Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/topic/projects' into cp/project-codebase-browse

This commit is contained in:
Chris Penner 2023-03-15 10:36:55 -06:00
commit 527a91a405
6 changed files with 55 additions and 59 deletions

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@ -2,11 +2,10 @@
module Network.URI.Orphans.Sqlite () where
import Network.URI (URI)
import qualified Network.URI as URI
import qualified Database.SQLite.Simple.FromField as Sqlite
import qualified Database.SQLite.Simple.ToField as Sqlite
import Network.URI (URI)
import qualified Network.URI as URI
instance Sqlite.FromField URI where
fromField field = do

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@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ module Data.UUID.Orphans.Sqlite () where
import Data.UUID (UUID)
import qualified Data.UUID as UUID
import qualified Database.SQLite.Simple.FromField as Sqlite
import qualified Database.SQLite.Simple.ToField as Sqlite

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@ -252,13 +252,12 @@ getBranchForHash codebase h =
maybe (getBranchForHashImpl codebase h) (pure . Just) (find rootBranch)
-- | Like 'getBranchForHash', but for when the hash is known to be in the codebase.
expectBranchForHash :: Monad m => Codebase m v a -> CausalHash -> m (Branch m)
expectBranchForHash :: (Monad m) => Codebase m v a -> CausalHash -> m (Branch m)
expectBranchForHash codebase hash =
getBranchForHash codebase hash >>= \case
Just branch -> pure branch
Nothing -> error $ reportBug "E412939" ("expectBranchForHash: " ++ show hash ++ " not found in codebase")
-- | Get the metadata attached to the term at a given path and name relative to the given branch.
termMetadata ::
-- | The branch to search inside. Use the current root if 'Nothing'.

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@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ backupCodebaseIfNecessary backupStrategy localOrRemote conn currentSchemaVersion
(Backup, Local)
| (currentSchemaVersion >= highestKnownSchemaVersion) -> pure ()
| otherwise -> do
backupPath <- getPOSIXTime <&> (\t -> root </> backupCodebasePath currentSchemaVersion t)
Sqlite.vacuumInto conn backupPath
putStrLn ("📋 I backed up your codebase to " ++ (root </> backupPath))
putStrLn "⚠️ Please close all other ucm processes and wait for the migration to complete before interacting with your codebase."
backupPath <- getPOSIXTime <&> (\t -> root </> backupCodebasePath currentSchemaVersion t)
Sqlite.vacuumInto conn backupPath
putStrLn ("📋 I backed up your codebase to " ++ (root </> backupPath))
putStrLn "⚠️ Please close all other ucm processes and wait for the migration to complete before interacting with your codebase."

