Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into merged-ghc-upgrade-try-2

This commit is contained in:
Eduard Nicodei 2024-07-15 18:21:33 +01:00
commit 6ed06f3089
500 changed files with 12966 additions and 9994 deletions

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ At a high level, the CI process is:
Some version numbers that are used during CI:
- `ormolu_version: ""`
- `racket_version: "8.7"`
- `jit_version: "@unison/internal/releases/0.0.17"`
- `jit_version: "@unison/internal/releases/0.0.18"`
Some cached directories:
- `ucm_local_bin` a temp path for caching a built `ucm`

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ on:
ucm_local_bin: ucm-local-bin
jit_version: "@unison/internal/releases/0.0.17"
jit_version: "@unison/internal/releases/0.0.18"
jit_src_scheme: unison-jit-src/scheme-libs/racket
jit_dist: unison-jit-dist
jit_generator_os: ubuntu-20.04

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -1,9 +1,14 @@
# Unison
# Ignore all scratch files...
# Except those in unison-src
# And integration tests
# Auto-generated
@ -19,6 +24,7 @@ dist-newstyle

View File

@ -1,10 +1,5 @@
module U.Codebase.Sqlite.Operations
( -- * branches
@ -13,6 +8,7 @@ module U.Codebase.Sqlite.Operations
@ -100,9 +96,16 @@ module U.Codebase.Sqlite.Operations
-- * Projects
-- * reflog
-- * low-level stuff
@ -183,6 +186,9 @@ import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Patch.TermEdit qualified as S
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Patch.TermEdit qualified as S.TermEdit
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Patch.TypeEdit qualified as S
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Patch.TypeEdit qualified as S.TypeEdit
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Project (Project (..))
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.ProjectBranch (ProjectBranch (..))
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.ProjectReflog qualified as ProjectReflog
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Queries qualified as Q
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Reference qualified as S
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Reference qualified as S.Reference
@ -200,6 +206,7 @@ import U.Codebase.TypeEdit qualified as C.TypeEdit
import U.Codebase.WatchKind (WatchKind)
import U.Util.Base32Hex qualified as Base32Hex
import U.Util.Serialization qualified as S
import Unison.Core.Project (ProjectBranchName, ProjectName)
import Unison.Hash qualified as H
import Unison.Hash32 qualified as Hash32
import Unison.NameSegment (NameSegment)
@ -232,23 +239,10 @@ expectValueHashByCausalHashId = loadValueHashById <=< Q.expectCausalValueHashId
loadValueHashById :: Db.BranchHashId -> Transaction BranchHash
loadValueHashById = fmap BranchHash . Q.expectHash . Db.unBranchHashId
expectRootCausalHash :: Transaction CausalHash
expectRootCausalHash = Q.expectCausalHash =<< Q.expectNamespaceRoot
expectRootBranchHash :: Transaction BranchHash
expectRootBranchHash = do
rootCausalHashId <- Q.expectNamespaceRoot
expectValueHashByCausalHashId rootCausalHashId
loadRootCausalHash :: Transaction (Maybe CausalHash)
loadRootCausalHash =
runMaybeT $
lift . Q.expectCausalHash =<< MaybeT Q.loadNamespaceRoot
-- | Load the causal hash at the given path from the provided root, if Nothing, use the
-- codebase root.
loadCausalHashAtPath :: Maybe CausalHash -> [NameSegment] -> Transaction (Maybe CausalHash)
loadCausalHashAtPath mayRootCausalHash =
loadCausalHashAtPath :: CausalHash -> [NameSegment] -> Transaction (Maybe CausalHash)
loadCausalHashAtPath rootCausalHash =
let go :: Db.CausalHashId -> [NameSegment] -> MaybeT Transaction CausalHash
go hashId = \case
[] -> lift (Q.expectCausalHash hashId)
@ -258,15 +252,13 @@ loadCausalHashAtPath mayRootCausalHash =
(_, hashId') <- MaybeT (pure (Map.lookup tid children))
go hashId' ts
in \path -> do
hashId <- case mayRootCausalHash of
Nothing -> Q.expectNamespaceRoot
Just rootCH -> Q.expectCausalHashIdByCausalHash rootCH
hashId <- Q.expectCausalHashIdByCausalHash rootCausalHash
runMaybeT (go hashId path)
-- | Expect the causal hash at the given path from the provided root, if Nothing, use the
-- codebase root.
expectCausalHashAtPath :: Maybe CausalHash -> [NameSegment] -> Transaction CausalHash
expectCausalHashAtPath mayRootCausalHash =
expectCausalHashAtPath :: CausalHash -> [NameSegment] -> Transaction CausalHash
expectCausalHashAtPath rootCausalHash =
let go :: Db.CausalHashId -> [NameSegment] -> Transaction CausalHash
go hashId = \case
[] -> Q.expectCausalHash hashId
@ -276,23 +268,21 @@ expectCausalHashAtPath mayRootCausalHash =
let (_, hashId') = children Map.! tid
go hashId' ts
in \path -> do
hashId <- case mayRootCausalHash of
Nothing -> Q.expectNamespaceRoot
Just rootCH -> Q.expectCausalHashIdByCausalHash rootCH
hashId <- Q.expectCausalHashIdByCausalHash rootCausalHash
go hashId path
loadCausalBranchAtPath ::
Maybe CausalHash ->
CausalHash ->
[NameSegment] ->
Transaction (Maybe (C.Branch.CausalBranch Transaction))
loadCausalBranchAtPath maybeRootCausalHash path =
loadCausalHashAtPath maybeRootCausalHash path >>= \case
loadCausalBranchAtPath rootCausalHash path =
loadCausalHashAtPath rootCausalHash path >>= \case
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Just causalHash -> Just <$> expectCausalBranchByCausalHash causalHash
loadBranchAtPath :: Maybe CausalHash -> [NameSegment] -> Transaction (Maybe (C.Branch.Branch Transaction))
loadBranchAtPath maybeRootCausalHash path =
loadCausalBranchAtPath maybeRootCausalHash path >>= \case
loadBranchAtPath :: CausalHash -> [NameSegment] -> Transaction (Maybe (C.Branch.Branch Transaction))
loadBranchAtPath rootCausalHash path =
loadCausalBranchAtPath rootCausalHash path >>= \case
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Just causal -> Just <$> C.Causal.value causal
@ -613,16 +603,6 @@ s2cBranch (S.Branch.Full.Branch tms tps patches children) =
boId <- Q.expectBranchObjectIdByCausalHashId chId
expectBranch boId
saveRootBranch ::
HashHandle ->
C.Branch.CausalBranch Transaction ->
Transaction (Db.BranchObjectId, Db.CausalHashId)
saveRootBranch hh c = do
when debug $ traceM $ "Operations.saveRootBranch " ++ show (C.causalHash c)
(boId, chId) <- saveBranch hh c
Q.setNamespaceRoot chId
pure (boId, chId)
-- saveBranch is kind of a "deep save causal"
-- we want a "shallow save causal" that could take a
@ -749,9 +729,6 @@ saveCausalObject hh (C.Causal.Causal hc he parents _) = do
Q.saveCausal hh chId bhId parentCausalHashIds
pure (chId, bhId)
expectRootCausal :: Transaction (C.Branch.CausalBranch Transaction)
expectRootCausal = Q.expectNamespaceRoot >>= expectCausalBranchByCausalHashId
loadCausalBranchByCausalHash :: CausalHash -> Transaction (Maybe (C.Branch.CausalBranch Transaction))
loadCausalBranchByCausalHash hc = do
Q.loadCausalHashIdByCausalHash hc >>= \case
@ -1510,15 +1487,43 @@ namespaceStatsForDbBranch = \case
expectNamespaceStatsByHashId bhId
-- | Gets the specified number of reflog entries in chronological order, most recent first.
getReflog :: Int -> Transaction [Reflog.Entry CausalHash Text]
getReflog numEntries = do
entries <- Q.getReflog numEntries
getDeprecatedRootReflog :: Int -> Transaction [Reflog.Entry CausalHash Text]
getDeprecatedRootReflog numEntries = do
entries <- Q.getDeprecatedRootReflog numEntries
traverse (bitraverse Q.expectCausalHash pure) entries
appendReflog :: Reflog.Entry CausalHash Text -> Transaction ()
appendReflog entry = do
dbEntry <- (bitraverse Q.saveCausalHash pure) entry
Q.appendReflog dbEntry
-- | Gets the specified number of reflog entries for the given project in chronological order, most recent first.
getProjectReflog :: Int -> Db.ProjectId -> Transaction [ProjectReflog.Entry Project ProjectBranch CausalHash]
getProjectReflog numEntries projectId = do
entries <- Q.getProjectReflog numEntries projectId
traverse hydrateProjectReflogEntry entries
-- | Gets the specified number of reflog entries for the specified ProjectBranch in chronological order, most recent first.
getProjectBranchReflog :: Int -> Db.ProjectBranchId -> Transaction [ProjectReflog.Entry Project ProjectBranch CausalHash]
getProjectBranchReflog numEntries projectBranchId = do
entries <- Q.getProjectBranchReflog numEntries projectBranchId
traverse hydrateProjectReflogEntry entries
-- | Gets the specified number of reflog entries in chronological order, most recent first.
getGlobalReflog :: Int -> Transaction [ProjectReflog.Entry Project ProjectBranch CausalHash]
getGlobalReflog numEntries = do
entries <- Q.getGlobalReflog numEntries
traverse hydrateProjectReflogEntry entries
hydrateProjectReflogEntry :: ProjectReflog.Entry Db.ProjectId Db.ProjectBranchId Db.CausalHashId -> Transaction (ProjectReflog.Entry Project ProjectBranch CausalHash)
hydrateProjectReflogEntry entry = do
traverse Q.expectCausalHash entry
>>= ProjectReflog.projectAndBranch_
%%~ ( \(projId, branchId) -> do
proj <- Q.expectProject projId
branch <- Q.expectProjectBranch projId branchId
pure (proj, branch)
appendProjectReflog :: ProjectReflog.Entry Db.ProjectId Db.ProjectBranchId CausalHash -> Transaction ()
appendProjectReflog entry = do
dbEntry <- traverse Q.saveCausalHash entry
Q.appendProjectBranchReflog dbEntry
-- | Delete any name lookup that's not in the provided list.
@ -1584,3 +1589,14 @@ stripPrefixFromNamedRef (PathSegments prefix) namedRef =
Nothing -> reversedName
Just strippedReversedPath -> S.ReversedName (name NonEmpty.:| strippedReversedPath)
in namedRef {S.reversedSegments = newReversedName}
expectProjectAndBranchNames :: Db.ProjectId -> Db.ProjectBranchId -> Transaction (ProjectName, ProjectBranchName)
expectProjectAndBranchNames projectId projectBranchId = do
Project {name = pName} <- Q.expectProject projectId
ProjectBranch {name = bName} <- Q.expectProjectBranch projectId projectBranchId
pure (pName, bName)
expectProjectBranchHead :: Db.ProjectId -> Db.ProjectBranchId -> Transaction CausalHash
expectProjectBranchHead projId projectBranchId = do
chId <- Q.expectProjectBranchHead projId projectBranchId
Q.expectCausalHash chId

View File

@ -14,5 +14,5 @@ data Project = Project
{ projectId :: !ProjectId,
name :: !ProjectName
deriving stock (Generic, Show)
deriving stock (Generic, Show, Eq)
deriving anyclass (ToRow, FromRow)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module U.Codebase.Sqlite.ProjectReflog
( Entry (..),
import Control.Lens
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Time (UTCTime)
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.DbId (CausalHashId, ProjectBranchId, ProjectId)
import Unison.Sqlite (FromRow (..), ToRow (..), field)
data Entry project branch causal = Entry
{ project :: project,
branch :: branch,
time :: UTCTime,
fromRootCausalHash :: Maybe causal,
toRootCausalHash :: causal,
reason :: Text
deriving stock (Eq, Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
project_ :: Lens (Entry project branch causal) (Entry project' branch causal) project project'
project_ = lens project (\e p -> e {project = p})
branch_ :: Lens (Entry project branch causal) (Entry project branch' causal) branch branch'
branch_ = lens branch (\e b -> e {branch = b})
-- | Both Project and Branch Ids are required to load a branch, so this is often more useful.
projectAndBranch_ :: Lens (Entry project branch causal) (Entry project' branch' causal) (project, branch) (project', branch')
projectAndBranch_ = lens (\Entry {..} -> (project, branch)) (\e (project, branch) -> e {project = project, branch = branch})
instance ToRow (Entry ProjectId ProjectBranchId CausalHashId) where
toRow (Entry proj branch time fromRootCausalHash toRootCausalHash reason) =
toRow (proj, branch, time, fromRootCausalHash, toRootCausalHash, reason)
instance FromRow (Entry ProjectId ProjectBranchId CausalHashId) where
fromRow = do
project <- field
branch <- field
time <- field
fromRootCausalHash <- field
toRootCausalHash <- field
reason <- field
pure $ Entry {..}

View File

@ -66,12 +66,6 @@ module U.Codebase.Sqlite.Queries
-- * namespace_root table
-- * namespace_statistics table
@ -135,6 +129,8 @@ module U.Codebase.Sqlite.Queries
@ -215,8 +211,11 @@ module U.Codebase.Sqlite.Queries
-- * Reflog
-- * garbage collection
@ -237,12 +236,12 @@ module U.Codebase.Sqlite.Queries
-- * elaborate hashes
-- * most recent namespace
-- * current project path
-- * migrations
@ -254,6 +253,9 @@ module U.Codebase.Sqlite.Queries
-- ** schema version
@ -287,6 +289,7 @@ module U.Codebase.Sqlite.Queries
-- * Types
@ -315,6 +318,7 @@ import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Data.Text.Encoding qualified as Text
import Data.Text.Lazy qualified as Text.Lazy
import Data.Time qualified as Time
import Data.Vector qualified as Vector
import GHC.Stack (callStack)
import Network.URI (URI)
@ -367,7 +371,8 @@ import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Orphans ()
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Patch.Format qualified as PatchFormat
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Project (Project (..))
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.ProjectBranch (ProjectBranch (..))
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Reference qualified as S (Reference, ReferenceH, TermReference, TermReferenceId, TextReference, TypeReference, TypeReferenceId)
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.ProjectReflog qualified as ProjectReflog
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Reference qualified as S
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Reference qualified as S.Reference
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Referent qualified as S (TextReferent)
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Referent qualified as S.Referent
@ -399,6 +404,7 @@ import Unison.NameSegment.Internal (NameSegment (NameSegment))
import Unison.NameSegment.Internal qualified as NameSegment
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.Sqlite
import Unison.Sqlite qualified as Sqlite
import Unison.Util.Alternative qualified as Alternative
import Unison.Util.Defns (Defns (..), DefnsF)
import Unison.Util.FileEmbed (embedProjectStringFile)
@ -414,27 +420,11 @@ type TextPathSegments = [Text]
-- * main squeeze
currentSchemaVersion :: SchemaVersion
currentSchemaVersion = 16
currentSchemaVersion = 17
createSchema :: Transaction ()
createSchema = do
runCreateSql :: Transaction ()
runCreateSql =
executeStatements $(embedProjectStringFile "sql/create.sql")
execute insertSchemaVersionSql
insertSchemaVersionSql =
INSERT INTO schema_version (version)
VALUES (:currentSchemaVersion)
addTempEntityTables :: Transaction ()
addTempEntityTables =
@ -444,6 +434,7 @@ addNamespaceStatsTables :: Transaction ()
addNamespaceStatsTables =
executeStatements $(embedProjectStringFile "sql/003-namespace-statistics.sql")
-- | Deprecated in favour of project-branch reflog
addReflogTable :: Transaction ()
addReflogTable =
executeStatements $(embedProjectStringFile "sql/002-reflog-table.sql")
@ -482,6 +473,19 @@ cdToProjectRoot :: Transaction ()
cdToProjectRoot =
executeStatements $(embedProjectStringFile "sql/011-cd-to-project-root.sql")
addCurrentProjectPathTable :: Transaction ()
addCurrentProjectPathTable =
executeStatements $(embedProjectStringFile "sql/012-add-current-project-path-table.sql")
-- | Deprecated in favour of project-branch reflog
addProjectBranchReflogTable :: Transaction ()
addProjectBranchReflogTable =
executeStatements $(embedProjectStringFile "sql/013-add-project-branch-reflog-table.sql")
addProjectBranchCausalHashIdColumn :: Transaction ()
addProjectBranchCausalHashIdColumn =
executeStatements $(embedProjectStringFile "sql/014-add-project-branch-causal-hash-id.sql")
schemaVersion :: Transaction SchemaVersion
schemaVersion =
@ -1337,32 +1341,6 @@ loadCausalParentsByHash hash =
WHERE h1.base32 = :hash COLLATE NOCASE
expectNamespaceRootBranchHashId :: Transaction BranchHashId
expectNamespaceRootBranchHashId = do
chId <- expectNamespaceRoot
expectCausalValueHashId chId
expectNamespaceRoot :: Transaction CausalHashId
expectNamespaceRoot =
queryOneCol loadNamespaceRootSql
loadNamespaceRoot :: Transaction (Maybe CausalHashId)
loadNamespaceRoot =
queryMaybeCol loadNamespaceRootSql
loadNamespaceRootSql :: Sql
loadNamespaceRootSql =
SELECT causal_id
FROM namespace_root
setNamespaceRoot :: CausalHashId -> Transaction ()
setNamespaceRoot id =
queryOneCol [sql| SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM namespace_root) |] >>= \case
False -> execute [sql| INSERT INTO namespace_root VALUES (:id) |]
True -> execute [sql| UPDATE namespace_root SET causal_id = :id |]
saveWatch :: WatchKind -> S.Reference.IdH -> ByteString -> Transaction ()
saveWatch k r blob = do
@ -3496,16 +3474,8 @@ loadNamespaceStatsByHashId bhId = do
WHERE namespace_hash_id = :bhId
appendReflog :: Reflog.Entry CausalHashId Text -> Transaction ()
appendReflog entry =
INSERT INTO reflog (time, from_root_causal_id, to_root_causal_id, reason)
VALUES (@entry, @, @, @)
getReflog :: Int -> Transaction [Reflog.Entry CausalHashId Text]
getReflog numEntries =
getDeprecatedRootReflog :: Int -> Transaction [Reflog.Entry CausalHashId Text]
getDeprecatedRootReflog numEntries =
SELECT time, from_root_causal_id, to_root_causal_id, reason
@ -3514,6 +3484,49 @@ getReflog numEntries =
LIMIT :numEntries
appendProjectBranchReflog :: ProjectReflog.Entry ProjectId ProjectBranchId CausalHashId -> Transaction ()
appendProjectBranchReflog entry =
INSERT INTO project_branch_reflog (project_id, project_branch_id, time, from_root_causal_id, to_root_causal_id, reason)
VALUES (@entry, @, @, @, @, @)
-- | Get x number of entries from the project reflog for the provided project
getProjectReflog :: Int -> ProjectId -> Transaction [ProjectReflog.Entry ProjectId ProjectBranchId CausalHashId]
getProjectReflog numEntries projectId =
SELECT project_id, project_branch_id, time, from_root_causal_id, to_root_causal_id, reason
FROM project_branch_reflog
WHERE project_id = :projectId
LIMIT :numEntries
-- | Get x number of entries from the project reflog for the provided branch.
getProjectBranchReflog :: Int -> ProjectBranchId -> Transaction [ProjectReflog.Entry ProjectId ProjectBranchId CausalHashId]
getProjectBranchReflog numEntries projectBranchId =
SELECT project_id, project_branch_id, time, from_root_causal_id, to_root_causal_id, reason
FROM project_branch_reflog
WHERE project_branch_id = :projectBranchId
LIMIT :numEntries
-- | Get x number of entries from the global reflog spanning all projects
getGlobalReflog :: Int -> Transaction [ProjectReflog.Entry ProjectId ProjectBranchId CausalHashId]
getGlobalReflog numEntries =
SELECT project_id, project_branch_id, time, from_root_causal_id, to_root_causal_id, reason
FROM project_branch_reflog
LIMIT :numEntries
-- | Does a project exist with this id?
projectExists :: ProjectId -> Transaction Bool
projectExists projectId =
@ -3803,12 +3816,15 @@ loadProjectAndBranchNames projectId branchId =
-- | Insert a project branch.
insertProjectBranch :: ProjectBranch -> Transaction ()
insertProjectBranch (ProjectBranch projectId branchId branchName maybeParentBranchId) = do
insertProjectBranch :: (HasCallStack) => Text -> CausalHashId -> ProjectBranch -> Transaction ()
insertProjectBranch description causalHashId (ProjectBranch projectId branchId branchName maybeParentBranchId) = do
-- Ensure we never point at a causal we don't have the branch for.
_ <- expectBranchObjectIdByCausalHashId causalHashId
INSERT INTO project_branch (project_id, branch_id, name)
VALUES (:projectId, :branchId, :branchName)
INSERT INTO project_branch (project_id, branch_id, name, causal_hash_id)
VALUES (:projectId, :branchId, :branchName, :causalHashId)
whenJust maybeParentBranchId \parentBranchId ->
@ -3816,6 +3832,16 @@ insertProjectBranch (ProjectBranch projectId branchId branchName maybeParentBran
INSERT INTO project_branch_parent (project_id, parent_branch_id, branch_id)
VALUES (:projectId, :parentBranchId, :branchId)
time <- Sqlite.unsafeIO $ Time.getCurrentTime
appendProjectBranchReflog $
{ project = projectId,
branch = branchId,
fromRootCausalHash = Nothing,
toRootCausalHash = causalHashId,
reason = description
-- | Rename a project branch.
@ -3864,7 +3890,7 @@ deleteProject projectId = do
-- After deleting `topic`:
-- main <- topic2
deleteProjectBranch :: ProjectId -> ProjectBranchId -> Transaction ()
deleteProjectBranch :: (HasCallStack) => ProjectId -> ProjectBranchId -> Transaction ()
deleteProjectBranch projectId branchId = do
maybeParentBranchId :: Maybe ProjectBranchId <-
@ -3888,6 +3914,38 @@ deleteProjectBranch projectId branchId = do
WHERE project_id = :projectId AND branch_id = :branchId
-- | Set project branch HEAD
setProjectBranchHead :: Text -> ProjectId -> ProjectBranchId -> CausalHashId -> Transaction ()
setProjectBranchHead description projectId branchId causalHashId = do
-- Ensure we never point at a causal we don't have the branch for.
_ <- expectBranchObjectIdByCausalHashId causalHashId
oldRootCausalHashId <- expectProjectBranchHead projectId branchId
UPDATE project_branch
SET causal_hash_id = :causalHashId
WHERE project_id = :projectId AND branch_id = :branchId
time <- Sqlite.unsafeIO $ Time.getCurrentTime
appendProjectBranchReflog $
{ project = projectId,
branch = branchId,
time = time,
fromRootCausalHash = Just oldRootCausalHashId,
toRootCausalHash = causalHashId,
reason = description
expectProjectBranchHead :: (HasCallStack) => ProjectId -> ProjectBranchId -> Transaction CausalHashId
expectProjectBranchHead projectId branchId =
SELECT causal_hash_id
FROM project_branch
WHERE project_id = :projectId AND branch_id = :branchId
data LoadRemoteBranchFlag
= IncludeSelfRemote
| ExcludeSelfRemote
@ -4372,33 +4430,39 @@ data JsonParseFailure = JsonParseFailure
deriving anyclass (SqliteExceptionReason)
-- | Get the most recent namespace the user has visited.
expectMostRecentNamespace :: Transaction [NameSegment]
expectMostRecentNamespace =
expectCurrentProjectPath :: (HasCallStack) => Transaction (ProjectId, ProjectBranchId, [NameSegment])
expectCurrentProjectPath =
SELECT namespace
FROM most_recent_namespace
SELECT project_id, branch_id, path
FROM current_project_path
check :: Text -> Either JsonParseFailure [NameSegment]
check bytes =
case Aeson.eitherDecodeStrict (Text.encodeUtf8 bytes) of
Left failure -> Left JsonParseFailure {bytes, failure = Text.pack failure}
Right namespace -> Right (map NameSegment namespace)
check :: (ProjectId, ProjectBranchId, Text) -> Either JsonParseFailure (ProjectId, ProjectBranchId, [NameSegment])
check (projId, branchId, pathText) =
case Aeson.eitherDecodeStrict (Text.encodeUtf8 pathText) of
Left failure -> Left JsonParseFailure {bytes = pathText, failure = Text.pack failure}
Right namespace -> Right (projId, branchId, map NameSegment namespace)
-- | Set the most recent namespace the user has visited.
setMostRecentNamespace :: [NameSegment] -> Transaction ()
setMostRecentNamespace namespace =
setCurrentProjectPath ::
ProjectId ->
ProjectBranchId ->
[NameSegment] ->
Transaction ()
setCurrentProjectPath projId branchId path = do
[sql| DELETE FROM current_project_path |]
UPDATE most_recent_namespace
SET namespace = :json
INSERT INTO current_project_path(project_id, branch_id, path)
VALUES (:projId, :branchId, :jsonPath)
json :: Text
json =
Text.Lazy.toStrict (Aeson.encodeToLazyText $ NameSegment.toUnescapedText <$> namespace)
jsonPath :: Text
jsonPath =
Text.Lazy.toStrict (Aeson.encodeToLazyText $ NameSegment.toUnescapedText <$> path)
-- | Get the causal hash result from squashing the provided branch hash if we've squashed it
-- at some point in the past.

View File

@ -27,10 +27,12 @@ dependencies:
- nonempty-containers
- safe
- text
- time
- transformers
- unison-codebase
- unison-codebase-sync
- unison-core
- unison-core1
- unison-core-orphans-sqlite
- unison-hash
- unison-hash-orphans-sqlite
@ -39,7 +41,6 @@ dependencies:
- unison-util-base32hex
- unison-util-cache
- unison-util-file-embed
- unison-util-nametree
- unison-util-serialization
- unison-util-term
- unliftio

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
-- The most recent namespace that a user cd'd to.
-- This table should never have more than one row.
CREATE TABLE current_project_path (
project_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
-- A json array like ["foo", "bar"]; the root namespace is represented by the empty array
foreign key (project_id, branch_id)
references project_branch (project_id, branch_id)
-- Prevent deleting the project you're currently in.
on delete no action
DROP TABLE most_recent_namespace;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
-- A reflog which is tied to the project/branch
CREATE TABLE project_branch_reflog (
project_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
project_branch_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
-- Reminder that SQLITE doesn't have any actual 'time' type,
-- This column contains TEXT values formatted as ISO8601 strings
-- from_root_causal_id will be null if the branch was just created
from_root_causal_id INTEGER NULL REFERENCES causal(self_hash_id),
to_root_causal_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES causal(self_hash_id),
foreign key (project_id, project_branch_id)
references project_branch (project_id, branch_id)
on delete cascade
CREATE INDEX project_branch_reflog_by_time ON project_branch_reflog (
project_branch_id, time DESC
CREATE INDEX project_reflog_by_time ON project_branch_reflog (
project_id, time DESC
CREATE INDEX global_reflog_by_time ON project_branch_reflog (
time DESC

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
-- Add a new column to the project_branch table to store the causal_hash_id
ALTER TABLE project_branch ADD COLUMN causal_hash_id INTEGER NOT NULL;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
cabal-version: 1.12
-- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.36.0.
-- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.35.2.
-- see:
@ -21,6 +21,9 @@ extra-source-files:
source-repository head
@ -54,6 +57,7 @@ library
@ -121,11 +125,13 @@ library
, nonempty-containers
, safe
, text
, time
, transformers
, unison-codebase
, unison-codebase-sync
, unison-core
, unison-core-orphans-sqlite
, unison-core1
, unison-hash
, unison-hash-orphans-sqlite
, unison-prelude
@ -133,7 +139,6 @@ library
, unison-util-base32hex
, unison-util-cache
, unison-util-file-embed
, unison-util-nametree
, unison-util-serialization
, unison-util-term
, unliftio

View File

@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ packages:

View File

@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ debugPatternCoverageConstraintSolver = PatternCoverageConstraintSolver `Set.memb
debug :: (Show a) => DebugFlag -> String -> a -> a
debug flag msg a =
if shouldDebug flag
then (pTrace (msg <> ":\n" <> into @String (pShow a)) a)
then (trace (msg <> ":\n" <> into @String (pShow a)) a)
else a
-- | Use for selective debug logging in monadic contexts.

View File

@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ logQuery (Sql sql params) result =
-- Without results
execute :: Connection -> Sql -> IO ()
execute :: HasCallStack => Connection -> Sql -> IO ()
execute conn@(Connection _ _ conn0) sql@(Sql s params) = do
logQuery sql Nothing
doExecute `catch` \(exception :: Sqlite.SQLError) ->
@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ execute conn@(Connection _ _ conn0) sql@(Sql s params) = do
-- | Execute one or more semicolon-delimited statements.
-- This function does not support parameters, and is mostly useful for executing DDL and migrations.
executeStatements :: Connection -> Text -> IO ()
executeStatements :: HasCallStack => Connection -> Text -> IO ()
executeStatements conn@(Connection _ _ (Sqlite.Connection database _tempNameCounter)) sql = do
logQuery (Sql sql []) Nothing
Direct.Sqlite.exec database sql `catch` \(exception :: Sqlite.SQLError) ->
@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ executeStatements conn@(Connection _ _ (Sqlite.Connection database _tempNameCoun
-- With results, without checks
queryStreamRow :: (Sqlite.FromRow a) => Connection -> Sql -> (IO (Maybe a) -> IO r) -> IO r
queryStreamRow :: (HasCallStack, Sqlite.FromRow a) => Connection -> Sql -> (IO (Maybe a) -> IO r) -> IO r
queryStreamRow conn@(Connection _ _ conn0) sql@(Sql s params) callback =
run `catch` \(exception :: Sqlite.SQLError) ->
@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ queryStreamRow conn@(Connection _ _ conn0) sql@(Sql s params) callback =
queryStreamCol ::
forall a r.
(Sqlite.FromField a) =>
(HasCallStack, Sqlite.FromField a) =>
Connection ->
Sql ->
(IO (Maybe a) -> IO r) ->
@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ queryStreamCol =
@(Connection -> Sql -> (IO (Maybe a) -> IO r) -> IO r)
queryListRow :: forall a. (Sqlite.FromRow a) => Connection -> Sql -> IO [a]
queryListRow :: forall a. (Sqlite.FromRow a, HasCallStack) => Connection -> Sql -> IO [a]
queryListRow conn@(Connection _ _ conn0) sql@(Sql s params) = do
result <-
@ -237,35 +237,35 @@ queryListRow conn@(Connection _ _ conn0) sql@(Sql s params) = do
Just row -> loop (row : rows)
loop []
queryListCol :: forall a. (Sqlite.FromField a) => Connection -> Sql -> IO [a]
queryListCol :: forall a. (Sqlite.FromField a, HasCallStack) => Connection -> Sql -> IO [a]
queryListCol =
coerce @(Connection -> Sql -> IO [Sqlite.Only a]) @(Connection -> Sql -> IO [a]) queryListRow
queryMaybeRow :: (Sqlite.FromRow a) => Connection -> Sql -> IO (Maybe a)
queryMaybeRow :: (Sqlite.FromRow a, HasCallStack) => Connection -> Sql -> IO (Maybe a)
queryMaybeRow conn s =
queryListRowCheck conn s \case
[] -> Right Nothing
[x] -> Right (Just x)
xs -> Left (ExpectedAtMostOneRowException (anythingToString xs))
queryMaybeCol :: forall a. (Sqlite.FromField a) => Connection -> Sql -> IO (Maybe a)
queryMaybeCol :: forall a. (Sqlite.FromField a, HasCallStack) => Connection -> Sql -> IO (Maybe a)
queryMaybeCol conn s =
coerce @(IO (Maybe (Sqlite.Only a))) @(IO (Maybe a)) (queryMaybeRow conn s)
queryOneRow :: (Sqlite.FromRow a) => Connection -> Sql -> IO a
queryOneRow :: (Sqlite.FromRow a, HasCallStack) => Connection -> Sql -> IO a
queryOneRow conn s =
queryListRowCheck conn s \case
[x] -> Right x
xs -> Left (ExpectedExactlyOneRowException (anythingToString xs))
queryOneCol :: forall a. (Sqlite.FromField a) => Connection -> Sql -> IO a
queryOneCol :: forall a. (Sqlite.FromField a, HasCallStack) => Connection -> Sql -> IO a
queryOneCol conn s = do
coerce @(IO (Sqlite.Only a)) @(IO a) (queryOneRow conn s)
-- With results, with checks
queryListRowCheck ::
(Sqlite.FromRow a, SqliteExceptionReason e) =>
(Sqlite.FromRow a, SqliteExceptionReason e, HasCallStack) =>
Connection ->
Sql ->
([a] -> Either e r) ->
@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ queryListRowCheck conn s check =
gqueryListCheck conn s (mapLeft SomeSqliteExceptionReason . check)
gqueryListCheck ::
(Sqlite.FromRow a) =>
(Sqlite.FromRow a, HasCallStack) =>
Connection ->
Sql ->
([a] -> Either SomeSqliteExceptionReason r) ->
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ gqueryListCheck conn sql check = do
queryListColCheck ::
forall a e r.
(Sqlite.FromField a, SqliteExceptionReason e) =>
(Sqlite.FromField a, SqliteExceptionReason e, HasCallStack) =>
Connection ->
Sql ->
([a] -> Either e r) ->
@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ queryListColCheck conn s check =
queryListRowCheck conn s (coerce @([a] -> Either e r) @([Sqlite.Only a] -> Either e r) check)
queryMaybeRowCheck ::
(Sqlite.FromRow a, SqliteExceptionReason e) =>
(Sqlite.FromRow a, SqliteExceptionReason e, HasCallStack) =>
Connection ->
Sql ->
(a -> Either e r) ->
@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ queryMaybeRowCheck conn s check =
queryMaybeColCheck ::
forall a e r.
(Sqlite.FromField a, SqliteExceptionReason e) =>
(Sqlite.FromField a, SqliteExceptionReason e, HasCallStack) =>
Connection ->
Sql ->
(a -> Either e r) ->
@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ queryMaybeColCheck conn s check =
queryMaybeRowCheck conn s (coerce @(a -> Either e r) @(Sqlite.Only a -> Either e r) check)
queryOneRowCheck ::
(Sqlite.FromRow a, SqliteExceptionReason e) =>
(Sqlite.FromRow a, SqliteExceptionReason e, HasCallStack) =>
Connection ->
Sql ->
(a -> Either e r) ->
@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ queryOneRowCheck conn s check =
queryOneColCheck ::
forall a e r.
(Sqlite.FromField a, SqliteExceptionReason e) =>
(Sqlite.FromField a, SqliteExceptionReason e, HasCallStack) =>
Connection ->
Sql ->
(a -> Either e r) ->

View File

@ -24,7 +24,8 @@ where
import Control.Concurrent (ThreadId, myThreadId)
import Data.Typeable (cast)
import Database.SQLite.Simple qualified as Sqlite
import GHC.Stack (currentCallStack)
import GHC.Stack (CallStack)
import GHC.Stack qualified as Stack
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.Sqlite.Connection.Internal (Connection)
import Unison.Sqlite.Sql (Sql (..))
@ -112,7 +113,7 @@ data SqliteQueryException = SqliteQueryException
-- | The inner exception. It is intentionally not 'SomeException', so that calling code cannot accidentally
-- 'throwIO' domain-specific exception types, but must instead use a @*Check@ query variant.
exception :: SomeSqliteExceptionReason,
callStack :: [String],
callStack :: CallStack,
connection :: Connection,
threadId :: ThreadId
@ -137,16 +138,15 @@ data SqliteQueryExceptionInfo = SqliteQueryExceptionInfo
exception :: SomeSqliteExceptionReason
throwSqliteQueryException :: SqliteQueryExceptionInfo -> IO a
throwSqliteQueryException :: HasCallStack => SqliteQueryExceptionInfo -> IO a
throwSqliteQueryException SqliteQueryExceptionInfo {connection, exception, sql = Sql sql params} = do
threadId <- myThreadId
callStack <- currentCallStack
{ sql,
callStack = Stack.callStack,

View File

@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ instance MonadIO TransactionWithMonadIO where
coerce @(IO a -> Transaction a) unsafeIO
-- | Run a transaction on the given connection.
runTransaction :: (MonadIO m) => Connection -> Transaction a -> m a
runTransaction :: (MonadIO m, HasCallStack) => Connection -> Transaction a -> m a
runTransaction conn (Transaction f) = liftIO do
uninterruptibleMask \restore -> do
Connection.begin conn
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ instance Show RollingBack where
-- | Run a transaction on the given connection, providing a function that can short-circuit (and roll back) the
-- transaction.
runTransactionWithRollback ::
(MonadIO m) =>
(MonadIO m, HasCallStack) =>
Connection ->
((forall void. a -> Transaction void) -> Transaction a) ->
m a
@ -137,13 +137,13 @@ runTransactionWithRollback conn transaction = liftIO do
-- The transaction is never retried, so it is (more) safe to interleave arbitrary IO actions. If the transaction does
-- attempt a write and gets SQLITE_BUSY, it's your fault!
runReadOnlyTransaction :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => Connection -> ((forall x. Transaction x -> m x) -> m a) -> m a
runReadOnlyTransaction :: (MonadUnliftIO m, HasCallStack) => Connection -> ((forall x. Transaction x -> m x) -> m a) -> m a
runReadOnlyTransaction conn f =
withRunInIO \runInIO ->
runReadOnlyTransaction_ conn (runInIO (f (\transaction -> liftIO (unsafeUnTransaction transaction conn))))
{-# SPECIALIZE runReadOnlyTransaction :: Connection -> ((forall x. Transaction x -> IO x) -> IO a) -> IO a #-}
runReadOnlyTransaction_ :: Connection -> IO a -> IO a
runReadOnlyTransaction_ :: HasCallStack => Connection -> IO a -> IO a
runReadOnlyTransaction_ conn action = do
(Connection.begin conn)
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ runReadOnlyTransaction_ conn action = do
-- BEGIN/COMMIT statements.
-- The transaction is never retried, so it is (more) safe to interleave arbitrary IO actions.
runWriteTransaction :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => Connection -> ((forall x. Transaction x -> m x) -> m a) -> m a
runWriteTransaction :: (HasCallStack, MonadUnliftIO m) => Connection -> ((forall x. Transaction x -> m x) -> m a) -> m a
runWriteTransaction conn f =
withRunInIO \runInIO ->
uninterruptibleMask \restore ->
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ runWriteTransaction conn f =
(runInIO (f (\transaction -> liftIO (unsafeUnTransaction transaction conn))))
{-# SPECIALIZE runWriteTransaction :: Connection -> ((forall x. Transaction x -> IO x) -> IO a) -> IO a #-}
runWriteTransaction_ :: (forall x. IO x -> IO x) -> Connection -> IO a -> IO a
runWriteTransaction_ :: HasCallStack => (forall x. IO x -> IO x) -> Connection -> IO a -> IO a
runWriteTransaction_ restore conn transaction = do
keepTryingToBeginImmediate restore conn
result <- restore transaction `onException` ignoringExceptions (Connection.rollback conn)
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ runWriteTransaction_ restore conn transaction = do
pure result
-- @BEGIN IMMEDIATE@ until success.
keepTryingToBeginImmediate :: (forall x. IO x -> IO x) -> Connection -> IO ()
keepTryingToBeginImmediate :: HasCallStack => (forall x. IO x -> IO x) -> Connection -> IO ()
keepTryingToBeginImmediate restore conn =
let loop =
try @_ @SqliteQueryException (Connection.beginImmediate conn) >>= \case
@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ savepoint (Transaction action) = do
-- transaction needs to retry.
-- /Warning/: attempting to run a transaction inside a transaction will cause an exception!
unsafeIO :: IO a -> Transaction a
unsafeIO :: HasCallStack => IO a -> Transaction a
unsafeIO action =
Transaction \_ -> action
@ -232,18 +232,18 @@ unsafeUnTransaction (Transaction action) =
-- Without results
execute :: Sql -> Transaction ()
execute :: HasCallStack => Sql -> Transaction ()
execute s =
Transaction \conn -> Connection.execute conn s
executeStatements :: Text -> Transaction ()
executeStatements :: HasCallStack => Text -> Transaction ()
executeStatements s =
Transaction \conn -> Connection.executeStatements conn s
-- With results, without checks
queryStreamRow ::
(Sqlite.FromRow a) =>
(Sqlite.FromRow a, HasCallStack) =>
Sql ->
(Transaction (Maybe a) -> Transaction r) ->
Transaction r
@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ queryStreamRow sql callback =
queryStreamCol ::
forall a r.
(Sqlite.FromField a) =>
(Sqlite.FromField a, HasCallStack) =>
Sql ->
(Transaction (Maybe a) -> Transaction r) ->
Transaction r
@ -264,34 +264,34 @@ queryStreamCol =
@(Sql -> (Transaction (Maybe a) -> Transaction r) -> Transaction r)
queryListRow :: (Sqlite.FromRow a) => Sql -> Transaction [a]
queryListRow :: (Sqlite.FromRow a, HasCallStack) => Sql -> Transaction [a]
queryListRow s =
Transaction \conn -> Connection.queryListRow conn s
queryListCol :: (Sqlite.FromField a) => Sql -> Transaction [a]
queryListCol :: (Sqlite.FromField a, HasCallStack) => Sql -> Transaction [a]
queryListCol s =
Transaction \conn -> Connection.queryListCol conn s
queryMaybeRow :: (Sqlite.FromRow a) => Sql -> Transaction (Maybe a)
queryMaybeRow :: (Sqlite.FromRow a, HasCallStack) => Sql -> Transaction (Maybe a)
queryMaybeRow s =
Transaction \conn -> Connection.queryMaybeRow conn s
queryMaybeCol :: (Sqlite.FromField a) => Sql -> Transaction (Maybe a)
queryMaybeCol :: (Sqlite.FromField a, HasCallStack) => Sql -> Transaction (Maybe a)
queryMaybeCol s =
Transaction \conn -> Connection.queryMaybeCol conn s
queryOneRow :: (Sqlite.FromRow a) => Sql -> Transaction a
queryOneRow :: (Sqlite.FromRow a, HasCallStack) => Sql -> Transaction a
queryOneRow s =
Transaction \conn -> Connection.queryOneRow conn s
queryOneCol :: (Sqlite.FromField a) => Sql -> Transaction a
queryOneCol :: (Sqlite.FromField a, HasCallStack) => Sql -> Transaction a
queryOneCol s =
Transaction \conn -> Connection.queryOneCol conn s
-- With results, with parameters, with checks
queryListRowCheck ::
(Sqlite.FromRow a, SqliteExceptionReason e) =>
(Sqlite.FromRow a, SqliteExceptionReason e, HasCallStack) =>
Sql ->
([a] -> Either e r) ->
Transaction r
@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ queryListRowCheck sql check =
Transaction \conn -> Connection.queryListRowCheck conn sql check
queryListColCheck ::
(Sqlite.FromField a, SqliteExceptionReason e) =>
(Sqlite.FromField a, SqliteExceptionReason e, HasCallStack) =>
Sql ->
([a] -> Either e r) ->
Transaction r
@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ queryListColCheck sql check =
Transaction \conn -> Connection.queryListColCheck conn sql check
queryMaybeRowCheck ::
(Sqlite.FromRow a, SqliteExceptionReason e) =>
(Sqlite.FromRow a, SqliteExceptionReason e, HasCallStack) =>
Sql ->
(a -> Either e r) ->
Transaction (Maybe r)
@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ queryMaybeRowCheck s check =
Transaction \conn -> Connection.queryMaybeRowCheck conn s check
queryMaybeColCheck ::
(Sqlite.FromField a, SqliteExceptionReason e) =>
(Sqlite.FromField a, SqliteExceptionReason e, HasCallStack) =>
Sql ->
(a -> Either e r) ->
Transaction (Maybe r)
@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ queryMaybeColCheck s check =
Transaction \conn -> Connection.queryMaybeColCheck conn s check
queryOneRowCheck ::
(Sqlite.FromRow a, SqliteExceptionReason e) =>
(Sqlite.FromRow a, SqliteExceptionReason e, HasCallStack) =>
Sql ->
(a -> Either e r) ->
Transaction r
@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ queryOneRowCheck s check =
Transaction \conn -> Connection.queryOneRowCheck conn s check
queryOneColCheck ::
(Sqlite.FromField a, SqliteExceptionReason e) =>
(Sqlite.FromField a, SqliteExceptionReason e, HasCallStack) =>
Sql ->
(a -> Either e r) ->
Transaction r

View File

@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
name: unison-util-nametree
github: unisonweb/unison
copyright: Copyright (C) 2013-2018 Unison Computing, PBC and contributors
ghc-options: -Wall
- base
- containers
- lens
- semialign
- semigroups
- these
- unison-core
- unison-core1
- unison-prelude
- unison-util-relation
source-dirs: src
- condition: false
other-modules: Paths_unison_util_nametree
- BangPatterns
- BlockArguments
- DeriveAnyClass
- DeriveFoldable
- DeriveFunctor
- DeriveGeneric
- DeriveTraversable
- DerivingStrategies
- DerivingVia
- DoAndIfThenElse
- DuplicateRecordFields
- FlexibleContexts
- FlexibleInstances
- GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
- ImportQualifiedPost
- InstanceSigs
- LambdaCase
- MultiParamTypeClasses
- MultiWayIf
- NamedFieldPuns
- NumericUnderscores
- OverloadedLabels
- OverloadedRecordDot
- OverloadedStrings
- PatternSynonyms
- RankNTypes
- ScopedTypeVariables
- TupleSections
- TypeApplications
- ViewPatterns

View File

@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
cabal-version: 1.12
-- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.36.0.
-- see:
name: unison-util-nametree
version: 0.0.0
copyright: Copyright (C) 2013-2018 Unison Computing, PBC and contributors
build-type: Simple
source-repository head
type: git
ghc-options: -Wall
, containers
, lens
, semialign
, semigroups
, these
, unison-core
, unison-core1
, unison-prelude
, unison-util-relation
default-language: Haskell2010

View File

@ -178,6 +178,7 @@ invertDomain =
g x acc y =
Map.insert y x acc
-- | Construct a left-unique relation from a mapping from its right-elements to its left-elements.
fromRange :: (Ord a, Ord b) => Map b a -> BiMultimap a b
fromRange m =
BiMultimap (Map.foldlWithKey' f Map.empty m) m

View File

@ -126,7 +126,6 @@ dependencies:
- unison-util-base32hex
- unison-util-bytes
- unison-util-cache
- unison-util-nametree
- unison-util-relation
- unison-util-rope
- unison-util-serialization

View File

@ -776,8 +776,8 @@ tupleTerm = foldr tupleConsTerm (unitTerm mempty)
forceTerm :: (Var v) => a -> a -> Term v a -> Term v a
forceTerm a au e = a e (unitTerm au)
delayTerm :: (Var v) => a -> Term v a -> Term v a
delayTerm a = Term.lam a $ Var.typed Var.Delay
delayTerm :: (Var v) => a -> a -> Term v a -> Term v a
delayTerm spanAnn argAnn = Term.lam spanAnn (argAnn, Var.typed Var.Delay)
unTupleTerm ::
Term.Term2 vt at ap v a ->

