Modify code serialization for rehashing

The serialization functions now take an extra Map that will cause some
term References to be serialized as just numbers. This can be used to
swap out the mutually-recursive references in a code SCC so that a
canonical hash for the group can be calculated. Normal serialization is
recovered by just using the empty Map.
This commit is contained in:
Dan Doel 2023-07-31 11:19:46 -04:00
parent d868dfdbd4
commit 50a9530e50
2 changed files with 102 additions and 34 deletions

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@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import Data.Bytes.Serial
import Data.Bytes.VarInt
import Data.Foldable (traverse_)
import Data.Functor ((<&>))
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Data.Map as Map (Map, fromList, lookup)
import Data.Sequence qualified as Seq
import Data.Serialize.Put (runPutLazy)
@ -20,7 +21,7 @@ import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Word (Word16, Word32, Word64)
import GHC.Stack
import Unison.ABT.Normalized (Term (..))
import Unison.Reference (Reference)
import Unison.Reference (Reference(Builtin), pattern Derived)
import Unison.Runtime.ANF as ANF hiding (Tag)
import Unison.Runtime.Exception
import Unison.Runtime.Serialize
@ -268,14 +269,31 @@ getCCs =
1 -> BX
_ -> exn "getCCs: bad calling convention"
-- Serializes a `SuperGroup`.
-- The Reference map allows certain term references to be switched out
-- for a given 64 bit word. This is used when re-hashing intermediate
-- code. For actual serialization, the empty map should be used, so
-- that the process is reversible. The purpose of this is merely to
-- strip out (mutual/)self-references when producing a byte sequence
-- to recompute a hash of a connected component of intermediate
-- definitons, since it is infeasible to
-- The EnumMap associates 'foreign' operations with a textual name
-- that is used as the serialized representation. Since they are
-- generated somewhat dynamically, it is not easy to associate them
-- with a fixed numbering like we can with POps.
putGroup ::
(MonadPut m) =>
(Var v) =>
Map Reference Word64 ->
EC.EnumMap FOp Text ->
SuperGroup v ->
m ()
putGroup fops (Rec bs e) =
putLength n *> traverse_ (putComb fops ctx) cs *> putComb fops ctx e
putGroup refrep fops (Rec bs e) =
putLength n
*> traverse_ (putComb refrep fops ctx) cs
*> putComb refrep fops ctx e
n = length us
(us, cs) = unzip bs
@ -293,12 +311,13 @@ getGroup = do
putComb ::
(MonadPut m) =>
(Var v) =>
Map Reference Word64 ->
EC.EnumMap FOp Text ->
[v] ->
SuperNormal v ->
m ()
putComb fops ctx (Lambda ccs (TAbss us e)) =
putCCs ccs *> putNormal fops (pushCtx us ctx) e
putComb refrep fops ctx (Lambda ccs (TAbss us e)) =
putCCs ccs *> putNormal refrep fops (pushCtx us ctx) e
getFresh :: (Var v) => Word64 -> v
getFresh n = freshenId n $ typed ANFBlank
@ -313,41 +332,51 @@ getComb ctx frsh0 = do
putNormal ::
(MonadPut m) =>
(Var v) =>
Map Reference Word64 ->
EC.EnumMap FOp Text ->
[v] ->
ANormal v ->
m ()
putNormal fops ctx tm = case tm of
putNormal refrep fops ctx tm = case tm of
TVar v -> putTag VarT *> putVar ctx v
TFrc v -> putTag ForceT *> putVar ctx v
TApp f as -> putTag AppT *> putFunc fops ctx f *> putArgs ctx as
