Strip off the mount path of the name lookup when searching for docs

This commit is contained in:
Chris Penner 2023-06-13 14:32:19 -06:00
parent 083cbe6407
commit 327cb693d4
3 changed files with 28 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ module Unison.Name
@ -160,18 +161,32 @@ endsWithReverseSegments :: Name -> [NameSegment] -> Bool
endsWithReverseSegments (Name _ ss0) ss1 =
List.NonEmpty.isPrefixOf ss1 ss0
-- >>> stripReversedPrefix "a.b.c" ["b", "a"]
-- Just c
-- >>> stripReversedPrefix "x.y" ["b", "a"]
-- Nothing
-- >>> stripReversedPrefix "a.b" ["b", "a"]
-- >>> stripReversedPrefix (fromReverseSegments ("c" :| ["b", "a"])) ["b", "a"]
-- Just (Name Relative (NameSegment {toText = "c"} :| []))
-- >>> stripReversedPrefix (fromReverseSegments ("y" :| ["x"])) ["b", "a"]
-- Nothing
-- >>> stripReversedPrefix (fromReverseSegments ("c" :| ["b", "a"])) ["b", "a"]
-- Just (Name Relative (NameSegment {toText = "c"} :| []))
stripReversedPrefix :: Name -> [NameSegment] -> Maybe Name
stripReversedPrefix (Name p segs) suffix = do
stripped <- List.stripSuffix suffix (toList segs)
nonEmptyStripped <- List.NonEmpty.nonEmpty stripped
pure $ Name p nonEmptyStripped
-- | Like 'stripReversedPrefix' but if the prefix doesn't match, or if it would strip the
-- entire name away just return the original name.
-- >>> tryStripReversedPrefix (fromReverseSegments ("c" :| ["b", "a"])) ["b", "a"]
-- Name Relative (NameSegment {toText = "c"} :| [])
-- >>> tryStripReversedPrefix (fromReverseSegments ("y" :| ["x"])) ["b", "a"]
-- Name Relative (NameSegment {toText = "y"} :| [NameSegment {toText = "x"}])
-- >>> tryStripReversedPrefix (fromReverseSegments ("c" :| ["b", "a"])) ["b", "a"]
-- Name Relative (NameSegment {toText = "c"} :| [])
tryStripReversedPrefix :: Name -> [NameSegment] -> Name
tryStripReversedPrefix n s = fromMaybe n (stripReversedPrefix n s)
-- | @isPrefixOf x y@ returns whether @x@ is a prefix of (or equivalent to) @y@, which is false if one name is relative
-- and the other is absolute.

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@ -42,17 +42,21 @@ nameSearchForPerspective :: Codebase m v a -> Ops.NamesPerspective -> (NameSearc
nameSearchForPerspective codebase namesPerspective@Ops.NamesPerspective {pathToMountedNameLookup} = do
NameSearch {typeSearch, termSearch}
-- Some searches will provide a fully-qualified name, so we need to strip off the
-- mount-path before we search or it will fail to find anything.
stripMountPathPrefix :: Name -> Name
stripMountPathPrefix name = Name.tryStripReversedPrefix name (reverse $ coerce pathToMountedNameLookup)
typeSearch =
{ lookupNames = lookupNamesForTypes,
lookupRelativeHQRefs' = lookupRelativeHQRefsForTypes,
lookupRelativeHQRefs' = lookupRelativeHQRefsForTypes . fmap stripMountPathPrefix,
makeResult = \hqname r names -> pure $ SR.typeResult hqname r names,
matchesNamedRef = HQ'.matchesNamedReference
termSearch =
{ lookupNames = lookupNamesForTerms,
lookupRelativeHQRefs' = lookupRelativeHQRefsForTerms,
lookupRelativeHQRefs' = lookupRelativeHQRefsForTerms . fmap stripMountPathPrefix,
makeResult = \hqname r names -> pure $ SR.termResult hqname r names,
matchesNamedRef = HQ'.matchesNamedReferent

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@ -90,7 +90,9 @@ definitionForHQName perspective rootHash renderWidth suffixifyBindings rt codeba
let width = mayDefaultWidth renderWidth
let docResults :: Name -> Backend IO [(HashQualifiedName, UnisonHash, Doc.Doc)]
docResults name = do
Debug.debugM Debug.Server "definitionForHQName: looking up docs for name" name
docRefs <- liftIO $ docsForDefinitionName codebase nameSearch name
Debug.debugM Debug.Server "definitionForHQName: Found these docs" docRefs
renderDocRefs ppedBuilder width codebase rt docRefs
let drDeps = definitionResultsDependencies dr