Adds structural keyword requirement

This commit is contained in:
rlmark 2021-08-23 13:37:56 -07:00
parent 4eaf392e6e
commit 51e2ea0898
5 changed files with 97 additions and 35 deletions

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@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ fieldNames env r name dd = case DD.constructors dd of
_ -> Nothing
prettyModifier :: DD.Modifier -> Pretty SyntaxText
prettyModifier DD.Structural = mempty
prettyModifier DD.Structural = fmt S.DataTypeModifier "structural"
prettyModifier (DD.Unique _uid) =
fmt S.DataTypeModifier "unique" -- <> ("[" <> P.text uid <> "] ")

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@ -212,18 +212,22 @@ declarations = do
[ (v, DD.annotation <$> ds) | (v, ds) <- Map.toList mdsBad ] <>
[ (v, DD.annotation . DD.toDataDecl <$> es) | (v, es) <- Map.toList mesBad ]
modifier :: Var v => P v (L.Token DD.Modifier)
-- unique[someguid] type Blah = ...
modifier :: Var v => P v (Maybe (L.Token DD.Modifier))
modifier = do
o <- optional (openBlockWith "unique")
case o of
Nothing -> fmap (const DD.Structural) <$> P.lookAhead anyToken
Just tok -> do
optional (unique <|> structural)
unique = do
tok <- openBlockWith "unique"
uid <- do
o <- optional (reserved "[" *> wordyIdString <* reserved "]")
case o of
Nothing -> uniqueName 32
Just uid -> pure (fromString . L.payload $ uid)
pure (DD.Unique uid <$ tok)
structural = do
tok <- openBlockWith "structural"
pure (DD.Structural <$ tok)
declaration :: Var v
=> P v (Either (v, DataDeclaration v Ann, Accessors v)
@ -235,10 +239,10 @@ declaration = do
:: forall v
. Var v
=> L.Token DD.Modifier
=> Maybe (L.Token DD.Modifier)
-> P v (v, DataDeclaration v Ann, Accessors v)
dataDeclaration mod = do
_ <- fmap void (reserved "type") <|> openBlockWith "type"
keywordTok <- fmap void (reserved "type") <|> openBlockWith "type"
(name, typeArgs) <-
(,) <$> TermParser.verifyRelativeVarName prefixDefinitionName
<*> many (TermParser.verifyRelativeVarName prefixDefinitionName)
@ -274,16 +278,19 @@ dataDeclaration mod = do
-- otherwise ann of name
closingAnn :: Ann
closingAnn = last (ann eq : ((\(_,_,t) -> ann t) <$> constructors))
pure (L.payload name,
DD.mkDataDecl' (L.payload mod) (ann mod <> closingAnn) typeArgVs constructors,
case mod of
Nothing -> P.customFailure $ MissingTypeModifier ("type" <$ keywordTok) name
Just mod' ->
pure (L.payload name,
DD.mkDataDecl' (L.payload mod') (ann mod' <> closingAnn) typeArgVs constructors,
:: Var v => L.Token DD.Modifier -> P v (v, EffectDeclaration v Ann)
:: Var v => Maybe (L.Token DD.Modifier) -> P v (v, EffectDeclaration v Ann)
effectDeclaration mod = do
_ <- fmap void (reserved "ability") <|> openBlockWith "ability"
name <- TermParser.verifyRelativeVarName prefixDefinitionName
typeArgs <- many (TermParser.verifyRelativeVarName prefixDefinitionName)
keywordTok <- fmap void (reserved "ability") <|> openBlockWith "ability"
name <- TermParser.verifyRelativeVarName prefixDefinitionName
typeArgs <- many (TermParser.verifyRelativeVarName prefixDefinitionName)
let typeArgVs = L.payload <$> typeArgs
blockStart <- openBlockWith "where"
constructors <- sepBy semi (constructor typeArgs name)
@ -291,13 +298,17 @@ effectDeclaration mod = do
_ <- closeBlock <* closeBlock
let closingAnn =
last $ ann blockStart : ((\(_, _, t) -> ann t) <$> constructors)
( L.payload name
, DD.mkEffectDecl' (L.payload mod)
(ann mod <> closingAnn)
case mod of
Nothing -> P.customFailure $ MissingTypeModifier ("ability" <$ keywordTok) name
Just mod' ->
( L.payload name
, DD.mkEffectDecl' (L.payload mod')
(ann mod' <> closingAnn)
:: Var v => [L.Token v] -> L.Token v -> P v (Ann, v, Type v Ann)

