First stab at getting default metadata from config

This commit is contained in:
Runar Bjarnason 2020-03-31 17:00:58 -04:00
parent 050d309d2b
commit 26c5a98ff9
3 changed files with 91 additions and 64 deletions

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@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ import qualified Unison.Codebase.Editor.SlurpResult as Slurp
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.SlurpComponent (SlurpComponent(..))
import qualified Unison.Codebase.Editor.SlurpComponent as SC
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.RemoteRepo (RemoteRepo, printNamespace, RemoteNamespace)
import qualified Unison.CommandLine.InputPatterns as InputPatterns
import Control.Lens
import Control.Lens.TH ( makeLenses )
@ -468,45 +469,50 @@ loop = do
stepManyAtM = Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.stepManyAtM inputDescription
updateAtM = Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.updateAtM inputDescription
manageLinks :: [(Path', NameSegment.HQSegment)]
-> HQ.HashQualified
-> [HQ.HashQualified]
-> (forall r. Ord r
=> (r, Reference, Reference)
-> Branch.Star r NameSegment
-> Branch.Star r NameSegment)
-> MaybeT (StateT (LoopState m v) (F m (Either Event Input) v)) ()
manageLinks srcs mdValue2 op = do
let !srcle = toList . getHQ'Terms =<< srcs
!srclt = toList . getHQ'Types =<< srcs
mdValuel <- toList <$> getHQTerms mdValue2
names0 <- basicPrettyPrintNames0
ppe <- PPE.suffixifiedPPE <$> prettyPrintEnvDecl (Names names0 mempty)
case (srcle, srclt, mdValuel) of
(srcle, srclt, [r@(Referent.Ref mdValue)]) -> do
mdType <- eval $ LoadTypeOfTerm mdValue
case mdType of
Nothing -> respond $ MetadataMissingType ppe r
Just ty -> do
let steps =
second (const . step $ Type.toReference ty)
. first (Path.unabsolute . resolveToAbsolute) <$> srcs
let get = Branch.head <$> use root
before <- get
stepManyAt steps
after <- get
(ppe, outputDiff) <- diffHelper before after
respondNumbered $ ShowDiffNamespace
Path.absoluteEmpty Path.absoluteEmpty ppe outputDiff
step mdType b0 = let
tmUpdates terms = foldl' go terms srcle
go terms src = op (src, mdType, mdValue) terms
tyUpdates types = foldl' go types srclt
go types src = op (src, mdType, mdValue) types
in over Branch.terms tmUpdates . over Branch.types tyUpdates $ b0
(_srcle, _srclt, mdValues) ->
respond $ MetadataAmbiguous ppe mdValues
manageLinks srcs mdValues op = do
mdValuels <- fmap toList <$> traverse getHQTerms mdValues
traverse_ go mdValuels
go mdl = do
let !srcle = toList . getHQ'Terms =<< srcs
!srclt = toList . getHQ'Types =<< srcs
names0 <- basicPrettyPrintNames0
ppe <- PPE.suffixifiedPPE <$> prettyPrintEnvDecl (Names names0 mempty)
case mdl of
[r@(Referent.Ref mdValue)] -> do
mdType <- eval $ LoadTypeOfTerm mdValue
case mdType of
Nothing -> respond $ MetadataMissingType ppe r
Just ty -> do
let steps =
second (const . step $ Type.toReference ty)
. first (Path.unabsolute . resolveToAbsolute)
<$> srcs
let get = Branch.head <$> use root
before <- get
stepManyAt steps
after <- get
(ppe, outputDiff) <- diffHelper before after
if OBranchDiff.isEmpty outputDiff
then success
else respondNumbered $ ShowDiffNamespace Path.absoluteEmpty
step mdType b0 =
let tmUpdates terms = foldl' go terms srcle
where go terms src = op (src, mdType, mdValue) terms
tyUpdates types = foldl' go types srclt
where go types src = op (src, mdType, mdValue) types
in over Branch.terms tmUpdates . over Branch.types tyUpdates $ b0
mdValues -> respond $ MetadataAmbiguous ppe mdValues
:: (Path.HQSplit' -> Set Referent) -- compute matching terms
-> (Path.HQSplit' -> Set Reference) -- compute matching types
@ -943,10 +949,10 @@ loop = do
-- in (terms, types)
LinkI mdValue srcs ->
manageLinks srcs mdValue Metadata.insert
manageLinks srcs [mdValue] Metadata.insert
UnlinkI mdValue srcs ->
manageLinks srcs mdValue Metadata.delete
manageLinks srcs [mdValue] Metadata.delete
-- > links (.Docs .English)
-- > links -- give me all the
@ -1315,15 +1321,35 @@ loop = do
. applySelection hqs uf
. toSlurpResult currentPath' uf
<$> slurpResultNames0
let adds = Slurp.adds sr
when (Slurp.isNonempty sr) $ do
stepAt ( Path.unabsolute currentPath'
, doSlurpAdds (Slurp.adds sr) uf)
, doSlurpAdds adds uf)
eval . AddDefsToCodebase . filterBySlurpResult sr $ uf
ppe <- prettyPrintEnvDecl =<<
(UF.termSignatureExternalLabeledDependencies uf)
(UF.typecheckedToNames0 uf)
respond $ SlurpOutput input (PPE.suffixifiedPPE ppe) sr
addedVs = Set.toList $ SC.types adds <> SC.terms adds
parseResult = (Path.parseHQSplit' . Var.nameStr) <$> addedVs
(errs, addedNames) = partitionEithers parseResult
case errs of
e : _ ->
error $ "I couldn't parse a name I just added to the codebase! " <> e
_ -> do
dm <- resolveDefaultMetadata currentPath'
case dm of
Nothing -> pure ()
Just dm' -> do
let hqs = traverse InputPatterns.parseHashQualifiedName dm'
case hqs of
Left e -> respond $
(Path.absoluteToPath' currentPath') (show dm') e
Right defaultMeta ->
manageLinks addedNames defaultMeta Metadata.insert
PreviewAddI hqs -> case (latestFile', uf) of
(Just (sourceName, _), Just uf) -> do
@ -1587,6 +1613,15 @@ loop = do
notImplemented = eval $ Notify NotImplemented
success = respond Success
resolveDefaultMetadata :: Path.Absolute -> Action' m v (Maybe [String])
resolveDefaultMetadata path =
(eval . ConfigLookup) $ configKey "DefaultMetadata" path
configKey k p =
Text.intercalate "." . toList $ k :<| fmap
(Path.toSeq $ Path.unabsolute p)
-- Takes a maybe (namespace address triple); returns it as-is if `Just`;
-- otherwise, tries to load a value from .unisonConfig, and complains
-- if needed.
@ -1614,30 +1649,11 @@ loop = do
Nothing ->
pure . Left $ NoConfiguredGitUrl pushPull destPath'
gitUrlKey p = Text.intercalate "." . toList $ "GitUrl" :<| fmap
(Path.toSeq $ Path.unabsolute p)
gitUrlKey = configKey "GitUrl"
case e of
Right input -> lastInput .= Just input
_ -> pure ()
-- where
doMerge branchName b = do
updated <- eval $ SyncBranch branchName b
-- updated is False if `branchName` doesn't exist.
-- Not sure why you were updating a nonexistent branch, but under the
-- assumption that it just got deleted somehow, I guess, we'll write
-- it to disk now.
unless updated $ do
written <- eval $ NewBranch b branchName
unless written (disappearingBranchBomb branchName)
disappearingBranchBomb branchName =
$ "The branch named "
<> Text.unpack branchName
<> " disappeared from storage. "
<> "I tried to put it back, but couldn't. Everybody panic!"
doDisplay :: Var v => OutputLocation -> Names -> Referent -> Action' m v ()
doDisplay outputLoc names r = do

