Don't use recursion in stepManyAt0M

This commit is contained in:
Chris Penner 2021-11-08 19:35:02 -06:00
parent 6fc405d735
commit 71e0a80bc9
2 changed files with 32 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ import qualified Unison.Util.Relation as R
import Unison.Util.Relation ( Relation )
import qualified Unison.Util.Relation4 as R4
import qualified Unison.Util.Star3 as Star3
import qualified Data.List.Extra as List
import qualified Unison.Util.List as List
-- | A node in the Unison namespace hierarchy
-- along with its history.
@ -599,29 +599,27 @@ stepManyAt0 :: forall f m . (Monad m, Foldable f)
stepManyAt0 actions =
runIdentity . stepManyAt0M [ (p, pure . f) | (p,f) <- toList actions ]
data ActionLocation = HereActions | ChildActions
deriving Eq
stepManyAt0M ::
forall m n f.
(Monad m, Monad n, Foldable f) =>
f (Path, Branch0 m -> n (Branch0 m)) ->
Branch0 m ->
n (Branch0 m)
stepManyAt0M (toList -> actions) b
| null actions = pure b
| otherwise = do
let (childActionsBeforeCurrentActions, actionsAfterChildActions) =
List.break (isCurrentPath . fst) actions
let (currentActions, remainingActions) = List.span (isCurrentPath . fst) actionsAfterChildActions
let childActionsGroupedByPath = groupByNextSegment childActionsBeforeCurrentActions
-- Run all actions over child branches which occur before any changes to the current branch
b' <- b & children %%~ stepChildren childActionsGroupedByPath
-- Run all actions for the current branch
b'' <- foldM (\b (_, act) -> act b) b' currentActions
-- recurse with any remaining actions to repeat the process.
-- This is necessary because it's possible for sub-branch changes to be arbitrarily
-- interleaved with the current branch's changes.
-- This ensures correctness, but with as much batching as possible on child branches.
stepManyAt0M remainingActions b''
stepManyAt0M (toList -> actions) curBranch = foldM execActions curBranch (groupActionsByLocation actions)
groupActionsByLocation :: [(Path, b)] -> [(ActionLocation, [(Path, b)])]
groupActionsByLocation = List.groupMap \(p, act) -> (pathLocation p, (p, act))
execActions :: (Branch0 m
-> (ActionLocation, [(Path, Branch0 m -> n (Branch0 m))])
-> n (Branch0 m))
execActions b = \case
(HereActions, actions) -> foldM (\b (_, act) -> act b) b actions
(ChildActions, actions) -> b & children %%~ stepChildren (groupByNextSegment actions)
stepChildren :: Map NameSegment [(Path, Branch0 m -> n (Branch0 m))] -> Map NameSegment (Branch m) -> n (Map NameSegment (Branch m))
stepChildren childActions children0 =
foldM go children0 $ Map.toList childActions
@ -645,9 +643,9 @@ stepManyAt0M (toList -> actions) b
Map.unionsWith (<>) . fmap \case
(seg :< rest, action) -> Map.singleton seg [(rest, action)]
_ -> error "groupByNextSegment called on current path, which shouldn't happen."
isCurrentPath :: Path -> Bool
isCurrentPath (Path Empty) = True
isCurrentPath _ = False
pathLocation :: Path -> ActionLocation
pathLocation (Path Empty) = HereActions
pathLocation _ = ChildActions
instance Hashable (Branch0 m) where
tokens b =

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@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import Unison.Prelude
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.List.Extra as List
multimap :: Foldable f => Ord k => f (k, v) -> Map k [v]
multimap kvs =
@ -17,6 +18,19 @@ groupBy :: (Foldable f, Ord k) => (v -> k) -> f v -> Map k [v]
groupBy f vs = reverse <$> foldl' step Map.empty vs
where step m v = Map.insertWith (++) (f v) [v] m
-- | group _consecutive_ elements by a key.
-- e.g.
-- >>> groupMap (\n -> (odd n, show n)) [1, 3, 4, 6, 7]
-- [(True,["1","3"]),(False,["4","6"]),(True,["7"])]
groupMap :: (Foldable f, Eq k) => (a -> (k, b)) -> f a -> [(k, [b])]
groupMap f xs =
& toList
& fmap f
& List.groupOn fst
-- head is okay since groupOn only returns populated lists.
<&> \grp -> (fst . head $ grp, snd <$> grp)
-- returns the subset of `f a` which maps to unique `b`s.
-- prefers earlier copies, if many `a` map to some `b`.
uniqueBy, nubOrdOn :: (Foldable f, Ord b) => (a -> b) -> f a -> [a]