fleshed out transcript some more, fixed a number of bugs

This commit is contained in:
Paul Chiusano 2020-01-08 16:32:18 -05:00
parent 720ba7a8c4
commit 4bcd58ecef
5 changed files with 67 additions and 21 deletions

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@ -20,13 +20,13 @@ import Unison.Util.Relation (Relation)
import Unison.Util.Relation3 (Relation3)
import Unison.Runtime.IOSource (isPropagatedValue)
data DiffType a = Create a | Delete a | Modify a
data DiffType a = Create a | Delete a | Modify a deriving Show
-- todo: maybe simplify this file using Relation3?
data NamespaceSlice r = NamespaceSlice {
names :: Relation r Name,
metadata :: Relation3 r Name Metadata.Value
} deriving Show
data DiffSlice r = DiffSlice {
-- tpatchUpdates :: Relation r r, -- old new
@ -37,13 +37,13 @@ data DiffSlice r = DiffSlice {
tmoves :: Map r (Set Name, Set Name), -- ref (old, new)
taddedMetadata :: Relation3 r Name Metadata.Value,
tremovedMetadata :: Relation3 r Name Metadata.Value
} deriving Show
data BranchDiff = BranchDiff
{ termsDiff :: DiffSlice Referent
, typesDiff :: DiffSlice Reference
, patchesDiff :: Map Name (DiffType PatchDiff)
} deriving Show
diff0 :: forall m. Monad m => Branch0 m -> Branch0 m -> m BranchDiff
diff0 old new = BranchDiff terms types <$> patchDiff old new where

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@ -102,6 +102,8 @@ toOutput :: forall m v a
-> m (BranchDiffOutput v a)
toOutput typeOf declOrBuiltin hqLen names1 names2 ppe
(BranchDiff termsDiff typesDiff patchesDiff) = do
traceM "termsDiff"
traceShowM termsDiff
-- | This calculates the new reference's metadata as:
-- adds: now-attached metadata that was missing from
@ -123,10 +125,13 @@ toOutput typeOf declOrBuiltin hqLen names1 names2 ppe
{ addedMetadata = toList $ new_metadata `Set.difference` old_intersection
, removedMetadata = toList $ old_union `Set.difference` new_metadata
getMetadataUpdates s =
[ (n, (Set.singleton r, Set.singleton r))
-- For the metadata on a definition to have changed, the name
-- and the reference must have existed before
getMetadataUpdates s = traceShowId $
[ (n, (Set.singleton r, Set.singleton r)) -- the reference is unchanged
| (r,n,v) <- R3.toList $ BranchDiff.taddedMetadata s <>
BranchDiff.tremovedMetadata s
, R.notMember r n (BranchDiff.talladds s)
, v /= isPropagatedValue ]
updatedTypes :: [UpdateTypeDisplay v a] <- let
@ -148,6 +153,8 @@ toOutput typeOf declOrBuiltin hqLen names1 names2 ppe
<*> declOrBuiltin r_new
<*> fillMetadata ppe (getNewMetadataDiff typesDiff n rs_old r_new)
loadEntry :: (Name, (Set Reference, Set Reference)) -> m (UpdateTypeDisplay v a)
loadEntry (n, (Set.toList -> [rold], Set.toList -> [rnew])) | rold == rnew =
(Nothing,) <$> for [rnew] (loadNew n (Set.singleton rold))
loadEntry (n, (rs_old, rs_new)) =
(,) <$> (Just <$> for (toList rs_old) (loadOld n))
<*> for (toList rs_new) (loadNew n rs_old)
@ -169,10 +176,13 @@ toOutput typeOf declOrBuiltin hqLen names1 names2 ppe
<*> pure r_new
<*> typeOf r_new
<*> fillMetadata ppe (getNewMetadataDiff termsDiff n rs_old r_new)
loadEntry (n, (Set.toList -> [rold], Set.toList -> [rnew])) | rold == rnew =
(Nothing,) <$> for [rnew] (loadNew n (Set.singleton rold))
loadEntry (n, (rs_old, rs_new)) =
(,) <$> (Just <$> for (toList rs_old) (loadOld n))
<*> for (toList rs_new) (loadNew n rs_old)
in for (sortOn fst . uniqueBy fst $ nsUpdates <> metadataUpdates) loadEntry
-- in for (sortOn fst . uniqueBy fst $ nsUpdates <> metadataUpdates) loadEntry
let propagatedUpdates :: Int =
(Set.size . R3.d2s . BranchDiff.propagatedNamespaceUpdates) typesDiff +

