Node now has openEdit function

This commit is contained in:
Paul Chiusano 2015-02-13 18:28:51 -05:00
parent 42d43402bf
commit 752b01e24a
9 changed files with 90 additions and 29 deletions

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@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
module Unison.Edit.Term (
admissibleTypeOf, abstract, step, eta, interpret, letFloat, locals, typeOf) where
admissibleTypeOf, abstract, applications, step, eta, interpret, letFloat, locals, typeOf) where
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Traversable
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Unison.Edit.Term.Action as A
import qualified Unison.Edit.Term.Path as P
@ -112,12 +113,43 @@ letFloat loc ctx = case loc ctx of
loc' <- pure $ P.extend P.Arg trimmedPath
pure (ctx', loc')
-- | Return the type of all local variables introduced by the
-- given lambda, assuming that lambda has the annotated type
locals :: E.Term -> T.Type -> [(V.Var, T.Type)]
locals (E.Lam n body) (T.Arrow i o) = (n, i) : locals body o
locals ctx (T.Forall _ t) = locals ctx t
locals _ _ = []
-- | Return the type of all local variables in scope at the given location
locals :: Applicative f => T.Env f -> P.Path -> E.Term -> Noted f [(V.Var, T.Type)]
locals synthLit path ctx | E.isClosed ctx = pushDown <$> lambdaTypes
pointsToLambda path = case path ctx of
Just (E.Lam _ _) -> True
_ -> False
lambdas :: [P.Path]
lambdas = filter pointsToLambda (P.prefixes path)
notedAt path expr = maybe (N.failure "invalid path") pure ( path expr)
lambdaTypes = traverse t lambdas
where t path = liftA2 extract (notedAt path ctx) (typeOf synthLit path ctx)
-- not sure about this impl, or if it matters
-- we prefer type information obtained higher in the syntax tree
pushDown :: [[(V.Var, T.Type)]] -> [(V.Var, T.Type)]
pushDown [] = []
pushDown (env0 : tl) = env0 ++ pushDown (drop (length env0) tl)
extract :: E.Term -> T.Type -> [(V.Var, T.Type)]
extract (E.Lam n body) (T.Arrow i o) = (n, i) : extract body o
extract ctx (T.Forall _ t) = extract ctx t
extract _ _ = []
locals _ _ ctx =
N.failure $ "Term.locals: term contains free variables - " ++ show (E.freeVars ctx)
-- | Produce `e`, `e _`, `e _ _`, `e _ _ _` and so on,
-- until the result is no longer a function type
applications :: E.Term -> T.Type -> [E.Term]
applications e t = e : go e t
go e (T.Forall _ t) = go e t
go e (T.Arrow _ t) = let e' = E.App e E.Blank in go e' t
go _ _ = []
-- | Compute the type of the given subterm, unconstrained as much
-- as possible by any local usages of that subterm. For example, in

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@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -ddump-splices #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
@ -25,6 +24,11 @@ newtype Path = Path [E] deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
elements :: Path -> [E]
elements (Path e) = e
prefixes :: Path -> [Path]
prefixes (Path p) = map Path (go p)
where go :: [a] -> [[a]]
go as = map reverse (scanl (flip (:)) [] as)
-- | Add an element onto the end of this 'Path'
extend :: E -> Path -> Path
extend e (Path p) = Path (p ++ [e])
@ -41,6 +45,18 @@ at (Path (h:t)) e = go h e where
go Body (E.Lam _ body) = at (Path t) body
go _ _ = Nothing
along :: Path -> E.Term -> [E.Term]
along (Path path) e = go path e
where go [] e = [e]
go (Fn:path) e@(E.App f _) = e : go path f
go (Arg:path) e@(E.App _ arg) = e : go path arg
go (Body:path) e@(E.Lam _ body) = e : go path body
go (Index i:path) e@(E.Vector xs) = e : maybe [] (go path) (xs !? i)
go _ _ = []
valid :: Path -> E.Term -> Bool
valid p e = maybe False (const True) (at p e)
-- | If the given @Path@ points to a valid subterm, we replace
-- that subterm @e@ with @v e@ and sequence the @Applicative@ effects
-- visit :: Path -> Traversal' E.Term E.Term

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@ -26,12 +26,14 @@ data Node m k t e = Node {
-- | Access the metadata for the term and/or types identified by @k@
metadatas :: [k] -> Noted m (Map k (MD.Metadata k)),
-- | Open the given location for editing;
-- returns the current type, admissible type, local vars, matching local expressions
open :: e -> P.Path -> Noted m (t, t, [e], [e]),
-- returns ( current type
-- , admissible type
-- , local vars
-- , matching local applications
-- , matching local expressions )
openEdit :: e -> P.Path -> Noted m (t, t, [e], [Int], [e]),
-- | Search for a term, optionally constrained to be of the given type
search :: Maybe t -> Query -> Noted m [e],
-- | Search for a term of the given type in local scope
searchLocal :: k -> P.Path -> Maybe t -> Noted m [e],
-- | Lookup the source of the term identified by @k@
terms :: [k] -> Noted m (Map k e),
-- | Lookup the dependencies of @k@, optionally limited to those that intersect the given set

