fix parsing of write-repo git(...)

This commit is contained in:
Mitchell Rosen 2023-04-24 14:30:59 -04:00
parent 3e1cc1ee0d
commit 7473fdacc8
2 changed files with 99 additions and 106 deletions

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@ -98,8 +98,8 @@ writeRemoteNamespace =
writeRemoteNamespaceWith :: P a -> P (WriteRemoteNamespace a)
writeRemoteNamespaceWith projectBranchParser =
WriteRemoteProjectBranch <$> projectBranchParser
<|> WriteRemoteNamespaceGit <$> writeGitRemoteNamespace
WriteRemoteNamespaceGit <$> writeGitRemoteNamespace
<|> WriteRemoteProjectBranch <$> projectBranchParser
<|> WriteRemoteNamespaceShare <$> writeShareRemoteNamespace
-- >>> P.parseMaybe writeShareRemoteNamespace "unisonweb.base._releases.M4"

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@ -1,126 +1,119 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
module Unison.Test.UriParser where
import Data.Functor (void)
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.These (These (..))
import Data.Void (Void)
import EasyTest
import qualified Text.Megaparsec as P
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.RemoteRepo (ReadGitRepo (..), ReadRemoteNamespace (..), ShareCodeserver (..), ShareUserHandle (..), pattern ReadGitRemoteNamespace, pattern ReadShareLooseCode)
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.RemoteRepo (ReadGitRepo (..), ReadRemoteNamespace (..), ShareCodeserver (..), ShareUserHandle (..), WriteGitRemoteNamespace (..), WriteGitRepo (..), WriteRemoteNamespace (..), WriteShareRemoteNamespace (..), pattern ReadGitRemoteNamespace, pattern ReadShareLooseCode)
import qualified Unison.Codebase.Editor.UriParser as UriParser
import Unison.Codebase.Path (Path (..))
import qualified Unison.Codebase.Path as Path
import Unison.Codebase.ShortCausalHash (ShortCausalHash (..))
import Unison.Core.Project (ProjectBranchName (..), ProjectName (..))
import Unison.NameSegment (NameSegment (..))
test :: Test ()
test = scope "uriparser" . tests $ [testShare, testGit]
gitHelper :: (ReadGitRepo, Maybe ShortCausalHash, Path) -> ReadRemoteNamespace void
gitHelper (repo, sch, path) = ReadRemoteNamespaceGit (ReadGitRemoteNamespace repo sch path)
testShare :: Test ()
testShare =
scope "share" . tests $
[ parseAugmented
( "unisonweb.base._releases.M4",
ReadShare'LooseCode (ReadShareLooseCode DefaultCodeserver (ShareUserHandle "unisonweb") (path ["base", "_releases", "M4"]))
parseAugmented ("project", ReadShare'ProjectBranch (This (UnsafeProjectName "project"))),
parseAugmented ("/branch", ReadShare'ProjectBranch (That (UnsafeProjectBranchName "branch"))),
( "project/branch",
ReadShare'ProjectBranch (These (UnsafeProjectName "project") (UnsafeProjectBranchName "branch"))
expectParseFailure ".unisonweb.base"
testGit :: Test ()
testGit =
scope "git" . tests $
-- Local Protocol
-- $ git clone /srv/git/project.git
-- $ git clone /srv/git/project.git[:treeish][:[#hash][.path]]
[ scope "local-protocol" . tests . map parseAugmented $
[ ( "git(/srv/git/project.git)",
gitHelper (ReadGitRepo "/srv/git/project.git" Nothing, Nothing, Path.empty)
( "git(/srv/git/project.git:abc)#def.hij.klm",
gitHelper (ReadGitRepo "/srv/git/project.git" (Just "abc"), sch "def", path ["hij", "klm"])
( "git(srv/git/project.git)",
gitHelper (ReadGitRepo "srv/git/project.git" Nothing, Nothing, Path.empty)
