
This commit is contained in:
Chris Penner 2024-05-23 15:31:38 -07:00
parent 29fd307ad9
commit 2c98ad1b1e
12 changed files with 114 additions and 172 deletions

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@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ module Unison.Codebase
@ -184,15 +184,13 @@ runTransactionWithRollback ::
runTransactionWithRollback Codebase {withConnection} action =
withConnection \conn -> Sqlite.runTransactionWithRollback conn action
getShallowCausalFromRoot ::
-- Optional root branch, if Nothing use the codebase's root branch.
Maybe CausalHash ->
getShallowCausalAtPathFromRootHash ::
-- Causal to start at, if Nothing use the codebase's root branch.
CausalHash ->
Path.Path ->
Sqlite.Transaction (V2Branch.CausalBranch Sqlite.Transaction)
getShallowCausalFromRoot mayRootHash p = do
rootCausal <- case mayRootHash of
Nothing -> getShallowRootCausal
Just ch -> Operations.expectCausalBranchByCausalHash ch
getShallowCausalAtPathFromRootHash rootCausalHash p = do
rootCausal <- Operations.expectCausalBranchByCausalHash rootCausalHash
getShallowCausalAtPath p (Just rootCausal)
-- | Get the shallow representation of the root branches without loading the children or
@ -240,19 +238,18 @@ getShallowBranchAtPath path branch = do
childBranch <- V2Causal.value childCausal
getShallowBranchAtPath p childBranch
getShallowProjectRootBranch :: Db.ProjectId -> Db.ProjectBranchId -> Sqlite.Transaction (V2Branch.Branch Sqlite.Transaction)
getShallowProjectRootBranch projectId projectBranchId = do
ProjectBranch {causalHashId} <- Q.expectProjectBranch projectId projectBranchId
getShallowProjectRootBranch :: ProjectBranch -> Sqlite.Transaction (V2Branch.Branch Sqlite.Transaction)
getShallowProjectRootBranch ProjectBranch {causalHashId} = do
causalHash <- Q.expectCausalHash causalHashId
Operations.expectCausalBranchByCausalHash causalHash >>= V2Causal.value
-- | Recursively descend into causals following the given path,
-- Use the root causal if none is provided.
getShallowBranchAtProjectPath ::
PP.ProjectPathIds ->
PP.ProjectPath ->
Sqlite.Transaction (V2Branch.Branch Sqlite.Transaction)
getShallowBranchAtProjectPath (PP.ProjectPath projectId projectBranchId path) = do
projectRootBranch <- getShallowProjectRootBranch projectId projectBranchId
getShallowBranchAtProjectPath (PP.ProjectPath _project projectBranch path) = do
projectRootBranch <- getShallowProjectRootBranch projectBranch
getShallowBranchAtPath (Path.unabsolute path) projectRootBranch
getShallowProjectRootByNames :: ProjectAndBranch ProjectName ProjectBranchName -> Sqlite.Transaction (Maybe (V2Branch.CausalBranch Sqlite.Transaction))

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@ -11,8 +11,6 @@ module Unison.Codebase.ProjectPath
@ -27,11 +25,11 @@ import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.Project (ProjectAndBranch (..), ProjectBranchName, ProjectName)
data ProjectPathG proj branch = ProjectPath
{ projPathProject :: proj,
projPathBranch :: branch,
projPathPath :: Path.Absolute
{ project :: proj,
branch :: branch,
absPath :: Path.Absolute
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
type ProjectPathIds = ProjectPathG ProjectId ProjectBranchId
@ -42,18 +40,6 @@ type ProjectPath = ProjectPathG Project ProjectBranch
fromProjectAndBranch :: ProjectAndBranch Project ProjectBranch -> Path.Absolute -> ProjectPath
fromProjectAndBranch (ProjectAndBranch proj branch) path = ProjectPath proj branch path
project_ :: Lens' (ProjectPathG p b) p
project_ = lens get set
get (ProjectPath p _ _) = p
set (ProjectPath _ b path) p = ProjectPath p b path
branch_ :: Lens' (ProjectPathG p b) b
branch_ = lens get set
get (ProjectPath _ b _) = b
set (ProjectPath p _ path) b = ProjectPath p b path
-- | Project a project context into a project path of just IDs
asIds_ :: Lens' ProjectPath ProjectPathIds
asIds_ = lens get set
@ -61,8 +47,8 @@ asIds_ = lens get set
get (ProjectPath proj branch path) = ProjectPath (proj ^. #projectId) (branch ^. #branchId) path
set p (ProjectPath pId bId path) =
& project_ . #projectId .~ pId
& branch_ . #branchId .~ bId
& #project . #projectId .~ pId
& #branch . #branchId .~ bId
& absPath_ .~ path
-- | Project a project context into a project path of just names
@ -72,15 +58,15 @@ asNames_ = lens get set
get (ProjectPath proj branch path) = ProjectPath (proj ^. #name) (branch ^. #name) path
set p (ProjectPath pName bName path) =
& project_ . #name .~ pName
& branch_ . #name .~ bName
& #project . #name .~ pName
& #branch . #name .~ bName
& absPath_ .~ path
asProjectAndBranch_ :: Lens' ProjectPath (ProjectAndBranch Project ProjectBranch)
asProjectAndBranch_ = lens get set
get (ProjectPath proj branch _) = ProjectAndBranch proj branch
set p (ProjectAndBranch proj branch) = p & project_ .~ proj & branch_ .~ branch
set p (ProjectAndBranch proj branch) = p & #project .~ proj & #branch .~ branch
instance Bifunctor ProjectPathG where
bimap f g (ProjectPath p b path) = ProjectPath (f p) (g b) path

