more mergeblob work

This commit is contained in:
Mitchell Rosen 2024-08-08 11:16:43 -04:00
parent c88c4a3643
commit 53209c3b69
3 changed files with 112 additions and 100 deletions

View File

@ -49,7 +49,6 @@ import Unison.Cli.UpdateUtils
( getNamespaceDependentsOf3,
import Unison.Codebase (Codebase)
@ -73,6 +72,7 @@ import Unison.ConstructorType (ConstructorType)
import Unison.DataDeclaration (Decl)
import Unison.DataDeclaration qualified as DataDeclaration
import Unison.Debug qualified as Debug
import Unison.FileParsers qualified as FileParsers
import Unison.Hash qualified as Hash
import Unison.Merge qualified as Merge
import Unison.Merge.DeclNameLookup (expectConstructorNames)
@ -84,9 +84,10 @@ import Unison.Merge.Unconflicts qualified as Unconflicts
import Unison.Name (Name)
import Unison.NameSegment (NameSegment)
import Unison.NameSegment qualified as NameSegment
import Unison.Names (Names)
import Unison.Names (Names (..))
import Unison.Names qualified as Names
import Unison.Parser.Ann (Ann)
import Unison.Parsers qualified as Parsers
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.Project
( ProjectAndBranch (..),
@ -101,13 +102,18 @@ import Unison.Reference qualified as Reference
import Unison.Referent (Referent)
import Unison.Referent qualified as Referent
import Unison.ReferentPrime qualified as Referent'
import Unison.Result qualified as Result
import Unison.Sqlite (Transaction)
import Unison.Sqlite qualified as Sqlite
import Unison.Symbol (Symbol)
import Unison.Syntax.Name qualified as Name
import Unison.Syntax.Parser (ParsingEnv (..), UniqueName)
import Unison.Syntax.Parser qualified as Parser
import Unison.Term (Term)
import Unison.Type (Type)
import Unison.UnisonFile (TypecheckedUnisonFile)
import Unison.Typechecker qualified as Typechecker
import Unison.Typechecker.TypeLookup (TypeLookup)
import Unison.UnisonFile (TypecheckedUnisonFile, UnisonFile)
import Unison.UnisonFile qualified as UnisonFile
import Unison.Util.BiMultimap (BiMultimap)
import Unison.Util.BiMultimap qualified as BiMultimap
@ -297,14 +303,16 @@ doMerge info = do
mergedLibdeps <-
Cli.runTransaction (libdepsToBranch0 (Codebase.getDeclType env.codebase) blob2.libdeps)
let blob3 = makeMergeblob3 blob2 dependents0 (Branch.toNames mergedLibdeps)
uniqueName <- liftIO env.generateUniqueName
liftIO (debugFunctions.debugDependents (bimap Map.keysSet Map.keysSet <$> blob3.dependents))
let hasConflicts =
liftIO (debugFunctions.debugStageOne blob3.stageOne)
let prettyUnisonFile =
let blob3 =
(Branch.toNames mergedLibdeps)
{ alice = into @Text aliceBranchNames,
bob =
@ -318,27 +326,25 @@ doMerge info = do
Nothing -> "<root>"
Just name -> Name.toText name
maybeBlob5 <-
if hasConflicts
then pure Nothing
else case makeMergeblob4 blob3 uniqueName of
Left _parseErr -> pure Nothing
Right blob4 -> do
typeLookup <- Cli.runTransaction (Codebase.typeLookupForDependencies env.codebase blob4.dependencies)
pure case makeMergeblob5 blob4 typeLookup of
Left _typecheckErr -> Nothing
Right blob5 -> Just blob5
let stageOneBranch = defnsAndLibdepsToBranch0 env.codebase blob3.stageOne mergedLibdeps
maybeTypecheckedUnisonFile <-
let thisMergeHasConflicts =
-- Eh, they'd either both be null, or neither, but just check both maps anyway
not (defnsAreEmpty blob3.conflicts.alice) || not (defnsAreEmpty blob3.conflicts.bob)
in if thisMergeHasConflicts
then pure Nothing
else do
currentPath <- Cli.getCurrentProjectPath
parsingEnv <- Cli.makeParsingEnv currentPath (Branch.toNames stageOneBranch)
parseAndTypecheck prettyUnisonFile parsingEnv
let parents =
causals <&> \causal -> (causal.causalHash, Codebase.expectBranchForHash env.codebase causal.causalHash)
