Merge pull request #26 from unisonweb/topic/annotated-symbols

Make `Term` and `Type` agnostic to the type of variables, in prep for supporting rich function layou
This commit is contained in:
Paul Chiusano 2015-07-29 18:16:15 -04:00
commit 7691613599
26 changed files with 460 additions and 396 deletions

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@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ mkDerivation {
transformers-compat unison-shared vector
testDepends = [
base tasty tasty-hunit tasty-quickcheck tasty-smallcheck
base bytes tasty tasty-hunit tasty-quickcheck tasty-smallcheck
homepage = "";

View File

@ -1,17 +1,19 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
module Main where
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Text (Text)
import Unison.Eval (Eval)
import Unison.Hash (Hash)
import Data.Bytes.Serial (Serial)
import Unison.Metadata (Metadata(..))
import Unison.Node (Node)
import Unison.Node.Store (Store)
import Unison.Term (Term)
import Unison.Type (Type)
import Unison.Var (Var)
import Unison.Symbol.Extra ()
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import qualified Unison.Eval as Eval
@ -26,12 +28,13 @@ import qualified Unison.Reference as R
import qualified Unison.Symbol as Symbol
import qualified Unison.Term as Term
import qualified Unison.Type as Type
import qualified Unison.Var as Var
infixr 7 -->
(-->) :: Type -> Type -> Type
(-->) :: Ord v => Type v -> Type v -> Type v
(-->) = Type.arrow
makeNode :: Store IO -> IO (Node IO R.Reference Type Term)
makeNode :: forall v . (Serial v, Var v) => Store IO v -> IO (Node IO v R.Reference (Type v) (Term v))
makeNode store =
builtins =
@ -153,16 +156,9 @@ makeNode store =
in (r, strict r 1, Type.forall' ["a"] $ view (v' "a") --> v' "a" --> v' "a", prefix "view")
eval :: Eval (N.Noted IO)
eval = I.eval (M.fromList [ (k,v) | (k,Just v,_,_) <- builtins ])
readTerm :: Hash -> N.Noted IO Term
readTerm h = Store.readTerm store h
whnf :: Term -> N.Noted IO Term
whnf = Eval.whnf eval readTerm
node :: Node IO R.Reference Type Term
node = C.node eval store
v' = Type.v'
@ -187,14 +183,14 @@ makeNode store =
where reapply args' = Term.ref r `apps` args' `apps` drop n args
apps f args = foldl f args
numeric2 :: Term -> (Double -> Double -> Double) -> I.Primop (N.Noted IO)
numeric2 :: Term v -> (Double -> Double -> Double) -> I.Primop (N.Noted IO) v
numeric2 sym f = I.Primop 2 $ \xs -> case xs of
[x,y] -> g <$> whnf x <*> whnf y
where g (Term.Number' x) (Term.Number' y) = Term.lit (Term.Number (f x y))
g x y = sym `` x `` y
_ -> error "unpossible"
string2 :: Term -> (Text -> Text -> Text) -> I.Primop (N.Noted IO)
string2 :: Term v -> (Text -> Text -> Text) -> I.Primop (N.Noted IO) v
string2 sym f = I.Primop 2 $ \xs -> case xs of
[x,y] -> g <$> whnf x <*> whnf y
where g (Term.Text' x) (Term.Text' y) = Term.lit (Term.Text (f x y))
@ -207,23 +203,20 @@ makeNode store =
pure node
opl :: Int -> Text -> Metadata k
opl n s = Metadata Metadata.Term
(Metadata.Names [Symbol.symbol s Symbol.InfixL n ])
opl :: Var v => Int -> Text -> Metadata v h
opl prec s = Metadata Metadata.Term
(Metadata.Names [Var.named s])
prefix :: Text -> Metadata k
prefix :: Var v => Text -> Metadata v h
prefix s = prefixes [s]
prefixes :: [Text] -> Metadata k
prefixes :: Var v => [Text] -> Metadata v h
prefixes s = Metadata Metadata.Term
(Metadata.Names (map (\s -> Symbol.symbol s Symbol.Prefix 9) s))
(Metadata.Names (map Var.named s))
main :: IO ()
main = do
store <- "store"
store <- "store" :: IO (Store IO (Symbol.Symbol (Maybe ())))
node <- makeNode store
S.server 8080 node

