WIP on Editor.elm

This commit is contained in:
Paul Chiusano 2015-04-03 19:37:44 -04:00
parent 9d5c933289
commit 3ded3c7cbc
5 changed files with 95 additions and 85 deletions

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@ -18,6 +18,9 @@ import Unison.Term as Term
import Unison.Term (Term)
import Unison.View as View
-- todo: make EditableTerm responsible for maintaining local names
-- and just have it receive the Reference -> Metadata externally
type Event
= Mouse (Int,Int)
| Movement Movement.D2

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@ -3,14 +3,13 @@ module Unison.Editor where
import Debug
import Elmz.Layout (Containment(Inside,Outside), Layout, Pt, Region)
import Elmz.Layout as Layout
import Elmz.Mealy as M
import Elmz.Mealy (Mealy)
import Elmz.Moore (Moore)
import Elmz.Moore (Moore(..))
import Elmz.Moore as Moore
import Elmz.Movement as Movement
import Graphics.Element (Element)
import Graphics.Element as Element
import Graphics.Input.Field as Field
import Maybe
import Signal
import Unison.Action as Action
import Unison.Explorer as Explorer
@ -35,96 +34,75 @@ import Unison.Type as Type
import Unison.Var as Var
import Unison.View as View
type alias Inputs =
{ origin : (Int,Int)
, clicks : Signal ()
, mouse : Signal (Int,Int)
, enters : Signal ()
, edits : Signal Action.Action
, deletes : Signal ()
, preapplies : Signal ()
, viewToggles : Signal ()
, modifier : Signal Bool -- generally shift
, movements : Signal Movement.D2
, searchbox : Signal.Channel Field.Content
, explorerHasFocus : Signal.Channel Bool
, responses : Signal Response
, width : Signal Int }
type Event
= Click (Int,Int)
| Mouse (Int,Int)
| Movement Movement.D2
| Width Int
| Act Action.Action
| Enter
| Delete
| Preapply
| ViewToggle
| SearchResults Node.SearchResults
| LocalInfoResults Node.LocalInfo
| FieldContent Field.Content
type Request
= LocalRequest Term Path -- obtain the current and admissible type and local completions
| Search Term Path Int (Maybe Type) Metadata.Query -- global search for a given type
= ExplorerRequest TermExplorer.Request
| EditRequest TermExplorer.LocalFocus Action.Action
| Declare Term
| Edit Path Path Action.Action Term
| Evaluations (List (Path, Term))
| Metadatas (List Reference)
type Response
= LocalResponse Node.LocalInfo
| SearchResults Node.SearchResults
type alias Out = { term : Term, view : Element, request : Maybe Request }
type Mode a
= Open a
| Closed
| Cancelled
type alias Model = Moore Event Out
type alias Sink a = a -> Signal.Message
type alias Either a b = Result a b
accepts : Mealy (Mode a) (Maybe a)
accepts =
let f prev cur = case (prev,cur) of
(Open a, Closed) -> Just a
_ -> Nothing
in M.changesBy f
editor : Term -> Inputs -> Signal (Element, List Request)
editor t0 env =
model : Sink Field.Content -> Term -> Model
model sink term0 =
-- explorerHasFocus : Signal.Channel Bool
explorerOpen : Signal Bool
explorerOpen =
-- a click outside the explorer region closes if open
-- a click inside noops if not pointing to valid completion
-- a click inside noops
-- Moore (Maybe Movement.D2, Maybe (Int,Int), Layout.L) Foo
-- still have a loop due to path resolution depending
-- on the current layout and the input mode
-- EVERYTHING depends on the current layout
term' : Moore (Path, Term -> Term) Term
term' = term t0
viewEnv' : Signal Response -> Signal View.Env
viewEnv' = Moore.transform viewEnv
layout' : Signal Response
-> Signal Path
-> Signal (Maybe (Term -> Term))
-> Signal (Layout View.L)
layout' r p =
-- explorer : Mealy (Either Input Response) (Element, List Request, Mode (Term -> Term))
-- highlightedTermWithLayout : Mealy (View.Env, (Path, Term -> Term), )
out term = { term = Moore.extract term |> .term
, view = Moore.extract term |> .layout |> Layout.element
, request = Nothing }
toOpen mds term explorer scope =
focus = TermExplorer.localFocus scope.focus (Moore.extract term |> .term)
env = View.env0 -- todo, then build this properly from the local names of the term + mds
ex = Moore.feed explorer (TermExplorer.Open env focus Field.noContent)
o = let r = out term in { r | request <- Maybe.map ExplorerRequest (Moore.extract ex |> .request) }
Moore o (exploreropen mds term ex)
-- term = { loc : Path, action : Term -> Term, term : Term } -> Term
viewEnv : Moore Response View.Env
viewEnv = todo --
explorerclosed mds term explorer e = case e of
-- these trigger a state change
Click xy -> case Moore.feed term (EditableTerm.Mouse xy) of
term -> (Moore.extract term |> .scope) `Maybe.andThen` \scope -> Just (toOpen mds term explorer scope)
Enter -> (Moore.extract term |> .scope) `Maybe.andThen` \scope -> Just (toOpen mds term explorer scope)
Mouse xy -> Moore.step term (EditableTerm.Mouse xy) `Maybe.andThen` \term ->
Just <| Moore (out term) (explorerclosed mds term explorer)
Preapply -> Moore.step term (EditableTerm.Modify (Term.App Term.Blank)) `Maybe.andThen` \term ->
Just <| Moore (out term) (explorerclosed mds term explorer)
Act action -> (Moore.extract term |> .scope) `Maybe.andThen` \scope ->
focus = TermExplorer.localFocus scope.focus (Moore.extract term |> .term)
r = out term
o = { r | request <- Just (EditRequest focus action) }
Just <| Moore o (explorerclosed mds term explorer)
-- Width w -> todo
_ -> Nothing
exploreropen mds term explorer e = Nothing
terms0 = EditableTerm.model View.env0 term0
explorer0 = TermExplorer.model sink
Moore (out terms0) (explorerclosed Metadata.cache terms0 explorer0)
term : Term -> Moore (Path, Term -> Term) Term
term t0 = editable Term.modify t0
todo = Debug.crash "todo"
editable : (k -> (v -> v) -> kvs -> Maybe kvs)
-> kvs
-> Moore (k, v -> v) kvs
editable _ _ = todo
focusOpen : Event -> Maybe TermExplorer.Event
focusOpen _ = Nothing
focusClosed : Event -> Maybe EditableTerm.Event
focusClosed _ = Nothing