case maybeTypecheckedUnisonFile of
Nothing -> do
blob5 <-
maybeBlob5 & onNothing do
Cli.Env {writeSource} <- ask
(_temporaryBranchId, temporaryBranchName) <-
@ -349,21 +355,20 @@ doMerge info = do
(findTemporaryBranchName info.alice.projectAndBranch.project.projectId mergeSourceAndTarget)
scratchFilePath <-
Cli.getLatestFile <&> \case
Nothing -> "scratch.u"
Just (file, _) -> file
liftIO $ writeSource (Text.pack scratchFilePath) (Text.pack $ Pretty.toPlain 80 prettyUnisonFile)
pure (Output.MergeFailure scratchFilePath mergeSourceAndTarget temporaryBranchName)
Just tuf -> do
Cli.runTransaction (Codebase.addDefsToCodebase env.codebase tuf)
let stageTwoBranch = Branch.batchUpdates (typecheckedUnisonFileToBranchAdds tuf) stageOneBranch
(\_aliceBranch -> Branch.mergeNode stageTwoBranch parents.alice parents.bob)
pure (Output.MergeSuccess mergeSourceAndTarget)
liftIO $ writeSource (Text.pack scratchFilePath) (Text.pack $ Pretty.toPlain 80 blob3.unparsedFile)
done (Output.MergeFailure scratchFilePath mergeSourceAndTarget temporaryBranchName)
Cli.runTransaction (Codebase.addDefsToCodebase env.codebase blob5.file)
let stageTwoBranch = Branch.batchUpdates (typecheckedUnisonFileToBranchAdds blob5.file) stageOneBranch
(\_aliceBranch -> Branch.mergeNode stageTwoBranch parents.alice parents.bob)
pure (Output.MergeSuccess mergeSourceAndTarget)
Cli.respond finalOutput
@ -496,6 +501,7 @@ data Mergeblob2 libdep = Mergeblob2
coreDependencies :: Merge.TwoWay (DefnsF Set TermReference TypeReference),
declNameLookups :: Merge.TwoWay Merge.DeclNameLookup,
defns :: Merge.ThreeWay (Defns (BiMultimap Referent Name) (BiMultimap TypeReference Name)),
hasConflicts :: Bool,
hydratedDefns ::
( DefnsF
@ -535,6 +541,8 @@ makeMergeblob2 blob = do
declNameLookups = blob.declNameLookups,
defns = blob.defns,
-- Eh, they'd either both be null, or neither, but just check both maps anyway
hasConflicts = not (defnsAreEmpty conflicts.alice) || not (defnsAreEmpty conflicts.bob),
hydratedDefns = ThreeWay.forgetLca blob.hydratedDefns,
lcaDeclNameLookup = blob.lcaDeclNameLookup,
libdeps = blob.libdeps,
@ -543,17 +551,18 @@ makeMergeblob2 blob = do
data Mergeblob3 = Mergeblob3
{ conflicts :: Merge.TwoWay (DefnsF (Map Name) (Pretty ColorText) (Pretty ColorText)),
dependents :: Merge.TwoWay (DefnsF (Map Name) (Pretty ColorText) (Pretty ColorText)),
stageOne :: DefnsF (Map Name) Referent TypeReference
{ libdeps :: Names,
stageOne :: DefnsF (Map Name) Referent TypeReference,
unparsedFile :: Pretty ColorText
makeMergeblob3 ::
Mergeblob2 libdep ->
Merge.TwoWay (DefnsF Set TermReferenceId TypeReferenceId) ->
Names ->
Merge.TwoWay Text ->
makeMergeblob3 blob dependents0 libdeps =
makeMergeblob3 blob dependents0 libdeps authors =
-- Identify the unconflicted dependents we need to pull into the Unison file (either first for typechecking, if
-- there aren't conflicts, or else for manual conflict resolution without a typechecking step, if there are)
let dependents =
@ -579,14 +588,6 @@ makeMergeblob3 blob dependents0 libdeps =
<*> dependents0
stageOne =
(bimap BiMultimap.range BiMultimap.range blob.defns.lca)
(renderedConflicts, renderedDependents) =
@ -596,11 +597,59 @@ makeMergeblob3 blob dependents0 libdeps =
(defnsToNames <$> ThreeWay.forgetLca blob.defns)
in Mergeblob3
{ conflicts = renderedConflicts,
dependents = renderedDependents,
{ libdeps,
stageOne =
(bimap BiMultimap.range BiMultimap.range blob.defns.lca),
unparsedFile = makePrettyUnisonFile authors renderedConflicts renderedDependents
data Mergeblob4 = Mergeblob4
{ dependencies :: Set Reference,
file :: UnisonFile Symbol Ann
makeMergeblob4 :: Mergeblob3 -> UniqueName -> Either (Parser.Err Symbol) Mergeblob4
makeMergeblob4 blob uniqueName = do
