Filled in todo for processing search results

This commit is contained in:
Paul Chiusano 2015-03-27 19:52:25 -04:00
parent fc9557a74e
commit 514eb98a8d

View File

@ -105,25 +105,25 @@ model searchbox =
vw = Layout.element layout'
in Moore { selection = Nothing, request = Just req, view = vw }
(search info.admissible env.metadata focus completions sel content infoLayout' layout')
(search info.admissible env focus completions sel content infoLayout' layout')
_ -> Nothing
search admissible metadata focus completions sel content infoLayout layout' e = case e of
search admissible env focus completions sel content infoLayout layout' e = case e of
SearchResults results -> Just <|
completions' = processSearchResults results completions content.string
completions' = processSearchResults env results completions content.string
dict = Dict.fromList results.references
metadata' r = case Dict.get (Reference.toKey r) dict of
Nothing -> metadata r
Nothing -> env.metadata r
Just md -> md
matches = Moore.extract completions'.results |> .matches
(sel', layout'') = layout metadata' (path focus) searchbox matches sel content infoLayout
in Moore { selection = Nothing, request = Nothing, view = Layout.element layout'' } <|
search admissible metadata' focus completions' sel' content infoLayout layout''
search admissible { env | metadata <- metadata' } focus completions' sel' content infoLayout layout''
Navigate nav -> Moore.step sel nav `Maybe.andThen` \sel -> Just <|
let (sel'', layout'') = layout metadata (path focus) searchbox (allCompletions completions) sel content infoLayout
let (sel'', layout'') = layout env.metadata (path focus) searchbox (allCompletions completions) sel content infoLayout
in Moore { selection = Nothing, request = Nothing, view = Layout.element layout'' } <|
search admissible metadata focus completions sel'' content infoLayout layout''
search admissible env focus completions sel'' content infoLayout layout''
Accept ->
let valids = validCompletions (.matches << Moore.extract <| completions.results)
in Maybe.withDefault (Just state0) ( (Moore.extract sel |> snd) `Maybe.andThen`
@ -133,16 +133,17 @@ model searchbox =
Click xy ->
case search admissible metadata focus completions sel content infoLayout layout' (Navigate (Selection1D.Mouse xy)) of
Nothing -> search admissible metadata focus completions sel content infoLayout layout' Accept
case search admissible env focus completions sel content infoLayout layout' (Navigate (Selection1D.Mouse xy)) of
Nothing -> search admissible env focus completions sel content infoLayout layout' Accept
Just m -> Moore.step m Accept
FieldContent content -> Just <|
FieldContent content -> Just <| case { completions | literals <- parseSearchbox admissible content.string } of
completions ->
q = Matcher.Query { string = content.string, values = completions.literals ++ completions.locals }
results = Moore.feed completions.results q
matches = Moore.extract results |> .matches
completions' = { completions | results <- results }
(sel', layout'') = layout metadata (path focus) searchbox matches sel content infoLayout
(sel', layout'') = layout env.metadata (path focus) searchbox matches sel content infoLayout
req = mkquery (Moore.extract results |> .query)
mkquery q = Search ( focus.closedSubterm
, focus.pathFromClosedSubterm
@ -151,16 +152,23 @@ model searchbox =
, Just admissible )
Moore { selection = Nothing, request = req, view = Layout.element layout'' }
(search admissible metadata focus completions' sel' content infoLayout layout'')
(search admissible env focus completions' sel' content infoLayout layout'')
_ -> Nothing
match s (k,_,_) = String.startsWith (String.toLower k) (String.toLower s)
state0 = Moore { selection = Nothing, request = Nothing, view = Element.empty } closed
in state0
processSearchResults : Node.SearchResults -> Completions -> String -> Completions
processSearchResults results cs query =
Debug.crash "todo"
processSearchResults : View.Env -> Node.SearchResults -> Completions -> String -> Completions
processSearchResults env results cs query =
let valids = (searchEntry True env []) (fst results.matches)
invalids = (searchEntry False env []) (fst results.illTypedMatches)
msg = Matcher.Results
{ query = results.query, positionsExamined = results.positionsExamined
, additionalResults = snd results.matches + snd results.illTypedMatches
, values = valids ++ invalids }
msg2 = Matcher.Query { string = query, values = cs.literals ++ cs.locals }
in { cs | results <- Moore.feeds cs.results [ msg, msg2 ] }
parseSearchbox : Type -> String -> List (String, Element, Maybe Term)
parseSearchbox admissible s =
@ -245,164 +253,6 @@ invalidCompletions entries =
Just _ -> Nothing
in List.filterMap f entries
type Model
= Initializing S0
| Ready S1
| Searching S1
| Closed
type alias S0 =
{ path : Path
