Merge pull request #5298 from sellout/empty-match

Support pattern matching on empty types
This commit is contained in:
Paul Chiusano 2024-08-23 08:46:46 -05:00 committed by GitHub
commit 7178ec2266
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B5690EEEBB952194
12 changed files with 163 additions and 71 deletions

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@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ module Unison.PatternMatchCoverage
import Data.List.NonEmpty (nonEmpty)
import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Debug.Trace
import Unison.Debug
@ -63,16 +62,14 @@ checkMatch ::
checkMatch scrutineeType cases = do
ppe <- getPrettyPrintEnv
v0 <- fresh
mgrdtree0 <- traverse (desugarMatch scrutineeType v0) (nonEmpty cases)
doDebug (P.hang (title "desugared:") (prettyGrdTreeMaybe (prettyPmGrd ppe) (\_ -> "<loc>") mgrdtree0)) (pure ())
grdtree0 <- desugarMatch scrutineeType v0 cases
doDebug (P.hang (title "desugared:") (prettyGrdTree (prettyPmGrd ppe) (\_ -> "<loc>") grdtree0)) (pure ())
let initialUncovered = Set.singleton (NC.markDirty v0 $ NC.declVar v0 scrutineeType id NC.emptyNormalizedConstraints)
(uncovered, grdtree1) <- case mgrdtree0 of
Nothing -> pure (initialUncovered, Nothing)
Just grdtree0 -> fmap Just <$> uncoverAnnotate initialUncovered grdtree0
(uncovered, grdtree1) <- uncoverAnnotate initialUncovered grdtree0
( P.sep
[ P.hang (title "annotated:") (prettyGrdTreeMaybe (NC.prettyDnf ppe) (NC.prettyDnf ppe . fst) grdtree1),
[ P.hang (title "annotated:") (prettyGrdTree (NC.prettyDnf ppe) (NC.prettyDnf ppe . fst) grdtree1),
P.hang (title "uncovered:") (NC.prettyDnf ppe uncovered)
@ -80,14 +77,9 @@ checkMatch scrutineeType cases = do
uncoveredExpanded <- concat . fmap Set.toList <$> traverse (expandSolution v0) (Set.toList uncovered)
doDebug (P.hang (title "uncovered expanded:") (NC.prettyDnf ppe (Set.fromList uncoveredExpanded))) (pure ())
let sols = map (generateInhabitants v0) uncoveredExpanded
let (_accessible, inaccessible, redundant) = case grdtree1 of
Nothing -> ([], [], [])
Just x -> classify x
let (_accessible, inaccessible, redundant) = classify grdtree1
pure (redundant, inaccessible, sols)
prettyGrdTreeMaybe prettyNode prettyLeaf = \case
Nothing -> "<empty>"
Just x -> prettyGrdTree prettyNode prettyLeaf x
title = P.bold
doDebug out = case shouldDebug PatternCoverage of
True -> trace (P.toAnsiUnbroken out)

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@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ module Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.Desugar
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import U.Core.ABT qualified as ABT
import Unison.Pattern
import Unison.Pattern qualified as Pattern
@ -25,7 +24,7 @@ desugarMatch ::
-- | scrutinee variable
v ->
-- | match cases
NonEmpty (MatchCase loc (Term' vt v loc)) ->
[MatchCase loc (Term' vt v loc)] ->
m (GrdTree (PmGrd vt v loc) loc)
desugarMatch scrutineeType v0 cs0 = Fork <$> traverse desugarClause cs0

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@ -10,8 +10,6 @@ module Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.GrdTree
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NEL
import Data.ListLike (ListLike)
import Unison.PatternMatchCoverage.Fix
import Unison.Prelude
@ -55,7 +53,7 @@ data GrdTreeF n l a
| -- | A constraint of some kind (structural pattern match, boolan guard, etc)
GrdF n a
| -- | A list of alternative matches, tried in order
ForkF (NonEmpty a)
ForkF [a]
deriving stock (Functor, Show)
prettyGrdTree :: forall n l s. (ListLike s Char, IsString s) => (n -> Pretty s) -> (l -> Pretty s) -> GrdTree n l -> Pretty s
@ -64,7 +62,7 @@ prettyGrdTree prettyNode prettyLeaf = cata phi
phi = \case
LeafF l -> prettyLeaf l
GrdF n rest -> sep " " [prettyNode n, "──", rest]
ForkF xs -> "──" <> group (sep "\n" (makeTree $ NEL.toList xs))
ForkF xs -> "──" <> group (sep "\n" $ makeTree xs)
makeTree :: [Pretty s] -> [Pretty s]
makeTree = \case
[] -> []
@ -82,7 +80,7 @@ pattern Leaf x = Fix (LeafF x)
pattern Grd :: n -> GrdTree n l -> GrdTree n l
pattern Grd x rest = Fix (GrdF x rest)
pattern Fork :: NonEmpty (GrdTree n l) -> GrdTree n l
pattern Fork :: [GrdTree n l] -> GrdTree n l
pattern Fork alts = Fix (ForkF alts)
{-# COMPLETE Leaf, Grd, Fork #-}