View File

@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
module Unison.Codebase
( Codebase,
-- * UCM session state
-- * Terms
@ -43,18 +48,20 @@ module Unison.Codebase
-- * Root branch
-- * Patches
@ -70,7 +77,10 @@ module Unison.Codebase
-- * Reflog
-- * Unambiguous hash length
@ -103,16 +113,19 @@ module Unison.Codebase
import Data.Map qualified as Map
import Data.Set qualified as Set
import U.Codebase.Branch qualified as V2
import U.Codebase.Branch qualified as V2Branch
import U.Codebase.Causal qualified as V2Causal
import U.Codebase.HashTags (CausalHash)
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.DbId qualified as Db
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Operations qualified as Operations
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.ProjectBranch (ProjectBranch (..))
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Queries qualified as Q
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Queries qualified as Queries
import Unison.Builtin qualified as Builtin
import Unison.Builtin.Terms qualified as Builtin
@ -122,11 +135,13 @@ import Unison.Codebase.BuiltinAnnotation (BuiltinAnnotation (builtinAnnotation))
import Unison.Codebase.CodeLookup qualified as CL
import Unison.Codebase.Path
import Unison.Codebase.Path qualified as Path
import Unison.Codebase.ProjectPath qualified as PP
import Unison.Codebase.SqliteCodebase.Conversions qualified as Cv
import Unison.Codebase.SqliteCodebase.Operations qualified as SqliteCodebase.Operations
import Unison.Codebase.Type (Codebase (..))
import Unison.CodebasePath (CodebasePath, getCodebaseDir)
import Unison.ConstructorReference (ConstructorReference, GConstructorReference (..))
import Unison.Core.Project (ProjectAndBranch)
import Unison.DataDeclaration (Decl)
import Unison.DataDeclaration qualified as DD
import Unison.Hash (Hash)
@ -134,6 +149,7 @@ import Unison.Hashing.V2.Convert qualified as Hashing
import Unison.Parser.Ann (Ann)
import Unison.Parser.Ann qualified as Parser
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.Project (ProjectAndBranch (ProjectAndBranch), ProjectBranchName, ProjectName)
import Unison.Reference (Reference, TermReferenceId, TypeReference)
import Unison.Reference qualified as Reference
import Unison.Referent qualified as Referent
@ -164,72 +180,105 @@ runTransactionWithRollback ::
runTransactionWithRollback Codebase {withConnection} action =
withConnection \conn -> Sqlite.runTransactionWithRollback conn action
getShallowCausalFromRoot ::
-- Optional root branch, if Nothing use the codebase's root branch.
Maybe CausalHash ->
getShallowCausalAtPathFromRootHash ::
-- Causal to start at, if Nothing use the codebase's root branch.
CausalHash ->
Path.Path ->
Sqlite.Transaction (V2Branch.CausalBranch Sqlite.Transaction)
getShallowCausalFromRoot mayRootHash p = do
rootCausal <- case mayRootHash of
Nothing -> getShallowRootCausal
Just ch -> Operations.expectCausalBranchByCausalHash ch
getShallowCausalAtPath p (Just rootCausal)
-- | Get the shallow representation of the root branches without loading the children or
-- history.
getShallowRootBranch :: Sqlite.Transaction (V2.Branch Sqlite.Transaction)
getShallowRootBranch = do
getShallowRootCausal >>= V2Causal.value
-- | Get the shallow representation of the root branches without loading the children or
-- history.
getShallowRootCausal :: Sqlite.Transaction (V2.CausalBranch Sqlite.Transaction)
getShallowRootCausal = do
hash <- Operations.expectRootCausalHash
Operations.expectCausalBranchByCausalHash hash
getShallowCausalAtPathFromRootHash rootCausalHash p = do
rootCausal <- Operations.expectCausalBranchByCausalHash rootCausalHash
getShallowCausalAtPath p rootCausal
-- | Recursively descend into causals following the given path,
-- Use the root causal if none is provided.
getShallowCausalAtPath ::
Path ->
Maybe (V2Branch.CausalBranch Sqlite.Transaction) ->
(V2Branch.CausalBranch Sqlite.Transaction) ->
Sqlite.Transaction (V2Branch.CausalBranch Sqlite.Transaction)
getShallowCausalAtPath path mayCausal = do
causal <- whenNothing mayCausal getShallowRootCausal
getShallowCausalAtPath path causal = do
case path of
Path.Empty -> pure causal
ns Path.:< p -> do
b <- V2Causal.value causal
case V2Branch.childAt ns b of
Nothing -> pure (Cv.causalbranch1to2 Branch.empty)
Just childCausal -> getShallowCausalAtPath p (Just childCausal)
Just childCausal -> getShallowCausalAtPath p childCausal
-- | Recursively descend into causals following the given path,
-- Use the root causal if none is provided.
getShallowBranchAtPath ::
Path ->
Maybe (V2Branch.Branch Sqlite.Transaction) ->
V2Branch.Branch Sqlite.Transaction ->
Sqlite.Transaction (V2Branch.Branch Sqlite.Transaction)
getShallowBranchAtPath path mayBranch = do
branch <- whenNothing mayBranch (getShallowRootCausal >>= V2Causal.value)
getShallowBranchAtPath path branch = fromMaybe V2Branch.empty <$> getMaybeShallowBranchAtPath path branch
-- | Recursively descend into causals following the given path,
-- Use the root causal if none is provided.
getMaybeShallowBranchAtPath ::
Path ->
V2Branch.Branch Sqlite.Transaction ->
Sqlite.Transaction (Maybe (V2Branch.Branch Sqlite.Transaction))
getMaybeShallowBranchAtPath path branch = do
case path of
Path.Empty -> pure branch
Path.Empty -> pure $ Just branch
ns Path.:< p -> do
case V2Branch.childAt ns branch of
Nothing -> pure V2Branch.empty
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Just childCausal -> do
childBranch <- V2Causal.value childCausal
getShallowBranchAtPath p (Just childBranch)
getMaybeShallowBranchAtPath p childBranch
-- | Get a v1 branch from the root following the given path.
getBranchAtPath ::
-- | Recursively descend into causals following the given path,
-- Use the root causal if none is provided.
getShallowBranchAtProjectPath ::
PP.ProjectPath ->
Sqlite.Transaction (V2Branch.Branch Sqlite.Transaction)
getShallowBranchAtProjectPath pp = fromMaybe V2Branch.empty <$> getMaybeShallowBranchAtProjectPath pp
-- | Recursively descend into causals following the given path,
-- Use the root causal if none is provided.
getMaybeShallowBranchAtProjectPath ::
PP.ProjectPath ->
Sqlite.Transaction (Maybe (V2Branch.Branch Sqlite.Transaction))
getMaybeShallowBranchAtProjectPath (PP.ProjectPath _project projectBranch path) = do
getShallowProjectBranchRoot projectBranch >>= \case
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Just projectRootBranch -> getMaybeShallowBranchAtPath (Path.unabsolute path) projectRootBranch
getShallowProjectRootByNames :: ProjectAndBranch ProjectName ProjectBranchName -> Sqlite.Transaction (Maybe (V2Branch.CausalBranch Sqlite.Transaction))
getShallowProjectRootByNames (ProjectAndBranch projectName branchName) = runMaybeT do
ProjectBranch {projectId, branchId} <- MaybeT $ Q.loadProjectBranchByNames projectName branchName
causalHashId <- lift $ Q.expectProjectBranchHead projectId branchId
causalHash <- lift $ Q.expectCausalHash causalHashId
lift $ Operations.expectCausalBranchByCausalHash causalHash
expectProjectBranchRoot :: (MonadIO m) => Codebase m v a -> Db.ProjectId -> Db.ProjectBranchId -> m (Branch m)
expectProjectBranchRoot codebase projectId branchId = do
causalHash <- runTransaction codebase $ do
causalHashId <- Q.expectProjectBranchHead projectId branchId
Q.expectCausalHash causalHashId
expectBranchForHash codebase causalHash
expectShallowProjectBranchRoot :: ProjectBranch -> Sqlite.Transaction (V2Branch.Branch Sqlite.Transaction)
expectShallowProjectBranchRoot ProjectBranch {projectId, branchId} = do
causalHashId <- Q.expectProjectBranchHead projectId branchId
causalHash <- Q.expectCausalHash causalHashId
Operations.expectCausalBranchByCausalHash causalHash >>= V2Causal.value
getShallowProjectBranchRoot :: ProjectBranch -> Sqlite.Transaction (Maybe (V2Branch.Branch Sqlite.Transaction))
getShallowProjectBranchRoot ProjectBranch {projectId, branchId} = do
causalHashId <- Q.expectProjectBranchHead projectId branchId
causalHash <- Q.expectCausalHash causalHashId
Operations.loadCausalBranchByCausalHash causalHash >>= traverse V2Causal.value
getBranchAtProjectPath ::
(MonadIO m) =>
Codebase m v a ->
Path.Absolute ->
m (Branch m)
getBranchAtPath codebase path = do
V2Causal.Causal {causalHash} <- runTransaction codebase $ getShallowCausalAtPath (Path.unabsolute path) Nothing
expectBranchForHash codebase causalHash
PP.ProjectPath ->
m (Maybe (Branch m))
getBranchAtProjectPath codebase pp = runMaybeT do
rootBranch <- lift $ expectProjectBranchRoot codebase pp.branch.projectId pp.branch.branchId
hoistMaybe $ Branch.getAt (pp ^. PP.path_) rootBranch
-- | Like 'getBranchForHash', but for when the hash is known to be in the codebase.
expectBranchForHash :: (Monad m) => Codebase m v a -> CausalHash -> m (Branch m)
@ -347,9 +396,12 @@ typeLookupForDependencies codebase s = do
unseen :: TL.TypeLookup Symbol a -> Reference -> Bool
unseen tl r =
( Map.lookup r (TL.dataDecls tl) $> ()
<|> Map.lookup r (TL.typeOfTerms tl) $> ()
<|> Map.lookup r (TL.effectDecls tl) $> ()
( Map.lookup r (TL.dataDecls tl)
$> ()
<|> Map.lookup r (TL.typeOfTerms tl)
$> ()
<|> Map.lookup r (TL.effectDecls tl)
$> ()
toCodeLookup :: (MonadIO m) => Codebase m Symbol Parser.Ann -> CL.CodeLookup Symbol m Parser.Ann
@ -509,3 +561,30 @@ unsafeGetTermComponent codebase hash =
getTermComponentWithTypes codebase hash <&> \case
Nothing -> error (reportBug "E769004" ("term component " ++ show hash ++ " not found"))
Just terms -> terms
expectCurrentProjectPath :: (HasCallStack) => Sqlite.Transaction PP.ProjectPath
expectCurrentProjectPath = do
(projectId, projectBranchId, path) <- Q.expectCurrentProjectPath
proj <- Q.expectProject projectId
projBranch <- Q.expectProjectBranch projectId projectBranchId
let absPath = Path.Absolute (Path.fromList path)
pure $ PP.ProjectPath proj projBranch absPath
setCurrentProjectPath :: PP.ProjectPathIds -> Sqlite.Transaction ()
setCurrentProjectPath (PP.ProjectPath projectId projectBranchId path) =
Q.setCurrentProjectPath projectId projectBranchId (Path.toList (Path.unabsolute path))
-- | Hydrate the project and branch from IDs.
resolveProjectPathIds :: PP.ProjectPathIds -> Sqlite.Transaction PP.ProjectPath
resolveProjectPathIds (PP.ProjectPath projectId projectBranchId path) = do
proj <- Q.expectProject projectId
projBranch <- Q.expectProjectBranch projectId projectBranchId
pure $ PP.ProjectPath proj projBranch path
-- | Starts loading the given project branch into cache in a background thread without blocking.
preloadProjectBranch :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => Codebase m v a -> ProjectAndBranch Db.ProjectId Db.ProjectBranchId -> m ()
preloadProjectBranch codebase (ProjectAndBranch projectId branchId) = do
ch <- runTransaction codebase $ do
causalHashId <- Q.expectProjectBranchHead projectId branchId
Q.expectCausalHash causalHashId
preloadBranch codebase ch

View File

@ -139,6 +139,7 @@ import Unison.NameSegment (NameSegment)
import Unison.NameSegment qualified as NameSegment
import Unison.Prelude hiding (empty)
import Unison.Reference (TermReference, TermReferenceId, TypeReference, TypeReferenceId)
import Unison.Reference qualified as Reference
import Unison.Referent (Referent)
import Unison.Referent qualified as Referent
import Unison.Util.List qualified as List
@ -148,7 +149,6 @@ import Unison.Util.Set qualified as Set
import Unison.Util.Star2 qualified as Star2
import Witherable (FilterableWithIndex (imapMaybe))
import Prelude hiding (head, read, subtract)
import qualified Unison.Reference as Reference
instance AsEmpty (Branch m) where
_Empty = prism' (const empty) matchEmpty
@ -215,7 +215,6 @@ deepTypeReferenceIds :: Branch0 m -> Set TypeReferenceId
deepTypeReferenceIds =
Set.mapMaybe Reference.toId . deepTypeReferences
namespaceStats :: Branch0 m -> NamespaceStats
namespaceStats b =

View File

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import Unison.Codebase.Branch (Branch, Branch0)
import Unison.Codebase.Branch qualified as Branch
import Unison.Codebase.Path (Path)
import Unison.Codebase.Path qualified as Path
import Unison.NameSegment (NameSegment)
import Unison.HashQualifiedPrime (HashQualified (HashQualified, NameOnly))
import Unison.Names (Names)
import Unison.Names qualified as Names
@ -69,10 +70,10 @@ getBranch (p, seg) b = case Path.toList p of
(Branch.head <$> Map.lookup h (b ^. Branch.children))
>>= getBranch (Path.fromList p, seg)
makeAddTermName :: Path.Split -> Referent -> (Path, Branch0 m -> Branch0 m)
makeAddTermName :: (p, NameSegment) -> Referent -> (p, Branch0 m -> Branch0 m)
makeAddTermName (p, name) r = (p, Branch.addTermName r name)
makeDeleteTermName :: Path.Split -> Referent -> (Path, Branch0 m -> Branch0 m)
makeDeleteTermName :: (p, NameSegment) -> Referent -> (p, Branch0 m -> Branch0 m)
makeDeleteTermName (p, name) r = (p, Branch.deleteTermName r name)
makeAnnihilateTermName :: Path.Split -> (Path, Branch0 m -> Branch0 m)
@ -81,10 +82,10 @@ makeAnnihilateTermName (p, name) = (p, Branch.annihilateTermName name)
makeAnnihilateTypeName :: Path.Split -> (Path, Branch0 m -> Branch0 m)
makeAnnihilateTypeName (p, name) = (p, Branch.annihilateTypeName name)
makeAddTypeName :: Path.Split -> Reference -> (Path, Branch0 m -> Branch0 m)
makeAddTypeName :: (p, NameSegment) -> Reference -> (p, Branch0 m -> Branch0 m)
makeAddTypeName (p, name) r = (p, Branch.addTypeName r name)
makeDeleteTypeName :: Path.Split -> Reference -> (Path, Branch0 m -> Branch0 m)
makeDeleteTypeName :: (p, NameSegment) -> Reference -> (p, Branch0 m -> Branch0 m)
makeDeleteTypeName (p, name) r = (p, Branch.deleteTypeName r name)
makeSetBranch :: Path.Split -> Branch m -> (Path, Branch0 m -> Branch0 m)

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Unison.Codebase.Causal
( Causal (currentHash, head, tail, tails),
( Causal (currentHash, valueHash, head, tail, tails),
pattern One,
pattern Cons,
pattern Merge,
@ -40,7 +40,8 @@ import Unison.Codebase.Causal.Type

View File

@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
module Unison.Codebase.Editor.RemoteRepo where
import Control.Lens (Lens')
import Control.Lens qualified as Lens
import Data.Void (absurd)
import Unison.Codebase.Path (Path)
import Unison.Codebase.Path qualified as Path
import Unison.NameSegment qualified as NameSegment
@ -35,12 +32,6 @@ displayShareCodeserver cs shareUser path =
CustomCodeserver cu -> "share(" <> tShow cu <> ")."
in shareServer <> shareUserHandleToText shareUser <> maybePrintPath path
writeNamespaceToRead :: WriteRemoteNamespace Void -> ReadRemoteNamespace void
writeNamespaceToRead = \case
WriteRemoteNamespaceShare WriteShareRemoteNamespace {server, repo, path} ->
ReadShare'LooseCode ReadShareLooseCode {server, repo, path}
WriteRemoteProjectBranch v -> absurd v
-- | print remote namespace
printReadRemoteNamespace :: (a -> Text) -> ReadRemoteNamespace a -> Text
printReadRemoteNamespace printProject = \case
@ -48,11 +39,8 @@ printReadRemoteNamespace printProject = \case
ReadShare'ProjectBranch project -> printProject project
-- | Render a 'WriteRemoteNamespace' as text.
printWriteRemoteNamespace :: WriteRemoteNamespace (ProjectAndBranch ProjectName ProjectBranchName) -> Text
printWriteRemoteNamespace = \case
WriteRemoteNamespaceShare (WriteShareRemoteNamespace {server, repo, path}) ->
displayShareCodeserver server repo path
WriteRemoteProjectBranch projectAndBranch -> into @Text projectAndBranch
printWriteRemoteNamespace :: (ProjectAndBranch ProjectName ProjectBranchName) -> Text
printWriteRemoteNamespace projectAndBranch = into @Text projectAndBranch
maybePrintPath :: Path -> Text
maybePrintPath path =
@ -80,28 +68,3 @@ isPublic ReadShareLooseCode {path} =
case path of
(segment Path.:< _) -> segment == NameSegment.publicLooseCodeSegment
_ -> False
data WriteRemoteNamespace a
= WriteRemoteNamespaceShare !WriteShareRemoteNamespace
| WriteRemoteProjectBranch a
deriving stock (Eq, Functor, Show)
-- | A lens which focuses the path of a remote namespace.
remotePath_ :: Lens' (WriteRemoteNamespace Void) Path
remotePath_ = Lens.lens getter setter
getter = \case
WriteRemoteNamespaceShare (WriteShareRemoteNamespace _ _ path) -> path
WriteRemoteProjectBranch v -> absurd v
setter remote path =
case remote of
WriteRemoteNamespaceShare (WriteShareRemoteNamespace server repo _) ->
WriteRemoteNamespaceShare $ WriteShareRemoteNamespace server repo path
WriteRemoteProjectBranch v -> absurd v
data WriteShareRemoteNamespace = WriteShareRemoteNamespace
{ server :: !ShareCodeserver,
repo :: !ShareUserHandle,
path :: !Path
deriving stock (Eq, Show)

View File

@ -6,19 +6,23 @@
module Unison.Codebase.Execute where
import Control.Exception (finally)
import Control.Monad.Except (throwError, runExceptT)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Except
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Project (Project (..))
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.ProjectBranch (ProjectBranch (..))
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Queries qualified as Q
import Unison.Codebase qualified as Codebase
import Unison.Codebase.Branch qualified as Branch
import Unison.Codebase.Branch.Names qualified as Branch
import Unison.Codebase.MainTerm (getMainTerm)
import Unison.Codebase.MainTerm qualified as MainTerm
import Unison.Codebase.Path qualified as Path
import Unison.Codebase.ProjectPath (ProjectPathG (..))
import Unison.Codebase.ProjectPath qualified as PP
import Unison.Codebase.Runtime (Runtime)
import Unison.Codebase.Runtime qualified as Runtime
import Unison.HashQualified qualified as HQ
import Unison.Name (Name)
import Unison.Names qualified as Names
import Unison.Parser.Ann (Ann)
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.PrettyPrintEnv qualified as PPE
import Unison.Symbol (Symbol)
import Unison.Syntax.HashQualified qualified as HQ (toText)
@ -27,15 +31,22 @@ import Unison.Util.Pretty qualified as P
execute ::
Codebase.Codebase IO Symbol Ann ->
Runtime Symbol ->
HQ.HashQualified Name ->
PP.ProjectPathNames ->
IO (Either Runtime.Error ())
execute codebase runtime mainName =
execute codebase runtime mainPath =
(`finally` Runtime.terminate runtime) . runExceptT $ do
root <- liftIO $ Codebase.getRootBranch codebase
let parseNames = Names.makeAbsolute (Branch.toNames (Branch.head root))
loadTypeOfTerm = Codebase.getTypeOfTerm codebase
(project, branch) <- ExceptT $ (Codebase.runTransactionWithRollback codebase) \rollback -> do
project <- Q.loadProjectByName mainPath.project `whenNothingM` rollback (Left . P.text $ ("Project not found: " <> into @Text mainPath.project))
branch <- Q.loadProjectBranchByName project.projectId mainPath.branch `whenNothingM` rollback (Left . P.text $ ("Branch not found: " <> into @Text mainPath.branch))
pure . Right $ (project, branch)
projectRootNames <- fmap (Branch.toNames . Branch.head) . liftIO $ Codebase.expectProjectBranchRoot codebase project.projectId branch.branchId
let loadTypeOfTerm = Codebase.getTypeOfTerm codebase
let mainType = Runtime.mainType runtime
mt <- liftIO $ Codebase.runTransaction codebase $ getMainTerm loadTypeOfTerm parseNames mainName mainType
mainName <- case Path.toName (mainPath ^. PP.path_) of
Just n -> pure (HQ.NameOnly n)
Nothing -> throwError ("Path must lead to an executable term: " <> P.text (Path.toText (PP.path mainPath)))
mt <- liftIO $ Codebase.runTransaction codebase $ getMainTerm loadTypeOfTerm projectRootNames mainName mainType
case mt of
MainTerm.NotFound s -> throwError ("Not found: " <> P.text (HQ.toText s))
MainTerm.BadType s _ -> throwError (P.text (HQ.toText s) <> " is not of type '{IO} ()")

View File

@ -5,7 +5,9 @@ module Unison.Codebase.Path
Path' (..),
Absolute (..),
pattern AbsolutePath',
Relative (..),
pattern RelativePath',
Resolve (..),
pattern Empty,
@ -30,6 +32,8 @@ module Unison.Codebase.Path
@ -58,6 +62,8 @@ module Unison.Codebase.Path
@ -113,12 +119,19 @@ instance GHC.IsList Path where
toList (Path segs) = Foldable.toList segs
fromList = Path . Seq.fromList
-- | A namespace path that starts from the root.
-- | An absolute from the current project root
newtype Absolute = Absolute {unabsolute :: Path} deriving (Eq, Ord)
absPath_ :: Lens' Absolute Path
absPath_ = lens unabsolute (\_ new -> Absolute new)
-- | A namespace path that doesnt necessarily start from the root.
-- Typically refers to a path from the current namespace.
newtype Relative = Relative {unrelative :: Path} deriving (Eq, Ord)
relPath_ :: Lens' Relative Path
relPath_ = lens unrelative (\_ new -> Relative new)
-- | A namespace that may be either absolute or relative, This is the most general type that should be used.
newtype Path' = Path' {unPath' :: Either Absolute Relative}
deriving (Eq, Ord)
@ -148,14 +161,14 @@ absoluteToPath' = AbsolutePath'
instance Show Path' where
show = \case
AbsolutePath' abs -> show abs
RelativePath' rel -> show rel
AbsolutePath' abs -> Text.unpack $ absToText abs
RelativePath' rel -> Text.unpack $ relToText rel
instance Show Absolute where
show s = "." ++ show (unabsolute s)
show s = Text.unpack $ absToText s
instance Show Relative where
show = show . unrelative
show = Text.unpack . relToText
unsplit' :: Split' -> Path'
unsplit' = \case
@ -175,6 +188,8 @@ nameFromHQSplit = nameFromHQSplit' . first (RelativePath' . Relative)
nameFromHQSplit' :: HQSplit' -> HQ'.HashQualified Name
nameFromHQSplit' (p, a) = fmap (nameFromSplit' . (p,)) a
type AbsSplit = (Absolute, NameSegment)
type Split = (Path, NameSegment)
type HQSplit = (Path, HQ'.HQSegment)
@ -368,11 +383,29 @@ empty = Path mempty
instance Show Path where
show = Text.unpack . toText
instance From Path Text where
from = toText
instance From Absolute Text where
from = absToText
instance From Relative Text where
from = relToText
instance From Path' Text where
from = toText'
-- | Note: This treats the path as relative.
toText :: Path -> Text
toText =
maybe Text.empty Name.toText . toName
absToText :: Absolute -> Text
absToText abs = "." <> toText (unabsolute abs)
relToText :: Relative -> Text
relToText rel = toText (unrelative rel)
unsafeParseText :: Text -> Path
unsafeParseText = \case
"" -> empty
@ -509,6 +542,9 @@ instance Resolve Absolute Relative Absolute where
instance Resolve Absolute Relative Path' where
resolve l r = AbsolutePath' (resolve l r)
instance Resolve Absolute Path Absolute where
resolve (Absolute l) r = Absolute (resolve l r)
instance Resolve Path' Path' Path' where
resolve _ a@(AbsolutePath' {}) = a
resolve (AbsolutePath' a) (RelativePath' r) = AbsolutePath' (resolve a r)

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@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
module Unison.Codebase.ProjectPath
( ProjectPathG (..),
-- * Re-exports, this also helps with using dot-notation
ProjectAndBranch (..),
Project (..),
ProjectBranch (..),
import Control.Lens hiding (from)
import Data.Bifoldable (Bifoldable (..))
import Data.Bitraversable (Bitraversable (..))
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Text.Megaparsec qualified as Megaparsec
import Text.Megaparsec.Char qualified as Megaparsec
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.DbId (ProjectBranchId, ProjectId)
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Project (Project (..))
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.ProjectBranch (ProjectBranch (..))
import Unison.Codebase.Path qualified as Path
import Unison.Codebase.Path.Parse qualified as Path
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.Project (ProjectAndBranch (..), ProjectBranchName, ProjectName)
import Unison.Project qualified as Project
data ProjectPathG proj branch = ProjectPath
{ project :: proj,
branch :: branch,
absPath :: Path.Absolute
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
type ProjectPathIds = ProjectPathG ProjectId ProjectBranchId
type ProjectPathNames = ProjectPathG ProjectName ProjectBranchName
instance From ProjectPath Text where
from = from . toNames
instance From ProjectPathNames Text where
from (ProjectPath proj branch (Path.Absolute path)) =
into @Text (ProjectAndBranch proj branch) <> ":" <> Path.toText path
instance From (ProjectPathG () ProjectBranchName) Text where
from (ProjectPath () branch (Path.Absolute path)) =
"/" <> into @Text branch <> ":" <> Path.toText path
type ProjectPath = ProjectPathG Project ProjectBranch
projectBranchRoot :: ProjectAndBranch Project ProjectBranch -> ProjectPath
projectBranchRoot (ProjectAndBranch proj branch) = ProjectPath proj branch Path.absoluteEmpty
-- | Discard any path within the project and get the project's root
toRoot :: ProjectPath -> ProjectPath
toRoot (ProjectPath proj branch _) = ProjectPath proj branch Path.absoluteEmpty
fromProjectAndBranch :: ProjectAndBranch Project ProjectBranch -> Path.Absolute -> ProjectPath
fromProjectAndBranch (ProjectAndBranch proj branch) path = ProjectPath proj branch path
-- | Project a project context into a project path of just IDs
toIds :: ProjectPath -> ProjectPathIds
toIds (ProjectPath proj branch path) = ProjectPath (proj ^. #projectId) (branch ^. #branchId) path
-- | Project a project context into a project path of just names
toNames :: ProjectPath -> ProjectPathNames
toNames (ProjectPath proj branch path) = ProjectPath (proj ^. #name) (branch ^. #name) path
toProjectAndBranch :: ProjectPathG p b -> ProjectAndBranch p b
toProjectAndBranch (ProjectPath proj branch _) = ProjectAndBranch proj branch
instance Bifunctor ProjectPathG where
bimap f g (ProjectPath p b path) = ProjectPath (f p) (g b) path
instance Bifoldable ProjectPathG where
bifoldMap f g (ProjectPath p b _) = f p <> g b
instance Bitraversable ProjectPathG where
bitraverse f g (ProjectPath p b path) = ProjectPath <$> f p <*> g b <*> pure path
toText :: ProjectPathG Project ProjectBranch -> Text
toText (ProjectPath proj branch path) =
into @Text (proj ^. #name) <> "/" <> into @Text (branch ^. #name) <> ":" <> Path.absToText path
absPath_ :: Lens' (ProjectPathG p b) Path.Absolute
absPath_ = lens absPath set
set (ProjectPath n b _) p = ProjectPath n b p
path :: (ProjectPathG p b) -> Path.Path
path (ProjectPath _ _ p) = Path.unabsolute p
path_ :: Lens' (ProjectPathG p b) Path.Path
path_ = absPath_ . Path.absPath_
projectAndBranch_ :: Lens (ProjectPathG p b) (ProjectPathG p' b') (ProjectAndBranch p b) (ProjectAndBranch p' b')
projectAndBranch_ = lens go set
go (ProjectPath proj branch _) = ProjectAndBranch proj branch
set (ProjectPath _ _ p) (ProjectAndBranch proj branch) = ProjectPath proj branch p
type Parser = Megaparsec.Parsec Void Text
projectPathParser :: Parser ProjectPathNames
projectPathParser = do
(projName, hasTrailingSlash) <- Project.projectNameParser
projBranchName <- Project.projectBranchNameParser (not hasTrailingSlash)
_ <- Megaparsec.char ':'
path' >>= \case
Path.AbsolutePath' p -> pure $ ProjectPath projName projBranchName p
Path.RelativePath' {} -> fail "Expected an absolute path"
path' :: Parser Path.Path'
path' = do
pathStr <- Megaparsec.takeRest
case Path.parsePath' (Text.unpack pathStr) of
Left err -> fail (Text.unpack err)
Right x -> pure x
parseProjectPath :: Text -> Either Text ProjectPathNames
parseProjectPath txt = first (Text.pack . Megaparsec.errorBundlePretty) $ Megaparsec.parse projectPathParser "" txt

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@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
module Unison.Codebase.RootBranchCache
( RootBranchCache,
import Control.Concurrent.STM (newTVarIO)
import Control.Monad (join)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Coerce (coerce)
import Unison.Codebase.Branch.Type (Branch)
import Unison.Sqlite qualified as Sqlite
import UnliftIO (MonadUnliftIO, mask, onException)
import UnliftIO.STM
( STM,
data RootBranchCacheVal
= Empty
| -- | Another thread is updating the cache. If this value is observed
-- then the reader should wait until the value is Empty or Full. The
-- api exposed from this module guarantees that a thread cannot exit
-- and leave the cache in this state.
| Full (Branch Sqlite.Transaction)
-- This is isomorphic to @TMVar (Maybe (Branch Sqlite.Transaction))@
newtype RootBranchCache = RootBranchCache (TVar RootBranchCacheVal)
newEmptyRootBranchCacheIO :: (MonadIO m) => m RootBranchCache
newEmptyRootBranchCacheIO = liftIO (coerce $ newTVarIO Empty)
newEmptyRootBranchCache :: STM RootBranchCache
newEmptyRootBranchCache = coerce (newTVar Empty)
readRbc :: RootBranchCache -> STM RootBranchCacheVal
readRbc (RootBranchCache v) = readTVar v
writeRbc :: RootBranchCache -> RootBranchCacheVal -> STM ()
writeRbc (RootBranchCache v) x = writeTVar v x
-- | Read the root branch cache, wait if the cache is currently being
-- updated
readRootBranchCache :: RootBranchCache -> STM (Maybe (Branch Sqlite.Transaction))
readRootBranchCache v =
readRbc v >>= \case
Empty -> pure Nothing
ConcurrentModification -> retrySTM
Full x -> pure (Just x)
fetchRootBranch :: forall m. (MonadUnliftIO m) => RootBranchCache -> m (Branch Sqlite.Transaction) -> m (Branch Sqlite.Transaction)
fetchRootBranch rbc getFromDb = mask \restore -> do
join (atomically (fetch restore))
fetch :: (forall x. m x -> m x) -> STM (m (Branch Sqlite.Transaction))
fetch restore = do
readRbc rbc >>= \case
Empty -> do
writeRbc rbc ConcurrentModification
pure do
rootBranch <- restore getFromDb `onException` atomically (writeRbc rbc Empty)
atomically (writeRbc rbc (Full rootBranch))
pure rootBranch
ConcurrentModification -> retrySTM
Full x -> pure (pure x)
-- | Take a cache lock so that no other thread can read or write to
-- the cache, perform an action with the cached value, then restore
-- the cache to Empty or Full
withLock ::
forall m r.
(MonadUnliftIO m) =>
RootBranchCache ->
-- | Perform an action with the cached value
( -- restore masking state
(forall x. m x -> m x) ->
-- value retrieved from cache
Maybe (Branch Sqlite.Transaction) ->
m r
) ->
-- | compute value to restore to the cache
(r -> Maybe (Branch Sqlite.Transaction)) ->
m r
withLock v f g = mask \restore -> do
mbranch <- atomically (takeLock v)
r <- f restore mbranch `onException` releaseLock mbranch
releaseLock (g r)
pure r
releaseLock :: Maybe (Branch Sqlite.Transaction) -> m ()
releaseLock mbranch =
let !val = case mbranch of
Nothing -> Empty
Just x -> Full x
in atomically (writeRbc v val)
takeLock :: RootBranchCache -> STM (Maybe (Branch Sqlite.Transaction))
takeLock v = do
res <- readRootBranchCache v
writeRbc v ConcurrentModification
pure res

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ where
import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import U.Codebase.HashTags (CausalHash (unCausalHash))
import U.Util.Base32Hex qualified as Base32Hex
import Unison.Hash qualified as Hash
import Unison.Prelude
@ -24,9 +25,9 @@ toString = Text.unpack . toText
toHash :: (Coercible Hash.Hash h) => ShortCausalHash -> Maybe h
toHash = fmap coerce . Hash.fromBase32HexText . toText
fromHash :: (Coercible h Hash.Hash) => Int -> h -> ShortCausalHash
fromHash :: Int -> CausalHash -> ShortCausalHash
fromHash len =
ShortCausalHash . Text.take len . Hash.toBase32HexText . coerce
ShortCausalHash . Text.take len . Hash.toBase32HexText . unCausalHash
-- | This allows a full hash to be preserved as a `ShortCausalHash`.
@ -47,3 +48,6 @@ fromText _ = Nothing
instance Show ShortCausalHash where
show (ShortCausalHash h) = '#' : Text.unpack h
instance From ShortCausalHash Text where
from = toText

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@ -18,12 +18,9 @@ import Data.Either.Extra ()
import Data.IORef
import Data.Map qualified as Map
import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Data.Time (getCurrentTime)
import System.Console.ANSI qualified as ANSI
import System.FileLock (SharedExclusive (Exclusive), withTryFileLock)
import U.Codebase.HashTags (CausalHash, PatchHash (..))
import U.Codebase.Reflog qualified as Reflog
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Operations qualified as Ops
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Queries qualified as Q
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Sync22 qualified as Sync22
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.V2.HashHandle (v2HashHandle)
@ -37,10 +34,8 @@ import Unison.Codebase.Init qualified as Codebase
import Unison.Codebase.Init.CreateCodebaseError qualified as Codebase1
import Unison.Codebase.Init.OpenCodebaseError (OpenCodebaseError (..))
import Unison.Codebase.Init.OpenCodebaseError qualified as Codebase1
import Unison.Codebase.RootBranchCache
import Unison.Codebase.SqliteCodebase.Branch.Cache (newBranchCache)
import Unison.Codebase.SqliteCodebase.Branch.Dependencies qualified as BD
import Unison.Codebase.SqliteCodebase.Conversions qualified as Cv
import Unison.Codebase.SqliteCodebase.Migrations qualified as Migrations
import Unison.Codebase.SqliteCodebase.Operations qualified as CodebaseOps
import Unison.Codebase.SqliteCodebase.Paths
@ -59,9 +54,12 @@ import Unison.Sqlite qualified as Sqlite
import Unison.Symbol (Symbol)
import Unison.Term (Term)
import Unison.Type (Type)
import Unison.Util.Cache qualified as Cache
import Unison.Util.Timing (time)
import Unison.WatchKind qualified as UF
import UnliftIO (UnliftIO (..), finally)
import UnliftIO qualified as UnliftIO
import UnliftIO.Concurrent qualified as UnliftIO
import UnliftIO.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing, doesDirectoryExist, doesFileExist)
import UnliftIO.STM
@ -106,8 +104,7 @@ createCodebaseOrError onCreate debugName path lockOption action = do
withConnection (debugName ++ ".createSchema") path \conn -> do
Sqlite.trySetJournalMode conn Sqlite.JournalMode'WAL
Sqlite.runTransaction conn do
void . Ops.saveRootBranch v2HashHandle $ Cv.causalbranch1to2 Branch.empty
sqliteCodebase debugName path Local lockOption DontMigrate action >>= \case
@ -136,7 +133,7 @@ initSchemaIfNotExist path = liftIO do
createDirectoryIfMissing True (makeCodebaseDirPath path)
unlessM (doesFileExist $ makeCodebasePath path) $
withConnection "initSchemaIfNotExist" path \conn ->
Sqlite.runTransaction conn Q.createSchema
Sqlite.runTransaction conn CodebaseOps.createSchema
-- 1) buffer up the component
-- 2) in the event that the component is complete, then what?
@ -167,8 +164,17 @@ sqliteCodebase ::
(Codebase m Symbol Ann -> m r) ->
m (Either Codebase1.OpenCodebaseError r)
sqliteCodebase debugName root localOrRemote lockOption migrationStrategy action = handleLockOption do
rootBranchCache <- newEmptyRootBranchCacheIO
branchCache <- newBranchCache
-- The branchLoadCache ephemerally caches branches in memory, but doesn't prevent them from being GC'd.
-- This is very useful when loading root branches because the cache shouldn't be limited in size.
-- But this cache will automatically clean itself up and remove entries that are no longer reachable.
-- If you load another branch, which shares namespaces with another branch that's in memory (and therefor in the cache)
-- then those shared namespaces will be loaded from the cache and will be shared in memory.
branchLoadCache <- newBranchCache
-- The rootBranchCache is a semispace cache which keeps the most recent branch roots (e.g. project roots) alive in memory.
-- Unlike the branchLoadCache, this cache is bounded in size and will evict older branches when it reaches its limit.
-- The two work in tandem, so the rootBranchCache keeps relevant branches alive, and the branchLoadCache
-- stores ALL the subnamespaces of those branches, deduping them when loading from the DB.
rootBranchCache <- Cache.semispaceCache 10
getDeclType <- CodebaseOps.makeCachedTransaction 2048 CodebaseOps.getDeclType
-- The v1 codebase interface has operations to read and write individual definitions
-- whereas the v2 codebase writes them as complete components. These two fields buffer
@ -238,47 +244,28 @@ sqliteCodebase debugName root localOrRemote lockOption migrationStrategy action
putTypeDeclarationComponent =
CodebaseOps.putTypeDeclarationComponent termBuffer declBuffer
getRootBranch :: m (Branch m)
getRootBranch =
Branch.transform runTransaction
<$> fetchRootBranch
(runTransaction (CodebaseOps.uncachedLoadRootBranch branchCache getDeclType))
putRootBranch :: Text -> Branch m -> m ()
putRootBranch reason branch1 = do
now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
withRunInIO \runInIO -> do
-- this is naughty, the type says Transaction but it
-- won't run automatically with whatever Transaction
-- it is composed into unless the enclosing
-- Transaction is applied to the same db connection.
let branch1Trans = Branch.transform (Sqlite.unsafeIO . runInIO) branch1
putRootBranchTrans :: Sqlite.Transaction () = do
let emptyCausalHash = Branch.headHash Branch.empty
fromRootCausalHash <- fromMaybe emptyCausalHash <$> Ops.loadRootCausalHash
let toRootCausalHash = Branch.headHash branch1
CodebaseOps.putRootBranch branch1Trans
Ops.appendReflog (Reflog.Entry {time = now, fromRootCausalHash, toRootCausalHash, reason})
-- We need to update the database and the cached
-- value. We want to keep these in sync, so we take
-- the cache lock while updating sqlite.
(\restore _ -> restore $ runInIO $ runTransaction putRootBranchTrans)
(\_ -> Just branch1Trans)
-- if this blows up on cromulent hashes, then switch from `hashToHashId`
-- to one that returns Maybe.
getBranchForHash :: CausalHash -> m (Maybe (Branch m))
getBranchForHash h =
fmap (Branch.transform runTransaction) <$> runTransaction (CodebaseOps.getBranchForHash branchCache getDeclType h)
getBranchForHash =
Cache.applyDefined rootBranchCache \h -> do
fmap (Branch.transform runTransaction) <$> runTransaction (CodebaseOps.getBranchForHash branchLoadCache getDeclType h)
putBranch :: Branch m -> m ()
putBranch branch =
withRunInIO \runInIO ->
runInIO (runTransaction (CodebaseOps.putBranch (Branch.transform (Sqlite.unsafeIO . runInIO) branch)))
runInIO $ do
Cache.insert rootBranchCache (Branch.headHash branch) branch
runTransaction (CodebaseOps.putBranch (Branch.transform (Sqlite.unsafeIO . runInIO) branch))
preloadBranch :: CausalHash -> m ()
preloadBranch h = do
void . UnliftIO.forkIO $ void $ do
getBranchForHash h >>= \case
Nothing -> pure ()
Just b -> do
UnliftIO.evaluate b
pure ()
syncFromDirectory :: Codebase1.CodebasePath -> Branch m -> m ()
syncFromDirectory srcRoot b =
@ -334,8 +321,6 @@ sqliteCodebase debugName root localOrRemote lockOption migrationStrategy action
@ -347,7 +332,8 @@ sqliteCodebase debugName root localOrRemote lockOption migrationStrategy action
termReferentsByPrefix = referentsByPrefix,
withConnection = withConn,
withConnectionIO = withConnection debugName root
withConnectionIO = withConnection debugName root,
Right <$> action codebase

