merge work

This commit is contained in:
Mitchell Rosen 2024-05-13 15:05:55 -04:00
parent 9daaa8d472
commit 3e0e10edec
2 changed files with 198 additions and 138 deletions

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@ -323,27 +323,46 @@ handleMerge bobSpecifier = do
(\aliceBranch -> Branch.mergeNode stageTwoBranch aliceBranch bobBranch)
Cli.respond (Output.MergeSuccess projectAndBranchNames.alice projectAndBranchNames.bob)
data MergeResult
= -- We didn't do anything because alice >= bob
| -- We didn't do anything because alice < bob. The caller should set alice = bob
| MergeResult'ConflictedName !CausalHash !ConflictedName
| MergeResult'DefnsInLib !CausalHash
| MergeResult'IncoherentDecl !CausalHash !IncoherentDeclReason
| MergeResult'ConflictedAliases !CausalHash !Name !Name
| MergeResult'ConflictInvolvingBuiltin !Name
data MergeResult1
= MergeResult1'Failure !MergeResultFailure1
| MergeResult1'Success !MergeResultSuccess1
doBigMerge :: DebugFunctions -> TwoOrThreeWay CausalHash -> Cli MergeResult
doBigMerge debugFunctions causalHashes = do
data MergeResultFailure1
= -- We couldn't attempt to merge because we found a conflicted name
MergeResultFailure1'ConflictedName !CausalHash !ConflictedName
| -- We couldn't attempt to merge because we found defs in lib
MergeResultFailure1'DefnsInLib !(EitherWay ())
| -- We couldn't attempt to merge because we found an incoherent decl
MergeResultFailure1'IncoherentDecl !CausalHash !IncoherentDeclReason
| -- We couldn't attempt to merge because we found conflicted aliases
MergeResultFailure1'ConflictedAliases !(EitherWay (Name, Name))
| -- We couldn't attempt to merge because we found a conflict involving a builtin
MergeResultFailure1'ConflictInvolvingBuiltin !Name
data MergeResultSuccess1
= -- We didn't do anything because alice >= bob
| -- We didn't do anything because alice < bob. The caller should set alice = bob
| -- We got as far as diffing the namespace
!(TwoOrThreeWay (V2.Branch Transaction)) -- branches
!(ThreeWay (Defns (BiMultimap Referent Name) (BiMultimap TypeReference Name))) -- defns
!(TwoWay DeclNameLookup) -- decl name lookups
!(TwoWay (DefnsF (Map Name) TermReferenceId TypeReferenceId)) -- conflicts
!(DefnsF Unconflicts Referent TypeReference) -- unconflicts
doBigMerge1 :: DebugFunctions -> TwoWay Text -> TwoOrThreeWay CausalHash -> Cli MergeResult1
doBigMerge1 debugFunctions authors causalHashes = do
Cli.label \done -> do
-- If alice == bob, or LCA == bob (so alice is ahead of bob), then we are done.
when (causalHashes.alice == causalHashes.bob || causalHashes.lca == Just causalHashes.bob) do
done MergeResult'AlreadyMerged
done (MergeResult1'Success MergeResultSuccess1'AlreadyMerged)
-- Otherwise, if LCA == alice (so alice is behind bob), then we could fast forward to bob, so we're done.