TApp f as -> putTag AppT *> putFunc refrep fops ctx f *> putArgs ctx as
THnd rs h e ->
putTag HandleT *> putRefs rs *> putVar ctx h *> putNormal fops ctx e
putTag HandleT
*> putRefs rs
*> putVar ctx h
*> putNormal refrep fops ctx e
TShift r v e ->
putTag ShiftT *> putReference r *> putNormal fops (v : ctx) e
TMatch v bs -> putTag MatchT *> putVar ctx v *> putBranches fops ctx bs
putTag ShiftT *> putReference r *> putNormal refrep fops (v : ctx) e
TMatch v bs ->
putTag MatchT
*> putVar ctx v
*> putBranches refrep fops ctx bs
TLit l -> putTag LitT *> putLit l
TName v (Left r) as e ->
putTag NameRefT
*> putReference r
*> pr
*> putArgs ctx as
*> putNormal fops (v : ctx) e
*> putNormal refrep fops (v : ctx) e
pr | Just w <- Map.lookup r refrep = putWord64be w
| otherwise = putReference r
TName v (Right u) as e ->
putTag NameVarT
*> putVar ctx u
*> putArgs ctx as
*> putNormal fops (v : ctx) e
*> putNormal refrep fops (v : ctx) e
TLets Direct us ccs l e ->
putTag LetDirT
*> putCCs ccs
*> putNormal fops ctx l
*> putNormal fops (pushCtx us ctx) e
*> putNormal refrep fops ctx l
*> putNormal refrep fops (pushCtx us ctx) e
TLets (Indirect w) us ccs l e ->
putTag LetIndT
*> putWord16be w
*> putCCs ccs
*> putNormal fops ctx l
*> putNormal fops (pushCtx us ctx) e
*> putNormal refrep fops ctx l
*> putNormal refrep fops (pushCtx us ctx) e
_ -> exn "putNormal: malformed term"
getNormal :: (MonadGet m) => (Var v) => [v] -> Word64 -> m (ANormal v)
@ -398,13 +427,16 @@ getNormal ctx frsh0 =
putFunc ::
(MonadPut m) =>
(Var v) =>
Map Reference Word64 ->
EC.EnumMap FOp Text ->
[v] ->
Func v ->
m ()
putFunc fops ctx f = case f of
putFunc refrep fops ctx f = case f of
FVar v -> putTag FVarT *> putVar ctx v
FComb r -> putTag FCombT *> putReference r
FComb r
| Just w <- Map.lookup r refrep -> putTag FCombT *> putWord64be w
| otherwise -> putTag FCombT *> putReference r
FCont v -> putTag FContT *> putVar ctx v
FCon r c -> putTag FConT *> putReference r *> putCTag c
FReq r c -> putTag FReqT *> putReference r *> putCTag c
@ -600,7 +632,7 @@ putBLit (TmLink r) = putTag TmLinkT *> putReferent r
putBLit (TyLink r) = putTag TyLinkT *> putReference r
putBLit (Bytes b) = putTag BytesT *> putBytes b
putBLit (Quote v) = putTag QuoteT *> putValue v
putBLit (Code g) = putTag CodeT *> putGroup mempty g
putBLit (Code g) = putTag CodeT *> putGroup mempty mempty g
putBLit (BArr a) = putTag BArrT *> putByteArray a
getBLit :: (MonadGet m) => Version -> m BLit
@ -624,34 +656,35 @@ getRefs = getList getReference
putBranches ::
(MonadPut m) =>
(Var v) =>
Map Reference Word64 ->
EC.EnumMap FOp Text ->
[v] ->
Branched (ANormal v) ->
m ()
putBranches fops ctx bs = case bs of
putBranches refrep fops ctx bs = case bs of
MatchEmpty -> putTag MEmptyT
MatchIntegral m df -> do
putTag MIntT
putEnumMap putWord64be (putNormal fops ctx) m
putMaybe df $ putNormal fops ctx
putEnumMap putWord64be (putNormal refrep fops ctx) m
putMaybe df $ putNormal refrep fops ctx
MatchText m df -> do
putTag MTextT
putMap (putText . Util.Text.toText) (putNormal fops ctx) m
putMaybe df $ putNormal fops ctx
putMap (putText . Util.Text.toText) (putNormal refrep fops ctx) m
putMaybe df $ putNormal refrep fops ctx
MatchRequest m (TAbs v df) -> do
putTag MReqT
