Re-use work from #1426, thanks @shmish111

Co-authored-by: shmish111 <>
This commit is contained in:
Chris Penner 2021-07-30 23:17:09 -06:00
parent 513422a68c
commit 40bf6e8d7b
5 changed files with 124 additions and 66 deletions

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@ -55,3 +55,5 @@ The format for this list: name, GitHub handle, and then optional blurb about wha
* Tavish Pegram (@tapegram)
* Javier Neira (@jneira)
* Simon Højberg (@hojberg)
* David Smith (@shmish111)
* Chris Penner (@ChrisPenner)

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@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ library:
- aeson
- ansi-terminal
- ansi-wl-pprint
- async
- base
- base16 >=

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@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- |
-- The Options module defines the command line options available when invoking unison
-- It is built using
-- which has a pretty good guide that should explain everything in this module
module Unison.CommandLine.ArgParse where
import Control.Applicative ((<**>), (<|>), some)
import Options.Applicative
import Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen ((<$$>), (<+>), (</>), Doc, bold, hardline)
import Data.Foldable
-- Unfortunately we can't use a global --codebase option so we have
-- to add it to all Commands that needs it
-- see
type Codebase = Maybe FilePath
data Command
= Launch Codebase
| Version
| Init Codebase
| Run Codebase (Maybe FilePath) Stdin String
| Transcript Codebase Fork SaveCodebase [FilePath]
deriving (Show)
newtype Stdin = Stdin Bool
deriving (Show)
newtype Fork = Fork Bool
deriving (Show)
newtype SaveCodebase = SaveCodebase Bool
deriving (Show)
options :: ParserInfo Command
options = info (options' <**> helper) (progDescDoc unisonHelp)
unisonHelp :: Maybe Doc
unisonHelp =
Just $
"Usage instructions for the Unison Codebase Manager"
<> hardline
<> hardline
<> "To get started just run " <+> bold "unison" <+> "to enter interactive mode"
<$$> mempty
</> "Unison has various sub-commands (see Available commands) but by default will run in interactive mode"
</> "Use" <+> bold "unison command --help" <+> "to show help for a command"
<> hardline
<> hardline
<> "Most commands take the option" <+> bold "--codebase" <+> "which expects a path to a unison codebase"
</> "If none is provided then the home directory is used"
codebaseHelp :: Maybe Doc
codebaseHelp = Just "The path to the codebase, defaults to the home directory"
options' :: Parser Command
options' =
hsubparser commands <|> launchCommand
commands =
fold [ versionCommand
, initCommand
, runCommand
, transcriptCommand
versionCommand :: Mod CommandFields Command
versionCommand = command "version" (info (pure Version) (progDesc "print the version of unison"))
initCommand :: Mod CommandFields Command
initCommand = command "init" (info (Init <$> optional (strOption (long "codebase" <> helpDoc codebaseHelp))) (progDesc initHelp))
initHelp = "Initialise a unison codebase"
runCommand :: Mod CommandFields Command
runCommand = command "run" (info run (progDescDoc runHelp))
runHelp = Just "Execute a definition from a file, stdin or the codebase"
transcriptCommand :: Mod CommandFields Command
transcriptCommand = command "transcript" (info transcript (progDesc transcriptHelp <> footerDoc transcriptFooter))
transcriptHelp = "Execute transcript markdown files"
transcriptFooter =
Just $
"For each transcript file provided this executes the transcript and creates"
<+> bold ""
<+> "if successful."
</> "Exits after completion, and deletes the temporary directory created."
</> "Multiple transcript files may be provided; they are processed in sequence"
<+> "starting from the same codebase."
launchCommand :: Parser Command
launchCommand = (Launch <$> optional (strOption (long "codebase" <> helpDoc codebaseHelp)))
run :: Parser Command
run =
Run <$> optional (strOption (long "codebase" <> helpDoc codebaseHelp))
<*> optional (strOption (long "file" <> helpDoc fileHelp))
<*> (Stdin <$> switch (long "stdin" <> helpDoc pipeHelp))
<*> strArgument (help mainHelp <> metavar ".mylib.mymain")
fileHelp = Just $ "the file containing" <+> bold ".mylib.mymain" <+> "- if not provided then the codebase will be used"
pipeHelp = Just $ "read the definition from stdin, usefull for piping to unison"
mainHelp = "the main method"
transcript :: Parser Command
transcript =
Transcript <$> optional (strOption (long "codebase" <> helpDoc codebaseHelp))
<*> (Fork <$> switch (long "fork" <> helpDoc forkHelp))
<*> (SaveCodebase <$> switch (long "save-codebase" <> helpDoc saveHelp))
<*> some (strArgument (metavar "transcriptfiles..."))
forkHelp = Just "if set the transcript is executed in a copy of the current codebase"
saveHelp = Just "if set the resulting codebase will be saved to a new directory, otherwise it will be deleted"