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@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
module Unison.Metadata where
import Array
import Dict as M
import Dict
import Elmz.Json.Encoder as Encoder
import Elmz.Json.Encoder (Encoder)
import Elmz.Json.Decoder as Decoder
import Elmz.Json.Decoder (Decoder, (#))
import Elmz.Moore (Moore(..))
import Elmz.Moore as Moore
import List
import Maybe
import Unison.Reference as R
@ -26,6 +28,15 @@ type alias Metadata = {
description : Maybe R.Reference
type alias Event = List (R.Key, Metadata)
cache : Moore Event (R.Reference -> Metadata)
cache =
let go acc entries = let acc' = Dict.fromList entries `Dict.union` acc
in Just <| Moore acc' (go acc')
in Moore Dict.empty (go Dict.empty)
|> Moore.map (\dict r -> Maybe.withDefault (defaultMetadata r) (Dict.get (R.toKey r) dict))
anonymousSymbol : Symbol
anonymousSymbol = Symbol "anonymousSymbol" Prefix 9

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@ -39,6 +39,14 @@ type alias LocalFocus =
, closedSubterm : Term
, pathFromClosedSubterm : Path }
localFocus : Path -> Term -> LocalFocus
localFocus path rootTerm =
-- todo: tighten path to closed subterm
{ rootTerm = rootTerm
, pathToClosedSubterm = []
, closedSubterm = rootTerm
, pathFromClosedSubterm = path }
path : LocalFocus -> Path
path focus = focus.pathToClosedSubterm ++ focus.pathFromClosedSubterm

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
module Unison.View (Env, key, layout, layout', literalKey, L, reactivePaths) where
module Unison.View (Env, env0, key, layout, layout', literalKey, L, reactivePaths) where
import Array
import Color
@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ import Debug
import Elmz.Distance as Distance
import Elmz.Layout (Layout)
import Elmz.Layout as L
import Elmz.Moore (Moore(..))
import Elmz.Moore as Moore
import Elmz.Trie as Trie
import Elmz.Trie (Trie)
import List
@ -38,6 +40,14 @@ type alias Env =
, raw : Trie E () -- whether a path should be displayed as raw source
env0 : Env
env0 =
{ rootMetadata = Metadata.anonymousTerm
, availableWidth = 1024
, metadata = Metadata.defaultMetadata
, overrides = always Nothing
, raw = Trie.empty }
type alias Cur =
{ path : Path
, term : Term