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ module Unison.Cli.MonadUtils
@ -95,8 +95,6 @@ import U.Codebase.Branch qualified as V2 (Branch)
import U.Codebase.Branch qualified as V2Branch
import U.Codebase.Causal qualified as V2Causal
import U.Codebase.HashTags (CausalHash (..))
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Project (Project (..))
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.ProjectBranch (ProjectBranch (..))
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Queries qualified as Q
import Unison.Cli.Monad (Cli)
import Unison.Cli.Monad qualified as Cli
@ -146,28 +144,28 @@ getConfig key = do
-- Getting paths, path resolution, etc.
getProjectPath :: Cli PP.ProjectPath
getProjectPath = do
getCurrentProjectPath :: Cli PP.ProjectPath
getCurrentProjectPath = do
(PP.ProjectPath projId branchId path) <- Cli.getProjectPathIds
-- TODO: Reset to a valid project on error.
(Project {name = projName}, ProjectBranch {name = branchName}) <- fmap (fromMaybe (error $ reportBug "E794202" ("Project branch not found in database for ids: " <> show (projId, branchId)))) . Cli.runTransaction . runMaybeT $ do
(proj, branch) <- fmap (fromMaybe (error $ reportBug "E794202" ("Project branch not found in database for ids: " <> show (projId, branchId)))) . Cli.runTransaction . runMaybeT $ do
project <- MaybeT $ Q.loadProject projId
branch <- MaybeT $ Q.loadProjectBranch projId branchId
pure (project, branch)
pure (PP.ProjectPath (projId, projName) (branchId, branchName) path)
pure (PP.ProjectPath proj branch path)
-- | Get the current path relative to the current project.
getCurrentPath :: Cli Path.Absolute
getCurrentPath = do
view PP.absPath_ <$> getProjectPath
view PP.absPath_ <$> getCurrentProjectPath
getCurrentProjectName :: Cli ProjectName
getCurrentProjectName = do
view (PP.ctxAsNames_ . PP.project_) <$> getProjectPath
view (PP.asNames_ . #project) <$> getCurrentProjectPath
getCurrentProjectBranchName :: Cli ProjectBranchName
getCurrentProjectBranchName = do
view (PP.ctxAsNames_ . PP.branch_) <$> getProjectPath
view (PP.asNames_ . #branch) <$> getCurrentProjectPath
-- | Resolve a @Path@ (interpreted as relative) to a @Path.Absolute@, per the current path.
resolvePath :: Path -> Cli Path.Absolute

