use name parser in parseSplit'

This commit is contained in:
Mitchell Rosen 2024-01-18 13:55:25 -05:00
parent 81e4ebe013
commit 3677c6bfbb
11 changed files with 169 additions and 198 deletions

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@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ module Unison.Codebase.Path
-- * things that could be replaced with `Parse` instances
-- * things that could be replaced with `Cons` instances
@ -256,9 +257,19 @@ hqSplitFromName' = fmap (fmap HQ'.fromName) . Lens.unsnoc . fromName'
-- >>> splitFromName "foo"
-- (,foo)
splitFromName :: Name -> Split
splitFromName name =
splitFromName =
over _1 fromPath' . splitFromName'
splitFromName' :: Name -> Split'
splitFromName' name =
case Name.reverseSegments name of
(seg :| pathSegments) -> (fromList $ reverse pathSegments, seg)
(seg :| pathSegments) ->
let path = fromList (reverse pathSegments)
in ( if Name.isAbsolute name
then AbsolutePath' (Absolute path)
else RelativePath' (Relative path),
-- | Remove a path prefix from a name.
-- Returns 'Nothing' if there are no remaining segments to construct the name from.
@ -522,7 +533,8 @@ instance Convert HQSplit (HQ'.HashQualified Path) where convert = unsplitHQ
instance Convert HQSplit' (HQ'.HashQualified Path') where convert = unsplitHQ'
instance Convert Name Split where convert = splitFromName
instance Convert Name Split where
convert = splitFromName
instance Convert (path, NameSegment) (path, HQ'.HQSegment) where
convert (path, name) =

View File

@ -3,18 +3,15 @@
module Unison.Codebase.Path.Parse
( parsePath',
import Control.Lens (over, _1)
import Control.Lens qualified as Lens
import Data.List.Extra (stripPrefix)
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as List.NonEmpty
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Text.Megaparsec qualified as P
import Unison.Codebase.Path
@ -26,20 +23,12 @@ import Unison.ShortHash (ShortHash)
import Unison.ShortHash qualified as SH
import Unison.Syntax.Lexer qualified as Lexer
import Unison.Syntax.Name qualified as Name
import Unison.Syntax.NameSegment qualified as NameSegment (renderParseErr)
-- .libs.blah.poo is Absolute
-- libs.blah.poo is Relative
-- Left is some parse error tbd
parsePath' :: String -> Either String Path'
parsePath' :: String -> Either Text Path'
parsePath' = \case
"." -> Right absoluteEmpty'
path ->
case P.runParser (Name.nameP <* P.eof) "" path of
Left err -> Left (renderErr err)
Right name -> Right (fromName' name)
renderErr =
P.parseErrorTextPretty . P.mapParseError Lexer.payload . List.NonEmpty.head . P.bundleErrors
path -> unsplit' <$> parseSplit' path
-- implementation detail of parsePath' and parseSplit'
-- becomes `Right (, "34")
@ -100,17 +89,11 @@ definitionNameSegment s = wordyNameSegment s <> symbolyNameSegment s <> unit s
Right (a, rem) ->
Left $ "trailing characters after " <> show a <> ": " <> show rem
-- parseSplit' wordyNameSegment "" returns Right (, baz)
-- parseSplit' wordyNameSegment "" returns Left err
-- parseSplit' definitionNameSegment "" returns Right (, +)
parseSplit' ::
(String -> Either String NameSegment) ->
String ->
Either String Split'
parseSplit' lastSegment p = do
(p', rem) <- parsePathImpl' p
seg <- lastSegment rem
pure (p', seg)
parseSplit' :: String -> Either Text Split'
parseSplit' path = do
case P.runParser (Name.nameP <* P.eof) "" path of
Left err -> Left (NameSegment.renderParseErr err)
Right name -> Right (splitFromName' name)
parseShortHashOrHQSplit' :: String -> Either String (Either ShortHash HQSplit')
parseShortHashOrHQSplit' s =

