Don't try to determine field references from constructor type

- It doesn't work very well with the data declaration information
  that is tracked by unison
- Also include a previously uncommitted change from data declarations,
  which now gives the number of fields that a constructor has (this is
  the only information the pattern compiler now relies on; previously
  it was assuming the Reference for the type of each field could be
  determined from the DataDecl).
This commit is contained in:
Dan Doel 2020-06-17 15:59:21 -04:00
parent 0f4cb488b2
commit 57dfc4f1d3
3 changed files with 65 additions and 59 deletions

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@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ baseContext
:: EvalCtx v
-> RF.Reference
-> [[RF.Reference]]
-> [Int]
-> IO (EvalCtx v)
allocType _ b@(RF.Builtin _) _
= die $ "Unknown builtin type reference: " ++ show b
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ collectDeps
:: Var v
=> CodeLookup v IO ()
-> Term v
-> IO ([(Reference,[[Reference]])], [Reference])
-> IO ([(Reference,[Int])], [Reference])
collectDeps cl tm
= (,tms) <$> traverse getDecl tys

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@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
{-# language PatternGuards #-}
{-# language TupleSections #-}
{-# language PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# language OverloadedStrings #-}
module Unison.Runtime.Pattern
( DataSpec
@ -15,8 +16,8 @@ import Control.Lens ((<&>))
import Control.Monad.State (State, state, runState, modify)
import Data.Bifunctor (bimap)
import Data.List (splitAt, findIndex)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Data.List (splitAt, findIndex, transpose)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe)
import Data.Set as Set (Set, insert, fromList, member)
@ -38,7 +39,7 @@ import Data.Map.Strict
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
type Term v = Tm.Term v ()
type Cons = [[Reference]]
type Cons = [Int]
type DataSpec = Map Reference Cons
@ -84,47 +85,40 @@ firstRow _ _ = Nothing
heuristics :: [Heuristic v]
heuristics = [firstRow $ findIndex refutable]
:: Var v
=> Reference
-> PatternV v
-> (Maybe (v, Reference), PatternV v)
extractVar r p
| UnboundP{} <- p = (Nothing, p)
| otherwise = (Just (loc p, r), p)
extractVar :: Var v => PatternV v -> Maybe v
extractVar p
| UnboundP{} <- p = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (loc p)
zipWithExact :: String -> (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]
zipWithExact _ _ [] [] = []
zipWithExact s f (x:xs) (y:ys)
= let !zs = zipWithExact s f xs ys in f x y : zs
zipWithExact s _ _ _ = error s
extractVars :: Var v => [PatternV v] -> [v]
extractVars = catMaybes . fmap extractVar
:: Var v
=> Int -> [Reference] -> PatternV v
-> [[(Maybe (v,Reference), PatternV v)]]
decomposePattern t flds p@(ConstructorP _ _ u ps)
=> Int -> Int -> PatternV v
-> [[PatternV v]]
decomposePattern t nfields p@(ConstructorP _ _ u ps)
| t == u
= [zipWithExact err extractVar flds ps]
= if length ps == nfields
then [ps]
else error err
err = "decomposePattern: mismatched constructor fields: "
++ show (flds, p)
decomposePattern t flds p@(EffectBindP _ _ u ps pk)
err = "decomposePattern: wrong number of constructor fields: "
++ show (nfields, p)
decomposePattern t nfields p@(EffectBindP _ _ u ps pk)
| t == u
= [zipWithExact err extractVar flds $ ps ++ [pk]]
= if length ps == nfields
then [ps ++ [pk]]
else error err
err = "decomposePattern: mismatched ability fields: "
++ show (flds, p)
decomposePattern t flds (EffectPureP _ p)
| t == -1
= [zipWithExact err extractVar flds [p]]
err = "decomposePattern: wrong number of fields for effect-pure: "
++ show flds
decomposePattern _ flds (VarP _)
= [(Nothing, UnboundP (typed Pattern)) <$ flds]
decomposePattern _ flds (UnboundP _)
= [(Nothing, UnboundP (typed Pattern)) <$ flds]
err = "decomposePattern: wrong number of ability fields: "
++ show (nfields, p)
decomposePattern t _ (EffectPureP _ p)
| t == -1 = [[p]]
decomposePattern _ nfields (VarP _)
= [replicate nfields (UnboundP (typed Pattern))]
decomposePattern _ nfields (UnboundP _)
