Merge pull request #246 from unisonweb/topic/broken-continuations

Topic/broken continuations
This commit is contained in:
Paul Chiusano 2018-09-06 16:02:48 -04:00 committed by GitHub
commit 493c052b18
No known key found for this signature in database
10 changed files with 100 additions and 36 deletions

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@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import Data.Foldable (asum)
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.List (elem)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromMaybe)
import Data.Word (Word64)
import Prelude hiding (and, or)
import qualified Text.Megaparsec as P
@ -350,16 +350,23 @@ block' s openBlock closeBlock = do
( (Binding <$> binding) <|>
(Action <$> blockTerm) <|>
namespaceBlock )
toBindings (Binding ((a, v), e)) = [((a, v), e)]
toBindings (Action e) = [((ann e, Var.named "_"), e)]
toBindings (Binding ((a, v), e)) = [((a, Just v), e)]
toBindings (Action e) = [((ann e, Nothing), e)]
toBindings (Namespace name bs) = scope name $ (toBindings =<< bs)
scope :: String -> [((Ann, v), AnnotatedTerm v Ann)]
-> [((Ann, v), AnnotatedTerm v Ann)]
v `orBlank` i = fromMaybe (Var.nameds $ "_" ++ show i) v
finishBindings bs =
[((a, v `orBlank` i), e) | (((a,v), e), i) <- bs `zip` [(1::Int)..]]
scope :: String -> [((Ann, Maybe v), AnnotatedTerm v Ann)]
-> [((Ann, Maybe v), AnnotatedTerm v Ann)]
scope name bs =
let vs = (snd . fst) <$> bs
let vs :: [Maybe v]
vs = (snd . fst) <$> bs
prefix :: v -> v
prefix v = Var.named (Text.pack name `mappend` "." `mappend` v)
vs' = prefix <$> vs
substs = [ (v, Term.var () v') | (v,v') <- vs `zip` vs' ]
vs' :: [Maybe v]
vs' = fmap prefix <$> vs
substs = [ (v, Term.var () v') | (Just v, Just v') <- vs `zip` vs' ]
sub e = ABT.substsInheritAnnotation substs e
in [ ((a, v'), sub e) | (((a,_),e), v') <- bs `zip` vs' ]
@ -378,7 +385,7 @@ block' s openBlock closeBlock = do
(a <> ann annotatedTerm)
Action e : es ->
pure $ Term.letRec (startAnnotation <> ann e)
(toBindings =<< reverse es)
(finishBindings $ toBindings =<< reverse es)
[] -> customFailure $ EmptyBlock (const s <$> open)

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@ -43,14 +43,16 @@ components = components' ABT.freeVars
components' :: Var v => (t -> Set v) -> [(v, t)] -> [[(v, t)]]
components' freeVars bs =
varIds = Map.fromList (map fst bs `zip` [(0::Int)..])
varIds = Map.fromList (map fst bs `zip` reverse [(1::Int) .. length bs])
varId v = fromJust $ Map.lookup v varIds -- something horribly wrong if this bombs
-- use ints as keys for graph to preserve original source order as much as possible
graph = [ ((v,b), varId v, deps b) | (v,b) <- bs ]
vars = Set.fromList (map fst bs)
deps b = varId <$> Set.toList (Set.intersection vars (freeVars b))
Graph.flattenSCC <$> Graph.stronglyConnComp graph
if Map.size varIds /= length bs then
error $ "duplicate names in components: " ++ show (fst <$> bs)
else Graph.flattenSCC <$> Graph.stronglyConnComp graph
-- | Algorithm for minimizing cycles of a `let rec`. This can
-- improve generalization during typechecking and may also be more

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@ -92,13 +92,16 @@ object Value {
case _ =>
(r, rec, top, stackU, x1, x0, stackB, x1b, x0b) => {
val v = evalLam(f,r,top,stackU,x1,x0,stackB,x1b,x0b)
val v =
try evalLam(f,r,top,stackU,x1,x0,stackB,x1b,x0b)
catch { case Requested(effect, ctor, args, k) =>
throw Requested(effect, ctor, args, self compose k)
val vb = r.boxed
val compose = Term.Lam('f, 'g, 'x)('f.v('g.v('x))) // todo: intern this
new Lambda(f.names, k, compose(self.decompile, f.decompile))
new Lambda(f.names, k, Term.compose(self.decompile, f.decompile))
def saturatedNonTailCall(args: List[Computation]): Computation =

