Merge pull request #2766 from unisonweb/21-12-16-refactor-MT

Refactor MT monad for performance
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Mitchell Rosen 2022-01-06 17:40:16 -08:00 committed by GitHub
commit 7239704740
No known key found for this signature in database

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@ -43,12 +43,13 @@ import Unison.Prelude
import Control.Lens (over, _2)
import qualified Control.Monad.Fail as MonadFail
import Control.Monad.Reader.Class
import Control.Monad.State ( get
, gets
, put
, StateT
, runStateT
, evalState
, MonadState
import Data.Bifunctor ( first
, second
@ -125,6 +126,7 @@ instance (Ord loc, Var v) => Eq (Element v loc) where
Marker v == Marker v2 = v == v2
_ == _ = False
-- The typechecking state
data Env v loc = Env { freshId :: Word64, ctx :: Context v loc }
type DataDeclarations v loc = Map Reference (DataDeclaration v loc)
@ -178,8 +180,14 @@ mapErrors f r = case r of
s@(Success _ _) -> s
newtype MT v loc f a = MT {
runM :: MEnv v loc -> f (a, Env v loc)
runM ::
-- Data declarations in scope
DataDeclarations v loc ->
-- Effect declarations in scope
EffectDeclarations v loc ->
Env v loc ->
f (a, Env v loc)
} deriving stock (Functor)
-- | Typechecking monad
type M v loc = MT v loc (Result v loc)
@ -189,10 +197,10 @@ type M v loc = MT v loc (Result v loc)
type TotalM v loc = MT v loc (Either (CompilerBug v loc))
liftResult :: Result v loc a -> M v loc a
liftResult r = MT (\m -> (, env m) <$> r)
liftResult r = MT (\_ _ env -> (, env) <$> r)
liftTotalM :: TotalM v loc a -> M v loc a
liftTotalM (MT m) = MT $ \menv -> case m menv of
liftTotalM (MT m) = MT $ \datas effects env -> case m datas effects env of
Left bug -> CompilerBug bug mempty mempty
Right a -> Success mempty a
@ -206,7 +214,7 @@ modEnv :: (Env v loc -> Env v loc) -> M v loc ()
modEnv f = modEnv' $ ((), ) . f
modEnv' :: (Env v loc -> (a, Env v loc)) -> M v loc a
modEnv' f = MT (\menv -> pure . f $ env menv)
modEnv' f = MT (\_ _ env -> pure . f $ env)
data Unknown = Data | Effect deriving Show
@ -360,14 +368,7 @@ scope' p (ErrorNote cause path) = ErrorNote cause (path `mappend` pure p)
-- Add `p` onto the end of the `path` of any `ErrorNote`s emitted by the action
scope :: PathElement v loc -> M v loc a -> M v loc a
scope p (MT m) = MT (mapErrors (scope' p) . m)
-- | The typechecking environment
data MEnv v loc = MEnv {
env :: Env v loc, -- The typechecking state
dataDecls :: DataDeclarations v loc, -- Data declarations in scope
effectDecls :: EffectDeclarations v loc -- Effect declarations in scope
scope p (MT m) = MT \datas effects env -> mapErrors (scope' p) (m datas effects env)
newtype Context v loc = Context [(Element v loc, Info v loc)]
@ -500,11 +501,8 @@ _logContext msg = when debugEnabled $ do
usedVars :: Ord v => Context v loc -> Set v
usedVars = allVars . info
fromMEnv :: (MEnv v loc -> a) -> M v loc a
fromMEnv f = f <$> ask
getContext :: M v loc (Context v loc)
getContext = fromMEnv $ ctx . env
getContext = gets ctx
setContext :: Context v loc -> M v loc ()
setContext ctx = modEnv (\e -> e { ctx = ctx })
@ -527,8 +525,9 @@ extendContext e = isReserved (varOf e) >>= \case
" That means `freshenVar` is allowed to return it as a fresh variable, which would be wrong."
