rename Node -> Codebase, split out evaluation functions, tests passing in shared

This commit is contained in:
Paul Chiusano 2016-10-07 12:37:51 -04:00
parent dde18ec595
commit 4459246024
18 changed files with 319 additions and 439 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Unison.Node.Builtin where
module Unison.Builtin where
import Data.List
import Data.Text (Text)
@ -10,11 +10,12 @@ import Unison.Term (Term)
import Unison.Type (Type)
import Unison.Typechecker.Context (remoteSignatureOf)
import Unison.Util.Logger (Logger)
import Unison.Var (Var)
import qualified Data.Char as Char
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Unison.ABT as ABT
import qualified Unison.Eval.Interpreter as I
import qualified Unison.Interpreter as I
import qualified Unison.Metadata as Metadata
import qualified Unison.Note as N
import qualified Unison.Reference as R
@ -28,13 +29,12 @@ import qualified Unison.Util.Logger as L
type DFO = View.DFO
type V = Symbol DFO
type WHNFEval = Term V -> N.Noted IO (ABT.Term (Term.F V) V ())
data Builtin = Builtin
{ reference :: R.Reference
, op :: Maybe (I.Primop (N.Noted IO) V)
, bType :: Type V
, metadata :: Metadata V R.Reference
data Builtin v =
Builtin { reference :: R.Reference
, op :: Maybe (I.Primop (N.Noted IO) v)
, bType :: Type v
, metadata :: Metadata v R.Reference
unitRef :: Ord v => Term v
@ -47,34 +47,28 @@ pair = Term.builtin "Pair"
pair' :: Ord v => Term v -> Term v -> Term v
pair' t1 t2 = pair `` t1 `` (pair `` t2 `` unitRef)
makeBuiltins :: Logger -> WHNFEval -> [Builtin]
makeBuiltins logger whnf =
makeBuiltins :: (Show v, Var v) => Logger -> [Builtin v]
makeBuiltins logger =
numeric2 :: Term V -> (Double -> Double -> Double) -> I.Primop (N.Noted IO) V
numeric2 sym f = I.Primop 2 $ \xs -> case xs of
[x,y] -> g <$> whnf x <*> whnf y
where g (Term.Number' x) (Term.Number' y) = Term.lit (Term.Number (f x y))
g x y = sym `` x `` y
numeric2 :: Var v => (Double -> Double -> Double) -> I.Primop (N.Noted IO) v
numeric2 f = I.Primop 2 $ \xs -> case xs of
[Term.Number' x, Term.Number' y] -> pure (Term.num $ f x y)
_ -> error "unpossible"
numericCompare :: Term V -> (Double -> Double -> Bool) -> I.Primop (N.Noted IO) V
numericCompare sym f = I.Primop 2 $ \xs -> case xs of
[x,y] -> g <$> whnf x <*> whnf y
where g (Term.Number' x) (Term.Number' y) = case f x y of
False -> false
True -> true
g x y = sym `` x `` y
numericCompare :: Var v => (Double -> Double -> Bool) -> I.Primop (N.Noted IO) v
numericCompare f = I.Primop 2 $ \xs -> case xs of
[Term.Number' x, Term.Number' y] -> case f x y of
False -> pure false
True -> pure true
_ -> error "unpossible"
string2 :: Term V -> (Text -> Text -> Text) -> I.Primop (N.Noted IO) V
string2 sym f = I.Primop 2 $ \xs -> case xs of
[x,y] -> g <$> whnf x <*> whnf y
where g (Term.Text' x) (Term.Text' y) = Term.lit (Term.Text (f x y))
g x y = sym `` x `` y
string2 :: Var v => (Text -> Text -> Text) -> I.Primop (N.Noted IO) v
string2 f = I.Primop 2 $ \xs -> case xs of
[Term.Text' x, Term.Text' y] -> pure (Term.text $ f x y)
_ -> error "unpossible"
string2' :: Term V -> (Text -> Text -> Bool) -> I.Primop (N.Noted IO) V
string2' sym f = I.Primop 2 $ \xs -> case xs of
[x,y] -> g <$> whnf x <*> whnf y
where g (Term.Text' x) (Term.Text' y) = if f x y then true else false
g x y = sym `` x `` y
string2' :: Var v => (Text -> Text -> Bool) -> I.Primop (N.Noted IO) v
string2' f = I.Primop 2 $ \xs -> case xs of
[Term.Text' x, Term.Text' y] -> case f x y of
False -> pure false
True -> pure true
_ -> error "unpossible"
in map (\(r, o, t, m) -> Builtin r o t m)
[ -- Unit type
@ -85,19 +79,15 @@ makeBuiltins logger whnf =
-- debugging printlns
, let r = R.Builtin "Debug.log";
op [msg,logged,a] = do
Term.Text' msg <- whnf msg
logged <- whnf logged
op [Term.Text' msg,logged,a] = do
N.lift $ L.error logger (Text.unpack msg ++ ": " ++ show logged)
whnf a
pure a
op _ = error "unpossible"
typ = "∀ a b . Text -> a -> b -> b"
in (r, Just (I.Primop 3 op), unsafeParseType typ, prefix "Debug.log")
, let r = R.Builtin "";
op [msg,a] = do
Term.Text' msg <- whnf msg
a <- whnf a
op [Term.Text' msg, a] = do
N.lift $ L.error logger (Text.unpack msg ++ ": " ++ show a)
pure a
op _ = error "unpossible"
@ -110,9 +100,7 @@ makeBuiltins logger whnf =
, let r = R.Builtin "False";
in (r, Nothing, Type.builtin "Boolean", prefix "False")
, let r = R.Builtin "Boolean.and";
op [b1,b2] = do
Term.Builtin' b1 <- whnf b1
Term.Builtin' b2 <- whnf b2
op [Term.Builtin' b1, Term.Builtin' b2] =
pure $ case (b1,b2) of
_ | Text.head b1 /= Text.head b2 -> false
| otherwise -> if Text.head b1 == 'T' then true else false
@ -120,9 +108,7 @@ makeBuiltins logger whnf =
typ = "Boolean -> Boolean -> Boolean"
in (r, Just (I.Primop 2 op), unsafeParseType typ, prefix "and")
, let r = R.Builtin "Boolean.or";
op [b1,b2] = do
Term.Builtin' b1 <- whnf b1
Term.Builtin' b2 <- whnf b2
op [Term.Builtin' b1,Term.Builtin' b2] =
pure $ case (b1,b2) of
_ | Text.head b1 /= Text.head b2 -> true
| otherwise -> if Text.head b1 == 'F' then false else true
@ -130,8 +116,7 @@ makeBuiltins logger whnf =
typ = "Boolean -> Boolean -> Boolean"
in (r, Just (I.Primop 2 op), unsafeParseType typ, prefix "or")
, let r = R.Builtin "Boolean.not";
op [b1] = do
Term.Builtin' b1 <- whnf b1
op [Term.Builtin' b1] =
pure $ if Text.head b1 == 'T' then false else true
op _ = error "unpossible"
typ = "Boolean -> Boolean"
@ -139,50 +124,46 @@ makeBuiltins logger whnf =
-- Number
, let r = R.Builtin "Number.+"
in (r, Just (numeric2 (Term.ref r) (+)), numOpTyp, assoc 4 "+")
in (r, Just (numeric2 (+)), unsafeParseType "Number -> Number -> Number", prefix "+")
, let r = R.Builtin "Number.-"
in (r, Just (numeric2 (Term.ref r) (-)), numOpTyp, opl 4 "-")
in (r, Just (numeric2 (-)), unsafeParseType "Number -> Number -> Number", prefix "-")
, let r = R.Builtin "Number.*"
in (r, Just (numeric2 (Term.ref r) (*)), numOpTyp, assoc 5 "*")
in (r, Just (numeric2 (*)), unsafeParseType "Number -> Number -> Number", prefix "*")
, let r = R.Builtin "Number./"
in (r, Just (numeric2 (Term.ref r) (/)), numOpTyp, opl 5 "/")
in (r, Just (numeric2 (/)), unsafeParseType "Number -> Number -> Number", prefix "/")
, let r = R.Builtin "Number.>"
in (r, Just (numericCompare (Term.ref r) (>)), numCompareTyp, opl 3 "Number.>")
in (r, Just (numericCompare (>)), unsafeParseType "Number -> Number -> Boolean", prefix "Number.>")
, let r = R.Builtin "Number.<"
in (r, Just (numericCompare (Term.ref r) (<)), numCompareTyp, opl 3 "Number.<")
in (r, Just (numericCompare (<)), unsafeParseType "Number -> Number -> Boolean", prefix "Number.<")
, let r = R.Builtin "Number.>="
in (r, Just (numericCompare (Term.ref r) (>=)), numCompareTyp, opl 3 "Number.>=")
in (r, Just (numericCompare (>=)), unsafeParseType "Number -> Number -> Boolean", prefix "Number.>=")
, let r = R.Builtin "Number.<="
in (r, Just (numericCompare (Term.ref r) (<=)), numCompareTyp, opl 3 "Number.<=")
in (r, Just (numericCompare (<=)), unsafeParseType "Number -> Number -> Boolean", prefix "Number.<=")
, let r = R.Builtin "Number.=="
in (r, Just (numericCompare (Term.ref r) (==)), numCompareTyp, opl 3 "Number.==")
in (r, Just (numericCompare (==)), unsafeParseType "Number -> Number -> Boolean", prefix "Number.==")
, let r = R.Builtin "Number.Order"
in (r, Nothing, unsafeParseType "Order Number", prefix "Number.Order")
-- Duration
, let r = R.Builtin "Duration.seconds"
op [n] = do
Term.Number' n <- whnf n
pure $ Term.num n
op [Term.Number' n] = pure $ Term.num n
op _ = fail "Duration.seconds unpossible"
in (r, Just (I.Primop 1 op), unsafeParseType "Number -> Duration", prefix "Duration.seconds")
-- Remote
, let r = R.Builtin "Remote.sleep"
op [seconds] = do
Term.Number' seconds <- whnf seconds
op [Term.Number' seconds] =
let s = Remote.Seconds seconds
pure $ Term.remote (Remote.Step (Remote.Local (Remote.Sleep s)))
in pure $ Term.remote (Remote.Step (Remote.Local (Remote.Sleep s)))
op _ = fail "Remote.sleep unpossible"
in (r, Just (I.Primop 1 op), unsafeParseType "Duration -> Remote Unit", prefix "Remote.sleep")
, let r = R.Builtin ""
op [node,term] = do
Term.Distributed' (Term.Node node) <- whnf node
op [Term.Distributed' (Term.Node node), term] =
pure $ Term.remote (Remote.Step (Remote.At node term))
op _ = fail " unpossible"
