filled in rest of serializeTerm

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Paul Chiusano 2018-06-04 18:15:10 -04:00
parent 89ed94257e
commit 3de9756900

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@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
module Unison.Codecs where
import Data.Text (Text)
import Control.Monad.State
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.ByteString.Builder (doubleBE, int64BE, toLazyByteString)
@ -18,6 +19,7 @@ import Unison.Var
import qualified Unison.Var as Var
import Unison.Pattern (Pattern)
import qualified Unison.Pattern as Pattern
import Data.Int (Int64)
type Pos = Word64
@ -77,7 +79,7 @@ serializeTerm x = do
posarg <- serializeTerm arg
putWord8 9
putBackref posf
putLength 1
putLength (1 :: Int)
putBackref posarg
Let binding body -> do
posbind <- serializeTerm binding
@ -112,6 +114,34 @@ serializeTerm x = do
putBackref poss
putLength $ length casePositions
traverse_ serializeCase2 casePositions
Blank -> error "cannot serialize program with blanks"
Handle h body -> do
hpos <- serializeTerm h
bpos <- serializeTerm body
putWord8 16
putBackref hpos
putBackref bpos
EffectPure t -> do
pos <- serializeTerm t
putWord8 17
putBackref pos
EffectBind r cid args k -> do
positions <- traverse serializeTerm args
kpos <- serializeTerm k
putWord8 18
serializeReference r
putWord32be $ fromIntegral cid
putLength $ length positions
traverse_ putBackref positions
putBackref kpos
Ann e _ -> void $ serializeTerm e -- ignore types (todo: revisit)
LetRec bs body -> do
positions <- traverse serializeTerm bs
pbody <- serializeTerm body
putWord8 19
putLength $ length positions
traverse_ putBackref positions
putBackref pbody
pos <- get
modify' (+1)
pure pos
@ -145,14 +175,17 @@ serializePattern p = case p of
traverse_ serializePattern ps
serializePattern k
serializeFloat :: MonadPut m => Double -> m ()
serializeFloat n = do
putByteString . BL.toStrict . toLazyByteString $ doubleBE n
putWord8 3
serializeUInt64 :: MonadPut m => Word64 -> m ()
serializeUInt64 n = do
putWord64be n
putWord8 2
serializeInt64 :: MonadPut m => Int64 -> m ()
serializeInt64 n = do
putByteString . BL.toStrict . toLazyByteString $ int64BE n
putWord8 1
@ -185,11 +218,13 @@ serializeMaybe f b = case b of
Nothing -> putWord8 0
Just x -> putWord8 1 *> f x
lengthEncode :: MonadPut m => Text -> m ()
lengthEncode text = do
let bs = encodeUtf8 text
putWord32be . fromIntegral $ B.length bs
putByteString bs
serializeReference :: MonadPut m => Reference -> m ()
serializeReference ref = case ref of
Builtin text -> do
putWord8 0