= [replicate nfields (UnboundP (typed Pattern))]
decomposePattern _ _ (SequenceLiteralP _ _)
= error "decomposePattern: sequence literal"
decomposePattern _ _ _ = []
@ -143,19 +137,19 @@ splitRow
:: Var v
=> Int
-> Int
-> [Reference]
-> Int
-> PatternRow v
-> [([(v,Reference)], PatternRow v)]
splitRow i t flds (PR (splitAt i -> (pl, sp : pr)) g b)
= bimap catMaybes (\subs -> PR (pl ++ subs ++ pr) g b)
. unzip <$> decomposePattern t flds sp
-> [([PatternV v], PatternRow v)]
splitRow i t nfields (PR (splitAt i -> (pl, sp : pr)) g b)
= decomposePattern t nfields sp
<&> \subs -> (subs, PR (pl ++ subs ++ pr) g b)
splitRow _ _ _ _ = error "splitRow: bad index"
:: Var v
=> Int
-> PatternRow v
-> [(PatternP (), [([(v,Reference)], PatternRow v)])]
-> [(PatternP (), [([PatternV v], PatternRow v)])]
splitRowBuiltin i (PR (splitAt i -> (pl, sp : pr)) g b)
| Just p <- matchBuiltin sp = [(p, [([], PR (pl ++ pr) g b)])]
| otherwise = []
@ -173,13 +167,14 @@ renameRow m (PR p0 g0 b0) = PR p g b
:: Var v
=> [([(v,Reference)], PatternRow v)]
=> [([PatternV v], PatternRow v)]
-> ([(v,Reference)], PatternMatrix v)
buildMatrix [] = error "buildMatrix: empty rows"
buildMatrix vrs@((avrs,_):_) = (avrs, PM $ fixRow <$> vrs)
buildMatrix vrs@((pvs,_):_) = (zip cvs rs, PM $ fixRow <$> vrs)
cvs = fst <$> avrs
fixRow (fmap fst -> rvs, pr)
rs = fmap determineType . transpose . fmap fst $ vrs
cvs = extractVars pvs
fixRow (extractVars -> rvs, pr)
= renameRow (fromListWith const . zip rvs $ cvs) pr
@ -223,9 +218,9 @@ renameTo to from
prepareAs :: Var v => PatternP a -> v -> PPM v (PatternV v)
prepareAs (UnboundP _) u = pure $ UnboundP u
prepareAs (UnboundP _) u = pure $ VarP u
prepareAs (AsP _ p) u = prepareAs p u <* (renameTo u =<< useVar)
prepareAs (VarP _) u = UnboundP u <$ (renameTo u =<< useVar)
prepareAs (VarP _) u = VarP u <$ (renameTo u =<< useVar)
prepareAs (ConstructorP _ r i ps) u = do
ConstructorP u r i <$> traverse preparePattern ps
prepareAs (EffectPureP _ p) u = do
@ -244,15 +239,15 @@ prepareAs p u = pure $ u <$ p
preparePattern :: Var v => PatternP a -> PPM v (PatternV v)
preparePattern (UnboundP _) = UnboundP <$> freshVar
preparePattern (VarP _) = UnboundP <$> useVar
preparePattern (VarP _) = VarP <$> useVar
preparePattern (AsP _ p) = prepareAs p =<< useVar
preparePattern p = prepareAs p =<< freshVar
buildPattern :: Reference -> Int -> [v] -> [Reference] -> PatternP ()
buildPattern r t vs rs = ConstructorP () r t vps
buildPattern :: Reference -> Int -> [v] -> Int -> PatternP ()
buildPattern r t vs nfields = ConstructorP () r t vps
vps | length vs < length rs
= UnboundP () <$ rs
vps | length vs < nfields
= replicate nfields $ UnboundP ()
| otherwise
= VarP () <$ vs
@ -327,7 +322,7 @@ initialize r sc cs = (lv, (sv, r), PM $ mkRow sv <$> cs)
splitPatterns :: Var v => DataSpec -> Term v -> Term v
splitPatterns spec = visitPure $ \case
Match' sc0 cs0
| Just r <- determineType cs0
| r <- determineType $ p <$> cs0
, (lv, scrut, pm) <- initialize r sc cs
, body <- compile spec [scrut] pm
-> Just $ case lv of
@ -337,6 +332,8 @@ splitPatterns spec = visitPure $ \case
sc = splitPatterns spec sc0
cs = fmap (splitPatterns spec) <$> cs0
_ -> Nothing
p (MatchCase pp _ _) = pp
builtinCase :: Set Reference
@ -348,10 +345,12 @@ builtinCase
, Rf.charRef
determineType :: [MatchCase a b] -> Maybe Reference
determineType = foldr ((<|>) . f . p) Nothing
defaultRef :: Reference
defaultRef = Builtin "PatternMatchUnknown"
determineType :: [PatternP a] -> Reference
determineType = fromMaybe defaultRef . foldr ((<|>) . f) Nothing
p (MatchCase p _ _) = p
f (AsP _ p) = f p
f IntP{} = Just Rf.intRef
f NatP{} = Just Rf.natRef

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@ -168,6 +168,13 @@ effectConstructorTerms rid ed =
constructorTypes :: DataDeclaration' v a -> [Type v a]
constructorTypes = (snd <$>) . constructors
constructorFields :: Var v => DataDeclaration' v a -> [Int]
constructorFields = fmap fields . constructorTypes
fields (Type.ForallsNamed' _ ty) = fields ty
fields (Type.Arrows' spine) = length spine - 1
fields _ = 0
typeOfConstructor :: DataDeclaration' v a -> ConstructorId -> Maybe (Type v a)
typeOfConstructor dd i = constructorTypes dd `atMay` i