codebase editor design notes (very rough)

This commit is contained in:
Paul Chiusano 2018-09-06 18:43:19 -04:00
parent 493c052b18
commit 460c656bf5

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@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
reference-english-JasVXOEBBV8.markdown -- the reference docs ref'd below
jAjGDJnsdfL.ub -- binary form of the term
source-98asdfjKjsldfj.markdown -- source code, in markdown form -- just an empty file
reference-english-JasVXOEBBV8.hash -- reference docs, in English
reference-spanish-9JasdfjHNBdjj.hash -- reference docs
doc-english-OD03VvvsjK.hash -- other docs
license-8JSJdkVvvow92.hash -- reference to the license for this term
types/ -- directory of all type declarations
8sdfA1baBw.ub -- binary form of the type declaration
0/ -- constructor id, has a set of names -- empty file -- empty file
1/ -- constructor id, has a set of names
reference-english-KgLfAIBw312.hash -- reference docs
doc-english-8AfjKBCXdkw.hash -- other docs
`Id` is the basic type used to refer to things in a Unison codebase:
type Id
= One Reference
| Cycle [Hash] Int -- Int is which Hash in the `[Hash]` is being ref'd
`Scope` denotes a `Set Id`. We might build these up symbolically:
Scope.transitiveDependencies : Id -> Scope
Scope.transitiveDependents : Id -> Scope
Scope.union : Scope -> Scope -> Scope
-- maybe other set operations?
-- Scope.intersection : Scope -> Scope -> Scope
Here's the codebase API:
effect Codebase where
-- Parse an expression
Term.parse : Text ->{Codebase} Term
-- Parse one or more type declarations
TypeDeclarations.parse : Text ->{Codebase} TypeDeclarations
-- Parse one or more term declarations
TermDeclarations.parse : Text ->{Codebase} TermDeclarations
-- Get the ids in a type declarations block
TypeDeclarations.ids : TypeDeclarations -> Map Name Id
-- Pretty-print some type declarations
TypeDeclarations.text : TypeDeclarations ->{Codebase} Text
-- Pretty-print some term declarations
TermDeclarations.text : TermDeclarations ->{Codebase} Text
-- optional : TypeDeclarations.Html : TypeDeclarations ->{Codebase} Html
-- Get the ids in a type declarations block
TermDeclarations.ids : TermDeclarations -> Map Name Id
-- Actually add one or more type declarations to the codebase
TypeDeclarations.add : TypeDeclarations ->{Codebase} ()
-- Add one or more term declarations to the codebase
TermDeclarations.add : TermDeclarations ->{Codebase} ()
-- Resolve a name to zero or more ids with that name
resolve : Name ->{Codebase} Set Id
-- idea:
-- search : Pattern ->{Codebase} Set Id
-- Look up the names associated with an `Id`
names : Id ->{Codebase} (Set Name)
-- Add a name associated with the `Id`
addName : Id -> Name ->{Codebase} ()
-- Remove a name from association with the `Id`
removeName : Id -> Name ->{Codebase} ()
-- other metadata CRUD operations
-- `addLicense id licenseId`
addLicense : Id -> Id ->{Codebase} ()
-- `addAuthor id authorId`
addAuthor : Id -> Id ->{Codebase} ()
getLicense : Id ->{Codebase} License
getAuthor : Id ->{Codebase} Author
-- The immediate dependencies of an `Id` (not transitive)
dependencies : Id ->{Codebase} Set Id
-- The immediate dependents of an `Id` (not transitive)
dependents : Id ->{Codebase} Set Id
-- The immediate ancestor of an `Id`
ancestor : Id ->{Codebase} Id
-- Evaluate a term to normal form
run : Term ->{Codebase} Term
runIO : Term ->{IO,Codebase} Term
-- Create a new empty transaction, with the empty scope : Name ->{Codebase} Transaction
-- Look up a transaction by name
Transaction.resolve : Name ->{Codebase} Set Transaction
-- Read the fields of a transaction
-- The `Id`s that define the scope of the transaction
Transaction.scope : Transaction ->{Codebase} Set Id
-- Union the given `Scope` with the existing transaction's `Scope`.
Transaction.addScope : Transaction -> Scope ->{Codebase} ()
-- An element of the scope needs to have been updated if one of its
-- dependencies has been edited or removed as part of the transaction.
-- `remainder` is just a count of the elements of `scope` needing updating.
-- Conceptually:
-- length [ i | i <- Transactions.scope t,
Transaction.dependencies i `intersects` (
Transaction.editedSet t `union` Transaction.removed t),
Set.notSingleton $ Map.lookup i (Transaction.canonical t) ]
Transaction.remainder : Transaction ->{Codebase} Natural
-- We never delete from the `edited` set, we only accumulate.
Transaction.edited : Transaction ->{Codebase} Map Id (Set Id)
-- Convenience function, just pulls out keys of `edited`.
Transaction.editedKeySet : Transaction ->{Codebase} Set Id
-- This is always a submap of `edited` which reflects any conflict resolutions
Transaction.canonical : Transaction ->{Codebase} Map Id (Set Id)
-- These are definitions newly introduced as part of this transaction
Transaction.added : Transaction ->{Codebase} Set Id
-- These are definitions deleted as part of this transaction
Transaction.removed : Transaction ->{Codebase} Set Id
-- Add a definition to the `added` set of the transaction
Transaction.add : Transaction -> Id ->{Codebase} ()
-- Add a definition to the `removed` set of the transaction
Transaction.remove : Transaction -> Id ->{Codebase} ()
-- `edit t old new` adds `new` to the `edited` map for `old` and
-- to the `canonical` map for `old`.
Transaction.edit : Transaction -> Id -> Id ->{Codebase} ()
-- `resolve id selected` replaces the canonical set with the selected
-- `Id`, discarding any prior selections
-- Discarded `Id` can be computed by comparing the `edited` (which has
-- everything) and `canonical` (which has current selections)
-- What should this do if the selected `Id` is unrelated to any of the
-- existing ids?
Transaction.resolve : Transaction -> Id -> Id ->{Codebase} ()
-- Actually apply the transaction to the codebase. Idempotent.
-- What does this actually do???
-- Presumably something with names...
-- Arya proposal: If scope includes Id of a namespace / first-class
-- naming preference object, then update that ... something something something
-- Observation: Because you can have scopes that are smaller than "the entire
-- codebase" (which isn't really a thing), git branches aren't
-- a useful thing for tracking concurrent development (because
-- git branches only work at the level of the whole git repo).
-- Paul: seems like we need a `Branch`
-- `Branch` assigns zero or more names to each Id mapping.
-- `Transactions` are functions Branch -> Branch.
-- `Transaction.commit` applies that function to a branch.
Transaction.commit : Transaction -> Branch ->{Codebase} ()
-- Branch might just be a name prefix. `<branch-name>`
-- You should be able to import some branch
-- no Transaction.merge for now
User preferences wrt to name rendering? Id -> name preferences