Split doc evaluation from doc rendering (#3694)

This commit is contained in:
Chris Penner 2023-01-04 13:01:15 -06:00 committed by GitHub
parent 50594818a8
commit 2e0ffc7832
No known key found for this signature in database
5 changed files with 309 additions and 131 deletions

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@ -17,8 +17,10 @@ module Unison.DataDeclaration
@ -41,6 +43,7 @@ import qualified Unison.ABT as ABT
import Unison.ConstructorReference (GConstructorReference (..))
import qualified Unison.ConstructorType as CT
import Unison.DataDeclaration.ConstructorId (ConstructorId)
import qualified Unison.LabeledDependency as LD
import qualified Unison.Name as Name
import qualified Unison.Names.ResolutionResult as Names
import qualified Unison.Pattern as Pattern
@ -70,6 +73,9 @@ asDataDecl = either toDataDecl id
declDependencies :: Ord v => Decl v a -> Set Reference
declDependencies = either (dependencies . toDataDecl) dependencies
labeledDeclDependencies :: Ord v => Decl v a -> Set LD.LabeledDependency
labeledDeclDependencies = Set.map LD.TypeReference . declDependencies
constructorType :: Decl v a -> CT.ConstructorType
constructorType = \case
Left {} -> CT.Effect
@ -254,6 +260,9 @@ dependencies :: Ord v => DataDeclaration v a -> Set Reference
dependencies dd =
Set.unions (Type.dependencies <$> constructorTypes dd)
labeledDependencies :: Ord v => DataDeclaration v a -> Set LD.LabeledDependency
labeledDependencies = Set.map LD.TypeReference . dependencies
mkEffectDecl' ::
Modifier -> a -> [v] -> [(a, v, Type v a)] -> EffectDeclaration v a
mkEffectDecl' m a b cs = EffectDeclaration (DataDeclaration m a b cs)

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@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import Data.Monoid (Any (..))
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Unison.ABT as ABT
import qualified Unison.Kind as K
import qualified Unison.LabeledDependency as LD
import qualified Unison.Name as Name
import qualified Unison.Names.ResolutionResult as Names
import Unison.Prelude
@ -522,6 +523,9 @@ dependencies t = Set.fromList . Writer.execWriter $ ABT.visit' f t
f t@(Ref r) = Writer.tell [r] $> t
f t = pure t
labeledDependencies :: Ord v => Type v a -> Set LD.LabeledDependency
labeledDependencies = Set.map LD.TypeReference . dependencies
updateDependencies :: Ord v => Map Reference Reference -> Type v a -> Type v a
updateDependencies typeUpdates = ABT.rebuildUp go

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@ -974,7 +974,7 @@ renderDoc ppe width rt codebase r = do
let hash = Reference.toText r
<$> let tm = Term.ref () r
in Doc.renderDoc
in Doc.evalAndRenderDoc

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@ -3,25 +3,20 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Unison.Server.Doc where
import Control.Lens (view, (^.))
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT (..), runMaybeT)
import Data.Aeson (ToJSON)
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Functor
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.OpenApi (ToSchema)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Word
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import qualified Unison.ABT as ABT
import qualified Unison.Builtin.Decls as DD
import qualified Unison.Builtin.Decls as Decls
@ -29,6 +24,8 @@ import Unison.Codebase.Editor.DisplayObject (DisplayObject)
import qualified Unison.Codebase.Editor.DisplayObject as DO
import qualified Unison.ConstructorReference as ConstructorReference
import qualified Unison.DataDeclaration as DD
import qualified Unison.LabeledDependency as LD
import Unison.Prelude
import qualified Unison.PrettyPrintEnv as PPE
import qualified Unison.PrettyPrintEnvDecl as PPE
import Unison.Reference (Reference)
@ -57,37 +54,48 @@ type Nat = Word64
type SSyntaxText = S.SyntaxText' Reference
data Doc
-- | A doc rendered down to SyntaxText.
type Doc = DocG RenderedSpecialForm
-- | A doc which has been evaluated and includes all information necessary to be rendered.
type EvaluatedDoc v = DocG (EvaluatedSpecialForm v)
type SrcRefs = Ref (UnisonHash, DisplayObject SyntaxText Src)
-- | A doc parameterized by its special forms.