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@ -13,8 +13,6 @@ module Unison.Cli.ProjectUtils
-- * Loading remote project info
@ -40,7 +38,6 @@ import Data.These (These (..))
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.DbId
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Project (Project)
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Project qualified as Sqlite
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.ProjectBranch (ProjectBranch)
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.ProjectBranch qualified as Sqlite
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Queries qualified as Queries
import Unison.Cli.Monad (Cli)
@ -66,13 +63,13 @@ resolveBranchRelativePath brp = do
case brp of
BranchPathInCurrentProject projBranchName path -> do
projectAndBranch <- expectProjectAndBranchByTheseNames (That projBranchName)
pure $ PP.ctxFromProjectAndBranch projectAndBranch path
pure $ PP.fromProjectAndBranch projectAndBranch path
QualifiedBranchPath projName projBranchName path -> do
projectAndBranch <- expectProjectAndBranchByTheseNames (These projName projBranchName)
pure $ PP.ctxFromProjectAndBranch projectAndBranch path
pure $ PP.fromProjectAndBranch projectAndBranch path
UnqualifiedPath newPath' -> do
ppCtx <- Cli.getProjectPath
pure $ ppCtx & PP.absPath_ %~ \curPath -> Path.resolve curPath newPath'
pp <- Cli.getCurrentProjectPath
pure $ pp & PP.absPath_ %~ \curPath -> Path.resolve curPath newPath'
-- @findTemporaryBranchName projectId preferred@ finds some unused branch name in @projectId@ with a name
-- like @preferred@.
@ -95,20 +92,6 @@ findTemporaryBranchName projectId preferred = do
pure (fromJust (List.find (\name -> not (Set.member name allBranchNames)) allCandidates))
-- | Get the current project+branch+branch path that a user is on.
getCurrentProjectBranch :: Cli (PP.ProjectPath Sqlite.Project Sqlite.ProjectBranch)
getCurrentProjectBranch = do
ppCtx <- Cli.getProjectPath
Cli.runTransaction $ do
proj <- Queries.expectProject (ppCtx ^. PP.ctxAsIds_ . PP.project_)
branch <- Queries.expectProjectBranch (proj ^. #projectId) (ppCtx ^. PP.ctxAsIds_ . PP.branch_)
pure $ PP.ProjectPath proj branch (ppCtx ^. PP.absPath_)
getCurrentProject :: Cli Sqlite.Project
getCurrentProject = do
ppCtx <- Cli.getProjectPath
Cli.runTransaction (Queries.expectProject (ppCtx ^. PP.ctxAsIds_ . PP.project_))
expectProjectBranchByName :: Sqlite.Project -> ProjectBranchName -> Cli Sqlite.ProjectBranch
expectProjectBranchByName project branchName =
Cli.runTransaction (Queries.loadProjectBranchByName (project ^. #projectId) branchName) & onNothingM do
@ -124,8 +107,8 @@ hydrateNames :: These ProjectName ProjectBranchName -> Cli (ProjectAndBranch Pro
hydrateNames = \case
This projectName -> pure (ProjectAndBranch projectName (unsafeFrom @Text "main"))
That branchName -> do
ppCtx <- Cli.getProjectPath
pure (ProjectAndBranch (ppCtx ^. PP.ctxAsNames_ . PP.project_) branchName)
pp <- Cli.getCurrentProjectPath
pure (ProjectAndBranch (pp ^. PP.asNames_ . #project) branchName)
These projectName branchName -> pure (ProjectAndBranch projectName branchName)
-- Expect a local project+branch by ids.
@ -147,9 +130,9 @@ getProjectAndBranchByTheseNames ::
getProjectAndBranchByTheseNames = \case
This projectName -> getProjectAndBranchByTheseNames (These projectName (unsafeFrom @Text "main"))
That branchName -> runMaybeT do
currentProjectBranch <- lift getCurrentProjectBranch
branch <- MaybeT (Cli.runTransaction (Queries.loadProjectBranchByName (currentProjectBranch ^. PP.project_ . #projectId) branchName))
pure (ProjectAndBranch (currentProjectBranch ^. PP.project_) branch)
(PP.ProjectPath proj _branch _path) <- lift Cli.getCurrentProjectPath
branch <- MaybeT (Cli.runTransaction (Queries.loadProjectBranchByName (proj ^. #projectId) branchName))
pure (ProjectAndBranch proj branch)
These projectName branchName -> do
Cli.runTransaction do
runMaybeT do
@ -167,7 +150,7 @@ expectProjectAndBranchByTheseNames ::
expectProjectAndBranchByTheseNames = \case
This projectName -> expectProjectAndBranchByTheseNames (These projectName (unsafeFrom @Text "main"))
That branchName -> do
PP.ProjectPath project _branch _restPath <- getCurrentProjectBranch
PP.ProjectPath project _branch _restPath <- Cli.getCurrentProjectPath
branch <-
Cli.runTransaction (Queries.loadProjectBranchByName (project ^. #projectId) branchName) & onNothingM do
Cli.returnEarly (LocalProjectBranchDoesntExist (ProjectAndBranch (project ^. #name) branchName))
@ -188,21 +171,21 @@ expectProjectAndBranchByTheseNames = \case
-- 2. If we have an unambiguous `/branch` or `project/branch`, resolve it using the current
-- project, defaulting to 'main' if branch is unspecified.
-- 3. If we just have a path, resolve it using the current project.
resolveProjectPath :: PP.ProjectPath -> ProjectAndBranch (Maybe ProjectName) (Maybe ProjectBranchName) -> Maybe Path' -> Cli PP.ProjectPath
resolveProjectPath ppCtx mayProjAndBranch mayPath' = do
projAndBranch <- resolveProjectBranch ppCtx mayProjAndBranch
resolveProjectPath :: Project -> ProjectAndBranch (Maybe ProjectName) (Maybe ProjectBranchName) -> Maybe Path' -> Cli PP.ProjectPath
resolveProjectPath defaultProj mayProjAndBranch mayPath' = do
projAndBranch <- resolveProjectBranch defaultProj mayProjAndBranch
absPath <- fromMaybe Path.absoluteEmpty <$> traverse Cli.resolvePath' mayPath'
pure $ PP.ctxFromProjectAndBranch projAndBranch absPath
pure $ PP.fromProjectAndBranch projAndBranch absPath
-- | Expect/resolve branch reference with the following rules:
-- 1. If the project is missing, use the provided project.
-- 2. If we have an unambiguous `/branch` or `project/branch`, resolve it using the provided
-- project, defaulting to 'main' if branch is unspecified.
resolveProjectBranch :: ProjectAndBranch Project ProjectBranch -> ProjectAndBranch (Maybe ProjectName) (Maybe ProjectBranchName) -> Cli (ProjectAndBranch Sqlite.Project Sqlite.ProjectBranch)
resolveProjectBranch ppCtx (ProjectAndBranch mayProjectName mayBranchName) = do
resolveProjectBranch :: Project -> ProjectAndBranch (Maybe ProjectName) (Maybe ProjectBranchName) -> Cli (ProjectAndBranch Sqlite.Project Sqlite.ProjectBranch)
resolveProjectBranch defaultProj (ProjectAndBranch mayProjectName mayBranchName) = do
let branchName = fromMaybe (unsafeFrom @Text "main") mayBranchName
let projectName = fromMaybe (ppCtx ^. PP.ctxAsNames_ . PP.project_) mayProjectName
let projectName = fromMaybe (defaultProj ^. #name) mayProjectName
projectAndBranch <- expectProjectAndBranchByTheseNames (These projectName branchName)
pure projectAndBranch
@ -289,7 +272,7 @@ expectRemoteProjectBranchByTheseNames includeSquashed = \case
let remoteBranchName = unsafeFrom @Text "main"
expectRemoteProjectBranchByName includeSquashed (ProjectAndBranch (remoteProjectId, remoteProjectName) remoteBranchName)
That branchName -> do
PP.ProjectPath localProject localBranch _restPath <- getCurrentProjectBranch
PP.ProjectPath localProject localBranch _restPath <- Cli.getCurrentProjectPath
let localProjectId = localProject ^. #projectId
let localBranchId = localBranch ^. #branchId
Cli.runTransaction (Queries.loadRemoteProjectBranch localProjectId Share.hardCodedUri localBranchId) >>= \case