in (r, Just (I.Primop 2 op), remoteSignatureOf "", prefix "")
, let r = R.Builtin ""
op [] = pure $ Term.remote (Remote.Step (Remote.Local (Remote.Here)))
op [] = pure $ Term.remote (Remote.Step (Remote.Local Remote.Here))
op _ = fail " unpossible"
in (r, Just (I.Primop 0 op), remoteSignatureOf "", prefix "")
, let r = R.Builtin "Remote.spawn"
@ -190,8 +171,7 @@ makeBuiltins logger whnf =
op _ = fail "Remote.spawn unpossible"
in (r, Just (I.Primop 0 op), remoteSignatureOf "Remote.spawn", prefix "Remote.spawn")
, let r = R.Builtin "Remote.send"
op [c, v] = do
Term.Distributed' (Term.Channel c) <- whnf c
op [Term.Distributed' (Term.Channel c), v] =
pure $ Term.remote (Remote.Step (Remote.Local (Remote.Send c v)))
op _ = fail "Remote.send unpossible"
in (r, Just (I.Primop 2 op), remoteSignatureOf "Remote.send", prefix "Remote.send")
@ -201,7 +181,6 @@ makeBuiltins logger whnf =
in (r, Just (I.Primop 0 op), remoteSignatureOf "", prefix "")
, let r = R.Builtin "Remote.bind"
op [g, r] = do
r <- whnf r
-- right associate the binds so that there is always a Step on the outside
let kcomp f g = Term.lam' ["x"] $ Term.builtin "Remote.bind" `Term.apps` [g, f `` Term.var' "x"]
case r of
@ -224,38 +203,34 @@ makeBuiltins logger whnf =
op _ = fail "unpossible"
in (r, Just (I.Primop 2 op), remoteSignatureOf "", prefix "")
, let r = R.Builtin "Remote.receive-async"
op [chan, timeout] = do
Term.Number' seconds <- whnf timeout
Term.Distributed' (Term.Channel chan) <- whnf chan
op [Term.Distributed' (Term.Channel chan), Term.Number' seconds] =
pure $ Term.remote (Remote.Step (Remote.Local (Remote.ReceiveAsync chan (Remote.Seconds seconds))))
op _ = fail "unpossible"
in (r, Just (I.Primop 2 op), remoteSignatureOf "Remote.receive-async", prefix "Remote.receive-async")
, let r = R.Builtin "Remote.receive"
op [chan] = do
Term.Distributed' (Term.Channel chan) <- whnf chan
op [Term.Distributed' (Term.Channel chan)] =
pure $ Term.remote (Remote.Step (Remote.Local (Remote.Receive chan)))
op _ = fail "unpossible"
in (r, Just (I.Primop 1 op), remoteSignatureOf "Remote.receive", prefix "Remote.receive")
, let r = R.Builtin "Remote.fork"
op [r] = do
Term.Distributed' (Term.Remote r) <- whnf r
op [Term.Distributed' (Term.Remote r)] =
pure $ Term.remote (Remote.Step (Remote.Local (Remote.Fork r)))
op _ = fail "unpossible"
in (r, Just (I.Primop 1 op), remoteSignatureOf "Remote.fork", prefix "Remote.fork")
-- Text
, let r = R.Builtin "Text.concatenate"
in (r, Just (string2 (Term.ref r) mappend), strOpTyp, prefix "Text.concatenate")
in (r, Just (string2 mappend), unsafeParseType "Text -> Text -> Text", prefix "Text.concatenate")
, let r = R.Builtin "Text.=="
in (r, Just (string2' (Term.ref r) (==)), textCompareTyp, prefix "Text.==")
in (r, Just (string2' (==)), unsafeParseType "Text -> Text -> Boolean", prefix "Text.==")
, let r = R.Builtin "Text.<"
in (r, Just (string2' (Term.ref r) (<)), textCompareTyp, prefix "Text.<")
in (r, Just (string2' (<)), unsafeParseType "Text -> Text -> Boolean", prefix "Text.<")
, let r = R.Builtin "Text.<="
in (r, Just (string2' (Term.ref r) (<=)), textCompareTyp, prefix "Text.<=")
in (r, Just (string2' (<=)), unsafeParseType "Text -> Text -> Boolean", prefix "Text.<=")
, let r = R.Builtin "Text.>"
in (r, Just (string2' (Term.ref r) (>)), textCompareTyp, prefix "Text.>")
in (r, Just (string2' (>)), unsafeParseType "Text -> Text -> Boolean", prefix "Text.>")
, let r = R.Builtin "Text.>="
in (r, Just (string2' (Term.ref r) (>=)), textCompareTyp, prefix "Text.>=")
in (r, Just (string2' (>=)), unsafeParseType "Text -> Text -> Boolean", prefix "Text.>=")
, let r = R.Builtin "Text.Order"
in (r, Nothing, unsafeParseType "Order Text", prefix "Text.Order")
, let r = R.Builtin "Text.lowercase"
@ -292,11 +267,7 @@ makeBuiltins logger whnf =
, let r = R.Builtin "Pair"
in (r, Nothing, unsafeParseType "forall a b . a -> b -> Pair a b", prefix "Pair")
, let r = R.Builtin "Pair.fold"
op [f,p] = do
p <- whnf p
case p of
Term.Apps' (Term.Builtin' "Pair") [a,b] -> whnf (f `Term.apps` [a,b])
p -> fail $ "expected pair, got: " ++ show p
op [f,Term.Apps' (Term.Builtin' "Pair") [a,b]] = pure $ f `Term.apps` [a,b]
op _ = error "Pair.fold unpossible"
in (r, Just (I.Primop 2 op), unsafeParseType "forall a b c . (a -> b -> c) -> Pair a b -> c", prefix "Pair.fold")
, let r = R.Builtin "Pair.Order"
@ -309,10 +280,10 @@ makeBuiltins logger whnf =
in (r, Nothing, unsafeParseType "forall a b . b -> Either a b", prefix "Right")
, let r = R.Builtin "Either.fold"
op [fa,fb,e] = do
Term.App' (Term.Builtin' tag) aOrB <- whnf e
let Term.App' (Term.Builtin' tag) aOrB = e
case tag of
_ | tag == "Either.Left" -> whnf (fa `` aOrB)
| tag == "Either.Right" -> whnf (fb `` aOrB)
_ | tag == "Either.Left" -> pure $ fa `` aOrB
| tag == "Either.Right" -> pure $ fb `` aOrB
| otherwise -> error "type errror"
op _ = error "Either.fold unpossible"
in (r, Just (I.Primop 3 op), unsafeParseType "forall a b r . (a -> r) -> (b -> r) -> Either a b -> r", prefix "Either.fold")
@ -323,29 +294,21 @@ makeBuiltins logger whnf =
, let r = R.Builtin "Optional.Some"
in (r, Nothing, unsafeParseType "forall a . a -> Optional a", prefix "Some")
, let r = R.Builtin "Optional.fold"
op [fz,f,o] = whnf o >>= \o -> case o of
Term.Builtin' tag | tag == "Optional.None" -> whnf fz
Term.App' (Term.Builtin' tag) a | tag == "Optional.Some" -> whnf (f `` a)
op [fz,f,o] = case o of
Term.Builtin' tag | tag == "Optional.None" -> pure fz
Term.App' (Term.Builtin' tag) a | tag == "Optional.Some" -> pure (f `` a)
_ -> error $ "Optional.fold unpossible: " ++ show o
op _ = error "Optional.fold unpossible"
in (r, Just (I.Primop 3 op), unsafeParseType "forall a r . r -> (a -> r) -> Optional a -> r", prefix "Optional.fold")
-- Vector
, let r = R.Builtin "Vector.append"
op [last,init] = do
initr <- whnf init
pure $ case initr of
Term.Vector' init -> Term.vector' (Vector.snoc init last)
init -> Term.ref r `` last `` init
op [last,Term.Vector' init] = do
pure $ Term.vector' (Vector.snoc init last)
op _ = fail "Vector.append unpossible"
in (r, Just (I.Primop 2 op), unsafeParseType "forall a . a -> Vector a -> Vector a", prefix "Vector.append")
, let r = R.Builtin "Vector.concatenate"
op [a,b] = do
ar <- whnf a
br <- whnf b
pure $ case (ar,br) of
(Term.Vector' a, Term.Vector' b) -> Term.vector' (a `mappend` b)
(a,b) -> Term.ref r `` a `` b
op [Term.Vector' a, Term.Vector' b] = pure $ Term.vector' (a `mappend` b)
op _ = fail "Vector.concatenate unpossible"
in (r, Just (I.Primop 2 op), unsafeParseType "forall a . Vector a -> Vector a -> Vector a", prefix "Vector.concatenate")
, let r = R.Builtin "Vector.empty"
@ -353,56 +316,48 @@ makeBuiltins logger whnf =
op _ = fail "Vector.empty unpossible"
in (r, Just (I.Primop 0 op), unsafeParseType "forall a . Vector a", prefix "Vector.empty")
, let r = R.Builtin "Vector.range"
op [start,stop] = do
Term.Number' start <- whnf start
Term.Number' stop <- whnf stop
op [Term.Number' start, Term.Number' stop] =
let num = Term.num . fromIntegral
ns = [floor start .. floor stop - (1 :: Int)]
pure $ Term.vector' (Vector.fromList . map num $ ns)
in pure $ Term.vector' (Vector.fromList . map num $ ns)
op _ = fail "Vector.range unpossible"
typ = unsafeParseType "Number -> Number -> Vector Number"
in (r, Just (I.Primop 2 op), typ, prefix "Vector.range")
, let r = R.Builtin "Vector.empty?"
op [v] = do
Term.Vector' vs <- whnf v
pure $ if Vector.null vs then true else false
op [Term.Vector' vs] = pure $ if Vector.null vs then true else false
op _ = fail "Vector.empty? unpossible"
in (r, Just (I.Primop 1 op), unsafeParseType "forall a . Vector a -> Boolean", prefix "empty?")
, let r = R.Builtin ""
op [v,v2] = do
Term.Vector' vs <- whnf v
Term.Vector' vs2 <- whnf v2
op [Term.Vector' vs, Term.Vector' vs2] =
pure $ Term.vector' (Vector.zipWith pair' vs vs2)
op _ = fail " unpossible"
typ = "∀ a b . Vector a -> Vector b -> Vector (a,b)"
in (r, Just (I.Primop 2 op), unsafeParseType typ, prefix "")
, let r = R.Builtin "Vector.sort-keyed"
op [f,v] = do
Term.Vector' vs <- whnf v
ks <- traverse (whnf . f) vs
ks <- pure $ fmap extractKey ks
let sortableVs = ks vs
op [Term.Vector' vs0] =
let extract1 (Term.Apps' _ [hd, _]) = extractKey hd
extract1 _ = error "extract1 failure"