data DocG specialForm
= Word Text
| Code Doc
| CodeBlock Text Doc
| Bold Doc
| Italic Doc
| Strikethrough Doc
| Style Text Doc
| Anchor Text Doc
| Blockquote Doc
| Code (DocG specialForm)
| CodeBlock Text (DocG specialForm)
| Bold (DocG specialForm)
| Italic (DocG specialForm)
| Strikethrough (DocG specialForm)
| Style Text (DocG specialForm)
| Anchor Text (DocG specialForm)
| Blockquote (DocG specialForm)
| Blankline
| Linebreak
| SectionBreak
| Tooltip Doc Doc
| Aside Doc
| Callout (Maybe Doc) Doc
| Table [[Doc]]
| Folded Bool Doc Doc
| Paragraph [Doc]
| BulletedList [Doc]
| NumberedList Nat [Doc]
| Section Doc [Doc]
| NamedLink Doc Doc
| Image Doc Doc (Maybe Doc)
| Special SpecialForm
| Join [Doc]
| UntitledSection [Doc]
| Column [Doc]
| Group Doc
deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic)
deriving anyclass (ToJSON, ToSchema)
| Tooltip (DocG specialForm) (DocG specialForm)
| Aside (DocG specialForm)
| Callout (Maybe (DocG specialForm)) (DocG specialForm)
| Table [[(DocG specialForm)]]
| Folded Bool (DocG specialForm) (DocG specialForm)
| Paragraph [(DocG specialForm)]
| BulletedList [(DocG specialForm)]
| NumberedList Nat [(DocG specialForm)]
| Section (DocG specialForm) [(DocG specialForm)]
| NamedLink (DocG specialForm) (DocG specialForm)
| Image (DocG specialForm) (DocG specialForm) (Maybe (DocG specialForm))
| Special specialForm
| Join [(DocG specialForm)]
| UntitledSection [(DocG specialForm)]
| Column [(DocG specialForm)]
| Group (DocG specialForm)
deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
deriving anyclass (ToJSON)
deriving instance ToSchema specialForm => ToSchema (DocG specialForm)
type UnisonHash = Text
@ -101,9 +109,9 @@ data MediaSource = MediaSource {mediaSourceUrl :: Text, mediaSourceMimeType :: M
deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic)
deriving anyclass (ToJSON, ToSchema)
data SpecialForm
= Source [Ref (UnisonHash, DisplayObject SyntaxText Src)]
| FoldedSource [Ref (UnisonHash, DisplayObject SyntaxText Src)]
data RenderedSpecialForm
= Source [SrcRefs]
| FoldedSource [SrcRefs]
| Example SyntaxText
| ExampleBlock SyntaxText
| Link SyntaxText
@ -115,15 +123,36 @@ data SpecialForm
| EmbedInline SyntaxText
| Video [MediaSource] (Map Text Text)
| FrontMatter (Map Text [Text])
| RenderError (RenderError SyntaxText)
deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic)
deriving anyclass (ToJSON, ToSchema)
data EvaluatedSpecialForm v
= ESource [(EvaluatedSrc v)]
| EFoldedSource [(EvaluatedSrc v)]
| EExample (Term v ())
| EExampleBlock (Term v ())
| ELink (Either (Term v ()) LD.LabeledDependency)
| ESignature [(Referent, Type v ())]
| ESignatureInline (Referent, Type v ())
| -- Result is Nothing if there was an Eval failure
EEval (Term v ()) (Maybe (Term v ()))
| -- Result is Nothing if there was an Eval failure
EEvalInline (Term v ()) (Maybe (Term v ()))
| EEmbed (Term v ())
| EEmbedInline (Term v ())
| EVideo [MediaSource] (Map Text Text)
| EFrontMatter (Map Text [Text])
| ERenderError (RenderError (Term v ()))
deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic)
-- `Src folded unfolded`
data Src = Src SyntaxText SyntaxText
deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic)
deriving anyclass (ToJSON, ToSchema)
renderDoc ::
-- | Evaluate the doc, then render it.
evalAndRenderDoc ::
forall v m.
(Var v, Monad m) =>
PPE.PrettyPrintEnvDecl ->
@ -133,11 +162,118 @@ renderDoc ::
(Reference -> m (Maybe (DD.Decl v ()))) ->
Term v () ->
m Doc
renderDoc pped terms typeOf eval types tm =
evalAndRenderDoc pped terms typeOf eval types tm =
renderDoc pped <$> evalDoc terms typeOf eval types tm
-- | Renders the given doc, which must have been evaluated using 'evalDoc'
renderDoc ::
forall v.