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@ -18,10 +18,8 @@ import Unison.Cli.Monad qualified as Cli
import Unison.Cli.MonadUtils qualified as Cli
import Unison.Cli.ProjectUtils qualified as ProjectUtils
import Unison.Codebase qualified as Codebase
import Unison.Codebase.Branch qualified as Branch (headHash)
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Input qualified as Input
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Output qualified as Output
import Unison.Codebase.Path qualified as Path
import Unison.Codebase.ProjectPath qualified as PP
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.Project (ProjectAndBranch (..), ProjectBranchName, ProjectBranchNameKind (..), ProjectName, classifyProjectBranchName)
@ -41,7 +39,7 @@ handleBranch sourceI projectAndBranchNames@(ProjectAndBranch mayProjectName newB
Cli.returnEarly (Output.CannotCreateReleaseBranchWithBranchCommand newBranchName ver)
ProjectBranchNameKind'NothingSpecial -> pure ()
currentProjectName <- Cli.getProjectPath <&> view (PP.ctxAsNames_ . PP.project_)
currentProjectName <- Cli.getCurrentProjectPath <&> view (PP.asNames_ . #project)
destProject <- do
\rollback -> do
@ -51,22 +49,21 @@ handleBranch sourceI projectAndBranchNames@(ProjectAndBranch mayProjectName newB
rollback (Output.LocalProjectBranchDoesntExist (ProjectAndBranch projectName newBranchName))
-- Compute what we should create the branch from.
maySrcBranch <-
maySrcProjectAndBranch <-
case sourceI of
Input.BranchSourceI'CurrentContext -> Just <$> ProjectUtils.getCurrentProjectBranch
Input.BranchSourceI'CurrentContext -> Just . view PP.projectAndBranch_ <$> Cli.getCurrentProjectPath
Input.BranchSourceI'Empty -> pure Nothing
Input.BranchSourceI'UnresolvedProjectBranch unresolvedProjectBranch -> do
ppCtx <- Cli.getProjectPath
ProjectAndBranch _proj branch <- ProjectUtils.resolveProjectBranch ppCtx (unresolvedProjectBranch & #branch %~ Just)
pure $ Just branch
pp <- Cli.getCurrentProjectPath
Just <$> ProjectUtils.resolveProjectBranch (pp ^. #project) (unresolvedProjectBranch & #branch %~ Just)
_ <- doCreateBranch maySrcBranch project newBranchName
_ <- doCreateBranch (view #branch <$> maySrcProjectAndBranch) destProject newBranchName
Cli.respond $
( case maySrcBranch of
( case maySrcProjectAndBranch of
Just sourceBranch ->
if sourceBranch ^. #project . #projectId == project ^. #projectId
if sourceBranch ^. #project . #projectId == destProject ^. #projectId
then Output.CreatedProjectBranchFrom'ParentBranch (sourceBranch ^. #branch . #name)
else Output.CreatedProjectBranchFrom'OtherBranch sourceBranch
Nothing -> Output.CreatedProjectBranchFrom'Nothingness
@ -86,7 +83,7 @@ doCreateBranch ::
-- If no parent branch is provided, make an empty branch.
Maybe Sqlite.ProjectBranch ->
Sqlite.Project ->
Sqlite.Transaction ProjectBranchName ->
ProjectBranchName ->
Cli ProjectBranchId
doCreateBranch mayParentBranch project getNewBranchName = do
let projectId = project ^. #projectId