extract2 (Term.Apps' _ [_, Term.Apps' _ [hd,_]]) = hd
extract2 _ = error "extract2 failure"
ks = fmap extract1 vs0
vs = fmap extract2 vs0
sortableVs = ks vs
f' (a, _) (b, _) = a `compare` b
pure . Term.vector . fmap snd $ sortBy f' (Vector.toList sortableVs)
sorted = sortBy f' (Vector.toList sortableVs)
in pure . Term.vector . fmap snd $ sorted
op _ = fail "Vector.sort-keyed unpossible"
typ = "∀ a k . (a -> Order.Key k) -> Vector a -> Vector a"
in (r, Just (I.Primop 2 op), unsafeParseType typ, prefix "Vector.sort-keyed")
typ = "∀ a k . Vector (Order.Key k, a) -> Vector a"
in (r, Just (I.Primop 1 op), unsafeParseType typ, prefix "Vector.sort-keyed")
, let r = R.Builtin "Vector.size"
op [v] = do
Term.Vector' vs <- whnf v
pure $ Term.num (fromIntegral $ Vector.length vs)
op [Term.Vector' vs] = pure $ Term.num (fromIntegral $ Vector.length vs)
op _ = fail "Vector.size unpossible"
in (r, Just (I.Primop 1 op), unsafeParseType "forall a . Vector a -> Number", prefix "Vector.size")
, let r = R.Builtin "Vector.reverse"
op [v] = do
Term.Vector' vs <- whnf v
pure $ Term.vector' (Vector.reverse vs)
op [Term.Vector' vs] = pure $ Term.vector' (Vector.reverse vs)
op _ = fail "Vector.reverse unpossible"
in (r, Just (I.Primop 1 op), unsafeParseType "forall a . Vector a -> Vector a", prefix "Vector.reverse")
, let r = R.Builtin "Vector.halve"
op [v] = do
Term.Vector' vs <- whnf v
pure $ case Vector.null vs of
op [Term.Vector' vs] = pure $ case Vector.null vs of
True -> pair' (Term.vector []) (Term.vector [])
False -> case Vector.splitAt (Vector.length vs `div` 2) vs of
(x,y) -> pair' (Term.vector' x) (Term.vector' y)
@ -410,9 +365,7 @@ makeBuiltins logger whnf =
typ = "forall a . Vector a -> (Vector a, Vector a)"
in (r, Just (I.Primop 1 op), unsafeParseType typ, prefix "Vector.halve")
, let r = R.Builtin ""
op [n,vec] = do
Term.Number' n <- whnf n
Term.Vector' vs <- whnf vec
op [Term.Number' n, Term.Vector' vs] =
pure $ case vs Vector.!? (floor n) of
Nothing -> none
Just t -> some t
@ -420,42 +373,29 @@ makeBuiltins logger whnf =
typ = "forall a . Number -> Vector a -> Optional a"
in (r, Just (I.Primop 2 op), unsafeParseType typ, prefix "")
, let r = R.Builtin "Vector.take"
op [n,vec] = do
Term.Number' n <- whnf n
Term.Vector' vs <- whnf vec
pure $ Term.vector' (Vector.take (floor n) vs)
op [Term.Number' n, Term.Vector' vs] = pure $ Term.vector' (Vector.take (floor n) vs)
op _ = fail "Vector.take unpossible"
typ = "forall a . Number -> Vector a -> Vector a"
in (r, Just (I.Primop 2 op), unsafeParseType typ, prefix "Vector.take")
, let r = R.Builtin "Vector.drop"
op [n,vec] = do
Term.Number' n <- whnf n
Term.Vector' vs <- whnf vec
op [Term.Number' n, Term.Vector' vs] =
pure $ Term.vector' (Vector.drop (floor n) vs)
op _ = fail "Vector.drop unpossible"
typ = "forall a . Number -> Vector a -> Vector a"
in (r, Just (I.Primop 2 op), unsafeParseType typ, prefix "Vector.drop")
, let r = R.Builtin "Vector.fold-left"
op [f,z,vec] = whnf vec >>= \vec -> case vec of
Term.Vector' vs -> Vector.foldM (\acc a -> whnf (f `Term.apps` [acc, a])) z vs
_ -> pure $ Term.ref r `` vec
op [f,z,Term.Vector' vs] = pure $
Vector.foldl' (\acc a -> f `Term.apps` [acc, a]) z vs
op _ = fail "Vector.fold-left unpossible"
typ = "forall a b . (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Vector a -> b"
in (r, Just (I.Primop 3 op), unsafeParseType typ, prefix "Vector.fold-left")
, let r = R.Builtin ""
op [f,vec] = do
vecr <- whnf vec
pure $ case vecr of
Term.Vector' vs -> Term.vector' (fmap ( f) vs)
_ -> Term.ref r `` vecr
op [f,Term.Vector' vs] = pure $ Term.vector' (fmap ( f) vs)
op _ = fail " unpossible"
in (r, Just (I.Primop 2 op), unsafeParseType "forall a b . (a -> b) -> Vector a -> Vector b", prefix "")
, let r = R.Builtin "Vector.prepend"
op [hd,tl] = do
tlr <- whnf tl
pure $ case tlr of
Term.Vector' tl -> Term.vector' (Vector.cons hd tl)
tl -> Term.ref r `` hd `` tl
op [hd, Term.Vector' tl] = pure $ Term.vector' (Vector.cons hd tl)
op _ = fail "Vector.prepend unpossible"
in (r, Just (I.Primop 2 op), unsafeParseType "forall a . a -> Vector a -> Vector a", prefix "Vector.prepend")
, let r = R.Builtin "Vector.single"
@ -475,20 +415,16 @@ makeBuiltins logger whnf =
, let r = R.Builtin "Equal"
in (r, Nothing, unsafeParseType "Comparison", prefix "Equal")
, let r = R.Builtin "Comparison.fold"
op [lt,eq,gt,c] = do
Term.Builtin' c <- whnf c
case Text.head c of
'L' -> whnf lt
'E' -> whnf eq
'G' -> whnf gt
op [lt,eq,gt, Term.Builtin' c] = case Text.head c of
'L' -> pure lt
'E' -> pure eq
'G' -> pure gt
_ -> fail $ "Comparison.fold not one of {Less,Equal,Greater}" ++ show c
op _ = error "Comparison.fold unpossible"
in (r, Just (I.Primop 4 op), unsafeParseType "∀ r . r -> r -> r -> Comparison -> r", prefix "Comparison.fold")
, let r = R.Builtin ""
op [a,b] = do
a <- whnf a
b <- whnf b
op [a,b] =
pure $ case compareKeys a b of
LT -> Term.builtin "Less"
EQ -> Term.builtin "Equal"
@ -503,21 +439,19 @@ makeBuiltins logger whnf =
neg (Term.Number' n) = Term.num (negate n)
neg t@(Term.Builtin' _) = t
neg t = error $ "don't know how to negate " ++ show t
op' ord a = do
ord <- whnf ord
case ord of
op' ord a = case ord of
Term.App' (Term.Builtin' invert) ord
| invert == "Order.invert" -> flip <$> op' ord a
Term.Builtin' b
| b == "Text.Order" -> do a <- whnf a; pure (a:)
| b == "Number.Order" -> do a <- whnf a; pure (a:)
| b == "Hash.Order" -> do Term.App' _ a <- whnf a; pure (a:)
| b == "Unit.Order" -> do a <- whnf a; pure (a:)
| b == "Text.Order" -> pure (a:)
| b == "Number.Order" -> pure (a:)
| b == "Hash.Order" -> do Term.App' _ a <- pure a; pure (a:)
| b == "Unit.Order" -> pure (a:)
| b == "Order.ignore" -> pure id
| otherwise -> fail $ "unrecognized order type: " ++ Text.unpack b
Term.Apps' (Term.Builtin' pair) [ord1, ord2]
| pair == "Pair.Order" -> do
Term.Apps' _ [a,b] <- whnf a
Term.Apps' _ [a,b] <- pure a
(.) <$> op' ord1 a <*> op' ord2 b
| otherwise -> fail $ "unrecognized order type: " ++ Text.unpack pair
op [ord,a] = (Term.builtin "Order.Key")
@ -528,7 +462,7 @@ makeBuiltins logger whnf =
in (r, Just (I.Primop 2 op), unsafeParseType "forall a . Order a -> a -> Order.Key a", prefix "Order.key")
extractKey :: Term V -> [Either Double Text]
extractKey :: Var v => Term v -> [Either Double Text]
extractKey (Term.App' _ t1) = go t1 where
go (Term.Builtin' _) = []
go (Term.App' (Term.Text' t) tl) = Right t : go tl
@ -537,7 +471,7 @@ extractKey (Term.App' _ t1) = go t1 where
go _ = error $ "don't know what to do with this in extractKey: " ++ show t1
extractKey t = error $ "not a key: " ++ show t
compareKeys :: Term V -> Term V -> Ordering
compareKeys :: Term v -> Term v -> Ordering
compareKeys (Term.App' _ t1) (Term.App' _ t2) = go t1 t2 where
go (Term.Builtin' u) (Term.Builtin' u2) = u `compare` u2
go (Term.App' h1 t1) (Term.App' h2 t2) =
@ -555,16 +489,6 @@ compareKeys (Term.App' _ t1) (Term.App' _ t2) = go t1 t2 where
compareKeys _ _ = error "not a key"
-- type helpers
alignmentT :: Ord v => Type v
alignmentT = Type.ref (R.Builtin "Alignment")
numOpTyp :: Type V
numOpTyp = unsafeParseType "Number -> Number -> Number"
numCompareTyp :: Type V
numCompareTyp = unsafeParseType "Number -> Number -> Boolean"
textCompareTyp :: Type V
textCompareTyp = unsafeParseType "Text -> Text -> Boolean"
strOpTyp :: Type V
strOpTyp = unsafeParseType "Text -> Text -> Text"
unitT :: Ord v => Type v
unitT = Type.ref (R.Builtin "Unit")
@ -573,16 +497,15 @@ infixr 7 -->
(-->) = Type.arrow
-- term helpers
none :: Term V
none :: Var v => Term v
none = Term.ref $ R.Builtin "Optional.None"
some :: Term V -> Term V
some :: Var v => Term v -> Term v
some t = Term.ref (R.Builtin "Optional.Some") `` t
left :: Term V -> Term V
left :: Var v => Term v -> Term v
left t = Term.ref (R.Builtin "Either.Left") `` t
right :: Term V -> Term V
right :: Var v => Term v -> Term v
right t = Term.ref (R.Builtin "Either.Right") `` t
-- metadata helpers
opl :: Int -> Text -> Metadata V h
opl p s =
@ -602,10 +525,10 @@ assoc p s =
Metadata Metadata.Term (Metadata.Names [s']) Nothing
prefix :: Text -> Metadata V h
prefix :: Var v => Text -> Metadata v h
prefix s = prefixes [s]
prefixes :: [Text] -> Metadata V h
prefixes :: Var v => [Text] -> Metadata v h
prefixes s = Metadata Metadata.Term
(Metadata.Names (map Var.named s))

