fixed versions of typeAt and admissibleTypeAt

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Paul Chiusano 2014-06-27 23:01:22 -04:00
parent 634c958025
commit 31c1f6336e

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@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ import Unison.Edit.Term.Eval as Eval
import qualified Unison.Syntax.Hash as H
import qualified Unison.Note as N
import Unison.Note (Noted)
import qualified Unison.Syntax.Var
import qualified Unison.Syntax.Term as E
import qualified Unison.Syntax.Type as T
import Unison.Type (synthesize)
@ -45,13 +44,38 @@ beta eval loc ctx = case' loc ctx of
Nothing -> N.failure $ invalid loc ctx
Just (sub,replace) -> replace <$> step eval sub
-- | Compute the type of the given subterm, unconstrained as much
-- as possible by any local usages of that subterm. For example, in
-- @\g -> map g [1,2,3]@, @g@ will have a type of @forall r . Int -> r@,
-- and @map@ will have a type of @forall a b . (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]@.
typeAt :: Applicative f
=> (H.Hash -> Noted f T.Type)
-> P.Path
-> E.Term
-> Noted f T.Type
typeAt synthLit (P.Path []) ctx = synthesize synthLit ctx
typeAt synthLit loc ctx = case' loc ctx of
Nothing -> N.failure $ invalid loc ctx
Just (sub,replace) ->
let ctx = E.lam1 $ \f -> replace (ksub f)
-- we annotate `f` as returning `Number` so as not to introduce
-- any new quantified variables in the inferred type
-- copy the subtree so type is unconstrained by local usage
ksub f = E.lam2 (\x _ -> x) `E.App` sub `E.App` (f `E.App` sub `E.Ann` T.Unit T.Number)
go (T.Arrow (T.Arrow tsub _) _) = tsub
go (T.Forall n t) = T.Forall n (go t)
go _ = error "impossible, f had better be a function"
in go <$> synthesize synthLit ctx
-- | Compute the allowed type of a replacement for a given subterm.
-- Example, in @\g -> map g [1,2,3]@, @g@ has an admissible type of
-- @forall r . Int -> r@, which means that an @Int -> Bool@, an
-- @Int -> String@, etc could all be substituted for @g@.
-- Algorithm works by replacing the subterm, @e@ with
-- @const e (f e)@, where @f@ is a fresh function parameter. We then
-- @const e (f e)@, where @f@ is a fresh function parameter and
-- @e@ is let once in an outer scope, ensuring type information
-- flows between the usage of @e@ and the call to @f@. We then
-- read off the type of @e@ from the inferred type of @f@.
admissibleTypeAt :: Applicative f
=> (H.Hash -> Noted f T.Type)
@ -62,29 +86,15 @@ admissibleTypeAt synthLit (P.Path []) ctx = synthesize synthLit ctx
admissibleTypeAt synthLit loc ctx = case' loc ctx of
Nothing -> N.failure $ invalid loc ctx
Just (sub,replace) ->
let ctx = E.lam1 $ \f -> replace (ksub f)
let ctx = (E.lam2 $ \sub f -> replace (ksub sub f)) `E.App` sub
-- we annotate `f` as returning `Number` so as not to introduce
-- any new quantified variables in the inferred type
ksub f = E.lam2 (\x y -> x) `E.App` (f `E.App` sub `E.Ann` T.Unit T.Number)
ksub sub f = E.lam2 (\x _ -> x) `E.App` sub `E.App` (f `E.App` sub `E.Ann` T.Unit T.Number)
go (T.Arrow (T.Arrow tsub _) _) = tsub
go (T.Forall n t) = T.Forall n (go t)
go _ = error "impossible, f had better be a function"
in go <$> synthesize synthLit ctx
-- | Compute the type of the given subterm, unconstrained as much
-- as possible by any local usages of that subterm. For example, in
-- @\g -> map g [1,2,3]@, @g@ will have a type of @forall r . Int -> r@,
-- and @map@ will have a type of @forall a b . (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]@.
typeAt :: (Monad f, Applicative f)
=> (H.Hash -> Noted f T.Type)
-> P.Path
-> E.Term
-> Noted f T.Type
typeAt synthLit (P.Path []) ctx = synthesize synthLit ctx
typeAt synthLit loc ctx = case loc ctx of
Nothing -> N.failure $ invalid loc ctx
Just sub -> letFloat loc ctx >>= \(ctx,loc) ->
admissibleTypeAt synthLit loc ctx
-- | Extract the given subterm into a let (implemented with a lambda)
-- floated out as far as possible while ensuring access to all the
-- variables used by the subterm. Examples: