remove stray space for nullary ctors

This commit is contained in:
Paul Chiusano 2019-03-26 17:40:30 -04:00
parent 5fc75f5e70
commit 2ab759444e

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@ -74,12 +74,10 @@ prettyDataDecl env r name dd =
constructor (n, (_, _, (Type.ForallsNamed' _ t))) = constructor' n t
constructor (n, (_, _, t) ) = constructor' n t
constructor' n t = . P.hang' (prettyPattern env r name n) " " $
P.spaced (TypePrinter.pretty env 10 <$> case Type.unArrows t of
Nothing -> mempty
Just ts -> init ts
constructor' n t = case Type.unArrows t of
Nothing -> prettyPattern env r name n
Just ts -> . P.hang' (prettyPattern env r name n) " "
$ P.spaced (TypePrinter.pretty env 10 <$> init ts)
header =
P.sep " " (prettyDataHeader name : (P.text . <$> DD.bound dd))
<> (" = " `P.orElse` "\n = ")