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@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import Unison.Cli.ProjectUtils qualified as Project
import Unison.Codebase (Codebase)
import Unison.Codebase qualified as Codebase
import Unison.Codebase.Path qualified as Path
import Unison.Codebase.ProjectPath qualified as PP
import Unison.Codebase.SqliteCodebase.Conversions qualified as Conversions
import Unison.ConstructorType qualified as ConstructorType
import Unison.HashQualified qualified as HQ
@ -28,8 +29,7 @@ import Unison.Name (Name)
import Unison.Name qualified as Name
import Unison.Parser.Ann (Ann (..))
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.Project (ProjectAndBranch)
import Unison.Project.Util (projectBranchPath)
import Unison.Project (ProjectAndBranch (ProjectAndBranch))
import Unison.Referent qualified as Referent
import Unison.Server.CodebaseServer qualified as Server
import Unison.Sqlite qualified as Sqlite
@ -39,37 +39,25 @@ import Web.Browser (openBrowser)
openUI :: Path.Path' -> Cli ()
openUI path' = do
Cli.Env {serverBaseUrl} <- ask
currentPath <- Cli.getCurrentPath
let absPath = Path.resolve currentPath path'
defnPath <- Cli.resolvePath' path'
pp <- Cli.getCurrentProjectPath
whenJust serverBaseUrl \url -> do
Project.getProjectBranchForPath absPath >>= \case
Nothing -> openUIForLooseCode url path'
Just (projectBranch, pathWithinBranch) -> openUIForProject url projectBranch pathWithinBranch
openUIForProject url pp defnPath
openUIForProject :: Server.BaseUrl -> ProjectAndBranch Sqlite.Project Sqlite.ProjectBranch -> Path.Path -> Cli ()
openUIForProject url projectAndBranch pathFromProjectRoot = do
currentPath <- Cli.getCurrentPath
perspective <-
Project.getProjectBranchForPath currentPath <&> \case
Nothing ->
-- The current path is outside the project the argument was in. Use the project root
-- as the perspective.
Just (_projectBranch, pathWithinBranch) -> pathWithinBranch
openUIForProject :: Server.BaseUrl -> PP.ProjectPath -> Path.Absolute -> Cli ()
openUIForProject url (PP.ProjectPath project projectBranch perspective) defnPath = do
mayDefinitionRef <- getDefinitionRef perspective
let projectBranchNames = bimap projectAndBranch
let projectBranchNames = bimap (ProjectAndBranch project projectBranch)
_success <- liftIO . openBrowser . Text.unpack $ Server.urlFor (Server.ProjectBranchUI projectBranchNames perspective mayDefinitionRef) url
pure ()
pathToBranchFromCodebaseRoot :: Path.Absolute
pathToBranchFromCodebaseRoot = projectBranchPath (bimap Project.projectId ProjectBranch.branchId projectAndBranch)
-- If the provided ui path matches a definition, find it.
getDefinitionRef :: Path.Path -> Cli (Maybe (Server.DefinitionReference))
getDefinitionRef :: Path.Absolute -> Cli (Maybe (Server.DefinitionReference))
getDefinitionRef perspective = runMaybeT $ do
Cli.Env {codebase} <- lift ask
let absPathToDefinition = Path.unabsolute $ Path.resolve pathToBranchFromCodebaseRoot (Path.Relative pathFromProjectRoot)
(pathToDefinitionNamespace, _nameSeg) <- hoistMaybe $ Lens.unsnoc absPathToDefinition
namespaceBranch <- lift $ Cli.runTransaction (Codebase.getShallowBranchAtPath pathToDefinitionNamespace Nothing)
(pathToDefinitionNamespace, _nameSeg) <- hoistMaybe $ Lens.unsnoc defnPath
let defnNamespaceProjectPath = pp & PP.absPath_ .~ pathToDefinitionNamespace
namespaceBranch <- lift . Cli.runTransaction $ Codebase.getShallowBranchAtProjectPath defnNamespaceProjectPath
fqn <- hoistMaybe $ do
pathFromPerspective <- List.stripPrefix (Path.toList perspective) (Path.toList pathFromProjectRoot)
Path.toName . Path.fromList $ pathFromPerspective

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@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ noCompletions ::
String ->
Codebase m v a ->
AuthenticatedHttpClient ->
Path.Absolute ->
PP.ProjectPath ->
m [System.Console.Haskeline.Completion.Completion]
noCompletions _ _ _ _ = pure []
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ completeWithinNamespace ::
Sqlite.Transaction [System.Console.Haskeline.Completion.Completion]
completeWithinNamespace compTypes query ppCtx = do
shortHashLen <- Codebase.hashLength
b <- Codebase.getShallowBranchAtProjectPath (queryProjectPath ^. PP.ctxAsIds_)
b <- Codebase.getShallowBranchAtProjectPath (queryProjectPath ^. PP.asIds_)
currentBranchSuggestions <- do
nib <- namesInBranch shortHashLen b

View File

@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ projectBranchOptions codebase _projCtx _searchBranch0 = do
-- E.g. '@unison/base/main'
projectBranchOptionsWithinCurrentProject :: OptionFetcher
projectBranchOptionsWithinCurrentProject codebase projCtx _searchBranch0 = do
Codebase.runTransaction codebase (Q.loadAllProjectBranchesBeginningWith (projCtx ^. PP.asIds_ . PP.project_) Nothing)
Codebase.runTransaction codebase (Q.loadAllProjectBranchesBeginningWith (projCtx ^. PP.asIds_ . #project) Nothing)
<&> fmap (into @Text . snd)
-- | Exported from here just so the debug command and actual implementation can use the same