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@ -4,34 +4,17 @@ module Unison.Test.Codebase.Path where
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import EasyTest
import Unison.Codebase.Path
import Unison.Codebase.Path.Parse
import Unison.Codebase.Path (Path (..), Path' (..), Relative (..))
import Unison.Codebase.Path.Parse (parseHQSplit', parseShortHashOrHQSplit')
import Unison.HashQualified' qualified as HQ'
import Unison.NameSegment
import Unison.NameSegment (NameSegment (..))
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.ShortHash qualified as SH
test :: Test ()
test =
scope "path" . tests $
[ scope "parseSplit'" . tests $
[ scope "wordyNameSegment" . tests $
[ let s = ""
in scope s . expect $
parseSplit' wordyNameSegment s == Right (relative ["foo", "bar"], NameSegment "baz"),
let s = "" in scope s . expect $ isLeft $ parseSplit' wordyNameSegment s,
let s = ""
in scope s . expect $
isLeft $
parseSplit' wordyNameSegment s
scope "definitionNameSegment" . tests $
[ let s = ""
in scope s . expect $
parseSplit' definitionNameSegment s == Right (relative ["foo", "bar"], NameSegment "+")
scope "parseShortHashOrHQSplit'" . tests $
[ scope "parseShortHashOrHQSplit'" . tests $
[ let s = ""
in scope s . expect $
parseShortHashOrHQSplit' s

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@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Data.These (These)
import U.Codebase.HashTags (CausalHash)
import Unison.Codebase.Branch.Merge qualified as Branch
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.RemoteRepo
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.RemoteRepo (ReadRemoteNamespace, WriteGitRepo, WriteRemoteNamespace)
import Unison.Codebase.Path (Path')
import Unison.Codebase.Path qualified as Path
import Unison.Codebase.Path.Parse qualified as Path
@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ import Unison.Codebase.PushBehavior (PushBehavior)
import Unison.Codebase.ShortCausalHash (ShortCausalHash)
import Unison.Codebase.ShortCausalHash qualified as SCH
import Unison.Codebase.SyncMode (SyncMode)
import Unison.Codebase.Verbosity
import Unison.CommandLine.BranchRelativePath
import Unison.Codebase.Verbosity (Verbosity)
import Unison.CommandLine.BranchRelativePath (BranchRelativePath, parseBranchRelativePath)
import Unison.HashQualified qualified as HQ
import Unison.Name (Name)
import Unison.NameSegment (NameSegment)
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ type HashOrHQSplit' = Either ShortHash Path.HQSplit'
data Insistence = Force | Try
deriving (Show, Eq)
parseBranchId :: String -> Either String BranchId
parseBranchId :: String -> Either Text BranchId
parseBranchId ('#' : s) = case SCH.fromText (Text.pack s) of
Nothing -> Left "Invalid hash, expected a base32hex string."
Just h -> pure $ Left h

View File

@ -131,5 +131,6 @@ branchRelativePathParser =
_ <- Megaparsec.char ':'
That <$> relPath
failureAt :: forall a. Int -> String -> Megaparsec.Parsec Void Text a
failureAt offset str = Megaparsec.parseError (Megaparsec.FancyError offset (Set.singleton (Megaparsec.ErrorFail str)))
failureAt :: forall a. Int -> Text -> Megaparsec.Parsec Void Text a
failureAt offset str =
Megaparsec.parseError (Megaparsec.FancyError offset (Set.singleton (Megaparsec.ErrorFail (Text.unpack str))))