let stageOneNames =
Names (Relation.fromMap blob.stageOne.terms) (Relation.fromMap blob.stageOne.types) <> blob.libdeps
parsingEnv =
{ uniqueNames = uniqueName,
-- The codebase names are disjoint from the file names, i.e. there aren't any things that
-- would be classified as an update upon parsing. So, there's no need to try to look up any
-- existing unique type GUIDs to reuse.
uniqueTypeGuid = \_ -> Identity Nothing,
names = stageOneNames
file <- runIdentity (Parsers.parseFile "<merge>" (Pretty.toPlain 80 blob.unparsedFile) parsingEnv)
{ dependencies = UnisonFile.dependencies file,
data Mergeblob5 = Mergeblob5
{ file :: TypecheckedUnisonFile Symbol Ann
makeMergeblob5 :: Mergeblob4 -> TypeLookup Symbol Ann -> Either (Seq (Result.Note Symbol Ann)) Mergeblob5
makeMergeblob5 blob typeLookup =
let typecheckingEnv =
{ ambientAbilities = [],
termsByShortname = Map.empty,
in case runIdentity (Result.runResultT (FileParsers.synthesizeFile typecheckingEnv blob.file)) of
(Nothing, notes) -> Left notes
(Just file, _) -> Right Mergeblob5 {file}
renderConflictsAndDependents ::
Merge.TwoWay Merge.DeclNameLookup ->
Merge.TwoWay (DefnsF (Map Name) (TermReferenceId, (Term Symbol Ann, Type Symbol Ann)) (TypeReferenceId, Decl Symbol Ann)) ->
@ -1058,9 +1107,7 @@ data DebugFunctions = DebugFunctions
debugPartitionedDiff ::
Merge.TwoWay (DefnsF (Map Name) TermReferenceId TypeReferenceId) ->
DefnsF Merge.Unconflicts Referent TypeReference ->
IO (),
debugDependents :: Merge.TwoWay (DefnsF Set Name Name) -> IO (),
debugStageOne :: DefnsF (Map Name) Referent TypeReference -> IO ()
IO ()
realDebugFunctions :: DebugFunctions
@ -1069,14 +1116,12 @@ realDebugFunctions =
{ debugCausals = realDebugCausals,
debugDiffs = realDebugDiffs,
debugCombinedDiff = realDebugCombinedDiff,
debugPartitionedDiff = realDebugPartitionedDiff,
debugDependents = realDebugDependents,
debugStageOne = realDebugStageOne
debugPartitionedDiff = realDebugPartitionedDiff
fakeDebugFunctions :: DebugFunctions
fakeDebugFunctions =
DebugFunctions mempty mempty mempty mempty mempty mempty
DebugFunctions mempty mempty mempty mempty
realDebugCausals :: Merge.TwoOrThreeWay (V2.CausalBranch Transaction) -> IO ()
realDebugCausals causals = do
@ -1251,38 +1296,6 @@ realDebugPartitionedDiff conflicts unconflicts = do
<> " "
<> renderRef ref
realDebugDependents :: Merge.TwoWay (DefnsF Set Name Name) -> IO ()
realDebugDependents dependents = do
Text.putStrLn (Text.bold "\n=== Alice dependents of Bob deletes, Bob updates, and Alice conflicts ===")
renderThings "termid" dependents.alice.terms
renderThings "typeid" dependents.alice.types
Text.putStrLn (Text.bold "\n=== Bob dependents of Alice deletes, Alice updates, and Bob conflicts ===")
renderThings "termid" dependents.bob.terms
renderThings "typeid" dependents.bob.types
renderThings :: Text -> Set Name -> IO ()
renderThings label things =
for_ (Set.toList things) \name ->
Text.putStrLn $
Text.italic label
<> " "
<> Name.toText name
realDebugStageOne :: DefnsF (Map Name) Referent TypeReference -> IO ()
realDebugStageOne defns = do
Text.putStrLn (Text.bold "\n=== Stage 1 ===")
debugDefns1 defns
debugDefns1 :: DefnsF (Map Name) Referent TypeReference -> IO ()
debugDefns1 defns = do
renderThings referentLabel Referent.toText defns.terms
renderThings (const "type") Reference.toText defns.types
renderThings :: (ref -> Text) -> (ref -> Text) -> Map Name ref -> IO ()
renderThings label renderRef things =
for_ (Map.toList things) \(name, ref) ->
Text.putStrLn (Text.italic (label ref) <> " " <> Name.toText name <> " " <> renderRef ref)
referentLabel :: Referent -> Text
referentLabel ref
| Referent'.isConstructor ref = "constructor"