Var v =>
PPE.PrettyPrintEnvDecl ->
EvaluatedDoc v ->
renderDoc pped doc = renderSpecial <$> doc
suffixifiedPPE = PPE.suffixifiedPPE pped
formatPretty = fmap Syntax.convertElement . P.render (P.Width 70)
formatPrettyType :: PPE.PrettyPrintEnv -> Type v a -> SyntaxText
formatPrettyType ppe typ = formatPretty (TypePrinter.prettySyntax ppe typ)
source :: Term v () -> SyntaxText
source tm = formatPretty $ TermPrinter.prettyBlock' True (PPE.suffixifiedPPE pped) tm
goSignatures :: [(Referent, Type v ())] -> [P.Pretty SSyntaxText]
goSignatures types =
fmap P.group $
(PPE.suffixifiedPPE pped)
[(r, PPE.termName (PPE.suffixifiedPPE pped) r, ty) | (r, ty) <- types]
renderSpecial :: EvaluatedSpecialForm v -> RenderedSpecialForm
renderSpecial = \case
ESource srcs -> Source (renderSrc srcs)
EFoldedSource srcs -> FoldedSource (renderSrc srcs)
EExample trm -> Example (source trm)
EExampleBlock trm -> ExampleBlock (source trm)
ELink ref ->
let ppe = PPE.suffixifiedPPE pped
tm :: Referent -> P.Pretty SSyntaxText
tm r = (NP.styleHashQualified'' (NP.fmt (S.TermReference r)) . PPE.termName ppe) r
ty :: Reference -> P.Pretty SSyntaxText
ty r = (NP.styleHashQualified'' (NP.fmt (S.TypeReference r)) . PPE.typeName ppe) r
in Link $ case ref of
Left trm -> source trm
Right ld -> case ld of
LD.TermReferent r -> (formatPretty . tm) r
LD.TypeReference r -> (formatPretty . ty) r
ESignature rs -> Signature (map formatPretty $ goSignatures rs)
ESignatureInline r -> SignatureInline (formatPretty (P.lines $ goSignatures [r]))
EEval trm result ->
let renderedTrm = source trm
in case result of
Nothing -> Eval renderedTrm evalErrMsg
Just renderedResult -> Eval renderedTrm (source renderedResult)
EEvalInline trm result ->
let renderedTrm = source trm
in case result of
Nothing -> EvalInline renderedTrm evalErrMsg
Just renderedResult -> EvalInline renderedTrm (source renderedResult)
EEmbed any -> Embed ("{{ embed {{" <> source any <> "}} }}")
EEmbedInline any -> EmbedInline ("{{ embed {{" <> source any <> "}} }}")
EVideo sources config -> Video sources config
EFrontMatter frontMatter -> FrontMatter frontMatter
ERenderError (InvalidTerm tm) -> Embed ("🆘 unable to render " <> source tm)
evalErrMsg :: SyntaxText
evalErrMsg = "🆘 An error occured during evaluation"
renderSrc :: [EvaluatedSrc v] -> [Ref (UnisonHash, DisplayObject SyntaxText Src)]
renderSrc srcs =
srcs & foldMap \case
EvaluatedSrcDecl srcDecl -> case srcDecl of
MissingDecl r -> [(Type (Reference.toText r, DO.MissingObject (SH.unsafeFromText $ Reference.toText r)))]
BuiltinDecl r ->
let name =
formatPretty . NP.styleHashQualified (NP.fmt (S.TypeReference r))
. PPE.typeName suffixifiedPPE
$ r
in [Type (Reference.toText r, DO.BuiltinObject name)]
FoundDecl r decl -> [Type (Reference.toText r, DO.UserObject (Src folded full))]
full = formatPretty (DeclPrinter.prettyDecl pped r (PPE.typeName suffixifiedPPE r) decl)
folded = formatPretty (DeclPrinter.prettyDeclHeader (PPE.typeName suffixifiedPPE r) decl)
EvaluatedSrcTerm srcTerm -> case srcTerm of
MissingBuiltinTypeSig r -> [(Type (Reference.toText r, DO.BuiltinObject "🆘 missing type signature"))]
BuiltinTypeSig r typ -> [Type (Reference.toText r, DO.BuiltinObject (formatPrettyType suffixifiedPPE typ))]
MissingTerm r -> [Term (Reference.toText r, DO.MissingObject (SH.unsafeFromText $ Reference.toText r))]
FoundTerm ref typ tm ->
let name = PPE.termName suffixifiedPPE (Referent.Ref ref)
folded =
formatPretty . P.lines $
TypePrinter.prettySignaturesST suffixifiedPPE [(Referent.Ref ref, name, typ)]
full tm@(Term.Ann' _ _) _ =
formatPretty (TermPrinter.prettyBinding suffixifiedPPE name tm)
full tm typ =
formatPretty (TermPrinter.prettyBinding suffixifiedPPE name (Term.ann () tm typ))
in [Term (Reference.toText ref, DO.UserObject (Src folded (full tm typ)))]
-- | Evaluates the given doc, expanding transclusions, expressions, etc.