View File

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import Unison.Codebase.Init.OpenCodebaseError qualified as Codebase
import Unison.Codebase.IntegrityCheck (IntegrityResult (..), integrityCheckAllBranches, integrityCheckAllCausals, prettyPrintIntegrityErrors)
import Unison.Codebase.SqliteCodebase.Migrations.Helpers (abortMigration)
import Unison.Codebase.SqliteCodebase.Migrations.MigrateSchema11To12 (migrateSchema11To12)
import Unison.Codebase.SqliteCodebase.Migrations.MigrateSchema16To17 (migrateSchema16To17)
import Unison.Codebase.SqliteCodebase.Migrations.MigrateSchema1To2 (migrateSchema1To2)
import Unison.Codebase.SqliteCodebase.Migrations.MigrateSchema3To4 (migrateSchema3To4)
import Unison.Codebase.SqliteCodebase.Migrations.MigrateSchema5To6 (migrateSchema5To6)
@ -30,27 +31,28 @@ import Unison.Codebase.SqliteCodebase.Operations qualified as Ops2
import Unison.Codebase.SqliteCodebase.Paths (backupCodebasePath)
import Unison.Codebase.Type (LocalOrRemote (..))
import Unison.ConstructorType qualified as CT
import Unison.Debug qualified as Debug
import Unison.Hash (Hash)
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.Sqlite qualified as Sqlite
import Unison.Sqlite.Connection qualified as Sqlite.Connection
import Unison.Util.Monoid (foldMapM)
import Unison.Util.Monoid qualified as Monoid
import Unison.Util.Pretty qualified as Pretty
import UnliftIO qualified
-- | Mapping from schema version to the migration required to get there.
-- E.g. The migration at index 2 must be run on a codebase at version 1.
migrations ::
(MVar Region.ConsoleRegion) ->
-- | A 'getDeclType'-like lookup, possibly backed by a cache.
(C.Reference.Reference -> Sqlite.Transaction CT.ConstructorType) ->
TVar (Map Hash Ops2.TermBufferEntry) ->
TVar (Map Hash Ops2.DeclBufferEntry) ->
CodebasePath ->
Map SchemaVersion (Sqlite.Transaction ())
migrations getDeclType termBuffer declBuffer rootCodebasePath =
Map SchemaVersion (Sqlite.Connection -> IO ())
migrations regionVar getDeclType termBuffer declBuffer rootCodebasePath =
[ (2, migrateSchema1To2 getDeclType termBuffer declBuffer),
[ (2, runT $ migrateSchema1To2 getDeclType termBuffer declBuffer),
-- The 1 to 2 migration kept around hash objects of hash version 1, unfortunately this
-- caused an issue:
@ -67,30 +69,34 @@ migrations getDeclType termBuffer declBuffer rootCodebasePath =
-- This migration drops all the v1 hash objects to avoid this issue, since these hash objects
-- weren't being used for anything anyways.
sqlMigration 3 (Q.removeHashObjectsByHashingVersion (HashVersion 1)),
(4, migrateSchema3To4),
(4, runT (migrateSchema3To4 *> runIntegrityChecks regionVar)),
-- The 4 to 5 migration adds initial support for out-of-order sync i.e. Unison Share
sqlMigration 5 Q.addTempEntityTables,
(6, migrateSchema5To6 rootCodebasePath),
(7, migrateSchema6To7),
(8, migrateSchema7To8),
(6, runT $ migrateSchema5To6 rootCodebasePath),
(7, runT (migrateSchema6To7 *> runIntegrityChecks regionVar)),
(8, runT migrateSchema7To8),
-- Recreates the name lookup tables because the primary key was missing the root hash id.
sqlMigration 9 Q.fixScopedNameLookupTables,
sqlMigration 10 Q.addProjectTables,
sqlMigration 11 Q.addMostRecentBranchTable,
(12, migrateSchema11To12),
(12, runT migrateSchema11To12),
sqlMigration 13 Q.addMostRecentNamespaceTable,
sqlMigration 14 Q.addSquashResultTable,
sqlMigration 15 Q.addSquashResultTableIfNotExists,
sqlMigration 16 Q.cdToProjectRoot
sqlMigration 16 Q.cdToProjectRoot,
(17 {- This migration takes a raw sqlite connection -}, \conn -> migrateSchema16To17 conn)
sqlMigration :: SchemaVersion -> Sqlite.Transaction () -> (SchemaVersion, Sqlite.Transaction ())
runT :: Sqlite.Transaction () -> Sqlite.Connection -> IO ()
runT t conn = Sqlite.runWriteTransaction conn (\run -> run t)
sqlMigration :: SchemaVersion -> Sqlite.Transaction () -> (SchemaVersion, Sqlite.Connection -> IO ())
sqlMigration ver migration =
( ver,
Q.expectSchemaVersion (ver - 1)
Q.setSchemaVersion ver
\conn -> Sqlite.runWriteTransaction conn \run -> run
Q.expectSchemaVersion (ver - 1)
Q.setSchemaVersion ver
data CodebaseVersionStatus
@ -140,7 +146,7 @@ ensureCodebaseIsUpToDate localOrRemote root getDeclType termBuffer declBuffer sh
Region.displayConsoleRegions do
(`UnliftIO.finally` finalizeRegion) do
let migs = migrations getDeclType termBuffer declBuffer root
let migs = migrations regionVar getDeclType termBuffer declBuffer root
-- The highest schema that this ucm knows how to migrate to.
let highestKnownSchemaVersion = fst . head $ Map.toDescList migs
currentSchemaVersion <- Sqlite.runTransaction conn Q.schemaVersion
@ -149,11 +155,10 @@ ensureCodebaseIsUpToDate localOrRemote root getDeclType termBuffer declBuffer sh
when shouldPrompt do
putStrLn "Press <enter> to start the migration once all other ucm processes are shutdown..."
void $ liftIO getLine
ranMigrations <-
Sqlite.runWriteTransaction conn \run -> do
ranMigrations <- do
currentSchemaVersion <- Sqlite.runTransaction conn $ do
-- Get the schema version again now that we're in a transaction.
currentSchemaVersion <- run Q.schemaVersion
let migrationsToRun = Map.filterWithKey (\v _ -> v > currentSchemaVersion) migs
-- This is a bit of a hack, hopefully we can remove this when we have a more
-- reliable way to freeze old migration code in time.
-- The problem is that 'saveObject' has been changed to flush temp entity tables,
@ -163,48 +168,29 @@ ensureCodebaseIsUpToDate localOrRemote root getDeclType termBuffer declBuffer sh
-- Hopefully we can remove this once we've got better methods of freezing migration
-- code in time.
when (currentSchemaVersion < 5) $ run Q.addTempEntityTables
when (currentSchemaVersion < 6) $ run Q.addNamespaceStatsTables
for_ (Map.toAscList migrationsToRun) $ \(SchemaVersion v, migration) -> do
putStrLn $ "🔨 Migrating codebase to version " <> show v <> "..."
run migration
let ranMigrations = not (null migrationsToRun)
when ranMigrations do
region <-
UnliftIO.mask_ do
region <- Region.openConsoleRegion Region.Linear
putMVar regionVar region
pure region
result <- do
-- Ideally we'd check everything here, but certain codebases are known to have objects
-- with missing Hash Objects, we'll want to clean that up in a future migration.
-- integrityCheckAllHashObjects,
let checks =
(currentSchemaVersion < 7) -- Only certain migrations actually make changes which reasonably need to be checked
[ integrityCheckAllBranches,
zip [(1 :: Int) ..] checks & foldMapM \(i, check) -> do
(Text.pack (printf "🕵️ Checking codebase integrity (step %d of %d)..." i (length checks)))
run check
case result of
NoIntegrityErrors -> pure ()
IntegrityErrorDetected errs -> do
let msg = prettyPrintIntegrityErrors errs
let rendered = Pretty.toPlain 80 (Pretty.border 2 msg)
Region.setConsoleRegion region (Text.pack rendered)
run (abortMigration "Codebase integrity error detected.")
pure ranMigrations
when (currentSchemaVersion < 5) Q.addTempEntityTables
when (currentSchemaVersion < 6) Q.addNamespaceStatsTables
pure currentSchemaVersion
let migrationsToRun = Map.filterWithKey (\v _ -> v > currentSchemaVersion) migs
for_ (Map.toAscList migrationsToRun) $ \(SchemaVersion v, migration) -> do
putStrLn $ "🔨 Migrating codebase to version " <> show v <> "..."
migration conn
let ranMigrations = not (null migrationsToRun)
pure ranMigrations
Debug.debugLogM Debug.Migration "Migrations complete"
when ranMigrations do
region <- readMVar regionVar
region <-
UnliftIO.mask_ do
region <- Region.openConsoleRegion Region.Linear
putMVar regionVar region
pure region
-- Vacuum once now that any migrations have taken place.
Region.setConsoleRegion region ("✅ All good, cleaning up..." :: Text)
case vacuumStrategy of
Vacuum -> void $ Sqlite.Connection.vacuum conn
Vacuum -> do
Debug.debugLogM Debug.Migration "About to VACUUM"
void $ Sqlite.Connection.vacuum conn
Debug.debugLogM Debug.Migration "Done VACUUM"
NoVacuum -> pure ()
Region.setConsoleRegion region ("🏁 Migrations complete 🏁" :: Text)
@ -224,3 +210,34 @@ backupCodebaseIfNecessary backupStrategy localOrRemote conn currentSchemaVersion
Sqlite.trySetJournalMode backupConn Sqlite.JournalMode'WAL
putStrLn ("📋 I backed up your codebase to " ++ (root </> backupPath))
putStrLn "⚠️ Please close all other ucm processes and wait for the migration to complete before interacting with your codebase."
runIntegrityChecks ::
(MVar Region.ConsoleRegion) ->
Sqlite.Transaction ()
runIntegrityChecks regionVar = do
region <- Sqlite.unsafeIO . UnliftIO.mask_ $ do
region <- Region.openConsoleRegion Region.Linear
putMVar regionVar region
pure region
result <- do
-- Ideally we'd check everything here, but certain codebases are known to have objects
-- with missing Hash Objects, we'll want to clean that up in a future migration.
-- integrityCheckAllHashObjects,
let checks =
[ integrityCheckAllBranches,
zip [(1 :: Int) ..] checks & foldMapM \(i, check) -> do
Sqlite.unsafeIO $
(Text.pack (printf "🕵️ Checking codebase integrity (step %d of %d)..." i (length checks)))
case result of
NoIntegrityErrors -> pure ()
IntegrityErrorDetected errs -> do
let msg = prettyPrintIntegrityErrors errs
let rendered = Pretty.toPlain 80 (Pretty.border 2 msg)
Sqlite.unsafeIO $ Region.setConsoleRegion region (Text.pack rendered)
(abortMigration "Codebase integrity error detected.")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Unison.Codebase.SqliteCodebase.Migrations.MigrateSchema16To17 (migrateSchema16To17) where
import Control.Lens
import Data.Aeson qualified as Aeson
import Data.Map qualified as Map
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Data.Text.Encoding qualified as Text
import Data.UUID (UUID)
import Data.UUID qualified as UUID
import U.Codebase.Branch.Type qualified as V2Branch
import U.Codebase.Causal qualified as V2Causal
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.DbId (CausalHashId, ProjectBranchId (..), ProjectId (..))
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.ProjectBranch (ProjectBranch (..))
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Queries qualified as Q
import Unison.Codebase qualified as Codebase
import Unison.Codebase.Branch qualified as Branch
import Unison.Codebase.Path qualified as Path
import Unison.Codebase.SqliteCodebase.Branch.Cache qualified as BranchCache
import Unison.Codebase.SqliteCodebase.Operations qualified as CodebaseOps
import Unison.Codebase.SqliteCodebase.Operations qualified as Ops
import Unison.Core.Project (ProjectBranchName (UnsafeProjectBranchName), ProjectName (UnsafeProjectName))
import Unison.Debug qualified as Debug
import Unison.NameSegment (NameSegment)
import Unison.NameSegment.Internal (NameSegment (NameSegment))
import Unison.NameSegment.Internal qualified as NameSegment
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.Sqlite qualified as Sqlite
import Unison.Sqlite.Connection qualified as Connection
import Unison.Syntax.NameSegment qualified as NameSegment
import UnliftIO qualified
import UnliftIO qualified as UnsafeIO
-- | This migration converts the codebase from having all projects in a single codebase root to having separate causal
-- roots for each project branch.
-- It:
-- * Adds the new project reflog table
-- * Adds the project-branch head as a causal-hash-id column on the project-branch table, and populates it from all the projects in the project root.
-- * Makes a new legacy project from the existing root branch (minus .__projects)
-- * Adds a new scratch/main project
-- * Adds a currentProjectPath table to replace the most-recent-path functionality.
-- It requires a Connection argument rather than working inside a Transaction because it needs to temporarily disable
-- foreign key checking, and the foreign_key pragma cannot be set within a transaction.
migrateSchema16To17 :: Sqlite.Connection -> IO ()
migrateSchema16To17 conn = withDisabledForeignKeys $ do
Q.expectSchemaVersion 16
Debug.debugLogM Debug.Migration "Adding causal hashes to project branches table."
Debug.debugLogM Debug.Migration "Making legacy project from loose code."
Debug.debugLogM Debug.Migration "Adding scratch project"
scratchMain <-
Q.loadProjectBranchByNames scratchProjectName scratchBranchName >>= \case
Just pb -> pure pb
Nothing -> do
(_, emptyCausalHashId) <- Codebase.emptyCausalHash
(_proj, pb) <- Ops.insertProjectAndBranch scratchProjectName scratchBranchName emptyCausalHashId
pure pb
-- Try to set the recent project branch to what it was, default back to scratch if it doesn't exist or the user is in
-- loose code.
mayRecentProjectBranch <- runMaybeT $ do
(projectId, branchId) <- MaybeT getMostRecentProjectBranchIds
-- Make sure the project-branch still exists.
_projBranch <- MaybeT $ Q.loadProjectBranch projectId branchId
pure (projectId, branchId)
Debug.debugLogM Debug.Migration "Adding current project path table"
Debug.debugLogM Debug.Migration "Setting current project path to scratch project"
case mayRecentProjectBranch of
Just (projectId, branchId) ->
Q.setCurrentProjectPath projectId branchId []
Nothing -> Q.setCurrentProjectPath scratchMain.projectId scratchMain.branchId []
Debug.debugLogM Debug.Migration "Done migrating to version 17"
Q.setSchemaVersion 17
scratchProjectName = UnsafeProjectName "scratch"
scratchBranchName = UnsafeProjectBranchName "main"
withDisabledForeignKeys :: Sqlite.Transaction r -> IO r
withDisabledForeignKeys m = do
let disable = Connection.execute conn [Sqlite.sql| PRAGMA foreign_keys=OFF |]
let enable = Connection.execute conn [Sqlite.sql| PRAGMA foreign_keys=ON |]
let action = Sqlite.runWriteTransaction conn \run -> run $ m
UnsafeIO.bracket disable (const enable) (const action)
data ForeignKeyFailureException
= ForeignKeyFailureException
-- We leave the data as raw as possible to ensure we can display it properly rather than get decoding errors while
-- trying to display some other error.
| MissingRootBranch
deriving stock (Show)
deriving anyclass (Exception)
addCausalHashesToProjectBranches :: Sqlite.Transaction ()
addCausalHashesToProjectBranches = do
Debug.debugLogM Debug.Migration "Creating new_project_branch"
-- Create the new version of the project_branch table with the causal_hash_id column.
CREATE TABLE new_project_branch (
project_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES project (id),
branch_id uuid NOT NULL,
name text NOT NULL,
causal_hash_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES causal(self_hash_id),
primary key (project_id, branch_id),
unique (project_id, name)
without rowid;
rootCausalHashId <- expectNamespaceRoot
rootCh <- Q.expectCausalHash rootCausalHashId
projectsRoot <- Codebase.getShallowCausalAtPathFromRootHash rootCh (Path.singleton $ projectsNameSegment) >>= V2Causal.value
ifor_ (V2Branch.children projectsRoot) \projectIdNS projectsCausal -> do
projectId <- case projectIdNS of
UUIDNameSegment projectIdUUID -> pure $ ProjectId projectIdUUID
_ -> error $ "Invalid Project Id NameSegment:" <> show projectIdNS
Debug.debugM Debug.Migration "Migrating project" projectId
projectsBranch <- V2Causal.value projectsCausal
case (Map.lookup branchesNameSegment $ V2Branch.children projectsBranch) of
Nothing -> pure ()
Just branchesCausal -> do
branchesBranch <- V2Causal.value branchesCausal
ifor_ (V2Branch.children branchesBranch) \branchIdNS projectBranchCausal -> void . runMaybeT $ do
projectBranchId <- case branchIdNS of
UUIDNameSegment branchIdUUID -> pure $ ProjectBranchId branchIdUUID
_ -> error $ "Invalid Branch Id NameSegment:" <> show branchIdNS
Debug.debugM Debug.Migration "Migrating project branch" projectBranchId
let branchCausalHash = V2Causal.causalHash projectBranchCausal
causalHashId <- lift $ Q.expectCausalHashIdByCausalHash branchCausalHash
branchName <-
MaybeT $
Sqlite.queryMaybeCol @ProjectBranchName
FROM project_branch
project_branch.project_id = :projectId
AND project_branch.branch_id = :projectBranchId
-- Insert the full project branch with HEAD into the new table
lift $
INSERT INTO new_project_branch (project_id, branch_id, name, causal_hash_id)
VALUES (:projectId, :projectBranchId, :branchName, :causalHashId)
Debug.debugLogM Debug.Migration "Deleting orphaned project branch data"
-- Delete any project branch data that don't have a matching branch in the current root.
-- This is to make sure any old or invalid project branches get cleared out and won't cause problems when we rewrite
-- foreign key references.
-- We have to do this manually since we had to disable foreign key checks to add the new column.
[Sqlite.sql| DELETE FROM project_branch_parent AS pbp
WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM new_project_branch npb WHERE npb.project_id = pbp.project_id AND npb.branch_id = pbp.branch_id)
Debug.debugLogM Debug.Migration "Deleting orphaned remote mapping data"
[Sqlite.sql| DELETE FROM project_branch_remote_mapping AS pbrp
WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM new_project_branch npb WHERE npb.project_id = pbrp.local_project_id AND npb.branch_id = pbrp.local_branch_id)
-- Delete any project branch rows that don't have a matching branch in the current root.
DELETE FROM most_recent_branch AS mrb
WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM new_project_branch npb WHERE npb.project_id = mrb.project_id AND npb.branch_id = mrb.branch_id)
Debug.debugLogM Debug.Migration "Swapping old and new project branch tables"
-- Drop the old project_branch table and rename the new one to take its place.
Sqlite.execute [Sqlite.sql| DROP TABLE project_branch |]
Sqlite.execute [Sqlite.sql| ALTER TABLE new_project_branch RENAME TO project_branch |]
Debug.debugLogM Debug.Migration "Checking foreign keys"
foreignKeyErrs <- Sqlite.queryListRow [Sqlite.sql| PRAGMA foreign_key_check |]
when (not . null $ foreignKeyErrs) . Sqlite.unsafeIO . UnliftIO.throwIO $ ForeignKeyFailureException foreignKeyErrs
makeLegacyProjectFromLooseCode :: Sqlite.Transaction ()
makeLegacyProjectFromLooseCode = do
rootChId <-
Sqlite.queryOneCol @CausalHashId
SELECT causal_id
FROM namespace_root
rootCh <- Q.expectCausalHash rootChId
branchCache <- Sqlite.unsafeIO BranchCache.newBranchCache
getDeclType <- Sqlite.unsafeIO $ CodebaseOps.makeCachedTransaction 2048 CodebaseOps.getDeclType
rootBranch <-
CodebaseOps.getBranchForHash branchCache getDeclType rootCh `whenNothingM` do
Sqlite.unsafeIO . UnliftIO.throwIO $ MissingRootBranch
-- Remove the hidden projects root if one existed.
let rootWithoutProjects = rootBranch & over (Branch.head_ . Branch.children) (Map.delete projectsNameSegment)
CodebaseOps.putBranch rootWithoutProjects
let legacyBranchRootHash = Branch.headHash rootWithoutProjects
legacyBranchRootHashId <- Q.expectCausalHashIdByCausalHash legacyBranchRootHash
let findLegacyName :: Maybe Int -> Sqlite.Transaction ProjectName
findLegacyName mayN = do
let tryProjName = case mayN of
Nothing -> UnsafeProjectName "legacy"
Just n -> UnsafeProjectName $ "legacy" <> Text.pack (show n)
Q.loadProjectBranchByNames tryProjName legacyBranchName >>= \case
Nothing -> pure tryProjName
Just _ -> findLegacyName . Just $ maybe 1 succ mayN
legacyProjName <- findLegacyName Nothing
void $ Ops.insertProjectAndBranch legacyProjName legacyBranchName legacyBranchRootHashId
pure ()
legacyBranchName = UnsafeProjectBranchName "main"
expectNamespaceRoot :: Sqlite.Transaction CausalHashId
expectNamespaceRoot =
Sqlite.queryOneCol loadNamespaceRootSql
loadNamespaceRootSql :: Sqlite.Sql
loadNamespaceRootSql =
SELECT causal_id
FROM namespace_root
pattern UUIDNameSegment :: UUID -> NameSegment
pattern UUIDNameSegment uuid <-
( NameSegment.toUnescapedText ->
(Text.uncons -> Just ('_', UUID.fromText . (\c -> if c == '_' then '-' else c) -> Just uuid))
UUIDNameSegment uuid =
NameSegment (Text.cons '_' ( (\c -> if c == '-' then '_' else c) (UUID.toText uuid)))
projectsNameSegment :: NameSegment
projectsNameSegment = NameSegment.unsafeParseText "__projects"
branchesNameSegment :: NameSegment
branchesNameSegment = NameSegment.unsafeParseText "branches"
expectMostRecentNamespace :: Sqlite.Transaction [NameSegment]
expectMostRecentNamespace =
SELECT namespace
FROM most_recent_namespace
check :: Text -> Either Q.JsonParseFailure [NameSegment]
check bytes =
case Aeson.eitherDecodeStrict (Text.encodeUtf8 bytes) of
Left failure -> Left (Q.JsonParseFailure {bytes, failure = Text.pack failure})
Right namespace -> Right (map NameSegment namespace)
getMostRecentProjectBranchIds :: Sqlite.Transaction (Maybe (ProjectId, ProjectBranchId))
getMostRecentProjectBranchIds = do
nameSegments <- expectMostRecentNamespace
case nameSegments of
(proj : UUIDNameSegment projectId : branches : UUIDNameSegment branchId : _)
| proj == projectsNameSegment && branches == branchesNameSegment ->
pure . Just $ (ProjectId projectId, ProjectBranchId branchId)
_ -> pure Nothing

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Unison.Codebase.SqliteCodebase.Migrations.MigrateSchema1To2
@ -103,7 +104,7 @@ migrateSchema1To2 getDeclType termBuffer declBuffer = do
log "I'll go ahead with the migration, but will replace any corrupted namespaces with empty ones."
log "Updating Namespace Root..."
rootCausalHashId <- Q.expectNamespaceRoot
rootCausalHashId <- expectNamespaceRoot
numEntitiesToMigrate <- sum <$> sequenceA [Q.countObjects, Q.countCausals, Q.countWatches]
v2EmptyBranchHashInfo <- saveV2EmptyBranch
watches <-
@ -115,7 +116,7 @@ migrateSchema1To2 getDeclType termBuffer declBuffer = do
`execStateT` MigrationState Map.empty Map.empty Map.empty Set.empty 0 v2EmptyBranchHashInfo
let (_, newRootCausalHashId) = causalMapping migrationState ^?! ix rootCausalHashId
log "Updating Namespace Root..."
Q.setNamespaceRoot newRootCausalHashId
setNamespaceRoot newRootCausalHashId
log "Rewriting old object IDs..."
ifor_ (objLookup migrationState) \oldObjId (newObjId, _, _, _) -> do
Q.recordObjectRehash oldObjId newObjId
@ -149,6 +150,23 @@ migrateSchema1To2 getDeclType termBuffer declBuffer = do
allDone = lift $ log $ "\nFinished migrating, initiating cleanup."
in Sync.Progress {need, done, error = errorHandler, allDone}
expectNamespaceRoot :: Sqlite.Transaction CausalHashId
expectNamespaceRoot =
Sqlite.queryOneCol loadNamespaceRootSql
loadNamespaceRootSql :: Sqlite.Sql
loadNamespaceRootSql =
SELECT causal_id
FROM namespace_root
setNamespaceRoot :: CausalHashId -> Sqlite.Transaction ()
setNamespaceRoot id =
Sqlite.queryOneCol [Sqlite.sql| SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM namespace_root) |] >>= \case
False -> Sqlite.execute [Sqlite.sql| INSERT INTO namespace_root VALUES (:id) |]
True -> Sqlite.execute [Sqlite.sql| UPDATE namespace_root SET causal_id = :id |]
log :: String -> Sqlite.Transaction ()
log =
Sqlite.unsafeIO . putStrLn

View File

@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ numMigrated =
migrateSchema3To4 :: Sqlite.Transaction ()
migrateSchema3To4 = do
Q.expectSchemaVersion 3
rootCausalHashId <- Q.expectNamespaceRoot
rootCausalHashId <- expectNamespaceRoot
totalCausals <- causalCount
migrationState <- flip execStateT (MigrationState mempty mempty 0) $ Sync.sync migrationSync (migrationProgress totalCausals) [rootCausalHashId]
let MigrationState {_canonicalBranchForCausalHashId = mapping} = migrationState
@ -98,6 +98,17 @@ migrateSchema3To4 = do
SELECT count(*) FROM causal;
expectNamespaceRoot :: Sqlite.Transaction DB.CausalHashId
expectNamespaceRoot =
Sqlite.queryOneCol loadNamespaceRootSql
loadNamespaceRootSql :: Sqlite.Sql
loadNamespaceRootSql =
SELECT causal_id
FROM namespace_root
migrationProgress :: Int -> Sync.Progress (StateT MigrationState Sqlite.Transaction) DB.CausalHashId
migrationProgress totalCausals =
Sync.Progress {Sync.need, Sync.done, Sync.error, Sync.allDone}

View File

@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Unison.Codebase.SqliteCodebase.Migrations.MigrateSchema5To6 (migrateSchema5To6) where
import Data.Bitraversable
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Data.Time (NominalDiffTime, UTCTime, addUTCTime, getCurrentTime)
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import U.Codebase.HashTags (CausalHash (CausalHash))
import U.Codebase.Reflog qualified as Reflog
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Operations qualified as Ops
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Queries qualified as Q
import Unison.Codebase (CodebasePath)
import Unison.Hash qualified as Hash
@ -30,12 +33,21 @@ migrateCurrentReflog codebasePath = do
-- so we check first to avoid triggering a bad foreign key constraint.
haveFrom <- isJust <$> Q.loadCausalByCausalHash (Reflog.fromRootCausalHash oldEntry)
haveTo <- isJust <$> Q.loadCausalByCausalHash (Reflog.toRootCausalHash oldEntry)
when (haveFrom && haveTo) $ Ops.appendReflog oldEntry
when (haveFrom && haveTo) $ appendReflog oldEntry
Sqlite.unsafeIO . putStrLn $ "I migrated old reflog entries from " <> reflogPath <> " into the codebase; you may delete that file now if you like."
reflogPath :: FilePath
reflogPath = codebasePath </> "reflog"
appendReflog :: Reflog.Entry CausalHash Text -> Sqlite.Transaction ()
appendReflog entry = do
dbEntry <- (bitraverse Q.saveCausalHash pure) entry
INSERT INTO reflog (time, from_root_causal_id, to_root_causal_id, reason)
VALUES (@dbEntry, @, @, @)
oldReflogEntries :: CodebasePath -> UTCTime -> IO [Reflog.Entry CausalHash Text]
oldReflogEntries reflogPath now =
( do

View File

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-- | This module contains sqlite-specific operations on high-level "parser-typechecker" types all in the Transaction
-- monad.
@ -16,6 +18,7 @@ import Data.List.NonEmpty.Extra (NonEmpty ((:|)), maximum1)
import Data.Map qualified as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Data.UUID.V4 qualified as UUID
import U.Codebase.Branch qualified as V2Branch
import U.Codebase.Branch.Diff (TreeDiff (TreeDiff))
import U.Codebase.Branch.Diff qualified as BranchDiff
@ -30,11 +33,14 @@ import U.Codebase.Sqlite.NamedRef qualified as S
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.ObjectType qualified as OT
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Operations (NamesInPerspective (..))
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Operations qualified as Ops
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Project (Project (..))
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Project qualified as Project
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.ProjectBranch (ProjectBranch (..))
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Queries qualified as Q
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.V2.HashHandle (v2HashHandle)
import Unison.Builtin qualified as Builtins
import Unison.Codebase.Branch (Branch (..))
import Unison.Codebase.Branch qualified as Branch
import Unison.Codebase.Patch (Patch)
import Unison.Codebase.Path (Path)
import Unison.Codebase.Path qualified as Path
@ -43,7 +49,7 @@ import Unison.Codebase.SqliteCodebase.Branch.Cache (BranchCache)
import Unison.Codebase.SqliteCodebase.Conversions qualified as Cv
import Unison.ConstructorReference (GConstructorReference (..))
import Unison.ConstructorType qualified as CT
import Unison.Core.Project (ProjectBranchName, ProjectName)
import Unison.Core.Project (ProjectBranchName (..), ProjectName (..))
import Unison.DataDeclaration (Decl)
import Unison.DataDeclaration qualified as Decl
import Unison.Hash (Hash)
@ -74,6 +80,35 @@ import Unison.Util.Set qualified as Set
import Unison.WatchKind qualified as UF
import UnliftIO.STM
createSchema :: Transaction ()
createSchema = do
Sqlite.execute insertSchemaVersionSql
(_, emptyCausalHashId) <- emptyCausalHash
(_, ProjectBranch {projectId, branchId}) <- insertProjectAndBranch scratchProjectName scratchBranchName emptyCausalHashId
Q.setCurrentProjectPath projectId branchId []
scratchProjectName = UnsafeProjectName "scratch"
scratchBranchName = UnsafeProjectBranchName "main"
currentSchemaVersion = Q.currentSchemaVersion
insertSchemaVersionSql =
INSERT INTO schema_version (version)
VALUES (:currentSchemaVersion)
-- Buffer entry
@ -382,25 +417,6 @@ tryFlushDeclBuffer termBuffer declBuffer =
in loop
uncachedLoadRootBranch ::
BranchCache Sqlite.Transaction ->
(C.Reference.Reference -> Sqlite.Transaction CT.ConstructorType) ->
Transaction (Branch Transaction)
uncachedLoadRootBranch branchCache getDeclType = do
causal2 <- Ops.expectRootCausal
Cv.causalbranch2to1 branchCache getDeclType causal2
-- | Get whether the root branch exists.
getRootBranchExists :: Transaction Bool
getRootBranchExists =
isJust <$> Ops.loadRootCausalHash
putRootBranch :: Branch Transaction -> Transaction ()
putRootBranch branch1 = do
-- todo: check to see if root namespace hash has been externally modified
-- and do something (merge?) it if necessary. But for now, we just overwrite it.
void (Ops.saveRootBranch v2HashHandle (Cv.causalbranch1to2 branch1))
-- if this blows up on cromulent hashes, then switch from `hashToHashId`
-- to one that returns Maybe.
getBranchForHash ::
@ -735,14 +751,34 @@ makeMaybeCachedTransaction size action = do
conn <- Sqlite.unsafeGetConnection
Sqlite.unsafeIO (Cache.applyDefined cache (\x -> Sqlite.unsafeUnTransaction (action x) conn) x)
insertProjectAndBranch :: Db.ProjectId -> ProjectName -> Db.ProjectBranchId -> ProjectBranchName -> Sqlite.Transaction ()
insertProjectAndBranch projectId projectName branchId branchName = do
Q.insertProject projectId projectName
-- | Creates a project by name if one doesn't already exist, creates a branch in that project, then returns the project and branch ids. Fails if a branch by that name already exists in the project.
insertProjectAndBranch :: ProjectName -> ProjectBranchName -> Db.CausalHashId -> Sqlite.Transaction (Project, ProjectBranch)
insertProjectAndBranch projectName branchName chId = do
projectId <- whenNothingM (fmap Project.projectId <$> Q.loadProjectByName projectName) do
projectId <- Sqlite.unsafeIO (Db.ProjectId <$> UUID.nextRandom)
Q.insertProject projectId projectName
pure projectId
branchId <- Sqlite.unsafeIO (Db.ProjectBranchId <$> UUID.nextRandom)
let projectBranch =
{ projectId,
name = branchName,
parentBranchId = Nothing
{ projectId,
name = branchName,
parentBranchId = Nothing
"Project Created"
Q.setMostRecentBranch projectId branchId
pure (Project {name = projectName, projectId}, ProjectBranch {projectId, name = branchName, branchId, parentBranchId = Nothing})
-- | Often we need to assign something to an empty causal, this ensures the empty causal
-- exists in the codebase and returns its hash.
emptyCausalHash :: Sqlite.Transaction (CausalHash, Db.CausalHashId)
emptyCausalHash = do
let emptyBranch = Branch.empty
putBranch emptyBranch
let causalHash = Branch.headHash emptyBranch
causalHashId <- Q.expectCausalHashIdByCausalHash causalHash
pure (causalHash, causalHashId)

View File

@ -55,13 +55,6 @@ data Codebase m v a = Codebase
putTypeDeclarationComponent :: Hash -> [Decl v a] -> Sqlite.Transaction (),
-- getTermComponent :: Hash -> m (Maybe [Term v a]),
getTermComponentWithTypes :: Hash -> Sqlite.Transaction (Maybe [(Term v a, Type v a)]),
-- | Get the root branch.
getRootBranch :: m (Branch m),
-- | Like 'putBranch', but also adjusts the root branch pointer afterwards.
putRootBranch ::
Text -> -- Reason for the change, will be recorded in the reflog
Branch m ->
m (),
getBranchForHash :: CausalHash -> m (Maybe (Branch m)),
-- | Put a branch into the codebase, which includes its children, its patches, and the branch itself, if they don't
-- already exist.
@ -87,7 +80,12 @@ data Codebase m v a = Codebase
-- | Acquire a new connection to the same underlying database file this codebase object connects to.
withConnection :: forall x. (Sqlite.Connection -> m x) -> m x,
-- | Acquire a new connection to the same underlying database file this codebase object connects to.
withConnectionIO :: forall x. (Sqlite.Connection -> IO x) -> IO x
withConnectionIO :: forall x. (Sqlite.Connection -> IO x) -> IO x,
-- | This optimization allows us to pre-fetch a branch from SQLite into the branch cache when we know we'll need it
-- soon, but not immediately. E.g. the user has switched a branch, but hasn't run any commands on it yet.
-- This combinator returns immediately, but warms the cache in the background with the desired branch.
preloadBranch :: CausalHash -> m ()
-- | Whether a codebase is local or remote.

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@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import U.Codebase.Branch qualified as Codebase.Branch
import U.Codebase.Decl qualified as Codebase.Decl
import U.Codebase.Reference qualified as Codebase.Reference
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Operations qualified as Operations
import Unison.Codebase.ProjectPath (ProjectPath)
import Unison.NameSegment (NameSegment)
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.Sqlite qualified as Sqlite
@ -21,8 +22,8 @@ import Witherable (witherM)
-- For (potential) efficiency, this function accepts an argument that loads a namespace at a path, which may be backed
-- by a cache.
loadUniqueTypeGuid ::
([NameSegment] -> Sqlite.Transaction (Maybe (Codebase.Branch.Branch Sqlite.Transaction))) ->
[NameSegment] ->
(ProjectPath -> Sqlite.Transaction (Maybe (Codebase.Branch.Branch Sqlite.Transaction))) ->
ProjectPath ->
NameSegment ->
Sqlite.Transaction (Maybe Text)
loadUniqueTypeGuid loadNamespaceAtPath path name =

View File

@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
module Unison.Project.Util
( projectPath,
pattern UUIDNameSegment,
ProjectContext (..),
pattern ProjectsNameSegment,
pattern BranchesNameSegment,
import Control.Lens
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Data.UUID (UUID)
import Data.UUID qualified as UUID
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.DbId (ProjectBranchId (..), ProjectId (..))
import Unison.Codebase.Path qualified as Path
import Unison.NameSegment.Internal (NameSegment (NameSegment))
import Unison.NameSegment.Internal qualified as NameSegment
import Unison.Project (ProjectAndBranch (..))
-- | Get the path that a project is stored at. Users aren't supposed to go here.
-- >>> projectPath "ABCD"
-- .__projects._ABCD
projectPath :: ProjectId -> Path.Absolute
projectPath projectId =
review projectPathPrism projectId
-- | Get the path that a project's branches are stored at. Users aren't supposed to go here.
-- >>> projectBranchesPath "ABCD"
-- .__projects._ABCD.branches
projectBranchesPath :: ProjectId -> Path.Absolute
projectBranchesPath projectId =
snoc (projectPath projectId) BranchesNameSegment
-- | Get the path that a branch is stored at. Users aren't supposed to go here.
-- >>> projectBranchPath ProjectAndBranch { project = "ABCD", branch = "DEFG" }
-- .__projects._ABCD.branches._DEFG
projectBranchPath :: ProjectAndBranch ProjectId ProjectBranchId -> Path.Absolute
projectBranchPath projectAndBranch =
review projectBranchPathPrism (projectAndBranch, Path.empty)
-- | Get the name segment that a branch is stored at.
-- >>> projectBranchSegment "DEFG"
-- "_DEFG"
projectBranchSegment :: ProjectBranchId -> NameSegment
projectBranchSegment (ProjectBranchId branchId) =
UUIDNameSegment branchId
pattern UUIDNameSegment :: UUID -> NameSegment
pattern UUIDNameSegment uuid <-
( NameSegment.toUnescapedText ->
(Text.uncons -> Just ('_', UUID.fromText . (\c -> if c == '_' then '-' else c) -> Just uuid))
UUIDNameSegment uuid =
NameSegment (Text.cons '_' ( (\c -> if c == '-' then '_' else c) (UUID.toText uuid)))
-- | The prism between paths like
-- @
-- .__projects._XX_XX
-- @
-- and the project id
-- @
-- XX-XX
-- @
projectPathPrism :: Prism' Path.Absolute ProjectId
projectPathPrism =
prism' toPath toId
toPath :: ProjectId -> Path.Absolute
toPath projectId =
Path.Absolute (Path.fromList [ProjectsNameSegment, UUIDNameSegment (unProjectId projectId)])
toId :: Path.Absolute -> Maybe ProjectId
toId path =
case Path.toList (Path.unabsolute path) of
[ProjectsNameSegment, UUIDNameSegment projectId] -> Just (ProjectId projectId)
_ -> Nothing
-- | The prism between paths like
-- @
-- @
-- and the @(project id, branch id, path)@ triple
-- @
-- (XX-XX, YY-YY,
-- @
projectBranchPathPrism :: Prism' Path.Absolute (ProjectAndBranch ProjectId ProjectBranchId, Path.Path)
projectBranchPathPrism =
prism' toPath toIds
toPath :: (ProjectAndBranch ProjectId ProjectBranchId, Path.Path) -> Path.Absolute
toPath (ProjectAndBranch {project = projectId, branch = branchId}, restPath) =
Path.Absolute $
( [ ProjectsNameSegment,
UUIDNameSegment (unProjectId projectId),
UUIDNameSegment (unProjectBranchId branchId)
++ Path.toList restPath
toIds :: Path.Absolute -> Maybe (ProjectAndBranch ProjectId ProjectBranchId, Path.Path)
toIds path =
case Path.toList (Path.unabsolute path) of
ProjectsNameSegment : UUIDNameSegment projectId : BranchesNameSegment : UUIDNameSegment branchId : restPath ->
Just (ProjectAndBranch {project = ProjectId projectId, branch = ProjectBranchId branchId}, Path.fromList restPath)
_ -> Nothing
-- | The project information about the current path.
-- NOTE: if the user has cd'd into the project storage area but NOT into a branch, (where they shouldn't ever
-- be), this will result in a LooseCodePath.
data ProjectContext
= LooseCodePath Path.Absolute
| ProjectBranchPath ProjectId ProjectBranchId Path.Path {- path from branch root -}
deriving stock (Eq, Show)
projectContextFromPath :: Path.Absolute -> ProjectContext
projectContextFromPath path =
case path ^? projectBranchPathPrism of
Just (ProjectAndBranch {project = projectId, branch = branchId}, restPath) ->
ProjectBranchPath projectId branchId restPath
Nothing ->
LooseCodePath path
pattern ProjectsNameSegment :: NameSegment
pattern ProjectsNameSegment <-
((== projectsNameSegment) -> True)
ProjectsNameSegment = projectsNameSegment
pattern BranchesNameSegment :: NameSegment
pattern BranchesNameSegment <-
((== branchesNameSegment) -> True)
BranchesNameSegment = branchesNameSegment
projectsNameSegment :: NameSegment
projectsNameSegment = NameSegment "__projects"
branchesNameSegment :: NameSegment
branchesNameSegment = NameSegment "branches"

View File

@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ expandSimple keep (v, bnd) = (v, apps' (var a v) evs)
evs = map (var a) . Set.toList $ Set.difference fvs keep
abstract :: (Var v) => Set v -> Term v a -> Term v a
abstract keep bnd = lam' a evs bnd
abstract keep bnd = lamWithoutBindingAnns a evs bnd
a = ABT.annotation bnd
fvs = ABT.freeVars bnd
@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ enclose keep rec (Let1NamedTop' top v b@(unAnn -> LamsNamed' vs bd) e) =
annotate tm
| Ann' _ ty <- b = ann a tm ty
| otherwise = tm
lamb = lam' a evs (annotate $ lam' a vs lbody)
lamb = lamWithoutBindingAnns a evs (annotate $ lamWithoutBindingAnns a vs lbody)
enclose keep rec t@(unLamsAnnot -> Just (vs0, mty, vs1, body)) =
Just $ if null evs then lamb else apps' lamb $ map (var a) evs
@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ enclose keep rec t@(unLamsAnnot -> Just (vs0, mty, vs1, body)) =
annotate tm
| Just ty <- mty = ann a tm ty
| otherwise = tm
lamb = lam' a (evs ++ vs0) . annotate . lam' a vs1 $ lbody
lamb = lamWithoutBindingAnns a (evs ++ vs0) . annotate . lamWithoutBindingAnns a vs1 $ lbody
enclose keep rec t@(Handle' h body)
| isStructured body =
Just . handle (ABT.annotation t) (rec keep h) $ apps' lamb args
@ -232,8 +232,8 @@ enclose keep rec t@(Handle' h body)
| null evs = [constructor a (ConstructorReference Ty.unitRef 0)]
| otherwise = var a <$> evs
| null evs = lam' a [fv] lbody
| otherwise = lam' a evs lbody
| null evs = lamWithoutBindingAnns a [fv] lbody
| otherwise = lamWithoutBindingAnns a evs lbody
enclose keep rec t@(Match' s0 cs0) = Just $ match a s cs
a = ABT.annotation t
@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ beta rec (LetRecNamedTop' top (fmap (fmap rec) -> vbs) (rec -> bd)) =
vbs <&> \(v, b0) -> (v,ABT.annotation b0,) $ case b0 of
LamsNamed' vs b
| Just n <- Map.lookup v m ->
lam' (ABT.annotation b0) (drop n vs) (dropPrefixes m b)
lamWithoutBindingAnns (ABT.annotation b0) (drop n vs) (dropPrefixes m b)
-- shouldn't happen
b -> dropPrefixes m b
@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ beta rec (Let1NamedTop' top v l@(LamsNamed' vs bd) (rec -> e))
| n > 0 = Just $ let1' top [(v, lamb)] (dropPrefix v n e)
| otherwise = Nothing
lamb = lam' al (drop n vs) (bd)
lamb = lamWithoutBindingAnns al (drop n vs) (bd)
al = ABT.annotation l
-- Calculate a maximum number of arguments to drop.
-- Enclosing doesn't create let-bound lambdas, so we
@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ beta rec (Let1NamedTop' top v l@(LamsNamed' vs bd) (rec -> e))
beta rec (Apps' l@(LamsNamed' vs body) as)
| n <- matchVars 0 vs as,
n > 0 =
Just $ apps' (lam' al (drop n vs) (rec body)) (drop n as)
Just $ apps' (lamWithoutBindingAnns al (drop n vs) (rec body)) (drop n as)
| otherwise = Nothing
al = ABT.annotation l
@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ groupFloater rec vbs = do
rec' b
| Just (vs0, mty, vs1, bd) <- unLamsAnnot b =
lam' a vs0 . maybe id (flip $ ann a) mty . lam' a vs1 <$> rec bd
lamWithoutBindingAnns a vs0 . maybe id (flip $ ann a) mty . lamWithoutBindingAnns a vs1 <$> rec bd
a = ABT.annotation b
rec' b = rec b
@ -453,12 +453,12 @@ lamFloater closed tm mv a vs bd =
let v = ABT.freshIn cvs $ fromMaybe (typed Var.Float) mv
in ( v,
( Set.insert v cvs,
ctx <> [(v, lam' a vs bd)],
ctx <> [(v, lamWithoutBindingAnns a vs bd)],
floatDecomp closed v tm dcmp
tgt = unannotate (lam' a vs bd)
tgt = unannotate (lamWithoutBindingAnns a vs bd)
p (_, flam) = unannotate flam == tgt
floatDecomp ::
@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ floater top rec tm0@(Ann' tm ty) =
floater top rec (LetRecNamed' vbs e) =
Just $
letFloater rec vbs e >>= \case
lm@(LamsNamed' vs bd) | top -> lam' a vs <$> rec bd
lm@(LamsNamed' vs bd) | top -> lamWithoutBindingAnns a vs <$> rec bd
a = ABT.annotation lm
tm -> rec tm
@ -492,7 +492,7 @@ floater _ rec (Let1Named' v b e)
a = ABT.annotation b
floater top rec tm@(LamsNamed' vs bd)
| top = Just $ lam' a vs <$> rec bd
| top = Just $ lamWithoutBindingAnns a vs <$> rec bd
| otherwise = Just $ do
bd <- rec bd
lv <- lamFloater True tm Nothing a vs bd
@ -627,7 +627,7 @@ saturate dat = ABT.visitPure $ \case
| m < n,
vs <- snd $ mapAccumL frsh fvs [1 .. n - m],
nargs <- var mempty <$> vs ->
Just . lam' mempty vs . apps' f $ args' ++ nargs
Just . lamWithoutBindingAnns mempty vs . apps' f $ args' ++ nargs
| m > n,
(sargs, eargs) <- splitAt n args',
sv <- Var.freshIn fvs $ typed Var.Eta ->

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@ -230,7 +230,11 @@ decompileForeign backref topTerms f
| Just s <- unwrapSeq f =
list' () <$> traverse (decompile backref topTerms) s
decompileForeign _ _ (Wrap r _) =
err (BadForeign r) $ bug "<Foreign>"
err (BadForeign r) $ bug text
| Builtin name <- r = "<" <> name <> ">"
| otherwise = "<Foreign>"
decompileBytes :: (Var v) => By.Bytes -> Term v ()
decompileBytes =

View File

@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ exec !env !denv !_activeThreads !ustk !bstk !k _ (BPrim1 DBTX i)
ustk <- bump ustk
bstk <- case tracer env False clo of
NoTrace -> bstk <$ poke ustk 0
MsgTrace _ tx _ -> do
MsgTrace _ _ tx -> do
poke ustk 1
bstk <- bump bstk
bstk <$ pokeBi bstk (Util.Text.pack tx)

View File

@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ import Unison.NameSegment qualified as NameSegment
import Unison.Names (Names)
import Unison.Names qualified as Names
import Unison.NamesWithHistory qualified as Names
import Unison.Parser.Ann qualified as Ann
import Unison.Parser.Ann (Ann)
import Unison.Parser.Ann qualified as Ann
import Unison.Pattern (Pattern)
import Unison.Pattern qualified as Pattern
import Unison.Prelude
@ -348,7 +348,9 @@ parsePattern = label "pattern" root
lam :: (Var v) => TermP v m -> TermP v m
lam p = label "lambda" $ mkLam <$> P.try (some prefixDefinitionName <* reserved "->") <*> p
mkLam vs b = Term.lam' (ann (head vs) <> ann b) (map L.payload vs) b
mkLam vs b =
let annotatedArgs = vs <&> \v -> (ann v, L.payload v)
in Term.lam' (ann (head vs) <> ann b) annotatedArgs b
letBlock, handle, ifthen :: (Monad m, Var v) => TermP v m
letBlock = label "let" $ (snd <$> block "let")
@ -383,7 +385,8 @@ lamCase = do
es -> DD.tupleTerm es
anns = ann start <> ann (NonEmpty.last cases)
matchTerm = Term.match anns lamvarTerm (toList cases)
pure $ Term.lam' anns vars matchTerm
let annotatedVars = (Ann.GeneratedFrom $ ann start,) <$> vars
pure $ Term.lam' anns annotatedVars matchTerm
ifthen = label "if" do
start <- peekAny
@ -412,7 +415,7 @@ hashQualifiedPrefixTerm = resolveHashQualified =<< hqPrefixId
hashQualifiedInfixTerm :: (Monad m, Var v) => TermP v m
hashQualifiedInfixTerm = resolveHashQualified =<< hqInfixId
quasikeyword :: Ord v => Text -> P v m (L.Token ())
quasikeyword :: (Ord v) => Text -> P v m (L.Token ())
quasikeyword kw = queryToken \case
L.WordyId (HQ'.NameOnly n) | nameIsKeyword n kw -> Just ()
_ -> Nothing
@ -595,11 +598,12 @@ doc2Block = do
"syntax.docExample" -> do
trm <- term
endTok <- closeBlock
pure . (ann startTok <> ann endTok,) $ case trm of
let spanAnn = ann startTok <> ann endTok
pure . (spanAnn,) $ case trm of
tm@(Term.Apps' _ xs) ->
let fvs = List.Extra.nubOrd $ concatMap (toList . Term.freeVars) xs
n = Term.nat (ann tm) (fromIntegral (length fvs))
lam = addDelay $ Term.lam' (ann tm) fvs tm
lam = addDelay $ Term.lam' (ann tm) ((Ann.GeneratedFrom spanAnn,) <$> fvs) tm
in Term.apps' f [n, lam]
tm -> Term.apps' f [Term.nat (ann tm) 0, addDelay tm]
"syntax.docTransclude" -> evalLike id
@ -980,12 +984,13 @@ delayQuote :: (Monad m, Var v) => TermP v m
delayQuote = P.label "quote" do
start <- reserved "'"
e <- termLeaf
pure $ DD.delayTerm (ann start <> ann e) e
pure $ DD.delayTerm (ann start <> ann e) (ann start) e
delayBlock :: (Monad m, Var v) => P v m (Ann {- Ann spanning the whole block -}, Term v Ann)
delayBlock = P.label "do" do
(spanAnn, b) <- block "do"
pure $ (spanAnn, DD.delayTerm (ann b) b)
let argSpan = (ann b {- would be nice to use the annotation for 'do' here, but it's not terribly important -})
pure $ (spanAnn, DD.delayTerm (ann b) argSpan b)
bang :: (Monad m, Var v) => TermP v m
bang = P.label "bang" do
@ -993,10 +998,10 @@ bang = P.label "bang" do
e <- termLeaf
pure $ DD.forceTerm (ann start <> ann e) (ann start) e
force :: forall m v . (Monad m, Var v) => TermP v m
force :: forall m v. (Monad m, Var v) => TermP v m
force = P.label "force" $ P.try do
-- `forkAt pool() blah` parses as `forkAt (pool ()) blah`
-- That is, empty parens immediately (no space) following a symbol
-- That is, empty parens immediately (no space) following a symbol
-- is treated as high precedence function application of `Unit`
fn <- hashQualifiedPrefixTerm
tok <- ann <$> openBlockWith "("
@ -1008,10 +1013,10 @@ seqOp :: (Ord v) => P v m Pattern.SeqOp
seqOp =
<$ matchToken (L.SymbolyId (HQ'.fromName (Name.fromSegment NameSegment.snocSegment)))
<|> Pattern.Cons
<$ matchToken (L.SymbolyId (HQ'.fromName (Name.fromSegment NameSegment.consSegment)))
<|> Pattern.Concat
<$ matchToken (L.SymbolyId (HQ'.fromName (Name.fromSegment NameSegment.concatSegment)))
<|> Pattern.Cons
<$ matchToken (L.SymbolyId (HQ'.fromName (Name.fromSegment NameSegment.consSegment)))
<|> Pattern.Concat
<$ matchToken (L.SymbolyId (HQ'.fromName (Name.fromSegment NameSegment.concatSegment)))
term4 :: (Monad m, Var v) => TermP v m
term4 = f <$> some termLeaf
@ -1134,7 +1139,8 @@ binding = label "binding" do
mkBinding :: Ann -> [L.Token v] -> Term.Term v Ann -> Term.Term v Ann
mkBinding _lhsLoc [] body = body
mkBinding lhsLoc args body =
(Term.lam' (lhsLoc <> ann body) (L.payload <$> args) body)
let annotatedArgs = args <&> \arg -> (ann arg, L.payload arg)
in Term.lam' (lhsLoc <> ann body) annotatedArgs body
customFailure :: (P.MonadParsec e s m) => e -> m a
customFailure = P.customFailure