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@ -4,10 +4,12 @@ module Unison.Node.Common (node) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Unison.Edit.Term.Eval as Eval
import Unison.Edit.Term.Path as Path
import Unison.Node as N
import Unison.Node.Metadata as MD
import Unison.Node.Store
import Unison.Note (Noted)
import qualified Unison.Note as Note
import Unison.Syntax.Term (Term)
import Unison.Syntax.Type (Type)
import qualified Data.Map as M
@ -69,8 +71,17 @@ node eval store =
metadatas hs =
M.fromList <$> sequence (map (\h -> (,) h <$> readMetadata store h) hs)
open e path =
error ""
openEdit e loc = do
current <- TE.typeOf readTypeOf loc e
admissible <- TE.admissibleTypeOf readTypeOf loc e
locals <- TE.locals readTypeOf loc e
annotatedLocals <- pure $ map (\(v,t) -> E.Var v `E.Ann` t) locals
let f e = (const True <$> Type.check readTypeOf e admissible) `Note.orElse` pure False
let fi (e,_) = f e
let currentApplies = maybe [] (\e -> TE.applications e admissible) ( loc e) `zip` [0..]
matchingCurrentApplies <- map snd <$> filterM fi currentApplies
matchingLocals <- filterM f (locals >>= (\(v,t) -> TE.applications (E.Var v) t))
pure (current, admissible, annotatedLocals, matchingCurrentApplies, matchingLocals)
search t query = do
hs <- hashes store Nothing
@ -80,8 +91,6 @@ node eval store =
mds <- mapM (\h -> (,) h <$> readMetadata store h) hs'
pure . map (\(h,_) -> E.Ref h) . filter (\(_,md) -> MD.matches query md) $ mds
searchLocal h path t = pure [] -- todo: implement
readTermRef (R.Derived h) = readTerm store h
readTermRef r = pure (E.Ref r)
@ -110,9 +119,8 @@ node eval store =

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@ -93,18 +93,14 @@ server port node = S.scotty port $ do
hs <- S.jsonData
md <- runN $ N.metadatas node hs
S.json md "/open" . route $ do "/open-edit" . route $ do
(e, path) <- S.jsonData
t <- runN $ node e path
t <- runN $ N.openEdit node e path
S.json t
S.get "/search" $ do
(t,q) <- S.jsonData
es <- runN $ node t q
S.json es
S.get "/search-local" $ do
(h,p,t) <- S.jsonData
es <- runN $ N.searchLocal node h p t
S.json es
S.get "/terms" $ do
hs <- S.jsonData
r <- runN $ N.terms node hs

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@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ module Unison.Syntax.Term where
import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
import Data.Traversable
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Lens.TH
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Data.Aeson.TH
@ -219,3 +220,5 @@ hashes _ = error "todo: Term.hashes"
deriveJSON defaultOptions ''Literal
deriveJSON defaultOptions ''Term
makePrisms ''Term

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@ -34,16 +34,19 @@ check' :: E.Term -> T.Type -> Either Note T.Type
check' term typ = join . N.unnote $ check missing term typ
where missing h = N.failure $ "unexpected ref: " ++ show h
-- | @subtype a b@ is @Right b@ iff any @b -> t@ is well-typed when
-- given a value of type @a@, and is @Left note@ with information
-- | @subtype a b@ is @Right b@ iff @f x@ is well-typed given
-- @x : a@ and @f : b -> t@. That is, if a value of type `a`
-- can be passed to a function expecting a `b`, then `subtype a b`
-- returns `Right b`. This function returns @Left note@ with information
-- about the reason for subtyping failure otherwise.
-- Example: the identity function, of type @forall a. a -> a@,
-- is a subtype of @Int -> Int@.
-- Example: @subtype (forall a. a -> a) (Int -> Int)@ returns @Right (Int -> Int)@.
subtype :: T.Type -> T.Type -> Either Note T.Type
subtype t1 t2 = case C.subtype (C.context []) t1 t2 of
Left e -> Left e
Right _ -> Right t2
-- | Returns true if @subtype t1 t2@ returns @Right@, false otherwise
isSubtype :: T.Type -> T.Type -> Bool
isSubtype t1 t2 = case C.subtype (C.context []) t1 t2 of
Left _ -> False

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@ -285,6 +285,7 @@ check ctx e t | wellformedType ctx t = scope (show e ++ " : " ++ show t) $ go e
ctx' = extend (E.Ann x' i) ctx
body' = Term.betaReduce (fn `Term.App` v)
in check ctx' body' o >>= retract (E.Ann x' i)
-- go Term.Blank _ = Right ctx -- possible hack to workaround lack of impredicative instantiation
go _ _ = do -- Sub
(a, ctx') <- synthesize ctx e
subtype ctx' (apply ctx' a) (apply ctx' t)

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@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ library
directory ,
filepath ,
http-types ,
lens >= 4.2,
lens >= 4.7,
mtl >= 2.1.1,
prelude-extras >= 0.3,
scotty == 0.9.1,