( "git(srv/git/project.git:abc)#def.hij.klm",
gitHelper (ReadGitRepo "srv/git/project.git" (Just "abc"), sch "def", path ["hij", "klm"])
-- File Protocol
-- $ git clone file:///srv/git/project.git[:treeish][:[#hash][.path]] <- imagined
scope "file-protocol" . tests . map parseAugmented $
[ ( "git(file:///srv/git/project.git)",
gitHelper (ReadGitRepo "file:///srv/git/project.git" Nothing, Nothing, Path.empty)
( "git(file:///srv/git/project.git:abc)#def.hij.klm",
gitHelper (ReadGitRepo "file:///srv/git/project.git" (Just "abc"), sch "def", path ["hij", "klm"])
( "git(file://srv/git/project.git)",
gitHelper (ReadGitRepo "file://srv/git/project.git" Nothing, Nothing, Path.empty)
( "git(file://srv/git/project.git:abc)#def.hij.klm",
gitHelper (ReadGitRepo "file://srv/git/project.git" (Just "abc"), sch "def", path ["hij", "klm"])
-- Smart / Dumb HTTP protocol
-- $ git clone[:treeish][:[#hash][.path]] <- imagined
scope "http-protocol" . tests . map parseAugmented $
[ ( "git(",
gitHelper (ReadGitRepo "" Nothing, Nothing, Path.empty)
( "git(",
gitHelper (ReadGitRepo "" (Just "abc"), sch "def", path ["hij", "klm"])
-- SSH Protocol
-- $ git clone ssh://[user@]server/project.git[:treeish][:[#hash][.path]]
scope "ssh-protocol" . tests . map parseAugmented $
[ ( "git(ssh://git@",
gitHelper (ReadGitRepo "ssh://git@" Nothing, Nothing, Path.empty)
( "git(ssh://",
gitHelper (ReadGitRepo "ssh://" (Just "abc"), sch "def", path ["hij", "klm"])
-- $ git clone [user@]server:project.git[:treeish][:[#hash][.path]]
scope "scp-protocol" . tests . map parseAugmented $
[ ( "git(",
gitHelper (ReadGitRepo "" Nothing, Nothing, Path.empty)
( "git(",
gitHelper (ReadGitRepo "" Nothing, Nothing, Path.empty)
( "git(",
gitHelper (ReadGitRepo "" (Just "abc"), sch "def", path ["hij", "klm"])
test =
scope "uriparser" . tests $
[ parserTests
(UriParser.repoPath <* P.eof)
[ ("unisonweb.base._releases.M4", looseR "unisonweb" ["base", "_releases", "M4"]),
("project", branchR (This "project")),
("/branch", branchR (That "branch")),
("project/branch", branchR (These "project" "branch")),
("git(/srv/git/project.git)", gitR "/srv/git/project.git" Nothing Nothing []),
("git(/srv/git/project.git:abc)#def.hij.klm", gitR "/srv/git/project.git" (Just "abc") (sch "def") ["hij", "klm"]),
("git(srv/git/project.git)", gitR "srv/git/project.git" Nothing Nothing []),
("git(srv/git/project.git:abc)#def.hij.klm", gitR "srv/git/project.git" (Just "abc") (sch "def") ["hij", "klm"]),
("git(file:///srv/git/project.git)", gitR "file:///srv/git/project.git" Nothing Nothing []),
("git(file:///srv/git/project.git:abc)#def.hij.klm", gitR "file:///srv/git/project.git" (Just "abc") (sch "def") ["hij", "klm"]),
("git(file://srv/git/project.git)", gitR "file://srv/git/project.git" Nothing Nothing []),
("git(file://srv/git/project.git:abc)#def.hij.klm", gitR "file://srv/git/project.git" (Just "abc") (sch "def") ["hij", "klm"]),
("git(", gitR "" Nothing Nothing []),
("git(", gitR "" (Just "abc") (sch "def") ["hij", "klm"]),
("git(ssh://git@", gitR "ssh://git@" Nothing Nothing []),
("git(ssh://", gitR "ssh://" (Just "abc") (sch "def") ["hij", "klm"]),
("git(", gitR "" Nothing Nothing []),
("git(", gitR "" Nothing Nothing []),
("git(", gitR "" (Just "abc") (sch "def") ["hij", "klm"])
(UriParser.writeRemoteNamespace <* P.eof)