View File

@ -490,7 +490,7 @@ pretty0
(App' x (Constructor' (ConstructorReference DD.UnitRef 0)), _) | isLeaf x -> do
px <- pretty0 (ac (if isBlock x then 0 else 9) Normal im doc) x
pure . paren (p >= 11 || isBlock x && p >= 3) $
px <> fmt S.DelayForceChar (l "()")
px <> fmt S.Unit (l "()")
(Apps' f (unsnoc -> Just (args, lastArg)), _)
| isSoftHangable lastArg -> do
fun <- goNormal 9 f
@ -1958,7 +1958,7 @@ toDocExample' suffix ppe (Apps' (Ref' r) [Nat' n, l@(LamsNamed' vs tm)])
| nameEndsWith ppe suffix r,
ABT.freeVars l == mempty,
ok tm =
Just (lam' (ABT.annotation l) (drop (fromIntegral n + 1) vs) tm)
Just (lamWithoutBindingAnns (ABT.annotation l) (drop (fromIntegral n + 1) vs) tm)
ok (Apps' f _) = ABT.freeVars f == mempty
ok tm = ABT.freeVars tm == mempty

View File

@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ minimize (Term.LetRecNamedAnnotatedTop' isTop blockAnn bs e) =
[(annotatedVar hdv, hdb)]
| otherwise = Term.singleLet isTop blockAnn (hdv, hdb) e
| otherwise = Term.singleLet isTop blockAnn (annotationFor hdv) (hdv, hdb) e
mklet cycle@((_, _) : _) e =
@ -86,10 +86,7 @@ minimize (Term.LetRecNamedAnnotatedTop' isTop blockAnn bs e) =
(first annotatedVar <$> cycle)
mklet [] e = e
in -- The outer annotation is going to be meaningful, so we make
-- sure to preserve it, whereas the annotations at intermediate Abs
-- nodes aren't necessarily meaningful
Right . Just . ABT.annotate blockAnn . foldr mklet e $ cs
in Right . Just . foldr mklet e $ cs
minimize _ = Right Nothing
minimize' ::

View File

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ test =
ref = R.Id h 0
v1 = Var.unnamedRef @Symbol ref
-- input component: `ref = \v1 -> ref`
component = Map.singleton ref (Term.lam () v1 (Term.refId () ref))
component = Map.singleton ref (Term.lam () ((), v1) (Term.refId () ref))
component' = Term.unhashComponent component
-- expected unhashed component: `v2 = \v1 -> v2`, where `v2 /= v1`,
-- i.e. `v2` cannot be just `ref` converted to a ref-named variable,

View File

@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ library
@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ library
@ -131,7 +132,6 @@ library
@ -332,7 +332,6 @@ library
, unison-util-base32hex
, unison-util-bytes
, unison-util-cache
, unison-util-nametree
, unison-util-relation
, unison-util-rope
, unison-util-serialization
@ -533,7 +532,6 @@ test-suite parser-typechecker-tests
, unison-util-base32hex
, unison-util-bytes
, unison-util-cache
, unison-util-nametree
, unison-util-relation
, unison-util-rope
, unison-util-serialization

View File

@ -1,70 +1,103 @@
(require racket
(define-unison (Nat.+ m n) (clamp-natural (+ m n)))
(define-unison (Nat.drop m n) (max 0 (- m n)))
(builtin-Nat.+ m n)
(clamp-natural (+ m n)))
(define-unison (Nat.increment n) (clamp-natural (add1 n)))
(define-unison (Int.increment i) (clamp-integer (add1 i)))
(define-unison (Int.negate i) (if (> i nbit63) (- i) i))
(define-unison (Int.+ i j) (clamp-integer (+ i j)))
(define-unison (Int.- i j) (clamp-integer (- i j)))
(define-unison (Int./ i j) (floor (/ i j)))
(define-unison (Int.signum i) (sgn i))
(define-unison (Float.* x y) (fl* x y))
(builtin-Nat.drop m n)
(max 0 (- m n)))
(define-unison (Nat.toFloat n) (->fl n))
(builtin-Nat.increment n)
(clamp-natural (add1 n)))
(builtin-Int.increment i) (clamp-integer (add1 i)))
(builtin-Int.negate i) (if (> i nbit63) (- i) i))
(builtin-Int.+ i j) (clamp-integer (+ i j)))
(builtin-Int.- i j) (clamp-integer (- i j)))
(builtin-Int./ i j) (floor (/ i j)))
(builtin-Int.signum i) (sgn i))
(builtin-Float.* x y) (fl* x y))
(define-unison (Float.ceiling f)
(builtin-Nat.toFloat n) (->fl n))
(builtin-Float.ceiling f)
(clamp-integer (fl->exact-integer (ceiling f))))
; If someone can suggest a better mechanism for these,
; that would be appreciated.
(define-unison (Float.toRepresentation fl)
(builtin-Float.toRepresentation fl)
(real->floating-point-bytes fl 8 #t) ; big endian
#f ; unsigned
#t)) ; big endian
(define-unison (Float.fromRepresentation n)
(builtin-Float.fromRepresentation n)
(integer->integer-bytes n 8 #f #t) ; unsigned, big endian
#t)) ; big endian
(define-unison (Int.toRepresentation i)
(builtin-Int.toRepresentation i)
(integer->integer-bytes i 8 #t #t) ; signed, big endian
#f #t)) ; unsigned, big endian
(define-unison (Int.fromRepresentation n)
(builtin-Int.fromRepresentation n)
(integer->integer-bytes n 8 #f #t) ; unsigned, big endian
#t #t)) ; signed, big endian

View File

@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
@ -116,14 +117,16 @@
(only-in racket partition flatten))
(only-in racket partition flatten split-at)
(only-in racket/string string-prefix?)
(only-in racket/syntax format-id))
(except-in racket false true unit any)
[make-continuation-prompt-tag make-prompt])
; (for (only (compatibility mlist) mlist->list list->mlist) expand)
; (for (only (racket base) quasisyntax/loc) expand)
; (for-syntax (only-in unison/core syntax->list))
(only-in racket/control prompt0-at control0-at)
(only-in racket/control control0-at)
@ -151,115 +154,301 @@
(syntax-rules ()
[(with-name name e) (let ([name e]) name)]))
; function definition with slow/fast path. Slow path allows for
; under/overapplication. Fast path is exact application.
; Our definition macro needs to generate multiple entry points for the
; defined procedures, so this is a function for making up names for
; those based on the original.
(define-for-syntax (adjust-symbol name post)
(symbol->string name)
(define-for-syntax (adjust-name name post)
(datum->syntax name (adjust-symbol (syntax->datum name) post) name))
; Helper function. Turns a list of syntax objects into a
; list-syntax object.
(define-for-syntax (list->syntax l) #`(#,@l))
; These are auxiliary functions for manipulating a unison definition
; into a form amenable for the right runtime behavior. This involves
; multiple separate definitions:
; The intent is for the scheme compiler to be able to recognize and
; optimize static, fast path calls itself, while still supporting
; unison-like automatic partial application and such.
(define-syntax (define-unison x)
(define (fast-path-symbol name)
(symbol->string name)
; 1. an :impl definition is generated containing the actual code body
; 2. a :fast definition, which takes exactly the number of arguments
; as the original, but checks if stack information needs to be
; stored for continuation serialization.
; 3. a :slow path which implements under/over application to unison
; definitions, so they act like curried functions, not scheme
; procedures
; 4. a macro that implements the actual occurrences, and directly
; calls the fast path for static calls with exactly the right
; number of arguments
; Additionally, arguments are threaded through the internal
; definitions that indicate whether an ability handler is in place
; that could potentially result in the continuation being serialized.
; If so, then calls write additional information to the continuation
; for that serialization. This isn't cheap for tight loops, so we
; attempt to avoid this as much as possible (conditioning the
; annotation on a flag checkseems to cause no performance loss).
(define (fast-path-name name)
(datum->syntax name (fast-path-symbol (syntax->datum name))))
; Helper function. Turns a list of syntax objects into a
; list-syntax object.
(define (list->syntax l) #`(#,@l))
; Builds partial application cases for unison functions.
; It seems most efficient to have a case for each posible
; under-application.
(define (build-partials name formals)
(let rec ([us formals] [acc '()])
(syntax-case us ()
[() (list->syntax (cons #`[() #,name] acc))]
[(a ... z)
(rec #'(a ...)
#`[(a ... z)
#,(datum->syntax name (syntax->datum name))
(partial-app #,name a ... z))]
; This builds the core definition for a unison definition. It is just
; a lambda expression with the original code, but with an additional
; keyword argument for threading purity information.
(define-for-syntax (make-impl name:impl:stx arg:stx body:stx)
(with-syntax ([name:impl name:impl:stx]
[args arg:stx]
[body body:stx])
(syntax/loc body:stx
(define (name:impl #:pure pure? . args) . body))))
; Given an overall function name, a fast path name, and a list of
; arguments, builds the case-lambda body of a unison function that
; enables applying to arbitrary numbers of arguments.
(define (func-cases name name:fast args)
(syntax-case args ()
[() (quasisyntax/loc x
[() (#,name:fast)]
[r (apply (#,name:fast) r)]))]
[(a ... z)
(quasisyntax/loc x
#,@(build-partials name #'(a ...))
[(a ... z) (#,name:fast a ... z)]
[(a ... z . r) (apply (#,name:fast a ... z) r)]))]))
(define frame-contents (gensym))
(syntax-case x ()
[(define-unison (name a ...) e ...)
(let ([fname (fast-path-name #'name)])
(with-syntax ([name:fast fname]
[fast (syntax/loc x (lambda (a ...) e ...))]
[slow (func-cases #'name fname #'(a ...))])
(syntax/loc x
(define-values (name:fast name) (values fast slow)))))]))
; Builds the wrapper definition, 'fast path,' which just tests the
; purity, writes the stack information if necessary, and calls the
; implementation. If #:force-pure is specified, the fast path just
; directly calls the implementation procedure. This should allow
; tight loops to still perform well if we can detect that they
; (hereditarily) cannot make ability requests, even in contexts
; where a handler is present.
#:force-pure force-pure?
loc ; original location
name:fast:stx name:impl:stx
(with-syntax ([name:impl name:impl:stx]
[name:fast name:fast:stx]
[args arg:stx])
(if force-pure?
(syntax/loc loc
(define name:fast name:impl))
(syntax/loc loc
(define (name:fast #:pure pure? . args)
(if pure?
(name:impl #:pure pure? . args)
(vector . args)
(name:impl #:pure pure? . args))))))))
; Slow path -- unnecessary
; (define-for-syntax (make-slow-path loc name argstx)
; (with-syntax ([name:slow (adjust-symbol name "slow")]
; [n (length (syntax->list argstx))])
; (syntax/loc loc
; (define (name:slow #:pure pure? . as)
; (define k (length as))
; (cond
; [(< k n) (unison-closure n name:slow as)]
; [(= k n) (apply name:fast #:pure pure? as)]
; [(> k n)
; (define-values (h t) (split-at as n))
; (apply
; (apply name:fast #:pure pure? h)
; #:pure pure?
; t)])))))
; This definition builds a macro that defines the behavior of actual
; occurences of the definition names. It has the following behavior:
; 1. Exactly saturated occurences directly call the fast path
; 2. Undersaturated or unapplied occurrences become closure
; construction
; 3. Oversaturated occurrences become an appropriate nested
; application
; Because of point 2, all function values end up represented as
; unison-closure objects, so a slow path procedure is no longer
; necessary; it is handled by the prop:procedure of the closure
; structure. This should also make various universal operations easier
; to handle, because we can just test for unison-closures, instead of
; having to deal with raw procedures.
#:internal internal?
loc ; original location
name:stx name:fast:stx
(with-syntax ([name name:stx]
[name:fast name:fast:stx]
[arity arity:val])
(syntax/loc loc
(define-syntax (name stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ #:by-name _ . bs)
(syntax/loc stx
(unison-closure arity name:fast (list . bs)))]
[(_ . bs)
(let ([k (length (syntax->list #'bs))])
[(= arity k) ; saturated
(syntax/loc stx
(name:fast #:pure #t . bs))]
[(> arity k) ; undersaturated
(syntax/loc stx
(unison-closure arity name:fast (list . bs)))]
[(< arity k) ; oversaturated
(define-values (h t)
(split-at (syntax->list #'bs) arity))
(quasisyntax/loc stx
((name:fast #:pure #t #,@h) #,@t))]))]
[_ (syntax/loc stx
(unison-closure arity name:fast (list)))])))]
(syntax/loc loc
(define-syntax (name stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ #:by-name _ . bs)
(syntax/loc stx
(unison-closure arity name:fast (list . bs)))]
[(_ . bs)
(let ([k (length (syntax->list #'bs))])
; todo: purity
; capture local pure?
(with-syntax ([pure? (format-id stx "pure?")])
[(= arity k) ; saturated
(syntax/loc stx
(name:fast #:pure pure? . bs))]
[(> arity k)
(syntax/loc stx
(unison-closure n name:fast (list . bs)))]
[(< arity k) ; oversaturated
(define-values (h t)
(split-at (syntax->list #'bs) arity))
; TODO: pending argument frame
(quasisyntax/loc stx
((name:fast #:pure pure? #,@h)
#:pure pure?
; non-applied occurrence; partial ap immediately
[_ (syntax/loc stx
(unison-closure arity name:fast (list)))])))])))
(link-decl no-link-decl? loc name:stx name:fast:stx name:impl:stx)
(if no-link-decl?
(let ([name:link:stx (adjust-name name:stx "termlink")])
([name:fast name:fast:stx]
[name:impl name:impl:stx]
[name:link name:link:stx])
(syntax/loc loc
((declare-function-link name:fast name:link)
(declare-function-link name:impl name:link)))))))
(define-for-syntax (process-hints hs)
(for/fold ([internal? #f]
[force-pure? #t]
[gen-link? #f]
[no-link-decl? #f])
([h hs])
(or internal? (eq? h 'internal))
(or force-pure? (eq? h 'force-pure) (eq? h 'internal))
(or gen-link? (eq? h 'gen-link))
(or no-link-decl? (eq? h 'no-link-decl)))))
(make-link-def gen-link? loc name:stx name:link:stx)
(define (chop s)
(if (string-prefix? s "builtin-")
(substring s 8)
(define name:txt
(syntax->datum name:stx))))
(with-syntax ([name:link name:link:stx])
(quasisyntax/loc loc
((define name:link
(unison-termlink-builtin #,name:txt)))))]
[else #'()]))
#:hints hints
loc name:stx arg:stx expr:stx)
(internal? force-pure? gen-link? no-link-decl?)
(process-hints hints))
(let ([name:fast:stx (adjust-name name:stx "fast")]
[name:impl:stx (adjust-name name:stx "impl")]
[name:link:stx (adjust-name name:stx "termlink")]
[arity (length (syntax->list arg:stx))])
([(link ...) (make-link-def gen-link? loc name:stx name:link:stx)]
[fast (make-fast-path
#:force-pure force-pure?
loc name:fast:stx name:impl:stx arg:stx)]
[impl (make-impl name:impl:stx arg:stx expr:stx)]
[call (make-callsite-macro
#:internal internal?
loc name:stx name:fast:stx arity)]
[(decls ...)
(link-decl no-link-decl? loc name:stx name:fast:stx name:impl:stx)])
(syntax/loc loc
(begin link ... impl fast call decls ...)))))
; Function definition supporting various unison features, like
; partial application and continuation serialization. See above for
; details.
; `#:internal #t` indicates that the definition is for builtin
; functions. These should always be built in a way that does not
; annotate the stack, because they don't make relevant ability
; requests. This is important for performance and some correct
; behavior (i.e. they may occur in non-unison contexts where a
; `pure?` indicator is not being threaded).
(define-syntax (define-unison stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(define-unison #:hints hs (name . args) . exprs)
#:hints (syntax->datum #'hs)
stx #'name #'args #'exprs)]
[(define-unison (name . args) . exprs)
#:hints '[internal]
stx #'name #'args #'exprs)]))
(define-syntax (define-unison-builtin stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(define-unison-builtin . rest)
(syntax/loc stx
(define-unison #:hints [internal gen-link] . rest))]))
; call-by-name bindings
(define-syntax name
(lambda (stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
((name ([v (f . args)] ...) body ...)
(with-syntax ([(lam ...)
(map (lambda (body)
(quasisyntax/loc stx
(lambda r #,body)))
(syntax->list #'[(apply f (append (list . args) r)) ...]))])
#`(let ([v lam] ...)
body ...))))))
(define-syntax (name stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(name ([v (f . args)] ...) body ...)
(syntax/loc stx
(let ([v (f #:by-name #t . args)] ...) body ...))]))
; Wrapper that more closely matches `handle` constructs
; Note: this uses the prompt _twice_ to achieve the sort of dynamic
; scoping we want. First we push an outer delimiter, then install
; the continuation marks corresponding to the handled abilities
; (which tells which propt to use for that ability and which
; functions to use for each request). Then we re-delimit by the same
; prompt.
; If we just used one delimiter, we'd have a problem. If we pushed
; the marks _after_ the delimiter, then the continuation captured
; when handling would contain those marks, and would effectively
; retain the handler for requests within the continuation. If the
; marks were outside the prompt, we'd be in a similar situation,
; except where the handler would be automatically handling requests
; within its own implementation (although, in both these cases we'd
; get control errors, because we would be using the _function_ part
; of the handler without the necessary delimiters existing on the
; continuation). Both of these situations are wrong for _shallow_
; handlers.
; Instead, what we need to be able to do is capture the continuation
; _up to_ the marks, then _discard_ the marks, and this is what the
; multiple delimiters accomplish. There might be more efficient ways
; to accomplish this with some specialized mark functions, but I'm
; uncertain of what pitfalls there are with regard to that (whehter
; they work might depend on exact frame structure of the
; metacontinuation).
(define-syntax handle
(syntax-rules ()
[(handle [r ...] h e ...)
(let ([p (make-prompt)])
(prompt0-at p
(let ([v (let-marks (list r ...) (cons p h)
(prompt0-at p e ...))])
(h (make-pure v)))))]))
(call-with-handler (list r ...) h (lambda () e ...))]))
; wrapper that more closely matches ability requests
(define-syntax request

View File

@ -66,17 +66,17 @@
[cas! (lambda () (unsafe-struct*-cas! promise 2 value (some new-value)))]
[awake-readers (lambda () (semaphore-post (promise-semaphore promise)))])
[(some? value) false]
[(some? value) sum-false]
(let ([ok (parameterize-break #f (if (cas!) (awake-readers) false))])
(if ok true (loop)))]))))
(let ([ok (parameterize-break #f (if (cas!) (awake-readers) sum-false))])
(if ok sum-true (loop)))]))))
(define (ref-cas ref ticket value)
(if (box-cas! ref ticket value) true false))
(if (box-cas! ref ticket value) sum-true sum-false))
(define (sleep n)
(sleep-secs (/ n 1000000))
(right unit))
(right sum-unit))
;; Swallows uncaught breaks/thread kills rather than logging them to
;; match the behaviour of the Haskell runtime
@ -88,5 +88,5 @@
(define (kill threadId)
(break-thread threadId)
(right unit))
(right sum-unit))

View File

@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
(struct-out exn:bug)
@ -192,7 +193,9 @@
(string-append "{Value " (describe-value v) "}")]
[(unison-code v)
(string-append "{Code " (describe-value v) "}")]
[(unison-closure code env)
[(unison-cont-reflected fs) "{Continuation}"]
[(unison-cont-wrapped _) "{Continuation}"]
[(unison-closure _ code env)
(define dc
(termlink->string (lookup-function-link code) #t))
(define (f v)
@ -437,13 +440,6 @@
; [() '()]
; [(x . xs) (cons #'x (syntax->list #'xs))]))
(define (call-with-marks rs v f)
[(null? rs) (f)]
(with-continuation-mark (car rs) v
(call-with-marks (cdr rs) v f))]))
(define-syntax let-marks
(syntax-rules ()
[(let-marks ks bn e ...)

View File

@ -12,6 +12,12 @@
(struct-out unison-data)
(struct-out unison-continuation)
(struct-out unison-cont-wrapped)
(struct-out unison-cont-reflected)
(struct-out unison-frame)
(struct-out unison-frame-push)
(struct-out unison-frame-mark)
(struct-out unison-sum)
(struct-out unison-pure)
(struct-out unison-request)
@ -27,6 +33,9 @@
(struct-out unison-quote)
(struct-out unison-timespec)
@ -45,9 +54,9 @@
@ -100,12 +109,15 @@
(rename-in racket
[make-continuation-prompt-tag make-prompt])
(only-in racket/control prompt0-at control0-at)
(only-in "vector-trie.rkt" ->fx/wraparound)
@ -290,13 +302,10 @@
(write-string ")" port))
(struct unison-closure
(code env)
(arity code env)
#:methods gen:custom-write
[(define (write-proc clo port mode)
(define code-tl
(lookup-function-link (unison-closure-code clo)))
(define rec
(case mode
[(#t) write]
@ -308,12 +317,31 @@
(write-string " " port)
(write-sequence (unison-closure-env clo) port mode)
(write-string ")" port))]
; This has essentially becomes the slow path for unison function
; application. The definition macro immediately creates a closure
; for any statically under-saturated call or unapplied occurrence.
; This means that there is never a bare unison function being passed
; as a value. So, we can define the slow path here once and for all.
#:property prop:procedure
[(clo) clo]
[(clo . rest)
(apply (unison-closure-code clo)
(append (unison-closure-env clo) rest))]))
(lambda (clo #:pure [pure? #f] #:by-name [by-name? #f] . rest)
(define arity (unison-closure-arity clo))
(define old-env (unison-closure-env clo))
(define code (unison-closure-code clo))
(define new-env (append old-env rest))
(define k (length rest))
(define l (length new-env))
[(or by-name? (> arity l))
(struct-copy unison-closure clo [env new-env])]
[(= arity l) ; saturated
(apply code #:pure pure? new-env)]
[(= k 0) clo] ; special case, 0-applying undersaturated
[(< arity l)
; TODO: pending arg annotation if no pure?
(define-values (now pending) (split-at new-env arity))
(apply (apply code #:pure pure? now) #:pure pure? pending)])))
(struct unison-timespec (sec nsec)
@ -335,6 +363,115 @@
(list equal-proc (hash-proc 3) (hash-proc 5))))
; This is the base struct for continuation representations. It has
; two possibilities seen below.
(struct unison-continuation () #:transparent)
; This is a wrapper that allows for a struct representation of all
; continuations involved in unison. I.E. instead of just passing
; around a raw racket continuation, we wrap it in a box for easier
; identification.
(struct unison-cont-wrapped unison-continuation (cont)
; Use the wrapped continuation for procedure calls. Continuations
; will always be called via the jumpCont wrapper which exactly
; applies them to one argument.
#:property prop:procedure 0)
; Basic mechanism for installing handlers, defined here so that it
; can be used in the implementation of reflected continuations.
; Note: this uses the prompt _twice_ to achieve the sort of dynamic
; scoping we want. First we push an outer delimiter, then install
; the continuation marks corresponding to the handled abilities
; (which tells which propt to use for that ability and which
; functions to use for each request). Then we re-delimit by the same
; prompt.
; If we just used one delimiter, we'd have a problem. If we pushed
; the marks _after_ the delimiter, then the continuation captured
; when handling would contain those marks, and would effectively
; retain the handler for requests within the continuation. If the
; marks were outside the prompt, we'd be in a similar situation,
; except where the handler would be automatically handling requests
; within its own implementation (although, in both these cases we'd
; get control errors, because we would be using the _function_ part
; of the handler without the necessary delimiters existing on the
; continuation). Both of these situations are wrong for _shallow_
; handlers.
; Instead, what we need to be able to do is capture the continuation
; _up to_ the marks, then _discard_ the marks, and this is what the
; multiple delimiters accomplish. There might be more efficient ways
; to accomplish this with some specialized mark functions, but I'm
; uncertain of what pitfalls there are with regard to that (whehter
; they work might depend on exact frame structure of the
; metacontinuation).
(define (call-with-handler rs h f)
(let ([p (make-prompt)])
(prompt0-at p
(let ([v (call-with-marks rs (cons p h)
(lambda () (prompt0-at p (f))))])
(h (make-pure v))))))
(define (call-with-marks rs v f)
[(null? rs) (f)]
(with-continuation-mark (car rs) v
(call-with-marks (cdr rs) v f))]))
; Version of the above for re-installing a handlers in the serialized
; format. In that case, there is an association list of links and
; handlers, rather than a single handler (although the separate
; handlers are likely duplicates).
(define (call-with-assoc-marks p hs f)
(match hs
['() (f)]
[(cons (cons r h) rest)
(with-continuation-mark r (cons p h)
(call-with-assoc-marks rest f))]))
(define (call-with-handler-assocs hs f)
(let ([p (make-prompt)])
(prompt0-at p
(call-with-assoc-marks p hs
(lambda () (prompt0-at p (f)))))))
(define (repush frames v)
(match frames
['() v]
[(cons (unison-frame-mark as tls hs) frames)
; handler frame; as are pending arguments, tls are typelinks
; for handled abilities; hs are associations from links to
; handler values.
; todo: args
(call-with-handler-assocs hs
(lambda () (repush frames v)))]
[(cons (unison-frame-push ls as rt) rest)
(displayln (list ls as rt))
(raise "repush push: not implemented yet")]))
; This is a *reflected* representation of continuations amenable
; to serialization. Most continuations won't be in this format,
; because it's foolish to eagerly parse the racket continuation if
; it's just going to be applied. But, a continuation that we've
; gotten from serialization will be in this format.
; `frames` should be a list of the below `unison-frame` structs.
(struct unison-cont-reflected unison-continuation (frames)
#:property prop:procedure
(lambda (cont v) (repush (unison-cont-reflected-frames cont) v)))
; Stack frames for reflected continuations
(struct unison-frame () #:transparent)
(struct unison-frame-push unison-frame
(locals args return-to))
(struct unison-frame-mark unison-frame
(args abilities handlers))
(define-syntax (define-builtin-link stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ name)
@ -344,9 +481,11 @@
[dname (datum->syntax stx
"builtin-" txt ":termlink")))])
#`(define #,dname
(unison-termlink-builtin #,(datum->syntax stx txt))))]))
"builtin-" txt ":termlink"))
(quasisyntax/loc stx
(define #,dname
(unison-termlink-builtin #,(datum->syntax stx txt)))))]))
(define-syntax (declare-builtin-link stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
@ -357,7 +496,8 @@
[dname (datum->syntax stx
(string-append txt ":termlink")))])
#`(declare-function-link name #,dname))]))
(quasisyntax/loc stx
(declare-function-link name #,dname)))]))
(define (partial-app f . args) (unison-closure f args))
@ -382,11 +522,11 @@
; #<void> works as well
; Unit
(define unit (sum 0))
(define sum-unit (sum 0))
; Booleans are represented as numbers
(define false 0)
(define true 1)
(define sum-false 0)
(define sum-true 1)
(define (bool b) (if b 1 0))
@ -542,6 +682,13 @@
(raise "unison-tuple->list: unexpected value")])))
(define (unison-pair->cons t)
(match t
[(unison-data _ _ (list x (unison-data _ _ (list y _))))
(cons x y)]
(raise "unison-pair->cons: unexpected value")]))
(define (hash-string hs)

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
(only-in rnrs standard-error-port standard-input-port standard-output-port vector-map)
(only-in racket empty? with-output-to-string system/exit-code system false?)
(only-in unison/boot data-case define-unison)
(only-in unison/boot data-case define-unison-builtin)
@ -15,26 +15,39 @@
; Still to implement:
; handlePosition.impl.v3
@ -49,28 +62,34 @@
[f (ref-failure-failure typeLink msg a)])
(ref-either-left f)))
(define-unison (isFileOpen.impl.v3 port)
(builtin-IO.isFileOpen.impl.v3 port)
(ref-either-right (not (port-closed? port))))
(define-unison (ready.impl.v1 port)
(builtin-IO.ready.impl.v1 port)
(if (byte-ready? port)
(ref-either-right #t)
(if (port-eof? port)
(Exception ref-iofailure:typelink "EOF" port)
(ref-either-right #f))))
(define-unison (getCurrentDirectory.impl.v3 unit)
(builtin-IO.getCurrentDirectory.impl.v3 unit)
(string->chunked-string (path->string (current-directory)))))
(define-unison (isSeekable.impl.v3 handle)
(builtin-IO.isSeekable.impl.v3 handle)
(port-has-set-port-position!? handle)))
(define-unison (handlePosition.impl.v3 handle)
(builtin-IO.handlePosition.impl.v3 handle)
(ref-either-right (port-position handle)))
(define-unison (seekHandle.impl.v3 handle mode amount)
(builtin-IO.seekHandle.impl.v3 handle mode amount)
(data-case mode
(0 ()
(set-port-position! handle amount)
@ -85,14 +104,16 @@
"SeekFromEnd not supported"
(define-unison (getLine.impl.v1 handle)
(builtin-IO.getLine.impl.v1 handle)
(let* ([line (read-line handle)])
(if (eof-object? line)
(ref-either-right (string->chunked-string ""))
(ref-either-right (string->chunked-string line))
(define-unison (getChar.impl.v1 handle)
(builtin-IO.getChar.impl.v1 handle)
(let* ([char (read-char handle)])
(if (eof-object? char)
@ -101,7 +122,8 @@
(ref-either-right char))))
(define-unison (getSomeBytes.impl.v1 handle nbytes)
(builtin-IO.getSomeBytes.impl.v1 handle nbytes)
(let* ([buffer (make-bytes nbytes)]
[line (read-bytes-avail! buffer handle)])
@ -119,7 +141,8 @@
(subbytes buffer 0 line)
(define-unison (getBuffering.impl.v3 handle)
(builtin-IO.getBuffering.impl.v3 handle)
(case (file-stream-buffer-mode handle)
[(none) (ref-either-right ref-buffermode-no-buffering)]
[(line) (ref-either-right
@ -135,7 +158,8 @@
"Unexpected response from file-stream-buffer-mode"
(define-unison (setBuffering.impl.v3 handle mode)
(builtin-IO.setBuffering.impl.v3 handle mode)
(data-case mode
(0 ()
(file-stream-buffer-mode handle 'none)
@ -166,7 +190,8 @@
[(1) stdout]
[(2) stderr]))
(define-unison (getEcho.impl.v1 handle)
(builtin-IO.getEcho.impl.v1 handle)
(if (eq? handle stdin)
(ref-either-right (get-stdin-echo))
@ -174,7 +199,8 @@
"getEcho only supported on stdin"
(define-unison (setEcho.impl.v1 handle echo)
(builtin-IO.setEcho.impl.v1 handle echo)
(if (eq? handle stdin)
(if echo
@ -190,12 +216,14 @@
(let ([current (with-output-to-string (lambda () (system "stty -a")))])
(string-contains? current " echo ")))
(define-unison (getArgs.impl.v1 unit)
(builtin-IO.getArgs.impl.v1 unit)
(vector-map string->chunked-string (current-command-line-arguments)))))
(define-unison (getEnv.impl.v1 key)
(builtin-IO.getEnv.impl.v1 key)
(let ([value (environment-variables-ref (current-environment-variables) (string->bytes/utf-8 (chunked-string->string key)))])
(if (false? value)
@ -224,7 +252,8 @@
(define-unison ( command arguments)
( command arguments)
(string-join (cons
(chunked-string->string command)

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
(only-in unison/boot data-case define-unison)
(only-in unison/boot data-case define-unison-builtin)
@ -33,20 +33,29 @@
(define (failure-result ty msg vl)
@ -76,7 +85,8 @@
(right (file-or-directory-modify-seconds (chunked-string->string path)))))
; in haskell, it's not just file but also directory
(define-unison (fileExists.impl.v3 path)
(builtin-IO.fileExists.impl.v3 path)
(let ([path-string (chunked-string->string path)])
@ -90,11 +100,13 @@
(define (getTempDirectory.impl.v3)
(right (string->chunked-string (path->string (find-system-path 'temp-dir)))))
(define-unison (setCurrentDirectory.impl.v3 path)
(builtin-IO.setCurrentDirectory.impl.v3 path)
(current-directory (chunked-string->string path))
(ref-either-right none))
(define-unison (directoryContents.impl.v3 path)
(builtin-IO.directoryContents.impl.v3 path)
(lambda (e)
@ -112,7 +124,8 @@
(list* "." ".." dirss))))))))
(define-unison (createTempDirectory.impl.v3 prefix)
(builtin-IO.createTempDirectory.impl.v3 prefix)
@ -120,35 +133,43 @@
(chunked-string->string prefix)) #"")))))
(define-unison (createDirectory.impl.v3 file)
(builtin-IO.createDirectory.impl.v3 file)
(make-directory (chunked-string->string file))
(ref-either-right none))
(define-unison (removeDirectory.impl.v3 file)
(builtin-IO.removeDirectory.impl.v3 file)
(delete-directory/files (chunked-string->string file))
(ref-either-right none))
(define-unison (isDirectory.impl.v3 path)
(builtin-IO.isDirectory.impl.v3 path)
(directory-exists? (chunked-string->string path))))
(define-unison (renameDirectory.impl.v3 old new)
(builtin-IO.renameDirectory.impl.v3 old new)
(rename-file-or-directory (chunked-string->string old)
(chunked-string->string new))
(ref-either-right none))
(define-unison (renameFile.impl.v3 old new)
(builtin-IO.renameFile.impl.v3 old new)
(rename-file-or-directory (chunked-string->string old)
(chunked-string->string new))
(ref-either-right none))
(define-unison (systemTime.impl.v3 unit)
(builtin-IO.systemTime.impl.v3 unit)
(ref-either-right (current-seconds)))
(define-unison (systemTimeMicroseconds.impl.v3 unit)
(builtin-IO.systemTimeMicroseconds.impl.v3 unit)
(ref-either-right (inexact->exact (* 1000 (current-inexact-milliseconds)))))
(define-unison (builtin-Clock.internals.systemTimeZone.v1 secs)
(builtin-Clock.internals.systemTimeZone.v1 secs)
(let* ([d (seconds->date secs)])

View File

@ -7,24 +7,39 @@
(prefix-out unison-POp-
@ -71,21 +86,50 @@
(define-unison (builtin-Float.logBase base num) (log num base))
(builtin-Float.logBase base num)
(log num base))
(define (LOGB base num) (log num base))
(define-unison (builtin-Float.exp n) (exp n))
(define-unison (builtin-Float.log n) (log n))
(define-unison (builtin-Float.max n m) (max n m))
(define-unison (builtin-Float.min n m) (min n m))
(define-unison (builtin-Float.tan n) (tan n))
(define-unison (builtin-Float.tanh n) (tanh n))
(define-unison (builtin-Int.* n m) (clamp-integer (* n m)))
(define-unison (builtin-Int.pow n m) (clamp-integer (expt n m)))
(define-unison (builtin-Int.trailingZeros n) (TZRO n))
(define-unison (builtin-Nat.trailingZeros n) (TZRO n))
(define-unison (builtin-Nat.popCount n) (POPC n))
(define-unison (builtin-Int.popCount n) (POPC n))
(define-unison (builtin-Float.pow n m) (expt n m))
(builtin-Float.exp n) (exp n))
(builtin-Float.log n) (log n))
(builtin-Float.max n m) (max n m))
(builtin-Float.min n m) (min n m))
(builtin-Float.tan n) (tan n))
(builtin-Float.tanh n) (tanh n))
(builtin-Int.* n m) (clamp-integer (* n m)))
(builtin-Int.pow n m) (clamp-integer (expt n m)))
(builtin-Int.trailingZeros n) (TZRO n))
(builtin-Nat.trailingZeros n) (TZRO n))
(builtin-Nat.popCount n) (POPC n))
(builtin-Int.popCount n) (POPC n))
(builtin-Float.pow n m) (expt n m))
(define (EXPF n) (exp n))
(define ABSF abs)
(define ACOS acos)

View File

@ -31,9 +31,11 @@
@ -54,21 +56,15 @@
(define-builtin-link Value.value)
(define-builtin-link Value.reflect)
(define-builtin-link Code.isMissing)
(define-builtin-link Code.lookup)
(define-builtin-link Code.dependencies)
(define-builtin-link Code.deserialize)
(define-builtin-link Code.serialize)
(define-builtin-link Code.validateLinks)
(define-builtin-link Value.dependencies)
(define-builtin-link Value.deserialize)
(define-builtin-link Value.serialize)
(define-builtin-link crypto.hash)
(define-builtin-link crypto.hmac)
(define-builtin-link validateSandboxed)
(define-builtin-link Value.validateSandboxed)
(define-builtin-link sandboxLinks)
(define (chunked-list->list cl)
(vector->list (chunked-list->vector cl)))
@ -129,14 +125,33 @@
(format "decode-binding: unimplemented case: ~a" bn))]))
(define (decode-hints hs)
(define (hint->sym t)
[(= t ref-defnhint-internal:tag) 'internal]
[(= t ref-defnhint-genlink:tag) 'gen-link]
[(= t ref-defnhint-nolinkdecl:tag) 'no-link-decl]))
(for/fold ([def 'define-unison] [out '()]) ([h hs])
(match h
[(unison-data _ t (list))
#:when (= t ref-defnhint-builtin:tag)
(values 'define-unison-builtin out)]
[(unison-data _ t (list))
(values def (cons (hint->sym t) out))])))
(define (decode-syntax dfn)
(match dfn
[(unison-data _ t (list nm vs bd))
[(unison-data _ t (list nm hs vs bd))
#:when (= t ref-schemedefn-define:tag)
(let ([head (map text->ident
(cons nm (chunked-list->list vs)))]
[body (decode-term bd)])
(list 'define-unison head body))]
([(head) (map text->ident
(cons nm (chunked-list->list vs)))]
[(def hints) (decode-hints (chunked-list->list hs))]
[(body) (decode-term bd)])
(if (null? hints)
(list def head body)
(list def '#:hints hints head body)))]
[(unison-data _ t (list nm bd))
#:when (= t ref-schemedefn-alias:tag)
(list 'define (text->ident nm) (decode-term bd))]
@ -195,20 +210,17 @@
(describe-value tl)))]
[1 (rf) rf]))
(define-syntax make-group-ref-decoder
(lambda (stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
#`(lambda (gr)
(data-case (group-ref-ident gr)
[#,ref-schemeterm-ident:tag (name) name]
"decode-group-ref: unimplemented data case: ~a"
(describe-value gr)))]))])))
(define (decode-group-ref gr0)
(match (group-ref-ident gr0)
[(unison-data _ t (list name))
#:when (= t ref-schemeterm-ident:tag)
"decode-group-ref: unimplemented data case: ~a"
(describe-value gr0)))]))
(define decode-group-ref (make-group-ref-decoder))
(define (group-ref-sym gr)
@ -301,6 +313,70 @@
(raise (format "decode-vlit: unimplemented case: !a" vl))])]))
(define (reify-handlers hs)
(for/list ([h (chunked-list->list hs)])
(match (unison-pair->cons h)
[(cons r h)
(cons (reference->typelink r)
(reify-value h))])))
(define (reflect-handlers hs)
(for/list ([h hs])
(match h
[(cons r h)
(typelink->reference r)
(reflect-value h))]))))
(define (reify-groupref gr0)
(match gr0
[(unison-data _ t (list r i))
#:when (= t ref-groupref-group:tag)
(cons (reference->typelink r) i)]))
(define (reflect-groupref rt)
(match rt
[(cons l i)
(ref-groupref-group (typelink->reference l) i)]))
(define (parse-continuation orig k0 vs0)
(let rec ([k k0] [vs vs0] [frames '()])
(match k
[(unison-data _ t (list))
#:when (= t ref-cont-empty:tag)
(unison-cont-reflected (reverse frames))]
[(unison-data _ t (list l a gr0 k))
#:when (= t ref-cont-push:tag)
[(>= (length vs) (+ l a))
([(locals int) (split-at vs l)]
[(args rest) (split-at int a)]
[(gr) (reify-groupref gr0)]
[(fm) (unison-frame-push locals args gr)])
(rec k rest (cons fm frames)))]
"reify-value: malformed continuation"
[(unison-data _ t (list a rs0 de0 k))
#:when (= t ref-cont-mark:tag)
[(>= (length vs) a)
([(args rest) (split-at vs a)]
[(rs) (map reference->termlink (chunked-list->list rs0))]
[(hs) (reify-handlers de0)]
[(fm) (unison-frame-mark args rs hs)])
(rec k rest (cons fm frames)))]
"reify-value: malformed continuation"
(define (reify-value v)
(match v
[(unison-data _ t (list rf rt bs0))
@ -327,16 +403,14 @@
#:when (= t ref-value-partial:tag)
(let ([bs (map reify-value (chunked-list->list bs0))]
[proc (resolve-proc gr)])
(apply proc bs))]
(struct-copy unison-closure proc [env bs]))]
[(unison-data _ t (list vl))
#:when (= t ref-value-vlit:tag)
(reify-vlit vl)]
[(unison-data _ t (list bs0 k))
[(unison-data _ t (list vs0 k))
#:when (= t ref-value-cont:tag)
"reify-value: unimplemented cont case"
(parse-continuation v k
(map reify-value (chunked-list->list vs0)))]
[(unison-data r t fs)
@ -413,14 +487,34 @@
(ref-value-vlit (ref-vlit-typelink (reflect-typelink v)))]
[(unison-code sg) (ref-value-vlit (ref-vlit-code sg))]
[(unison-quote q) (ref-value-vlit (ref-vlit-quote q))]
[(unison-closure f as)
[(unison-cont-reflected frames0)
(for/foldr ([k ref-cont-empty]
[vs '()]
(list->chunked-list (map reflect-value vs))
([frame frames0])
(match frame
[(unison-frame-push locals args return-to)
(length locals)
(length args)
(reflect-groupref return-to)
(append locals args vs))]
[(unison-frame-mark args refs hs)
(length args)
(map typelink->reference refs)
(reflect-handlers hs))
(append args vs))]))]
[(unison-closure arity f as)
(function->groupref f)
(list->chunked-list (map reflect-value as)))]
[(? procedure?)
(function->groupref v)
[(unison-data rf t fs)
(reflect-typelink rf)
@ -438,7 +532,7 @@
[(? chunked-list?)
(for/fold ([acc '()]) ([e (in-chunked-list v)])
(append (sandbox-value ok e) acc))]
[(unison-closure f as)
[(unison-closure arity f as)
(for/fold ([acc (sandbox-proc ok f)]) ([a (in-list as)])
(append (sandbox-scheme-value ok a) acc))]
[(? procedure?) (sandbox-proc ok v)]
@ -474,11 +568,11 @@
[(unison-quote v) (sandbox-value ok v)]))
; replacment for Value.unsafeValue : a -> Value
(builtin-Value.reflect v)
(reflect-value v))
(builtin-Value.value v)
(let ([rv (reflect-value v)])
(unison-quote rv)))
@ -706,23 +800,23 @@
(define (unison-POp-LKUP tl) (lookup-code tl))
(define-unison (builtin-Code.lookup tl)
(define-unison-builtin (builtin-Code.lookup tl)
(match (lookup-code tl)
[(unison-sum 0 (list)) ref-optional-none]
[(unison-sum 1 (list co)) (ref-optional-some co)]))
(define-unison (builtin-validateSandboxed ok v)
(define-unison-builtin (builtin-validateSandboxed ok v)
(let ([l (sandbox-scheme-value (chunked-list->list ok) v)])
(null? l)))
(define-unison (builtin-sandboxLinks tl) (check-sandbox tl))
(define-unison-builtin (builtin-sandboxLinks tl) (check-sandbox tl))
(define-unison (builtin-Code.isMissing tl)
(define-unison-builtin (builtin-Code.isMissing tl)
[(unison-termlink-builtin? tl) #f]
[(unison-termlink-con? tl) #f]
[(have-code? tl) #t]
[else #f]))
(define-unison (builtin-Value.validateSandboxed ok v)
(define-unison-builtin (builtin-Value.validateSandboxed ok v)
(sandbox-quoted (chunked-list->list ok) v))

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
(provide expand-sandbox check-sandbox set-sandbox)
(require racket racket/hash)
(require (except-in unison/data true false unit))
(require unison/data)
; sandboxing information
(define sandbox-links (make-hash))

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
#lang racket/base
(require racket/udp
(only-in unison/boot define-unison)
(only-in unison/boot define-unison-builtin)
@ -11,32 +11,29 @@
(struct client-sock-addr (host port))
@ -48,10 +45,10 @@
(sum-case a
(0 (type msg meta)
(ref-either-left (ref-failure-failure type msg (unison-any-any meta))))
(1 (data)
(1 (data)
(ref-either-right data))))
(format-socket socket)
(let*-values ([(local-hn local-port remote-hn remote-port) (udp-addresses socket #t)]
[(rv) (~a "<socket local=" local-hn ":" local-port " remote=" remote-hn ":" remote-port ">")])
@ -64,7 +61,7 @@
(wrap-in-either rv)))
;; define termlink builtins
(define clientSocket.impl.v1:termlink
(define clientSocket.impl.v1:termlink
(unison-termlink-builtin "IO.UDP.clientSocket.impl.v1"))
(define UDPSocket.recv.impl.v1:termlink
(unison-termlink-builtin "IO.UDP.UDPSocket.recv.impl.v1"))
@ -72,7 +69,7 @@
(unison-termlink-builtin "IO.UDP.UDPSocket.send.impl.v1"))
(define UDPSocket.close.impl.v1:termlink
(unison-termlink-builtin "IO.UDP.UDPSocket.close.impl.v1"))
(define ListenSocket.close.impl.v1:termlink
(define ListenSocket.close.impl.v1:termlink
(unison-termlink-builtin "IO.UDP.ListenSocket.close.impl.v1"))
(define UDPSocket.toText.impl.v1:termlink
(unison-termlink-builtin "IO.UDP.UDPSocket.toText.impl.v1"))
@ -89,22 +86,25 @@
;; define builtins
(UDPSocket.recv.impl.v1 socket) ; socket -> Either Failure Bytes
([rv (handle-errors (lambda()
(builtin-IO.UDP.UDPSocket.recv.impl.v1 socket)
; socket -> Either Failure Bytes
([rv (handle-errors (lambda()
([(buffer) (make-bytes buffer-size)]
[(len a b) (udp-receive! socket buffer)])
(right (bytes->chunked-bytes (subbytes buffer 0 len))))))])
(wrap-in-either rv)))
(ListenSocket.close.impl.v1 socket) ; socket -> Either Failure ()
(builtin-IO.UDP.ListenSocket.close.impl.v1 socket)
; socket -> Either Failure ()
(close-socket socket))
(serverSocket.impl.v1 ip port) ; string string -> Either Failure socket
(builtin-IO.UDP.serverSocket.impl.v1 ip port)
; string string -> Either Failure socket
([result (handle-errors (lambda()
(let* ([iip (chunked-string->string ip)]
@ -115,12 +115,13 @@
(right sock)))))])
(wrap-in-either result)))
(ListenSocket.recvFrom.impl.v1 socket) ; socket -> Either Failure (Bytes, ClientSockAddr)
(let ([result (handle-errors (lambda()
(builtin-IO.UDP.ListenSocket.recvFrom.impl.v1 socket)
; socket -> Either Failure (Bytes, ClientSockAddr)
(let ([result (handle-errors (lambda()
(if (not (udp? socket))
(raise-argument-error 'socket "a UDP socket" socket)
([(buffer) (make-bytes buffer-size)]
[(len host port) (udp-receive! socket buffer)]
[(csa) (client-sock-addr host port)]
@ -129,18 +130,20 @@
(right (ref-tuple-pair chunked (ref-tuple-pair csa ref-unit-unit)))))))])
(wrap-in-either result)))
(UDPSocket.send.impl.v1 socket data) ; socket -> Bytes -> Either Failure ()
(builtin-IO.UDP.UDPSocket.send.impl.v1 socket data)
; socket -> Bytes -> Either Failure ()
([result (handle-errors (lambda () (begin
(udp-send socket (chunked-bytes->bytes data))
(udp-send socket (chunked-bytes->bytes data))
(right ref-unit-unit))))])
(wrap-in-either result)))
(ListenSocket.sendTo.impl.v1 sock bytes addr) ; socket -> Bytes -> ClientSockAddr -> Either Failure ()
(builtin-IO.UDP.ListenSocket.sendTo.impl.v1 sock bytes addr)
; socket -> Bytes -> ClientSockAddr -> Either Failure ()
([result (handle-errors (lambda()
([result (handle-errors (lambda()
(let* ([host (client-sock-addr-host addr)]
[port (client-sock-addr-port addr)]
[bytes (chunked-bytes->bytes bytes)])
@ -149,28 +152,32 @@
(right ref-unit-unit)))))])
(wrap-in-either result)))
(UDPSocket.toText.impl.v1 socket) ; socket -> string
(builtin-IO.UDP.UDPSocket.toText.impl.v1 socket) ; socket -> string
(format-socket socket))
(ClientSockAddr.toText.v1 addr) ; ClientSocketAddr -> string
(builtin-IO.UDP.ClientSockAddr.toText.v1 addr)
; ClientSocketAddr -> string
(string->chunked-string (format "<client-sock-addr ~a ~a>" (client-sock-addr-host addr) (client-sock-addr-port addr))))
(ListenSocket.toText.impl.v1 socket) ; socket -> string
(builtin-IO.UDP.ListenSocket.toText.impl.v1 socket)
; socket -> string
(format-socket socket))
(UDPSocket.close.impl.v1 socket) ; socket -> Either Failure ()
(builtin-IO.UDP.UDPSocket.close.impl.v1 socket)
; socket -> Either Failure ()
([rv (handle-errors (lambda() (begin
(udp-close socket)
(right ref-unit-unit))))])
(wrap-in-either rv)))
(clientSocket.impl.v1 host port) ; string string -> Either Failure socket
(builtin-IO.UDP.clientSocket.impl.v1 host port)
; string string -> Either Failure socket
(let ([rv (handle-errors (lambda() (let* ([pport (string->number (chunked-string->string port))]
[hhost (chunked-string->string host)]
[sock (udp-open-socket hhost pport)]

