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Arya Irani 2019-04-01 14:34:35 -07:00
parent 0b9eb58754
commit 4d1487899a

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@ -17,9 +17,11 @@ import Unison.Codebase.Editor (Input (..))
import qualified Unison.Util.ColorText as CT
import qualified Unison.Util.Pretty as P
-- InputPatterns accept some fixed number of Required arguments of various
-- types, followed by a variable number of a single type of argument.
data IsOptional
= Optional -- 0 or 1, at the end
| Required -- 1, at the start
= Required -- 1, at the start
| Optional -- 0 or 1, at the end
| ZeroPlus -- 0 or more, at the end
| OnePlus -- 1 or more, at the end
deriving Show
@ -43,17 +45,27 @@ data ArgumentType = ArgumentType
instance Show ArgumentType where
show at = "ArgumentType " <> typeName at
-- `argType` gets called when the user tries to autocomplete an `i`th argument.
-- `argType` gets called when the user tries to autocomplete an `i`th argument (zero-indexed).
-- todo: would be nice if we could alert the user if they try to autocomplete
-- past the end.
-- past the end. It would also be nice if
argType :: InputPattern -> Int -> Maybe ArgumentType
argType ip i = go (i, args ip) where
-- Strategy: all of these input patterns take some number of arguments.
-- If it takes no arguments, then don't autocomplete.
go (_, []) = Nothing
-- If requesting the 0th of >=1 arguments, return it.
go (0, (_, t) : _) = Just t
-- If requesting a later parameter, decrement and drop one.
go (n, (Required, _) : args) = go (n - 1, args)
-- Vararg parameters should appear at the end of the arg list, and work for
-- any later argument number.
go (_, (ZeroPlus, t) : []) = Just t
go (_, (OnePlus, t) : []) = Just t
go _ = Nothing
-- Optional parameters only work at position 0, under this countdown scheme.
go (_, (Optional, _): []) = Nothing
-- The argument list spec is invalid if something follows optional or vararg
go _ = error $ "Input pattern " <> show (patternName ip)
<> " has an invalid argument list: " <> (show . fmap fst) (args ip)
minArgs :: InputPattern -> Int
minArgs ip@(fmap fst . args -> args) = go args where