Proper algorithm for reassociation

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Rúnar 2024-08-13 00:03:14 -04:00
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commit 7012cc4ba1
2 changed files with 58 additions and 34 deletions

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@ -1063,56 +1063,59 @@ data InfixParse v
| InfixAnd (L.Token String) (InfixParse v) (InfixParse v)
| InfixOr (L.Token String) (InfixParse v) (InfixParse v)
| InfixOperand (Term v Ann)
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- e.g. term4 + term4 - term4
-- or term4 || term4 && term4
infixAppOrBooleanOp :: forall m v. (Monad m, Var v) => TermP v m
infixAppOrBooleanOp =
applyInfixOps <$> prelimParse
infixAppOrBooleanOp = do
(p, ps) <- prelimParse
-- traceShowM ("orig" :: String, foldl' (flip ($)) p ps)
let p' = reassociate (p, ps)
-- traceShowM ("reassoc" :: String, p')
return (applyInfixOps p')
-- To handle a mix of infix operators with and without precedence rules,
-- we first parse the expression left-associated, then reassociate it
-- according to the precedence rules.
prelimParse :: P v m (InfixParse v)
prelimParse =
reassociate <$> chainl1 (InfixOperand <$> term4) genericInfixApp
chainl1Accum (InfixOperand <$> term4) genericInfixApp
genericInfixApp =
(InfixAnd <$> (label "and" (reserved "&&")))
<|> (InfixOr <$> (label "or" (reserved "||")))
<|> (uncurry InfixOp <$> parseInfix)
shouldRotate child parent = case (child, parent) of
(Just p1, Just p2) -> p1 > p2
_ -> False
parseInfix = label "infixApp" do
op <- hqInfixId <* optional semi
resolved <- resolveHashQualified op
pure (op, resolved)
reassociate x = fst $ go Nothing x
go parentPrec = \case
InfixOp op tm lhs rhs ->
let prec = Map.lookup (unqualified op) precedenceRules
in rotate prec (InfixOp op tm) lhs rhs
InfixOperand tm -> (InfixOperand tm, False)
InfixAnd op lhs rhs -> rotate (Just 4) (InfixAnd op) lhs rhs
InfixOr op lhs rhs -> rotate (Just 6) (InfixOr op) lhs rhs
rotate ::
Maybe Int ->
( InfixParse v ->
InfixParse v ->
InfixParse v
) ->
InfixParse v ->
InfixParse v ->
(InfixParse v, Bool)
rotate prec ctor lhs rhs =
let (lhs', shouldRotLeft) = go prec lhs
shouldRotate = (((>) <$> prec <*> parentPrec) == (Just True))
in if shouldRotLeft
then case lhs' of
InfixOp lop ltm ll lr -> go prec (InfixOp lop ltm ll (ctor lr rhs))
InfixAnd lop ll lr -> go prec (InfixAnd lop ll (ctor lr rhs))
InfixOr lop ll lr -> go prec (InfixOr lop ll (ctor lr rhs))
_ -> (ctor lhs' rhs, shouldRotate)
else (ctor lhs' rhs, shouldRotate)
reassociate (exp, ops) =
foldl' checkOp exp ops
checkOp exp op = fixUp (op exp)
fixUp = \case
InfixOp op tm lhs rhs ->
rotate (unqualified op) (InfixOp op tm) lhs rhs
InfixAnd op lhs rhs ->
rotate "&&" (InfixAnd op) lhs rhs
InfixOr op lhs rhs ->
rotate "||" (InfixOr op) lhs rhs
x -> x
rotate op ctor lhs rhs =
case lhs of
InfixOp lop ltm ll lr
| shouldRotate (precedence (unqualified lop)) (precedence op) ->
InfixOp lop ltm ll (fixUp (ctor lr rhs))
InfixAnd lop ll lr
| shouldRotate (precedence "&&") (precedence op) ->
InfixAnd lop ll (fixUp (ctor lr rhs))
InfixOr lop ll lr
| shouldRotate (precedence "||") (precedence op) ->
InfixOr lop ll (fixUp (ctor lr rhs))
_ -> ctor lhs rhs
precedence op = Map.lookup op precedenceRules
unqualified t = Maybe.fromJust $ NameSegment.toEscapedText . Name.lastSegment <$> (HQ.toName $ L.payload t)
applyInfixOps :: InfixParse v -> Term v Ann
applyInfixOps t = case t of
InfixOp _ tm lhs rhs ->
@ -1126,7 +1129,6 @@ infixAppOrBooleanOp =
let lhs' = applyInfixOps lhs
rhs' = applyInfixOps rhs
in Term.or (ann lhs' <> ann op <> ann rhs') lhs' rhs'
unqualified t = Maybe.fromJust $ NameSegment.toEscapedText . Name.lastSegment <$> (HQ.toName $ L.payload t)
-- or = orf <$> label "or" (reserved "||")
-- orf op lhs rhs = Term.or (ann lhs <> ann op <> ann rhs) lhs rhs

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@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ module Unison.Syntax.Parser
@ -444,6 +445,27 @@ chainr1 p op = go1
chainl1 :: (Ord v) => P v m a -> P v m (a -> a -> a) -> P v m a
chainl1 p op = foldl (flip ($)) <$> p <*> P.many (flip <$> op <*> p)
-- chainl1Accum is like chainl1, but it accumulates intermediate results
-- instead of applying them immediately. It's used to implement infix
-- operators that may or may not have precedence rules.
chainl1Accum ::
(P.Stream u, Ord s) =>
P.ParsecT s u m a ->
P.ParsecT s u m (a -> a -> a) ->
P.ParsecT s u m (a, [a -> a])
chainl1Accum p op = do
x <- p
fs <- rest []
pure (x, fs)
rest fs =
( do
f <- op
y <- p
rest (fs ++ [flip f y])
<|> return fs
-- | If `p` would succeed, this fails uncommitted.
-- Otherwise, `failIfOk` used to produce the output
failureIf :: (Ord v) => P v m (P v m b) -> P v m a -> P v m b