View File

@ -699,11 +699,8 @@ project/main> branch bob
Bob's renames `Qux` to `BobQux`:
unique type Foo = Baz Nat | BobQux Text
project/bob> update
project/bob> move.term Foo.Qux Foo.BobQux
project/alice> merge /bob

View File

@ -789,10 +789,12 @@ unique type Foo = Baz Nat Nat | Qux Text
Bob's renames `Qux` to `BobQux`:
``` unison
unique type Foo = Baz Nat | BobQux Text
``` ucm
project/bob> move.term Foo.Qux Foo.BobQux
``` ucm
project/alice> merge /bob
@ -818,7 +820,7 @@ project/alice> merge /bob
type Foo = Baz Nat Nat | Qux Text
-- project/bob
type Foo = Baz Nat | BobQux Text
type Foo = BobQux Text | Baz Nat
@ -1022,7 +1024,7 @@ Bob, meanwhile, first deletes the term, then sort of deletes the type and re-add
``` ucm
project/bob> view Foo.Bar
type Foo.Bar = Baz Nat | Hello Nat Nat
type Foo.Bar = Hello Nat Nat | Baz Nat
At this point, Bob and alice have both updated the name `Foo.Bar.Hello` in different ways, so that's a conflict. Therefore, Bob's entire type (`Foo.Bar` with constructors `Foo.Bar.Baz` and `Foo.Bar.Hello`) gets rendered into the scratch file.
@ -1059,7 +1061,7 @@ Foo.Bar.Hello : Nat
Foo.Bar.Hello = 18
-- project/bob
type Foo.Bar = Baz Nat | Hello Nat Nat
type Foo.Bar = Hello Nat Nat | Baz Nat