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@ -168,6 +168,7 @@ data Output v
-- and a nicer render.
| BustedBuiltins (Set Reference) (Set Reference)
| GitError Input GitError
| ConfiguredMetadataParseError Path' String (P.Pretty P.ColorText)
| NoConfiguredGitUrl PushPull Path'
| ConfiguredGitUrlParseError PushPull Path' Text String
| ConfiguredGitUrlIncludesShortBranchHash PushPull RemoteRepo ShortBranchHash Path
@ -299,6 +300,7 @@ isFailure o = case o of
ListEdits{} -> False
GitError{} -> True
BustedBuiltins{} -> True
ConfiguredMetadataParseError{} -> True
NoConfiguredGitUrl{} -> True
ConfiguredGitUrlParseError{} -> True
ConfiguredGitUrlIncludesShortBranchHash{} -> True

View File

@ -737,27 +737,36 @@ notifyUser dir o = case o of
(P.column2 . fmap format) ([(1::Integer)..] `zip` (toList patches))
format (i, p) = (P.hiBlack . fromString $ show i <> ".", prettyName p)
ConfiguredMetadataParseError p md err ->
pure . P.fatalCallout . P.lines $
[ P.wrap $ "I couldn't understand the default metadata that's set for "
<> prettyPath' p <> " in .unisonConfig."
, P.wrap $ "The value I found was"
<> (P.backticked . . P.string) md
<> "but I encountered the following error when trying to parse it:"
, ""
, err
NoConfiguredGitUrl pp p ->
pure . P.fatalCallout . P.wrap $
"I don't know where to " <>
pushPull "push to!" "pull from!" pp <>
(if Path.isRoot' p then ""
else "Add a line like `GitUrl." <> prettyPath' p
else "Add a line like `GitUrl." <> P.shown p
<> " = <some-git-url>' to .unisonConfig. "
<> "Type `help " <> pushPull "push" "pull" pp <>
"` for more information."
-- | ConfiguredGitUrlParseError PushPull Path' Text String
ConfiguredGitUrlParseError pp p url error ->
ConfiguredGitUrlParseError pp p url err ->
pure . P.fatalCallout . P.lines $
[ P.wrap $ "I couldn't understand the url set in .unisonConfig for"
<> prettyPath' p <> "."
, ""
[ P.wrap $ "I couldn't understand the GitUrl that's set for"
<> prettyPath' p <> "in .unisonConfig"
, P.wrap $ "The value I found was" <> (P.backticked . . P.text) url
<> "but I encountered the following error when trying to parse it:"
, ""
, P.string error
, P.string err
, ""
, P.wrap $ "Type" <> P.backticked ("help " <> pushPull "push" "pull" pp)
<> "for more information."