View File

@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ import Unison.Project (ProjectAndBranch (..), ProjectAndBranchNames (..), Projec
import Unison.Project.Util (ProjectContext (..), projectContextFromPath)
import Unison.Syntax.HashQualified qualified as HQ (fromString)
import Unison.Syntax.Name qualified as Name (fromText, unsafeFromString)
import Unison.Syntax.NameSegment qualified as NameSegment (renderParseErr, segmentP)
import Unison.Util.ColorText qualified as CT
import Unison.Util.Monoid (intercalateMap)
import Unison.Util.Pretty qualified as P
@ -152,8 +153,8 @@ todo =
( \case
patchStr : ws -> mapLeft (warn . fromString) $ do
patch <- Path.parseSplit' Path.definitionNameSegment patchStr
patchStr : ws -> mapLeft (warn . P.text) $ do
patch <- Path.parseSplit' patchStr
branch <- case ws of
[] -> pure Path.relativeEmpty'
[pathStr] -> Path.parsePath' pathStr
@ -315,9 +316,7 @@ updateOld =
patchStr : ws -> do
patch <-
first fromString $
Path.parseSplit' Path.definitionNameSegment patchStr
patch <- first P.text $ Path.parseSplit' patchStr
pure $
(Input.UsePatch patch)
@ -365,8 +364,8 @@ patch =
patchStr : ws -> first fromString $ do
patch <- Path.parseSplit' Path.definitionNameSegment patchStr
patchStr : ws -> first P.text do
patch <- Path.parseSplit' patchStr
branch <- case ws of
[pathStr] -> Path.parsePath' pathStr
_ -> pure Path.relativeEmpty'
@ -500,7 +499,7 @@ ui =
help = P.wrap "`ui` opens the Local UI in the default browser.",
parse = \case
[] -> pure $ Input.UiI Path.relativeEmpty'
[path] -> first fromString $ do
[path] -> first P.text $ do
p <- Path.parsePath' path
pure $ Input.UiI p
_ -> Left ( ui)
@ -641,7 +640,7 @@ findShallow =
( \case
[] -> pure $ Input.FindShallowI Path.relativeEmpty'
[path] -> first fromString $ do
[path] -> first P.text $ do
p <- Path.parsePath' path
pure $ Input.FindShallowI p
_ -> Left ( findShallow)
@ -694,9 +693,9 @@ renameTerm =
"`move.term foo bar` renames `foo` to `bar`."
( \case
[oldName, newName] -> first fromString $ do
src <- Path.parseHQSplit' oldName
target <- Path.parseSplit' Path.definitionNameSegment newName
[oldName, newName] -> first P.text do
src <- mapLeft Text.pack (Path.parseHQSplit' oldName)
target <- Path.parseSplit' newName
pure $ Input.MoveTermI src target
_ ->
Left . P.warnCallout $
@ -715,7 +714,7 @@ moveAll =
"`move foo bar` renames the term, type, and namespace foo to bar."
( \case
[oldName, newName] -> first fromString $ do
[oldName, newName] -> first P.text $ do
src <- Path.parsePath' oldName
target <- Path.parsePath' newName
pure $ Input.MoveAllI src target
@ -736,9 +735,9 @@ renameType =
"`move.type foo bar` renames `foo` to `bar`."
( \case
[oldName, newName] -> first fromString $ do
src <- Path.parseHQSplit' oldName
target <- Path.parseSplit' Path.definitionNameSegment newName
[oldName, newName] -> first P.text do
src <- mapLeft Text.pack (Path.parseHQSplit' oldName)
target <- Path.parseSplit' newName
pure $ Input.MoveTypeI src target
_ ->
Left . P.warnCallout $
@ -833,10 +832,7 @@ deleteReplacement isTerm =
( \case
query : patch -> do
patch <-
first fromString
. traverse (Path.parseSplit' Path.definitionNameSegment)
$ listToMaybe patch
patch <- first P.text . traverse Path.parseSplit' $ listToMaybe patch
q <- parseHashQualifiedName query
pure $ input q patch
_ ->
