initial pass at structural hashing of data declaration cycles

This commit is contained in:
Arya Irani 2018-05-30 18:08:38 -04:00
parent 8744ab6897
commit 68d2549480
4 changed files with 92 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -320,6 +320,16 @@ unabs t = ([], t)
reabs :: Ord v => [v] -> Term f v () -> Term f v ()
reabs vs t = foldr abs t vs
transform :: (Ord v, Foldable g, Functor f)
=> (forall a. f a -> g a) -> Term f v a -> Term g v a
transform f tm = case (out tm) of
Var v -> annotatedVar (annotation tm) v
Abs v body -> abs' (annotation tm) v (transform f body)
Tm subterms ->
let subterms' = fmap (transform f) subterms
in tm' (annotation tm) (f subterms')
Cycle body -> cycle' (annotation tm) (transform f body)
instance (Foldable f, Functor f, Eq1 f, Eq a, Var v) => Eq (Term f v a) where
-- alpha equivalence, works by renaming any aligned Abs ctors to use a common fresh variable
t1 == t2 = annotation t1 == annotation t2 && go (out t1) (out t2) where

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@ -5,10 +5,72 @@
module Unison.DataDeclaration where
import Prelude hiding (cycle)
import Unison.Type (Type)
import GHC.Generics
import qualified Unison.Type as Type
import Unison.ABT (absChain, cycle)
import Unison.Var (Var)
import Unison.Hashable (Accumulate, Hashable1)
import qualified Unison.Hashable as Hashable
import qualified Unison.ABT as ABT
data DataDeclaration v = DataDeclaration {
bound :: [v],
constructors :: [(v, [Type v])]
constructors :: [(v, Type v)]
} deriving (Show)
-- type List a = Nil | Cons a (List a)
-- cycle (abs "List" (LetRec [abs "a" (cycle (absChain ["Nil","Cons"] (Constructors [List a, a -> List a -> List a])))] "List"))
-- absChain [a] (cycle ())"List")
data F a
= Type (Type.F a)
| LetRec [a] a
| Constructors [a]
deriving (Functor, Foldable)
instance Hashable1 F where
hash1 hashCycle hash e =
let (tag, hashed) = (Hashable.Tag, Hashable.Hashed)
-- Note: start each layer with leading `2` byte, to avoid collisions with
-- terms, which start each layer with leading `1`. See `Hashable1 Term.F`
in Hashable.accumulate $ tag 2 : case e of
Type t -> [tag 0, hashed $ Hashable.hash1 hashCycle hash t]
LetRec bindings body ->
let (hashes, hash') = hashCycle bindings
in [tag 1] ++ map hashed hashes ++ [hashed $ hash' body]
Constructors cs ->
let (hashes, _) = hashCycle cs
in [tag 2] ++ map hashed hashes
type UpDown = Up | Down
type List a = Nil | Cons a (List a)
type Ping p = Ping (Pong p)
type Pong p = Pong (Ping p)
type Foo a f = Foo Int (Bar a)
type Bar a f = Bar Long (Foo a)
hash :: (Eq v, Var v, Ord h, Accumulate h)
=> [(v, DataDeclaration v)] -> [(v, h)]
hash recursiveDecls = zip (fst <$> recursiveDecls) hashes where
hashes = ABT.hash <$> toLetRec recursiveDecls
toLetRec :: Ord v => [(v, DataDeclaration v)] -> [ABT.Term F v ()]
toLetRec decls =
do1 <$> vs
vs = fst <$> decls
decls' = toABT . snd <$> decls
-- we duplicate this letrec once (`do1`) for each of the mutually recursive types
do1 v = cycle (absChain vs . $ LetRec decls' (ABT.var v))
toABT :: Ord v => DataDeclaration v -> ABT.Term F v ()
toABT (DataDeclaration bound constructors) =
absChain bound (cycle (absChain (fst <$> constructors)
( $ Constructors stuff)))
where stuff = ABT.transform Type . snd <$> constructors

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@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import qualified Text.Parsec.Layout as L
import qualified Unison.Parser
import qualified Unison.Parsers as Parsers
import qualified Unison.Term as Term
import qualified Unison.Type as Type
import qualified Unison.TermParser as TermParser
import qualified Unison.TypeParser as TypeParser
import Control.Monad.Reader
@ -76,12 +77,17 @@ dataDeclaration = traced "data declaration" $ do
(name, typeArgs) <- --L.withoutLayout "type introduction" $
(,) <$> TermParser.prefixVar <*> traced "many prefixVar" (many TermParser.prefixVar)
traced "=" . token_ $ string "="
-- dataConstructorTyp gives the type of the constructor, given the types of
-- the constructor arguments, e.g. Cons becomes forall a . a -> List a -> List a
let dataConstructorTyp ctorArgs =
Type.foralls typeArgs $ Type.arrows ctorArgs (Type.apps (Type.var name) (Type.var <$> typeArgs))
dataConstructor =
(,) <$> TermParser.prefixVar
<*> (dataConstructorTyp <$> many TypeParser.valueTypeLeaf)
traced "vblock" $ L.vblockIncrement $ do
constructors <- traced "constructors" $ sepBy (token_ $ string "|") dataConstructor
pure $ (name, DataDeclaration typeArgs constructors)
dataConstructor = traced "data contructor" $ (,) <$> TermParser.prefixVar
<*> (traced "many typeLeaf" $ many TypeParser.valueTypeLeaf)
effectDeclaration :: Var v => Parser (S v) (v, EffectDeclaration v)
effectDeclaration = traced "effect declaration" $ do

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@ -147,6 +147,9 @@ ann e t = (Ann e t)
forall :: Ord v => v -> Type v -> Type v
forall v body = (Forall (ABT.abs v body))
var :: Ord v => v -> Type v
var = ABT.var
existential :: Ord v => v -> Type (TypeVar v)
existential v = ABT.var (TypeVar.Existential v)
@ -159,6 +162,12 @@ v' s = ABT.var (ABT.v' s)
forall' :: Var v => [Text] -> Type v -> Type v
forall' vs body = foldr forall body (map ABT.v' vs)
foralls :: Var v => [v] -> Type v -> Type v
foralls vs body = foldr forall body vs
arrows :: Var v => [Type v] -> Type v -> Type v
arrows ts result = foldr arrow result ts
effect :: Ord v => [Type v] -> Type v -> Type v
effect es t = (Effect es t)