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Unison.Node where
module Unison.Codebase where
-- import Data.Bytes.Serial (Serial)
import Control.Monad
@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ import Data.List
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Ord
import Data.Set (Set)
import Unison.Eval as Eval
import Unison.Builtin (Builtin(..))
import Unison.Codebase.Store (Store)
import Unison.Metadata (Metadata)
import Unison.Node.Store (Store)
import Unison.Note (Noted(..),Note(..))
import Unison.Paths (Path)
import Unison.Reference (Reference)
@ -23,10 +23,12 @@ import Unison.Type (Type)
import Unison.Var (Var)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Unison.Codebase.Store as Store
import qualified Unison.Interpreter as Interpreter
import qualified Unison.Metadata as Metadata
import qualified Unison.Node.Store as Store
import qualified Unison.Parsers as Parsers
import qualified Unison.Note as Note
import qualified Unison.Parser as Parser
import qualified Unison.Parsers as Parsers
import qualified Unison.Paths as Paths
import qualified Unison.Reference as Reference
import qualified Unison.Term as Term
@ -69,7 +71,7 @@ deriveJSON defaultOptions ''LocalInfo
-- * `h` is the type of hashes
-- * `t` is for type
-- * `e` is for term (mnemonic "expression")
data Node m v h t e = Node {
data Codebase m v h t e = Codebase {
-- | Obtain the type of the given subterm, assuming the path is valid
admissibleTypeAt :: e -> Path -> Noted m t,
-- | Create a new term and provide its metadata
@ -84,8 +86,6 @@ data Node m v h t e = Node {
-- Second argument is path relative to the root.
-- Returns (root path, original e, edited e, new cursor position)
editTerm :: Path -> Path -> Action v -> e -> Noted m (Maybe (Path,e,e,Path)),
-- Evaluate all terms, returning a list of (path, original e, evaluated e)
evaluateTerms :: [(Path, e)] -> Noted m [(Path,e,e)],
-- | Return information about local types and and variables in scope
localInfo :: e -> Path -> Noted m (LocalInfo e t),
-- | Access the metadata for the term and/or types identified by @k@
@ -106,12 +106,21 @@ data Node m v h t e = Node {
updateMetadata :: h -> Metadata v h -> Noted m ()
node :: (Show v, Monad f, Var v)
=> Eval (Noted f) v
-> (Term v -> Reference)
addBuiltins :: Monad f
=> [Builtin v]
-> Store f v
-> Node f v Reference.Reference (Type v) (Term v)
node eval hash store =
-> Codebase f v Reference.Reference (Type v) (Term v)
-> f ()
addBuiltins builtins store code = $
forM_ builtins $ \(Builtin r _ t md) -> do
updateMetadata code r md
Store.annotateTerm store r t
make :: (Show v, Monad f, Var v)
=> (Term v -> Reference)
-> Store f v
-> Codebase f v Reference.Reference (Type v) (Term v)
make hash store =
readTypeOf = Store.typeOfTerm store
@ -145,14 +154,10 @@ node eval hash store =
(Set.toList hs)
pure $ Set.fromList [x | (x,deps) <- hs', Set.member h deps]
edit rootPath path action e = case Paths.atTerm rootPath e of
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Just e -> f <$> TermEdit.interpret eval (Store.readTerm store) path action e
where f Nothing = Nothing
f (Just (newPath,e')) = Just (rootPath,e,e',newPath)
evaluateTerms es = traverse go es
where go (path,e) = (\e' -> (path,e,e')) <$> Eval.whnf eval (Store.readTerm store) e
edit rootPath path action e = pure $ do
e <- Paths.atTerm rootPath e
(newPath, e') <- TermEdit.interpret path action e
pure (rootPath, e, e', newPath)
metadatas hs =
Map.fromList <$> sequence (map (\h -> (,) h <$> Store.readMetadata store h) hs)
@ -224,14 +229,13 @@ node eval hash store =
Typechecker.typeAt readTypeOf loc ctx
updateMetadata = Store.writeMetadata store
in Node
in Codebase
@ -242,13 +246,12 @@ node eval hash store =
-- | Declare a group of bindings and add them to the Node.
-- | Declare a group of bindings and add them to the codebase.
-- Bindings may be in any order and may refer to each other.
-- They are broken into strongly connected components before
-- being added, and any free variables are resolved using the
-- existing metadata store of the Node.
declare :: (Monad m, Var v) => (h -> Term v) -> [(v, Term v)] -> Node m v h (Type v) (Term v) -> Noted m ()
-- existing metadata store of the codebase.
declare :: (Monad m, Var v) => (h -> Term v) -> [(v, Term v)] -> Codebase m v h (Type v) (Term v) -> Noted m ()
declare ref bindings node = do
termBuiltins <- allTermsByVarName ref node
let groups = Components.components bindings
@ -266,21 +269,30 @@ declare ref bindings node = do
foldM_ step termBuiltins bindings'
-- | Like `declare`, but takes a `String`
declare' :: (Monad m, Var v) => (h -> Term v) -> String -> Node m v h (Type v) (Term v) -> Noted m ()
declare' :: (Monad m, Var v) => (h -> Term v) -> String -> Codebase m v h (Type v) (Term v) -> Noted m ()
declare' ref bindings node = do
bs <- case TermParser.moduleBindings bindings TypeParser.s0 of
Parser.Fail err _ -> Noted (pure $ Left (Note err))
Parser.Succeed bs _ _ -> pure bs
declare ref bs node
allTermsByVarName :: (Monad m, Var v) => (h -> Term v) -> Node m v h (Type v) (Term v) -> Noted m [(v, Term v)]
allTermsByVarName :: (Monad m, Var v) => (h -> Term v) -> Codebase m v h (Type v) (Term v) -> Noted m [(v, Term v)]
allTermsByVarName ref node = do
-- grab all definitions in the node
results <- search node Term.blank [] 1000000 (Metadata.Query "") Nothing
pure [ (v, ref h) | (h, md) <- references results
, v <- Metadata.allNames (Metadata.names md) ]
allTerms :: (Monad m, Var v) => Node m v h (Type v) (Term v) -> Noted m [(h, Term v)]
allTerms :: (Monad m, Var v) => Codebase m v h (Type v) (Term v) -> Noted m [(h, Term v)]
allTerms node = do
hs <- map fst . references <$> search node Term.blank [] 100000 (Metadata.Query "") Nothing
Map.toList <$> terms node hs
interpreter :: Var v
=> [Builtin v] -> Codebase IO v Reference (Type v) (Term v)
-> Term v -> Noted IO (Term v)
interpreter builtins codebase =
let env = Map.fromList [(ref, op) | Builtin ref (Just op) _ _ <- builtins ]
resolveHash h = snd . head . Map.toList <$> terms codebase [Reference.Derived h]
in Interpreter.make env resolveHash