@ -919,9 +915,9 @@ aliasTerm =
[("term to alias", Required, exactDefinitionTermQueryArg), ("alias name", Required, newNameArg)]
"`alias.term foo bar` introduces `bar` with the same definition as `foo`."
( \case
[oldName, newName] -> first fromString $ do
source <- Path.parseShortHashOrHQSplit' oldName
target <- Path.parseSplit' Path.definitionNameSegment newName
[oldName, newName] -> first P.text do
source <- mapLeft Text.pack (Path.parseShortHashOrHQSplit' oldName)
target <- Path.parseSplit' newName
pure $ Input.AliasTermI source target
_ ->
Left . warn $
@ -938,9 +934,9 @@ aliasType =
[("type to alias", Required, exactDefinitionTypeQueryArg), ("alias name", Required, newNameArg)]
"`alias.type Foo Bar` introduces `Bar` with the same definition as `Foo`."
( \case
[oldName, newName] -> first fromString $ do
source <- Path.parseShortHashOrHQSplit' oldName
target <- Path.parseSplit' Path.definitionNameSegment newName
[oldName, newName] -> first P.text do
source <- mapLeft Text.pack (Path.parseShortHashOrHQSplit' oldName)
target <- Path.parseSplit' newName
pure $ Input.AliasTypeI source target
_ ->
Left . warn $
@ -965,8 +961,8 @@ aliasMany =
( \case
srcs@(_ : _) Cons.:> dest -> first fromString $ do
sourceDefinitions <- traverse Path.parseHQSplit srcs
srcs@(_ : _) Cons.:> dest -> first P.text do
sourceDefinitions <- mapLeft Text.pack (traverse Path.parseHQSplit srcs)
destNamespace <- Path.parsePath' dest
pure $ Input.AliasManyI sourceDefinitions destNamespace
_ -> Left ( aliasMany)
@ -1013,7 +1009,7 @@ cd =
( \case
[".."] -> Right Input.UpI
[p] -> first fromString $ do
[p] -> first P.text do
p <- Path.parsePath' p
pure . Input.SwitchBranchI $ p
_ -> Left ( cd)
@ -1066,8 +1062,8 @@ deleteNamespaceParser helpText insistence =
first fromString
. pure
$ Input.DeleteI (DeleteTarget'Namespace insistence Nothing)
[p] -> first fromString $ do
p <- Path.parseSplit' Path.definitionNameSegment p
[p] -> first P.text do
p <- Path.parseSplit' p
pure $ Input.DeleteI (DeleteTarget'Namespace insistence (Just p))
_ -> Left helpText
@ -1081,22 +1077,22 @@ deletePatch =
[("patch to delete", Required, patchArg)]
"`delete.patch <foo>` deletes the patch `foo`"
( \case
[p] -> first fromString $ do
p <- Path.parseSplit' Path.definitionNameSegment p
[p] -> first P.text do
p <- Path.parseSplit' p
pure . Input.DeleteI $ DeleteTarget'Patch p
_ -> Left ( deletePatch)
movePatch :: String -> String -> Either (P.Pretty CT.ColorText) Input
movePatch src dest = first fromString $ do
src <- Path.parseSplit' Path.definitionNameSegment src
dest <- Path.parseSplit' Path.definitionNameSegment dest
movePatch src dest = first P.text do
src <- Path.parseSplit' src
dest <- Path.parseSplit' dest
pure $ Input.MovePatchI src dest
copyPatch' :: String -> String -> Either (P.Pretty CT.ColorText) Input
copyPatch' src dest = first fromString $ do
src <- Path.parseSplit' Path.definitionNameSegment src
dest <- Path.parseSplit' Path.definitionNameSegment dest
copyPatch' src dest = first P.text do
src <- Path.parseSplit' src
dest <- Path.parseSplit' dest
pure $ Input.CopyPatchI src dest
copyPatch :: InputPattern
@ -1134,7 +1130,7 @@ renameBranch =
[("namespace to move", Required, namespaceArg), ("new location", Required, newNameArg)]
"`move.namespace foo bar` renames the path `foo` to `bar`."
( \case
