pull some weeds

This commit is contained in:
Arya Irani 2021-05-06 23:19:11 -06:00
parent c6d1a8d923
commit 6050e62289
8 changed files with 3 additions and 98 deletions

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@ -17,8 +17,8 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module U.Codebase.Sqlite.Queries where
import Control.Monad (filterM, when)
import Control.Monad.Except (ExceptT, MonadError, runExceptT)
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.Except (MonadError)
import qualified Control.Monad.Except as Except
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO)
import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader (ask))
@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ import Database.SQLite.Simple
( Connection,
Only (..),
ToRow (..),
(:.) (..),
@ -101,7 +100,6 @@ data Integrity
| UnknownObjectId ObjectId
| UnknownCausalHashId CausalHashId
| UnknownHash Hash
| UnknownText Text
| NoObjectForHashId HashId
| NoObjectForPrimaryHashId HashId
| NoNamespaceRoot
@ -111,13 +109,6 @@ data Integrity
| NoTypeIndexForTerm Referent.Id
deriving (Show)
-- | discard errors that you're sure are impossible
noExcept :: (Monad m, Show e) => ExceptT e m a -> m a
noExcept a =
runExceptT a >>= \case
Right a -> pure a
Left e -> error $ "unexpected error: " ++ show e
orError :: Err m => Integrity -> Maybe b -> m b
orError e = maybe (throwError e) pure
@ -189,9 +180,6 @@ loadText :: DB m => Text -> m (Maybe TextId)
loadText t = queryAtom sql (Only t)
where sql = [here| SELECT id FROM text WHERE text = ? |]
expectText :: EDB m => Text -> m TextId
expectText t = loadText t >>= orError (UnknownText t)
loadTextById :: EDB m => TextId -> m Text
loadTextById h = queryAtom sql (Only h) >>= orError (UnknownTextId h)
where sql = [here| SELECT text FROM text WHERE id = ? |]
@ -266,21 +254,6 @@ loadPrimaryHashByObjectId oId = queryAtom sql (Only oId) >>= orError (UnknownObj
WHERE object.id = ?
objectAndPrimaryHashByAnyHash :: EDB m => Base32Hex -> m (Maybe (Base32Hex, ObjectId))
objectAndPrimaryHashByAnyHash h = runMaybeT do
hashId <- MaybeT $ loadHashId h -- hash may not exist
oId <- MaybeT $ maybeObjectIdForAnyHashId hashId -- hash may not correspond to any object
base32 <- loadPrimaryHashByObjectId oId
pure (base32, oId)
objectExistsWithHash :: DB m => Base32Hex -> m Bool
objectExistsWithHash h = queryExists sql (Only h) where
sql = [here|
FROM hash INNER JOIN hash_object ON hash.id = hash_object.hash_id
WHERE base32 = ?
hashIdsForObject :: DB m => ObjectId -> m (NonEmpty HashId)
hashIdsForObject oId = do
primaryHashId <- queryOne $ queryAtom sql1 (Only oId)
@ -603,10 +576,6 @@ queryAtom q r = fmap fromOnly <$> queryMaybe q r
queryOne :: Functor f => f (Maybe b) -> f b
queryOne = fmap fromJust
-- | composite input, Boolean output
queryExists :: (DB m, ToRow q, Show q) => SQLite.Query -> q -> m Bool
queryExists q r = not . null . map (id @SQLData) <$> queryAtoms q r
-- | composite input, composite List output
query :: (DB m, ToRow q, FromRow r, Show q, Show r) => SQLite.Query -> q -> m [r]
query q r = do

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@ -16,11 +16,7 @@ import Data.Bytes.Serial (SerialEndian (serializeBE), deserialize, deserializeBE
import Data.Bytes.VarInt (VarInt (VarInt), unVarInt)
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.List (elemIndex)
import Data.Sequence (Seq)
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import Data.Word (Word64)
import Debug.Trace (trace)
import qualified U.Codebase.Decl as Decl
@ -638,9 +634,6 @@ getBranchLocalIds =
<*> getVector getVarInt
<*> getVector (getPair getVarInt getVarInt)
vec2seq :: Vector a -> Seq a
vec2seq v = Seq.fromFunction (length v) (v Vector.!)
decomposeComponent :: MonadGet m => m [(LocalIds, BS.ByteString)]
decomposeComponent = do
offsets <- getList (getVarInt @_ @Int)

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@ -58,11 +58,6 @@ rmap f = ABT.transform \case
Ref r -> Ref (f r)
x -> unsafeCoerce x
rtraverse :: (Monad g, Ord v) => (r -> g r') -> ABT.Term (F' r) v a -> g (ABT.Term (F' r') v a)
rtraverse g = ABT.transformM \case
Ref r -> Ref <$> g r
x -> pure $ unsafeCoerce x
typeD2T :: Ord v => Hash -> TypeD v -> TypeT v
typeD2T h = rmap $ bimap id $ Maybe.fromMaybe h