View File

@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ packages:
- lib/unison-util-bytes
- lib/unison-util-cache
- lib/unison-util-file-embed
- lib/unison-util-nametree
- lib/unison-util-relation
- lib/unison-util-rope
- parser-typechecker
@ -63,9 +62,14 @@ extra-deps:
- lock-file-,4484
- monad-validate-,2605
- recover-rtti-0.4.3@sha256:01adcbab70a6542914df28ac120a23a923d8566236f2c0295998e9419f53dd62,4672
- numerals-0.4.1@sha256:f138b4a0efbde3b3c6cbccb788eff683cb8a5d046f449729712fd174c5ee8a78,11430
- row-types-,3071
- network-udp-0.0.0@sha256:408d2d4fa1a25e49e95752ee124cca641993404bb133ae10fb81daef22d876ae,1075
allow-newer: true
- numerals
# All packages
"$locals": -Wall -Werror -Wno-name-shadowing -Wno-missing-pattern-synonym-signatures -fprint-expanded-synonyms -fwrite-ide-info #-freverse-errors

View File

@ -61,6 +61,13 @@ packages:
size: 2489
hackage: recover-rtti-0.4.3@sha256:01adcbab70a6542914df28ac120a23a923d8566236f2c0295998e9419f53dd62,4672
- completed:
hackage: numerals-0.4.1@sha256:f138b4a0efbde3b3c6cbccb788eff683cb8a5d046f449729712fd174c5ee8a78,11430
sha256: c616791b08f1792fd1d4ca03c6d2c773dedb25b24b66454c97864aefd85a5d0a
size: 13751
hackage: numerals-0.4.1@sha256:f138b4a0efbde3b3c6cbccb788eff683cb8a5d046f449729712fd174c5ee8a78,11430
- completed:
hackage: row-types-,3071

View File

@ -1,18 +1,13 @@
# Integration test: transcript
.> builtins.mergeio
.> load ./unison-src/transcripts-using-base/base.u
.> builtins.mergeio
.> load ./unison-src/transcripts-using-base/base.u
.> add
scratch/main> builtins.mergeio lib.builtins
scratch/main> load ./unison-src/transcripts-using-base/base.u
scratch/main> add
use .builtin
use lib.builtins
unique type MyBool = MyTrue | MyFalse
@ -39,6 +34,6 @@ main = do
.> add
.> compile main ./unison-cli-integration/integration-tests/IntegrationTests/main
scratch/main> add
scratch/main> compile main ./unison-cli-integration/integration-tests/IntegrationTests/main