View File

@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Unison.Node.MemNode where
module Unison.Codebase.MemCodebase where
import Data.List
import Unison.Codebase (Codebase)
import Unison.Codebase.Store (Store)
import Unison.Note (Noted)
import Unison.Hash (Hash)
import Unison.Node (Node)
import Unison.Node.Store (Store)
import Unison.Reference (Reference(Derived))
import Unison.Term (Term)
import Unison.Type (Type)
@ -17,11 +18,11 @@ import qualified Data.Digest.Murmur64 as Murmur
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Encoding
import qualified Unison.ABT as ABT
import qualified Unison.Builtin as Builtin
import qualified Unison.Codebase as Codebase
import qualified Unison.Codebase.MemStore as MemStore
import qualified Unison.Hash as Hash
import qualified Unison.Hashable as Hashable
import qualified Unison.Node.BasicNode as BasicNode
import qualified Unison.Node.Builtin as Builtin
import qualified Unison.Node.MemStore as MemStore
import qualified Unison.Symbol as Symbol
import qualified Unison.Term as Term
import qualified Unison.View as View
@ -45,7 +46,11 @@ instance Hashable.Accumulate Hash where
type V = Symbol.Symbol View.DFO
make :: Logger -> IO (Node IO V Reference (Type V) (Term V))
make :: (Show v, Var v) => Logger
-> IO (Codebase IO v Reference (Type v) (Term v), Term v -> Noted IO (Term v))
make logger = do
store <- MemStore.make :: IO (Store IO V)
BasicNode.make hash store (Builtin.makeBuiltins logger)
store <- MemStore.make :: IO (Store IO v)
code <- pure $ Codebase.make hash store
let builtins = Builtin.makeBuiltins logger
Codebase.addBuiltins builtins store code
pure (code, Codebase.interpreter builtins code)

View File

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
module Unison.Node.MemStore (make) where
module Unison.Codebase.MemStore (make) where
import Data.Functor
import Data.Map (Map)
import Unison.Hash (Hash)
import Unison.Metadata (Metadata)
import Unison.Note (Noted)
import Unison.Node.Store (Store(Store))
import Unison.Codebase.Store (Store(Store))
import Unison.Reference (Reference)
import Unison.Term (Term)
import Unison.Type (Type)

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
module Unison.Node.Store where
module Unison.Codebase.Store where
import Data.Set (Set)
import Unison.Metadata (Metadata)

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
module Unison.Eval where
import Unison.Hash (Hash)
import Unison.Term (Term)
data Eval m v = Eval {
whnf :: (Hash -> m (Term v)) -> Term v -> m (Term v), -- ^ Simplify to weak head normal form
step :: (Hash -> m (Term v)) -> Term v -> m (Term v) -- ^ Perform one beta reduction