[src, dest] -> first fromString $ do
[src, dest] -> first P.text do
src <- Path.parsePath' src
dest <- Path.parsePath' dest
pure $ Input.MoveBranchI src dest
@ -1158,7 +1154,7 @@ history =
( \case
[src] -> first fromString $ do
[src] -> first P.text do
p <- Input.parseBranchId src
pure $ Input.HistoryI (Just 10) (Just 10) p
[] -> pure $ Input.HistoryI (Just 10) (Just 10) (Right Path.currentPath)
@ -1262,7 +1258,7 @@ resetRoot =
( \case
[src] -> first fromString $ do
[src] -> first P.text $ do
src <- Input.parseBranchId src
pure $ Input.ResetRootI src
_ -> Left ( resetRoot)
@ -1732,11 +1728,11 @@ diffNamespace =
( \case
[before, after] -> first fromString $ do
[before, after] -> first P.text do
before <- Input.parseBranchId before
after <- Input.parseBranchId after
pure $ Input.DiffNamespaceI before after
[before] -> first fromString $ do
[before] -> first P.text do
before <- Input.parseBranchId before
pure $ Input.DiffNamespaceI before (Right Path.currentPath)
_ -> Left $ diffNamespace
@ -1812,10 +1808,7 @@ replaceEdit f = self
( \case
source : target : patch -> do
patch <-
first fromString
<$> traverse (Path.parseSplit' Path.definitionNameSegment)
$ listToMaybe patch
patch <- first P.text <$> traverse Path.parseSplit' $ listToMaybe patch
sourcehq <- parseHashQualifiedName source
targethq <- parseHashQualifiedName target
pure $ f sourcehq targethq patch
@ -2136,8 +2129,8 @@ viewPatch =
( \case
[] -> Right $ Input.ListEditsI Nothing
[patchStr] -> mapLeft fromString $ do
patch <- Path.parseSplit' Path.definitionNameSegment patchStr
[patchStr] -> mapLeft P.text do
patch <- Path.parseSplit' patchStr
Right $ Input.ListEditsI (Just patch)
_ -> Left $ warn "`view.patch` takes a patch and that's it."
@ -2195,7 +2188,7 @@ namespaceDependencies =
[("namespace", Optional, namespaceArg)]
"List the external dependencies of the specified namespace."
( \case
[p] -> first fromString $ do
[p] -> first P.text do
p <- Path.parsePath' p
pure $ Input.NamespaceDependenciesI (Just p)
[] -> pure (Input.NamespaceDependenciesI Nothing)
@ -2334,12 +2327,11 @@ docsToHtml =
( \case
[namespacePath, destinationFilePath] -> first fromString $ do
np <- Path.parsePath' namespacePath
pure $ Input.DocsToHtmlI np destinationFilePath
_ -> Left $ showPatternHelp docsToHtml
[namespacePath, destinationFilePath] -> first P.text do
np <- Path.parsePath' namespacePath
pure $ Input.DocsToHtmlI np destinationFilePath
_ -> Left $ showPatternHelp docsToHtml
docToMarkdown :: InputPattern
docToMarkdown =
@ -2354,12 +2346,11 @@ docToMarkdown =
( \case
[docNameText] -> first fromString $ do
docName <- maybeToEither "Invalid name" . Name.fromText . Text.pack $ docNameText
pure $ Input.DocToMarkdownI docName
_ -> Left $ showPatternHelp docToMarkdown
[docNameText] -> first fromString $ do
docName <- maybeToEither "Invalid name" . Name.fromText . Text.pack $ docNameText
pure $ Input.DocToMarkdownI docName
_ -> Left $ showPatternHelp docToMarkdown
execute :: InputPattern
execute =
@ -2377,11 +2368,10 @@ execute =
( \case
[w] -> pure $ Input.ExecuteI w []
(w : ws) -> pure $ Input.ExecuteI w ws
_ -> Left $ showPatternHelp execute
[w] -> pure $ Input.ExecuteI w []
(w : ws) -> pure $ Input.ExecuteI w ws
_ -> Left $ showPatternHelp execute
saveExecuteResult :: InputPattern
saveExecuteResult =
