node compiling with annotated abts

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Paul Chiusano 2015-07-15 16:07:00 -04:00
parent 893d6f7152
commit 4591ba1193
2 changed files with 19 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -21,10 +21,12 @@ import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import qualified Unison.Digest as Digest
hash :: forall f . (Foldable f, Digest.Digestable1 f) => Term f -> Digest.Hash
-- | We ignore annotations in the `Term`, as these should never affect the
-- meaning of the term.
hash :: forall f a . (Foldable f, Digest.Digestable1 f) => Term f a -> Digest.Hash
hash t = hash' [] t where
hash' :: [Either [V] V] -> Term f -> Digest.Hash
hash' env (Term _ t) = case t of
hash' :: [Either [V] V] -> Term f a -> Digest.Hash
hash' env (Term _ _ t) = case t of
Var v -> maybe die hashInt ind
where lookup (Left cycle) = elem v cycle
lookup (Right v') = v == v'
@ -38,7 +40,7 @@ hash t = hash' [] t where
Abs v t -> hash' (Right v : env) t
Tm t -> Digest.digest1 (hashCycle env) (hash' env) $ t
hashCycle :: [Either [V] V] -> [Term f] -> Digest.DigestM (Term f -> Digest.Hash)
hashCycle :: [Either [V] V] -> [Term f a] -> Digest.DigestM (Term f a -> Digest.Hash)
hashCycle env@(Left cycle : envTl) ts | length cycle == length ts =
permute p xs = case Vector.fromList xs of xs -> map (xs !) p
@ -51,27 +53,30 @@ hash t = hash' [] t where
hashCycle env ts = Foldable.traverse_ (serialize . hash' env) ts *> pure (hash' env)
-- | Use the `hash` function to efficiently remove duplicates from the list, preserving order.
distinct :: (Foldable f, Digest.Digestable1 f) => [Term f] -> [Term f]
distinct :: (Foldable f, Digest.Digestable1 f) => [Term f a] -> [Term f a]
distinct ts = map fst (sortBy (comparing snd) m)
where m = Map.elems (Map.fromList (map hash ts `zip` (ts `zip` [0 :: Int .. 1])))
-- | Use the `hash` function to remove elements from `t1s` that exist in `t2s`, preserving order.
subtract :: (Foldable f, Digest.Digestable1 f) => [Term f] -> [Term f] -> [Term f]
subtract :: (Foldable f, Digest.Digestable1 f) => [Term f a] -> [Term f a] -> [Term f a]
subtract t1s t2s =
let skips = Set.fromList (map hash t2s)
in filter (\t -> Set.notMember (hash t) skips) t1s
instance (Foldable f, Serial1 f) => Serial (Term f) where
serialize (Term _ e) = case e of
instance (Foldable f, Serial a, Serial1 f) => Serial (Term f a) where
serialize (Term _ a e) = serialize a *> case e of
Var v -> Put.putWord8 0 *> serialize v
Cycle body -> Put.putWord8 1 *> serialize body
Abs v body -> Put.putWord8 2 *> serialize v *> serialize body
Tm v -> Put.putWord8 3 *> serializeWith serialize v
deserialize = Get.getWord8 >>= \b -> case b of
0 -> var <$> deserialize
1 -> cycle <$> deserialize
2 -> abs <$> deserialize <*> deserialize
3 -> tm <$> deserializeWith deserialize
_ -> fail ("unknown byte tag, expected one of {0,1,2}, got: " ++ show b)
deserialize = do
ann <- deserialize
b <- Get.getWord8
case b of
0 -> annotatedVar ann <$> deserialize
1 -> cycle' ann <$> deserialize
2 -> abs' ann <$> deserialize <*> deserialize
3 -> tm' ann <$> deserializeWith deserialize
_ -> fail ("unknown byte tag, expected one of {0,1,2}, got: " ++ show b)

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@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
module Unison.Term.Extra where
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Bytes.Serial
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import Data.Foldable (traverse_)