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@ -3,12 +3,12 @@
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
-- | Very simple and inefficient interpreter of Unison terms
module Unison.Eval.Interpreter where
module Unison.Interpreter where
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.List
import Data.Map (Map)
import Debug.Trace
import Unison.Eval
import Unison.Hash (Hash)
import Unison.Term (Term)
import Unison.Var (Var)
import qualified Data.Map as M
@ -25,23 +25,25 @@ watch :: Show a => String -> a -> a
watch msg a = trace (msg ++ ": " ++ show a) a
-- | Produce an evaluator from a environment of 'Primop' values
eval :: forall f v . (Monad f, Var v) => Map R.Reference (Primop f v) -> Eval f v
eval env = Eval whnf step
make :: forall f v . (Monad f, Var v) => Map R.Reference (Primop f v)
-> (Hash -> f (Term v))
-> Term v -> f (Term v)
make env = nf
-- reduce x args | trace ("reduce:" ++ show (x:args)) False = undefined
reduce resolveRef (E.Ann' e _) args = reduce resolveRef e args
reduce resolveRef (E.App' f x) args = do
x <- whnf resolveRef x
x <- nf resolveRef x
reduce resolveRef f (x:args)
reduce resolveRef (E.Let1' binding body) xs = do
binding <- whnf resolveRef binding
binding <- nf resolveRef binding
reduce resolveRef (ABT.bind body binding) xs
reduce resolveRef f args = do
f <- whnf resolveRef f
f <- nf resolveRef f
case f of
E.If' -> case take 3 args of
[cond,t,f] -> do
cond <- whnf resolveRef cond
cond <- nf resolveRef cond
case cond of
E.Builtin' c | Text.head c == 'F' -> pure . Just $ foldl f (drop 3 args)
| otherwise -> pure . Just $ foldl t (drop 3 args)
@ -51,9 +53,9 @@ eval env = Eval whnf step
Nothing -> case h of
R.Derived h -> do
r <- resolveRef h
r <- whnf resolveRef r
r <- nf resolveRef r
reduce resolveRef r args
R.Builtin b -> pure Nothing
R.Builtin _ -> pure Nothing
Just op | length args >= arity op ->
call op (take (arity op) args) >>= \e ->
pure . Just $ foldl e (drop (arity op) args)
@ -64,49 +66,33 @@ eval env = Eval whnf step
| otherwise -> pure Nothing
_ -> pure Nothing
step resolveRef e = case e of
E.Ann' e _ -> step resolveRef e
E.Ref' h -> case M.lookup h env of
Just op | arity op == 0 -> call op []
_ -> pure e
E.Apps' f xs -> do
e' <- reduce resolveRef f xs
maybe (pure e) pure e'
E.Let1' binding body -> step resolveRef (ABT.bind body binding)
E.LetRecNamed' bs body -> step resolveRef (ABT.substs substs body) where
expandBinding v (E.LamNamed' name body) = E.lam name (expandBinding v body)
expandBinding v body = ABT.substs substs' body
where substs' = [ (v', ABT.subst v (E.letRec bs (E.var v)) b) | (v',b) <- bs ]
substs = [ (v, expandBinding v b) | (v,b) <- bs ]
_ -> pure e
whnf resolveRef e = case e of
nf resolveRef e = case e of
E.Ref' h -> case M.lookup h env of
Just op | arity op == 0 -> call op []
| otherwise -> pure e
Nothing -> case h of
R.Derived h -> do
r <- resolveRef h
whnf resolveRef r
R.Builtin b -> pure e
E.Ann' e _ -> whnf resolveRef e
nf resolveRef r
R.Builtin _ -> pure e
E.Ann' e _ -> nf resolveRef e
E.Apps' E.If' (cond:t:f:tl) -> do
cond <- whnf resolveRef cond
cond <- nf resolveRef cond
case cond of
E.Builtin' b | Text.head b == 'F' -> whnf resolveRef f >>= \f -> (`E.apps` tl) <$> whnf resolveRef f
| otherwise -> whnf resolveRef t >>= \t -> (`E.apps` tl) <$> whnf resolveRef t
E.Builtin' b | Text.head b == 'F' -> nf resolveRef f >>= \f -> (`E.apps` tl) <$> nf resolveRef f
| otherwise -> nf resolveRef t >>= \t -> (`E.apps` tl) <$> nf resolveRef t
_ -> pure e
E.Apps' f xs -> do
xs <- traverse (whnf resolveRef) xs
f <- whnf resolveRef f
xs <- traverse (nf resolveRef) xs
f <- nf resolveRef f
e' <- reduce resolveRef f xs
maybe (pure $ f `E.apps` xs) (whnf resolveRef) e'
maybe (pure $ f `E.apps` xs) (nf resolveRef) e'
E.Let1' binding body -> do
binding <- whnf resolveRef binding
whnf resolveRef (ABT.bind body binding)
E.LetRecNamed' bs body -> whnf resolveRef (ABT.substs bs' body) where
binding <- nf resolveRef binding
nf resolveRef (ABT.bind body binding)
E.LetRecNamed' bs body -> nf resolveRef (ABT.substs bs' body) where
bs' = [ (v, expandBinding v b) | (v,b) <- bs ]
expandBinding v (E.LamNamed' name body) = E.lam name (expandBinding v body)
expandBinding v body = E.letRec bs body
E.Vector' es -> E.vector' <$> traverse (whnf resolveRef) es
E.Vector' es -> E.vector' <$> traverse (nf resolveRef) es
_ -> pure e

View File

@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Unison.Node.BasicNode where
import Unison.Node (Node)
import Unison.Node.Store (Store)
import Unison.Symbol (Symbol)
import Unison.Term (Term)
import Unison.Type (Type)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Unison.Eval as Eval
import qualified Unison.Eval.Interpreter as I
import qualified Unison.Node as Node
import qualified Unison.Node.Builtin as B
import qualified Unison.Node.Store as Store
import qualified Unison.Note as N
import qualified Unison.Reference as R
import qualified Unison.Type as Type
import qualified Unison.View as View
infixr 7 -->
(-->) :: Ord v => Type v -> Type v -> Type v
(-->) = Type.arrow
type DFO = View.DFO
type V = Symbol DFO
make :: (Term V -> R.Reference)
-> Store IO V
-> (B.WHNFEval -> [B.Builtin])
-> IO (Node IO V R.Reference (Type V) (Term V))
make hash store getBuiltins =
builtins = getBuiltins whnf
eval = I.eval (M.fromList [ (k,v) | (B.Builtin k (Just v) _ _) <- builtins ])
readTerm h = Store.readTerm store h
whnf = Eval.whnf eval readTerm
node = Node.node eval hash store
in $ do
mapM_ (\(B.Builtin r _ t md) -> Node.updateMetadata node r md *> Store.annotateTerm store r t)
pure node

View File

@ -4,12 +4,10 @@ module Unison.Parsers where
import Control.Arrow ((***))
import Data.Text (Text)
import Unison.Symbol (Symbol)
import Unison.Term (Term)
import Unison.Type (Type)
import Unison.Parser (Result(..), run, unsafeGetSucceed)
import Unison.Var (Var)
import Unison.View (DFO)
import qualified Unison.Parser as Parser
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Unison.ABT as ABT
@ -20,19 +18,18 @@ import qualified Unison.Type as Type
import qualified Unison.Reference as R
import qualified Unison.Var as Var
type V = Symbol DFO
type S = TypeParser.S V
type S v = TypeParser.S v
s0 :: S
s0 :: S v
s0 = TypeParser.s0
parseTerm :: String -> Result S (Term V)
parseTerm :: Var v => String -> Result (S v) (Term v)
parseTerm = parseTerm' termBuiltins typeBuiltins
parseType :: String -> Result S (Type V)
parseType :: Var v => String -> Result (S v) (Type v)
parseType = parseType' typeBuiltins
parseTerm' :: [(V, Term V)] -> [(V, Type V)] -> String -> Result S (Term V)
parseTerm' :: Var v => [(v, Term v)] -> [(v, Type v)] -> String -> Result (S v) (Term v)
parseTerm' termBuiltins typeBuiltins s =
bindBuiltins termBuiltins typeBuiltins <$> run (Parser.root TermParser.term) s s0
@ -40,20 +37,20 @@ bindBuiltins :: Var v => [(v, Term v)] -> [(v, Type v)] -> Term v -> Term v
bindBuiltins termBuiltins typeBuiltins =
Term.typeMap (ABT.substs typeBuiltins) . ABT.substs termBuiltins
parseType' :: [(V, Type V)] -> String -> Result S (Type V)
parseType' :: Var v => [(v, Type v)] -> String -> Result (S v) (Type v)
parseType' typeBuiltins s =
ABT.substs typeBuiltins <$> run (Parser.root TypeParser.type_) s s0
unsafeParseTerm :: String -> Term V
unsafeParseTerm :: Var v => String -> Term v
unsafeParseTerm = unsafeGetSucceed . parseTerm
unsafeParseType :: String -> Type V
unsafeParseType :: Var v => String -> Type v
unsafeParseType = unsafeGetSucceed . parseType
unsafeParseTerm' :: [(V, Term V)] -> [(V, Type V)] -> String -> Term V
unsafeParseTerm' :: Var v => [(v, Term v)] -> [(v, Type v)] -> String -> Term v
unsafeParseTerm' er tr = unsafeGetSucceed . parseTerm' er tr
unsafeParseType' :: [(V, Type V)] -> String -> Type V
unsafeParseType' :: Var v => [(v, Type v)] -> String -> Type v
unsafeParseType' tr = unsafeGetSucceed . parseType' tr
-- Alias <alias> <fully-qualified-name>

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@ -7,16 +7,12 @@ module Unison.TermEdit where
import Data.Aeson.TH
import GHC.Generics
import Unison.Eval (Eval)
import Unison.Hash (Hash)
import Unison.Term (Term)
import Unison.Type (Type)
import Unison.Note (Noted)
import Unison.Var (Var)
import Unison.Paths (Path)
-- import qualified Data.Set as Set
-- import qualified Unison.ABT as ABT
-- import qualified Unison.Eval as Eval
import qualified Unison.Term as Term
import qualified Unison.Type as Type
@ -30,20 +26,16 @@ data Action v
| MergeLet -- Merge a let block into its parent let block
| Noop -- Do nothing to the target
| Rename v -- Rename the target var
| Step -- Link + beta reduce the target
| BetaReduce -- beta reduce the target
| SwapDown -- Swap the target let binding with the subsequent binding
| SwapUp -- Swap the target let binding with the previous binding
| WHNF -- Simplify target to weak head normal form
deriving Generic
-- | Interpret the given 'Action', returning the new path and the replacement
-- term at that path (the new path may not be equal to the path passed in, though
-- it will be related to it in some way that depends on the action).
interpret :: (Applicative f, Monad f, Var v)
=> Eval (Noted f) v
-> (Hash -> Noted f (Term v))
-> Path -> Action v -> Term v -> Noted f (Maybe (Path, Term v))
interpret _ _ _ _ _ =
interpret :: Var v => Path -> Action v -> Term v -> Maybe (Path, Term v)
interpret _ _ _ =
error "todo - interpret"
-- interpret eval link path action t =
--case action of