when (causalHashes.lca == Just causalHashes.alice) do
done MergeResult'ShouldFastForward
done (MergeResult1'Success MergeResultSuccess1'ShouldFastForward)
Cli.Env {codebase} <- ask
@ -364,13 +383,13 @@ doBigMerge debugFunctions causalHashes = do
pure TwoOrThreeWay {lca, alice, bob}
-- Assert that neither Alice nor Bob have defns in lib
for_ [(causalHashes.alice, branches.alice), (causalHashes.bob, branches.bob)] \(causalHash, branch) -> do
for_ [(Alice (), branches.alice), (Bob (), branches.bob)] \(who, branch) -> do
libdeps <-
case Map.lookup NameSegment.libSegment branch.children of
Nothing -> pure V2.Branch.empty
Just libdeps -> Cli.runTransaction libdeps.value
when (not (Map.null libdeps.terms) || not (Map.null libdeps.types)) do
done (MergeResult'DefnsInLib causalHash)
done (MergeResult1'Failure (MergeResultFailure1'DefnsInLib who))
-- Load Alice/Bob/LCA definitions and decl name lookups
(defns3, declNameLookups3) <- do
@ -383,10 +402,10 @@ doBigMerge debugFunctions causalHashes = do
Just (causalHash, branch) -> do
defns <-
Cli.runTransaction (loadNamespaceInfo_2 (referent2to1 db) branch) & onLeftM \err ->
done (MergeResult'ConflictedName causalHash err)
done (MergeResult1'Failure (MergeResultFailure1'ConflictedName causalHash err))
declNameLookup <-
Cli.runTransaction (checkDeclCoherency db.loadDeclNumConstructors defns) & onLeftM \err ->
done (MergeResult'IncoherentDecl causalHash err)
done (MergeResult1'Failure (MergeResultFailure1'IncoherentDecl causalHash err))
pure (defns, declNameLookup)
(aliceDefns0, aliceDeclNameLookup) <- load (Just (causalHashes.alice, branches.alice))
@ -411,11 +430,11 @@ doBigMerge debugFunctions causalHashes = do
-- Bail early if it looks like we can't proceed with the merge, because Alice or Bob has one or more conflicted alias
let go causalHash diff =
whenJust (findConflictedAlias defns3.lca diff) \(name1, name2) ->
done (MergeResult'ConflictedAliases causalHash name1 name2)
go causalHashes.alice diffs.alice
go causalHashes.bob diffs.bob
let go who diff =
whenJust (findConflictedAlias defns3.lca diff) \names ->
done (MergeResult1'Failure (MergeResultFailure1'ConflictedAliases (who names)))
go Alice diffs.alice
go Bob diffs.bob
-- Combine the LCA->Alice and LCA->Bob diffs together
let diff = combineDiffs diffs
@ -425,123 +444,148 @@ doBigMerge debugFunctions causalHashes = do
-- Partition the combined diff into the conflicted things and the unconflicted things
(conflicts, unconflicts) <-
partitionCombinedDiffs defns declNameLookups diff & onLeft \name ->
done (MergeResult'ConflictInvolvingBuiltin name)
done (MergeResult1'Failure (MergeResultFailure1'ConflictInvolvingBuiltin name))
liftIO (debugFunctions.debugPartitionedDiff conflicts unconflicts)
-- -- Identify the unconflicted dependents we need to pull into the Unison file (either first for typechecking, if there
-- -- aren't conflicts, or else for manual conflict resolution without a typechecking step, if there are)
-- dependents <- Cli.runTransaction (identifyDependents defns conflicts unconflicts)
pure $
MergeResult1'Success $
(ThreeWay.forgetLca declNameLookups3)
-- liftIO (debugFunctions.debugDependents dependents)
doBigMerge2 ::
DebugFunctions ->
TwoWay Text ->
MergeDatabase ->
TwoOrThreeWay (V2.Branch Transaction) ->
ThreeWay (Defns (BiMultimap Referent Name) (BiMultimap TypeReference Name)) ->
TwoWay DeclNameLookup ->
TwoWay (DefnsF (Map Name) TermReferenceId TypeReferenceId) ->
DefnsF Unconflicts Referent TypeReference ->
Cli ()
doBigMerge2 debugFunctions authors db branches defns3 declNameLookups conflicts unconflicts = do
Cli.Env {codebase} <- ask
-- let stageOne :: DefnsF (Map Name) Referent TypeReference
-- stageOne =
-- makeStageOne
-- declNameLookups
-- conflicts
-- unconflicts
-- dependents
-- (bimap BiMultimap.range BiMultimap.range defns3.lca)
let defns = ThreeWay.forgetLca defns3
-- liftIO (debugFunctions.debugStageOne stageOne)
-- Identify the unconflicted dependents we need to pull into the Unison file (either first for typechecking, if there
-- aren't conflicts, or else for manual conflict resolution without a typechecking step, if there are)
dependents <- Cli.runTransaction (identifyDependents defns conflicts unconflicts)
-- -- Load and merge Alice's and Bob's libdeps
-- mergedLibdeps <-
-- Cli.runTransaction do
-- libdeps <- loadLibdeps branches
-- libdepsToBranch0 db (Merge.mergeLibdeps getTwoFreshNames libdeps)
liftIO (debugFunctions.debugDependents dependents)
-- -- Make PPE for Alice that contains all of Alice's names, but suffixified against her names + Bob's names
-- let mkPpes :: TwoWay Names -> Names -> TwoWay PrettyPrintEnvDecl
-- mkPpes defnsNames libdepsNames =
-- defnsNames <&> \names -> PPED.makePPED (PPE.namer (names <> libdepsNames)) suffixifier
-- where
-- suffixifier = PPE.suffixifyByName (fold defnsNames <> libdepsNames)
-- let ppes = mkPpes (defnsToNames <$> defns) (Branch.toNames mergedLibdeps)
let stageOne :: DefnsF (Map Name) Referent TypeReference
stageOne =
(bimap BiMultimap.range BiMultimap.range defns3.lca)
-- hydratedThings <- do
-- Cli.runTransaction do
-- for ((,) <$> conflicts <*> dependents) \(conflicts1, dependents1) ->
-- let hydrate = hydrateDefns (Codebase.unsafeGetTermComponent codebase) Operations.expectDeclComponent
-- in (,) <$> hydrate conflicts1 <*> hydrate dependents1
liftIO (debugFunctions.debugStageOne stageOne)
-- let (renderedConflicts, renderedDependents) =
-- let honk declNameLookup ppe defns =
-- let (types, accessorNames) =
-- Writer.runWriter $
-- defns.types & Map.traverseWithKey \name (ref, typ) ->
-- renderTypeBinding
-- -- Sort of a hack; since the decl printer looks in the PPE for names of constructors,
-- -- we just delete all term names out and add back the constructors...