, term : Term
, isKeyboardOpen : Bool
, prompt : String
, content : Field.Content
-- does not include the layout of the input field
, layout : Layout (Maybe Int) }
s00 : S0
s00 =
{ path = []
, term = Term.Blank
, isKeyboardOpen = True
, prompt = ""
, content = Field.noContent
, layout = Layout.embed Nothing Element.empty }
type alias S1 =
{ info : Node.LocalInfo
-- includes invalid completions (which have `Nothing` as edit function)
, localCompletions : List (String, Element, Maybe Term)
-- Moore (Either SearchResults String) (List (String,Element,Maybe Term), Maybe Request)
, searchCompletions : List (String, Element, Maybe Term)
, s0 : S0 }
type Model
= Initializing S0
| Ready S1
| Searching S1
| Closed
type Response
= LocalInfo Node.LocalInfo
| SearchResults Node.SearchResults
-- Open the explorer at the given location
openAt : Term -> Path -> Model -> (Model, Request)
openAt term path _ =
(Initializing { s00 | path <- path, term <- term }, Open (term,path))
-- Provide `LocalInfo` to the explorer
localInfo : View.Env -> Node.LocalInfo -> Model -> (Model, Request)
localInfo viewEnv info model = case model of
Initializing s0 ->
let search = Search (s0.term, s0.path, 7, Metadata.Query s0.content.string, Just info.admissible)
la cur n = (String.padLeft (n+1) '.' "", showAppBlanks viewEnv s0.path n, Just (appBlanks n cur))
currentApps = case s0.path s0.term of
Nothing -> []
Just cur -> (la cur) info.localApplications
completions = currentApps ++ (searchEntry True viewEnv s0.path) info.wellTypedLocals
in (Searching { info = info, localCompletions = completions, searchCompletions = [], s0 = s0 }, search)
_ -> (model, Noop)
-- searchResults : Node.SearchResults ->
-- mouse : (Int,Int)
-- content : Field.Content ->
layout : View.Env -> (Field.Content -> Signal.Message) -> Model -> Layout (Maybe Int)
layout viewEnv searchbox model =
valids = validCompletions model
invalids = invalidCompletions model
ok = not (List.isEmpty valids)
fld s w = Layout.embed Nothing <| Element.flow Element.down
[ Element.spacer 1 15
, Element.spacer 9 1 `Element.beside` Styles.carotUp 6 (Styles.statusColor ok)
, Maybe.withDefault identity ( Element.width w) <|
Field.field (Styles.autocomplete ok)
, Element.spacer 1 10 ]
bottom : S1 -> Layout (Maybe Int)
bottom s =
above : Element
above = Element.flow Element.down <|
[ Element.spacer 1 10
, pad << Styles.boldCodeText <|
Type.key { metadata = viewEnv.metadata }
, Element.spacer 1 12
, pad <| Styles.currentSymbol `Element.beside`
Styles.codeText (" : " ++ Type.key { metadata = viewEnv.metadata }
++ (renderTerm viewEnv (path model))
++ [ Element.spacer 1 10 ]
fit e = Element.width ((Element.widthOf above - 12) `max` (Element.widthOf e)) e
renderedValids = List.indexedMap (\i ((_,e),_) -> Layout.embed (Just i) (fit e)) valids
renderedInvalids = (\(_,e) -> Layout.embed Nothing (fit e)) invalids
sep = Layout.embed Nothing (Styles.menuSeparator (Element.widthOf above `max` Layout.widthOf below))
below : Layout (Maybe Int)
below =
let cells = if List.isEmpty valids && not (List.isEmpty invalids)
then Styles.explorerCells Nothing renderedInvalids
else Styles.explorerCells Nothing renderedValids
in if List.isEmpty valids && List.isEmpty invalids then Layout.empty Nothing
else Layout.vertical Nothing [sep, Layout.embed Nothing (Element.spacer 1 5), cells]
Styles.explorerOutline (Styles.statusColor ok) <|
(Layout.embed Nothing above)
case model of
Initializing s -> fld s Nothing
Ready s1 ->
let b = bottom s1
in Layout.above Nothing (fld s1.s0 (Just (Layout.widthOf b))) b
Searching s1 -> -- todo: spinner or color change to indicate loading
let b = bottom s1
in Layout.above Nothing (fld s1.s0 (Just (Layout.widthOf b))) b
Closed -> Layout.empty Nothing
inputString model = case model of
Closed -> ""
Initializing s -> s.content.string
Ready s -> s.s0.content.string
Searching s -> s.s0.content.string
path : Model -> Path
path model = case model of
Closed -> []
Initializing s -> s.path
Ready s -> s.s0.path
Searching s -> s.s0.path
s1 : Model -> Maybe S1
s1 model = case model of
Ready s1 -> Just s1
Searching s1 -> Just s1
_ -> Nothing
admissible : Model -> Maybe Type
admissible model = (\s1 -> (s1 model)
keyedCompletions : Model -> List (String, Element, Maybe Term)
keyedCompletions model = parseSearchbox model ++ case s1 model of
Nothing -> []
Just s1 -> s1.localCompletions ++ s1.searchCompletions
validCompletions' : List (x, y, Maybe z) -> List ((x,y),z)
validCompletions' entries =
List.filterMap (\(x,y,z) -> (\z -> ((x, y),z)) z) entries
validCompletions : Model -> List ((String, Element), Term)
validCompletions model = validCompletions' (keyedCompletions model)
box = Term.Embed (Layout.embed { path = [], selectable = False } Styles.currentSymbol)
appBlanks n e = List.foldl (\_ cur -> Term.App cur Term.Blank) e [1 .. n]