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@ -6,46 +6,51 @@ import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8)
import System.IO (FilePath)
import Unison.Symbol (Symbol)
import Unison.Node (Node)
import Unison.Codebase (Codebase)
import Unison.Note (Noted)
import Unison.Reference (Reference)
import Unison.Symbol (Symbol)
import Unison.Term (Term)
import Unison.Type (Type)
import Unison.Views (defaultSymbol)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text.IO
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text.IO
import qualified System.FilePath as FP
import qualified Unison.Codebase as Codebase
import qualified Unison.Codebase.MemCodebase as MemCodebase
import qualified Unison.Metadata as Metadata
import qualified Unison.Node as Node
import qualified Unison.Node.MemNode as MemNode
import qualified Unison.Note as Note
import qualified Unison.Term as Term
import qualified Unison.View as View
import qualified Unison.Util.Logger as L
import qualified Unison.View as View
type V = Symbol View.DFO
-- A Node for testing
type TNode = (Node IO V Reference (Type V) (Term V), Reference -> V, [(V, Term V)])
-- A codebase for testing
type TCodebase =
( Codebase IO V Reference (Type V) (Term V) -- the codebase
, Reference -> V -- resolve references to symbols
, [(V, Term V)] -- all symbol bindings
, Term V -> Noted IO (Term V)) -- evaluator
loadDeclarations :: FilePath -> Node IO V Reference (Type V) (Term V) -> IO ()
loadDeclarations path node = do
loadDeclarations :: FilePath -> Codebase IO V Reference (Type V) (Term V) -> IO ()
loadDeclarations path codebase = do
-- note - when run from repl current directory is root, but when run via stack test, current
-- directory is the shared subdir - so we check both locations
txt <- decodeUtf8 <$> (B.readFile path <|> B.readFile (".." `FP.combine` path))
let str = Text.unpack txt
_ <- $ Node.declare' Term.ref str node
_ <- $ Codebase.declare' Term.ref str codebase
putStrLn $ "loaded file: " ++ path
node :: IO TNode
node = do
codebase :: IO TCodebase
codebase = do
logger <- L.atomic (L.atInfo L.toStandardOut)
node <- MemNode.make logger
loadDeclarations "unison-src/base.u" node
(codebase, eval) <- MemCodebase.make logger
loadDeclarations "unison-src/base.u" codebase
symbols <- liftIO . $
Map.fromList . Node.references <$> node Term.blank [] 1000 (Metadata.Query "") Nothing
base <- $ Node.allTermsByVarName Term.ref node
Map.fromList . Codebase.references <$> codebase Term.blank [] 1000 (Metadata.Query "") Nothing
base <- $ Codebase.allTermsByVarName Term.ref codebase
let firstName (Metadata.Names (n:_)) = n
let lookupSymbol ref = maybe (defaultSymbol ref) (firstName . Metadata.names) (Map.lookup ref symbols)
pure (node, lookupSymbol, base)
pure (codebase, lookupSymbol, base, eval)

View File

@ -3,12 +3,13 @@ module Unison.Test.Interpreter where
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
import qualified Unison.Parsers as P
import qualified Unison.Node as Node
import qualified Unison.Codebase as Codebase
import qualified Unison.Note as Note
import qualified Unison.Test.Common as Common
import qualified Unison.Interpreter as I
tests :: TestTree
tests = withResource Common.node (\_ -> pure ()) $ \node ->
tests = withResource Common.codebase (\_ -> pure ()) $ \codebase ->
tests =
[ t "1 + 1" "2"
@ -91,11 +92,11 @@ tests = withResource Common.node (\_ -> pure ()) $ \node ->
, t "Vector.drop 2 [1,2,3]" "[3]"
t uneval eval = testCase (uneval ++ "" ++ eval) $ do
(node, _, builtins) <- node
(codebase, _, builtins, evaluate) <- codebase
-- putStrLn (show $ map fst builtins)
let term = P.bindBuiltins builtins [] $ P.unsafeParseTerm uneval
_ <- $ Node.typeAt node term []
[(_,_,result)] <- $ Node.evaluateTerms node [([], term)]
_ <- $ Codebase.typeAt codebase term []
result <- $ evaluate term
assertEqual "comparing results" (P.unsafeParseTerm eval) result
in testGroup "Interpreter" tests

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ module Unison.Test.Term where
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
import Unison.Hash (Hash)
import Unison.Node.MemNode ()
import Unison.Codebase.MemCodebase ()
import Unison.Parsers (unsafeParseTerm)
import Unison.Reference as R
import Unison.Symbol (Symbol)
@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ type TTerm = Term (Symbol DFO)
hash :: TTerm -> Hash
hash = ABT.hash
atPts :: Bool -> Common.TNode -> [(Int,Int)] -> TTerm -> [(Paths.Path, Region)]
atPts print (_,symbol,_) pts t = map go pts where
atPts :: Bool -> Common.TCodebase -> [(Int,Int)] -> TTerm -> [(Paths.Path, Region)]
atPts print (_,symbol,_,_) pts t = map go pts where
go (x,y) = let p = path x y in (p, Doc.region bounds p)
doc = Views.term symbol t
layout = Doc.layout Doc.textWidth (Width 80) doc
@ -43,40 +43,43 @@ atPts print (_,symbol,_) pts t = map go pts where
main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain tests
unsafeParseTerm' :: String -> TTerm
unsafeParseTerm' = unsafeParseTerm
tests :: TestTree
tests = withResource Common.node (\_ -> pure ()) $ \node -> testGroup "Term"
tests = withResource Common.codebase (\_ -> pure ()) $ \codebase -> testGroup "Term"
[ testCase "alpha equivalence (term)" $ assertEqual "identity"
(unsafeParseTerm "a -> a")
(unsafeParseTerm "x -> x")
(unsafeParseTerm' "a -> a")
(unsafeParseTerm' "x -> x")
, testCase "hash cycles" $ assertEqual "pingpong"
(hash pingpong1)
(hash pingpong2)
-- , testCase "infix-rendering (1)" $ node >>= \(_,symbol,_) ->
-- , testCase "infix-rendering (1)" $ codebase >>= \(_,symbol,_) ->
-- let t = unsafeParseTerm " 1 1"
-- in assertEqual "+"
-- "1 + 1"
-- (Doc.formatText (Width 80) (Views.term symbol t))
-- , testCase "infix-rendering (unsaturated)" $ node >>= \(_,symbol,_) ->
-- , testCase "infix-rendering (unsaturated)" $ codebase >>= \(_,symbol,_) ->
-- let t = unsafeParseTerm " _"
-- in assertEqual "+"
-- "(+) _"
-- (Doc.formatText (Width 80) (Views.term symbol t))
-- , testCase "infix-rendering (totally unsaturated)" $ node >>= \(_,symbol,_) ->
-- , testCase "infix-rendering (totally unsaturated)" $ codebase >>= \(_,symbol,_) ->
-- let t = unsafeParseTerm ""
-- in assertEqual "+" "(+)" (Doc.formatText (Width 80) (Views.term symbol t))
-- , testCase "infix-rendering (2)" $ node >>= \(_,symbol,_) ->
-- , testCase "infix-rendering (2)" $ codebase >>= \(_,symbol,_) ->
-- do
-- t <- pure $ unsafeParseTerm " 1 1"
-- let d = Views.term symbol t
-- assertEqual "path sanity check"
-- [Paths.Fn,Paths.Arg]
-- (head $ Doc.leafPaths d)
-- , testCase "let-rendering (1)" $ node >>= \node ->
-- , testCase "let-rendering (1)" $ codebase >>= \codebase ->
-- do
-- -- let xy = 4223 in 42
-- t <- pure $ unsafeParseTerm "let xy = 4223 in 42"
-- [(p1,r1), (p2,_), (p3,r3), (p4,_), (p5,r5), (p6,r6)] <- pure $
-- atPts False node [(0,0), (1,0), (10,0), (11,0), (5,0), (8,0)] t
-- atPts False codebase [(0,0), (1,0), (10,0), (11,0), (5,0), (8,0)] t
-- assertEqual "p1" [] p1
-- assertEqual "p2" [] p2
-- assertEqual "r1" (rect 0 0 19 1) r1
@ -87,17 +90,17 @@ tests = withResource Common.node (\_ -> pure ()) $ \node -> testGroup "Term"
-- assertEqual "r5" (rect 4 0 2 1) r5
-- assertEqual "p6" [Paths.Binding 0] p6
-- assertEqual "r6" (rect 4 0 9 1) r6
-- , testCase "map lambda rendering" $ node >>= \node ->
-- , testCase "map lambda rendering" $ codebase >>= \codebase ->
-- do
-- -- map (x -> _) [1,2,3]
-- t <- pure $ builtin "" `app` lam' ["x"] blank `app` vector (map num [1,2,3])
-- [(p1,r1)] <- pure $ atPts False node [(5,0)] t
-- [(p1,r1)] <- pure $ atPts False codebase [(5,0)] t
-- assertEqual "p1" [Paths.Fn, Paths.Arg] p1
-- assertEqual "r1" (rect 4 0 8 1) r1
-- , testCase "operator chain rendering" $ node >>= \node ->
-- , testCase "operator chain rendering" $ codebase >>= \codebase ->
-- do
-- t <- pure $ unsafeParseTerm "1 + 2 + 3"
-- [(p1,r1),(p2,_)] <- pure $ atPts False node [(1,0), (2,0)] t
-- [(p1,r1),(p2,_)] <- pure $ atPts False codebase [(1,0), (2,0)] t
-- assertEqual "p1" [Paths.Fn, Paths.Arg, Paths.Fn, Paths.Arg] p1
-- assertEqual "r1" (rect 0 0 1 1) r1
-- assertEqual "p2" [] p2