-- -- probably no need to wipe out the suffixified side but we do it anyway
-- (setPpedToConstructorNames declNameLookup name ref ppe)
-- name
-- ref
-- typ
-- terms =
-- defns.terms & Map.mapMaybeWithKey \name (term, typ) ->
-- if Set.member name accessorNames
-- then Nothing
-- else Just (renderTermBinding ppe.suffixifiedPPE name term typ)
-- in Defns {terms, types}
-- in unzip $
-- ( \declNameLookup (conflicts, dependents) ppe ->
-- let honk1 = honk declNameLookup ppe
-- in (honk1 conflicts, honk1 dependents)
-- )
-- <$> declNameLookups
-- <*> hydratedThings
-- <*> ppes
-- Load and merge Alice's and Bob's libdeps
mergedLibdeps <-
Cli.runTransaction do
libdeps <- loadLibdeps branches
libdepsToBranch0 db (Merge.mergeLibdeps getTwoFreshNames libdeps)
-- let prettyUnisonFile = makePrettyUnisonFile (into @Text <$> projectAndBranchNames) renderedConflicts renderedDependents
-- Make PPE for Alice that contains all of Alice's names, but suffixified against her names + Bob's names
let mkPpes :: TwoWay Names -> Names -> TwoWay PrettyPrintEnvDecl
mkPpes defnsNames libdepsNames =
defnsNames <&> \names -> PPED.makePPED (PPE.namer (names <> libdepsNames)) suffixifier
suffixifier = PPE.suffixifyByName (fold defnsNames <> libdepsNames)
let ppes = mkPpes (defnsToNames <$> defns) (Branch.toNames mergedLibdeps)
-- let stageOneBranch = defnsAndLibdepsToBranch0 codebase stageOne mergedLibdeps
hydratedThings <- do
Cli.runTransaction do
for ((,) <$> conflicts <*> dependents) \(conflicts1, dependents1) ->
let hydrate = hydrateDefns db.loadV1TermComponent db.loadV1DeclComponent
in (,) <$> hydrate conflicts1 <*> hydrate dependents1
-- maybeTypecheckedUnisonFile <-
-- let thisMergeHasConflicts =
-- -- Eh, they'd either both be null, or neither, but just check both maps anyway
-- not (defnsAreEmpty conflicts.alice) || not (defnsAreEmpty conflicts.bob)
-- in if thisMergeHasConflicts
-- then pure Nothing
-- else do
-- currentPath <- Cli.getCurrentPath
-- parsingEnv <- makeParsingEnv currentPath (Branch.toNames stageOneBranch)
-- prettyParseTypecheck2 prettyUnisonFile parsingEnv <&> eitherToMaybe
let (renderedConflicts, renderedDependents) =
let honk declNameLookup ppe defns =
let (types, accessorNames) =
Writer.runWriter $
defns.types & Map.traverseWithKey \name (ref, typ) ->
-- Sort of a hack; since the decl printer looks in the PPE for names of constructors,
-- we just delete all term names out and add back the constructors...