evalDoc ::
forall v m.
(Var v, Monad m) =>
(Reference -> m (Maybe (Term v ()))) ->
(Referent -> m (Maybe (Type v ()))) ->
(Term v () -> m (Maybe (Term v ()))) ->
(Reference -> m (Maybe (DD.Decl v ()))) ->
Term v () ->
m (EvaluatedDoc v)
evalDoc terms typeOf eval types tm =
eval tm >>= \case
Nothing -> pure $ Word "🆘 doc rendering failed during evaluation"
Just tm -> go tm
go :: Term v () -> m (EvaluatedDoc v)
go = \case
DD.Doc2Word txt -> pure $ Word txt
DD.Doc2Code d -> Code <$> go d
@ -172,78 +308,62 @@ renderDoc pped terms typeOf eval types tm =
DD.Doc2UntitledSection ds -> UntitledSection <$> traverse go ds
DD.Doc2Column ds -> Column <$> traverse go ds
DD.Doc2Group d -> Group <$> go d
wat ->
pure . Word . Text.pack . P.toPlain (P.Width 80) . P.indent "🆘 "
. TermPrinter.pretty (PPE.suffixifiedPPE pped)
$ wat
wat -> pure $ Special $ ERenderError (InvalidTerm wat)
formatPretty = fmap Syntax.convertElement . P.render (P.Width 70)
formatPrettyType ppe typ = formatPretty (TypePrinter.prettySyntax ppe typ)
source :: Term v () -> m SyntaxText
source tm = pure . formatPretty $ TermPrinter.prettyBlock' True (PPE.suffixifiedPPE pped) tm
goSignatures :: [Referent] -> m [P.Pretty SSyntaxText]
goSignatures :: [Referent] -> m [(Referent, Type v ())]
goSignatures rs =
runMaybeT (traverse (MaybeT . typeOf) rs) >>= \case
Nothing -> pure ["🆘 codebase is missing type signature for these definitions"]
Just types ->
pure . fmap P.group $
(PPE.suffixifiedPPE pped)
[(r, PPE.termName (PPE.suffixifiedPPE pped) r, ty) | (r, ty) <- zip rs types]
Nothing -> error "🆘 codebase is missing type signature for these definitions"
Just types -> pure (zip rs types)
goSpecial :: Term v () -> m SpecialForm
goSpecial :: Term v () -> m (EvaluatedSpecialForm v)
goSpecial = \case
DD.Doc2SpecialFormFoldedSource (Term.List' es) -> FoldedSource <$> goSrc (toList es)
DD.Doc2SpecialFormFoldedSource (Term.List' es) -> EFoldedSource <$> goSrc (toList es)
-- Source [Either Link.Type Doc2.Term]
DD.Doc2SpecialFormSource (Term.List' es) -> Source <$> goSrc (toList es)
DD.Doc2SpecialFormSource (Term.List' es) -> ESource <$> goSrc (toList es)
-- Example Nat Doc2.Term
-- Examples like `foo x y` are encoded as `Example 2 (_ x y -> foo)`, where
-- 2 is the number of variables that should be dropped from the rendering.
-- So this will render as `foo x y`.