View File

@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ module Unison.Lexer (
debugFileLex, debugLex', debugLex'', debugLex''',
showEscapeChar, touches,
-- todo: these probably don't belong here
wordyIdChar, wordyIdStartChar,
wordyId, symbolyId, wordyId0, symbolyId0)
@ -330,7 +333,9 @@ lexemes' eof = P.optional space >> do
wordyKw kw = separated wordySep (lit kw)
subsequentTypeName = P.lookAhead . P.optional $ do
let lit' s = lit s <* sp
_ <- P.optional (lit' "unique") *> (wordyKw "type" <|> wordyKw "ability") <* sp
let modifier = typeModifiersAlt lit'
let typeOrAbility' = typeOrAbilityAlt wordyKw
_ <- modifier <* typeOrAbility' *> sp
ignore _ _ _ = []
body = join <$> P.many (sectionElem <*
@ -392,7 +397,7 @@ lexemes' eof = P.optional space >> do
pure s
typeLink = wrap "syntax.docEmbedTypeLink" $ do
_ <- (lit "type" <|> lit "ability") <*
_ <- typeOrAbilityAlt lit <*
tok (symbolyId <|> wordyId) <*
termLink = wrap "syntax.docEmbedTermLink" $
@ -792,7 +797,9 @@ lexemes' eof = P.optional space >> do
ifElse = openKw "if" <|> close' (Just "then") ["if"] (lit "then")
<|> close' (Just "else") ["then"] (lit "else")
typ = openKw1 wordySep "unique" <|> openTypeKw1 "type" <|> openTypeKw1 "ability"
modKw = typeModifiersAlt (openKw1 wordySep)
typeOrAbilityKw = typeOrAbilityAlt openTypeKw1
typ = modKw <|> typeOrAbilityKw
withKw = do
[Token _ pos1 pos2] <- wordyKw "with"
@ -807,12 +814,14 @@ lexemes' eof = P.optional space >> do
let opens = [Token (Open "with") pos1 pos2]
pure $ replicate n (Token Close pos1 pos2) ++ opens
-- In `unique type` and `unique ability`, only the `unique` opens a layout block,
-- In `structural/unique type` and `structural/unique ability`,
-- only the `structural` or `unique` opens a layout block,
-- and `ability` and `type` are just keywords.
openTypeKw1 t = do
b <- S.gets (topBlockName . layout)
case b of Just "unique" -> wordyKw t
_ -> openKw1 wordySep t
case b of
Just mod | Set.member mod typeModifiers -> wordyKw t
_ -> openKw1 wordySep t
-- layout keyword which bumps the layout column by 1, rather than looking ahead
-- to the next token to determine the layout column
@ -827,7 +836,7 @@ lexemes' eof = P.optional space >> do
env <- S.get
case topBlockName (layout env) of
-- '=' does not open a layout block if within a type declaration
Just t | t == "type" || t == "unique" -> pure [Token (Reserved "=") start end]
Just t | t == "type" || Set.member t typeModifiers -> pure [Token (Reserved "=") start end]
Just _ -> S.put (env { opening = Just "=" }) >> pure [Token (Open "=") start end]
_ -> err start LayoutError
@ -981,9 +990,8 @@ reorder :: [T (Token Lexeme)] -> [T (Token Lexeme)]
reorder = join . sortWith f . stanzas where
f [] = 3 :: Int
f (t0 : _) = case payload $ headToken t0 of
Open "type" -> 1
Open "unique" -> 1
Open "ability" -> 1
Open mod | Set.member mod typeModifiers -> 1
Open typOrA | Set.member typOrA typeOrAbility -> 1
Reserved "use" -> 0
_ -> 3 :: Int
@ -1089,11 +1097,25 @@ symbolyIdChars = Set.fromList "!$%^&*-=+<>.~\\/|:"
keywords :: Set String
keywords = Set.fromList [
"if", "then", "else", "forall", "",
"handle", "with", "unique",
"handle", "with",
"where", "use",
"true", "false",
"type", "ability", "alias", "typeLink", "termLink",
"let", "namespace", "match", "cases"]
"alias", "typeLink", "termLink",
"let", "namespace", "match", "cases"] <> typeModifiers <> typeOrAbility
typeOrAbility :: Set String
typeOrAbility = Set.fromList ["type", "ability"]
typeOrAbilityAlt :: Alternative f => (String -> f a) -> f a
typeOrAbilityAlt f =
asum $ map f (toList typeOrAbility)
typeModifiers :: Set String
typeModifiers = Set.fromList ["structural", "unique"]
typeModifiersAlt :: Alternative f => (String -> f a) -> f a
typeModifiersAlt f =
asum $ map f (toList typeModifiers)
delimiters :: Set Char
delimiters = Set.fromList "()[]{},?;"

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@ -5,6 +5,20 @@
module Unison.Parser where
import Unison.Prelude
( trace,
Alternative((<|>), many),
lastMay )
import qualified Crypto.Random as Random
import Data.Bytes.Put (runPutS)
@ -101,6 +115,8 @@ data Error v
| UseEmpty (L.Token String) -- an empty `use` statement
| DidntExpectExpression (L.Token L.Lexeme) (Maybe (L.Token L.Lexeme))
| TypeDeclarationErrors [UF.Error v Ann]
-- MissingTypeModifier (type|ability) name
| MissingTypeModifier (L.Token String) (L.Token v)
| ResolutionFailures [Names.ResolutionFailure v Ann]
| DuplicateTypeNames [(v, [Ann])]
| DuplicateTermNames [(v, [Ann])]

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@ -69,6 +69,10 @@ pattern Identifier = Color.Bold
defaultWidth :: Pr.Width
defaultWidth = 60
-- Various links used in error messages, collected here for a quick overview
structuralVsUniqueDocsLink :: IsString a => Pretty a
structuralVsUniqueDocsLink = ""
:: Ord a
=> String
@ -1287,6 +1291,15 @@ prettyParseError s = \case
missing = Set.null referents
go (Parser.ResolutionFailures failures) =
Pr.border 2 . prettyResolutionFailures s $ failures
go (Parser.MissingTypeModifier keyword name) = Pr.lines
[ Pr.wrap $
"I expected to see `structural` or `unique` at the start of this line:"
, ""
, tokensAsErrorSite s [void keyword, void name]
, Pr.wrap $ "Learn more about when to use `structural` vs `unique` in the Unison Docs: "
<> structuralVsUniqueDocsLink
:: String -> L.Token (HashQualified Name) -> Pretty ColorText
unknownConstructor ctorType tok = Pr.lines [