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@ -1218,7 +1218,7 @@ showDiffNamespace _ _ _ diffOutput | OBD.isEmpty diffOutput =
showDiffNamespace ppe oldPath newPath OBD.BranchDiffOutput{..} =
(P.sepNonEmpty "\n\n" p, toList args)
(p, (menuSize, args)) = (`State.runState` (1::Int, Seq.empty)) $ sequence [
(p, (menuSize, args)) = (`State.runState` (0::Int, Seq.empty)) $ sequence [
if (not . null) updatedTypes
|| (not . null) updatedTerms
|| propagatedUpdates > 0
@ -1235,7 +1235,7 @@ showDiffNamespace ppe oldPath newPath OBD.BranchDiffOutput{..} =
$ P.wrap ("& " <> P.shown propagatedUpdates
<> "auto-propagated updates")
else mempty
, P.indentN 2 . P.linesNonEmpty $ prettyUpdatedPatches
, P.indentNonEmptyN 2 . P.linesNonEmpty $ prettyUpdatedPatches
else pure mempty
,if (not . null) addedTypes
@ -1312,7 +1312,7 @@ showDiffNamespace ppe oldPath newPath OBD.BranchDiffOutput{..} =
-- [ "peach ┐"
-- , "peach' ┘"]
olds' :: [Numbered Pretty] =
map (\(oldhq, oldp) -> numHQ oldPath oldhq r <&> (\n -> n <> oldp))
map (\(oldhq, oldp) -> numHQ oldPath oldhq r <&> (\n -> n <> " " <> oldp))
. (zip (toList olds))
. (P.boxRight' P.rBoxStyle2)
. map (P.rightPad leftNamePad . phq')
@ -1322,7 +1322,7 @@ showDiffNamespace ppe oldPath newPath OBD.BranchDiffOutput{..} =
-- , "└ 17. ooga.booga2" ]
news' :: [Numbered Pretty] =
P.boxLeftM' P.lBoxStyle2
. map (\new -> numHQ newPath new r <&> (\n -> n <> phq' new))
. map (\new -> numHQ newPath new r <&> (\n -> n <> " " <> phq' new))
$ toList news
buildTable lefts rights = go arrow lefts rights where
go :: Monad m => String -> [m Pretty] -> [m Pretty] -> m [Pretty]
@ -1406,7 +1406,7 @@ showDiffNamespace ppe oldPath newPath OBD.BranchDiffOutput{..} =
pure $ zip3 nums (boxLeft names) decls
prettyLine r otype (hq, mds) = do
n <- numHQ newPath hq r
pure . (n, phq' hq, ) $ " : " <> prettyType otype <> case length mds of
pure . (n, phq' hq, ) $ ": " <> prettyType otype <> case length mds of
0 -> mempty
c -> " (+" <> P.shown c <> " metadata)"
@ -1455,12 +1455,16 @@ showDiffNamespace ppe oldPath newPath OBD.BranchDiffOutput{..} =
fmap ((n,) . P.linesNonEmpty) . sequence $
[ pure $ prettyDecl hq odecl
, P.indentN leftNumsWidth <$> prettyMetadataDiff mddiff ]
-- + 2. MIT : License
-- - 3. AllRightsReserved : License
mdTermLine :: Path.Absolute -> Int -> OBD.TermDisplay v a -> Numbered (Pretty, Pretty)
mdTermLine p namesWidth (hq, r, otype, mddiff) = do
n <- numHQ p hq r
fmap ((n,) . P.linesNonEmpty) . sequence $
[ pure $ P.rightPad namesWidth (phq' hq) <> " : " <> prettyType otype
, P.indentN leftNumsWidth <$> prettyMetadataDiff mddiff ]
, prettyMetadataDiff mddiff ]
-- , P.indentN 2 <$> prettyMetadataDiff mddiff ]
prettyUpdateTerm :: OBD.UpdateTermDisplay v a -> Numbered Pretty
prettyUpdateTerm (Nothing, newTerms) =
@ -1480,12 +1484,12 @@ showDiffNamespace ppe oldPath newPath OBD.BranchDiffOutput{..} =
prettyMetadataDiff :: OBD.MetadataDiff (OBD.MetadataDisplay v a) -> Numbered Pretty
prettyMetadataDiff OBD.MetadataDiff{..} = P.column2M $
map (elem oldPath " - ") removedMetadata <>
map (elem newPath " + ") addedMetadata
map (elem oldPath "- ") removedMetadata <>
map (elem newPath "+ ") addedMetadata
elem p x (hq, r, otype) = do
num <- numHQ p hq r
pure (x <> num <> phq' hq, " : " <> prettyType otype)
pure (x <> num <> phq' hq, ": " <> prettyType otype)
prettyType = maybe (P.red "type not found") (TypePrinter.pretty ppe)
prettyDecl hq =
@ -1510,9 +1514,9 @@ showDiffNamespace ppe oldPath newPath OBD.BranchDiffOutput{..} =
pure $ padNumber (n+1)
padNumber :: Int -> Pretty
padNumber n = P.hiBlack . P.rightPad leftNumsWidth $ P.shown n <> ". "
padNumber n = P.hiBlack . P.rightPad leftNumsWidth $ P.shown n <> "."
leftNumsWidth = traceShowId $ length (show menuSize) + length (". " :: String)
leftNumsWidth = traceShowId $ length (show menuSize) + length ("." :: String)
noResults :: Pretty
noResults = P.callout "😶" $