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@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ module Unison.CommandLine.InputPatterns
import Control.Lens ((^.))
import Control.Lens ((.~), (^.))
import Control.Lens.Cons qualified as Cons
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.List.Extra qualified as List
@ -1840,7 +1840,7 @@ mergeOldSquashInputPattern =
[src, dest] -> do
src <- parseUnresolvedProjectBranch src
dest <- parseUnresolvedProjectBranch dest
Just $ Input.MergeLocalBranchI src dest Branch.SquashMerge
Just $ Input.MergeLocalBranchI src (Just dest) Branch.SquashMerge
_ -> Nothing
@ -3349,7 +3349,7 @@ namespaceOrProjectBranchArg config =
{ typeName = "namespace or branch",
suggestions =
let namespaceSuggestions = \q cb _http ppCtx -> Codebase.runTransaction cb (prefixCompleteNamespace q ppCtx)
let namespaceSuggestions = \q cb _http pp -> Codebase.runTransaction cb (prefixCompleteNamespace q pp)
in unionSuggestions
[ projectAndOrBranchSuggestions config,
@ -3375,8 +3375,8 @@ dependencyArg :: ArgumentType
dependencyArg =
{ typeName = "project dependency",
suggestions = \q cb _http p -> Codebase.runTransaction cb do
prefixCompleteNamespace q (p Path.:> NameSegment.libSegment),
suggestions = \q cb _http pp -> Codebase.runTransaction cb do
prefixCompleteNamespace q (pp & PP.path_ .~ Path.singleton NameSegment.libSegment),
fzfResolver = Just Resolvers.projectDependencyResolver
@ -3464,12 +3464,12 @@ projectAndOrBranchSuggestions ::
AuthenticatedHttpClient ->
ProjectPath ->
m [Line.Completion]
projectAndOrBranchSuggestions config inputStr codebase _httpClient ppCtx = do
projectAndOrBranchSuggestions config inputStr codebase _httpClient pp = do
case Text.uncons input of
-- Things like "/foo" would be parsed as unambiguous branches in the logic below, except we also want to
-- handle "/<TAB>" and "/@<TAB>" inputs, which aren't valid branch names, but are valid branch prefixes. So,
-- if the input begins with a forward slash, just rip it off and treat the rest as the branch prefix.
Just ('/', input1) -> handleBranchesComplete input1 codebase path
Just ('/', input1) -> handleBranchesComplete input1 codebase pp
_ ->
case tryInto @ProjectAndBranchNames input of
-- This case handles inputs like "", "@", and possibly other things that don't look like a valid project
@ -3490,12 +3490,12 @@ projectAndOrBranchSuggestions config inputStr codebase _httpClient ppCtx = do
Nothing -> pure []
Just project -> do
let projectId = project ^. #projectId
fmap (filterBranches config path) do
fmap (filterBranches config pp) do
Queries.loadAllProjectBranchesBeginningWith projectId Nothing
pure (map (projectBranchToCompletion projectName) branches)
-- This branch is probably dead due to intercepting inputs that begin with "/" above
Right (ProjectAndBranchNames'Unambiguous (That branchName)) ->
handleBranchesComplete (into @Text branchName) codebase path
handleBranchesComplete (into @Text branchName) codebase pp
Right (ProjectAndBranchNames'Unambiguous (These projectName branchName)) -> do
branches <-
Codebase.runTransaction codebase do
@ -3503,12 +3503,11 @@ projectAndOrBranchSuggestions config inputStr codebase _httpClient ppCtx = do
Nothing -> pure []
Just project -> do
let projectId = project ^. #projectId
fmap (filterBranches config path) do
fmap (filterBranches config pp) do
Queries.loadAllProjectBranchesBeginningWith projectId (Just $ into @Text branchName)
pure (map (projectBranchToCompletion projectName) branches)
input = Text.strip . Text.pack $ inputStr
currentProjectId = ppCtx ^. (PP.ctxAsIds_ . PP.project_)
handleAmbiguousComplete ::
MonadIO m =>
@ -3519,14 +3518,10 @@ projectAndOrBranchSuggestions config inputStr codebase _httpClient ppCtx = do
(branches, projects) <-
Codebase.runTransaction codebase do
branches <-
case mayCurrentProjectId of
Nothing -> pure []
Just currentProjectId ->
fmap (filterBranches config path) do
Queries.loadAllProjectBranchesBeginningWith currentProjectId (Just input)
projects <- case (projectInclusion config, mayCurrentProjectId) of
(OnlyWithinCurrentProject, Just currentProjectId) -> Queries.loadProject currentProjectId <&> maybeToList
(OnlyWithinCurrentProject, Nothing) -> pure []
fmap (filterBranches config pp) do
Queries.loadAllProjectBranchesBeginningWith currentProjectId (Just input)
projects <- case projectInclusion config of
OnlyWithinCurrentProject -> Queries.loadProject currentProjectId <&> maybeToList
_ -> Queries.loadAllProjectsBeginningWith (Just input) <&> filterProjects
pure (branches, projects)
let branchCompletions = map currentProjectBranchToCompletion branches
@ -3602,25 +3597,26 @@ projectAndOrBranchSuggestions config inputStr codebase _httpClient ppCtx = do
-- Complete the text into a branch name within the provided project
handleBranchesComplete :: MonadIO m => Text -> Codebase m v a -> PP.ProjectPath -> m [Completion]
handleBranchesComplete branchName codebase ppCtx = do