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@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ import Data.Foldable
import Data.Function
import Data.Functor
import Data.Functor.Compose
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import Data.Map qualified as Map
import Data.Sequence qualified as Seq
import Data.Set qualified as Set
@ -74,12 +73,11 @@ uncoverAnnotate z grdtree0 = cata phi grdtree0 z
LeafF l -> \nc -> do
nc' <- ensureInhabited' nc
pure (Set.empty, Leaf (nc', l))
ForkF (kinit :| ks) -> \nc0 -> do
ForkF ks -> \nc0 -> do
-- depth-first fold in match-case order to acculate the
-- constraints for a match failure at every case.
(nc1, t1) <- kinit nc0
(ncfinal, ts) <- foldlM (\(nc, ts) a -> a nc >>= \(nc', t) -> pure (nc', t : ts)) (nc1, []) ks
pure (ncfinal, Fork (t1 :| reverse ts))
(ncfinal, ts) <- foldlM (\(nc, ts) a -> a nc >>= \(nc', t) -> pure (nc', t : ts)) (nc0, []) ks
pure (ncfinal, Fork $ reverse ts)
GrdF grd k -> \nc0 -> case grd of
PmEffect var con convars -> handleGrd (PosEffect var (Effect con) convars) (NegEffect var (Effect con)) k nc0
PmEffectPure var resume -> handleGrd (PosEffect var NoEffect [resume]) (NegEffect var NoEffect) k nc0

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@ -1774,21 +1774,6 @@ renderParseErrors s = \case
tokenAsErrorSite s tok
in (msg, [rangeForToken tok])
go (Parser.EmptyMatch tok) =
let msg =
Pr.indentN 2 . Pr.callout "😶" $
[ Pr.wrap
( "I expected some patterns after a "
<> style ErrorSite "match"
<> "/"
<> style ErrorSite "with"
<> " or cases but I didn't find any."
tokenAsErrorSite s tok
in (msg, [rangeForToken tok])
go (Parser.EmptyWatch tok) =
let msg =

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@ -171,22 +171,13 @@ match = do
P.try (openBlockWith "with") <|> do
t <- anyToken
P.customFailure (ExpectedBlockOpen "with" t)
(_arities, cases) <- NonEmpty.unzip <$> matchCases1 start
(_arities, cases) <- unzip <$> matchCases
_ <- optionalCloseBlock
pure $
(ann start <> ann (NonEmpty.last cases))
(toList cases)
let anns = foldr ((<>) . ann) (ann start) $ lastMay cases
pure $ Term.match anns scrutinee cases
matchCases1 :: (Monad m, Var v) => L.Token () -> P v m (NonEmpty (Int, Term.MatchCase Ann (Term v Ann)))
matchCases1 start = do
cases <-
(sepBy semi matchCase)
<&> \cases_ -> [(n, c) | (n, cs) <- cases_, c <- cs]
case cases of
[] -> P.customFailure (EmptyMatch start)
(c : cs) -> pure (c NonEmpty.:| cs)
matchCases :: (Monad m, Var v) => P v m [(Int, Term.MatchCase Ann (Term v Ann))]
matchCases = sepBy semi matchCase <&> \cases_ -> [(n, c) | (n, cs) <- cases_, c <- cs]
-- Returns the arity of the pattern and the `MatchCase`. Examples:
@ -369,16 +360,17 @@ handle = label "handle" do
-- Meaning the newline gets overwritten when pretty-printing and it messes things up.
pure $ Term.handle (handleSpan <> ann handler) handler b
checkCasesArities :: (Ord v, Annotated a) => NonEmpty (Int, a) -> P v m (Int, NonEmpty a)
checkCasesArities cases@((i, _) NonEmpty.:| rest) =
case List.find (\(j, _) -> j /= i) rest of
checkCasesArities :: (Ord v, Annotated a) => [(Int, a)] -> P v m (Int, [a])
checkCasesArities = \case
[] -> pure (1, [])
cases@((i, _) : rest) -> case List.find (\(j, _) -> j /= i) rest of
Nothing -> pure (i, snd <$> cases)
Just (j, a) -> P.customFailure $ PatternArityMismatch i j (ann a)
lamCase :: (Monad m, Var v) => TermP v m
lamCase = do
start <- openBlockWith "cases"
cases <- matchCases1 start
cases <- matchCases
(arity, cases) <- checkCasesArities cases
_ <- optionalCloseBlock
lamvars <- replicateM arity (Parser.uniqueName 10)
@ -390,8 +382,8 @@ lamCase = do
lamvarTerm = case lamvarTerms of
[e] -> e
es -> DD.tupleTerm es
anns = ann start <> ann (NonEmpty.last cases)
matchTerm = Term.match anns lamvarTerm (toList cases)
anns = foldr ((<>) . ann) (ann start) $ lastMay cases
matchTerm = Term.match anns lamvarTerm cases
let annotatedVars = (Ann.GeneratedFrom $ ann start,) <$> vars
pure $ Term.lam' anns annotatedVars matchTerm