@ -2393,10 +2383,9 @@ saveExecuteResult =
( "` name` adds to the codebase the result of the most recent `run` command"
<> "as `name`."
( \case
[w] -> pure $ Input.SaveExecuteResultI (Name.unsafeFromString w)
_ -> Left $ showPatternHelp saveExecuteResult
[w] -> pure $ Input.SaveExecuteResultI (Name.unsafeFromString w)
_ -> Left $ showPatternHelp saveExecuteResult
ioTest :: InputPattern
ioTest =
@ -2449,11 +2438,10 @@ makeStandalone =
( \case
[main, file] ->
Input.MakeStandaloneI file <$> parseHashQualifiedName main
_ -> Left $ showPatternHelp makeStandalone
[main, file] ->
Input.MakeStandaloneI file <$> parseHashQualifiedName main
_ -> Left $ showPatternHelp makeStandalone
runScheme :: InputPattern
runScheme =
@ -2468,10 +2456,9 @@ runScheme =
( \case
(main : args) -> Right $ Input.ExecuteSchemeI main args
_ -> Left $ showPatternHelp runScheme
(main : args) -> Right $ Input.ExecuteSchemeI main args
_ -> Left $ showPatternHelp runScheme
compileScheme :: InputPattern
compileScheme =
@ -2488,11 +2475,10 @@ compileScheme =
( \case
[main, file] ->
Input.CompileSchemeI file <$> parseHashQualifiedName main
_ -> Left $ showPatternHelp compileScheme
[main, file] ->
Input.CompileSchemeI file <$> parseHashQualifiedName main
_ -> Left $ showPatternHelp compileScheme
schemeLibgen :: InputPattern
schemeLibgen =
@ -2515,11 +2501,10 @@ schemeLibgen =
( \case
[] -> pure $ Input.GenSchemeLibsI Nothing
[dir] -> pure . Input.GenSchemeLibsI $ Just dir
_ -> Left $ showPatternHelp schemeLibgen
[] -> pure $ Input.GenSchemeLibsI Nothing
[dir] -> pure . Input.GenSchemeLibsI $ Just dir
_ -> Left $ showPatternHelp schemeLibgen
fetchScheme :: InputPattern
fetchScheme =
@ -2552,16 +2537,15 @@ fetchScheme =
( \case
[] -> pure (Input.FetchSchemeCompilerI "unison" JitInfo.currentRelease)
[name] -> pure (Input.FetchSchemeCompilerI name branch)
| name == "unison" = JitInfo.currentRelease
| otherwise = "main"
[name, branch] -> pure (Input.FetchSchemeCompilerI name branch)
_ -> Left $ showPatternHelp fetchScheme
[] -> pure (Input.FetchSchemeCompilerI "unison" JitInfo.currentRelease)
[name] -> pure (Input.FetchSchemeCompilerI name branch)
| name == "unison" = JitInfo.currentRelease
| otherwise = "main"
[name, branch] -> pure (Input.FetchSchemeCompilerI name branch)
_ -> Left $ showPatternHelp fetchScheme
createAuthor :: InputPattern
createAuthor =
@ -2582,8 +2566,10 @@ createAuthor =
( \case
symbolStr : authorStr@(_ : _) -> first fromString $ do
symbol <- Path.definitionNameSegment symbolStr
symbolStr : authorStr@(_ : _) -> first fromString do
symbol <-
Megaparsec.runParser (NameSegment.segmentP <* Megaparsec.eof) "" symbolStr
& mapLeft (Text.unpack . NameSegment.renderParseErr)
-- let's have a real parser in not too long
let author :: Text
author = Text.pack $ case (unwords authorStr) of
@ -2663,10 +2649,10 @@ diffNamespaceToPatch =
help = P.wrap "Create a patch from a namespace diff.",
parse = \case
[branchId1, branchId2, patch] ->
mapLeft fromString do
mapLeft P.text do
branchId1 <- Input.parseBranchId branchId1
branchId2 <- Input.parseBranchId branchId2
patch <- Path.parseSplit' Path.definitionNameSegment patch
patch <- Path.parseSplit' patch
pure (Input.DiffNamespaceToPatchI Input.DiffNamespaceToPatchInput {branchId1, branchId2, patch})
_ -> Left (showPatternHelp diffNamespaceToPatch)