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@ -11,14 +11,15 @@ import qualified Unison.Util.Relation as R
import Data.Semigroup (Sum(Sum, getSum))
import Data.Tuple.Extra (uncurry3)
-- Represents a set of (fact, d1, d2, d3), but indexed using a star schema so
-- it can be efficiently quried from any of the dimensions.
data Relation3 a b c
= Relation3
{ d1 :: Map a (Relation b c)
, d2 :: Map b (Relation a c)
, d3 :: Map c (Relation a b)
} deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
} deriving (Eq,Ord)
instance (Show a, Show b, Show c) => Show (Relation3 a b c) where
show = show . toList
d1s :: Relation3 a b c -> Set a
d1s = Map.keysSet . d1

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@ -22,27 +22,58 @@ ability X a1 a2 where x : Nat
.ns1> add
.ns1> link a b
.ns1> fork .ns1 .ns2
.ns1> cd .
.> diff.namespace ns1 ns2
a = 99
d = 4
e = 5
f = 6
unique type Y a b = Y a b
.ns2> add
.ns2> update
.> diff.namespace ns1 ns2
.> alias.term ns2.d ns2.d'
.> alias.type ns2.A ns2.A'
.> alias.type ns2.X ns2.X'
.> diff.namespace ns1 ns2
.> view 2
.> link ns2.f ns1.a
.> diff.namespace ns1 ns2
.> unlink ns2.a ns2.b
.> diff.namespace ns1 ns2
## Display issues to fixup
- [x] An add with new metadata is getting characterized as an update
- [ ] 12.patch patch needs a space
- [ ] This looks like garbage
1. [f : Nat
⧩ replaced with
2. [f : Nat
+ 3.a : Nat
Things busted:
[x] Get rid of blank line before replaced with
[x] Missing a space after the metadata 3. number
3. Square brackets look bad, that was a bad idea and we
should feel bad.
[x] Metadata is indented waaay too far. Just be 1 level.
- [ ] Try deleting blank line in between copies / renames entries
- [x] Extra 2 blank lines at the end of the add section