parser more efficient

This commit is contained in:
Paul Chiusano 2014-07-11 17:08:35 -04:00
parent 6cd5b99c3f
commit 3b88a5842a

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@ -6,46 +6,92 @@ import Dict as M
type Msg = [String]
-- type P a
-- type P a = J.Value -> Either Msg a
-- type Parser a = { focus : Path, parser : P a }
-- combinators like lift2 can merge common paths
type P a = J.Value -> Either Msg a
type Parser a = J.Value -> Either Msg a
data E = Key String | Index Int
type Path = [E]
type Parser a = { focus : Path, parse : P a }
run : Parser a -> J.Value -> Either String a
run p v = case p v of
Left stack -> Left (join "\n" stack)
Right a -> Right a
safeIndex : Int -> [a] -> Maybe a
safeIndex i xs = case drop i xs of
[] -> Nothing
h :: t -> Just h
getPath : Path -> J.Value -> Either Msg J.Value
getPath p v =
failure loc v = Left [
"invalid path: " ++ show p,
"remainder: " ++ show loc,
"focus: " ++ J.toString "" v
go loc v = case loc of
[] -> Right v
Key k :: t -> case v of
J.Object obj -> case M.get k obj of
Nothing -> failure loc v
Just v -> go t v
_ -> failure loc v
Index i :: t -> case v of
J.Array vs -> case safeIndex i vs of
Nothing -> failure loc v
Just v -> go t v
_ -> failure loc v
in go p v
run : Parser a -> J.Value -> Either Msg a
run p v = either Left p.parse (getPath p.focus v)
unit : a -> Parser a
unit a _ = Right a
unit a = { focus = [], parse = \v -> Right a }
value : Parser J.Value
value = { focus = [], parse = Right }
fail : String -> Parser a
fail msg _ = Left [msg]
fail msg = { focus = [], parse = \v -> Left [msg] }
scope : String -> Parser a -> Parser a
scope msg p v = case p v of
Left stack -> Left (msg :: stack)
a -> a
scope msg p =
let focus = p.focus
parse v = case p.parse v of
Left stack -> Left (msg :: stack)
a -> a
in { focus = focus, parse = parse }
bind : (a -> Parser b) -> Parser a -> Parser b
bind f p v = case p v of
Right a -> f a v
Left e -> Left e
bind f p =
let focus = p.focus
parse v = case p.parse v of
Right a -> run (f a) v
Left e -> Left e
in { focus = focus, parse = parse }
infixl 3 >>=
(>>=) : Parser a -> (a -> Parser b) -> Parser b
a >>= f = bind f a
map : (a -> b) -> Parser a -> Parser b
map f = bind (unit . f)
map f p =
let parse v = case p.parse v of
Left e -> Left e
Right a -> Right (f a)
in { p | parse <- parse }
lift2 : (a -> b -> c) -> Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser c
lift2 f a b v = case (a v, b v) of
(Left e, _) -> Left e
(_, Left e) -> Left e
(Right a, Right b) -> Right (f a b)
lift2 f a b =
let common = a.focus `zip` b.focus
|> concatMap (\p -> if fst p == snd p then [fst p] else [])
restL = drop (length common) a.focus
restR = drop (length common) b.focus
parseL v = either Left a.parse (getPath restL v)
parseR v = either Left b.parse (getPath restR v)
parse v = case (parseL v, parseR v) of
(Left e, _) -> Left e
(_, Left e) -> Left e
(Right a, Right b) -> Right (f a b)
in { focus = common, parse = parse }
apply : Parser (a -> b) -> Parser a -> Parser b
apply f a = lift2 (<|) f a
@ -58,54 +104,30 @@ infixl 4 #|
(#|) : (a -> b) -> Parser a -> Parser b
f #| a = map f a
key : String -> Parser J.Value
key k v = case v of
J.Object obj -> M.get k obj
|> maybe (Left ["not found"]) Right
e -> Left ["not found: " ++ J.toString "" v]
string : Parser String
string v = case v of
J.String s -> Right s
_ -> Left ["not a string: " ++ J.toString "" v]
string = value >>= \v -> case v of
J.String s -> unit s
_ -> fail ("not a string: " ++ J.toString "" v)
int : Parser Int
int v = case v of
J.Number v -> Right (floor v)
_ -> Left ["not a number: " ++ J.toString "" v]
number : Parser Float
number v = case v of
J.Number v -> Right v
_ -> Left ["not a number: " ++ J.toString "" v]
asString : Parser J.Value -> Parser String
asString p v = case v of
J.String s -> Right s
_ -> Left ["not a string: " ++ J.toString "" v]
int = value >>= \v -> case v of
J.Number v -> unit (floor v)
_ -> fail ("not a number: " ++ J.toString "" v)
atKey : String -> Parser a -> Parser a
atKey fld p =
let p2 v = case v of
J.Object obj -> M.get fld obj
|> maybe (Left ["not found"]) p
e -> Left ["not found: " ++ J.toString "" v]
in scope fld p2
number : Parser Float
number = value >>= \v -> case v of
J.Number v -> unit v
_ -> fail ("not a number: " ++ J.toString "" v)
atKey : String -> Parser a -> Parser a
atKey k p = { p | focus <- Key k :: p.focus }
atIndex : Int -> Parser a -> Parser a
atIndex ind p =
let p2 v = case v of
J.Array vs ->
let sub = drop ind vs
in if isEmpty sub
then Left ["out of bounds: " ++ show ind ++ " " ++ J.toString "" v]
else p (head sub)
e -> Left ["not found: " ++ J.toString "" v]
in scope ("index: " ++ show ind) p2
atIndex ind p = { p | focus <- Index ind :: p.focus }
union : String -> String -> (String -> Parser a) -> Parser a
union tag contents f =
asString (key tag) >>= \t -> atKey contents (f t)
atKey tag string >>= \t -> atKey contents (f t)
union' : (String -> Parser a) -> Parser a
union' = union "tag" "contents"