let projId = ppCtx ^. PP.ctxAsIds_ . PP.project_
handleBranchesComplete branchName codebase pp = do
let projId = pp ^. PP.asIds_ . #project
branches <-
Codebase.runTransaction codebase do
fmap (filterBranches config path) do
fmap (filterBranches config pp) do
Queries.loadAllProjectBranchesBeginningWith projId (Just branchName)
pure (map currentProjectBranchToCompletion branches)
filterProjects :: [Sqlite.Project] -> [Sqlite.Project]
filterProjects projects =
case (mayCurrentProjectId, projectInclusion config) of
(_, AllProjects) -> projects
(Nothing, _) -> projects
(Just currentProjId, OnlyOutsideCurrentProject) -> projects & filter (\Sqlite.Project {projectId} -> projectId /= currentProjId)
(Just currentBranchId, OnlyWithinCurrentProject) ->
case (projectInclusion config) of
AllProjects -> projects
OnlyOutsideCurrentProject -> projects & filter (\Sqlite.Project {projectId} -> projectId /= currentProjectId)
OnlyWithinCurrentProject ->
& List.find (\Sqlite.Project {projectId} -> projectId == currentBranchId)
& List.find (\Sqlite.Project {projectId} -> projectId == currentProjectId)
& maybeToList
PP.ProjectPath currentProjectId _currentBranchId _currentPath = pp ^. PP.asIds_
projectToCompletion :: Sqlite.Project -> Completion
projectToCompletion project =
@ -3646,20 +3642,20 @@ handleBranchesComplete ::
Codebase m v a ->
PP.ProjectPath ->
m [Completion]
handleBranchesComplete config branchName codebase ppCtx = do
handleBranchesComplete config branchName codebase pp = do
branches <-
Codebase.runTransaction codebase do
fmap (filterBranches config ppCtx) do
Queries.loadAllProjectBranchesBeginningWith (ppCtx ^. PP.ctxAsIds_ . PP.project_) (Just branchName)
fmap (filterBranches config pp) do
Queries.loadAllProjectBranchesBeginningWith (pp ^. PP.asIds_ . #project) (Just branchName)
pure (map currentProjectBranchToCompletion branches)
filterBranches :: ProjectBranchSuggestionsConfig -> PP.ProjectPath -> [(ProjectBranchId, a)] -> [(ProjectBranchId, a)]
filterBranches config ppCtx branches =
filterBranches config pp branches =
case (branchInclusion config) of
AllBranches -> branches
ExcludeCurrentBranch -> branches & filter (\(branchId, _) -> branchId /= currentBranchId)
currentBranchId = ppCtx ^. PP.ctxAsIds_ . PP.branch_
currentBranchId = pp ^. PP.asIds_ . #branch
currentProjectBranchToCompletion :: (ProjectBranchId, ProjectBranchName) -> Completion
currentProjectBranchToCompletion (_, branchName) =
@ -3677,20 +3673,20 @@ branchRelativePathSuggestions ::
AuthenticatedHttpClient ->
PP.ProjectPath ->
m [Line.Completion]
branchRelativePathSuggestions config inputStr codebase _httpClient ppCtx = do
branchRelativePathSuggestions config inputStr codebase _httpClient pp = do
case parseIncrementalBranchRelativePath inputStr of
Left _ -> pure []
Right ibrp -> case ibrp of
BranchRelativePath.ProjectOrPath' _txt _path -> do
namespaceSuggestions <- Codebase.runTransaction codebase (prefixCompleteNamespace inputStr currentPath)
namespaceSuggestions <- Codebase.runTransaction codebase (prefixCompleteNamespace inputStr pp)
projectSuggestions <- projectNameSuggestions WithSlash inputStr codebase
pure (namespaceSuggestions ++ projectSuggestions)
BranchRelativePath.OnlyPath' _path ->
Codebase.runTransaction codebase (prefixCompleteNamespace inputStr currentPath)
Codebase.runTransaction codebase (prefixCompleteNamespace inputStr pp)
BranchRelativePath.IncompleteProject _proj ->
projectNameSuggestions WithSlash inputStr codebase
BranchRelativePath.IncompleteBranch mproj mbranch -> case mproj of
Nothing -> map suffixPathSep <$> handleBranchesComplete config (maybe "" into mbranch) codebase ppCtx
Nothing -> map suffixPathSep <$> handleBranchesComplete config (maybe "" into mbranch) codebase pp
Just projectName -> do
branches <-
Codebase.runTransaction codebase do
@ -3698,18 +3694,16 @@ branchRelativePathSuggestions config inputStr codebase _httpClient ppCtx = do
Nothing -> pure []
Just project -> do
let projectId = project ^. #projectId
fmap (filterBranches config ppCtx) do
fmap (filterBranches config pp) do
Queries.loadAllProjectBranchesBeginningWith projectId (into @Text <$> mbranch)
pure (map (projectBranchToCompletionWithSep projectName) branches)
BranchRelativePath.PathRelativeToCurrentBranch relPath -> Codebase.runTransaction codebase do
-- TODO: Verify this works as intendid
map prefixPathSep <$> prefixCompleteNamespace (Path.convert relPath) mempty
map prefixPathSep <$> prefixCompleteNamespace (Path.convert relPath) pp
BranchRelativePath.IncompletePath projStuff mpath -> do
Codebase.runTransaction codebase do
map (addBranchPrefix projStuff) <$> prefixCompleteNamespace (maybe "" Path.convert mpath) ppCtx
map (addBranchPrefix projStuff) <$> prefixCompleteNamespace (maybe "" Path.convert mpath) pp
currentPath = ppCtx ^. PP.absPath_
projectBranchToCompletionWithSep :: ProjectName -> (ProjectBranchId, ProjectBranchName) -> Completion
projectBranchToCompletionWithSep projectName (_, branchName) =

