Allow anonymous doc blocks before types too!

This commit is contained in:
Paul Chiusano 2021-04-08 12:43:11 -05:00
parent 77058abb09
commit 5c6c3f1e2c
3 changed files with 52 additions and 59 deletions

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@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ data ParsingEnv =
, parentSection :: Int -- 1 means we are inside a # Heading 1
, parentListColumn :: Int -- 4 means we are inside a list starting
-- at the fourth column
} deriving Show
type P = P.ParsecT (Token Err) String (S.State ParsingEnv)
@ -290,12 +290,32 @@ lexemes' eof = P.optional space >> do
doc2 :: P [Token Lexeme]
doc2 = do
let start = token'' ignore (lit "{{")
P.lookAhead start <+> (wrap "syntax.docUntitledSection" $ do
_ <- start <*
r <- local (\env -> env { inLayout = False }) (body <* lit "}}")
pure r)
<+> token' ignore (pure ())
startToks <- start <*
env0 <- S.get
docToks0 <- wrap "syntax.docUntitledSection" $
local (\env -> env { inLayout = False }) (body <* lit "}}")
let docToks = startToks <> docToks0
endToks <- token' ignore (pure ())
-- Hack to allow anonymous doc blocks before type decls
-- {{ Some docs }} Foo.doc = {{ Some docs }}
-- ability Foo where => ability Foo where
tn <- subsequentTypeName
pure $ case (tn, docToks) of
(Just tname, ht:_) | isTopLevel ->
<> [WordyId (tname <> ".doc") Nothing <$ ht, Open "=" <$ ht]
<> docToks0
<> [Close <$ last docToks]
<> endToks
isTopLevel = length (layout env0) + maybe 0 (const 1) (opening env0) == 1
_ -> docToks <> endToks
subsequentTypeName = P.lookAhead . P.optional $ do
let lit' s = lit s <* sp
_ <- P.optional (lit' "unique") *> (lit' "type" <|> lit' "ability")
name <- P.takeWhile1P Nothing wordyIdChar
pure name
ignore _ _ _ = []
body = join <$> P.many (sectionElem <*
sectionElem = section <|> fencedBlock <|> list <|> paragraph
@ -933,57 +953,17 @@ stanzas = go [] where
Semi _ -> reverse (t : acc) : go [] ts
_ -> go (t:acc) ts
-- Moves type and effect declarations to the front of the token stream
-- Moves type and ability declarations to the front of the token stream
-- and move `use` statements to the front of each block
reorder :: [T (Token Lexeme)] -> [T (Token Lexeme)]
reorder = join . sortWith f . stanzas
-- reorder = join . sortWith f . wrangle . debug . stanzas
-- debug s | traceShow (fmap (fmap payload) <$> s) False = undefined
-- debug s = s
-- {{ some docs }}
-- type Foo
-- Becomes
-- Foo.doc = {{ some docs }}
-- type Foo
wrangle :: [[T (Token Lexeme)]] -> [[T (Token Lexeme)]]
wrangle [] = []
wrangle ((h1:t1):(h2@(symbolName -> Just name)):t) =
if payload (headToken h1) == Open "syntax.doc" then
let p = [ doc name <$ headToken h1, Open "=" <$ headToken h1 ]
in (consPreorder p h1 : t1) : h2 : wrangle t
else (h1:t1) : wrangle (h2:t)
doc (WordyId w _sh) = WordyId (w <> ".doc") Nothing
doc a = a
consPreorder :: [a] -> T a -> T a
consPreorder = go where
go [] t = t
go (h:hs) (L a) = go hs (T h [L a] [])
go (h:hs) (T root mid trail) = go hs (T h (L root : mid) trail)
wrangle (h:t) = h : wrangle t
symbolName :: [T (Token Lexeme)] -> Maybe Lexeme
symbolName ts = go (map payload . join $ toList <$> ts) where
go (Open "type" : h : _) = Just h
go (Open "ability" : h : _) = Just h
go (Open "unique" : Reserved _braceL : _guid : _braceR : _typ : h : _) = Just h
go (Open "unique" : _typ : h : _) = Just h
go _ = Nothing
f [] = 3 :: Int
f (t0 : _) = case payload $ headToken t0 of
Open "type" -> 1
Open "unique" -> 1
Open "ability" -> 1
Reserved "use" -> 0
_ -> 3 :: Int
reorder = join . sortWith f . stanzas where
f [] = 3 :: Int
f (t0 : _) = case payload $ headToken t0 of
Open "type" -> 1
Open "unique" -> 1
Open "ability" -> 1
Reserved "use" -> 0
_ -> 3 :: Int
lexer :: String -> String -> [Token Lexeme]
lexer scope rem =

