executed Hello, World almost exclusively

This commit is contained in:
Arya Irani 2019-02-20 17:20:10 -05:00
parent 18fa5cb936
commit 643bf235f0
4 changed files with 53 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -60,3 +60,9 @@ patternName env r cid =
case terms env (Referent.Con r cid) of
Just name -> name
Nothing -> HQ.fromReferent (Referent.Con r cid)
instance Monoid PrettyPrintEnv where
mempty = PrettyPrintEnv (const Nothing) (const Nothing)
mappend = unionLeft
instance Semigroup PrettyPrintEnv where
(<>) = mappend

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@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ data Id = Id H.Hash Pos Size deriving (Eq,Ord,Generic)
instance Show Id where
show = addDot . splitSuffix where
addDot (h, s) = show h <> maybe "" ("."<>) s
addDot (h, s) = (take 5 $ show h) <> maybe "" ("."<>) s
showShort :: Int -> Reference -> String
showShort numHashChars r =

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@ -7,10 +7,10 @@
{-# Language PartialTypeSignatures #-}
{-# Language StrictData #-}
{-# Language TupleSections #-}
{-# Language ViewPatterns #-}
module Unison.Runtime.IR where
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Functor (void)
import Data.IORef
@ -40,8 +40,14 @@ type ConstructorId = Int
type Term v = AnnotatedTerm v ()
data CompilationEnv e
= CompilationEnv { toIR :: R.Reference -> Maybe (IR e)
, constructorArity :: R.Reference -> Int -> Maybe Int }
= CompilationEnv { toIR' :: Map R.Reference (IR e)
, constructorArity' :: Map (R.Reference, Int) Int }
toIR :: CompilationEnv e -> R.Reference -> Maybe (IR e)
toIR = flip Map.lookup . toIR'
constructorArity :: CompilationEnv e -> R.Reference -> Int -> Maybe Int
constructorArity e r i = Map.lookup (r,i) $ constructorArity' e
data SymbolC =
SymbolC { isLazy :: Bool
@ -188,6 +194,10 @@ compile0 env bound t =
fvs = freeVars bound t
go t = case t of
Term.Nat' n -> Leaf . Val . N $ n
Term.Int' n -> Leaf . Val . I $ n
Term.Float' n -> Leaf . Val . F $ n
Term.Boolean' n -> Leaf . Val . B $ n
Term.Text' n -> Leaf . Val . T $ n
Term.And' x y -> And (ind "and" t x) (go y)
Term.LamsNamed' vs body -> Leaf . Val $
Lam (length vs)
@ -204,6 +214,7 @@ compile0 env bound t =
Term.Ann' e _ -> go e
Term.Match' scrutinee cases -> Match (ind "match" t scrutinee) (compileCase <$> cases)
Term.Var' _ -> Leaf $ ind "var" t t
Term.Ref' (toIR env -> Just ir) -> ir
_ -> error $ "TODO - don't know how to compile " ++ show t
compileVar _ v [] = unknown v
@ -220,7 +231,8 @@ compile0 env bound t =
-> R.Reference -> Int -> IR e
ctorIR con src r cid = case constructorArity env r cid of
Nothing -> error $ "the compilation env is missing info about how "
++ "to compile this constructor: " ++ show (r, cid)
++ "to compile this constructor: " ++ show (r, cid) ++ "\n" ++ show (constructorArity' env)
Just 0 -> con r cid []
Just arity -> Leaf . Val $ Lam arity (FormClosure $ src r cid) ir
-- if `arity` is 1, then `Slot 0` is the sole argument.
@ -395,7 +407,7 @@ instance Show e => Show (Value e) where
show (N n) = show n
show (B b) = show b
show (T t) = show t
show (Lam n e ir) = "(Lam " <> show n <> " " <> show e <> " " <> show ir <> ")"
show (Lam n e ir) = "(Lam " <> show n <> " " <> show e <> " (" <> show ir <> "))"
show (Data r cid vs) = "(Data " <> show r <> " " <> show cid <> " " <> show vs <> ")"
show (Sequence vs) = "[" <> intercalateMap ", " show vs <> "]"
show (Ref n s _) = "(Ref " <> show n <> " " <> show s <> ")"
@ -406,12 +418,12 @@ instance Show e => Show (Value e) where
"(LetRecBomb " <> show b <> " in " <> show (fst <$> bs)<> ")"
compilationEnv0 :: CompilationEnv e
compilationEnv0 = mempty { toIR = \r -> Map.lookup r builtins }
compilationEnv0 = CompilationEnv builtins mempty
instance Semigroup (CompilationEnv e) where (<>) = mappend
instance Monoid (CompilationEnv e) where
mempty = CompilationEnv (const Nothing) (\_ _ -> Nothing)
mempty = CompilationEnv mempty mempty
mappend c1 c2 = CompilationEnv ir ctor where
ir r = toIR c1 r <|> toIR c2 r
ctor r cid = constructorArity c1 r cid <|> constructorArity c2 r cid
ir = toIR' c1 <> toIR' c2
ctor = constructorArity' c1 <> constructorArity' c2