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@ -7,14 +7,6 @@ import qualified U.Util.Hashable as H
data TypeEdit = Replace Reference | Deprecate
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
references :: TypeEdit -> [Reference]
references (Replace r) = [r]
references Deprecate = []
instance Hashable TypeEdit where
tokens (Replace r) = H.Tag 0 : H.tokens r
tokens Deprecate = [H.Tag 1]
toReference :: TypeEdit -> Maybe Reference
toReference (Replace r) = Just r
toReference Deprecate = Nothing

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@ -18,10 +18,7 @@ import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
import Prelude hiding (abs,cycle)
import U.Util.Hashable (Accumulate, Hashable1)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified U.Util.Hashable as Hashable
import Data.Functor (void)
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import Control.Monad (join)
@ -55,13 +52,6 @@ vmap f (Term _ a out) = case out of
Cycle r -> cycle a (vmap f r)
Abs v body -> abs a (f v) (vmap f body)
vtraverse :: (Traversable f, Applicative g, Ord v') => (v -> g v') -> Term f v a -> g (Term f v' a)
vtraverse g (Term _ a out) = case out of
Var v -> var a <$> g v
Cycle r -> cycle a <$> vtraverse g r
Abs v r -> abs a <$> g v <*> vtraverse g r
Tm fa -> tm a <$> traverse (vtraverse g) fa
transform :: (Ord v, Foldable g, Functor g)
=> (forall a. f a -> g a) -> Term f v a -> Term g v a
transform f t = case out t of
@ -87,12 +77,6 @@ var a v = Term (Set.singleton v) a (Var v)
cycle :: a -> Term f v a -> Term f v a
cycle a t = Term (freeVars t) a (Cycle t)
absChain' :: Ord v => [v] -> Term f v () -> Term f v ()
absChain' vs t = foldr (\v t -> abs () v t) t vs
absCycle' :: Ord v => [v] -> Term f v () -> Term f v ()
absCycle' vs t = cycle () $ absChain' vs t
tm :: (Foldable f, Ord v) => a -> f (Term f v a) -> Term f v a
tm a t = Term (Set.unions (fmap freeVars (Foldable.toList t))) a (Tm t)
@ -125,26 +109,6 @@ hash = hash' [] where
env -> (map (hash' env) ts', hash' env)
hashCycle env ts = (map (hash' env) ts, hash' env)
-- Hash a strongly connected component and sort its definitions into a canonical order.
hashComponent ::
(Functor f, Hashable1 f, Foldable f, Eq v, Show v, Ord v, Ord h, Accumulate h)
=> Map v (Term f v a) -> (h, [(v, Term f v a)])
hashComponent byName = let
ts = Map.toList byName
embeds = [ (v, void (transform Embed t)) | (v,t) <- ts ]
vs = fst <$> ts
-- make closed terms for each element of the component
-- [ let x = ..., y = ..., in x
-- , let x = ..., y = ..., in y ]
-- so that we can then hash them (closed terms can be hashed)
-- so that we can sort them by hash. this is the "canonical, name-agnostic"
-- hash that yields the canonical ordering of the component.
tms = [ (v, absCycle' vs (tm () $ Component (snd <$> embeds) (var () v))) | v <- vs ]
hashed = [ ((v,t), hash t) | (v,t) <- tms ]
sortedHashed = List.sortOn snd hashed
overallHash = Hashable.accumulate (Hashable.Hashed . snd <$> sortedHashed)
in (overallHash, [ (v, t) | ((v, _),_) <- sortedHashed, Just t <- [Map.lookup v byName] ])
-- Implementation detail of hashComponent
data Component f a = Component [a] a | Embed (f a) deriving (Functor, Traversable, Foldable)
instance (Hashable1 f, Functor f) => Hashable1 (Component f) where

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@ -27,12 +27,6 @@ toByteString :: Base32Hex -> ByteString
toByteString = fromMaybe err . textToByteString . toText
where err = "invalid base32Hex presumably created via \"unsafe\" constructors"
fromText :: Text -> Maybe Base32Hex
fromText = fmap fromByteString . textToByteString
unsafeFromText :: Text -> Base32Hex
unsafeFromText = UnsafeBase32Hex
-- | Produce a 'Hash' from a base32hex-encoded version of its binary representation
textToByteString :: Text -> Maybe ByteString
textToByteString txt =

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@ -15,9 +15,6 @@ data Cache m k v =
, insert :: k -> v -> m ()
transform :: (forall a. m a -> n a) -> Cache m k v -> Cache n k v
transform f Cache {..} = Cache (f . lookup) ((f .) . insert)
-- Create a cache of unbounded size.
cache :: (MonadIO m, Ord k) => m (Cache m k v)
cache = do

weeder.dhall Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
{ roots = [ "^Main.main$", "^Paths_.*" ], type-class-roots = True }