DD.Doc2SpecialFormExample n (DD.Doc2Example vs body) ->
Example <$> source ex
pure $ EExample ex
ex = Term.lam' (ABT.annotation body) (drop (fromIntegral n) vs) body
DD.Doc2SpecialFormExampleBlock n (DD.Doc2Example vs body) ->
ExampleBlock <$> source ex
pure $ EExampleBlock ex
ex = Term.lam' (ABT.annotation body) (drop (fromIntegral n) vs) body
-- Link (Either Link.Type Doc2.Term)
DD.Doc2SpecialFormLink e ->
let ppe = PPE.suffixifiedPPE pped
tm :: Referent -> P.Pretty SSyntaxText
tm r = (NP.styleHashQualified'' (NP.fmt (S.TermReference r)) . PPE.termName ppe) r
ty :: Reference -> P.Pretty SSyntaxText
ty r = (NP.styleHashQualified'' (NP.fmt (S.TypeReference r)) . PPE.typeName ppe) r
in Link <$> case e of
DD.EitherLeft' (Term.TypeLink' r) -> (pure . formatPretty . ty) r
let tm :: Referent -> (Either a LD.LabeledDependency)
tm r = Right $ LD.TermReferent r
ty :: Reference -> (Either a LD.LabeledDependency)
ty r = Right $ LD.TypeReference r
in ELink <$> case e of
DD.EitherLeft' (Term.TypeLink' r) -> pure $ ty r
DD.EitherRight' (DD.Doc2Term t) ->
case Term.etaNormalForm t of
Term.Referent' r -> (pure . formatPretty . tm) r
x -> source x
_ -> source e
Term.Referent' r -> pure $ tm r
x -> pure $ Left x
_ -> pure $ Left e
DD.Doc2SpecialFormSignature (Term.List' tms) ->
let rs = [r | DD.Doc2Term (Term.Referent' r) <- toList tms]
in goSignatures rs <&> \s -> Signature (map formatPretty s)
in goSignatures rs <&> \s -> ESignature s
-- SignatureInline Doc2.Term
DD.Doc2SpecialFormSignatureInline (DD.Doc2Term (Term.Referent' r)) ->
goSignatures [r] <&> \s -> SignatureInline (formatPretty (P.lines s))
goSignatures [r] <&> \[s] -> ESignatureInline s
-- Eval Doc2.Term
DD.Doc2SpecialFormEval (DD.Doc2Term tm) ->
eval tm >>= \case
Nothing -> Eval <$> source tm <*> pure evalErrMsg
Just result -> Eval <$> source tm <*> source result
DD.Doc2SpecialFormEval (DD.Doc2Term tm) -> do
result <- eval tm
pure $ EEval tm result
-- EvalInline Doc2.Term
DD.Doc2SpecialFormEvalInline (DD.Doc2Term tm) ->
eval tm >>= \case
Nothing -> EvalInline <$> source tm <*> pure evalErrMsg
Just result -> EvalInline <$> source tm <*> source result
DD.Doc2SpecialFormEvalInline (DD.Doc2Term tm) -> do
result <- eval tm
pure $ EEvalInline tm result
-- Embed Video
DD.Doc2SpecialFormEmbedVideo sources config ->
pure $ Video sources' config'
pure $ EVideo sources' config'
sources' = [MediaSource url mimeType | DD.Doc2MediaSource (Term.Text' url) (maybeText -> mimeType) <- sources]
config' = Map.fromList [(k, v) | Decls.TupleTerm' [Term.Text' k, Term.Text' v] <- config]
@ -252,49 +372,37 @@ renderDoc pped terms typeOf eval types tm =
-- Embed FrontMatter
DD.Doc2SpecialFormEmbedFrontMatter frontMatter ->
pure $ FrontMatter frontMatter'
pure $ EFrontMatter frontMatter'
frontMatter' = List.multimap [(k, v) | Decls.TupleTerm' [Term.Text' k, Term.Text' v] <- frontMatter]
-- Embed Any
DD.Doc2SpecialFormEmbed (Term.App' _ any) ->
source any <&> \p -> Embed ("{{ embed {{" <> p <> "}} }}")
pure $ EEmbed any
-- EmbedInline Any
DD.Doc2SpecialFormEmbedInline any ->
source any <&> \p -> EmbedInline ("{{ embed {{" <> p <> "}} }}")
tm -> source tm <&> \p -> Embed ("🆘 unable to render " <> p)
pure $ EEmbedInline any
tm -> pure $ ERenderError (InvalidTerm tm)
evalErrMsg = "🆘 An error occured during evaluation"
goSrc :: [Term v ()] -> m [Ref (UnisonHash, DisplayObject SyntaxText Src)]
goSrc :: [Term v ()] -> m [EvaluatedSrc v]
goSrc es = do
let toRef (Term.Ref' r) = Set.singleton r
toRef (Term.RequestOrCtor' r) = Set.singleton (r ^. ConstructorReference.reference_)
toRef _ = mempty
ppe = PPE.suffixifiedPPE pped
goType :: Reference -> m (Ref (UnisonHash, DisplayObject SyntaxText Src))