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@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Unison documentation is written in Unison and has some neat features:
## Introduction
Documentation blocks start with `{{` and end with a matching `}}`. You can introduce doc blocks anywhere you'd use an expression, and you can also have anonymous documentation blocks immediately before a top-level term (and soon, types as well).
Documentation blocks start with `{{` and end with a matching `}}`. You can introduce doc blocks anywhere you'd use an expression, and you can also have anonymous documentation blocks immediately before a top-level term or type.
name = {{Alice}}
@ -23,15 +23,19 @@ d1 = {{ Hello there {{name}}! }}
{{ An important constant, equal to @eval{ImportantConstant} }}
ImportantConstant = 41 + 1
{{ The 7 days of the week. }}
unique type DayOfWeek = Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat
Notice that an anonymous documentation block `{{ ... }}` before a definition `ImportantConstant` is just syntax sugar for `ImportantConstant.doc = {{ blah }}`.
Notice that an anonymous documentation block `{{ ... }}` before a definition `ImportantConstant` is just syntax sugar for `ImportantConstant.doc = {{ ... }}`.
You can preview what docs will look like when rendered to the console using the `display` or `docs` commands:
.> display d1
.> docs ImportantConstant
.> docs DayOfWeek
The `docs ImportantConstant` command will look for `ImportantConstant.doc` in the file or codebase. You can do this instead of explicitly linking docs to definitions.

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Unison documentation is written in Unison and has some neat features:
## Introduction
Documentation blocks start with `{{` and end with a matching `}}`. You can introduce doc blocks anywhere you'd use an expression, and you can also have anonymous documentation blocks immediately before a top-level term (and soon, types as well).
Documentation blocks start with `{{` and end with a matching `}}`. You can introduce doc blocks anywhere you'd use an expression, and you can also have anonymous documentation blocks immediately before a top-level term or type.
name = {{Alice}}
@ -19,6 +19,9 @@ d1 = {{ Hello there {{name}}! }}
{{ An important constant, equal to @eval{ImportantConstant} }}
ImportantConstant = 41 + 1
{{ The 7 days of the week. }}
unique type DayOfWeek = Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat
@ -29,13 +32,15 @@ ImportantConstant = 41 + 1
⍟ These new definitions are ok to `add`:
unique type DayOfWeek
DayOfWeek.doc : Doc2
ImportantConstant : Nat
ImportantConstant.doc : Doc2
d1 : Doc2
name : Doc2
Notice that an anonymous documentation block `{{ ... }}` before a definition `ImportantConstant` is just syntax sugar for `ImportantConstant.doc = {{ blah }}`.
Notice that an anonymous documentation block `{{ ... }}` before a definition `ImportantConstant` is just syntax sugar for `ImportantConstant.doc = {{ ... }}`.
You can preview what docs will look like when rendered to the console using the `display` or `docs` commands:
@ -48,6 +53,10 @@ You can preview what docs will look like when rendered to the console using the
An important constant, equal to `42`
.> docs DayOfWeek
The 7 days of the week.
The `docs ImportantConstant` command will look for `ImportantConstant.doc` in the file or codebase. You can do this instead of explicitly linking docs to definitions.