Much simpler implementation of Signal.asyncUpdate

This commit is contained in:
Paul Chiusano 2015-02-04 22:54:56 -05:00
parent 1ea37927a9
commit 429b5ca34b
3 changed files with 19 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -27,25 +27,15 @@ asyncUpdate : (Signal req -> Signal (model -> model))
-> model
-> Signal model
asyncUpdate eval actions req0 model0 =
let models = channel model0
reqs = channel req0
ignore = channel model0
responses = eval (subscribe reqs)
err = "Unpossible! User interaction and async response event cannot co-occur."
process model action = case action model of
(Nothing, model) -> send models model
(Just req, model) -> send models model `Execute.combine` send reqs req
update model event = case event of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> send ignore model0
(Just response, Just action) ->
let model' = response model
in send models model' `Execute.combine` process model' action
(Nothing, Just action) -> process model action
(Just response, Nothing) -> send models (response model)
msgs = map2 update (subscribe models) (oneOrBoth responses actions)
in sampleOn (subscribe models) <|
map2 always (subscribe models)
(Execute.complete msgs)
let reqs = channel req0
responseActions = map (\f model -> (Nothing, f model)) (eval (subscribe reqs))
mergedActions = merge actions responseActions
step action (_,model) =
let (req, model') = action model
in ( (send reqs) req, model')
modelsWithMsgs = foldp step (Nothing,model0) mergedActions
msgs = Execute.schedule (map (Maybe.withDefault Execute.noop) (justs (map fst modelsWithMsgs)))
in during (map snd modelsWithMsgs) msgs
{-| Alternate sending `input` through `left` or `right` signal transforms,
merging their results. -}
@ -76,6 +66,10 @@ delay h s =
downs : Signal Bool -> Signal Bool
downs s = dropIf identity True s
{-| Evaluate the second signal for its effects, but return the first signal. -}
during : Signal a -> Signal b -> Signal a
during a b = map2 always a (sampleOn (constant ()) b)
{-| Emit from `t` if `cond` is `True`, otherwise emit from `f`. -}
choose : Signal Bool -> Signal a -> Signal a -> Signal a
choose cond t f =

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@ -5,6 +5,10 @@ module Execute where
import Native.Execute
import Signal (Signal, Message)
{-| The message which does nothing. -}
noop : Message
noop = Native.Execute.noop
{-| Combine two messages into one. The first argument will
be delivered before the second. -}
combine : Message -> Message -> Message

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@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ Elm.Native.Execute.make = function(localRuntime) {
return localRuntime.Native.Execute.values = {
schedule: schedule,
complete: complete,
combine: combine
combine: combine,
noop: function() {}