-- probably no need to wipe out the suffixified side but we do it anyway
(setPpedToConstructorNames declNameLookup name ref ppe)
terms =
defns.terms & Map.mapMaybeWithKey \name (term, typ) ->
if Set.member name accessorNames
then Nothing
else Just (renderTermBinding ppe.suffixifiedPPE name term typ)
in Defns {terms, types}
in unzip $
( \declNameLookup (conflicts, dependents) ppe ->
let honk1 = honk declNameLookup ppe
in (honk1 conflicts, honk1 dependents)
<$> declNameLookups
<*> hydratedThings
<*> ppes
-- case maybeTypecheckedUnisonFile of
-- Nothing -> do
-- Cli.Env {writeSource} <- ask
-- aliceBranch <- Cli.getBranchAt info.paths.alice
-- bobBranch <- Cli.getBranchAt info.paths.bob
-- _temporaryBranchId <-
-- HandleInput.Branch.doCreateBranch'
-- (Branch.mergeNode stageOneBranch aliceBranch bobBranch)
-- Nothing
-- info.project
-- (findTemporaryBranchName info)
-- (textualDescriptionOfMerge info)
-- scratchFilePath <-
-- Cli.getLatestFile <&> \case
-- Nothing -> "scratch.u"
-- Just (file, _) -> file
-- liftIO $ writeSource (Text.pack scratchFilePath) (Text.pack $ Pretty.toPlain 80 prettyUnisonFile)
-- Cli.respond $
-- Output.MergeFailure
-- scratchFilePath
-- projectAndBranchNames.alice
-- projectAndBranchNames.bob
-- Just tuf -> do
-- Cli.runTransaction (Codebase.addDefsToCodebase codebase tuf)
-- bobBranch <- Cli.getBranchAt info.paths.bob
-- let stageTwoBranch = Branch.batchUpdates (typecheckedUnisonFileToBranchAdds tuf) stageOneBranch
-- _ <-
-- Cli.updateAt
-- (textualDescriptionOfMerge info)
-- info.paths.alice
-- (\aliceBranch -> Branch.mergeNode stageTwoBranch aliceBranch bobBranch)
-- Cli.respond (Output.MergeSuccess projectAndBranchNames.alice projectAndBranchNames.bob)
let prettyUnisonFile = makePrettyUnisonFile authors renderedConflicts renderedDependents
let stageOneBranch = defnsAndLibdepsToBranch0 codebase stageOne mergedLibdeps
maybeTypecheckedUnisonFile <-
let thisMergeHasConflicts =
-- Eh, they'd either both be null, or neither, but just check both maps anyway
not (defnsAreEmpty conflicts.alice) || not (defnsAreEmpty conflicts.bob)
in if thisMergeHasConflicts
then pure Nothing
else do
currentPath <- Cli.getCurrentPath
parsingEnv <- makeParsingEnv currentPath (Branch.toNames stageOneBranch)
prettyParseTypecheck2 prettyUnisonFile parsingEnv <&> eitherToMaybe
-- case maybeTypecheckedUnisonFile of
-- Nothing -> do
-- Cli.Env {writeSource} <- ask
-- aliceBranch <- Cli.getBranchAt info.paths.alice
-- bobBranch <- Cli.getBranchAt info.paths.bob
-- _temporaryBranchId <-
-- HandleInput.Branch.doCreateBranch'
-- (Branch.mergeNode stageOneBranch aliceBranch bobBranch)
-- Nothing
-- info.project
-- (findTemporaryBranchName info)
-- (textualDescriptionOfMerge info)
-- scratchFilePath <-
-- Cli.getLatestFile <&> \case
-- Nothing -> "scratch.u"
-- Just (file, _) -> file
-- liftIO $ writeSource (Text.pack scratchFilePath) (Text.pack $ Pretty.toPlain 80 prettyUnisonFile)
-- Cli.respond $
-- Output.MergeFailure
-- scratchFilePath
-- projectAndBranchNames.alice
-- projectAndBranchNames.bob
-- Just tuf -> do
-- Cli.runTransaction (Codebase.addDefsToCodebase codebase tuf)
-- bobBranch <- Cli.getBranchAt info.paths.bob
-- let stageTwoBranch = Branch.batchUpdates (typecheckedUnisonFileToBranchAdds tuf) stageOneBranch
-- _ <-
-- Cli.updateAt
-- (textualDescriptionOfMerge info)
-- info.paths.alice
-- (\aliceBranch -> Branch.mergeNode stageTwoBranch aliceBranch bobBranch)
-- Cli.respond (Output.MergeSuccess projectAndBranchNames.alice projectAndBranchNames.bob)
-- Loading basic info out of the database
