starting to flesh out DeclComponent case

This commit is contained in:
Arya Irani 2021-10-21 18:26:32 -04:00
parent 5f495f0147
commit 6c07b36b92

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@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (throwE)
import Data.Either.Extra (maybeToEither)
import Data.Generics.Product
import Data.Generics.Sum
import qualified Unison.Hash as Unison
import qualified Unison.Hashing.V2.Convert as Convert
-- lookupCtor :: ConstructorMapping -> ObjectId -> Pos -> ConstructorId -> Maybe (Pos, ConstructorId)
-- lookupCtor (ConstructorMapping cm) oid pos cid =
@ -110,12 +112,22 @@ data X = MkX Y
data Y = MkY Int
data Entity
= O ObjectId
data Entity'
= TComponent Unison.Hash
| DComponent Unison.Hash
| Patch ObjectId
| NS ObjectId
| C CausalHashId
| W WK.WatchKind S.Reference.IdH
| W WK.WatchKind S.Reference.IdH -- Hash Reference.Id
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- data Entity
-- = O ObjectId -- Hash
-- | C CausalHashId
-- | W WK.WatchKind S.Reference.IdH -- Hash Reference.Id
-- deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data Env = Env {db :: Connection}
-- -> m (TrySyncResult h)
@ -201,10 +213,8 @@ migrateNamespace = error "not implemented"
migrateTermComponent :: HashId -> ByteString -> m _
migrateTermComponent = error "not implemented"
migrateDeclComponent :: forall m v a. Ops.EDB m => Codebase m v a -> HashId -> m (Sync.TrySyncResult Reference.Id)
migrateDeclComponent Codebase{..} hashId = fmap (either id id) . runExceptT $ do
hash' <- lift $ Ops.loadHashByHashId hashId
let hash = Cv.hash2to1 hash'
migrateDeclComponent :: forall m v a. Codebase m v a -> Unison.Hash -> m (Sync.TrySyncResult Entity')
migrateDeclComponent Codebase{..} hash = fmap (either id id) . runExceptT $ do
declComponent :: [DD.Decl v a] <- lift (getDeclComponent hash) >>= \case
Nothing -> error "handle this" -- not non-fatal!
Just dc -> pure dc
@ -227,7 +237,7 @@ migrateDeclComponent Codebase{..} hashId = fmap (either id id) . runExceptT $ do
^.. traversed
. _2
. beside coerced id
. beside asDataDecl_ id
. to DD.constructors'
. traversed
. _3
@ -238,28 +248,77 @@ migrateDeclComponent Codebase{..} hashId = fmap (either id id) . runExceptT $ do
declMap <- gets declLookup
let unmigratedIds :: [Reference.Id]
unmigratedIds = filter (\ref -> not (Map.member ref declMap)) allContainedReferences
when (not . null $ unmigratedIds) $ throwE (Sync.Missing unmigratedIds)
-- At this point we know we have all the required mappings from old references to new ones.
let remapTerm :: Type v a -> ExceptT (Sync.TrySyncResult Reference.Id) m (Type v a)
remapTerm typ = either throwE pure $ ABT.visit' (remapReferences declMap) typ
when (not . null $ unmigratedIds) do
let unmigratedHashes :: [Unison.Hash]
unmigratedHashes =
nubOrd (map Reference.idToHash unmigratedIds)
throwE (Sync.Missing (map DComponent unmigratedHashes))
result :: [DD.Decl v a] <- declComponent
& traversed
. beside DD.asDataDecl_ id
. DD.constructors_
. traversed
. _3
%%~ remapTerm
-- putTypeDeclaration
-- At this point we know we have all the required mappings from old references to new ones.
let remapTerm :: Type v a -> Type v a
remapTerm typ = runIdentity $ ABT.visit' (remapReferences declMap) typ
let remappedReferences :: Map (Old Reference.Id) (v, DD.Decl v a)
remappedReferences = unhashed
& traversed -- Traverse map of reference IDs
. _2 -- Select the DataDeclaration
. beside DD.asDataDecl_ id -- Unpack effect decls
. DD.constructors_ -- Get the data constructors
. traversed -- traverse the list of them
. _3 -- Select the Type term.
%~ remapTerm
let vToOldReference :: Map v (Old Reference.Id)
vToOldReference = Map.fromList . fmap swap . Map.toList . fmap fst $ remappedReferences
-- hashDecls ::
-- Var v =>
-- Map v (Memory.DD.DataDeclaration v a) ->
-- ResolutionResult v a [(v, Memory.Reference.Id, Memory.DD.DataDeclaration v a)]
let newComponent :: ([(v, Reference.Id, DD.DataDeclaration v a)])
newComponent = Convert.hashDecls (Map.fromList $ Map.elems remappedReferences)
for newComponent $ \(v, newReferenceId, dd) -> do
field @"declLookup" %= Map.insert (vToReference Map.! v) newReferenceId
putTypeDeclaration newReference (_ d)
pure Sync.Done
structural type Ping x = P1 (Pong x)
P1 : forall x. Pong x -> Ping x
structural type Pong x = P2 (Ping x) | P3 Nat
P2 : forall x. Ping x -> Pong x
P3 : forall x. Nat -> Pong x
end up with
decl Ping (Ref.Id #abc pos=0)
decl Pong (Ref.Id #abc pos=1)
ctor P1: #abc pos=0 cid=0
ctor P2: #abc pos=1 cid=0
ctor P3: #abc pos=1 cid=1
we unhashComponent and get:
{ X -> structural type X x = AAA (Y x)
, Y -> structural type Y x = BBB (X x) | CCC Nat }
remapReferences :: Map (Old Reference.Id) (New Reference.Id)
-> Type.F (Type v a)
-> Either (Sync.TrySyncResult Reference.Id) (Type.F (Type v a))
-> Identity Type.F (Type v a)
remapReferences declMap = \case
(Type.Ref (Reference.DerivedId refId)) -> (Type.Ref . Reference.DerivedId) <$> maybeToEither (Sync.Missing [refId]) (Map.lookup refId declMap)
(Type.Ref (Reference.DerivedId refId)) ->
(error $ "Expected reference to exist in decl mapping, but it wasn't found: " <> show refId)
(Sync.Missing [DComponent Reference.idToHash refId]) (Map.lookup refId declMap)
x -> pure x