View File

@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ library
@ -180,6 +181,7 @@ library
, aeson
, ansi-terminal
, ansi-wl-pprint
, async
, base
, base16 >=

View File

@ -54,74 +54,10 @@ import qualified Unison.Util.Pretty as P
import qualified Version
import qualified Unison.Codebase.Conversion.Upgrade12 as Upgrade12
usage :: String -> P.Pretty P.ColorText
usage executableStr = P.callout "🌻" $ P.lines [
P.bold "Usage instructions for the Unison Codebase Manager",
"You are running version: " <> P.string Version.gitDescribe,
P.bold executable,
P.wrap "Starts Unison interactively, using the codebase in the home directory.",
P.bold $ executable <> " -codebase path/to/codebase",
P.wrap "Starts Unison interactively, using the specified codebase. This flag can also be set before any of the below commands.",
P.bold $ executable <> " --old-codebase",
P.wrap $ "Starts Unison using a v1 codebase. This flag can also be set before any of the below commands.",
P.bold $ executable <> " run .mylib.mymain",
P.wrap "Executes the definition `.mylib.mymain` from the codebase, then exits.",
P.bold $ executable <> " run.file foo.u mymain",
P.wrap "Executes the definition called `mymain` in `foo.u`, then exits.",
P.bold $ executable <> " run.pipe mymain",
P.wrap "Executes the definition called `mymain` from a `.u` file read from the standard input, then exits.",
P.bold $ executable <> " transcript",
P.wrap $ "Executes the `` transcript and creates"
<> "`` if successful. Exits after completion, and deletes"
<> "the temporary directory created."
<> "Multiple transcript files may be provided; they are processed in sequence"
<> "starting from the same codebase.",
P.bold $ executable <> " transcript -save-codebase",
P.wrap $ "Executes the `` transcript and creates"
<> "`` if successful. Exits after completion, and saves"
<> "the resulting codebase to a new directory on disk."
<> "Multiple transcript files may be provided; they are processed in sequence"
<> "starting from the same codebase.",
P.bold $ executable <> " transcript.fork",
P.wrap $ "Executes the `` transcript in a copy of the current codebase"
<> "and creates `` if successful. Exits after completion."
<> "Multiple transcript files may be provided; they are processed in sequence"
<> "starting from the same codebase.",
P.bold $ executable <> " transcript.fork -save-codebase",
P.wrap $ "Executes the `` transcript in a copy of the current codebase"
<> "and creates `` if successful. Exits after completion,"
<> "and saves the resulting codebase to a new directory on disk."
<> "Multiple transcript files may be provided; they are processed in sequence"
<> "starting from the same codebase.",
P.bold $ executable <> " upgrade-codebase",
"Upgrades a v1 codebase to a v2 codebase.",
P.bold $ executable <> " headless",
"Runs the codebase server without the command-line interface.",
P.bold $ executable <> " version",
"Prints version of Unison then quits.",
P.bold $ executable <> " help",
"Prints this help."]
where executable = (P.text . Text.pack) executableStr
installSignalHandlers :: IO ()
installSignalHandlers = do
main_thread <- myThreadId
wtid <- mkWeakThreadId main_thread
let interrupt = do
r <- deRefWeak wtid
case r of
@ -137,7 +73,6 @@ installSignalHandlers = do
_ <- Sig.installHandler Sig.sigQUIT (Sig.Catch interrupt) Nothing
_ <- Sig.installHandler Sig.sigINT (Sig.Catch interrupt) Nothing
return ()
@ -152,7 +87,8 @@ main = do
progName <- getProgName
-- hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering -- cool
_ <- installSignalHandlers
void installSignalHandlers
option <- customExecParser (prefs showHelpOnError) Options.options
-- We need to know whether the program was invoked with -codebase for
-- certain messages. Therefore we keep a Maybe FilePath - mcodepath
-- rather than just deciding on whether to use the supplied path or