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Integration test: transcript
use .builtin
``` unison
use lib.builtins
unique type MyBool = MyTrue | MyFalse
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ main = do
_ -> ()
``` ucm
Loading changes detected in scratch.u.
@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ main = do
resume : Request {g, Break} x -> x
.> add
``` ucm
scratch/main> add
⍟ I've added these definitions:
@ -53,6 +53,6 @@ main = do
main : '{IO, Exception} ()
resume : Request {g, Break} x -> x
.> compile main ./unison-cli-integration/integration-tests/IntegrationTests/main
scratch/main> compile main ./unison-cli-integration/integration-tests/IntegrationTests/main

View File

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ dependencies:
- base
- bytes
- bytestring
- cmark
- co-log-core
- code-page
- concurrent-output
@ -54,6 +55,7 @@ dependencies:
- network-udp
- network-uri
- nonempty-containers
- numerals
- open-browser
- optparse-applicative >=
- pretty-simple
@ -93,7 +95,6 @@ dependencies:
- unison-sqlite
- unison-syntax
- unison-util-base32hex
- unison-util-nametree
- unison-util-relation
- unliftio
- unordered-containers

View File

@ -52,14 +52,19 @@ import Options.Applicative.Help (bold, (<+>))
import Options.Applicative.Help.Pretty qualified as P
import Stats
import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
import Text.Megaparsec qualified as Megaparsec
import Unison.Codebase.Path qualified as Path
import Unison.Codebase.Path.Parse qualified as Path
import Unison.Codebase.ProjectPath (ProjectPathNames)
import Unison.Codebase.ProjectPath qualified as PP
import Unison.CommandLine.Types (ShouldWatchFiles (..))
import Unison.Core.Project (ProjectAndBranch, ProjectBranchName, ProjectName)
import Unison.HashQualified (HashQualified)
import Unison.LSP (LspFormattingConfig (..))
import Unison.Name (Name)
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.PrettyTerminal qualified as PT
import Unison.Project qualified as Project
import Unison.Server.CodebaseServer (CodebaseServerOpts (..))
import Unison.Server.CodebaseServer qualified as Server
import Unison.Syntax.HashQualified qualified as HQ
@ -68,7 +73,7 @@ import Unison.Util.Pretty (Width (..))
-- | Valid ways to provide source code to the run command
data RunSource
= RunFromPipe (HashQualified Name)
| RunFromSymbol (HashQualified Name)
| RunFromSymbol ProjectPathNames
| RunFromFile FilePath (HashQualified Name)
| RunCompiled FilePath
deriving (Show, Eq)
@ -102,8 +107,8 @@ data Command
= Launch
-- Starting path
(Maybe Path.Absolute)
-- Starting project
(Maybe (ProjectAndBranch ProjectName ProjectBranchName))
| PrintVersion
| -- @deprecated in trunk after M2g. Remove the Init command completely after M2h has been released
@ -357,9 +362,9 @@ launchParser :: CodebaseServerOpts -> IsHeadless -> Parser Command
launchParser envOpts isHeadless = do
-- ApplicativeDo
codebaseServerOpts <- codebaseServerOptsParser envOpts
startingPath <- startingPathOption
startingProject <- startingProjectOption
shouldWatchFiles <- noFileWatchFlag
pure (Launch isHeadless codebaseServerOpts startingPath shouldWatchFiles)
pure (Launch isHeadless codebaseServerOpts startingProject shouldWatchFiles)
initParser :: Parser Command
initParser = pure Init
@ -374,9 +379,13 @@ runHQParser :: Parser (HashQualified Name)
runHQParser =
argument (maybeReader (HQ.parseText . Text.pack)) (metavar "SYMBOL")
runProjectPathParser :: Parser PP.ProjectPathNames
runProjectPathParser =
argument (maybeReader (eitherToMaybe . PP.parseProjectPath . Text.pack)) (metavar "@myproject/")
runSymbolParser :: Parser Command
runSymbolParser =
Run . RunFromSymbol <$> runHQParser <*> runArgumentParser
Run . RunFromSymbol <$> runProjectPathParser <*> runArgumentParser
runFileParser :: Parser Command
runFileParser =
@ -422,15 +431,15 @@ saveCodebaseToFlag = do
_ -> DontSaveCodebase
startingPathOption :: Parser (Maybe Path.Absolute)
startingPathOption =
startingProjectOption :: Parser (Maybe (ProjectAndBranch ProjectName ProjectBranchName))
startingProjectOption =
let meta =
metavar ""
<> long "path"
metavar "project/branch"
<> long "project"
<> short 'p'
<> help "Launch the UCM session at the provided path location."
<> help "Launch the UCM session at the provided project and branch."
<> noGlobal
in optional $ option readAbsolutePath meta
in optional (option readProjectAndBranchNames meta)
noFileWatchFlag :: Parser ShouldWatchFiles
noFileWatchFlag =
@ -469,6 +478,13 @@ readPath' = do
Left err -> OptParse.readerError (Text.unpack err)
Right path' -> pure path'
readProjectAndBranchNames :: ReadM (ProjectAndBranch ProjectName ProjectBranchName)
readProjectAndBranchNames = do
str <- OptParse.str
case Megaparsec.parse Project.fullyQualifiedProjectAndBranchNamesParser "arg" str of
Left errBundle -> OptParse.readerError $ Megaparsec.errorBundlePretty errBundle
Right projectAndBranch -> pure projectAndBranch
fileArgument :: String -> Parser FilePath
fileArgument varName =

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ module Unison.Cli.Monad
-- * Immutable state
LoopState (..),
-- * Lifting IO actions
@ -33,6 +34,7 @@ module Unison.Cli.Monad
-- * Changing the current directory
-- * Communicating output to the user
@ -46,38 +48,42 @@ module Unison.Cli.Monad
-- * Internal
-- * Misc types
LoadSourceResult (..),
import Control.Exception (throwIO)
import Control.Lens (lens, (.=))
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader (..))
import Control.Monad.State.Strict (MonadState)
import Control.Monad.State.Strict qualified as State
import Data.Configurator.Types qualified as Configurator
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as List (NonEmpty)
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as List.NonEmpty
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NonEmpty
import Data.Time.Clock (DiffTime, diffTimeToPicoseconds)
import Data.Time.Clock.System (getSystemTime, systemToTAITime)
import Data.Time.Clock.TAI (diffAbsoluteTime)
import Data.Unique (Unique, newUnique)
import GHC.OverloadedLabels (IsLabel (..))
import System.CPUTime (getCPUTime)
import Text.Printf (printf)
import U.Codebase.HashTags (CausalHash)
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Queries qualified as Queries
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.DbId (ProjectBranchId, ProjectId)
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Queries qualified as Q
import Unison.Auth.CredentialManager (CredentialManager)
import Unison.Auth.HTTPClient (AuthenticatedHttpClient)
import Unison.Codebase (Codebase)
import Unison.Codebase qualified as Codebase
import Unison.Codebase.Branch (Branch)
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Input (Input)
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Output (NumberedArgs, NumberedOutput, Output)
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.UCMVersion (UCMVersion)
import Unison.Codebase.Path qualified as Path
import Unison.Codebase.ProjectPath qualified as PP
import Unison.Codebase.Runtime (Runtime)
import Unison.Core.Project (ProjectAndBranch (..))
import Unison.Debug qualified as Debug
import Unison.Parser.Ann (Ann)
import Unison.Prelude
@ -88,7 +94,6 @@ import Unison.Syntax.Parser qualified as Parser
import Unison.Term (Term)
import Unison.Type (Type)
import Unison.UnisonFile qualified as UF
import UnliftIO.STM
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
-- | The main command-line app monad.
@ -170,7 +175,10 @@ data Env = Env
sandboxedRuntime :: Runtime Symbol,
nativeRuntime :: Runtime Symbol,
serverBaseUrl :: Maybe Server.BaseUrl,
ucmVersion :: UCMVersion
ucmVersion :: UCMVersion,
-- | Whether we're running in a transcript test or not.
-- Avoid using this except when absolutely necessary.
isTranscriptTest :: Bool
deriving stock (Generic)
@ -178,10 +186,8 @@ data Env = Env
-- There's an additional pseudo @"currentPath"@ field lens, for convenience.
data LoopState = LoopState
{ root :: TMVar (Branch IO),
lastSavedRootHash :: CausalHash,
-- the current position in the namespace
currentPathStack :: List.NonEmpty Path.Absolute,
{ -- the current position in the codebase, with the head being the most recent lcoation.
projectPathStack :: List.NonEmpty PP.ProjectPathIds,
-- TBD
-- , _activeEdits :: Set Branch.EditGuid
@ -206,26 +212,11 @@ data LoopState = LoopState
deriving stock (Generic)
{-# OVERLAPS #-}
(Functor f) =>
IsLabel "currentPath" ((Path.Absolute -> f Path.Absolute) -> (LoopState -> f LoopState))
fromLabel :: (Path.Absolute -> f Path.Absolute) -> (LoopState -> f LoopState)
fromLabel =
(\LoopState {currentPathStack} -> List.NonEmpty.head currentPathStack)
( \loopState@LoopState {currentPathStack = _ List.NonEmpty.:| paths} path ->
loopState {currentPathStack = path List.NonEmpty.:| paths}
-- | Create an initial loop state given a root branch and the current path.
loopState0 :: CausalHash -> TMVar (Branch IO) -> Path.Absolute -> LoopState
loopState0 lastSavedRootHash b p = do
loopState0 :: PP.ProjectPathIds -> LoopState
loopState0 p = do
{ root = b,
lastSavedRootHash = lastSavedRootHash,
currentPathStack = pure p,
{ projectPathStack = pure p,
latestFile = Nothing,
latestTypecheckedFile = Nothing,
lastInput = Nothing,
@ -387,11 +378,25 @@ time label action =
ms = ns / 1_000_000
s = ns / 1_000_000_000
getProjectPathIds :: Cli PP.ProjectPathIds
getProjectPathIds = do
NonEmpty.head <$> use #projectPathStack
cd :: Path.Absolute -> Cli ()
cd path = do
setMostRecentNamespace path
State.modify' \state ->
state {currentPathStack = List.NonEmpty.cons path (currentPathStack state)}
pp <- getProjectPathIds
let newPP = pp & PP.absPath_ .~ path
setMostRecentProjectPath newPP
#projectPathStack %= NonEmpty.cons newPP
switchProject :: ProjectAndBranch ProjectId ProjectBranchId -> Cli ()
switchProject pab@(ProjectAndBranch projectId branchId) = do
Env {codebase} <- ask
let newPP = PP.ProjectPath projectId branchId Path.absoluteEmpty
#projectPathStack %= NonEmpty.cons newPP
runTransaction $ do Q.setMostRecentBranch projectId branchId
setMostRecentProjectPath newPP
liftIO $ Codebase.preloadProjectBranch codebase pab
-- | Pop the latest path off the stack, if it's not the only path in the stack.
@ -399,16 +404,16 @@ cd path = do
popd :: Cli Bool
popd = do
state <- State.get
case List.NonEmpty.uncons (currentPathStack state) of
case List.NonEmpty.uncons (projectPathStack state) of
(_, Nothing) -> pure False
(_, Just paths) -> do
setMostRecentNamespace (List.NonEmpty.head paths)
State.put state {currentPathStack = paths}
setMostRecentProjectPath (List.NonEmpty.head paths)
State.put state {projectPathStack = paths}
pure True
setMostRecentNamespace :: Path.Absolute -> Cli ()
setMostRecentNamespace =
runTransaction . Queries.setMostRecentNamespace . Path.toList . Path.unabsolute
setMostRecentProjectPath :: PP.ProjectPathIds -> Cli ()
setMostRecentProjectPath loc =
runTransaction $ Codebase.setCurrentProjectPath loc
respond :: Output -> Cli ()
respond output = do

View File

@ -6,10 +6,18 @@ module Unison.Cli.MonadUtils
-- * Paths
-- * Project and branch resolution
-- * Branches
-- ** Resolving branch identifiers
@ -20,18 +28,15 @@ module Unison.Cli.MonadUtils
-- ** Getting/setting branches
@ -43,13 +48,10 @@ module Unison.Cli.MonadUtils
@ -91,6 +93,9 @@ import U.Codebase.Branch qualified as V2 (Branch)
import U.Codebase.Branch qualified as V2Branch
import U.Codebase.Causal qualified as V2Causal
import U.Codebase.HashTags (CausalHash (..))
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Project (Project)
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.ProjectBranch (ProjectBranch (..))
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Queries qualified as Q
import Unison.Cli.Monad (Cli)
import Unison.Cli.Monad qualified as Cli
import Unison.Codebase qualified as Codebase
@ -103,6 +108,8 @@ import Unison.Codebase.Patch (Patch (..))
import Unison.Codebase.Patch qualified as Patch
import Unison.Codebase.Path (Path, Path' (..))
import Unison.Codebase.Path qualified as Path
import Unison.Codebase.ProjectPath (ProjectPath)
import Unison.Codebase.ProjectPath qualified as PP
import Unison.Codebase.ShortCausalHash (ShortCausalHash)
import Unison.Codebase.ShortCausalHash qualified as SCH
import Unison.HashQualified qualified as HQ
@ -112,6 +119,7 @@ import Unison.NameSegment qualified as NameSegment
import Unison.Names (Names)
import Unison.Parser.Ann (Ann (..))
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.Project (ProjectAndBranch (..), ProjectBranchName, ProjectName)
import Unison.Reference (TypeReference)
import Unison.Referent (Referent)
import Unison.Sqlite qualified as Sqlite
@ -123,7 +131,6 @@ import Unison.UnisonFile qualified as UF
import Unison.UnisonFile.Names qualified as UFN
import Unison.Util.Set qualified as Set
import Unison.Var qualified as Var
import UnliftIO.STM
-- .unisonConfig things
@ -137,25 +144,50 @@ getConfig key = do
-- Getting paths, path resolution, etc.
-- | Get the current path.
getCurrentProjectPath :: Cli PP.ProjectPath
getCurrentProjectPath = do
ppIds <- Cli.getProjectPathIds
Cli.runTransaction $ Codebase.resolveProjectPathIds ppIds
getCurrentProjectAndBranch :: Cli (ProjectAndBranch Project ProjectBranch)
getCurrentProjectAndBranch = do
PP.toProjectAndBranch <$> getCurrentProjectPath
getCurrentProjectBranch :: Cli ProjectBranch
getCurrentProjectBranch = do
view #branch <$> getCurrentProjectPath
-- | Get the current path relative to the current project.
getCurrentPath :: Cli Path.Absolute
getCurrentPath = do
use #currentPath
view PP.absPath_ <$> getCurrentProjectPath
getCurrentProjectName :: Cli ProjectName
getCurrentProjectName = do
view (#project . #name) <$> getCurrentProjectPath
getCurrentProjectBranchName :: Cli ProjectBranchName
getCurrentProjectBranchName = do
view (#branch . #name) <$> getCurrentProjectPath
-- | Resolve a @Path@ (interpreted as relative) to a @Path.Absolute@, per the current path.
resolvePath :: Path -> Cli Path.Absolute
resolvePath :: Path -> Cli PP.ProjectPath
resolvePath path = do
currentPath <- getCurrentPath
pure (Path.resolve currentPath (Path.Relative path))
pp <- getCurrentProjectPath
pure $ pp & PP.absPath_ %~ \p -> Path.resolve p path
-- | Resolve a @Path'@ to a @Path.Absolute@, per the current path.
resolvePath' :: Path' -> Cli Path.Absolute
resolvePath' path = do
currentPath <- getCurrentPath
pure (Path.resolve currentPath path)
resolvePath' :: Path' -> Cli PP.ProjectPath
resolvePath' path' = do
pp <- getCurrentProjectPath
pure $ pp & PP.absPath_ %~ \p -> Path.resolve p path'
resolvePath'ToAbsolute :: Path' -> Cli Path.Absolute
resolvePath'ToAbsolute path' = do
view PP.absPath_ <$> resolvePath' path'
-- | Resolve a path split, per the current path.
resolveSplit' :: (Path', a) -> Cli (Path.Absolute, a)
resolveSplit' :: (Path', a) -> Cli (PP.ProjectPath, a)
resolveSplit' =
traverseOf _1 resolvePath'
@ -166,23 +198,27 @@ resolveSplit' =
-- branches by path are OK - the empty branch will be returned).
resolveAbsBranchId :: Input.AbsBranchId -> Cli (Branch IO)
resolveAbsBranchId = \case
Left hash -> resolveShortCausalHash hash
Right path -> getBranchAt path
Input.BranchAtSCH hash -> resolveShortCausalHash hash
Input.BranchAtPath absPath -> do
pp <- resolvePath' (Path' (Left absPath))
getBranchFromProjectPath pp
Input.BranchAtProjectPath pp -> getBranchFromProjectPath pp
-- | V2 version of 'resolveAbsBranchId2'.
resolveAbsBranchIdV2 ::
(forall void. Output.Output -> Sqlite.Transaction void) ->
ProjectAndBranch Project ProjectBranch ->
Input.AbsBranchId ->
Sqlite.Transaction (V2.Branch Sqlite.Transaction)
resolveAbsBranchIdV2 rollback = \case
Left shortHash -> do
resolveAbsBranchIdV2 rollback (ProjectAndBranch proj branch) = \case
Input.BranchAtSCH shortHash -> do
hash <- resolveShortCausalHashToCausalHash rollback shortHash
succeed (Codebase.expectCausalBranchByCausalHash hash)
Right path -> succeed (Codebase.getShallowCausalFromRoot Nothing (Path.unabsolute path))
succeed getCausal = do
causal <- getCausal
V2Causal.value causal
causal <- (Codebase.expectCausalBranchByCausalHash hash)
V2Causal.value causal
Input.BranchAtPath absPath -> do
let pp = PP.ProjectPath proj branch absPath
Codebase.getShallowBranchAtProjectPath pp
Input.BranchAtProjectPath pp -> Codebase.getShallowBranchAtProjectPath pp
-- | Resolve a @BranchId@ to the corresponding @Branch IO@, or fail if no such branch hash is found. (Non-existent
-- branches by path are OK - the empty branch will be returned).
@ -194,7 +230,7 @@ resolveBranchId branchId = do
-- | Resolve a @BranchId@ to an @AbsBranchId@.
resolveBranchIdToAbsBranchId :: Input.BranchId -> Cli Input.AbsBranchId
resolveBranchIdToAbsBranchId =
traverseOf _Right resolvePath'
traverse (fmap (view PP.absPath_) . resolvePath')
-- | Resolve a @ShortCausalHash@ to the corresponding @Branch IO@, or fail if no such branch hash is found.
resolveShortCausalHash :: ShortCausalHash -> Cli (Branch IO)
@ -222,77 +258,54 @@ resolveShortCausalHashToCausalHash rollback shortHash = do
-- Getting/Setting branches
-- | Get the root branch.
getRootBranch :: Cli (Branch IO)
getRootBranch = do
use #root >>= atomically . readTMVar
getCurrentProjectRoot :: Cli (Branch IO)
getCurrentProjectRoot = do
Cli.Env {codebase} <- ask
ProjectAndBranch proj branch <- getCurrentProjectAndBranch
liftIO $ Codebase.expectProjectBranchRoot codebase proj.projectId branch.branchId
-- | Get the root branch0.
getRootBranch0 :: Cli (Branch0 IO)
getRootBranch0 =
Branch.head <$> getRootBranch
-- | Set a new root branch.
-- Note: This does _not_ update the codebase, the caller is responsible for that.
setRootBranch :: Branch IO -> Cli ()
setRootBranch b = do
void $ modifyRootBranch (const b)
-- | Modify the root branch.
-- Note: This does _not_ update the codebase, the caller is responsible for that.
modifyRootBranch :: (Branch IO -> Branch IO) -> Cli (Branch IO)
modifyRootBranch f = do
rootVar <- use #root
atomically do
root <- takeTMVar rootVar
let !newRoot = f root
putTMVar rootVar newRoot
pure newRoot
getCurrentProjectRoot0 :: Cli (Branch0 IO)
getCurrentProjectRoot0 =
Branch.head <$> getCurrentProjectRoot
-- | Get the current branch.
getCurrentBranch :: Cli (Branch IO)
getCurrentBranch = do
path <- getCurrentPath
Cli.Env {codebase} <- ask
liftIO $ Codebase.getBranchAtPath codebase path
pp <- getCurrentProjectPath
fromMaybe Branch.empty <$> liftIO (Codebase.getBranchAtProjectPath codebase pp)
-- | Get the current branch0.
getCurrentBranch0 :: Cli (Branch0 IO)
getCurrentBranch0 = do
Branch.head <$> getCurrentBranch
-- | Get the last saved root hash.
getLastSavedRootHash :: Cli CausalHash
getLastSavedRootHash = do
use #lastSavedRootHash
-- | Set a new root branch.
-- Note: This does _not_ update the codebase, the caller is responsible for that.
setLastSavedRootHash :: CausalHash -> Cli ()
setLastSavedRootHash ch = do
#lastSavedRootHash .= ch
-- | Get the branch at an absolute path.
getBranchAt :: Path.Absolute -> Cli (Branch IO)
getBranchAt path =
getMaybeBranchAt path <&> fromMaybe Branch.empty
-- | Get the branch at an absolute path from the project root.
getBranchFromProjectPath :: PP.ProjectPath -> Cli (Branch IO)
getBranchFromProjectPath pp =
getMaybeBranchFromProjectPath pp <&> fromMaybe Branch.empty
-- | Get the branch0 at an absolute path.
getBranch0At :: Path.Absolute -> Cli (Branch0 IO)
getBranch0At path =
Branch.head <$> getBranchAt path
getBranch0FromProjectPath :: PP.ProjectPath -> Cli (Branch0 IO)
getBranch0FromProjectPath pp =
Branch.head <$> getBranchFromProjectPath pp
getProjectBranchRoot :: ProjectBranch -> Cli (Branch IO)
getProjectBranchRoot projectBranch = do
Cli.Env {codebase} <- ask
liftIO $ Codebase.expectProjectBranchRoot codebase projectBranch.projectId projectBranch.branchId
-- | Get the maybe-branch at an absolute path.
getMaybeBranchAt :: Path.Absolute -> Cli (Maybe (Branch IO))
getMaybeBranchAt path = do
rootBranch <- getRootBranch
pure (Branch.getAt (Path.unabsolute path) rootBranch)
getMaybeBranchFromProjectPath :: PP.ProjectPath -> Cli (Maybe (Branch IO))
getMaybeBranchFromProjectPath pp = do
Cli.Env {codebase} <- ask
liftIO $ Codebase.getBranchAtProjectPath codebase pp
-- | Get the maybe-branch0 at an absolute path.
getMaybeBranch0At :: Path.Absolute -> Cli (Maybe (Branch0 IO))
getMaybeBranch0At path =
fmap Branch.head <$> getMaybeBranchAt path
getMaybeBranch0FromProjectPath :: PP.ProjectPath -> Cli (Maybe (Branch0 IO))
getMaybeBranch0FromProjectPath pp =
fmap Branch.head <$> getMaybeBranchFromProjectPath pp
-- | Get the branch at a relative path, or return early if there's no such branch.
expectBranchAtPath :: Path -> Cli (Branch IO)
@ -303,7 +316,7 @@ expectBranchAtPath =
expectBranchAtPath' :: Path' -> Cli (Branch IO)
expectBranchAtPath' path0 = do
path <- resolvePath' path0
getMaybeBranchAt path & onNothingM (Cli.returnEarly (Output.BranchNotFound path0))
getMaybeBranchFromProjectPath path & onNothingM (Cli.returnEarly (Output.BranchNotFound path0))
-- | Get the branch0 at an absolute or relative path, or return early if there's no such branch.
expectBranch0AtPath' :: Path' -> Cli (Branch0 IO)
@ -329,167 +342,138 @@ assertNoBranchAtPath' path' = do
-- current terms/types etc).
branchExistsAtPath' :: Path' -> Cli Bool
branchExistsAtPath' path' = do
absPath <- resolvePath' path'
pp <- resolvePath' path'
Cli.runTransaction do
causal <- Codebase.getShallowCausalFromRoot Nothing (Path.unabsolute absPath)
branch <- V2Causal.value causal
branch <- Codebase.getShallowBranchAtProjectPath pp
isEmpty <- V2Branch.isEmpty branch
pure (not isEmpty)
-- Updating branches
makeActionsUnabsolute :: (Functor f) => f (Path.Absolute, x) -> f (Path, x)
makeActionsUnabsolute = fmap (first Path.unabsolute)
stepAt ::
Text ->
(Path, Branch0 IO -> Branch0 IO) ->
(ProjectPath, Branch0 IO -> Branch0 IO) ->
Cli ()
stepAt cause = stepManyAt @[] cause . pure
stepAt cause (pp, action) = stepManyAt pp.branch cause [(pp.absPath, action)]
stepAt' ::
Text ->
(Path, Branch0 IO -> Cli (Branch0 IO)) ->
(ProjectPath, Branch0 IO -> Cli (Branch0 IO)) ->
Cli Bool
stepAt' cause = stepManyAt' @[] cause . pure
stepAtNoSync' ::
(Path, Branch0 IO -> Cli (Branch0 IO)) ->
Cli Bool
stepAtNoSync' = stepManyAtNoSync' @[] . pure
stepAtNoSync ::
(Path, Branch0 IO -> Branch0 IO) ->
Cli ()
stepAtNoSync = stepManyAtNoSync @[] . pure
stepAt' cause (pp, action) = stepManyAt' pp.branch cause [(pp.absPath, action)]
stepAtM ::
Text ->
(Path, Branch0 IO -> IO (Branch0 IO)) ->
(ProjectPath, Branch0 IO -> IO (Branch0 IO)) ->
Cli ()
stepAtM cause = stepManyAtM @[] cause . pure
stepAtM cause (pp, action) = stepManyAtM pp.branch cause [(pp.absPath, action)]
stepManyAt ::
(Foldable f) =>
ProjectBranch ->
Text ->
f (Path, Branch0 IO -> Branch0 IO) ->
[(Path.Absolute, Branch0 IO -> Branch0 IO)] ->
Cli ()
stepManyAt reason actions = do
stepManyAtNoSync actions
syncRoot reason
stepManyAt pb reason actions = do
updateProjectBranchRoot_ pb reason $ Branch.stepManyAt (makeActionsUnabsolute actions)
stepManyAt' ::
(Foldable f) =>
ProjectBranch ->
Text ->
f (Path, Branch0 IO -> Cli (Branch0 IO)) ->
[(Path.Absolute, Branch0 IO -> Cli (Branch0 IO))] ->
Cli Bool
stepManyAt' reason actions = do
res <- stepManyAtNoSync' actions
syncRoot reason
pure res
stepManyAtNoSync' ::
(Foldable f) =>
f (Path, Branch0 IO -> Cli (Branch0 IO)) ->
Cli Bool
stepManyAtNoSync' actions = do
origRoot <- getRootBranch
newRoot <- Branch.stepManyAtM actions origRoot
setRootBranch newRoot
pure (origRoot /= newRoot)
stepManyAt' pb reason actions = do
origRoot <- getProjectBranchRoot pb
newRoot <- Branch.stepManyAtM (makeActionsUnabsolute actions) origRoot
didChange <- updateProjectBranchRoot pb reason (\oldRoot -> pure (newRoot, oldRoot /= newRoot))
pure didChange
-- Like stepManyAt, but doesn't update the last saved root
stepManyAtNoSync ::
(Foldable f) =>
f (Path, Branch0 IO -> Branch0 IO) ->
Cli ()
stepManyAtNoSync actions =
void . modifyRootBranch $ Branch.stepManyAt actions
stepManyAtM ::
(Foldable f) =>
ProjectBranch ->
Text ->
f (Path, Branch0 IO -> IO (Branch0 IO)) ->
[(Path.Absolute, Branch0 IO -> IO (Branch0 IO))] ->
Cli ()
stepManyAtM reason actions = do
stepManyAtMNoSync actions
syncRoot reason
stepManyAtMNoSync ::
(Foldable f) =>
f (Path, Branch0 IO -> IO (Branch0 IO)) ->
Cli ()
stepManyAtMNoSync actions = do
oldRoot <- getRootBranch
newRoot <- liftIO (Branch.stepManyAtM actions oldRoot)
setRootBranch newRoot
-- | Sync the in-memory root branch.
syncRoot :: Text -> Cli ()
syncRoot description = do
rootBranch <- getRootBranch
updateRoot rootBranch description
stepManyAtM pb reason actions = do
updateProjectBranchRoot pb reason \oldRoot -> do
newRoot <- liftIO (Branch.stepManyAtM (makeActionsUnabsolute actions) oldRoot)
pure (newRoot, ())
-- | Update a branch at the given path, returning `True` if
-- an update occurred and false otherwise
updateAtM ::
Text ->
Path.Absolute ->
ProjectPath ->
(Branch IO -> Cli (Branch IO)) ->
Cli Bool
updateAtM reason (Path.Absolute p) f = do
b <- getRootBranch
b' <- Branch.modifyAtM p f b
updateRoot b' reason
pure $ b /= b'
updateAtM reason pp f = do
oldRootBranch <- getProjectBranchRoot (pp ^. #branch)
newRootBranch <- Branch.modifyAtM (pp ^. PP.path_) f oldRootBranch
updateProjectBranchRoot_ (pp ^. #branch) reason (const newRootBranch)
pure $ oldRootBranch /= newRootBranch
-- | Update a branch at the given path, returning `True` if
-- an update occurred and false otherwise
updateAt ::
Text ->
Path.Absolute ->
ProjectPath ->
(Branch IO -> Branch IO) ->
Cli Bool
updateAt reason p f = do
updateAtM reason p (pure . f)
updateAt reason pp f = do
updateAtM reason pp (pure . f)
updateAndStepAt ::
(Foldable f, Foldable g) =>
(Foldable f, Foldable g, Functor g) =>
Text ->
ProjectBranch ->
f (Path.Absolute, Branch IO -> Branch IO) ->
g (Path, Branch0 IO -> Branch0 IO) ->
g (Path.Absolute, Branch0 IO -> Branch0 IO) ->
Cli ()
updateAndStepAt reason updates steps = do
root <-
(Branch.stepManyAt steps)
. (\root -> foldl' (\b (Path.Absolute p, f) -> Branch.modifyAt p f b) root updates)
<$> getRootBranch
updateRoot root reason
updateAndStepAt reason projectBranch updates steps = do
let f b =
& (\root -> foldl' (\b (Path.Absolute p, f) -> Branch.modifyAt p f b) root updates)
& (Branch.stepManyAt (first Path.unabsolute <$> steps))
updateProjectBranchRoot_ projectBranch reason f
updateRoot :: Branch IO -> Text -> Cli ()
updateRoot new reason =
Cli.time "updateRoot" do
Cli.Env {codebase} <- ask
let newHash = Branch.headHash new
oldHash <- getLastSavedRootHash
when (oldHash /= newHash) do
liftIO (Codebase.putRootBranch codebase reason new)
setRootBranch new
setLastSavedRootHash newHash
updateProjectBranchRoot :: ProjectBranch -> Text -> (Branch IO -> Cli (Branch IO, r)) -> Cli r
updateProjectBranchRoot projectBranch reason f = do
Cli.Env {codebase} <- ask
Cli.time "updateProjectBranchRoot" do
old <- getProjectBranchRoot projectBranch
(new, result) <- f old
when (old /= new) do
liftIO $ Codebase.putBranch codebase new
Cli.runTransaction $ do
-- TODO: If we transactionally check that the project branch hasn't changed while we were computing the new
-- branch, and if it has, abort the transaction and return an error, then we can
-- remove the single UCM per codebase restriction.
causalHashId <- Q.expectCausalHashIdByCausalHash (Branch.headHash new)
Q.setProjectBranchHead reason (projectBranch ^. #projectId) (projectBranch ^. #branchId) causalHashId
pure result
updateProjectBranchRoot_ :: ProjectBranch -> Text -> (Branch IO -> Branch IO) -> Cli ()
updateProjectBranchRoot_ projectBranch reason f = do
updateProjectBranchRoot projectBranch reason (\b -> pure (f b, ()))
-- Getting terms
getTermsAt :: (Path.Absolute, HQ'.HQSegment) -> Cli (Set Referent)
getTermsAt path = do
rootBranch0 <- getRootBranch0
pure (BranchUtil.getTerm (first Path.unabsolute path) rootBranch0)
getTermsAt :: (PP.ProjectPath, HQ'.HQSegment) -> Cli (Set Referent)
getTermsAt (pp, hqSeg) = do
rootBranch0 <- getBranch0FromProjectPath pp
pure (BranchUtil.getTerm (mempty, hqSeg) rootBranch0)
-- Getting types
getTypesAt :: (Path.Absolute, HQ'.HQSegment) -> Cli (Set TypeReference)
getTypesAt path = do
rootBranch0 <- getRootBranch0
pure (BranchUtil.getType (first Path.unabsolute path) rootBranch0)
getTypesAt :: (PP.ProjectPath, HQ'.HQSegment) -> Cli (Set TypeReference)
getTypesAt (pp, hqSeg) = do
rootBranch0 <- getBranch0FromProjectPath pp
pure (BranchUtil.getType (mempty, hqSeg) rootBranch0)
-- Getting patches
@ -507,8 +491,8 @@ getPatchAt path =
-- | Get the patch at a path.
getMaybePatchAt :: Path.Split' -> Cli (Maybe Patch)
getMaybePatchAt path0 = do
(path, name) <- resolveSplit' path0
branch <- getBranch0At path
(pp, name) <- resolveSplit' path0
branch <- getBranch0FromProjectPath pp
liftIO (Branch.getMaybePatch name branch)

View File

@ -1,15 +1,27 @@
-- | Utilities that have to do with constructing names objects.
module Unison.Cli.NamesUtils
( currentNames,
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.ProjectBranch (ProjectBranch)
import Unison.Cli.Monad (Cli)
import Unison.Cli.MonadUtils (getCurrentBranch0)
import Unison.Cli.MonadUtils qualified as Cli
import Unison.Codebase.Branch qualified as Branch
import Unison.Codebase.Branch.Names qualified as Branch
import Unison.Names (Names)
-- | Produce a 'Names' object which contains names for the current branch.
currentNames :: Cli Names
currentNames = do
Branch.toNames <$> getCurrentBranch0
Branch.toNames <$> Cli.getCurrentBranch0
currentProjectRootNames :: Cli Names
currentProjectRootNames = do
Branch.toNames <$> Cli.getCurrentProjectRoot0
projectBranchNames :: ProjectBranch -> Cli Names
projectBranchNames pb = do
Branch.toNames . Branch.head <$> Cli.getProjectBranchRoot pb

View File

@ -5,7 +5,8 @@
module Unison.Cli.Pretty
( displayBranchHash,
@ -33,7 +34,6 @@ module Unison.Cli.Pretty
@ -57,12 +57,10 @@ import Control.Monad.Writer (Writer, runWriter)
import Data.List qualified as List
import Data.Map qualified as Map
import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Data.Time (UTCTime)
import Data.Time.Format.Human (HumanTimeLocale (..), defaultHumanTimeLocale, humanReadableTimeI18N')
import Network.URI (URI)
import Network.URI qualified as URI
import Network.URI.Encode qualified as URI
import U.Codebase.HashTags (CausalHash (..))
import U.Codebase.Reference qualified as Reference
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Project qualified as Sqlite
@ -70,23 +68,20 @@ import U.Codebase.Sqlite.ProjectBranch qualified as Sqlite
import U.Util.Base32Hex (Base32Hex)
import U.Util.Base32Hex qualified as Base32Hex
import Unison.Cli.MergeTypes (MergeSource (..), MergeSourceOrTarget (..))
import Unison.Cli.ProjectUtils (projectBranchPathPrism)
import Unison.Cli.Share.Projects.Types qualified as Share
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.DisplayObject (DisplayObject (BuiltinObject, MissingObject, UserObject))
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Input qualified as Input
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Output
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.RemoteRepo
( ReadRemoteNamespace (..),
ShareUserHandle (..),
WriteRemoteNamespace (..),
WriteShareRemoteNamespace (..),
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.RemoteRepo qualified as RemoteRepo
import Unison.Codebase.Path (Path')
import Unison.Codebase.Path qualified as Path
import Unison.Codebase.ProjectPath (ProjectPath)
import Unison.Codebase.ProjectPath qualified as PP
import Unison.Codebase.ShortCausalHash (ShortCausalHash)
import Unison.Codebase.ShortCausalHash qualified as SCH
import Unison.CommandLine.BranchRelativePath (BranchRelativePath)
import Unison.Core.Project (ProjectBranchName)
import Unison.DataDeclaration qualified as DD
import Unison.Debug qualified as Debug
@ -126,6 +121,7 @@ import Unison.Term (Term)
import Unison.Type (Type)
import Unison.UnisonFile qualified as UF
import Unison.UnisonFile.Names qualified as UF
import Unison.Util.Monoid qualified as Monoid
import Unison.Util.Pretty qualified as P
import Unison.Var (Var)
import Unison.Var qualified as Var
@ -150,7 +146,7 @@ prettyReadRemoteNamespaceWith :: (a -> Text) -> ReadRemoteNamespace a -> Pretty
prettyReadRemoteNamespaceWith printProject = . . P.text . RemoteRepo.printReadRemoteNamespace printProject
prettyWriteRemoteNamespace :: WriteRemoteNamespace (ProjectAndBranch ProjectName ProjectBranchName) -> Pretty
prettyWriteRemoteNamespace :: (ProjectAndBranch ProjectName ProjectBranchName) -> Pretty
prettyWriteRemoteNamespace = . . P.text . RemoteRepo.printWriteRemoteNamespace
@ -161,14 +157,6 @@ prettyRepoInfo :: Share.RepoInfo -> Pretty
prettyRepoInfo (Share.RepoInfo repoInfo) = (P.text repoInfo)
prettyShareLink :: WriteShareRemoteNamespace -> Pretty
prettyShareLink WriteShareRemoteNamespace {repo, path} =
let encodedPath =
Path.toList path
& fmap (URI.encodeText . NameSegment.toUnescapedText)
& Text.intercalate "/"
in . P.text $ shareOrigin <> "/@" <> shareUserHandleToText repo <> "/p/code/latest/namespaces/" <> encodedPath
prettySharePath :: Share.Path -> Pretty
prettySharePath =
@ -194,16 +182,17 @@ prettyPath' p' =
then "the current namespace"
else (P.shown p')
prettyNamespaceKey :: Either Path' (ProjectAndBranch Sqlite.Project Sqlite.ProjectBranch) -> Pretty
prettyNamespaceKey :: Either ProjectPath (ProjectAndBranch Sqlite.Project Sqlite.ProjectBranch) -> Pretty
prettyNamespaceKey = \case
Left path -> prettyPath' path
Left path -> prettyProjectPath path
Right (ProjectAndBranch project branch) ->
prettyProjectAndBranchName (ProjectAndBranch (project ^. #name) (branch ^. #name))
prettyBranchId :: Input.AbsBranchId -> Pretty
prettyBranchId = \case
Left sch -> prettySCH sch
Right absPath -> prettyAbsolute $ absPath
Input.BranchAtSCH sch -> prettySCH sch
Input.BranchAtPath absPath -> prettyAbsolute $ absPath
Input.BranchAtProjectPath pp -> prettyProjectPath pp
prettyRelative :: Path.Relative -> Pretty
prettyRelative = . P.shown
@ -211,6 +200,13 @@ prettyRelative = . P.shown
prettyAbsolute :: Path.Absolute -> Pretty
prettyAbsolute = . P.shown
prettyProjectPath :: PP.ProjectPath -> Pretty
prettyProjectPath (PP.ProjectPath project branch path) =
prettyProjectAndBranchName (ProjectAndBranch
-- Only show the path if it's not the root
Monoid.whenM (path /= Path.absoluteEmpty) (P.cyan (":" <> P.shown path))
prettySCH :: (IsString s) => ShortCausalHash -> P.Pretty s
prettySCH hash = $ "#" <> P.text (SCH.toText hash)
@ -271,6 +267,9 @@ prettyProjectAndBranchName :: ProjectAndBranch ProjectName ProjectBranchName ->
prettyProjectAndBranchName (ProjectAndBranch project branch) = (prettyProjectName project <> P.hiBlack "/" <> prettyProjectBranchName branch)
prettyBranchRelativePath :: BranchRelativePath -> Pretty
prettyBranchRelativePath = . P.text . into @Text
-- produces:
-- -- #5v5UtREE1fTiyTsTK2zJ1YNqfiF25SkfUnnji86Lms#0
-- Optional.None, Maybe.Nothing : Maybe a
@ -343,7 +342,7 @@ prettyTypeName ppe r =
prettyWhichBranchEmpty :: WhichBranchEmpty -> Pretty
prettyWhichBranchEmpty = \case
WhichBranchEmptyHash hash -> P.shown hash
WhichBranchEmptyPath path -> prettyPath' path
WhichBranchEmptyPath pp -> prettyProjectPath pp
-- | Displays a full, non-truncated Branch.CausalHash to a string, e.g. #abcdef
displayBranchHash :: CausalHash -> Text
@ -389,15 +388,6 @@ prettyRemoteBranchInfo (host, remoteProject, remoteBranch) =
<> " on "
<> P.shown host
stripProjectBranchInfo :: Path.Absolute -> Maybe Path.Path
stripProjectBranchInfo = fmap snd . preview projectBranchPathPrism
prettyAbsoluteStripProject :: Path.Absolute -> Pretty
prettyAbsoluteStripProject path = case stripProjectBranchInfo path of
Just p -> P.shown p
Nothing -> P.shown path
prettyLabeledDependencies :: PPE.PrettyPrintEnv -> Set LabeledDependency -> Pretty
prettyLabeledDependencies ppe lds =
P.syntaxToColor (P.sep ", " (ld <$> toList lds))

View File

@ -3,9 +3,11 @@
module Unison.Cli.PrettyPrintUtils
( prettyPrintEnvDeclFromNames,
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.ProjectBranch (ProjectBranch)
import Unison.Cli.Monad (Cli)
import Unison.Cli.Monad qualified as Cli
import Unison.Cli.NamesUtils qualified as Cli
@ -14,6 +16,7 @@ import Unison.Names (Names)
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.PrettyPrintEnv.Names qualified as PPE
import Unison.PrettyPrintEnvDecl qualified as PPE hiding (biasTo)
import Unison.PrettyPrintEnvDecl qualified as PPED
import Unison.PrettyPrintEnvDecl.Names qualified as PPED
-- | Builds a pretty print env decl from a names object.
@ -30,3 +33,7 @@ prettyPrintEnvDeclFromNames ns =
currentPrettyPrintEnvDecl :: Cli PPE.PrettyPrintEnvDecl
currentPrettyPrintEnvDecl = do
Cli.currentNames >>= prettyPrintEnvDeclFromNames
projectBranchPPED :: ProjectBranch -> Cli PPED.PrettyPrintEnvDecl
projectBranchPPED pb = do
Cli.projectBranchNames pb >>= prettyPrintEnvDeclFromNames

View File

@ -1,21 +1,10 @@
-- | Project-related utilities.
module Unison.Cli.ProjectUtils
( -- * Project/path helpers
-- * Name hydration
@ -23,9 +12,8 @@ module Unison.Cli.ProjectUtils
-- * Loading local project info
-- * Loading remote project info
@ -59,65 +47,43 @@ import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Data.These (These (..))
import U.Codebase.Causal qualified
import U.Codebase.HashTags (CausalHash)
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.DbId
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Project (Project)
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Project qualified as Sqlite
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.ProjectBranch (ProjectBranch (..))
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.ProjectBranch qualified as Sqlite
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Queries qualified as Q
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Queries qualified as Queries
import Unison.Cli.Monad (Cli)
import Unison.Cli.Monad qualified as Cli
import Unison.Cli.MonadUtils qualified as Cli
import Unison.Cli.Share.Projects (IncludeSquashedHead)
import Unison.Cli.Share.Projects qualified as Share
import Unison.Codebase qualified as Codebase
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Input (LooseCodeOrProject)
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Output (Output (LocalProjectBranchDoesntExist))
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Output qualified as Output
import Unison.Codebase.Path (Path')
import Unison.Codebase.Path qualified as Path
import Unison.CommandLine.BranchRelativePath (BranchRelativePath, ResolvedBranchRelativePath)
import Unison.CommandLine.BranchRelativePath qualified as BranchRelativePath
import Unison.Codebase.ProjectPath qualified as PP
import Unison.CommandLine.BranchRelativePath (BranchRelativePath (..))
import Unison.Core.Project (ProjectBranchName (..))
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.Project (ProjectAndBranch (..), ProjectName)
import Unison.Project.Util
import Unison.Sqlite (Transaction)
import Unison.Sqlite qualified as Sqlite
import Witch (unsafeFrom)
branchRelativePathToAbsolute :: BranchRelativePath -> Cli Path.Absolute
branchRelativePathToAbsolute brp =
resolveBranchRelativePath brp <&> \case
BranchRelativePath.ResolvedLoosePath p -> p
BranchRelativePath.ResolvedBranchRelative projectBranch mRel ->
let projectBranchIds = getIds projectBranch
handleRel = case mRel of
Nothing -> id
Just rel -> flip Path.resolve rel
in handleRel (projectBranchPath projectBranchIds)
getIds = \case
ProjectAndBranch project branch -> ProjectAndBranch (view #projectId project) (view #branchId branch)
resolveBranchRelativePath :: BranchRelativePath -> Cli ResolvedBranchRelativePath
resolveBranchRelativePath = \case
BranchRelativePath.BranchRelative brp -> case brp of
This projectBranch -> do
projectBranch <- expectProjectAndBranchByTheseNames (toThese projectBranch)
pure (BranchRelativePath.ResolvedBranchRelative projectBranch Nothing)
That path -> do
(projectBranch, _) <- expectCurrentProjectBranch
pure (BranchRelativePath.ResolvedBranchRelative projectBranch (Just path))
These projectBranch path -> do
projectBranch <- expectProjectAndBranchByTheseNames (toThese projectBranch)
pure (BranchRelativePath.ResolvedBranchRelative projectBranch (Just path))
BranchRelativePath.LoosePath path ->
BranchRelativePath.ResolvedLoosePath <$> Cli.resolvePath' path
toThese = \case
Left branchName -> That branchName
Right (projectName, branchName) -> These projectName branchName
resolveBranchRelativePath :: BranchRelativePath -> Cli PP.ProjectPath
resolveBranchRelativePath brp = do
case brp of
BranchPathInCurrentProject projBranchName path -> do
projectAndBranch <- expectProjectAndBranchByTheseNames (That projBranchName)
pure $ PP.fromProjectAndBranch projectAndBranch path
QualifiedBranchPath projName projBranchName path -> do
projectAndBranch <- expectProjectAndBranchByTheseNames (These projName projBranchName)
pure $ PP.fromProjectAndBranch projectAndBranch path
UnqualifiedPath newPath' -> do
pp <- Cli.getCurrentProjectPath
pure $ pp & PP.absPath_ %~ \curPath -> Path.resolve curPath newPath'
justTheIds :: ProjectAndBranch Sqlite.Project Sqlite.ProjectBranch -> ProjectAndBranch ProjectId ProjectBranchId
justTheIds x =
@ -152,58 +118,11 @@ findTemporaryBranchName projectId preferred = do
pure (fromJust (List.find (\name -> not (Set.member name allBranchNames)) allCandidates))
-- | Get the current project that a user is on.
getCurrentProject :: Cli (Maybe Sqlite.Project)
getCurrentProject = do
path <- Cli.getCurrentPath
case preview projectBranchPathPrism path of
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Just (ProjectAndBranch projectId _branchId, _restPath) ->
Cli.runTransaction do
project <- Queries.expectProject projectId
pure (Just project)
-- | Like 'getCurrentProject', but fails with a message if the user is not on a project branch.
expectCurrentProject :: Cli Sqlite.Project
expectCurrentProject = do
getCurrentProject & onNothingM (Cli.returnEarly Output.NotOnProjectBranch)
-- | Get the current project ids that a user is on.
getCurrentProjectIds :: Cli (Maybe (ProjectAndBranch ProjectId ProjectBranchId))
getCurrentProjectIds =
fmap fst . preview projectBranchPathPrism <$> Cli.getCurrentPath
-- | Like 'getCurrentProjectIds', but fails with a message if the user is not on a project branch.
expectCurrentProjectIds :: Cli (ProjectAndBranch ProjectId ProjectBranchId)
expectCurrentProjectIds =
getCurrentProjectIds & onNothingM (Cli.returnEarly Output.NotOnProjectBranch)
-- | Get the current project+branch+branch path that a user is on.
getCurrentProjectBranch :: Cli (Maybe (ProjectAndBranch Sqlite.Project Sqlite.ProjectBranch, Path.Path))
getCurrentProjectBranch = do
path <- Cli.getCurrentPath
getProjectBranchForPath path
expectProjectBranchByName :: Sqlite.Project -> ProjectBranchName -> Cli Sqlite.ProjectBranch
expectProjectBranchByName project branchName =
Cli.runTransaction (Queries.loadProjectBranchByName (project ^. #projectId) branchName) & onNothingM do
Cli.returnEarly (LocalProjectBranchDoesntExist (ProjectAndBranch (project ^. #name) branchName))
getProjectBranchForPath :: Path.Absolute -> Cli (Maybe (ProjectAndBranch Sqlite.Project Sqlite.ProjectBranch, Path.Path))
getProjectBranchForPath path = do
case preview projectBranchPathPrism path of
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Just (ProjectAndBranch projectId branchId, restPath) ->
Cli.runTransaction do
project <- Queries.expectProject projectId
branch <- Queries.expectProjectBranch projectId branchId
pure (Just (ProjectAndBranch project branch, restPath))
-- | Like 'getCurrentProjectBranch', but fails with a message if the user is not on a project branch.
expectCurrentProjectBranch :: Cli (ProjectAndBranch Sqlite.Project Sqlite.ProjectBranch, Path.Path)
expectCurrentProjectBranch =
getCurrentProjectBranch & onNothingM (Cli.returnEarly Output.NotOnProjectBranch)
-- We often accept a `These ProjectName ProjectBranchName` from the user, so they can leave off either a project or
-- branch name, which we infer. This helper "hydrates" such a type to a `(ProjectName, BranchName)`, using the following
-- defaults if a name is missing:
@ -214,8 +133,8 @@ hydrateNames :: These ProjectName ProjectBranchName -> Cli (ProjectAndBranch Pro
hydrateNames = \case
This projectName -> pure (ProjectAndBranch projectName (unsafeFrom @Text "main"))
That branchName -> do
(ProjectAndBranch project _branch, _restPath) <- expectCurrentProjectBranch
pure (ProjectAndBranch (project ^. #name) branchName)
pp <- Cli.getCurrentProjectPath
pure (ProjectAndBranch (pp ^. #project . #name) branchName)
These projectName branchName -> pure (ProjectAndBranch projectName branchName)
getProjectAndBranchByNames :: ProjectAndBranch ProjectName ProjectBranchName -> Sqlite.Transaction (Maybe (ProjectAndBranch Sqlite.Project Sqlite.ProjectBranch))
@ -244,11 +163,15 @@ getProjectAndBranchByTheseNames ::
getProjectAndBranchByTheseNames = \case
This projectName -> getProjectAndBranchByTheseNames (These projectName (unsafeFrom @Text "main"))
That branchName -> runMaybeT do
(ProjectAndBranch project _branch, _restPath) <- MaybeT getCurrentProjectBranch
branch <- MaybeT (Cli.runTransaction (Queries.loadProjectBranchByName (project ^. #projectId) branchName))
pure (ProjectAndBranch project branch)
These projectName branchName ->
Cli.runTransaction (getProjectAndBranchByNames (ProjectAndBranch projectName branchName))
(PP.ProjectPath proj _branch _path) <- lift Cli.getCurrentProjectPath
branch <- MaybeT (Cli.runTransaction (Queries.loadProjectBranchByName (proj ^. #projectId) branchName))
pure (ProjectAndBranch proj branch)
These projectName branchName -> do
Cli.runTransaction do
runMaybeT do
project <- MaybeT (Queries.loadProjectByName projectName)
branch <- MaybeT (Queries.loadProjectBranchByName (project ^. #projectId) branchName)
pure (ProjectAndBranch project branch)
-- Expect a local project branch by a "these names", using the following defaults if a name is missing:
@ -260,7 +183,7 @@ expectProjectAndBranchByTheseNames ::
expectProjectAndBranchByTheseNames = \case
This projectName -> expectProjectAndBranchByTheseNames (These projectName (unsafeFrom @Text "main"))
That branchName -> do
(ProjectAndBranch project _branch, _restPath) <- expectCurrentProjectBranch
PP.ProjectPath project _branch _restPath <- Cli.getCurrentProjectPath
branch <-
Cli.runTransaction (Queries.loadProjectBranchByName (project ^. #projectId) branchName) & onNothingM do
Cli.returnEarly (LocalProjectBranchDoesntExist (ProjectAndBranch (project ^. #name) branchName))
@ -275,31 +198,33 @@ expectProjectAndBranchByTheseNames = \case
maybeProjectAndBranch & onNothing do
Cli.returnEarly (LocalProjectBranchDoesntExist (ProjectAndBranch projectName branchName))
-- | Expect/resolve a possibly-ambiguous "loose code or project", with the following rules:
-- | Expect/resolve branch reference with the following rules:
-- 1. If we have an unambiguous `/branch` or `project/branch`, look up in the database.
-- 2. If we have an unambiguous `loose.code.path`, just return it.
-- 3. If we have an ambiguous `foo`, *because we do not currently have an unambiguous syntax for relative paths*,
-- we elect to treat it as a loose code path (because `/branch` can be selected with a leading forward slash).
expectLooseCodeOrProjectBranch ::
These Path' (ProjectAndBranch (Maybe ProjectName) ProjectBranchName) ->
Cli (Either Path' (ProjectAndBranch Sqlite.Project Sqlite.ProjectBranch))
expectLooseCodeOrProjectBranch =
_Right expectProjectAndBranchByTheseNames . f
f :: LooseCodeOrProject -> Either Path' (These ProjectName ProjectBranchName) -- (Maybe ProjectName, ProjectBranchName)
f = \case
This path -> Left path
That (ProjectAndBranch Nothing branch) -> Right (That branch)
That (ProjectAndBranch (Just project) branch) -> Right (These project branch)
These path _ -> Left path -- (3) above
-- 1. If the project is missing, use the provided project.
-- 2. If we have an unambiguous `/branch` or `project/branch`, resolve it using the provided
-- project, defaulting to 'main' if branch is unspecified.
resolveProjectBranchInProject :: Project -> ProjectAndBranch (Maybe ProjectName) (Maybe ProjectBranchName) -> Cli (ProjectAndBranch Sqlite.Project Sqlite.ProjectBranch)
resolveProjectBranchInProject defaultProj (ProjectAndBranch mayProjectName mayBranchName) = do
let branchName = fromMaybe (unsafeFrom @Text "main") mayBranchName
let projectName = fromMaybe (defaultProj ^. #name) mayProjectName
projectAndBranch <- expectProjectAndBranchByTheseNames (These projectName branchName)
pure projectAndBranch
-- | Expect/resolve branch reference with the following rules:
-- 1. If the project is missing, use the current project.
-- 2. If we have an unambiguous `/branch` or `project/branch`, resolve it using the current
-- project, defaulting to 'main' if branch is unspecified.
resolveProjectBranch :: ProjectAndBranch (Maybe ProjectName) (Maybe ProjectBranchName) -> Cli (ProjectAndBranch Sqlite.Project Sqlite.ProjectBranch)
resolveProjectBranch pab = do
pp <- Cli.getCurrentProjectPath
resolveProjectBranchInProject (pp ^. #project) pab
-- | Get the causal hash of a project branch.
getProjectBranchCausalHash :: ProjectAndBranch ProjectId ProjectBranchId -> Transaction CausalHash
getProjectBranchCausalHash branch = do
let path = projectBranchPath branch
causal <- Codebase.getShallowCausalFromRoot Nothing (Path.unabsolute path)
pure causal.causalHash
getProjectBranchCausalHash :: ProjectBranch -> Transaction CausalHash
getProjectBranchCausalHash ProjectBranch {projectId, branchId} = do
causalHashId <- Q.expectProjectBranchHead projectId branchId
Q.expectCausalHash causalHashId
-- Remote project utils
@ -384,7 +309,7 @@ expectRemoteProjectBranchByTheseNames includeSquashed = \case
let remoteBranchName = unsafeFrom @Text "main"
expectRemoteProjectBranchByName includeSquashed (ProjectAndBranch (remoteProjectId, remoteProjectName) remoteBranchName)
That branchName -> do
(ProjectAndBranch localProject localBranch, _restPath) <- expectCurrentProjectBranch
PP.ProjectPath localProject localBranch _restPath <- Cli.getCurrentProjectPath
let localProjectId = localProject ^. #projectId
let localBranchId = localBranch ^. #branchId
Cli.runTransaction (Queries.loadRemoteProjectBranch localProjectId Share.hardCodedUri localBranchId) >>= \case

View File

@ -5,37 +5,26 @@ module Unison.Cli.UniqueTypeGuidLookup
import Control.Lens (unsnoc)
import Data.Foldable qualified as Foldable
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import U.Codebase.Branch qualified as Codebase.Branch
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Operations qualified as Operations
import Unison.Codebase qualified as Codebase
import Unison.Codebase.Path qualified as Path
import Unison.Codebase.ProjectPath (ProjectPath)
import Unison.Codebase.ProjectPath qualified as PP
import Unison.Codebase.UniqueTypeGuidLookup qualified as Codebase
import Unison.Name (Name)
import Unison.NameSegment (NameSegment)
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.Sqlite qualified as Sqlite
loadUniqueTypeGuid :: Path.Absolute -> Name -> Sqlite.Transaction (Maybe Text)
loadUniqueTypeGuid currentPath name0 = do
-- First, resolve the current path and the (probably/hopefully relative) name of the unique type to the full path
-- to the unique type, plus its final distinguished name segment.
let (branchPath, name) =
& Path.fromName'
& Path.resolve currentPath
& Path.unabsolute
& Path.toSeq
& unsnoc
-- This is safe because we were handed a Name, which can't be empty
& fromJust
loadUniqueTypeGuid :: ProjectPath -> Name -> Sqlite.Transaction (Maybe Text)
loadUniqueTypeGuid pp name0 = do
let (namePath, finalSegment) = Path.splitFromName name0
let fullPP = pp & over PP.path_ (<> namePath)
-- Define an operation to load a branch by its full path from the root namespace.
-- This ought to probably lean somewhat on a cache (so long as the caller is aware of the cache, and discrads it at
-- an appropriate time, such as after the current unison file finishes parsing).
let loadBranchAtPath :: [NameSegment] -> Sqlite.Transaction (Maybe (Codebase.Branch.Branch Sqlite.Transaction))
loadBranchAtPath = Operations.loadBranchAtPath Nothing
let loadBranchAtPath :: ProjectPath -> Sqlite.Transaction (Maybe (Codebase.Branch.Branch Sqlite.Transaction))
loadBranchAtPath = Codebase.getMaybeShallowBranchAtProjectPath
Codebase.loadUniqueTypeGuid loadBranchAtPath (Foldable.toList @Seq branchPath) name
Codebase.loadUniqueTypeGuid loadBranchAtPath fullPP finalSegment

View File

@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-- | @.unisonConfig@ file utilities
module Unison.Cli.UnisonConfigUtils
( remoteMappingKey,
import Control.Lens
import Data.Foldable.Extra qualified as Foldable
import Data.Sequence (Seq (..))
import Data.Sequence qualified as Seq
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Text.Megaparsec qualified as P
import Unison.Cli.Monad (Cli)
import Unison.Cli.Monad qualified as Cli
import Unison.Cli.MonadUtils qualified as Cli
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Output
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Output.PushPull (PushPull)
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.RemoteRepo (WriteRemoteNamespace (..))
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.RemoteRepo qualified as RemoteRepo
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.UriParser qualified as UriParser
import Unison.Codebase.Path (Path' (..))
import Unison.Codebase.Path qualified as Path
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.Syntax.NameSegment qualified as NameSegment
configKey :: Text -> Path.Absolute -> Text
configKey k p =
Text.intercalate "." . toList $
:<| fmap
(Path.toSeq $ Path.unabsolute p)
remoteMappingKey :: Path.Absolute -> Text
remoteMappingKey = configKey "RemoteMapping"
-- Takes a maybe (namespace address triple); returns it as-is if `Just`;
-- otherwise, tries to load a value from .unisonConfig, and complains
-- if needed.
resolveConfiguredUrl :: PushPull -> Path' -> Cli (WriteRemoteNamespace Void)
resolveConfiguredUrl pushPull destPath' = do
destPath <- Cli.resolvePath' destPath'
whenNothingM (remoteMappingForPath pushPull destPath) do
Cli.returnEarly (NoConfiguredRemoteMapping pushPull destPath)
-- | Tries to look up a remote mapping for a given path.
-- Will also resolve paths relative to any mapping which is configured for a parent of that
-- path.
-- E.g.
-- A config which maps:
-- ->
-- Will resolve the following local paths into share paths like so:
-- ->
-- ->
-- ->
-- .myshare -> <Nothing>
remoteMappingForPath :: PushPull -> Path.Absolute -> Cli (Maybe (WriteRemoteNamespace Void))
remoteMappingForPath pushPull dest = do
pathPrefixes dest & Foldable.firstJustM \(prefix, suffix) -> do
let remoteMappingConfigKey = remoteMappingKey prefix
Cli.getConfig remoteMappingConfigKey >>= \case
Just url -> do
let parseResult = P.parse (UriParser.writeRemoteNamespaceWith empty) (Text.unpack remoteMappingConfigKey) url
in case parseResult of
Left err -> Cli.returnEarly (ConfiguredRemoteMappingParseError pushPull dest url (show err))
Right wrp -> do
let remote = wrp & RemoteRepo.remotePath_ %~ \p -> Path.resolve p suffix
in pure $ Just remote
Nothing -> pure Nothing
-- Produces a list of path prefixes and suffixes, from longest prefix to shortest
-- E.g.
-- >>> pathPrefixes ("a" :< "b" :< Path.absoluteEmpty)
-- fromList [(.a.b,),(.a,b),(.,a.b)]
pathPrefixes :: Path.Absolute -> Seq (Path.Absolute, Path.Path)
pathPrefixes p =
Path.unabsolute p
& Path.toSeq
& \seq -> (Seq.inits seq) (Seq.tails seq)
& Seq.reverse
<&> bimap (Path.Absolute . Path.Path) (Path.Path)

View File

@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Data.Set.NonEmpty (NESet)
import Data.Set.NonEmpty qualified as NESet
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Data.These (These (..))