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@ -32,6 +32,9 @@ import Unison.Runtime.IR (pattern CompilationEnv, pattern Req)
import Unison.Runtime.IR hiding (CompilationEnv, IR, Req, Value, Z)
import qualified Unison.Runtime.IR as IR
import Unison.Symbol (Symbol)
import Unison.TermPrinter (prettyTop)
import qualified Unison.Util.Pretty as Pretty
import Debug.Trace
type CompilationEnv = IR.CompilationEnv ExternalFunction
type IR = IR.IR ExternalFunction
@ -51,6 +54,7 @@ runtime = Runtime terminate eval
changeVar term = Term.vmap IR.underlyingSymbol term
eval :: (MonadIO m, Monoid a) => CL.CodeLookup m Symbol a -> Term.AnnotatedTerm Symbol a -> m (Term Symbol)
eval cl term = do
liftIO . putStrLn $ Pretty.render 80 (prettyTop mempty term)
cenv <- compilationEnv cl term -- in `m`
RDone result <- liftIO $
run cenv (compile cenv $ Term.amap (const ()) term)
@ -126,6 +130,11 @@ pushMany size values m = do
length <- foldM pushArg 0 values
pure ((size + length), m)
-- [s3,s2,s1,s0] [i1,i2,i3]
-- [s3,s2,s1,s0, i1,i2,i3]
-- [s3,s2,s1,s0, i3,i2,i1]
pushManyZ :: Foldable f => Size -> f Z -> Stack -> IO (Size, Stack)
pushManyZ size zs m = do
m <- ensureSize (size + length zs) m
@ -133,8 +142,8 @@ pushManyZ size zs m = do
val <- at size z m -- variable lookup uses current size
MV.write m size' val
pure (size' + 1)
length <- foldM pushArg 0 zs
pure ((size + length), m)
size2 <- foldM pushArg size zs
pure (size2, m)
ensureSize :: Size -> Stack -> IO Stack
ensureSize size m =
@ -169,20 +178,22 @@ compilationEnv :: Monad m
compilationEnv env t = do
let typeDeps = Term.referencedDataDeclarations t
<> Term.referencedEffectDeclarations t
traceM "typeDeps"
traceShowM typeDeps
arityMap <- fmap (Map.fromList . join) . for (toList typeDeps) $ \case
r@(R.DerivedId id) -> do
decl <- CL.getTypeDeclaration env id
case decl of
Nothing -> pure []
Nothing -> error $ "no type declaration for " <> show id -- pure []
Just (Left ad) -> pure $
let arities = DD.constructorArities $ DD.toDataDecl ad
in [ ((r, i), arity) | (i, arity) <- arities `zip` [0..] ]
in [ ((r, i), arity) | (arity, i) <- arities `zip` [0..] ]
Just (Right dd) -> pure $
let arities = DD.constructorArities dd
in [ ((r, i), arity) | (i, arity) <- arities `zip` [0..] ]
in [ ((r, i), arity) | (arity, i) <- arities `zip` [0..] ]
_ -> pure []
let cenv = CompilationEnv (const Nothing)
(\r cid -> Map.lookup (r,cid) arityMap)
let cenv = CompilationEnv mempty arityMap
-- deps = Term.dependencies t
-- this would rely on haskell laziness for compilation, needs more thought
--compiledTerms <- fmap (Map.fromList . join) . for (toList deps) $ \case
@ -196,8 +207,7 @@ compilationEnv env t = do
builtinCompilationEnv :: CompilationEnv
builtinCompilationEnv =
CompilationEnv (flip Map.lookup (builtinsMap <> IR.builtins))
(\_ _ -> Nothing)
CompilationEnv (builtinsMap <> IR.builtins) mempty
where builtins :: [(Text, Int, Size -> Stack -> IO Value)]
builtins = [
("Text.++", 2, \size stack -> do
@ -232,7 +242,12 @@ run env ir = do
fresh = atomicModifyIORef' supply (\n -> (n + 1, n))
go :: Size -> Stack -> IR -> IO Result
go size m ir = case ir of
go size m ir = do
stackStuff <- traverse (MV.read m) [0..size-1]
traceM $ "stack: " <> show stackStuff
traceM $ "ir: " <> show ir
traceM ""
case ir of
Leaf (Val v) -> done v
Leaf slot -> done =<< at size slot m
If c t f -> atb size c m >>= \case