View File

@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
-- | This module handles parsing CLI arguments into 'Command's.
-- See the excellent documentation at
@ -13,6 +10,7 @@ import Data.Functor ((<&>))
import Data.List qualified as List
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NE
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Options.Applicative
( CommandFields,
@ -450,7 +448,7 @@ readPath' :: ReadM Path.Path'
readPath' = do
strPath <- OptParse.str
case Path.parsePath' strPath of
Left err -> OptParse.readerError err
Left err -> OptParse.readerError (Text.unpack err)
Right path' -> pure path'
fileArgument :: String -> Parser FilePath

View File

@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ instance ToJSON ConstructorType where
instance FromHttpApiData Path.Relative where
parseUrlPiece txt = case Path.parsePath' (Text.unpack txt) of
Left s -> Left (Text.pack s)
Left s -> Left s
Right (Path.RelativePath' p) -> Right p
Right (Path.AbsolutePath' _) -> Left $ "Expected relative path, but " <> txt <> " was absolute."
@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ instance ToHttpApiData Path.Relative where
instance FromHttpApiData Path.Absolute where
parseUrlPiece txt = case Path.parsePath' (Text.unpack txt) of
Left s -> Left (Text.pack s)
Left s -> Left s
Right (Path.RelativePath' _) -> Left $ "Expected absolute path, but " <> txt <> " was relative."
Right (Path.AbsolutePath' p) -> Right p
@ -251,14 +251,14 @@ instance ToHttpApiData Path.Absolute where
toUrlPiece = tShow
instance FromHttpApiData Path.Path' where
parseUrlPiece txt = mapLeft Text.pack $ Path.parsePath' (Text.unpack txt)
parseUrlPiece txt = Path.parsePath' (Text.unpack txt)
instance ToHttpApiData Path.Path' where
toUrlPiece = tShow
instance FromHttpApiData Path.Path where
parseUrlPiece txt = case Path.parsePath' (Text.unpack txt) of
Left s -> Left (Text.pack s)
Left s -> Left s
Right (Path.RelativePath' p) -> Right (Path.unrelative p)
Right (Path.AbsolutePath' _) -> Left $ "Expected relative path, but " <> txt <> " was absolute."

View File

@ -55,9 +55,9 @@ import Unison.ShortHash (ShortHash)
import Unison.ShortHash qualified as SH
import Unison.Syntax.HashQualified' qualified as HQ' (toString)
import Unison.Syntax.Lexer.Token (Token (..), posP, tokenP)
import Unison.Syntax.Name qualified as Name (ParseErr (..), isSymboly, nameP, toText, unsafeFromString)
import Unison.Syntax.Name qualified as Name (isSymboly, nameP, toText, unsafeFromString)
import Unison.Syntax.NameSegment (symbolyIdChar, wordyIdChar, wordyIdStartChar)
import Unison.Syntax.NameSegment qualified as NameSegment (wordyP)
import Unison.Syntax.NameSegment qualified as NameSegment (ParseErr(..), wordyP)
import Unison.Syntax.ReservedWords (keywords, reservedOperators, typeModifiers, typeOrAbility)
import Unison.Util.Bytes qualified as Bytes
import Unison.Util.Monoid (intercalateMap)
@ -1042,15 +1042,15 @@ tok p = do
identifierP :: P (HQ'.HashQualified Name)
identifierP = do
P.label "identifier (ex: abba1, snake_case, .foo.++#xyz, or 🌻)" do
name <- PI.withParsecT (fmap nameParseErrToErr) Name.nameP
name <- PI.withParsecT (fmap nameSegmentParseErrToErr) Name.nameP
P.optional shorthashP <&> \case
Nothing -> HQ'.fromName name
Just shorthash -> HQ'.HashQualified name shorthash
nameParseErrToErr :: Name.ParseErr -> Err
nameParseErrToErr = \case
Name.ReservedOperator s -> ReservedSymbolyId (Text.unpack s)
Name.ReservedWord s -> ReservedWordyId (Text.unpack s)
nameSegmentParseErrToErr :: NameSegment.ParseErr -> Err
nameSegmentParseErrToErr = \case
NameSegment.ReservedOperator s -> ReservedSymbolyId (Text.unpack s)
NameSegment.ReservedWord s -> ReservedWordyId (Text.unpack s)
-- An identifier is a non-empty dot-delimited list of segments, with an optional leading dot, where each segment is
-- symboly (comprised of only symbols) or wordy (comprised of only alphanums).