goType r@(Reference.Builtin _) =
pure (Type (Reference.toText r, DO.BuiltinObject name))
name =
formatPretty . NP.styleHashQualified (NP.fmt (S.TypeReference r))
. PPE.typeName ppe
$ r
goType r =
Type . (Reference.toText r,) <$> do
d <- types r
case d of
Nothing -> pure (DO.MissingObject (SH.unsafeFromText $ Reference.toText r))
Just decl ->
pure $ DO.UserObject (Src folded full)
full = formatPretty (DeclPrinter.prettyDecl pped r (PPE.typeName ppe r) decl)
folded = formatPretty (DeclPrinter.prettyDeclHeader (PPE.typeName ppe r) decl)
goType :: Reference -> m (EvaluatedSrc v)
goType r@(Reference.Builtin _builtin) =
pure (EvaluatedSrcDecl (BuiltinDecl r))
goType r = do
d <- types r
case d of
Nothing -> pure (EvaluatedSrcDecl $ MissingDecl r)
Just decl ->
pure $ EvaluatedSrcDecl (FoundDecl r decl)
go ::
(Set.Set Reference, [Ref (UnisonHash, DisplayObject SyntaxText Src)]) ->
(Set.Set Reference, [EvaluatedSrc v]) ->
Term v () ->
m (Set.Set Reference, [Ref (UnisonHash, DisplayObject SyntaxText Src)])
m (Set.Set Reference, [EvaluatedSrc v])
go s1@(!seen, !acc) = \case
-- we ignore the annotations; but this could be extended later
DD.TupleTerm' [DD.EitherRight' (DD.Doc2Term tm), _anns] ->
@ -303,29 +411,85 @@ renderDoc pped terms typeOf eval types tm =
acc' = case tm of
Term.Ref' r
| Set.notMember r seen ->
(: acc) . Term . (Reference.toText r,) <$> case r of
Reference.Builtin _ ->
typeOf (Referent.Ref r) <&> \case
Nothing -> DO.BuiltinObject "🆘 missing type signature"
Just ty -> DO.BuiltinObject (formatPrettyType ppe ty)
ref ->
terms ref >>= \case
Nothing -> pure $ DO.MissingObject (SH.unsafeFromText $ Reference.toText ref)
Just tm -> do
typ <- fromMaybe (Type.builtin () "unknown") <$> typeOf (Referent.Ref ref)
let name = PPE.termName ppe (Referent.Ref ref)
let folded =
formatPretty . P.lines $
TypePrinter.prettySignaturesST ppe [(Referent.Ref ref, name, typ)]
let full tm@(Term.Ann' _ _) _ =
formatPretty (TermPrinter.prettyBinding ppe name tm)
full tm typ =
formatPretty (TermPrinter.prettyBinding ppe name (Term.ann () tm typ))
pure (DO.UserObject (Src folded (full tm typ)))
(: acc) <$> case r of
Reference.Builtin _ ->
typeOf (Referent.Ref r) <&> \case
Nothing -> EvaluatedSrcTerm (MissingBuiltinTypeSig r)
Just ty -> EvaluatedSrcTerm (BuiltinTypeSig r ty)
ref ->
terms ref >>= \case
Nothing -> pure . EvaluatedSrcTerm . MissingTerm $ ref
Just tm -> do
typ <- fromMaybe (Type.builtin () "unknown") <$> typeOf (Referent.Ref ref)
pure $ EvaluatedSrcTerm (FoundTerm ref typ tm)
Term.RequestOrCtor' (view ConstructorReference.reference_ -> r) | Set.notMember r seen -> (: acc) <$> goType r
_ -> pure acc
DD.TupleTerm' [DD.EitherLeft' (Term.TypeLink' ref), _anns]
| Set.notMember ref seen ->
(Set.insert ref seen,) . (: acc) <$> goType ref
(Set.insert ref seen,) . (: acc) <$> goType ref
_ -> pure s1
reverse . snd <$> foldM go mempty es
data RenderError trm
= InvalidTerm trm
deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic)
deriving anyclass (ToJSON)
deriving anyclass instance ToSchema trm => ToSchema (RenderError trm)
data EvaluatedSrc v
= EvaluatedSrcDecl (EvaluatedDecl v)
| EvaluatedSrcTerm (EvaluatedTerm v)
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic)
data EvaluatedDecl v
= MissingDecl Reference
| BuiltinDecl Reference
| FoundDecl Reference (DD.Decl v ())
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic)
data EvaluatedTerm v
= MissingTerm Reference
| BuiltinTypeSig Reference (Type v ())
| MissingBuiltinTypeSig Reference
| FoundTerm Reference (Type v ()) (Term v ())
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic)
-- Determines all dependencies which will be required to render a doc.