putMap putReference (putEnumMap putCTag (putCase fops ctx)) m
putNormal fops (v : ctx) df
putMap putReference (putEnumMap putCTag (putCase refrep fops ctx)) m
putNormal refrep fops (v : ctx) df
MatchData r m df -> do
putTag MDataT
putReference r
putEnumMap putCTag (putCase fops ctx) m
putMaybe df $ putNormal fops ctx
putEnumMap putCTag (putCase refrep fops ctx) m
putMaybe df $ putNormal refrep fops ctx
MatchSum m -> do
putTag MSumT
putEnumMap putWord64be (putCase fops ctx) m
putEnumMap putWord64be (putCase refrep fops ctx) m
_ -> exn "putBranches: malformed intermediate term"
getBranches ::
@ -683,12 +716,13 @@ getBranches ctx frsh0 =
putCase ::
(MonadPut m) =>
(Var v) =>
Map Reference Word64 ->
EC.EnumMap FOp Text ->
[v] ->
([Mem], ANormal v) ->
m ()
putCase fops ctx (ccs, (TAbss us e)) =
putCCs ccs *> putNormal fops (pushCtx us ctx) e
putCase refrep fops ctx (ccs, (TAbss us e)) =
putCCs ccs *> putNormal refrep fops (pushCtx us ctx) e
getCase :: (MonadGet m) => (Var v) => [v] -> Word64 -> m ([Mem], ANormal v)
getCase ctx frsh0 = do
@ -793,10 +827,44 @@ deserializeGroup bs = runGetS (getVersion *> getGroup) bs
serializeGroup ::
(Var v) => EC.EnumMap FOp Text -> SuperGroup v -> ByteString
serializeGroup fops sg = runPutS (putVersion *> putGroup fops sg)
serializeGroup fops sg = runPutS (putVersion *> putGroup mempty fops sg)
putVersion = putWord32be codeVersion
-- | Serializes a `SuperGroup` for rehashing.
-- Expected as arguments are some code, and the `Reference` that
-- refers to it. In particular, if the code refers to itself by
-- reference, or if the code is part of a mututally-recursive set of
-- definitions (which have a common hash), the reference used as part
-- of that (mutual) recursion must be supplied.
-- Using that reference, we find all references in the code to that
-- connected component. In the resulting byte string, those references
-- are instead replaced by positions in a listing of the connected
-- component. This means that the byte string is independent of the
-- hash used for the self reference. Only the order matters (which is
-- determined by the `Reference`). Then the bytes can be re-hashed to
-- establish a new hash for the connected component. This operation
-- should be idempotent as long as the indexing is preserved.
-- Supplying a `Builtin` reference is not supported. Such code
-- shouldn't be subject to rehashing.
serializeGroupForRehash ::
Var v =>
EC.EnumMap FOp Text ->
Reference ->
SuperGroup v ->
serializeGroupForRehash _ (Builtin _) _ =
error "serializeForRehash: builtin reference"
serializeGroupForRehash fops (Derived h _) sg =
runPutLazy $ putGroup refrep fops sg
f r@(Derived h' i) | h == h' = Just (r, i)
f _ = Nothing
refrep = Map.fromList . mapMaybe f $ groupTermLinks sg
deserializeValue :: ByteString -> Either String Value
deserializeValue bs = runGetS (getVersion >>= getValue) bs

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@ -588,7 +588,7 @@ putStoredCache (SCache cs crs trs ftm fty int rtm rty sbs) = do
putEnumMap putNat putReference trs
putNat ftm
putNat fty
putMap putReference (putGroup mempty) int
putMap putReference (putGroup mempty mempty) int
putMap putReference putNat rtm
putMap putReference putNat rty
putMap putReference (putFoldable putReference) sbs