commit in runWriteTransaction

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Mitchell Rosen 2022-04-12 13:15:38 -04:00
parent 53beb4ab3b
commit 50ae4af63c

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@ -85,19 +85,18 @@ runTransaction :: MonadIO m => Connection -> Transaction a -> m a
runTransaction conn (Transaction f) = liftIO do
uninterruptibleMask \restore -> do
Connection.begin conn
result <-
-- Catch all exceptions (sync or async), because we want to ROLLBACK the BEGIN no matter what.
trySyncOrAsync @_ @SomeException (restore (f conn)) >>= \case
Left exception -> do
ignoringExceptions (Connection.rollback conn)
case fromException exception of
Just SqliteBusyException -> do
restore (threadDelay 100_000)
runWriteTransaction_ restore 200_000 conn (f conn)
_ -> throwIO exception
Right result -> pure result
Connection.commit conn
pure result
-- Catch all exceptions (sync or async), because we want to ROLLBACK the BEGIN no matter what.
trySyncOrAsync @_ @SomeException (restore (f conn)) >>= \case
Left exception -> do
ignoringExceptions (Connection.rollback conn)
case fromException exception of
Just SqliteBusyException -> do
restore (threadDelay 100_000)
runWriteTransaction_ restore 200_000 conn (f conn)
_ -> throwIO exception
Right result -> do
Connection.commit conn
pure result
{-# SPECIALIZE runTransaction :: Connection -> Transaction a -> IO a #-}
-- | Run a transaction with a function that aborts the transaction with an exception.
@ -176,7 +175,9 @@ runWriteTransactionIO conn f =
runWriteTransaction_ :: (forall x. IO x -> IO x) -> Int -> Connection -> IO a -> IO a
runWriteTransaction_ restore microseconds conn transaction = do
keepTryingToBeginImmediate restore conn microseconds
restore transaction `onException` ignoringExceptions (Connection.rollback conn)
result <- restore transaction `onException` ignoringExceptions (Connection.rollback conn)
Connection.commit conn
pure result
-- @BEGIN IMMEDIATE@ until success.
keepTryingToBeginImmediate :: (forall x. IO x -> IO x) -> Connection -> Int -> IO ()