@ -724,13 +768,16 @@ makePrettyUnisonFile authors conflicts dependents =
bob = prettyBinding (Just (Pretty.text authors.bob))
in bifoldMap f f
if TwoWay.or (not . defnsAreEmpty <$> dependents)
[ "-- The definitions below are not conflicted, but they each depend on one or more\n",
"-- conflicted definitions above.\n\n"
else mempty,
-- Show message that delineates where conflicts end and dependents begin only when there are both conflicts and
-- dependents
let thereAre defns = TwoWay.or (not . defnsAreEmpty <$> defns)
in if thereAre conflicts && thereAre dependents
[ "-- The definitions below are not conflicted, but they each depend on one or more\n",
"-- conflicted definitions above.\n\n"
else mempty,
-- Merge dependents together into one map (they are disjoint)
& TwoWay.twoWay (zipDefnsWith Map.union Map.union)

View File

@ -16,11 +16,12 @@ import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Operations qualified as Operations
import Unison.Builtin qualified as Builtins
import Unison.Codebase (Codebase)
import Unison.Codebase qualified as Codebase
import Unison.Codebase.Branch qualified as V1
import Unison.Codebase.SqliteCodebase.Operations qualified as Operations (expectDeclComponent)
import Unison.ConstructorReference (GConstructorReference (..))
import Unison.ConstructorType (ConstructorType)
import Unison.DataDeclaration qualified as V1 (Decl)
import Unison.DataDeclaration qualified as V1.Decl
import Unison.Hash (Hash)
import Unison.Parser.Ann qualified as V1 (Ann)
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.Referent qualified as V1 (Referent)
@ -29,6 +30,7 @@ import Unison.Sqlite (Transaction)
import Unison.Sqlite qualified as Sqlite
import Unison.Symbol qualified as V1 (Symbol)
import Unison.Term qualified as V1 (Term)
import Unison.Type qualified as V1 (Type)
import Unison.Util.Cache qualified as Cache
@ -39,9 +41,10 @@ data MergeDatabase = MergeDatabase
{ loadCausal :: CausalHash -> Transaction (CausalBranch Transaction),
loadDeclNumConstructors :: TypeReferenceId -> Transaction Int,
loadDeclType :: TypeReference -> Transaction ConstructorType,
loadV1Branch :: CausalHash -> Transaction (V1.Branch Transaction),
loadV1Decl :: TypeReferenceId -> Transaction (V1.Decl V1.Symbol V1.Ann),
loadV1Term :: TermReferenceId -> Transaction (V1.Term V1.Symbol V1.Ann)
loadV1DeclComponent :: Hash -> Transaction [V1.Decl V1.Symbol V1.Ann],
loadV1Term :: TermReferenceId -> Transaction (V1.Term V1.Symbol V1.Ann),
loadV1TermComponent :: Hash -> Transaction [(V1.Term V1.Symbol V1.Ann, V1.Type V1.Symbol V1.Ann)]
makeMergeDatabase :: MonadIO m => Codebase IO V1.Symbol V1.Ann -> m MergeDatabase
@ -53,7 +56,6 @@ makeMergeDatabase codebase = liftIO do
loadDeclNumConstructors <- do
cache <- Cache.semispaceCache 1024
pure (Sqlite.cacheTransaction cache Operations.expectDeclNumConstructors)
let loadV1Branch = undefined -- Codebase.expectBranchForHash codebase
loadV1Decl <- do
cache <- Cache.semispaceCache 1024
pure (Sqlite.cacheTransaction cache (Codebase.unsafeGetTypeDeclaration codebase))
@ -67,7 +69,18 @@ makeMergeDatabase codebase = liftIO do
loadV1Term <- do
cache <- Cache.semispaceCache 1024
pure (Sqlite.cacheTransaction cache (Codebase.unsafeGetTerm codebase))
pure MergeDatabase {loadCausal, loadDeclNumConstructors, loadDeclType, loadV1Branch, loadV1Decl, loadV1Term}
let loadV1TermComponent = Codebase.unsafeGetTermComponent codebase
let loadV1DeclComponent = Operations.expectDeclComponent
{ loadCausal,
-- Convert a v2 referent (missing decl type) to a v1 referent.
referent2to1 :: MergeDatabase -> Referent -> Transaction V1.Referent