[ ("unisonweb.base._releases.M4", looseW "unisonweb" ["base", "_releases", "M4"]),
("project", branchW (This "project")),
("/branch", branchW (That "branch")),
("project/branch", branchW (These "project" "branch")),
("git(/srv/git/project.git)", gitW "/srv/git/project.git" Nothing []),
("git(srv/git/project.git)", gitW "srv/git/project.git" Nothing []),
("git(file:///srv/git/project.git)", gitW "file:///srv/git/project.git" Nothing []),
("git(file://srv/git/project.git)", gitW "file://srv/git/project.git" Nothing []),
("git(", gitW "" Nothing []),
("git(ssh://git@", gitW "ssh://git@" Nothing []),
("git(", gitW "" Nothing []),
("git(", gitW "" Nothing [])
[ ".unisonweb.base",
parseAugmented :: (Text, ReadRemoteNamespace (These ProjectName ProjectBranchName)) -> Test ()
parseAugmented (s, r) = scope (Text.unpack s) $
case P.parse (UriParser.repoPath <* P.eof) "test case" s of
Left x -> crash $ P.errorBundlePretty x
Right x -> expectEqual x r
gitR :: Text -> Maybe Text -> Maybe ShortCausalHash -> [NameSegment] -> ReadRemoteNamespace void
gitR url ref sch path = ReadRemoteNamespaceGit (ReadGitRemoteNamespace (ReadGitRepo url ref) sch (Path.fromList path))
expectParseFailure :: Text -> Test ()
expectParseFailure s = void . scope (Text.unpack s) . expectLeft . P.parse (UriParser.repoPath <* P.eof) "negative test case" $ s
gitW :: Text -> Maybe Text -> [NameSegment] -> WriteRemoteNamespace void
gitW url branch path = WriteRemoteNamespaceGit (WriteGitRemoteNamespace (WriteGitRepo url branch) (Path.fromList path))
path :: [Text] -> Path
path = Path . Seq.fromList . fmap NameSegment
looseR :: Text -> [NameSegment] -> ReadRemoteNamespace void
looseR user path =
ReadShare'LooseCode (ReadShareLooseCode DefaultCodeserver (ShareUserHandle user) (Path.fromList path))
looseW :: Text -> [NameSegment] -> WriteRemoteNamespace void
looseW user path =
WriteRemoteNamespaceShare (WriteShareRemoteNamespace DefaultCodeserver (ShareUserHandle user) (Path.fromList path))
branchR :: These Text Text -> ReadRemoteNamespace (These ProjectName ProjectBranchName)
branchR =
ReadShare'ProjectBranch . \case
This project -> This (UnsafeProjectName project)
That branch -> That (UnsafeProjectBranchName branch)
These project branch -> These (UnsafeProjectName project) (UnsafeProjectBranchName branch)
branchW :: These Text Text -> WriteRemoteNamespace (These ProjectName ProjectBranchName)
branchW =
WriteRemoteProjectBranch . \case
This project -> This (UnsafeProjectName project)
That branch -> That (UnsafeProjectBranchName branch)
These project branch -> These (UnsafeProjectName project) (UnsafeProjectBranchName branch)
sch :: Text -> Maybe ShortCausalHash
sch = Just . ShortCausalHash
-- | @parserTests name parser goodCases badCases@ tests @parser@ against each case in @goodCases@ and @badCases@,
-- expecting success or failure, respectively.
parserTests :: (Eq a, Show a) => Text -> P.Parsec Void Text a -> [(Text, a)] -> [Text] -> Test ()
parserTests name parser goodCases badCases =
scope (Text.unpack name) (tests (map f goodCases ++ map g badCases))
f (input, expected) =
(Text.unpack input)
case P.parse parser "" input of
Left err -> crash (P.errorBundlePretty err)
Right actual -> expectEqual expected actual
g input =
(Text.unpack input)
case P.parse parser "" input of
Left _err -> ok
Right actual -> crash ("Expected parse failure, but got: " ++ show actual)