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@ -48,25 +48,29 @@ object Term {
// arg1 -> foo (x + 1) blah
// arg1 -> let arg1 = x + 1; foo arg1 blah
case ABT.Abs(name, body) => ABT.Abs(name, ANF(body))
case Apply(f @ (ABT.Var(_) | Lam(_,_) | Id(_) |
// This is the case where the function is already in ANF, but the
// arguments may not be yet
case ApplyNested(f @ (ABT.Var(_) | Lam(_,_) | Id(_) |
Constructor(_,_) | Request(_,_)), args) =>
val (bindings2, args2) =
args.zipWithIndex.foldRight((List.empty[(Name,Term)], List.empty[Term])) { (argi, accs) =>
val (bindings, args) = accs
val (arg, i) = argi
args.zipWithIndex.foldRight((List.empty[(Name,Term)], List.empty[Term])) {
case ((arg, i), (bindings, args)) =>
arg match {
case Unboxed(_,_) => (bindings, arg :: args)
case ABT.Var(_) => (bindings, arg :: args)
case lam @ Lam(_, _) /* if freeVars(lam).isEmpty */ => (bindings, arg :: args)
case arg =>
// don't need to introduce a new binding for these simple cases
case Unboxed(_,_) | ABT.Var(_) |
Lam(_, _) | Id(_) | Constructor(_,_) => (bindings, arg :: args)
case arg => //
val freshName = freshen(Name(s"arg$i"), arg)
((freshName, arg) :: bindings, Var(freshName) :: args)
((freshName, ANF(arg)) :: bindings, Var(freshName) :: args)
Let(bindings2: _*)(Apply(f, args2: _*))
// If the above falls through, then the function is not yet in ANF,
// so we convert it to ANF and then make a recursive call to convert
// its args
case Apply(f, args) =>
val freshName = freshen(Name("f"), f)
Let(freshName -> f)(ANF(Apply(Var(freshName), args: _*)))
Let(freshName -> ANF(f))(ANF(Apply(Var(freshName), args: _*)))
case ABT.Tm(other) => ABT.Tm(
@ -363,6 +367,13 @@ object Term {
if (args.isEmpty) f
else Tm(Apply_(f, args.toList))
object ApplyNested {
def unapply[A](t: AnnotatedTerm[F,A]): Option[(AnnotatedTerm[F,A], List[AnnotatedTerm[F,A]])] = t match {
case Apply(ApplyNested(f, args1), args2) => Some((f, args1 ++ args2))
case Apply(f, args) => Some((f, args))
case _ => None
object Var {
def apply(n: Name): Term = ABT.Var(n)
@ -511,5 +522,8 @@ object Term {
implicit def stringKeyToNameTerm[A <% Term](kv: (String, A)): (Name, Term) = (kv._1, kv._2)
implicit def symbolKeyToNameTerm[A <% Term](kv: (Symbol, A)): (Name, Term) = (kv._1, kv._2)
val compose = { import Syntax._; Term.Lam('f, 'g, 'x)('f.v('g.v('x))) }

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@ -941,8 +941,7 @@ package object compilation {
def normalize(builtins: Environment)(e: Term, fullyDecompile: Boolean = true): Term = {
val anf = Term.ANF(e)
val c = compileTop(builtins)(anf)
val c = compileTop(builtins)(e)
val v = run(c)
val x = Term.etaNormalForm(v.decompile)
if (fullyDecompile) Term.fullyDecompile(x)
@ -963,7 +962,7 @@ package object compilation {
sys.error("Can't compile top-level term with free variables "
+ Term.freeVars(e).mkString(", "))
compile(builtins)(e, Vector(), CurrentRec.none, RecursiveVars.empty, IsTail)
compile(builtins)(Term.ANF(e), Vector(), CurrentRec.none, RecursiveVars.empty, IsTail)
def compile(builtins: Environment)(
e: Term,

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@ -210,9 +210,9 @@ object PrettyPrint {
prettyTerm(arg1, 5) <> " " <> infixName(name) <> softbreak <> prettyTerm(arg2, 6).nest(" ")
case Tuple(args) => "(" <> commas( <> ")"
case Term.Apply(Term.Constructor(BuiltinTypes.Tuple.Id, BuiltinTypes.Tuple.cid), args) =>
case Term.ApplyNested(Term.Constructor(BuiltinTypes.Tuple.Id, BuiltinTypes.Tuple.cid), args) =>
"(" <> commas( <> ")"
case Term.Apply(f, args) => parenthesizeGroupIf(precedence > 9) {
case Term.ApplyNested(f, args) => parenthesizeGroupIf(precedence > 9) {
prettyTerm(f, 9) <> softbreak <>
softbreaks( => prettyTerm(arg, 10).nest(" ")))
@ -260,23 +260,21 @@ object PrettyPrint {
def unapply(term: Term): Option[Seq[Term]] = {
val B = BuiltinTypes
def go(t: Term, elements: Seq[Term]): Seq[Term] = {
def go(t: Term, elements: Seq[Term]): Option[Seq[Term]] = {
t match {
case Term.Apply(Term.Constructor(B.Tuple.Id, B.Tuple.cid), args) =>
args match {
case element :: term :: Nil => go(term, elements :+ element)
case other => throw new Exception(s"tuple wasn't a cons, it was ${args.size} elements:\n $other\n in $term")
case other => None
case B.Unit.term => elements
case B.Unit.term => Some(elements)
case _ => None
term match {
case Term.Apply(Term.Constructor(B.Tuple.Id, B.Tuple.cid), args) =>
Some(go(term, Seq.empty))
go(term, Seq.empty)
case _ => None

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@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ object FileCompilationTests {
val checkResultTests = Map[String, Term](
"fib4" -> 2249999.u,
"tuple" -> ((3.u, 7.u)),
"state4" -> 15.u,
"state2b-min" -> 20.u,
"stream-shouldnt-damage-stack" -> ((4950.u, 9999.u)),
"stream/iterate-increment-take-drop-reduce" ->

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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
--State2 effect
effect State s where
put : s -> {State s} ()
state : s -> Effect (State s) a -> s
state s eff = case eff of
{ State.put snew -> k } -> handle (state snew) in k ()
{ a } -> s
handle (state 10) in
State.put (11 + 1)
State.put (5 + 15)
-- should be 20

unison-src/tests/state4.u Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
effect State s where
put : s -> {State s} ()
get : {State s} s
state : s -> Effect (State s) a -> s
state s eff = case eff of
{ State.get -> k } -> handle (state s) in k s
{ State.put snew -> k } -> handle (state snew) in k ()
{ a } -> s
modify : (s -> s) -> {State s} ()
modify f = State.put (f State.get)
increment : '{State UInt64} ()
increment = '(modify ((+) 1))
ex : UInt64
ex = handle (state 10) in
State.put (11 + 1)
State.get -- should be 15, amirite??