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@ -700,8 +700,8 @@ notifyUser dir = \case
CachedTests 0 _ -> pure . P.callout "😶" $ "No tests to run."
CachedTests n n'
| n == n' ->
pure $
P.lines [cache, "", displayTestResults True ppe oks fails]
pure $
P.lines [cache, "", displayTestResults True ppe oks fails]
CachedTests _n m ->
pure $
if m == 0
@ -1090,11 +1090,11 @@ notifyUser dir = \case
let prettyBindings =
P.bracket . P.lines $
P.wrap "The watch expression(s) reference these definitions:" :
"" :
[ P.syntaxToColor $ TermPrinter.prettyBinding ppe (HQ.unsafeFromVar v) b
| (v, b) <- bindings
P.wrap "The watch expression(s) reference these definitions:"
: ""
: [ P.syntaxToColor $ TermPrinter.prettyBinding ppe (HQ.unsafeFromVar v) b
| (v, b) <- bindings
prettyWatches =
@ -1342,13 +1342,13 @@ notifyUser dir = \case
case (new, old) of
([], []) -> error "BustedBuiltins busted, as there were no busted builtins."
([], old) ->
P.wrap ("This codebase includes some builtins that are considered deprecated. Use the " <> makeExample' IP.updateBuiltins <> " command when you're ready to work on eliminating them from your codebase:") :
"" :
fmap (P.text . Reference.toText) old
P.wrap ("This codebase includes some builtins that are considered deprecated. Use the " <> makeExample' IP.updateBuiltins <> " command when you're ready to work on eliminating them from your codebase:")
: ""
: fmap (P.text . Reference.toText) old
(new, []) ->
P.wrap ("This version of Unison provides builtins that are not part of your codebase. Use " <> makeExample' IP.updateBuiltins <> " to add them:") :
"" :
fmap (P.text . Reference.toText) new
P.wrap ("This version of Unison provides builtins that are not part of your codebase. Use " <> makeExample' IP.updateBuiltins <> " to add them:")
: ""
: fmap (P.text . Reference.toText) new
(new@(_ : _), old@(_ : _)) ->
[ P.wrap
( "Sorry and/or good news! This version of Unison supports a different set of builtins than this codebase uses. You can use "
@ -1671,11 +1671,11 @@ notifyUser dir = \case
num n = P.hiBlack $ P.shown n <> "."
header = (P.hiBlack "Reference", P.hiBlack "Name")
pairs =
header :
( fmap (first c . second c) $
[(p $ Reference.toShortHash r, prettyName n) | (n, r) <- names]
++ [(p $ Reference.toShortHash r, "(no name available)") | r <- toList missing]
: ( fmap (first c . second c) $
[(p $ Reference.toShortHash r, prettyName n) | (n, r) <- names]
++ [(p $ Reference.toShortHash r, "(no name available)") | r <- toList missing]
p = prettyShortHash . SH.take hqLength
c = P.syntaxToColor
ListNamespaceDependencies _ppe _path Empty -> pure $ "This namespace has no external dependencies."
@ -2380,10 +2380,10 @@ prettyTypeResultHeaderFull' (SR'.TypeResult' name dt r aliases) =
P.lines stuff <> P.newline
stuff =
(P.hiBlack "-- " <> greyHash (HQ.fromReference r)) :
(\name -> prettyDeclTriple (name, r, dt))
(name : map HQ'.toHQ (toList aliases))
(P.hiBlack "-- " <> greyHash (HQ.fromReference r))
: fmap
(\name -> prettyDeclTriple (name, r, dt))
(name : map HQ'.toHQ (toList aliases))
greyHash = styleHashQualified' id P.hiBlack
@ -2496,7 +2496,7 @@ renderEditConflicts ppe Patch {..} = do
then "deprecated and also replaced with"
else "replaced with"
`P.hang` P.lines replacements
`P.hang` P.lines replacements
formatTermEdits ::
(Reference.TermReference, Set TermEdit.TermEdit) ->
Numbered Pretty
@ -2511,7 +2511,7 @@ renderEditConflicts ppe Patch {..} = do
then "deprecated and also replaced with"
else "replaced with"
`P.hang` P.lines replacements
`P.hang` P.lines replacements
formatConflict ::
(Reference, Set TypeEdit.TypeEdit)
@ -2668,7 +2668,7 @@ showDiffNamespace ::
(Pretty, NumberedArgs)
showDiffNamespace _ _ _ _ diffOutput
| OBD.isEmpty diffOutput =
("The namespaces are identical.", mempty)
("The namespaces are identical.", mempty)
showDiffNamespace sn ppe oldPath newPath OBD.BranchDiffOutput {..} =
(P.sepNonEmpty "\n\n" p, toList args)
@ -3115,24 +3115,23 @@ listOfDefinitions' fscope ppe detailed results =
. P.nonEmpty
$ prettyNumberedResults :
[ formatMissingStuff termsWithMissingTypes missingTypes,
Monoid.unlessM (null missingBuiltins)
. bigproblem
$ P.wrap
"I encountered an inconsistency in the codebase; these definitions refer to built-ins that this version of unison doesn't know about:"
`P.hang` P.column2
( (P.bold "Name", P.bold "Built-in")
-- : ("-", "-")
( bimap
(P.syntaxToColor . prettyHashQualified)
(P.text . Referent.toText)
$ prettyNumberedResults
: [ formatMissingStuff termsWithMissingTypes missingTypes,
Monoid.unlessM (null missingBuiltins)
. bigproblem
$ P.wrap
"I encountered an inconsistency in the codebase; these definitions refer to built-ins that this version of unison doesn't know about:"
`P.hang` P.column2
( (P.bold "Name", P.bold "Built-in")
-- : ("-", "-")
: fmap
( bimap
(P.syntaxToColor . prettyHashQualified)
(P.text . Referent.toText)
prettyNumberedResults = P.numberedList prettyResults
-- todo: group this by namespace
@ -3299,8 +3298,8 @@ prettyDiff diff =
P.indentN 2 $
P.column2 $
(P.hiBlack "Original name", P.hiBlack "New name") :
[(prettyName n, prettyName n2) | (n, n2) <- moved]
(P.hiBlack "Original name", P.hiBlack "New name")
: [(prettyName n, prettyName n2) | (n, n2) <- moved]
else mempty,
if not $ null copied
@ -3310,10 +3309,10 @@ prettyDiff diff =
P.indentN 2 $
P.column2 $
(P.hiBlack "Original name", P.hiBlack "New name(s)") :
[ (prettyName n, P.sep " " (prettyName <$> ns))
| (n, ns) <- copied
(P.hiBlack "Original name", P.hiBlack "New name(s)")
: [ (prettyName n, P.sep " " (prettyName <$> ns))
| (n, ns) <- copied
else mempty

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@ -439,7 +439,7 @@ objectWithMaybes nonMaybeFields maybeFields =
Object (appEndo (fold maybeFields) (HashMap.fromList nonMaybeFields))
-- | Like ('.='), but omits the key/value pair if the value is Nothing.
(.=?) :: ToJSON a => Text -> Maybe a -> Endo Object
(.=?) :: (ToJSON a) => Text -> Maybe a -> Endo Object
k .=? mv =
case mv of
Nothing -> mempty