import Data.Time (UTCTime)
import Data.Tuple.Extra (uncurry3)
import Text.Megaparsec qualified as Megaparsec
@ -29,14 +28,13 @@ import U.Codebase.Branch.Diff qualified as V2Branch.Diff
import U.Codebase.Causal qualified as V2Causal
import U.Codebase.HashTags (CausalHash (..))
import U.Codebase.Reflog qualified as Reflog
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Project qualified as Sqlite
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.ProjectBranch qualified as Sqlite
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Queries qualified as Queries
import Unison.ABT qualified as ABT
import Unison.Builtin qualified as Builtin
import Unison.Builtin.Terms qualified as Builtin
import Unison.Cli.Monad (Cli)
import Unison.Cli.Monad qualified as Cli
import Unison.Cli.MonadUtils (getCurrentProjectBranch)
import Unison.Cli.MonadUtils qualified as Cli
import Unison.Cli.NamesUtils qualified as Cli
import Unison.Cli.PrettyPrintUtils qualified as Cli
@ -59,12 +57,14 @@ import Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.CommitMerge (handleCommitMerge)
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.CommitUpgrade (handleCommitUpgrade)
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.DebugDefinition qualified as DebugDefinition
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.DebugFoldRanges qualified as DebugFoldRanges
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.DebugSynhashTerm (handleDebugSynhashTerm)
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.DeleteBranch (handleDeleteBranch)
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.DeleteProject (handleDeleteProject)
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.EditNamespace (handleEditNamespace)
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.FindAndReplace (handleStructuredFindI, handleStructuredFindReplaceI)
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.FormatFile qualified as Format
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.InstallLib (handleInstallLib)
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.LSPDebug qualified as LSPDebug
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.Load (EvalMode (Sandboxed), evalUnisonFile, handleLoad, loadUnisonFile)
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.Ls (handleLs)
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.Merge2 (handleMerge)
@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ import Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.ProjectSwitch (projectSwitch)
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.Projects (handleProjects)
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.Pull (handlePull, mergeBranchAndPropagateDefaultPatch)
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.Push (handlePushRemoteBranch)
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.Reflogs qualified as Reflogs
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.ReleaseDraft (handleReleaseDraft)
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.Run (handleRun)
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.RuntimeUtils qualified as RuntimeUtils
@ -93,7 +94,6 @@ import Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.Update (doSlurpAdds, handleUpdate)
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.Update2 (handleUpdate2)
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.Upgrade (handleUpgrade)
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Input
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Input qualified as Input
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Output
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Output qualified as Output
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Output.DumpNamespace qualified as Output.DN
@ -105,9 +105,10 @@ import Unison.Codebase.IntegrityCheck qualified as IntegrityCheck (integrityChec
import Unison.Codebase.Metadata qualified as Metadata
import Unison.Codebase.Path (Path, Path' (..))
import Unison.Codebase.Path qualified as Path
import Unison.Codebase.ProjectPath qualified as PP
import Unison.Codebase.Runtime qualified as Runtime
import Unison.Codebase.ShortCausalHash qualified as SCH
import Unison.CommandLine.BranchRelativePath (BranchRelativePath)
import Unison.CommandLine.BranchRelativePath (BranchRelativePath (..))
import Unison.CommandLine.Completion qualified as Completion
import Unison.CommandLine.DisplayValues qualified as DisplayValues
import Unison.CommandLine.InputPattern qualified as IP
@ -115,7 +116,6 @@ import Unison.CommandLine.InputPatterns qualified as IP
import Unison.CommandLine.InputPatterns qualified as InputPatterns
import Unison.ConstructorReference (GConstructorReference (..))
import Unison.DataDeclaration qualified as DD
import Unison.Hash qualified as Hash
import Unison.HashQualified qualified as HQ
import Unison.HashQualifiedPrime qualified as HQ'
import Unison.LabeledDependency (LabeledDependency)
@ -132,12 +132,8 @@ import Unison.Parser.Ann qualified as Ann
import Unison.Parsers qualified as Parsers
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.PrettyPrintEnv qualified as PPE
import Unison.PrettyPrintEnv.Names qualified as PPE
import Unison.PrettyPrintEnvDecl qualified as PPE hiding (biasTo, empty)
import Unison.PrettyPrintEnvDecl qualified as PPED
import Unison.PrettyPrintEnvDecl.Names qualified as PPED
import Unison.Project (ProjectAndBranch (..))
import Unison.Project.Util (projectContextFromPath)
import Unison.Reference (Reference)
import Unison.Reference qualified as Reference
import Unison.Referent (Referent)
@ -202,6 +198,7 @@ loop e = do
Cli.respond $ Typechecked (Text.pack sourceName) suffixifiedPPE sr uf
in Cli.time "InputPattern" case input of
ApiI -> do
pp <- Cli.getCurrentProjectPath
Cli.Env {serverBaseUrl} <- ask
whenJust serverBaseUrl \baseUrl ->
Cli.respond $
@ -209,17 +206,17 @@ loop e = do
[ "The API information is as follows:",
P.indentN 2 (P.hiBlue ("UI: " <> Pretty.text (Server.urlFor (Server.LooseCodeUI Path.absoluteEmpty Nothing) baseUrl))),
P.indentN 2 (P.hiBlue ("UI: " <> Pretty.text (Server.urlFor (Server.ProjectBranchUI (PP.toProjectAndBranch . PP.toNames $ pp) Path.absoluteEmpty Nothing) baseUrl))),
P.indentN 2 (P.hiBlue ("API: " <> Pretty.text (Server.urlFor Server.Api baseUrl)))
CreateMessage pretty ->
Cli.respond $ PrintMessage pretty
ShowReflogI -> do
ShowRootReflogI -> do
let numEntriesToShow = 500
(schLength, entries) <-
Cli.runTransaction $
(,) <$> Codebase.branchHashLength <*> Codebase.getReflog numEntriesToShow
(,) <$> Codebase.branchHashLength <*> Codebase.getDeprecatedRootReflog numEntriesToShow
let moreEntriesToLoad = length entries == numEntriesToShow
let expandedEntries = List.unfoldr expandEntries (entries, Nothing, moreEntriesToLoad)
let (shortEntries, numberedEntries) =
@ -248,86 +245,20 @@ loop e = do
-- No expectation, either because this is the most recent entry or
-- because we're recovering from a discontinuity
Nothing -> ((Just time, toRootCausalHash, reason), (rest, Just fromRootCausalHash, moreEntriesToLoad))
ShowProjectBranchReflogI mayProjBranch -> do
Reflogs.showProjectBranchReflog mayProjBranch
ShowGlobalReflogI -> do
ShowProjectReflogI mayProj -> do
Reflogs.showProjectReflog mayProj
ResetI newRoot mtarget -> do
newRoot <-
case newRoot of
This newRoot -> case newRoot of
Left hash -> Cli.resolveShortCausalHash hash
Right path' -> Cli.expectBranchAtPath' path'
That (ProjectAndBranch mProjectName branchName) -> do
let arg = case mProjectName of
Nothing -> That branchName
Just projectName -> These projectName branchName
ProjectAndBranch project branch <- ProjectUtils.expectProjectAndBranchByTheseNames arg
( Path.absoluteToPath'
( ProjectUtils.projectBranchPath
(ProjectAndBranch (project ^. #projectId) (branch ^. #branchId))
These branchId (ProjectAndBranch mProjectName branchName) -> Cli.label \jump -> do
absPath <- case branchId of
Left hash -> jump =<< Cli.resolveShortCausalHash hash
Right path' -> Cli.resolvePath' path'
mrelativePath <-
Cli.getMaybeBranchAt absPath <&> \case
Nothing -> Nothing
Just _ -> preview ProjectUtils.projectBranchPathPrism absPath
projectAndBranch <- do
let arg = case mProjectName of
Nothing -> That branchName
Just projectName -> These projectName branchName
ProjectUtils.getProjectAndBranchByTheseNames arg
thePath <- case (mrelativePath, projectAndBranch) of
(Nothing, Nothing) ->
ProjectUtils.getCurrentProject >>= \case
Nothing -> pure absPath
Just project ->
Cli.returnEarly (LocalProjectBranchDoesntExist (ProjectAndBranch (project ^. #name) branchName))
(Just (projectAndBranch0, relPath), Just (ProjectAndBranch project branch)) -> do
projectAndBranch0 <- Cli.runTransaction (ProjectUtils.expectProjectAndBranchByIds projectAndBranch0)
Cli.respondNumbered (AmbiguousReset AmbiguousReset'Hash (projectAndBranch0, relPath) (ProjectAndBranch (project ^. #name) (branch ^. #name)))
(Just _relativePath, Nothing) -> pure absPath
(Nothing, Just (ProjectAndBranch project branch)) ->
pure (ProjectUtils.projectBranchPath (ProjectAndBranch (project ^. #projectId) (branch ^. #branchId)))
Cli.expectBranchAtPath' (Path.absoluteToPath' thePath)
newRoot <- resolveBranchId2 newRoot
target <-
case mtarget of
Nothing -> Cli.getCurrentPath
Just looseCodeOrProject -> case looseCodeOrProject of
This path' -> Cli.resolvePath' path'
That (ProjectAndBranch mProjectName branchName) -> do
let arg = case mProjectName of
Nothing -> That branchName
Just projectName -> These projectName branchName
ProjectAndBranch project branch <- ProjectUtils.expectProjectAndBranchByTheseNames arg
pure (ProjectUtils.projectBranchPath (ProjectAndBranch (project ^. #projectId) (branch ^. #branchId)))
These path' (ProjectAndBranch mProjectName branchName) -> do
absPath <- Cli.resolvePath' path'
mrelativePath <-
Cli.getMaybeBranchAt absPath <&> \case
Nothing -> Nothing
Just _ -> preview ProjectUtils.projectBranchPathPrism absPath
projectAndBranch <- do
let arg = case mProjectName of
Nothing -> That branchName
Just projectName -> These projectName branchName
ProjectUtils.getProjectAndBranchByTheseNames arg
case (mrelativePath, projectAndBranch) of
(Nothing, Nothing) ->
ProjectUtils.getCurrentProject >>= \case
Nothing -> pure absPath
Just project ->
Cli.returnEarly (LocalProjectBranchDoesntExist (ProjectAndBranch (project ^. #name) branchName))
(Just (projectAndBranch0, relPath), Just (ProjectAndBranch project branch)) -> do
projectAndBranch0 <- Cli.runTransaction (ProjectUtils.expectProjectAndBranchByIds projectAndBranch0)
Cli.respondNumbered (AmbiguousReset AmbiguousReset'Target (projectAndBranch0, relPath) (ProjectAndBranch (project ^. #name) (branch ^. #name)))
(Just _relativePath, Nothing) -> pure absPath
(Nothing, Just (ProjectAndBranch project branch)) ->
pure (ProjectUtils.projectBranchPath (ProjectAndBranch (project ^. #projectId) (branch ^. #branchId)))
Nothing -> Cli.getCurrentProjectPath
Just unresolvedProjectAndBranch -> do
targetProjectAndBranch <- ProjectUtils.resolveProjectBranch (second Just unresolvedProjectAndBranch)
pure $ PP.projectBranchRoot targetProjectAndBranch
description <- inputDescription input
_ <- Cli.updateAt description target (const newRoot)
Cli.respond Success
@ -335,22 +266,23 @@ loop e = do
Cli.time "reset-root" do
newRoot <-
case src0 of
Left hash -> Cli.resolveShortCausalHash hash
Right path' -> Cli.expectBranchAtPath' path'
BranchAtSCH hash -> Cli.resolveShortCausalHash hash
BranchAtPath path' -> Cli.expectBranchAtPath' path'
BranchAtProjectPath pp -> Cli.getBranchFromProjectPath pp
description <- inputDescription input
Cli.updateRoot newRoot description
pb <- getCurrentProjectBranch
void $ Cli.updateProjectBranchRoot_ pb description (const newRoot)
Cli.respond Success
ForkLocalBranchI src0 dest0 -> do
(srcb, branchEmpty) <-
case src0 of
Left hash -> (,WhichBranchEmptyHash hash) <$> Cli.resolveShortCausalHash hash
Right path' -> do
absPath <- ProjectUtils.branchRelativePathToAbsolute path'
let srcp = Path.AbsolutePath' absPath
srcb <- Cli.expectBranchAtPath' srcp
pure (srcb, WhichBranchEmptyPath srcp)
srcPP <- ProjectUtils.resolveBranchRelativePath path'
srcb <- Cli.getBranchFromProjectPath srcPP
pure (srcb, WhichBranchEmptyPath srcPP)
description <- inputDescription input
dest <- ProjectUtils.branchRelativePathToAbsolute dest0
dest <- ProjectUtils.resolveBranchRelativePath dest0
ok <- Cli.updateAtM description dest (const $ pure srcb)
if ok
@ -358,45 +290,43 @@ loop e = do
else BranchEmpty branchEmpty
MergeI branch -> handleMerge branch
MergeCommitI -> handleCommitMerge
MergeLocalBranchI src0 dest0 mergeMode -> do
MergeLocalBranchI unresolvedSrc mayUnresolvedDest mergeMode -> do
description <- inputDescription input
src0 <- ProjectUtils.expectLooseCodeOrProjectBranch src0
dest0 <- ProjectUtils.expectLooseCodeOrProjectBranch dest0
let srcp = looseCodeOrProjectToPath src0
let destp = looseCodeOrProjectToPath dest0
srcb <- Cli.expectBranchAtPath' srcp
dest <- Cli.resolvePath' destp
let err =
Just $
((\x -> ProjectAndBranch <$> src0)
((\x -> ProjectAndBranch <$> dest0)
mergeBranchAndPropagateDefaultPatch mergeMode description err srcb (Just dest0) dest
PreviewMergeLocalBranchI src0 dest0 -> do
srcPP <- ProjectUtils.resolveBranchRelativePath unresolvedSrc
(destPP, destBRP) <- case mayUnresolvedDest of
Nothing -> Cli.getCurrentProjectPath <&> \pp -> (pp, QualifiedBranchPath (pp ^. #project . #name) (pp ^. #branch . #name) (pp ^. PP.absPath_))
Just unresolvedDest -> do
ProjectUtils.resolveBranchRelativePath unresolvedDest <&> \pp -> (pp, unresolvedDest)
srcBranch <- Cli.getProjectBranchRoot srcPP.branch
let err = Just $ MergeAlreadyUpToDate unresolvedSrc destBRP
mergeBranchAndPropagateDefaultPatch mergeMode description err srcBranch (Just $ Left destPP) destPP
PreviewMergeLocalBranchI unresolvedSrc mayUnresolvedDest -> do
Cli.Env {codebase} <- ask
src0 <- ProjectUtils.expectLooseCodeOrProjectBranch src0
dest0 <- ProjectUtils.expectLooseCodeOrProjectBranch dest0
srcb <- Cli.expectBranchAtPath' $ looseCodeOrProjectToPath src0
dest <- Cli.resolvePath' $ looseCodeOrProjectToPath dest0
destb <- Cli.getBranchAt dest
merged <- liftIO (Branch.merge'' (Codebase.lca codebase) Branch.RegularMerge srcb destb)
if merged == destb
then Cli.respond (PreviewMergeAlreadyUpToDate src0 dest0)
srcPP <- ProjectUtils.resolveBranchRelativePath unresolvedSrc
destPP <- case mayUnresolvedDest of
Nothing -> Cli.getCurrentProjectPath
Just unresolvedDest -> do
ProjectUtils.resolveBranchRelativePath unresolvedDest
srcBranch <- Cli.getProjectBranchRoot srcPP.branch
destBranch <- Cli.getProjectBranchRoot destPP.branch
merged <- liftIO (Branch.merge'' (Codebase.lca codebase) Branch.RegularMerge srcBranch destBranch)
if merged == destBranch
then Cli.respond (PreviewMergeAlreadyUpToDate srcPP destPP)
else do
(ppe, diff) <- diffHelper (Branch.head destb) (Branch.head merged)
Cli.respondNumbered (ShowDiffAfterMergePreview dest0 dest ppe diff)
(ppe, diff) <- diffHelper (Branch.head destBranch) (Branch.head merged)
Cli.respondNumbered (ShowDiffAfterMergePreview (Left destPP) destPP ppe diff)
DiffNamespaceI before after -> do
absBefore <- traverseOf _Right Cli.resolvePath' before
absAfter <- traverseOf _Right Cli.resolvePath' after
beforeBranch0 <- Branch.head <$> Cli.resolveAbsBranchId absBefore
afterBranch0 <- Branch.head <$> Cli.resolveAbsBranchId absAfter
beforeLoc <- traverse ProjectUtils.resolveBranchRelativePath before
beforeBranch0 <- Branch.head <$> resolveBranchId2 before
afterLoc <- traverse ProjectUtils.resolveBranchRelativePath after
afterBranch0 <- Branch.head <$> resolveBranchId2 after
case (Branch.isEmpty0 beforeBranch0, Branch.isEmpty0 afterBranch0) of
(True, True) -> Cli.returnEarly . NamespaceEmpty $ (absBefore Nel.:| [absAfter])
(True, False) -> Cli.returnEarly . NamespaceEmpty $ (absBefore Nel.:| [])
(False, True) -> Cli.returnEarly . NamespaceEmpty $ (absAfter Nel.:| [])
(True, True) -> Cli.returnEarly . NamespaceEmpty $ (beforeLoc Nel.:| [afterLoc])
(True, False) -> Cli.returnEarly . NamespaceEmpty $ (beforeLoc Nel.:| [])
(False, True) -> Cli.returnEarly . NamespaceEmpty $ (afterLoc Nel.:| [])
(False, False) -> pure ()
(ppe, diff) <- diffHelper beforeBranch0 afterBranch0
Cli.respondNumbered (ShowDiffNamespace absBefore absAfter ppe diff)
Cli.respondNumbered (ShowDiffNamespace beforeLoc afterLoc ppe diff)
MoveBranchI src' dest' -> do
hasConfirmed <- confirmedCommand input
description <- inputDescription input
@ -404,8 +334,8 @@ loop e = do
SwitchBranchI path' -> do
path <- Cli.resolvePath' path'
branchExists <- Cli.branchExistsAtPath' path'
when (not branchExists) (Cli.respond $ CreatedNewBranch path) path
when (not branchExists) (Cli.respond $ CreatedNewBranch (path ^. PP.absPath_)) (path ^. PP.absPath_)
UpI -> do
path0 <- Cli.getCurrentPath
whenJust (unsnoc path0) \(path, _) ->
@ -416,10 +346,11 @@ loop e = do
HistoryI resultsCap diffCap from -> do
branch <-
case from of
Left hash -> Cli.resolveShortCausalHash hash
Right path' -> do
path <- Cli.resolvePath' path'
Cli.getMaybeBranchAt path & onNothingM (Cli.returnEarly (CreatedNewBranch path))
BranchAtSCH hash -> Cli.resolveShortCausalHash hash
BranchAtPath path' -> do
pp <- Cli.resolvePath' path'
Cli.getBranchFromProjectPath pp
BranchAtProjectPath pp -> Cli.getBranchFromProjectPath pp
schLength <- Cli.runTransaction Codebase.branchHashLength
history <- liftIO (doHistory schLength 0 branch [])
Cli.respondNumbered history
@ -437,7 +368,7 @@ loop e = do
let elem = (Branch.headHash b, Branch.namesDiff b' b)
doHistory schLength (n + 1) b' (elem : acc)
UndoI -> do
rootBranch <- Cli.getRootBranch
rootBranch <- Cli.getCurrentProjectRoot
(_, prev) <-
liftIO (Branch.uncons rootBranch) & onNothingM do
Cli.returnEarly . CantUndo $
@ -445,7 +376,8 @@ loop e = do
then CantUndoPastStart
else CantUndoPastMerge
description <- inputDescription input
Cli.updateRoot prev description
pb <- getCurrentProjectBranch
Cli.updateProjectBranchRoot_ pb description (const prev)
(ppe, diff) <- diffHelper (Branch.head prev) (Branch.head rootBranch)
Cli.respondNumbered (Output.ShowDiffAfterUndo ppe diff)
UiI path' -> openUI path'
@ -464,8 +396,8 @@ loop e = do
Cli.respond $ Output.MarkdownOut (Text.intercalate "\n---\n" mdText)
DocsToHtmlI namespacePath' sourceDirectory -> do
Cli.Env {codebase, sandboxedRuntime} <- ask
absPath <- ProjectUtils.branchRelativePathToAbsolute namespacePath'
branch <- liftIO $ Codebase.getBranchAtPath codebase absPath
projPath <- ProjectUtils.resolveBranchRelativePath namespacePath'
branch <- Cli.getBranchFromProjectPath projPath
_evalErrs <- liftIO $ (Backend.docsInBranchToHtmlFiles sandboxedRuntime codebase branch sourceDirectory)
pure ()
AliasTermI force src' dest' -> do
@ -490,7 +422,7 @@ loop e = do
when (not force && not (Set.null destTerms)) do
Cli.returnEarly (TermAlreadyExists dest' destTerms)
description <- inputDescription input
Cli.stepAt description (BranchUtil.makeAddTermName (first Path.unabsolute dest) srcTerm)
Cli.stepAt description (BranchUtil.makeAddTermName dest srcTerm)
Cli.respond Success
AliasTypeI force src' dest' -> do
src <- traverseOf _Right Cli.resolveSplit' src'
@ -513,22 +445,22 @@ loop e = do
when (not force && not (Set.null destTypes)) do
Cli.returnEarly (TypeAlreadyExists dest' destTypes)
description <- inputDescription input
Cli.stepAt description (BranchUtil.makeAddTypeName (first Path.unabsolute dest) srcType)
Cli.stepAt description (BranchUtil.makeAddTypeName dest srcType)
Cli.respond Success
-- this implementation will happily produce name conflicts,
-- but will surface them in a normal diff at the end of the operation.
AliasManyI srcs dest' -> do
root0 <- Cli.getRootBranch0
root0 <- Cli.getCurrentProjectRoot0
currentBranch0 <- Cli.getCurrentBranch0
destAbs <- Cli.resolvePath' dest'
old <- Cli.getBranch0At destAbs
destPP <- Cli.resolvePath' dest'
old <- Cli.getBranch0FromProjectPath destPP
description <- inputDescription input
let (unknown, actions) = foldl' (go root0 currentBranch0 destAbs) mempty srcs
Cli.stepManyAt description actions
new <- Cli.getBranch0At destAbs
let (unknown, actions) = foldl' (go root0 currentBranch0 (PP.absPath destPP)) mempty srcs
Cli.stepManyAt destPP.branch description actions
new <- Cli.getBranch0FromProjectPath destPP
(ppe, diff) <- diffHelper old new
Cli.respondNumbered (ShowDiffAfterModifyBranch dest' destAbs ppe diff)
Cli.respondNumbered (ShowDiffAfterModifyBranch dest' (destPP.absPath) ppe diff)
when (not (null unknown)) do
Cli.respond . SearchTermsNotFound . fmap fixupOutput $ unknown
@ -537,28 +469,29 @@ loop e = do
Branch0 IO ->
Branch0 IO ->
Path.Absolute ->
([Path.HQSplit], [(Path, Branch0 m -> Branch0 m)]) ->
([Path.HQSplit], [(Path.Absolute, Branch0 m -> Branch0 m)]) ->
Path.HQSplit ->
([Path.HQSplit], [(Path, Branch0 m -> Branch0 m)])
([Path.HQSplit], [(Path.Absolute, Branch0 m -> Branch0 m)])
go root0 currentBranch0 dest (missingSrcs, actions) hqsrc =
let proposedDest :: Path.Split
let proposedDest :: Path.AbsSplit
proposedDest = second HQ'.toName hqProposedDest
hqProposedDest :: Path.HQSplit
hqProposedDest = first Path.unabsolute $ Path.resolve dest hqsrc
hqProposedDest :: Path.HQSplitAbsolute
hqProposedDest = Path.resolve dest hqsrc
-- `Nothing` if src doesn't exist
doType :: Maybe [(Path, Branch0 m -> Branch0 m)]
doType :: Maybe [(Path.Absolute, Branch0 m -> Branch0 m)]
doType = case ( BranchUtil.getType hqsrc currentBranch0,
BranchUtil.getType hqProposedDest root0
BranchUtil.getType (first Path.unabsolute hqProposedDest) root0
) of
(null -> True, _) -> Nothing -- missing src
(rsrcs, existing) ->
-- happy path
Just . map addAlias . toList $ Set.difference rsrcs existing
addAlias :: Reference -> (Path.Absolute, Branch0 m -> Branch0 m)
addAlias r = BranchUtil.makeAddTypeName proposedDest r
doTerm :: Maybe [(Path, Branch0 m -> Branch0 m)]
doTerm :: Maybe [(Path.Absolute, Branch0 m -> Branch0 m)]
doTerm = case ( BranchUtil.getTerm hqsrc currentBranch0,
BranchUtil.getTerm hqProposedDest root0
BranchUtil.getTerm (first Path.unabsolute hqProposedDest) root0
) of
(null -> True, _) -> Nothing -- missing src
(rsrcs, existing) ->
@ -575,15 +508,10 @@ loop e = do
fixupOutput = HQ'.toHQ . Path.nameFromHQSplit
NamesI global query -> do
hqLength <- Cli.runTransaction Codebase.hashLength
root <- Cli.getRootBranch
(names, pped) <-
if global || any Name.isAbsolute query
if global
then do
let root0 = Branch.head root
-- Use an absolutely qualified ppe for
let names = Names.makeAbsolute $ Branch.toNames root0
let pped = PPED.makePPED (PPE.hqNamer hqLength names) (PPE.suffixifyByHash names)
pure (names, pped)
error "TODO: Implement"
else do
names <- Cli.currentNames
pped <- Cli.prettyPrintEnvDeclFromNames names
@ -613,11 +541,13 @@ loop e = do
authorPath <- Cli.resolveSplit' authorPath'
copyrightHolderPath <- Cli.resolveSplit' (base |> NameSegment.copyrightHoldersSegment |> authorNameSegment)
guidPath <- Cli.resolveSplit' (authorPath' |> NameSegment.guidSegment)
pb <- Cli.getCurrentProjectBranch
[ BranchUtil.makeAddTermName (first Path.unabsolute authorPath) (d authorRef),
BranchUtil.makeAddTermName (first Path.unabsolute copyrightHolderPath) (d copyrightHolderRef),
BranchUtil.makeAddTermName (first Path.unabsolute guidPath) (d guidRef)
[ BranchUtil.makeAddTermName (first PP.absPath authorPath) (d authorRef),
BranchUtil.makeAddTermName (first PP.absPath copyrightHolderPath) (d copyrightHolderRef),
BranchUtil.makeAddTermName (first PP.absPath guidPath) (d guidRef)
currentPath <- Cli.getCurrentPath
finalBranch <- Cli.getCurrentBranch0
@ -640,48 +570,54 @@ loop e = do
hasConfirmed <- confirmedCommand input
desc <- inputDescription input
handleMoveAll hasConfirmed src' dest' desc
DeleteI dtarget -> case dtarget of
DeleteTarget'TermOrType doutput hqs -> delete input doutput Cli.getTermsAt Cli.getTypesAt hqs
DeleteTarget'Type doutput hqs -> delete input doutput (const (pure Set.empty)) Cli.getTypesAt hqs
DeleteTarget'Term doutput hqs -> delete input doutput Cli.getTermsAt (const (pure Set.empty)) hqs
DeleteTarget'Namespace insistence Nothing -> do
hasConfirmed <- confirmedCommand input
if hasConfirmed || insistence == Force
then do
description <- inputDescription input
Cli.updateRoot Branch.empty description
Cli.respond DeletedEverything
else Cli.respond DeleteEverythingConfirmation
DeleteTarget'Namespace insistence (Just p@(parentPath, childName)) -> do
branch <- Cli.expectBranchAtPath (Path.unsplit p)
description <- inputDescription input
let toDelete =
(Path.nameFromSplit' $ first (Path.RelativePath' . Path.Relative) p)
(Branch.toNames (Branch.head branch))
afterDelete <- do
names <- Cli.currentNames
endangerments <- Cli.runTransaction (getEndangeredDependents toDelete Set.empty names)
case (null endangerments, insistence) of
(True, _) -> pure (Cli.respond Success)
(False, Force) -> do
ppeDecl <- Cli.currentPrettyPrintEnvDecl
pure do
Cli.respond Success
Cli.respondNumbered $ DeletedDespiteDependents ppeDecl endangerments
(False, Try) -> do
ppeDecl <- Cli.currentPrettyPrintEnvDecl
Cli.respondNumbered $ CantDeleteNamespace ppeDecl endangerments
parentPathAbs <- Cli.resolvePath parentPath
-- We have to modify the parent in order to also wipe out the history at the
-- child.
Cli.updateAt description parentPathAbs \parentBranch ->
& Branch.modifyAt (Path.singleton childName) \_ -> Branch.empty
DeleteTarget'ProjectBranch name -> handleDeleteBranch name
DeleteTarget'Project name -> handleDeleteProject name
DeleteI dtarget -> do
pp <- Cli.getCurrentProjectPath
let getTerms (absPath, seg) = Cli.getTermsAt (set PP.absPath_ absPath pp, seg)
let getTypes (absPath, seg) = Cli.getTypesAt (set PP.absPath_ absPath pp, seg)
case dtarget of
DeleteTarget'TermOrType doutput hqs -> do
delete input doutput getTerms getTypes hqs
DeleteTarget'Type doutput hqs -> delete input doutput (const (pure Set.empty)) getTypes hqs
DeleteTarget'Term doutput hqs -> delete input doutput getTerms (const (pure Set.empty)) hqs
DeleteTarget'Namespace insistence Nothing -> do
hasConfirmed <- confirmedCommand input
if hasConfirmed || insistence == Force
then do
description <- inputDescription input
pp <- Cli.getCurrentProjectPath
_ <- Cli.updateAt description pp (const Branch.empty)
Cli.respond DeletedEverything
else Cli.respond DeleteEverythingConfirmation
DeleteTarget'Namespace insistence (Just p@(parentPath, childName)) -> do
branch <- Cli.expectBranchAtPath (Path.unsplit p)
description <- inputDescription input
let toDelete =
(Path.nameFromSplit' $ first (Path.RelativePath' . Path.Relative) p)
(Branch.toNames (Branch.head branch))
afterDelete <- do
names <- Cli.currentNames
endangerments <- Cli.runTransaction (getEndangeredDependents toDelete Set.empty names)
case (null endangerments, insistence) of
(True, _) -> pure (Cli.respond Success)
(False, Force) -> do
ppeDecl <- Cli.currentPrettyPrintEnvDecl
pure do
Cli.respond Success
Cli.respondNumbered $ DeletedDespiteDependents ppeDecl endangerments
(False, Try) -> do
ppeDecl <- Cli.currentPrettyPrintEnvDecl
Cli.respondNumbered $ CantDeleteNamespace ppeDecl endangerments
parentPathAbs <- Cli.resolvePath parentPath
-- We have to modify the parent in order to also wipe out the history at the
-- child.
Cli.updateAt description parentPathAbs \parentBranch ->
& Branch.modifyAt (Path.singleton childName) \_ -> Branch.empty
DeleteTarget'ProjectBranch name -> handleDeleteBranch name
DeleteTarget'Project name -> handleDeleteProject name
DisplayI outputLoc namesToDisplay -> do
traverse_ (displayI outputLoc) namesToDisplay
ShowDefinitionI outputLoc showDefinitionScope query -> handleShowDefinition outputLoc showDefinitionScope query
@ -697,16 +633,15 @@ loop e = do
let vars = Name.toVar requestedNames
uf <- Cli.expectLatestTypecheckedFile
Cli.Env {codebase} <- ask
currentPath <- Cli.getCurrentPath
currentNames <- Branch.toNames <$> Cli.getCurrentBranch0
let sr = Slurp.slurpFile uf vars Slurp.AddOp currentNames
let adds = SlurpResult.adds sr
Cli.stepAtNoSync (Path.unabsolute currentPath, doSlurpAdds adds uf)
Cli.runTransaction . Codebase.addDefsToCodebase codebase . SlurpResult.filterUnisonFile sr $ uf
pp <- Cli.getCurrentProjectPath
Cli.stepAt description (pp, doSlurpAdds adds uf)
pped <- Cli.prettyPrintEnvDeclFromNames $ UF.addNamesFromTypeCheckedUnisonFile uf currentNames
let suffixifiedPPE = PPED.suffixifiedPPE pped
Cli.respond $ SlurpOutput input suffixifiedPPE sr
Cli.syncRoot description
SaveExecuteResultI resultName -> handleAddRun input resultName
PreviewAddI requestedNames -> do
(sourceName, _) <- Cli.expectLatestFile
@ -756,7 +691,8 @@ loop e = do
let destPath = case opath of
Just path -> Path.resolve currentPath (Path.Relative path)
Nothing -> currentPath `snoc` NameSegment.builtinSegment
_ <- Cli.updateAtM description destPath \destb ->
pp <- set PP.absPath_ destPath <$> Cli.getCurrentProjectPath
_ <- Cli.updateAtM description pp \destb ->
liftIO (Branch.merge'' (Codebase.lca codebase) Branch.RegularMerge srcb destb)
Cli.respond Success
MergeIOBuiltinsI opath -> do
@ -783,7 +719,8 @@ loop e = do
let destPath = case opath of
Just path -> Path.resolve currentPath (Path.Relative path)
Nothing -> currentPath `snoc` NameSegment.builtinSegment
_ <- Cli.updateAtM description destPath \destb ->
pp <- set PP.absPath_ destPath <$> Cli.getCurrentProjectPath
_ <- Cli.updateAtM description pp \destb ->
liftIO (Branch.merge'' (Codebase.lca codebase) Branch.RegularMerge srcb destb)
Cli.respond Success
PullI sourceTarget pullMode -> handlePull sourceTarget pullMode
@ -805,20 +742,21 @@ loop e = do
Cli.respond $ DumpUnisonFileHashes hqLength datas effects terms
DebugTabCompletionI inputs -> do
Cli.Env {authHTTPClient, codebase} <- ask
currentPath <- Cli.getCurrentPath
let completionFunc = Completion.haskelineTabComplete IP.patternMap codebase authHTTPClient currentPath
pp <- Cli.getCurrentProjectPath
let completionFunc = Completion.haskelineTabComplete IP.patternMap codebase authHTTPClient pp
(_, completions) <- liftIO $ completionFunc (reverse (unwords inputs), "")
Cli.respond (DisplayDebugCompletions completions)
DebugLSPNameCompletionI prefix -> do
LSPDebug.debugLspNameCompletion prefix
DebugFuzzyOptionsI command args -> do
Cli.Env {codebase} <- ask
currentPath <- Cli.getCurrentPath
currentBranch <- Branch.withoutTransitiveLibs <$> Cli.getCurrentBranch0
let projCtx = projectContextFromPath currentPath
case Map.lookup command InputPatterns.patternMap of
Just (IP.InputPattern {args = argTypes}) -> do
zip argTypes args & Monoid.foldMapM \case
((argName, _, IP.ArgumentType {fzfResolver = Just IP.FZFResolver {getOptions}}), "_") -> do
results <- liftIO $ getOptions codebase projCtx currentBranch
pp <- Cli.getCurrentProjectPath
results <- liftIO $ getOptions codebase pp currentBranch
Cli.respond (DebugDisplayFuzzyOptions argName (Text.unpack <$> results))
((_, _, IP.ArgumentType {fzfResolver = Nothing}), "_") -> do
Cli.respond DebugFuzzyOptionsNoResolver
@ -888,13 +826,13 @@ loop e = do
prettyRef renderR r = P.indentN 2 $ P.text (renderR r)
prettyDefn renderR (r, Foldable.toList -> names) =
P.lines (P.text <$> if null names then ["<unnamed>"] else NameSegment.toEscapedText <$> names) <> P.newline <> prettyRef renderR r
rootBranch <- Cli.getRootBranch
void . liftIO . flip State.execStateT mempty $ goCausal [getCausal rootBranch]
projectRoot <- Cli.getCurrentProjectRoot
void . liftIO . flip State.execStateT mempty $ goCausal [getCausal projectRoot]
DebugDumpNamespaceSimpleI -> do
rootBranch0 <- Cli.getRootBranch0
for_ (Relation.toList . Branch.deepTypes $ rootBranch0) \(r, name) ->
projectRootBranch0 <- Cli.getCurrentProjectRoot0
for_ (Relation.toList . Branch.deepTypes $ projectRootBranch0) \(r, name) ->
traceM $ show name ++ ",Type," ++ Text.unpack (Reference.toText r)
for_ (Relation.toList . Branch.deepTerms $ rootBranch0) \(r, name) ->
for_ (Relation.toList . Branch.deepTerms $ projectRootBranch0) \(r, name) ->
traceM $ show name ++ ",Term," ++ Text.unpack (Referent.toText r)
DebugTermI isVerbose hqName -> DebugDefinition.debugTerm isVerbose hqName
DebugLSPFoldRangesI -> do
@ -934,7 +872,7 @@ loop e = do
Cli.respond $ PrintVersion ucmVersion
ProjectRenameI name -> handleProjectRename name
ProjectSwitchI name -> projectSwitch name
ProjectCreateI tryDownloadingBase name -> projectCreate tryDownloadingBase name
ProjectCreateI tryDownloadingBase name -> void $ projectCreate tryDownloadingBase name
ProjectsI -> handleProjects
BranchI source name -> handleBranch source name
BranchRenameI name -> handleBranchRename name
@ -944,6 +882,7 @@ loop e = do
UpgradeI old new -> handleUpgrade old new
UpgradeCommitI -> handleCommitUpgrade
LibInstallI remind libdep -> handleInstallLib remind libdep
DebugSynhashTermI name -> handleDebugSynhashTerm name
inputDescription :: Input -> Cli Text
inputDescription input =
@ -954,26 +893,23 @@ inputDescription input =
dest <- brp dest0
pure ("fork " <> src <> " " <> dest)
MergeLocalBranchI src0 dest0 mode -> do
src <- looseCodeOrProjectToText src0
dest <- looseCodeOrProjectToText dest0
let src = into @Text src0
let dest = maybe "" (into @Text) dest0
let command =
case mode of
Branch.RegularMerge -> "merge"
Branch.SquashMerge -> "merge.squash"
pure (command <> " " <> src <> " " <> dest)
ResetI hash tgt -> do
hashTxt <- case hash of
This hash -> hp' hash
That pr -> pure (into @Text pr)
These hash _pr -> hp' hash
ResetI newRoot tgt -> do
hashTxt <- bid2 newRoot
tgt <- case tgt of
Nothing -> pure ""
Just tgt -> do
tgt <- looseCodeOrProjectToText tgt
pure (" " <> tgt)
let tgtText = into @Text tgt
pure (" " <> tgtText)
pure ("reset " <> hashTxt <> tgt)
ResetRootI src0 -> do
src <- hp' src0
let src = into @Text src0
pure ("reset-root " <> src)
AliasTermI force src0 dest0 -> do
src <- hhqs' src0
@ -1056,7 +992,17 @@ inputDescription input =
CreateAuthorI id name -> pure (" " <> NameSegment.toEscapedText id <> " " <> name)
ClearI {} -> pure "clear"
DocToMarkdownI name -> pure ("debug.doc-to-markdown " <> Name.toText name)
DebugTermI verbose hqName ->
if verbose
then pure ("debug.term.verbose " <> HQ.toText hqName)
else pure ("debug.term " <> HQ.toText hqName)
DebugTypeI hqName -> pure ("debug.type " <> HQ.toText hqName)
DebugLSPFoldRangesI -> pure "debug.lsp.fold-ranges"
DebugFuzzyOptionsI cmd input -> pure . Text.pack $ "debug.fuzzy-completions " <> unwords (cmd : toList input)
DebugFormatI -> pure "debug.format"
EditNamespaceI paths ->
pure $ Text.unwords ("edit.namespace" : (Path.toText <$> paths))
-- wat land
ApiI -> wat
AuthLoginI {} -> wat
BranchI {} -> wat
@ -1068,17 +1014,11 @@ inputDescription input =
DebugDoctorI {} -> wat
DebugDumpNamespaceSimpleI {} -> wat
DebugDumpNamespacesI {} -> wat
DebugTermI verbose hqName ->
if verbose
then pure ("debug.term.verbose " <> HQ.toText hqName)
else pure ("debug.term " <> HQ.toText hqName)
DebugTypeI hqName -> pure ("debug.type " <> HQ.toText hqName)
DebugLSPFoldRangesI -> pure "debug.lsp.fold-ranges"
DebugLSPNameCompletionI {} -> wat
DebugNameDiffI {} -> wat
DebugNumberedArgsI {} -> wat
DebugTabCompletionI _input -> wat
DebugFuzzyOptionsI cmd input -> pure . Text.pack $ "debug.fuzzy-completions " <> unwords (cmd : toList input)
DebugFormatI -> pure "debug.format"
DebugSynhashTermI {} -> wat
DebugTabCompletionI {} -> wat
DebugTypecheckedUnisonFileI {} -> wat
DiffNamespaceI {} -> wat
DisplayI {} -> wat
@ -1086,15 +1026,13 @@ inputDescription input =
DocsToHtmlI {} -> wat
FindI {} -> wat
FindShallowI {} -> wat
StructuredFindI {} -> wat
StructuredFindReplaceI {} -> wat
HistoryI {} -> wat
LibInstallI {} -> wat
ListDependenciesI {} -> wat
ListDependentsI {} -> wat
LoadI {} -> wat
MergeI {} -> wat
MergeCommitI {} -> wat
MergeI {} -> wat
NamesI {} -> wat
NamespaceDependenciesI {} -> wat
PopBranchI {} -> wat
@ -1110,26 +1048,34 @@ inputDescription input =
QuitI {} -> wat
ReleaseDraftI {} -> wat
ShowDefinitionI {} -> wat
EditNamespaceI paths ->
pure $ Text.unwords ("edit.namespace" : (Path.toText <$> paths))
ShowReflogI {} -> wat
StructuredFindI {} -> wat
StructuredFindReplaceI {} -> wat
ShowRootReflogI {} -> pure "deprecated.root-reflog"
ShowGlobalReflogI {} -> pure ""
ShowProjectReflogI mayProjName -> do
case mayProjName of
Nothing -> pure "project.reflog"
Just projName -> pure $ "project.reflog" <> into @Text projName
ShowProjectBranchReflogI mayProjBranch -> do
case mayProjBranch of
Nothing -> pure "branch.reflog"
Just (PP.ProjectAndBranch Nothing branchName) -> pure $ "branch.reflog" <> into @Text branchName
Just (PP.ProjectAndBranch (Just projName) branchName) -> pure $ "branch.reflog" <> into @Text (PP.ProjectAndBranch projName branchName)
SwitchBranchI {} -> wat
TestI {} -> wat
TodoI {} -> wat
UiI {} -> wat
UpI {} -> wat
UpgradeI {} -> wat
UpgradeCommitI {} -> wat
UpgradeI {} -> wat
VersionI -> wat
hp' :: Either SCH.ShortCausalHash Path' -> Cli Text
hp' = either (pure . Text.pack . show) p'
p :: Path -> Cli Text
p = fmap tShow . Cli.resolvePath
p = fmap (into @Text) . Cli.resolvePath
p' :: Path' -> Cli Text
p' = fmap tShow . Cli.resolvePath'
p' = fmap (into @Text) . Cli.resolvePath'
brp :: BranchRelativePath -> Cli Text
brp = fmap from . ProjectUtils.resolveBranchRelativePath
brp = fmap (into @Text) . ProjectUtils.resolveBranchRelativePath
ops :: Maybe Path.Split -> Cli Text
ops = maybe (pure ".") ps
wat = error $ show input ++ " is not expected to alter the branch"
@ -1144,12 +1090,10 @@ inputDescription input =
hqs (p, hq) = hqs' (Path' . Right . Path.Relative $ p, hq)
ps' = p' . Path.unsplit'
ps = p . Path.unsplit
looseCodeOrProjectToText :: Input.LooseCodeOrProject -> Cli Text
looseCodeOrProjectToText = \case
This path -> p' path
That branch -> pure (into @Text branch)
-- just trying to recover the syntax the user wrote
These path _branch -> pure (Path.toText' path)
bid2 :: BranchId2 -> Cli Text
bid2 = \case
Left sch -> pure $ into @Text sch
Right p -> brp p
handleFindI ::
Bool ->
@ -1162,7 +1106,7 @@ handleFindI isVerbose fscope ws input = do
(pped, names, searchRoot, branch0) <- case fscope of
FindLocal p -> do
searchRoot <- Cli.resolvePath' p
branch0 <- Cli.getBranch0At searchRoot
branch0 <- Cli.getBranch0FromProjectPath searchRoot
let names = Branch.toNames (Branch.withoutLib branch0)
-- Don't exclude anything from the pretty printer, since the type signatures we print for
-- results may contain things in lib.
@ -1170,17 +1114,18 @@ handleFindI isVerbose fscope ws input = do
pure (pped, names, Just p, branch0)
FindLocalAndDeps p -> do
searchRoot <- Cli.resolvePath' p
branch0 <- Cli.getBranch0At searchRoot
branch0 <- Cli.getBranch0FromProjectPath searchRoot
let names = Branch.toNames (Branch.withoutTransitiveLibs branch0)
-- Don't exclude anything from the pretty printer, since the type signatures we print for
-- results may contain things in lib.
pped <- Cli.currentPrettyPrintEnvDecl
pure (pped, names, Just p, branch0)
FindGlobal -> do
globalNames <- Names.makeAbsolute . Branch.toNames <$> Cli.getRootBranch0
pped <- Cli.prettyPrintEnvDeclFromNames globalNames
-- TODO: Rewrite to be properly global again
projectRootNames <- Names.makeAbsolute . Branch.toNames <$> Cli.getCurrentProjectRoot0
pped <- Cli.prettyPrintEnvDeclFromNames projectRootNames
currentBranch0 <- Cli.getCurrentBranch0
pure (pped, globalNames, Nothing, currentBranch0)
pure (pped, projectRootNames, Nothing, currentBranch0)
let suffixifiedPPE = PPED.suffixifiedPPE pped
let getResults :: Names -> Cli [SearchResult]
getResults names =
@ -1316,16 +1261,16 @@ handleShowDefinition outputLoc showDefinitionScope query = do
hqLength <- Cli.runTransaction Codebase.hashLength
let hasAbsoluteQuery = any (any Name.isAbsolute) query
(names, unbiasedPPED) <- case (hasAbsoluteQuery, showDefinitionScope) of
-- If any of the queries are absolute, use global names.
-- TODO: We should instead print each definition using the names from its project-branch root.
(True, _) -> do
root <- Cli.getRootBranch
root <- Cli.getCurrentProjectRoot
let root0 = Branch.head root
let names = Names.makeAbsolute $ Branch.toNames root0
pped <- Cli.prettyPrintEnvDeclFromNames names
pure (names, pped)
(_, ShowDefinitionGlobal) -> do
root <- Cli.getRootBranch
-- TODO: Maybe rewrite to be properly global
root <- Cli.getCurrentProjectRoot
let root0 = Branch.head root
let names = Names.makeAbsolute $ Branch.toNames root0
pped <- Cli.prettyPrintEnvDeclFromNames names
@ -1527,8 +1472,8 @@ delete input doutput getTerms getTypes hqs' = do
( \hq -> do
absolute <- Cli.resolveSplit' hq
types <- getTypes absolute
terms <- getTerms absolute
types <- getTypes (first PP.absPath absolute)
terms <- getTerms (first PP.absPath absolute)
return (hq, types, terms)
@ -1547,25 +1492,20 @@ checkDeletes :: [(Path.HQSplit', Set Reference, Set Referent)] -> DeleteOutput -
checkDeletes typesTermsTuples doutput inputs = do
let toSplitName ::
(Path.HQSplit', Set Reference, Set Referent) ->
Cli (Path.Split, Name, Set Reference, Set Referent)
Cli (Path.AbsSplit, Name, Set Reference, Set Referent)
toSplitName hq = do
-- __FIXME__: `resolvedPath` is ostensiby `Absolute`, but the paths here must be `Relative` below
resolvedPath <- first Path.unabsolute <$> Cli.resolveSplit' (HQ'.toName <$> hq ^. _1)
(pp, ns) <- Cli.resolveSplit' (HQ'.toName <$> hq ^. _1)
let resolvedSplit = (pp.absPath, ns)
( resolvedPath,
Path.nameFromSplit' $ first (Path.RelativePath' . Path.Relative) resolvedPath,
hq ^. _2,
hq ^. _3
(resolvedSplit, Path.nameFromSplit' $ first (Path.RelativePath' . Path.Relative . Path.unabsolute) resolvedSplit, hq ^. _2, hq ^. _3)
-- get the splits and names with terms and types
splitsNames <- traverse toSplitName typesTermsTuples
let toRel :: (Ord ref) => Set ref -> Name -> R.Relation Name ref
toRel setRef name = R.fromList (fmap (name,) (toList setRef))
let toDelete = fmap (\(_, names, types, terms) -> Names (toRel terms names) (toRel types names)) splitsNames
-- make sure endangered is compeletely contained in paths
-- TODO: We should just check for endangerments from the project root, not the
-- global root!
rootNames <- Branch.toNames <$> Cli.getRootBranch0
projectNames <- Branch.toNames <$> Cli.getCurrentProjectRoot0
-- get only once for the entire deletion set
let allTermsToDelete :: Set LabeledDependency
allTermsToDelete = Set.unions (fmap Names.labeledReferences toDelete)
@ -1574,7 +1514,7 @@ checkDeletes typesTermsTuples doutput inputs = do
Cli.runTransaction $
( \targetToDelete ->
getEndangeredDependents targetToDelete (allTermsToDelete) rootNames
getEndangeredDependents targetToDelete (allTermsToDelete) projectNames
-- If the overall dependency map is not completely empty, abort deletion
@ -1589,7 +1529,8 @@ checkDeletes typesTermsTuples doutput inputs = do
before <- Cli.getCurrentBranch0
description <- inputDescription inputs
Cli.stepManyAt description deleteTypesTerms
pb <- Cli.getCurrentProjectBranch
Cli.stepManyAt pb description deleteTypesTerms
case doutput of
DeleteOutput'Diff -> do
after <- Cli.getCurrentBranch0
@ -1598,7 +1539,7 @@ checkDeletes typesTermsTuples doutput inputs = do
DeleteOutput'NoDiff -> do
Cli.respond Success
else do
ppeDecl <- Cli.prettyPrintEnvDeclFromNames rootNames
ppeDecl <- Cli.prettyPrintEnvDeclFromNames projectNames
let combineRefs = List.foldl (Map.unionWith NESet.union) Map.empty endangeredDeletions
Cli.respondNumbered (CantDeleteDefinitions ppeDecl combineRefs)
@ -1659,7 +1600,7 @@ displayI outputLoc hq = do
(names, pped) <-
if useRoot
then do
root <- Cli.getRootBranch
root <- Cli.getCurrentProjectRoot
let root0 = Branch.head root
let names = Names.makeAbsolute $ Branch.toNames root0
pped <- Cli.prettyPrintEnvDeclFromNames names
@ -1771,14 +1712,10 @@ addWatch watchName (Just uf) = do
_ -> addWatch watchName Nothing
looseCodeOrProjectToPath :: Either Path' (ProjectAndBranch Sqlite.Project Sqlite.ProjectBranch) -> Path'
looseCodeOrProjectToPath = \case
Left pth -> pth
Right (ProjectAndBranch prj br) ->
( ProjectUtils.projectBranchPath
( ProjectAndBranch
(prj ^. #projectId)
(br ^. #branchId)
resolveBranchId2 :: BranchId2 -> Cli (Branch IO)
resolveBranchId2 = \case
Left sch -> Cli.resolveShortCausalHash sch
Right brp -> do
pp <- ProjectUtils.resolveBranchRelativePath brp
Cli.Env {codebase} <- ask
fromMaybe Branch.empty <$> liftIO (Codebase.getBranchAtProjectPath codebase pp)

View File

@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Input (Input)
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Output (Output (NoLastRunResult, SaveTermNameConflict, SlurpOutput))
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Slurp qualified as Slurp
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.SlurpResult qualified as SlurpResult
import Unison.Codebase.Path qualified as Path
import Unison.CommandLine.InputPattern qualified as InputPattern
import Unison.CommandLine.InputPatterns qualified as InputPatterns
import Unison.Name (Name)
@ -37,16 +36,16 @@ handleAddRun input resultName = do
let resultVar = Name.toVar resultName
uf <- addSavedTermToUnisonFile resultName
Cli.Env {codebase} <- ask
currentPath <- Cli.getCurrentPath
currentNames <- Cli.currentNames
let sr = Slurp.slurpFile uf (Set.singleton resultVar) Slurp.AddOp currentNames
let adds = SlurpResult.adds sr
Cli.stepAtNoSync (Path.unabsolute currentPath, doSlurpAdds adds uf)
Cli.runTransaction . Codebase.addDefsToCodebase codebase . SlurpResult.filterUnisonFile sr $ uf
let description = (Text.pack (InputPattern.patternName InputPatterns.saveExecuteResult) <> " " <> Name.toText resultName)
pp <- Cli.getCurrentProjectPath
Cli.stepAt description (pp, doSlurpAdds adds uf)
let namesWithDefinitionsFromFile = UF.addNamesFromTypeCheckedUnisonFile uf currentNames
pped <- Cli.prettyPrintEnvDeclFromNames namesWithDefinitionsFromFile
let suffixifiedPPE = PPE.suffixifiedPPE pped
Cli.syncRoot (Text.pack (InputPattern.patternName InputPatterns.saveExecuteResult) <> " " <> Name.toText resultName)
Cli.respond $ SlurpOutput input suffixifiedPPE sr
addSavedTermToUnisonFile :: Name -> Cli (TypecheckedUnisonFile Symbol Ann)

View File

@ -1,44 +1,42 @@
-- | @branch@ input handler
module Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.Branch
( handleBranch,
CreateFrom (..),
( CreateFrom (..),
import Data.These (These (..))
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.UUID.V4 qualified as UUID
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.DbId
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Project qualified as Sqlite
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.ProjectBranch (ProjectBranch (..))
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.ProjectBranch qualified as Sqlite
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Queries qualified as Q
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Queries qualified as Queries
import Unison.Cli.Monad (Cli)
import Unison.Cli.Monad qualified as Cli
import Unison.Cli.MonadUtils qualified as Cli (getBranchAt, getCurrentPath, updateAt)
import Unison.Cli.MonadUtils qualified as Cli
import Unison.Cli.ProjectUtils qualified as ProjectUtils
import Unison.Codebase qualified as Codebase
import Unison.Codebase.Branch (Branch)
import Unison.Codebase.Branch qualified as Branch (empty)
import Unison.Codebase.Branch qualified as Branch
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Input qualified as Input
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Output qualified as Output
import Unison.Codebase.Path qualified as Path
import Unison.Codebase.ProjectPath qualified as PP
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.Project (ProjectAndBranch (..), ProjectBranchName, ProjectBranchNameKind (..), ProjectName, classifyProjectBranchName)
import Unison.Sqlite qualified as Sqlite
data CreateFrom
= CreateFrom'Branch (ProjectAndBranch Sqlite.Project Sqlite.ProjectBranch)
| CreateFrom'LooseCode Path.Absolute
= CreateFrom'NamespaceWithParent Sqlite.ProjectBranch (Branch IO)
| CreateFrom'ParentBranch Sqlite.ProjectBranch
| CreateFrom'Namespace (Branch IO)
| CreateFrom'Nothingness
-- | Create a new project branch from an existing project branch or namespace.
handleBranch :: Input.BranchSourceI -> ProjectAndBranch (Maybe ProjectName) ProjectBranchName -> Cli ()
handleBranch sourceI projectAndBranchNames0 = do
projectAndBranchNames@(ProjectAndBranch projectName newBranchName) <-
case projectAndBranchNames0 of
ProjectAndBranch Nothing branchName -> ProjectUtils.hydrateNames (That branchName)
ProjectAndBranch (Just projectName) branchName -> pure (ProjectAndBranch projectName branchName)
handleBranch sourceI projectAndBranchNames@(ProjectAndBranch mayProjectName newBranchName) = do
-- You can only create release branches with `branch.clone`
-- We do allow creating draft release branches with `branch`, but you'll get different output if you use
@ -50,93 +48,81 @@ handleBranch sourceI projectAndBranchNames0 = do
Cli.returnEarly (Output.CannotCreateReleaseBranchWithBranchCommand newBranchName ver)
ProjectBranchNameKind'NothingSpecial -> pure ()
currentProjectName <- Cli.getCurrentProjectPath <&> view (#project . #name)
let projectName = (fromMaybe currentProjectName mayProjectName)
destProject <- do
\rollback -> do
Queries.loadProjectByName projectName & onNothingM do
-- We can't make the *first* branch of a project with `branch`; the project has to already exist.
rollback (Output.LocalProjectBranchDoesntExist (ProjectAndBranch projectName newBranchName))
-- Compute what we should create the branch from.
createFrom <-
maySrcProjectAndBranch <-
case sourceI of
Input.BranchSourceI'CurrentContext ->
ProjectUtils.getCurrentProjectBranch >>= \case
Nothing -> CreateFrom'LooseCode <$> Cli.getCurrentPath
Just (currentBranch, _restPath) -> pure (CreateFrom'Branch currentBranch)
Input.BranchSourceI'Empty -> pure CreateFrom'Nothingness
Input.BranchSourceI'LooseCodeOrProject (This sourcePath) -> do
currentPath <- Cli.getCurrentPath
pure (CreateFrom'LooseCode (Path.resolve currentPath sourcePath))
Input.BranchSourceI'LooseCodeOrProject (That sourceBranch) ->
fmap CreateFrom'Branch do
case sourceBranch of
ProjectAndBranch Nothing b -> That b
ProjectAndBranch (Just p) b -> These p b
-- For now, treat ambiguous parses as branch names, as this seems (far) more common than trying to create a
-- branch from a relative one-segment namespace.
-- Future work: be smarter; for example, if there is such a relative namespace, but no such branch, maybe they
-- really meant create a branch from that namespace.
Input.BranchSourceI'LooseCodeOrProject (These _sourcePath sourceBranch) ->
fmap CreateFrom'Branch do
case sourceBranch of
ProjectAndBranch Nothing b -> That b
ProjectAndBranch (Just p) b -> These p b
Input.BranchSourceI'CurrentContext -> Just . view PP.projectAndBranch_ <$> Cli.getCurrentProjectPath
Input.BranchSourceI'Empty -> pure Nothing
Input.BranchSourceI'UnresolvedProjectBranch unresolvedProjectBranch -> do
pp <- Cli.getCurrentProjectPath
Just <$> ProjectUtils.resolveProjectBranchInProject (pp ^. #project) (unresolvedProjectBranch & #branch %~ Just)
project <-
Cli.runTransactionWithRollback \rollback -> do
Queries.loadProjectByName projectName & onNothingM do
-- We can't make the *first* branch of a project with `branch`; the project has to already exist.
rollback (Output.LocalProjectBranchDoesntExist projectAndBranchNames)
_ <- doCreateBranch createFrom project newBranchName ("branch " <> into @Text projectAndBranchNames)
case maySrcProjectAndBranch of
Just srcProjectAndBranch -> do
let description = "Branch created from " <> into @Text (srcProjectAndBranch & bimap (view #name) (view #name))
void $ createBranch description (CreateFrom'ParentBranch (view #branch srcProjectAndBranch)) destProject (pure newBranchName)
Nothing -> do
let description = "Empty branch created"
void $ createBranch description CreateFrom'Nothingness destProject (pure newBranchName)
Cli.respond $
( case createFrom of
CreateFrom'Branch sourceBranch ->
if sourceBranch ^. #project . #projectId == project ^. #projectId
( case maySrcProjectAndBranch of
Just sourceBranch ->
if sourceBranch ^. #project . #projectId == destProject ^. #projectId
then Output.CreatedProjectBranchFrom'ParentBranch (sourceBranch ^. #branch . #name)
else Output.CreatedProjectBranchFrom'OtherBranch sourceBranch
CreateFrom'LooseCode path -> Output.CreatedProjectBranchFrom'LooseCode path
CreateFrom'Nothingness -> Output.CreatedProjectBranchFrom'Nothingness
Nothing -> Output.CreatedProjectBranchFrom'Nothingness
(projectAndBranchNames & #project .~ projectName)
-- | @doCreateBranch createFrom project branch description@:
-- | @createBranch description createFrom project getNewBranchName@:
-- 1. Creates a new branch row for @branch@ in project @project@ (failing if @branch@ already exists in @project@)
-- 2. Puts the branch contents from @createFrom@ in the root namespace., using @description@ for the reflog.
-- 3. cds to the new branch in the root namespace.
-- 1. Creates a new branch row in @project@ at the name from @getNewBranchName@ (failing if branch already exists in @project@).
-- 2. Switches to the new branch.
-- This bit of functionality is factored out from the main 'handleBranch' handler because it is also called by the
-- @release.draft@ command, which essentially just creates a branch, but with some different output for the user.
-- Returns the branch id of the newly-created branch.
doCreateBranch :: CreateFrom -> Sqlite.Project -> ProjectBranchName -> Text -> Cli ProjectBranchId
doCreateBranch createFrom project newBranchName description = do
sourceNamespaceObject <-
case createFrom of
CreateFrom'Branch (ProjectAndBranch _ sourceBranch) -> do
let sourceProjectId = sourceBranch ^. #projectId
let sourceBranchId = sourceBranch ^. #branchId
Cli.getBranchAt (ProjectUtils.projectBranchPath (ProjectAndBranch sourceProjectId sourceBranchId))
CreateFrom'LooseCode sourcePath -> Cli.getBranchAt sourcePath
CreateFrom'Nothingness -> pure Branch.empty
let parentBranchId =
case createFrom of
CreateFrom'Branch (ProjectAndBranch _ sourceBranch)
| sourceBranch.projectId == project.projectId -> Just sourceBranch.branchId
_ -> Nothing
(newBranchId, _) <- doCreateBranch' sourceNamespaceObject parentBranchId project (pure newBranchName) description
pure newBranchId
doCreateBranch' ::
Branch IO ->
Maybe ProjectBranchId ->
-- Returns the branch id and name of the newly-created branch.
createBranch ::
Text ->
CreateFrom ->
Sqlite.Project ->
Sqlite.Transaction ProjectBranchName ->
Text ->
Cli (ProjectBranchId, ProjectBranchName)
doCreateBranch' sourceNamespaceObject parentBranchId project getNewBranchName description = do
createBranch description createFrom project getNewBranchName = do
let projectId = project ^. #projectId
(newBranchId, newBranchName) <-
Cli.Env {codebase} <- ask
(mayParentBranchId, newBranchCausalHashId) <- case createFrom of
CreateFrom'ParentBranch parentBranch -> Cli.runTransaction do
newBranchCausalHashId <- Q.expectProjectBranchHead parentBranch.projectId parentBranch.branchId
let parentBranchId = if parentBranch.projectId == projectId then Just parentBranch.branchId else Nothing
pure (parentBranchId, newBranchCausalHashId)
CreateFrom'Nothingness -> Cli.runTransaction do
(_, causalHashId) <- Codebase.emptyCausalHash
pure (Nothing, causalHashId)
CreateFrom'NamespaceWithParent parentBranch namespace -> do
liftIO $ Codebase.putBranch codebase namespace
Cli.runTransaction $ do
newBranchCausalHashId <- Q.expectCausalHashIdByCausalHash (Branch.headHash namespace)
let parentBranchId = if parentBranch.projectId == projectId then Just parentBranch.branchId else Nothing
pure (parentBranchId, newBranchCausalHashId)
CreateFrom'Namespace branch -> do
liftIO $ Codebase.putBranch codebase branch
Cli.runTransaction $ do
newBranchCausalHashId <- Q.expectCausalHashIdByCausalHash (Branch.headHash branch)
pure (Nothing, newBranchCausalHashId)
(newBranchName, newBranchId) <-
Cli.runTransactionWithRollback \rollback -> do
newBranchName <- getNewBranchName