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@ -1526,10 +1526,8 @@ ensurePatternCoverage theMatch _theMatchType _scrutinee scrutineeType cases = do
(redundant, _inaccessible, uncovered) <- flip evalStateT pmcState do
checkMatch scrutineeType cases
let checkUncovered = case Nel.nonEmpty uncovered of
Nothing -> pure ()
Just xs -> failWith (UncoveredPatterns matchLoc xs)
checkRedundant = foldr (\a b -> failWith (RedundantPattern a) *> b) (pure ()) redundant
let checkUncovered = maybe (pure ()) (failWith . UncoveredPatterns matchLoc) $ Nel.nonEmpty uncovered
checkRedundant = foldr ((*>) . failWith . RedundantPattern) (pure ()) redundant
checkUncovered *> checkRedundant
checkCases ::

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@ -191,13 +191,12 @@ foo = match 1 with
Loading changes detected in scratch.u.
I expected some patterns after a match / with or cases but I
didn't find any.
Pattern match doesn't cover all possible cases:
2 | foo = match 1 with
Patterns not matched:
* _
``` unison

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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
structural type Void =
scratch/main> add
We should be able to `match` on empty types like `Void`.
Void.absurdly : '{e} Void ->{e} a
Void.absurdly v = match !v with
Void.absurdly : Void -> a
Void.absurdly v = match v with
And empty `cases` should also work.
Void.absurdly : Void -> a
Void.absurdly = cases
But empty function bodies are not allowed.
Void.absurd : Void -> a
Void.absurd x =

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@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
``` unison
structural type Void =
``` ucm
Loading changes detected in scratch.u.
I found and typechecked these definitions in scratch.u. If you
do an `add` or `update`, here's how your codebase would
⍟ These new definitions are ok to `add`:
structural type Void
``` ucm
scratch/main> add
⍟ I've added these definitions:
structural type Void
We should be able to `match` on empty types like `Void`.
``` unison
Void.absurdly : '{e} Void ->{e} a
Void.absurdly v = match !v with
``` ucm
Loading changes detected in scratch.u.
I found and typechecked these definitions in scratch.u. If you
do an `add` or `update`, here's how your codebase would
⍟ These new definitions are ok to `add`:
Void.absurdly : '{e} Void ->{e} a
``` unison
Void.absurdly : Void -> a
Void.absurdly v = match v with
``` ucm
Loading changes detected in scratch.u.
I found and typechecked these definitions in scratch.u. If you
do an `add` or `update`, here's how your codebase would
⍟ These new definitions are ok to `add`:
Void.absurdly : Void -> a
And empty `cases` should also work.
``` unison
Void.absurdly : Void -> a
Void.absurdly = cases
``` ucm
Loading changes detected in scratch.u.
I found and typechecked these definitions in scratch.u. If you
do an `add` or `update`, here's how your codebase would
⍟ These new definitions are ok to `add`:
Void.absurdly : Void -> a
But empty function bodies are not allowed.
``` unison
Void.absurd : Void -> a
Void.absurd x =
``` ucm
Loading changes detected in scratch.u.
I expected a block after this (in red), but there wasn't one. Maybe check your indentation:
2 | Void.absurd x =

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@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ startingLine _ = Nothing
instance Monoid Ann where
mempty = External
-- | This instance is commutative.
instance Semigroup Ann where
Ann s1 e1 <> Ann s2 e2 = Ann (min s1 s2) (max e1 e2)
-- If we have a concrete location from a file, use it

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@ -164,8 +164,6 @@ data Error v
| UnknownType (L.Token (HQ.HashQualified Name)) (Set Reference)
| UnknownId (L.Token (HQ.HashQualified Name)) (Set Referent) (Set Reference)
| ExpectedBlockOpen String (L.Token L.Lexeme)
| -- | Indicates a cases or match/with which doesn't have any patterns
EmptyMatch (L.Token ())
| EmptyWatch Ann
| UseInvalidPrefixSuffix (Either (L.Token Name) (L.Token Name)) (Maybe [L.Token Name])
| UseEmpty (L.Token String) -- an empty `use` statement