View File

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-}
module Unison.Test.TermParser where
import Data.List
@ -18,7 +20,7 @@ import qualified Unison.Type as T
parse' :: String -> TestTree
parse' s = testCase ("`" ++ s ++ "`") $
case parseTerm s of
case parseTerm s :: Result _ (Term (Symbol DFO)) of
Fail e _ -> assertFailure $ "parse failure " ++ intercalate "\n" e
Succeed a _ _ -> pure ()
@ -32,7 +34,7 @@ parse (s, expected) =
parseFail :: (String,String) -> TestTree
parseFail (s, reason) =
testCase ("`" ++ s ++ "` shouldn't parse: " ++ reason) $ assertBool "should not have parsed" $
case parseTerm s of
case parseTerm s :: Result _ (Term (Symbol DFO)) of
Fail {} -> True;
Succeed _ _ n -> n == length s;

View File

@ -5,16 +5,16 @@ module Unison.Test.Typechecker where
import Data.Functor
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
import Unison.Node.MemNode ()
import Unison.Codebase.MemCodebase ()
import Unison.Symbol (Symbol)
import Unison.Term as E
import Unison.Parsers (unsafeParseTerm, unsafeParseType)
import Unison.Paths (Path)
import Unison.Type as T
import Unison.Typechecker as Typechecker
import Unison.View (DFO)
import Unison.Paths (Path)
import qualified Unison.Node as Node
import qualified Unison.Codebase as Codebase
import qualified Unison.Note as Note
import qualified Unison.Parsers as Parsers
import qualified Unison.Paths as Paths
import qualified Unison.Test.Common as Common
import qualified Unison.Test.Term as Term
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ type V = Symbol DFO
type TTerm = Term.TTerm
type TType = Type V
type TEnv f = T.Env f V
type TNode = IO Common.TNode
type TCodebase = IO Common.TCodebase
infixr 1 -->
(-->) :: TType -> TType -> TType
@ -33,40 +33,40 @@ data StrongEq = StrongEq TType
instance Eq StrongEq where StrongEq t1 == StrongEq t2 = Typechecker.equals t1 t2
instance Show StrongEq where show (StrongEq t) = show t
env :: TNode -> TEnv IO
env node r = do
(node, _, _) <- Note.lift node
Node.typeAt node (E.ref r) mempty
env :: TCodebase -> TEnv IO
env codebase r = do
(codebase, _, _, _) <- Note.lift codebase
Codebase.typeAt codebase (E.ref r) mempty
localsAt :: TNode -> Path -> TTerm -> IO [(V, Type V)]
localsAt node path e = $ do
t2 <- Typechecker.locals (env node) path e
localsAt :: TCodebase -> Path -> TTerm -> IO [(V, Type V)]
localsAt codebase path e = $ do
t2 <- Typechecker.locals (env codebase) path e
pure t2
synthesizesAt :: TNode -> Path -> TTerm -> TType -> Assertion
synthesizesAt node path e t = $ do
(node, _, _) <- Note.lift node
t2 <- Node.typeAt node e path
synthesizesAt :: TCodebase -> Path -> TTerm -> TType -> Assertion
synthesizesAt codebase path e t = $ do
(codebase, _, _, _) <- Note.lift codebase
t2 <- Codebase.typeAt codebase e path
_ <- Note.fromEither (Typechecker.subtype t2 t)
_ <- Note.fromEither (Typechecker.subtype t t2)
pure ()
checksAt :: TNode -> Path -> TTerm -> TType -> Assertion
checksAt :: TCodebase -> Path -> TTerm -> TType -> Assertion
checksAt node path e t = . void $
Typechecker.synthesize (env node) (Paths.modifyTerm' (\e -> E.wrapV (E.ann e t)) path e)
synthesizesAndChecksAt :: TNode -> Path -> TTerm -> TType -> Assertion
synthesizesAndChecksAt :: TCodebase -> Path -> TTerm -> TType -> Assertion
synthesizesAndChecksAt node path e t =
synthesizesAt node path e t >> checksAt node path e t
synthesizes :: TNode -> TTerm -> TType -> Assertion
synthesizes :: TCodebase -> TTerm -> TType -> Assertion
synthesizes node e t = $ do
t2 <- Typechecker.synthesize (env node) e
_ <- Note.fromEither (Typechecker.subtype t2 t)
_ <- Note.fromEither (Typechecker.subtype t t2)
pure ()
checks :: TNode -> TTerm -> TType -> Assertion
checks :: TCodebase -> TTerm -> TType -> Assertion
checks node e t = void $ (Typechecker.check (env node) e t)
checkSubtype :: TType -> TType -> Assertion
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ checkSubtype t1 t2 = case Typechecker.subtype t1 t2 of
Left err -> assertFailure ("subtype failure:\n" ++ show err)
Right _ -> pure ()
synthesizesAndChecks :: TNode -> TTerm -> TType -> Assertion
synthesizesAndChecks :: TCodebase -> TTerm -> TType -> Assertion
synthesizesAndChecks node e t =
synthesizes node e t >> checks node e t
@ -89,8 +89,14 @@ synthesizesAndChecks node e t =
testTerm :: String -> (String -> TestTree) -> TestTree
testTerm termString f = f termString
unsafeParseTerm :: String -> TTerm
unsafeParseTerm = Parsers.unsafeParseTerm
unsafeParseType :: String -> TType
unsafeParseType = Parsers.unsafeParseType
tests :: TestTree
tests = withResource Common.node (\_ -> pure ()) $ \node -> testGroup "Typechecker"
tests = withResource Common.codebase (\_ -> pure ()) $ \node -> testGroup "Typechecker"
testCase "alpha equivalence (type)" $ assertEqual "const"
(unsafeParseType "forall a b. a -> b -> a")

View File

@ -3,14 +3,14 @@ module Unison.Test.Typechecker.Components where
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
import Unison.Parsers (unsafeParseTerm)
import qualified Unison.Node as Node
import qualified Unison.Codebase as Codebase
import qualified Unison.Note as Note
import qualified Unison.Term as Term
import qualified Unison.Test.Common as Common
import qualified Unison.Typechecker.Components as Components
tests :: TestTree
tests = withResource Common.node (\_ -> pure ()) $ \node ->
tests = withResource Common.codebase (\_ -> pure ()) $ \codebase ->
tests =
@ -32,10 +32,10 @@ tests = withResource Common.node (\_ -> pure ()) $ \node ->
"let id x = x; g = id 42; y = id id g ; (let rec ping x = pong x; pong x = id (ping x) ; y;;);;"
t before after = testCase (before ++ "" ++ after) $ do
(node, _, _) <- node
(codebase, _, _, _) <- codebase
let term = unsafeParseTerm before
let after' = Components.minimize' term
_ <- $ Node.typeAt node after' []
_ <- $ Codebase.typeAt codebase after' []
assertEqual "comparing results" (unsafeParseTerm after) after'
in testGroup "Typechecker.Components" tests

View File

@ -35,24 +35,22 @@ library

View File

@ -87,7 +87,8 @@ Vector.all? : ∀ a . (a -> Boolean) -> Vector a -> Boolean;
Vector.all? f vs = Vector.fold-balanced and True ( f vs);
Vector.sort-by : ∀ k a . Order k -> (a -> k) -> Vector a -> Vector a;
Vector.sort-by ok f v = Vector.sort-keyed (f `and-then` Order.key ok) v;
Vector.sort-by ok f v =
Vector.sort-keyed <| (a -> (Order.key ok (f a), a)) v;
Vector.sort : ∀ a . Order a -> Vector a -> Vector a;
Vector.sort o = Vector.sort-by o identity;