replaceContext :: (Var v, Ord loc) => Element v loc -> [Element v loc] -> M v loc ()
replaceContext elem replacement =
fromMEnv (\menv -> find (not . (`isReservedIn` env menv) . varOf) replacement) >>= \case
replaceContext elem replacement = do
env <- get
case find (not . (`isReservedIn` env) . varOf) replacement of
Nothing -> modifyContext (replace elem replacement)
Just e -> getContext >>= \ctx -> compilerCrash $
IllegalContextExtension ctx e $
@ -542,7 +541,7 @@ varOf (Ann v _) = v
varOf (Marker v) = v
isReserved :: Var v => v -> M v loc Bool
isReserved v = fromMEnv $ (v `isReservedIn`) . env
isReserved v = (v `isReservedIn`) <$> get
isReservedIn :: Var v => v -> Env v loc -> Bool
isReservedIn v e = freshId e > Var.freshId v
@ -659,7 +658,7 @@ extendN ctx es = foldM (flip extend) ctx es
-- | doesn't combine notes
orElse :: M v loc a -> M v loc a -> M v loc a
orElse m1 m2 = MT go where
go menv = runM m1 menv <|> runM m2 menv
go datas effects env = runM m1 datas effects env <|> runM m2 datas effects env
s@(Success _ _) <|> _ = s
TypeError _ _ <|> r = r
CompilerBug _ _ _ <|> r = r -- swallowing bugs for now: when checking whether a type annotation
@ -673,10 +672,10 @@ orElse m1 m2 = MT go where
-- hoistMaybe f (Result es is a) = Result es is (f a)
getDataDeclarations :: M v loc (DataDeclarations v loc)
getDataDeclarations = fromMEnv dataDecls
getDataDeclarations = MT \datas _ env -> pure (datas, env)
getEffectDeclarations :: M v loc (EffectDeclarations v loc)
getEffectDeclarations = fromMEnv effectDecls
getEffectDeclarations = MT \_ effects env -> pure (effects, env)
compilerCrash :: CompilerBug v loc -> M v loc a
compilerCrash bug = liftResult $ compilerBug bug
@ -2638,8 +2637,8 @@ run
-> f a
run datas effects m =
fmap fst
. runM m
$ MEnv (Env 1 context0) datas effects
. runM m datas effects
$ Env 1 context0
synthesizeClosed' :: (Var v, Ord loc)
=> [Type v loc]
@ -2660,12 +2659,12 @@ synthesizeClosed' abilities term = do
-- Check if the given typechecking action succeeds.
succeeds :: M v loc a -> TotalM v loc Bool
succeeds m = do
e <- ask
case runM m e of
Success _ _ -> pure True
TypeError _ _ -> pure False
CompilerBug bug _ _ -> MT (\_ -> Left bug)
succeeds m =
MT \datas effects env ->
case runM m datas effects env of
Success _ _ -> Right (True, env)
TypeError _ _ -> Right (False, env)
CompilerBug bug _ _ -> Left bug
-- Check if `t1` is a subtype of `t2`. Doesn't update the typechecking context.
isSubtype' :: (Var v, Ord loc) => Type v loc -> Type v loc -> TotalM v loc Bool
@ -2734,24 +2733,19 @@ instance (Ord loc, Var v) => Show (Context v loc) where
showElem ctx (Ann v t) = Text.unpack ( v) ++ " : " ++ TP.prettyStr Nothing mempty (apply ctx t)
showElem _ (Marker v) = "|"++Text.unpack ( v)++"|"
-- MEnv v loc -> (Seq (ErrorNote v loc), (a, Env v loc))
instance Monad f => Monad (MT v loc f) where
return a = MT (\menv -> pure (a, env menv))
m >>= f = MT go where
go menv = do
(a, env1) <- runM m menv
runM (f a) (menv { env = env1 })
return = pure
m >>= f = MT \datas effects env0 -> do
(a, env1) <- runM m datas effects env0
runM (f a) datas effects $! env1
instance Monad f => MonadFail.MonadFail (MT v loc f) where
fail = error
instance Monad f => Applicative (MT v loc f) where
pure a = MT (\menv -> pure (a, env menv))
pure a = MT (\_ _ env -> pure (a, env))
(<*>) = ap
instance Functor f => Functor (MT v loc f) where
fmap f (MT m) = MT (\menv -> fmap (first f) (m menv))
instance Monad f => MonadReader (MEnv v loc) (MT v loc f) where
ask = MT (\e -> pure (e, env e))
local f m = MT $ runM m . f
instance Monad f => MonadState (Env v loc) (MT v loc f) where
get = MT \_ _ env -> pure (env, env)
put env = MT \_ _ _ -> pure ((), env)