <> s":" <> showsPrec 0 k
go p (App f x) =
showParen (p > 9) $ showsPrec 9 f <> s" " <> showsPrec 10 x
go p (Lam body) = showParen (p > 0) (showsPrec 0 body)
go p (Vector vs) = showListWith (showsPrec 0) (Vector.toList vs)
go p Blank = s"_"
go p (Ref r) = showsPrec 0 r
(<>) = (.)
s = showString

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@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import Data.Traversable (Traversable)
import GHC.Generics
import Unison.Note (Noted)
import qualified Data.Bytes.Put as Put
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Unison.ABT as ABT
import qualified Unison.Digest as Digest
import qualified Unison.JSON as J
@ -126,6 +127,10 @@ forall' vs body = foldr forall body (map ABT.v' vs)
constrain :: Type -> () -> Type
constrain t u = (Constrain t u)
-- | Bind all free variables with an outer `forall`.
generalize :: Type -> Type
generalize t = foldr forall t $ Set.toList (ABT.freeVars t)
instance Digest.Digestable1 F where
digest1 _ hash e = case e of
Lit l -> Put.putWord8 0 *> serialize l

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@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ admissibleTypeAt :: Applicative f
admissibleTypeAt synth loc t =
f = Term.freshIn t (ABT.v' "s")
shake (Type.Arrow' (Type.Arrow' _ tsub) _) = tsub
shake (Type.Arrow' (Type.Arrow' _ tsub) _) = Type.generalize tsub
shake (Type.Forall' _ t) = shake t
shake _ = error "impossible, f had better be a function"
in case Term.lam f <$> Term.modify ( (Term.var f)) loc t of
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ typeAt synth [] t = Note.scoped ("typeOf: " ++ show t) $ synthesize synth t
typeAt synth loc t = Note.scoped ("typeOf@"++show loc ++ " " ++ show t) $
f = Term.freshIn t (ABT.v' "t")
shake (Type.Arrow' (Type.Arrow' tsub _) _) = tsub
shake (Type.Arrow' (Type.Arrow' tsub _) _) = Type.generalize tsub
shake (Type.Forall' _ t) = shake t
shake _ = error "impossible, f had better be a function"
in case Term.lam f <$> Term.modify ( (Term.var f)) loc t of