View File

@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ getUserInput codebase authHTTPClient ppCtx currentProjectRoot numberedArgs =
Just a -> pure a
go :: Line.InputT IO Input
go = do
let (PP.ProjectPath projectName projectBranchName path) = ppCtx ^. PP.ctxAsNames_
let (PP.ProjectPath projectName projectBranchName path) = ppCtx ^. PP.asNames_
let promptString =

View File

@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ import Unison.Auth.Types qualified as Auth
import Unison.Builtin.Decls qualified as DD
import Unison.Cli.MergeTypes (MergeSourceAndTarget (..))
import Unison.Cli.Pretty
import Unison.Cli.ProjectUtils qualified as ProjectUtils
import Unison.Cli.ServantClientUtils qualified as ServantClientUtils
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.DisplayObject (DisplayObject (..))
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Input qualified as Input
@ -455,7 +454,7 @@ notifyNumbered = \case
switch = IP.makeExample IP.projectSwitch
AmbiguousReset sourceOfAmbiguity (ProjectAndBranch pn0 bn0, path) (ProjectAndBranch currentProject branch) ->
AmbiguousReset sourceOfAmbiguity (ProjectAndBranch _pn0 _bn0, path) (ProjectAndBranch currentProject branch) ->
( P.wrap
( openingLine
<> prettyProjectAndBranchName (ProjectAndBranch currentProject branch)
@ -495,7 +494,7 @@ notifyNumbered = \case
E.AmbiguousReset'Target -> \xs -> "<some hash>" : xs
reset = IP.makeExample IP.reset
relPath0 = prettyPath path
absPath0 = review ProjectUtils.projectBranchPathPrism (ProjectAndBranch (pn0 ^. #projectId) (bn0 ^. #branchId), path)
absPath0 = Path.Absolute path
ListNamespaceDependencies _ppe _path Empty -> ("This namespace has no external dependencies.", mempty)
ListNamespaceDependencies ppe path' externalDependencies ->
( P.column2Header (P.hiBlack "External dependency") ("Dependents in " <> prettyAbsolute path') $
@ -910,7 +909,7 @@ notifyUser dir = \case
prettyProjectAndBranchName projectAndBranch <> "is empty. There is nothing to push."
CreatedNewBranch path ->
pure $
"☝️ The namespace " <> prettyAbsoluteStripProject path <> " is empty."
"☝️ The namespace " <> prettyAbsolute path <> " is empty."
-- RenameOutput rootPath oldName newName r -> do
-- nameChange "rename" "renamed" oldName newName r
-- AliasOutput rootPath existingName newName r -> do

View File

@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ data DefinitionReference
data Service
= LooseCodeUI Path.Absolute (Maybe DefinitionReference)
| -- (Project branch names, perspective within project, definition reference)
ProjectBranchUI (ProjectAndBranch ProjectName ProjectBranchName) Path.Path (Maybe DefinitionReference)
ProjectBranchUI (ProjectAndBranch ProjectName ProjectBranchName) Path.Absolute (Maybe DefinitionReference)
| Api
deriving stock (Show)
@ -299,13 +299,13 @@ urlFor :: Service -> BaseUrl -> Text
urlFor service baseUrl =
case service of
LooseCodeUI perspective def ->
tShow baseUrl <> "/" <> toUrlPath ([DontEscape "ui", DontEscape "non-project-code"] <> path (Path.unabsolute perspective) def)
tShow baseUrl <> "/" <> toUrlPath ([DontEscape "ui", DontEscape "non-project-code"] <> path perspective def)
ProjectBranchUI (ProjectAndBranch projectName branchName) perspective def ->
tShow baseUrl <> "/" <> toUrlPath ([DontEscape "ui", DontEscape "projects", DontEscape $ into @Text projectName, DontEscape $ into @Text branchName] <> path perspective def)
Api -> tShow baseUrl <> "/" <> toUrlPath [DontEscape "api"]
path :: Path.Path -> Maybe DefinitionReference -> [URISegment]
path ns def =
path :: Path.Absolute -> Maybe DefinitionReference -> [URISegment]
path (Path.Absolute ns) def =
let nsPath = namespacePath ns
in case definitionPath def of
Just defPath -> case nsPath of