dependencies :: Ord v => EvaluatedDoc v -> Set LD.LabeledDependency
dependencies = foldMap dependenciesSpecial
-- | Determines all dependencies of a special form
dependenciesSpecial :: forall v. Ord v => EvaluatedSpecialForm v -> Set LD.LabeledDependency
dependenciesSpecial = \case
ESource srcs -> srcDeps srcs
EFoldedSource srcs -> srcDeps srcs
EExample trm -> Term.labeledDependencies trm
EExampleBlock trm -> Term.labeledDependencies trm
ELink ref -> either Term.labeledDependencies Set.singleton ref
ESignature sigtyps -> sigtypDeps sigtyps
ESignatureInline sig -> sigtypDeps [sig]
EEval trm mayTrm -> Term.labeledDependencies trm <> foldMap Term.labeledDependencies mayTrm
EEvalInline trm mayTrm -> Term.labeledDependencies trm <> foldMap Term.labeledDependencies mayTrm
EEmbed trm -> Term.labeledDependencies trm
EEmbedInline trm -> Term.labeledDependencies trm
EVideo {} -> mempty
EFrontMatter {} -> mempty
ERenderError (InvalidTerm trm) -> Term.labeledDependencies trm
sigtypDeps :: [(Referent, Type v a)] -> Set LD.LabeledDependency
sigtypDeps sigtyps =
sigtyps & foldMap \(ref, typ) ->
Set.singleton (LD.TermReferent ref) <> Type.labeledDependencies typ
srcDeps :: [EvaluatedSrc v] -> Set LD.LabeledDependency
srcDeps srcs =
srcs & foldMap \case
EvaluatedSrcDecl srcDecl -> case srcDecl of
MissingDecl ref -> Set.singleton (LD.TypeReference ref)
BuiltinDecl ref -> Set.singleton (LD.TypeReference ref)
FoundDecl ref decl -> Set.singleton (LD.TypeReference ref) <> DD.labeledDeclDependencies decl
EvaluatedSrcTerm srcTerm -> case srcTerm of
MissingTerm ref -> Set.singleton (LD.TermReference ref)
BuiltinTypeSig ref _ -> Set.singleton (LD.TermReference ref)
MissingBuiltinTypeSig ref -> Set.singleton (LD.TermReference ref)
FoundTerm ref typ trm -> Set.singleton (LD.TermReference ref) <> Type.labeledDependencies typ <> Term.labeledDependencies trm

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@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ import qualified Data.Char as Char
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Unison.Syntax.Name as Name (toText)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Sequence (Seq)
import Data.Text (Text)
@ -27,6 +26,7 @@ import Unison.Server.Doc
import qualified Unison.Server.Doc as Doc
import Unison.Server.Syntax (SyntaxText)
import qualified Unison.Server.Syntax as Syntax
import qualified Unison.Syntax.Name as Name (toText)
data NamedLinkHref
= Href Text
@ -478,6 +478,7 @@ toHtml docNamesByRef document =
pure $ div_ [class_ "source rich embed"] $ codeBlock [] (Syntax.toHtml syntax)
EmbedInline syntax ->
pure $ span_ [class_ "source rich embed-inline"] $ inlineCode [] (Syntax.toHtml syntax)
RenderError (InvalidTerm err) -> pure $ Syntax.toHtml err
Join docs ->
span_ [class_ "join"] <$> renderSequence currentSectionLevelToHtml (mergeWords " " docs)
UntitledSection docs ->