View File

@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ module Unison.Syntax.Name
-- * Name parsers
ParseErr (..),
-- * Name classifiers
@ -31,7 +30,6 @@ import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder qualified as Text.Builder
import Text.Megaparsec (ParsecT)
import Text.Megaparsec qualified as P
import Text.Megaparsec.Char qualified as P
import Text.Megaparsec.Internal qualified as P (withParsecT)
import Unison.Name qualified as Name (fromSegments, lastSegment, makeAbsolute)
import Unison.Name.Internal (Name (Name))
import Unison.NameSegment (NameSegment (NameSegment))
@ -40,7 +38,7 @@ import Unison.Position (Position (..))
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.Syntax.Lexer.Token (Token)
import Unison.Syntax.NameSegment (segmentStartChar)
import Unison.Syntax.NameSegment qualified as NameSegment (isSymboly, symbolyP, wordyP)
import Unison.Syntax.NameSegment qualified as NameSegment (ParseErr, isSymboly, segmentP)
import Unison.Var (Var)
import Unison.Var qualified as Var
@ -137,31 +135,13 @@ unsafeFromVar =
-- Name parsers
data ParseErr
= ReservedOperator !Text
| ReservedWord !Text
deriving stock (Eq, Ord)
instance P.ShowErrorComponent ParseErr where
showErrorComponent = \case
ReservedOperator s -> Text.unpack ("reserved operator: " <> s)
ReservedWord s -> Text.unpack ("reserved word: " <> s)
errorComponentLen = \case
ReservedOperator s -> Text.length s
ReservedWord s -> Text.length s
nameP :: forall m. Monad m => ParsecT (Token ParseErr) [Char] m Name
nameP :: forall m. Monad m => ParsecT (Token NameSegment.ParseErr) [Char] m Name
nameP =
P.try do
leadingDot <- isJust <$> P.optional (P.char '.')
name <- Name.fromSegments <$> Monad.sepBy1 segmentP separatorP
name <- Name.fromSegments <$> Monad.sepBy1 NameSegment.segmentP separatorP
pure (if leadingDot then Name.makeAbsolute name else name)
segmentP :: ParsecT (Token ParseErr) [Char] m NameSegment
segmentP =
P.withParsecT (fmap ReservedOperator) NameSegment.symbolyP
<|> P.withParsecT (fmap ReservedWord) NameSegment.wordyP
-- The separator between segments is just a dot, but we don't want to commit to parsing another segment unless the
-- character after the dot can begin a segment.

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@ -7,8 +7,11 @@ module Unison.Syntax.NameSegment
-- * Name segment classifiers
ParseErr (..),
-- * Character classifiers
@ -19,11 +22,13 @@ module Unison.Syntax.NameSegment
import Data.Char qualified as Char
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as List.NonEmpty
import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Text.Megaparsec (ParsecT)
import Text.Megaparsec qualified as P
import Text.Megaparsec.Char qualified as P
import Text.Megaparsec.Internal qualified as P (withParsecT)
import Unison.NameSegment (NameSegment (..))
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.Syntax.Lexer.Token (Token (..), posP)
@ -40,6 +45,11 @@ unsafeFromText =
-- Name segment parsers
segmentP :: Monad m => ParsecT (Token ParseErr) [Char] m NameSegment
segmentP =
P.withParsecT (fmap ReservedOperator) symbolyP
<|> P.withParsecT (fmap ReservedWord) wordyP
-- | A symboly name segment parser, which consists only of symboly characters.
-- A symboly name segment can optionally be escaped by surrounding it with backticks. Thus, there are two different
@ -97,6 +107,24 @@ wordyP = do
wordyMsg = "identifier (ex: abba1, snake_case,, or 🌻)"
data ParseErr
= ReservedOperator !Text
| ReservedWord !Text
deriving stock (Eq, Ord)
instance P.ShowErrorComponent ParseErr where
showErrorComponent = \case
ReservedOperator s -> Text.unpack ("reserved operator: " <> s)
ReservedWord s -> Text.unpack ("reserved word: " <> s)
errorComponentLen = \case
ReservedOperator s -> Text.length s
ReservedWord s -> Text.length s
-- | A convenience function for rendering a name segment parse error, because it's so weird and verbose to do so.
renderParseErr :: P.ParseErrorBundle [Char] (Token ParseErr) -> Text
renderParseErr =
Text.pack . P.parseErrorTextPretty . P.mapParseError payload . List.NonEmpty.head . P.bundleErrors
-- Character classifiers