Queries.projectBranchExistsByName projectId newBranchName >>= \case
@ -146,16 +132,15 @@ doCreateBranch' sourceNamespaceObject parentBranchId project getNewBranchName de
-- `bar`, so the fork will succeed.
newBranchId <- Sqlite.unsafeIO (ProjectBranchId <$> UUID.nextRandom)
{ projectId,
branchId = newBranchId,
name = newBranchName,
parentBranchId = parentBranchId
parentBranchId = mayParentBranchId
Queries.setMostRecentBranch projectId newBranchId
pure (newBranchId, newBranchName)
pure (newBranchName, newBranchId)
let newBranchPath = ProjectUtils.projectBranchPath (ProjectAndBranch projectId newBranchId)
_ <- Cli.updateAt description newBranchPath (const sourceNamespaceObject) newBranchPath
Cli.switchProject (ProjectAndBranch projectId newBranchId)
pure (newBranchId, newBranchName)

View File

@ -7,14 +7,15 @@ where
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Queries qualified as Queries
import Unison.Cli.Monad (Cli)
import Unison.Cli.Monad qualified as Cli
import Unison.Cli.ProjectUtils qualified as ProjectUtils
import Unison.Cli.MonadUtils qualified as Cli
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Output qualified as Output
import Unison.Codebase.ProjectPath qualified as PP
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.Project (ProjectAndBranch (..), ProjectBranchName, ProjectBranchNameKind (..), classifyProjectBranchName)
handleBranchRename :: ProjectBranchName -> Cli ()
handleBranchRename newBranchName = do
(ProjectAndBranch project branch, _path) <- ProjectUtils.expectCurrentProjectBranch
PP.ProjectPath project branch _path <- Cli.getCurrentProjectPath
case classifyProjectBranchName newBranchName of
ProjectBranchNameKind'Contributor {} -> pure ()

View File

@ -10,14 +10,14 @@ import Network.URI (URI)
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Queries qualified as Queries
import Unison.Cli.Monad (Cli)
import Unison.Cli.Monad qualified as Cli
import Unison.Cli.ProjectUtils qualified as ProjectUtils
import Unison.Cli.MonadUtils qualified as Cli
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Output qualified as Output
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.Project (ProjectAndBranch (..), ProjectBranchName, ProjectName)
import Unison.Project (ProjectBranchName, ProjectName)
handleBranches :: Maybe ProjectName -> Cli ()
handleBranches maybeProjectName = do
maybeCurrentProjectIds <- ProjectUtils.getCurrentProjectIds
pp <- Cli.getCurrentProjectPath
(project, branches) <-
Cli.runTransactionWithRollback \rollback -> do
project <-
@ -26,8 +26,7 @@ handleBranches maybeProjectName = do
Queries.loadProjectByName projectName & onNothingM do
rollback (Output.LocalProjectDoesntExist projectName)
Nothing -> do
ProjectAndBranch projectId _ <- maybeCurrentProjectIds & onNothing (rollback Output.NotOnProjectBranch)
Queries.expectProject projectId
pure (pp ^. #project)
branches <- Queries.loadAllProjectBranchInfo (project ^. #projectId)
pure (project, branches)
Cli.respondNumbered (Output.ListBranches (project ^. #name) (f branches))

View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import U.Codebase.Sqlite.ProjectBranch (ProjectBranch (..))
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Queries qualified as Queries
import Unison.Cli.Monad (Cli)
import Unison.Cli.Monad qualified as Cli
import Unison.Cli.MonadUtils qualified as Cli
import Unison.Cli.ProjectUtils qualified as ProjectUtils
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.DeleteBranch qualified as DeleteBranch
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.Merge2 qualified as Merge
@ -21,7 +22,7 @@ import Unison.Project (ProjectAndBranch (..))
handleCommitMerge :: Cli ()
handleCommitMerge = do
(mergeProjectAndBranch, _path) <- ProjectUtils.expectCurrentProjectBranch
mergeProjectAndBranch <- Cli.getCurrentProjectAndBranch
-- Assert that this is a "merge" branch, get its parent (which is the branch we were on when we ran `merge`),
-- and switch to the parent.
@ -33,9 +34,8 @@ handleCommitMerge = do
parentBranch <-
Cli.runTransaction do
parentBranch <- Queries.expectProjectBranch mergeProjectAndBranch.project.projectId parentBranchId
Queries.setMostRecentBranch parentBranch.projectId parentBranch.branchId
pure parentBranch (ProjectUtils.projectBranchPath (ProjectAndBranch parentBranch.projectId parentBranch.branchId))
Cli.switchProject (ProjectAndBranch parentBranch.projectId parentBranch.branchId)
-- Merge the merge branch into the parent

View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import U.Codebase.Sqlite.ProjectBranch (ProjectBranch (..))
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Queries qualified as Queries
import Unison.Cli.Monad (Cli)
import Unison.Cli.Monad qualified as Cli
import Unison.Cli.MonadUtils qualified as Cli
import Unison.Cli.ProjectUtils qualified as ProjectUtils
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.DeleteBranch qualified as DeleteBranch
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.Merge2 qualified as Merge
@ -21,7 +22,7 @@ import Unison.Project (ProjectAndBranch (..))
handleCommitUpgrade :: Cli ()
handleCommitUpgrade = do
(upgradeProjectAndBranch, _path) <- ProjectUtils.expectCurrentProjectBranch
upgradeProjectAndBranch <- Cli.getCurrentProjectAndBranch
-- Assert that this is an "upgrade" branch, get its parent (which is the branch we were on when we ran `upgrade`),
-- and switch to the parent.
@ -33,9 +34,8 @@ handleCommitUpgrade = do
parentBranch <-
Cli.runTransaction do
parentBranch <- Queries.expectProjectBranch upgradeProjectAndBranch.project.projectId parentBranchId
Queries.setMostRecentBranch parentBranch.projectId parentBranch.branchId
pure parentBranch (ProjectUtils.projectBranchPath (ProjectAndBranch parentBranch.projectId parentBranch.branchId))
Cli.switchProject (ProjectAndBranch parentBranch.projectId parentBranch.branchId)
-- Merge the upgrade branch into the parent

View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
-- | @debug.synhash.term@ input handler.
module Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.DebugSynhashTerm
( handleDebugSynhashTerm,
import Control.Monad.Reader (ask)
import U.Util.Base32Hex qualified as Base32Hex
import Unison.Cli.Monad (Cli)
import Unison.Cli.Monad qualified as Cli
import Unison.Cli.MonadUtils qualified as Cli
import Unison.Cli.Pretty (prettyBase32Hex, prettyHash)
import Unison.Cli.PrettyPrintUtils qualified as Cli
import Unison.Codebase qualified as Codebase
import Unison.Codebase.Branch.Names qualified as Branch
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Output (Output (..))
import Unison.Hash (Hash)
import Unison.Hashable qualified as Hashable
import Unison.Merge.Synhash (hashBuiltinTermTokens, hashDerivedTermTokens)
import Unison.Name (Name)
import Unison.Names qualified as Names
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.PrettyPrintEnvDecl (PrettyPrintEnvDecl (..))
import Unison.Reference qualified as Reference
import Unison.Util.Pretty (ColorText, Pretty)
import Unison.Util.Pretty qualified as Pretty
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text
import qualified Unison.Syntax.Name as Name
handleDebugSynhashTerm :: Name -> Cli ()
handleDebugSynhashTerm name = do
namespace <- Cli.getCurrentBranch0
let names = Branch.toNames namespace
pped <- Cli.prettyPrintEnvDeclFromNames names
for_ (Names.refTermsNamed names name) \ref -> do
maybeTokens <-
case ref of
Reference.Builtin builtin -> pure (Just (hashBuiltinTermTokens builtin))
Reference.DerivedId refId -> do
env <- ask
Cli.runTransaction (Codebase.getTerm env.codebase refId) <&> \case
Nothing -> Nothing
Just term -> Just (hashDerivedTermTokens pped.unsuffixifiedPPE term)
whenJust maybeTokens \tokens -> do
let filename = Name.toText name <> "-" <> Reference.toText ref <> "-synhash-tokens.txt"
let renderedTokens =
& map prettyToken
& Pretty.lines
& Pretty.toAnsiUnbroken
& Text.pack
liftIO (Text.writeFile (Text.unpack filename) renderedTokens)
Cli.respond (Output'DebugSynhashTerm ref (Hashable.accumulate tokens) filename)
prettyToken :: Hashable.Token Hash -> Pretty ColorText
prettyToken = \case
Hashable.Bytes bytes -> "0x" <> prettyBase32Hex (Base32Hex.fromByteString bytes)
Hashable.Double n -> Pretty.string (show n)
Hashable.Hashed h -> prettyHash h
Hashable.Int n -> (if n >= 0 then "+" else mempty) <> Pretty.string (show n)
Hashable.Nat n -> Pretty.string (show n)
Hashable.Tag n -> "@" <> Pretty.string (show n)
Hashable.Text s -> Pretty.string (show s)

View File

@ -5,19 +5,26 @@ module Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.DeleteBranch
import Data.Map.Strict qualified as Map
import Data.These (These (..))
import Control.Lens
import Data.List qualified as List
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.DbId
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Project (Project (..))
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Project qualified as Sqlite
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.ProjectBranch (ProjectBranch (..))
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.ProjectBranch qualified as Sqlite
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Queries qualified as Queries
import Unison.Cli.Monad (Cli)
import Unison.Cli.Monad qualified as Cli
import Unison.Cli.MonadUtils qualified as Cli
import Unison.Cli.ProjectUtils qualified as ProjectUtils
import Unison.Codebase.Branch qualified as Branch
import Unison.Codebase.Path qualified as Path
import Unison.Codebase qualified as Codebase
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.ProjectCreate
import Unison.Codebase.ProjectPath (ProjectPathG (..))
import Unison.Codebase.SqliteCodebase.Operations qualified as Ops
import Unison.Core.Project (ProjectBranchName (..), ProjectName (..))
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.Project (ProjectAndBranch (..), ProjectBranchName, ProjectName)
import Unison.Project (ProjectAndBranch (..))
import Unison.Sqlite qualified as Sqlite
import Witch (unsafeFrom)
-- | Delete a project branch.
@ -27,44 +34,64 @@ import Witch (unsafeFrom)
-- project.
handleDeleteBranch :: ProjectAndBranch (Maybe ProjectName) ProjectBranchName -> Cli ()
handleDeleteBranch projectAndBranchNamesToDelete = do
projectAndBranchToDelete <-
case projectAndBranchNamesToDelete of
ProjectAndBranch Nothing branch -> That branch
ProjectAndBranch (Just project) branch -> These project branch
maybeCurrentBranch <- ProjectUtils.getCurrentProjectBranch
doDeleteProjectBranch projectAndBranchToDelete
ProjectPath currentProject currentBranch _ <- Cli.getCurrentProjectPath
projectAndBranchToDelete@(ProjectAndBranch projectOfBranchToDelete branchToDelete) <- ProjectUtils.resolveProjectBranchInProject currentProject (projectAndBranchNamesToDelete & #branch %~ Just)
-- If the user is on the branch that they're deleting, we have to cd somewhere; try these in order:
-- 1. cd to parent branch, if it exists
-- 2. cd to "main", if it exists
-- 3. cd to loose code path `.`
whenJust maybeCurrentBranch \(currentProjectAndBranch, _restPath) ->
when (ProjectUtils.justTheIds currentProjectAndBranch == ProjectUtils.justTheIds projectAndBranchToDelete) do
newPath <-
case projectAndBranchToDelete.branch.parentBranchId of
Nothing ->
let loadMain =
Queries.loadProjectBranchByName projectAndBranchToDelete.project.projectId (unsafeFrom @Text "main")
in Cli.runTransaction loadMain <&> \case
Nothing -> Path.Absolute Path.empty
Just mainBranch -> ProjectUtils.projectBranchPath (ProjectUtils.justTheIds' mainBranch)
Just parentBranchId ->
pure $
(ProjectAndBranch projectAndBranchToDelete.project.projectId parentBranchId) newPath
-- 3. Any other branch in the codebase
-- 4. Create a new branch in the current project
when (branchToDelete ^. #branchId == currentBranch ^. #branchId) do
mayNextLocation <-
Cli.runTransaction . runMaybeT $
[ parentBranch (branchToDelete ^. #projectId) (branchToDelete ^. #parentBranchId),
findMainBranchInProjectExcept (currentProject ^. #projectId) (branchToDelete ^. #branchId),
-- Any branch in the codebase except the one we're deleting
findAnyBranchInProjectExcept (branchToDelete ^. #projectId) (branchToDelete ^. #branchId),
findAnyBranchInCodebaseExcept (branchToDelete ^. #projectId) (branchToDelete ^. #branchId),
nextLoc <- mayNextLocation `whenNothing` projectCreate False Nothing
Cli.switchProject nextLoc
doDeleteProjectBranch projectAndBranchToDelete
parentBranch :: ProjectId -> Maybe ProjectBranchId -> MaybeT Sqlite.Transaction (ProjectAndBranch ProjectId ProjectBranchId)
parentBranch projectId mayParentBranchId = do
parentBranchId <- hoistMaybe mayParentBranchId
pure (ProjectAndBranch projectId parentBranchId)
findMainBranchInProjectExcept :: ProjectId -> ProjectBranchId -> MaybeT Sqlite.Transaction (ProjectAndBranch ProjectId ProjectBranchId)
findMainBranchInProjectExcept projectId exceptBranchId = do
branch <- MaybeT $ Queries.loadProjectBranchByName projectId (unsafeFrom @Text "main")
guard (branch ^. #branchId /= exceptBranchId)
pure (ProjectAndBranch projectId (branch ^. #branchId))
findAnyBranchInProjectExcept :: ProjectId -> ProjectBranchId -> MaybeT Sqlite.Transaction (ProjectAndBranch ProjectId ProjectBranchId)
findAnyBranchInProjectExcept projectId exceptBranchId = do
(someBranchId, _) <- MaybeT . fmap (List.find (\(branchId, _) -> branchId /= exceptBranchId)) $ Queries.loadAllProjectBranchesBeginningWith projectId Nothing
pure (ProjectAndBranch projectId someBranchId)
findAnyBranchInCodebaseExcept :: ProjectId -> ProjectBranchId -> MaybeT Sqlite.Transaction (ProjectAndBranch ProjectId ProjectBranchId)
findAnyBranchInCodebaseExcept exceptProjectId exceptBranchId = do
(_, pbIds) <- MaybeT . fmap (List.find (\(_, ids) -> ids /= ProjectAndBranch exceptProjectId exceptBranchId)) $ Queries.loadAllProjectBranchNamePairs
pure pbIds
createNewBranchInProjectExcept :: ProjectName -> ProjectBranchName -> MaybeT Sqlite.Transaction (ProjectAndBranch ProjectId ProjectBranchId)
createNewBranchInProjectExcept projectName (UnsafeProjectBranchName "main") = lift $ do
(_, emptyCausalHashId) <- Codebase.emptyCausalHash
Ops.insertProjectAndBranch projectName (UnsafeProjectBranchName "main2") emptyCausalHashId
<&> \(proj, branch) -> ProjectAndBranch proj.projectId branch.branchId
createNewBranchInProjectExcept projectName _ = lift $ do
(_, emptyCausalHashId) <- Codebase.emptyCausalHash
Ops.insertProjectAndBranch projectName (UnsafeProjectBranchName "main") emptyCausalHashId
<&> \(proj, branch) -> ProjectAndBranch proj.projectId branch.branchId
-- | Delete a project branch and record an entry in the reflog.
doDeleteProjectBranch :: ProjectAndBranch Sqlite.Project Sqlite.ProjectBranch -> Cli ()
doDeleteProjectBranch :: (HasCallStack) => ProjectAndBranch Sqlite.Project Sqlite.ProjectBranch -> Cli ()
doDeleteProjectBranch projectAndBranch = do
Cli.runTransaction do
Queries.deleteProjectBranch projectAndBranch.project.projectId projectAndBranch.branch.branchId
("delete.branch " <> into @Text (ProjectUtils.justTheNames projectAndBranch))
( Path.unabsolute (ProjectUtils.projectBranchesPath projectAndBranch.project.projectId),
over Branch.children (Map.delete (ProjectUtils.projectBranchSegment projectAndBranch.branch.branchId))

View File

@ -4,39 +4,53 @@ module Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.DeleteProject
import Data.Function (on)
import Control.Lens
import Data.List qualified as List
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.DbId
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Project (Project (..))
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.ProjectBranch (ProjectBranch (..))
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Queries qualified as Queries
import Unison.Cli.Monad (Cli)
import Unison.Cli.Monad qualified as Cli
import Unison.Cli.MonadUtils qualified as Cli
import Unison.Cli.ProjectUtils qualified as ProjectUtils
import Unison.Codebase.Branch qualified as Branch
import Unison.Codebase qualified as Codebase
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Output qualified as Output
import Unison.Codebase.Path qualified as Path
import Unison.Codebase.ProjectPath (ProjectPathG (..))
import Unison.Codebase.SqliteCodebase.Operations qualified as Ops
import Unison.Core.Project (ProjectBranchName (..), ProjectName (..))
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.Project (ProjectAndBranch (..), ProjectName)
import Unison.Project (ProjectAndBranch (..))
import Unison.Sqlite qualified as Sqlite
-- | Delete a project
handleDeleteProject :: ProjectName -> Cli ()
handleDeleteProject projectName = do
maybeCurrentBranch <- ProjectUtils.getCurrentProjectBranch
ProjectPath currentProject _ _ <- Cli.getCurrentProjectPath
deletedProject <-
projectToDelete <-
Cli.runTransactionWithRollback \rollback -> do
project <-
Queries.loadProjectByName projectName & onNothingM do
rollback (Output.LocalProjectDoesntExist projectName)
Queries.deleteProject (project ^. #projectId)
pure project
Queries.loadProjectByName projectName & onNothingM do
rollback (Output.LocalProjectDoesntExist projectName)
let projectId = deletedProject ^. #projectId
when (projectToDelete.projectId == currentProject.projectId) do
nextLoc <- Cli.runTransaction $ findAnyBranchInCodebaseNotInProject (projectToDelete.projectId) `whenNothingM` createDummyProjectExcept
Cli.switchProject nextLoc
("delete.project " <> into @Text projectName)
(ProjectUtils.projectPath projectId)
(const Branch.empty)
Cli.runTransaction do
Queries.deleteProject (projectToDelete ^. #projectId)
findAnyBranchInCodebaseNotInProject :: ProjectId -> Sqlite.Transaction (Maybe (ProjectAndBranch ProjectId ProjectBranchId))
findAnyBranchInCodebaseNotInProject exceptProjectId = do
<&> List.find (\(_, ProjectAndBranch projId _) -> projId /= exceptProjectId)
<&> fmap \(_, pbIds) -> pbIds
-- If the user is on the project that they're deleting, we cd to the root path
whenJust maybeCurrentBranch \(ProjectAndBranch currentProject _currentBranch, _restPath) ->
when (on (==) (view #projectId) deletedProject currentProject) do (Path.Absolute Path.empty)
createDummyProjectExcept :: ProjectName -> Sqlite.Transaction (ProjectAndBranch ProjectId ProjectBranchId)
createDummyProjectExcept (UnsafeProjectName "scratch") = do
(_, emptyCausalHashId) <- Codebase.emptyCausalHash
Ops.insertProjectAndBranch (UnsafeProjectName "scratch2") (UnsafeProjectBranchName "main") emptyCausalHashId
<&> \(proj, branch) -> ProjectAndBranch proj.projectId branch.branchId
createDummyProjectExcept _ = do
(_, emptyCausalHashId) <- Codebase.emptyCausalHash
Ops.insertProjectAndBranch (UnsafeProjectName "scratch") (UnsafeProjectBranchName "main") emptyCausalHashId
<&> \(proj, branch) -> ProjectAndBranch proj.projectId branch.branchId

View File

@ -10,8 +10,6 @@ import Data.Map.Strict qualified as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Project qualified as Sqlite (Project (..))
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.ProjectBranch qualified as Sqlite (ProjectBranch (..))
import Unison.Cli.DownloadUtils
import Unison.Cli.Monad (Cli)
import Unison.Cli.Monad qualified as Cli
@ -22,6 +20,7 @@ import Unison.Codebase qualified as Codebase
import Unison.Codebase.Branch qualified as Branch
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Output qualified as Output
import Unison.Codebase.Path qualified as Path
import Unison.Codebase.ProjectPath qualified as PP
import Unison.Core.Project (ProjectBranchName)
import Unison.NameSegment (NameSegment)
import Unison.NameSegment qualified as NameSegment (libSegment)
@ -40,14 +39,6 @@ import Unison.Syntax.NameSegment qualified as NameSegment (unsafeParseText)
handleInstallLib :: Bool -> ProjectAndBranch ProjectName (Maybe ProjectBranchNameOrLatestRelease) -> Cli ()
handleInstallLib remind (ProjectAndBranch libdepProjectName unresolvedLibdepBranchName) = do
(currentProjectAndBranch, _path) <- ProjectUtils.expectCurrentProjectBranch
let currentProjectBranchPath =
ProjectUtils.projectBranchPath $
libdepProject <- ProjectUtils.expectRemoteProjectByName libdepProjectName
libdepBranchName <-
@ -79,7 +70,7 @@ handleInstallLib remind (ProjectAndBranch libdepProjectName unresolvedLibdepBran
-- For example, if the best name is "foo", and libdeps "foo" and "foo__2" already exist, then we'll get "foo__3".
libdepNameSegment :: NameSegment <- do
currentBranchObject <- Cli.getBranch0At currentProjectBranchPath
currentBranchObject <- Cli.getCurrentProjectRoot0
pure $
(\i -> NameSegment.unsafeParseText . (<> "__" <> tShow i) . NameSegment.toUnescapedText)
@ -90,13 +81,12 @@ handleInstallLib remind (ProjectAndBranch libdepProjectName unresolvedLibdepBran
(makeDependencyName libdepProjectName libdepBranchName)
let libdepPath :: Path.Absolute
libdepPath =
(Path.Relative (Path.fromList [NameSegment.libSegment, libdepNameSegment]))
libdepPath = Path.Absolute $ Path.fromList [NameSegment.libSegment, libdepNameSegment]
let reflogDescription = "lib.install " <> into @Text libdepProjectAndBranchNames
_didUpdate <- Cli.updateAt reflogDescription libdepPath (\_empty -> remoteBranchObject)
pp <- Cli.getCurrentProjectPath
let libDepPP = pp & PP.absPath_ .~ libdepPath
_didUpdate <- Cli.updateAt reflogDescription libDepPP (\_empty -> remoteBranchObject)
Cli.respond (Output.InstalledLibdep libdepProjectAndBranchNames libdepNameSegment)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
module Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.LSPDebug (debugLspNameCompletion) where
import Unison.Cli.Monad (Cli)
import Unison.Cli.Monad qualified as Cli
import Unison.Cli.NamesUtils qualified as Cli
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Output (Output (DisplayDebugLSPNameCompletions))
import Unison.LSP.Completion qualified as Completion
import Unison.Prelude
debugLspNameCompletion :: Text -> Cli ()
debugLspNameCompletion prefix = do
names <- Cli.currentNames
let ct = Completion.namesToCompletionTree names
let (_, matches) = Completion.completionsForQuery ct prefix
Cli.respond $ DisplayDebugLSPNameCompletions matches

View File

@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ loadUnisonFile sourceName text = do
Text ->
Cli (TypecheckedUnisonFile Symbol Ann)
withFile names sourceName text = do
currentPath <- Cli.getCurrentPath
pp <- Cli.getCurrentProjectPath
State.modify' \loopState ->
& #latestFile .~ Just (Text.unpack sourceName, False)
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ loadUnisonFile sourceName text = do
let parsingEnv =
{ uniqueNames = uniqueName,
uniqueTypeGuid = Cli.loadUniqueTypeGuid currentPath,
uniqueTypeGuid = Cli.loadUniqueTypeGuid pp,
unisonFile <-

View File

@ -8,9 +8,11 @@ import Unison.Cli.Monad (Cli)
import Unison.Cli.Monad qualified as Cli
import Unison.Cli.MonadUtils qualified as Cli
import Unison.Cli.PrettyPrintUtils qualified as Cli
import Unison.Codebase qualified as Codebase
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Output
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.StructuredArgument qualified as SA
import Unison.Codebase.Path (Path')
import Unison.Codebase.ProjectPath (ProjectPathG (..))
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.PrettyPrintEnvDecl qualified as PPED
import Unison.Server.Backend qualified as Backend
@ -18,9 +20,9 @@ import Unison.Server.Backend qualified as Backend
handleLs :: Path' -> Cli ()
handleLs pathArg = do
Cli.Env {codebase} <- ask
pathArgAbs <- Cli.resolvePath' pathArg
entries <- liftIO (Backend.lsAtPath codebase Nothing pathArgAbs)
pp <- Cli.resolvePath' pathArg
projectRootBranch <- Cli.runTransaction $ Codebase.expectShallowProjectBranchRoot pp.branch
entries <- liftIO (Backend.lsAtPath codebase projectRootBranch (pp.absPath))
Cli.setNumberedArgs $ fmap (SA.ShallowListEntry pathArg) entries
pped <- Cli.currentPrettyPrintEnvDecl
let suffixifiedPPE = PPED.suffixifiedPPE pped

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
-- | @merge@ input handler.
module Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.Merge2
( handleMerge,
@ -8,6 +9,9 @@ module Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.Merge2
LcaMergeInfo (..),
-- * API exported for @todo@
@ -65,6 +69,8 @@ import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Output qualified as Output
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.RemoteRepo (ReadShareLooseCode (..))
import Unison.Codebase.Path (Path)
import Unison.Codebase.Path qualified as Path
import Unison.Codebase.ProjectPath (ProjectPathG (..))
import Unison.Codebase.ProjectPath qualified as PP
import Unison.Codebase.SqliteCodebase.Branch.Cache (newBranchCache)
import Unison.Codebase.SqliteCodebase.Conversions qualified as Conversions
import Unison.Codebase.SqliteCodebase.Operations qualified as Operations
@ -85,6 +91,7 @@ import Unison.Merge.EitherWay (EitherWay (..))
import Unison.Merge.EitherWayI (EitherWayI (..))
import Unison.Merge.EitherWayI qualified as EitherWayI
import Unison.Merge.Libdeps qualified as Merge
import Unison.Merge.PartialDeclNameLookup (PartialDeclNameLookup)
import Unison.Merge.PartitionCombinedDiffs (partitionCombinedDiffs)
import Unison.Merge.Synhashed (Synhashed (..))
import Unison.Merge.Synhashed qualified as Synhashed
@ -138,12 +145,12 @@ import Unison.Util.SyntaxText (SyntaxText')
import Unison.Var (Var)
import Witch (unsafeFrom)
import Prelude hiding (unzip, zip, zipWith)
import Unison.Merge.PartialDeclNameLookup (PartialDeclNameLookup)
handleMerge :: ProjectAndBranch (Maybe ProjectName) ProjectBranchName -> Cli ()
handleMerge (ProjectAndBranch maybeBobProjectName bobBranchName) = do
-- Assert that Alice (us) is on a project branch, and grab the causal hash.
(aliceProjectAndBranch, _path) <- ProjectUtils.expectCurrentProjectBranch
ProjectPath aliceProject aliceProjectBranch _path <- Cli.getCurrentProjectPath
let aliceProjectAndBranch = ProjectAndBranch aliceProject aliceProjectBranch
-- Resolve Bob's maybe-project-name + branch-name to the info the merge algorithm needs: the project name, branch
-- name, and causal hash.
@ -193,7 +200,6 @@ doMerge info = do
then realDebugFunctions
else fakeDebugFunctions
let alicePath = ProjectUtils.projectBranchPath (ProjectUtils.justTheIds info.alice.projectAndBranch)
let aliceBranchNames = ProjectUtils.justTheNames info.alice.projectAndBranch
let mergeSource = MergeSourceOrTarget'Source info.bob.source
let mergeTarget = MergeSourceOrTarget'Target aliceBranchNames
@ -210,7 +216,7 @@ doMerge info = do
-- Otherwise, if LCA == alice (so alice is behind bob), then we could fast forward to bob, so we're done.
when (info.lca.causalHash == Just info.alice.causalHash) do
bobBranch <- liftIO (Codebase.expectBranchForHash codebase info.bob.causalHash)
_ <- Cli.updateAt info.description alicePath (\_aliceBranch -> bobBranch)
_ <- Cli.updateAt info.description (PP.projectBranchRoot info.alice.projectAndBranch) (\_aliceBranch -> bobBranch)
done (Output.MergeSuccessFastForward mergeSourceAndTarget)
-- Create a bunch of cached database lookup functions
@ -238,11 +244,7 @@ doMerge info = do
-- Assert that neither Alice nor Bob have defns in lib
for_ [(mergeTarget, branches.alice), (mergeSource, branches.bob)] \(who, branch) -> do
libdeps <-
case Map.lookup NameSegment.libSegment branch.children of
Nothing -> pure V2.Branch.empty
Just libdeps -> Cli.runTransaction libdeps.value
when (not (Map.null libdeps.terms) || not (Map.null libdeps.types)) do
whenM (Cli.runTransaction (hasDefnsInLib branch)) do
done (Output.MergeDefnsInLib who)
-- Load Alice/Bob/LCA definitions and decl name lookups
@ -397,7 +399,7 @@ doMerge info = do
in if thisMergeHasConflicts
then pure Nothing
else do
currentPath <- Cli.getCurrentPath
currentPath <- Cli.getCurrentProjectPath
parsingEnv <- makeParsingEnv currentPath (Branch.toNames stageOneBranch)
prettyParseTypecheck2 prettyUnisonFile parsingEnv <&> eitherToMaybe
@ -408,12 +410,12 @@ doMerge info = do
Nothing -> do
Cli.Env {writeSource} <- ask
(_temporaryBranchId, temporaryBranchName) <-
(Branch.mergeNode stageOneBranch parents.alice parents.bob)
(Just info.alice.projectAndBranch.branch.branchId)
(HandleInput.Branch.CreateFrom'NamespaceWithParent info.alice.projectAndBranch.branch (Branch.mergeNode stageOneBranch parents.alice parents.bob))
(findTemporaryBranchName info.alice.projectAndBranch.project.projectId mergeSourceAndTarget)
scratchFilePath <-
Cli.getLatestFile <&> \case
Nothing -> "scratch.u"
@ -423,11 +425,10 @@ doMerge info = do
Just tuf -> do
Cli.runTransaction (Codebase.addDefsToCodebase codebase tuf)
let stageTwoBranch = Branch.batchUpdates (typecheckedUnisonFileToBranchAdds tuf) stageOneBranch
_ <-
(\_aliceBranch -> Branch.mergeNode stageTwoBranch parents.alice parents.bob)
(\_aliceBranch -> Branch.mergeNode stageTwoBranch parents.alice parents.bob)
pure (Output.MergeSuccess mergeSourceAndTarget)
Cli.respond finalOutput
@ -436,8 +437,8 @@ doMergeLocalBranch :: TwoWay (ProjectAndBranch Project ProjectBranch) -> Cli ()
doMergeLocalBranch branches = do
(aliceCausalHash, bobCausalHash, lcaCausalHash) <-
Cli.runTransaction do
aliceCausalHash <- ProjectUtils.getProjectBranchCausalHash (ProjectUtils.justTheIds branches.alice)
bobCausalHash <- ProjectUtils.getProjectBranchCausalHash (ProjectUtils.justTheIds branches.bob)
aliceCausalHash <- ProjectUtils.getProjectBranchCausalHash (branches.alice ^. #branch)
bobCausalHash <- ProjectUtils.getProjectBranchCausalHash (branches.bob ^. #branch)
-- Using Alice and Bob's causal hashes, find the LCA (if it exists)
lcaCausalHash <- Operations.lca aliceCausalHash bobCausalHash
pure (aliceCausalHash, bobCausalHash, lcaCausalHash)
@ -485,6 +486,17 @@ loadLibdeps branches = do
libdepsBranch <- libdepsCausal.value
pure libdepsBranch.children
-- Merge precondition violation checks
hasDefnsInLib :: Applicative m => V2.Branch m -> m Bool
hasDefnsInLib branch = do
libdeps <-
case Map.lookup NameSegment.libSegment branch.children of
Nothing -> pure V2.Branch.empty
Just libdeps -> libdeps.value
pure (not (Map.null libdeps.terms) || not (Map.null libdeps.types))
-- Creating Unison files

View File

@ -23,5 +23,6 @@ handleMoveAll hasConfirmed src' dest' description = do
case (moveBranchFunc, moveTermTypeSteps) of
(Nothing, []) -> Cli.respond (Output.MoveNothingFound src')
(mupdates, steps) -> do
Cli.updateAndStepAt description (maybeToList mupdates) steps
pp <- Cli.getCurrentProjectPath
Cli.updateAndStepAt description (pp ^. #branch) (maybeToList mupdates) steps
Cli.respond Output.Success

View File

@ -7,17 +7,21 @@ import Unison.Codebase.Branch (Branch)
import Unison.Codebase.Branch qualified as Branch
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Output (Output (..))
import Unison.Codebase.Path qualified as Path
import Unison.Codebase.ProjectPath qualified as PP
import Unison.Prelude
-- | Note: Currently only allows moving within the same project-branch, should be easy to change in the future if
-- needed.
moveBranchFunc :: Bool -> Path.Path' -> Path.Path' -> Cli (Maybe (Path.Absolute, Branch IO -> Branch IO))
moveBranchFunc hasConfirmed src' dest' = do
srcAbs <- Cli.resolvePath' src'
destAbs <- Cli.resolvePath' dest'
-- We currently only support moving within the same project branch.
srcPP@(PP.ProjectPath _proj _projBranch srcAbs) <- Cli.resolvePath' src'
PP.ProjectPath _ _ destAbs <- Cli.resolvePath' dest'
destBranchExists <- Cli.branchExistsAtPath' dest'
let isRootMove = (Path.isRoot srcAbs || Path.isRoot destAbs)
when (isRootMove && not hasConfirmed) do
Cli.returnEarly MoveRootBranchConfirmation
Cli.getMaybeBranchAt srcAbs >>= traverse \srcBranch -> do
Cli.getMaybeBranchFromProjectPath srcPP >>= traverse \srcBranch -> do
-- We want the move to appear as a single step in the root namespace, but we need to make
-- surgical changes in both the root and the destination, so we make our modifications at the shared parent of
-- those changes such that they appear as a single change in the root.
@ -37,6 +41,7 @@ doMoveBranch :: Text -> Bool -> Path.Path' -> Path.Path' -> Cli ()
doMoveBranch actionDescription hasConfirmed src' dest' = do
moveBranchFunc hasConfirmed src' dest' >>= \case
Nothing -> Cli.respond (BranchNotFound src')
Just (path, func) -> do
_ <- Cli.updateAt actionDescription path func
Just (absPath, func) -> do
pp <- Cli.resolvePath' (Path.AbsolutePath' absPath)
_ <- Cli.updateAt actionDescription pp func
Cli.respond Success

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
module Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.MoveTerm (doMoveTerm, moveTermSteps) where
import Control.Lens (_2)
import Control.Lens (_1, _2)
import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Unison.Cli.Monad (Cli)
import Unison.Cli.Monad qualified as Cli
@ -9,13 +9,14 @@ import Unison.Codebase qualified as Codebase
import Unison.Codebase.Branch (Branch0)
import Unison.Codebase.BranchUtil qualified as BranchUtil
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Output qualified as Output
import Unison.Codebase.Path (Path, Path')
import Unison.Codebase.Path (Path')
import Unison.Codebase.Path qualified as Path
import Unison.Codebase.ProjectPath qualified as PP
import Unison.HashQualifiedPrime qualified as HQ'
import Unison.NameSegment (NameSegment)
import Unison.Prelude
moveTermSteps :: (Path', HQ'.HQSegment) -> (Path', NameSegment) -> Cli [(Path, Branch0 m -> Branch0 m)]
moveTermSteps :: (Path', HQ'.HQSegment) -> (Path', NameSegment) -> Cli [(Path.Absolute, Branch0 m -> Branch0 m)]
moveTermSteps src' dest' = do
src <- Cli.resolveSplit' src'
srcTerms <- Cli.getTermsAt src
@ -29,11 +30,11 @@ moveTermSteps src' dest' = do
destTerms <- Cli.getTermsAt (HQ'.NameOnly <$> dest)
when (not (Set.null destTerms)) do
Cli.returnEarly (Output.TermAlreadyExists dest' destTerms)
let p = first Path.unabsolute src
let p = src & _1 %~ view PP.absPath_
[ -- Mitchell: throwing away any hash-qualification here seems wrong!
BranchUtil.makeDeleteTermName (over _2 HQ'.toName p) srcTerm,
BranchUtil.makeAddTermName (first Path.unabsolute dest) srcTerm
BranchUtil.makeAddTermName (over _1 (view PP.absPath_) dest) srcTerm
doMoveTerm :: (Path', HQ'.HQSegment) -> (Path', NameSegment) -> Text -> Cli ()
@ -41,5 +42,6 @@ doMoveTerm src' dest' description = do
steps <- moveTermSteps src' dest'
when (null steps) do
Cli.returnEarly (Output.TermNotFound src')
Cli.stepManyAt description steps
pb <- Cli.getCurrentProjectBranch
Cli.stepManyAt pb description steps
Cli.respond Output.Success

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
module Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.MoveType (doMoveType, moveTypeSteps) where
import Control.Lens (_2)
import Control.Lens (_1, _2)
import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Unison.Cli.Monad (Cli)
import Unison.Cli.Monad qualified as Cli
@ -9,13 +9,14 @@ import Unison.Codebase qualified as Codebase
import Unison.Codebase.Branch (Branch0)
import Unison.Codebase.BranchUtil qualified as BranchUtil
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Output qualified as Output
import Unison.Codebase.Path (Path, Path')
import Unison.Codebase.Path (Path')
import Unison.Codebase.Path qualified as Path
import Unison.Codebase.ProjectPath qualified as PP
import Unison.HashQualifiedPrime qualified as HQ'
import Unison.NameSegment (NameSegment)
import Unison.Prelude
moveTypeSteps :: (Path', HQ'.HQSegment) -> (Path', NameSegment) -> Cli [(Path, Branch0 m -> Branch0 m)]
moveTypeSteps :: (Path', HQ'.HQSegment) -> (Path', NameSegment) -> Cli [(Path.Absolute, Branch0 m -> Branch0 m)]
moveTypeSteps src' dest' = do
src <- Cli.resolveSplit' src'
srcTypes <- Cli.getTypesAt src
@ -29,11 +30,11 @@ moveTypeSteps src' dest' = do
destTypes <- Cli.getTypesAt (HQ'.NameOnly <$> dest)
when (not (Set.null destTypes)) do
Cli.returnEarly (Output.TypeAlreadyExists dest' destTypes)
let p = first Path.unabsolute src
let p = over _1 (view PP.absPath_) src
[ -- Mitchell: throwing away any hash-qualification here seems wrong!
BranchUtil.makeDeleteTypeName (over _2 HQ'.toName p) srcType,
BranchUtil.makeAddTypeName (first Path.unabsolute dest) srcType
BranchUtil.makeAddTypeName (over _1 (view PP.absPath_) dest) srcType
doMoveType :: (Path', HQ'.HQSegment) -> (Path', NameSegment) -> Text -> Cli ()
@ -41,5 +42,6 @@ doMoveType src' dest' description = do
steps <- moveTypeSteps src' dest'
when (null steps) do
Cli.returnEarly (Output.TypeNotFound src')
Cli.stepManyAt description steps
pb <- Cli.getCurrentProjectBranch
Cli.stepManyAt pb description steps
Cli.respond Output.Success

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@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ import Unison.Codebase (Codebase)
import Unison.Codebase qualified as Codebase
import Unison.Codebase.Branch (Branch0)
import Unison.Codebase.Branch qualified as Branch
import Unison.Codebase.Branch.Names qualified as Branch
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Output qualified as Output
import Unison.Codebase.Path qualified as Path
import Unison.DataDeclaration qualified as DD
@ -22,7 +21,6 @@ import Unison.LabeledDependency (LabeledDependency)
import Unison.LabeledDependency qualified as LD
import Unison.Name (Name)
import Unison.NameSegment qualified as NameSegment
import Unison.Names qualified as Names
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.PrettyPrintEnvDecl qualified as PPED
import Unison.Reference qualified as Reference
@ -35,19 +33,16 @@ import Unison.Util.Relation qualified as Relation
handleNamespaceDependencies :: Maybe Path.Path' -> Cli.Cli ()
handleNamespaceDependencies namespacePath' = do
Cli.Env {codebase} <- ask
path <- maybe Cli.getCurrentPath Cli.resolvePath' namespacePath'
pp <- maybe Cli.getCurrentProjectPath Cli.resolvePath' namespacePath'
let pb = pp ^. #branch
branch <-
Cli.getMaybeBranch0At path & onNothingM do
Cli.returnEarly (Output.BranchEmpty (Output.WhichBranchEmptyPath (Path.absoluteToPath' path)))
Cli.getMaybeBranch0FromProjectPath pp & onNothingM do
Cli.returnEarly (Output.BranchEmpty (Output.WhichBranchEmptyPath pp))
externalDependencies <-
Cli.runTransaction (namespaceDependencies codebase branch)
currentPPED <- Cli.currentPrettyPrintEnvDecl
globalNames <- Names.makeAbsolute . Branch.toNames <$> Cli.getRootBranch0
globalPPED <- Cli.prettyPrintEnvDeclFromNames globalNames
-- We explicitly include a global unsuffixified fallback on namespace dependencies since
-- the things we want names for are obviously outside of our scope.
let ppeWithFallback = PPED.unsuffixifiedPPE $ PPED.addFallback globalPPED currentPPED
Cli.respondNumbered $ Output.ListNamespaceDependencies ppeWithFallback path externalDependencies
pped <- Cli.projectBranchPPED pb
let ppe = PPED.unsuffixifiedPPE pped
Cli.respondNumbered $ Output.ListNamespaceDependencies ppe pp externalDependencies
-- | Check the dependencies of all types and terms in the current namespace,
-- returns a map of dependencies which do not have a name within the current namespace,

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ diffHelper before after =
Cli.Env {codebase} <- ask
hqLength <- Cli.runTransaction Codebase.hashLength
diff <- liftIO (BranchDiff.diff0 before after)
names <- Cli.currentNames
names <- Cli.currentNames <&> \currentNames -> currentNames <> Branch.toNames before <> Branch.toNames after
pped <- Cli.prettyPrintEnvDeclFromNames names
let suffixifiedPPE = PPED.suffixifiedPPE pped
fmap (suffixifiedPPE,) do

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@ -5,24 +5,21 @@ module Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.ProjectClone
import Control.Lens (_2)
import Control.Monad.Reader (ask)
import Data.These (These (..))
import Data.UUID.V4 qualified as UUID
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.DbId (ProjectBranchId (..), ProjectId (..))
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.DbId qualified as Sqlite
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Project qualified as Sqlite (Project (..))
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.ProjectBranch qualified as Sqlite
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Queries qualified as Q
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Queries qualified as Queries
import Unison.Cli.DownloadUtils (downloadProjectBranchFromShare)
import Unison.Cli.Monad (Cli)
import Unison.Cli.Monad qualified as Cli
import Unison.Cli.MonadUtils qualified as Cli (updateAt)
import Unison.Cli.ProjectUtils (projectBranchPath)
import Unison.Cli.MonadUtils qualified as Cli (getCurrentProjectAndBranch)
import Unison.Cli.ProjectUtils qualified as ProjectUtils
import Unison.Cli.Share.Projects qualified as Share
import Unison.Codebase qualified as Codebase
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Output qualified as Output
import Unison.Codebase.Path (Path)
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.Project (ProjectAndBranch (..), ProjectAndBranchNames (..), ProjectBranchName, ProjectName, projectNameUserSlug)
import Unison.Sqlite qualified as Sqlite
@ -39,9 +36,9 @@ data RemoteProjectKey
-- | Clone a remote branch.
handleClone :: ProjectAndBranchNames -> Maybe ProjectAndBranchNames -> Cli ()
handleClone remoteNames0 maybeLocalNames0 = do
maybeCurrentProjectBranch <- ProjectUtils.getCurrentProjectBranch
resolvedRemoteNames <- resolveRemoteNames Share.NoSquashedHead maybeCurrentProjectBranch remoteNames0
localNames1 <- resolveLocalNames maybeCurrentProjectBranch resolvedRemoteNames maybeLocalNames0
currentProjectBranch <- Cli.getCurrentProjectAndBranch
resolvedRemoteNames <- resolveRemoteNames Share.NoSquashedHead currentProjectBranch remoteNames0
localNames1 <- resolveLocalNames currentProjectBranch resolvedRemoteNames maybeLocalNames0
cloneInto localNames1 resolvedRemoteNames.branch
data ResolvedRemoteNames = ResolvedRemoteNames
@ -78,63 +75,59 @@ data ResolvedRemoteNamesFrom
-- otherwise abort
resolveRemoteNames ::
Share.IncludeSquashedHead ->
Maybe (ProjectAndBranch Sqlite.Project Sqlite.ProjectBranch, Path) ->
(ProjectAndBranch Sqlite.Project Sqlite.ProjectBranch) ->
ProjectAndBranchNames ->
Cli ResolvedRemoteNames
resolveRemoteNames includeSquashed maybeCurrentProjectBranch = \case
ProjectAndBranchNames'Ambiguous remoteProjectName remoteBranchName ->
case maybeCurrentProjectBranch of
Nothing -> resolveP remoteProjectName
Just (currentProjectAndBranch, _path) ->
case projectNameUserSlug remoteProjectName of
Nothing -> resolveB remoteBranchName
Just _ ->
Cli.runTransaction (loadAssociatedRemoteProjectId currentProjectAndBranch) >>= \case
Nothing -> resolveP remoteProjectName
Just remoteBranchProjectId -> do
-- Fetching these in parallel would be an improvement
maybeRemoteProject <- Share.getProjectByName remoteProjectName
maybeRemoteBranch <-
Share.getProjectBranchByName includeSquashed (ProjectAndBranch remoteBranchProjectId remoteBranchName) <&> \case
Share.GetProjectBranchResponseBranchNotFound -> Nothing
Share.GetProjectBranchResponseProjectNotFound -> Nothing
Share.GetProjectBranchResponseSuccess remoteBranch -> Just remoteBranch
case (maybeRemoteProject, maybeRemoteBranch) of
(Just remoteProject, Nothing) -> do
let remoteProjectId = remoteProject.projectId
let remoteProjectName = remoteProject.projectName
let remoteBranchName = unsafeFrom @Text "main"
remoteBranch <-
(ProjectAndBranch (remoteProjectId, remoteProjectName) remoteBranchName)
{ branch = remoteBranch,
from = ResolvedRemoteNamesFrom'Project
(Nothing, Just remoteBranch) ->
{ branch = remoteBranch,
from = ResolvedRemoteNamesFrom'Branch
-- Treat neither existing and both existing uniformly as "ambiguous input"
-- Alternatively, if neither exist, we could instead say "although your input was ambiguous, disambuating
-- wouldn't help, because we did enough work to know neither thing exists"
_ -> do
branchProjectName <-
Cli.runTransaction (Queries.expectRemoteProjectName remoteBranchProjectId Share.hardCodedUri)
Cli.returnEarly $
(ProjectAndBranch branchProjectName remoteBranchName)
resolveRemoteNames includeSquashed currentProjectAndBranch = \case
ProjectAndBranchNames'Ambiguous remoteProjectName remoteBranchName -> do
case projectNameUserSlug remoteProjectName of
Nothing -> resolveB remoteBranchName
Just _ ->
Cli.runTransaction (loadAssociatedRemoteProjectId currentProjectAndBranch) >>= \case
Nothing -> resolveP remoteProjectName
Just remoteBranchProjectId -> do
-- Fetching these in parallel would be an improvement
maybeRemoteProject <- Share.getProjectByName remoteProjectName
maybeRemoteBranch <-
Share.getProjectBranchByName includeSquashed (ProjectAndBranch remoteBranchProjectId remoteBranchName) <&> \case
Share.GetProjectBranchResponseBranchNotFound -> Nothing
Share.GetProjectBranchResponseProjectNotFound -> Nothing
Share.GetProjectBranchResponseSuccess remoteBranch -> Just remoteBranch
case (maybeRemoteProject, maybeRemoteBranch) of
(Just remoteProject, Nothing) -> do
let remoteProjectId = remoteProject.projectId
let remoteProjectName = remoteProject.projectName
let remoteBranchName = unsafeFrom @Text "main"
remoteBranch <-
(ProjectAndBranch (remoteProjectId, remoteProjectName) remoteBranchName)
{ branch = remoteBranch,
from = ResolvedRemoteNamesFrom'Project
(Nothing, Just remoteBranch) ->
{ branch = remoteBranch,
from = ResolvedRemoteNamesFrom'Branch
-- Treat neither existing and both existing uniformly as "ambiguous input"
-- Alternatively, if neither exist, we could instead say "although your input was ambiguous, disambuating
-- wouldn't help, because we did enough work to know neither thing exists"
_ -> do
branchProjectName <-
Cli.runTransaction (Queries.expectRemoteProjectName remoteBranchProjectId Share.hardCodedUri)
Cli.returnEarly $
(ProjectAndBranch branchProjectName remoteBranchName)
ProjectAndBranchNames'Unambiguous (This p) -> resolveP p
ProjectAndBranchNames'Unambiguous (That b) -> resolveB b
ProjectAndBranchNames'Unambiguous (These p b) -> resolvePB p b
resolveB branchName = do
(currentProjectAndBranch, _path) <- maybeCurrentProjectBranch & onNothing (Cli.returnEarly Output.NotOnProjectBranch)
remoteProjectId <-
Cli.runTransaction (loadAssociatedRemoteProjectId currentProjectAndBranch) & onNothingM do
Cli.returnEarly (Output.NoAssociatedRemoteProjectBranch Share.hardCodedUri currentProjectAndBranch)
@ -181,11 +174,11 @@ resolveRemoteNames includeSquashed maybeCurrentProjectBranch = \case
-- `clone @foo/bar` resulted in treating `@foo/bar` as a contributor branch of the current project, then it is as if
-- the user typed `clone /@foo/bar` instead, which is equivalent to the two-arg `clone /@foo/bar /@foo/bar`.
resolveLocalNames ::
Maybe (ProjectAndBranch Sqlite.Project Sqlite.ProjectBranch, Path) ->
(ProjectAndBranch Sqlite.Project Sqlite.ProjectBranch) ->
ResolvedRemoteNames ->
Maybe ProjectAndBranchNames ->
Cli (ProjectAndBranch LocalProjectKey ProjectBranchName)
resolveLocalNames maybeCurrentProjectBranch resolvedRemoteNames maybeLocalNames =
resolveLocalNames (ProjectAndBranch currentProject _) resolvedRemoteNames maybeLocalNames =
resolve case maybeLocalNames of
Nothing ->
ProjectAndBranchNames'Unambiguous case resolvedRemoteNames.from of
@ -199,14 +192,11 @@ resolveLocalNames maybeCurrentProjectBranch resolvedRemoteNames maybeLocalNames
resolve names =
case names of
ProjectAndBranchNames'Ambiguous localProjectName localBranchName ->
case maybeCurrentProjectBranch of
Nothing -> resolveP localProjectName
Just (ProjectAndBranch currentProject _, _path) -> do
Cli.returnEarly $
(ProjectAndBranch localProjectName remoteBranchName)
(ProjectAndBranch localBranchName)
ProjectAndBranchNames'Ambiguous localProjectName localBranchName -> do
Cli.returnEarly $
(ProjectAndBranch localProjectName remoteBranchName)
(ProjectAndBranch localBranchName)
ProjectAndBranchNames'Unambiguous (This localProjectName) -> resolveP localProjectName
ProjectAndBranchNames'Unambiguous (That localBranchName) -> resolveB localBranchName
ProjectAndBranchNames'Unambiguous (These localProjectName localBranchName) -> resolvePB localProjectName localBranchName
@ -215,8 +205,6 @@ resolveLocalNames maybeCurrentProjectBranch resolvedRemoteNames maybeLocalNames
go (LocalProjectKey'Name localProjectName) remoteBranchName
resolveB localBranchName = do
(ProjectAndBranch currentProject _, _path) <-
maybeCurrentProjectBranch & onNothing (Cli.returnEarly Output.NotOnProjectBranch)
go (LocalProjectKey'Project currentProject) localBranchName
resolvePB localProjectName localBranchName =
@ -254,7 +242,11 @@ cloneInto localProjectBranch remoteProjectBranch = do
pure (localProjectId, localProjectName)
Right localProject -> pure (localProject.projectId,
localBranchId <- Sqlite.unsafeIO (ProjectBranchId <$> UUID.nextRandom)
causalHashId <- Q.expectCausalHashIdByCausalHash branchHead
let description = "Cloned from " <> into @Text (ProjectAndBranch remoteProjectName remoteBranchName)
{ projectId = localProjectId,
branchId = localBranchId,
@ -277,12 +269,8 @@ cloneInto localProjectBranch remoteProjectBranch = do
-- Manipulate the root namespace and cd
Cli.Env {codebase} <- ask
theBranch <- liftIO (Codebase.expectBranchForHash codebase branchHead)
let path = projectBranchPath (over #project fst localProjectAndBranch)
Cli.updateAt ("clone " <> into @Text remoteProjectBranchNames) path (const theBranch) path
let newProjectAndBranch = (over #project fst localProjectAndBranch)
Cli.switchProject newProjectAndBranch
-- Return the remote project id associated with the given project branch
loadAssociatedRemoteProjectId ::

View File

@ -4,23 +4,23 @@ module Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.ProjectCreate
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.Reader (ask)
import Data.Map.Strict qualified as Map
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Data.UUID.V4 qualified as UUID
import System.Random.Shuffle qualified as RandomShuffle
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.DbId
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Project (Project (..))
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.ProjectBranch (ProjectBranch (..))
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Queries (expectCausalHashIdByCausalHash)
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Queries qualified as Queries
import Unison.Cli.DownloadUtils (downloadProjectBranchFromShare)
import Unison.Cli.Monad (Cli)
import Unison.Cli.Monad qualified as Cli
import Unison.Cli.MonadUtils qualified as Cli (stepAt)
import Unison.Cli.ProjectUtils (projectBranchPath)
import Unison.Cli.Share.Projects qualified as Share
import Unison.Codebase qualified as Codebase
import Unison.Codebase.Branch qualified as Branch
import Unison.Codebase.Causal qualified as Causal
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Output qualified as Output
import Unison.Codebase.Path qualified as Path
import Unison.Codebase.SqliteCodebase.Operations qualified as Ops
import Unison.NameSegment qualified as NameSegment
import Unison.Prelude
@ -55,14 +55,12 @@ import Witch (unsafeFrom)
-- For now, it doesn't seem worth it to do (1) or (2), since we want to do (3) eventually, and we'd rather not waste too
-- much time getting everything perfectly correct before we get there.
projectCreate :: Bool -> Maybe ProjectName -> Cli ()
projectCreate :: Bool -> Maybe ProjectName -> Cli (ProjectAndBranch ProjectId ProjectBranchId)
projectCreate tryDownloadingBase maybeProjectName = do
projectId <- liftIO (ProjectId <$> UUID.nextRandom)
branchId <- liftIO (ProjectBranchId <$> UUID.nextRandom)
let branchName = unsafeFrom @Text "main"
(_, emptyCausalHashId) <- Cli.runTransaction Codebase.emptyCausalHash
projectName <-
(project, branch) <-
case maybeProjectName of
Nothing -> do
randomProjectNames <- liftIO generateRandomProjectNames
@ -70,23 +68,21 @@ projectCreate tryDownloadingBase maybeProjectName = do
let loop = \case
[] -> error (reportBug "E066388" "project name supply is supposed to be infinite")
projectName : projectNames ->
Queries.projectExistsByName projectName >>= \case
False -> do
Ops.insertProjectAndBranch projectId projectName branchId branchName
pure projectName
True -> loop projectNames
Queries.loadProjectByName projectName >>= \case
Nothing -> do
(project, branch) <- Ops.insertProjectAndBranch projectName branchName emptyCausalHashId
pure (project, branch)
Just _project -> loop projectNames
loop randomProjectNames
Just projectName -> do
Cli.runTransactionWithRollback \rollback -> do
Queries.projectExistsByName projectName >>= \case
False -> do
Ops.insertProjectAndBranch projectId projectName branchId branchName
pure projectName
Ops.insertProjectAndBranch projectName branchName emptyCausalHashId
True -> rollback (Output.ProjectNameAlreadyExists projectName)
let path = projectBranchPath ProjectAndBranch {project = projectId, branch = branchId}
Cli.respond (Output.CreatedProject (isNothing maybeProjectName) projectName) path
Cli.respond (Output.CreatedProject (isNothing maybeProjectName)
Cli.switchProject (ProjectAndBranch project.projectId branch.branchId)
maybeBaseLatestReleaseBranchObject <-
if tryDownloadingBase
@ -126,30 +122,29 @@ projectCreate tryDownloadingBase maybeProjectName = do
pure maybeBaseLatestReleaseBranchObject
else pure Nothing
let projectBranchObject =
case maybeBaseLatestReleaseBranchObject of
Nothing -> Branch.empty0
Just baseLatestReleaseBranchObject ->
let -- lib.base
projectBranchLibBaseObject =
(Map.insert NameSegment.baseSegment baseLatestReleaseBranchObject)
projectBranchLibObject = Branch.cons projectBranchLibBaseObject Branch.empty
in over
(Map.insert NameSegment.libSegment projectBranchLibObject)
Cli.stepAt reflogDescription (Path.unabsolute path, const projectBranchObject)
for_ maybeBaseLatestReleaseBranchObject \baseLatestReleaseBranchObject -> do
-- lib.base
let projectBranchLibBaseObject =
& Branch.children
. at NameSegment.baseSegment
.~ Just baseLatestReleaseBranchObject
projectBranchLibObject = Branch.cons projectBranchLibBaseObject Branch.empty
let branchWithBase =
& Branch.history
. Causal.head_
. Branch.children
. at NameSegment.libSegment
.~ Just projectBranchLibObject
Cli.Env {codebase} <- ask
liftIO $ Codebase.putBranch codebase branchWithBase
Cli.runTransaction $ do
baseBranchCausalHashId <- expectCausalHashIdByCausalHash (Branch.headHash branchWithBase)
Queries.setProjectBranchHead "Include latest base library" project.projectId branch.branchId baseBranchCausalHashId
Cli.respond Output.HappyCoding
reflogDescription =
case maybeProjectName of
Nothing -> "project.create"
Just projectName -> "project.create " <> into @Text projectName
pure ProjectAndBranch {project = project.projectId, branch = branch.branchId}
-- An infinite list of random project names that looks like

View File

@ -4,21 +4,22 @@ module Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.ProjectRename
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Project (Project (..))
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Queries qualified as Queries
import Unison.Cli.Monad (Cli)
import Unison.Cli.Monad qualified as Cli
import Unison.Cli.ProjectUtils qualified as ProjectUtils
import Unison.Cli.MonadUtils qualified as Cli
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Output qualified as Output
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.Project (ProjectName)
import Unison.Project (ProjectAndBranch (..), ProjectName)
handleProjectRename :: ProjectName -> Cli ()
handleProjectRename newName = do
project <- ProjectUtils.expectCurrentProject
let oldName = project ^. #name
ProjectAndBranch project _branch <- Cli.getCurrentProjectAndBranch
let oldName =
when (oldName /= newName) do
Cli.runTransactionWithRollback \rollback -> do
Queries.loadProjectByName newName >>= \case
Just _ -> rollback (Output.ProjectNameAlreadyExists newName)
Nothing -> Queries.renameProject (project ^. #projectId) newName
Nothing -> Queries.renameProject project.projectId newName
Cli.respond (Output.RenamedProject oldName newName)

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