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@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import Data.Ord
import Data.Vector ((!))
import Prelude hiding (abs,cycle)
import Unison.ABT
import Unison.Symbol.Extra () -- `Serial` instances
import Unison.Var (Var)
import qualified Data.Bytes.Get as Get
import qualified Data.Bytes.Put as Put
import qualified Data.Set as Set
@ -20,12 +20,13 @@ import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import qualified Unison.Digest as Digest
import qualified Unison.Var as Var
-- | We ignore annotations in the `Term`, as these should never affect the
-- meaning of the term.
hash :: forall f a . (Foldable f, Digest.Digestable1 f) => Term f a -> Digest.Hash
hash :: forall f v a . (Foldable f, Digest.Digestable1 f, Var v) => Term f v a -> Digest.Hash
hash t = hash' [] t where
hash' :: [Either [V] V] -> Term f a -> Digest.Hash
hash' :: [Either [v] v] -> Term f v a -> Digest.Hash
hash' env (Term _ _ t) = case t of
Var v -> maybe die hashInt ind
where lookup (Left cycle) = elem v cycle
@ -34,13 +35,13 @@ hash t = hash' [] t where
-- env not likely to be very big, prefer to encode in one byte if possible
hashInt :: Int -> Digest.Hash
hashInt i = (serialize (VarInt i))
die = error $ "unknown var in environment: " ++ show v
die = error $ "unknown var in environment: " ++ show ( v)
Cycle (AbsN' vs t) -> hash' (Left vs : env) t
Cycle t -> hash' env t
Abs v t -> hash' (Right v : env) t
Tm t -> Digest.digest1 (hashCycle env) (hash' env) $ t
hashCycle :: [Either [V] V] -> [Term f a] -> Digest.DigestM (Term f a -> Digest.Hash)
hashCycle :: [Either [v] v] -> [Term f v a] -> Digest.DigestM (Term f v a -> Digest.Hash)
hashCycle env@(Left cycle : envTl) ts | length cycle == length ts =
permute p xs = case Vector.fromList xs of xs -> map (xs !) p
@ -53,17 +54,17 @@ hash t = hash' [] t where
hashCycle env ts = Foldable.traverse_ (serialize . hash' env) ts *> pure (hash' env)
-- | Use the `hash` function to efficiently remove duplicates from the list, preserving order.
distinct :: (Foldable f, Digest.Digestable1 f) => [Term f a] -> [Term f a]
distinct :: (Foldable f, Digest.Digestable1 f, Var v) => [Term f v a] -> [Term f v a]
distinct ts = map fst (sortBy (comparing snd) m)
where m = Map.elems (Map.fromList (map hash ts `zip` (ts `zip` [0 :: Int .. 1])))
-- | Use the `hash` function to remove elements from `t1s` that exist in `t2s`, preserving order.
subtract :: (Foldable f, Digest.Digestable1 f) => [Term f a] -> [Term f a] -> [Term f a]
subtract :: (Foldable f, Digest.Digestable1 f, Var v) => [Term f v a] -> [Term f v a] -> [Term f v a]
subtract t1s t2s =
let skips = Set.fromList (map hash t2s)
in filter (\t -> Set.notMember (hash t) skips) t1s
instance (Foldable f, Serial a, Serial1 f) => Serial (Term f a) where
instance (Foldable f, Serial a, Serial v, Ord v, Serial1 f) => Serial (Term f v a) where
serialize (Term _ a e) = serialize a *> case e of
Var v -> Put.putWord8 0 *> serialize v
Cycle body -> Put.putWord8 1 *> serialize body

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@ -6,25 +6,26 @@ import Data.Map (Map)
import Debug.Trace
import Unison.Eval
import Unison.Term (Term)
import Unison.Var (Var)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Unison.Reference as R
import qualified Unison.Term as E
-- | A Haskell function accepting 'arity' arguments
data Primop f =
Primop { arity :: Int, call :: [Term] -> f Term }
data Primop f v =
Primop { arity :: Int, call :: [Term v] -> f (Term v) }
watch :: Show a => String -> a -> a
watch msg a = trace (msg ++ ": " ++ show a) a
-- | Produce an evaluator from a environment of 'Primop' values
eval :: (Applicative f, Monad f) => Map R.Reference (Primop f) -> Eval f
eval :: (Applicative f, Monad f, Var v) => Map R.Reference (Primop f v) -> Eval f v
eval env = Eval whnf step
reduce x args | trace ("reduce:" ++ show (x:args)) False = undefined
-- reduce x args | trace ("reduce:" ++ show (x:args)) False = undefined
reduce (E.Lam' _ _) [] = return Nothing
reduce e@(E.Lam' _ _) (arg1:args) =
return $ let r = watch "reduced" $ E.betaReduce ( e arg1)
return $ let r = E.betaReduce ( e arg1)
in Just (foldl r args)
reduce (E.Ref' h) args = case M.lookup h env of
Nothing -> return Nothing

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@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Unison.Hash.Extra where
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Bytes.Serial
import Unison.Hash

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@ -17,31 +17,37 @@ import qualified Unison.Metadata as Metadata
-- that previously returned incomplete results. Appending characters to a
-- search that returned complete results just filters down the set and
-- can be done client-side, assuming the client has the full result set.
data SearchResults k t e =
data SearchResults v h t e =
{ query :: Metadata.Query
, references :: [(k, Metadata k)]
, references :: [(h, Metadata v h)]
, matches :: ([e], Int)
, illTypedMatches :: ([e], Int)
, positionsExamined :: [Int] }
deriveJSON defaultOptions ''SearchResults
data Node m k t e = Node {
-- | The Unison Node API:
-- * `m` is the monad
-- * `v` is the type of variables
-- * `h` is the type of hashes
-- * `t` is for type
-- * `e` is for term (pnemonic "expression")
data Node m v h t e = Node {
-- | Obtain the type of the given subterm, assuming the path is valid
admissibleTypeAt :: e -> Term.Path -> Noted m t,
-- | Create a new term and provide its metadata
createTerm :: e -> Metadata k -> Noted m k,
createTerm :: e -> Metadata v h -> Noted m h,
-- | Create a new type and provide its metadata
createType :: t -> Metadata k -> Noted m k,
createType :: t -> Metadata v h -> Noted m h,
-- | Lookup the direct dependencies of @k@, optionally limited to the given set
dependencies :: Maybe (Set k) -> k -> Noted m (Set k),
dependencies :: Maybe (Set h) -> h -> Noted m (Set h),
-- | Lookup the set of terms/types depending directly on the given @k@, optionally limited to the given set
dependents :: Maybe (Set k) -> k -> Noted m (Set k),
dependents :: Maybe (Set h) -> h -> Noted m (Set h),
-- | Modify the given subterm, which may fail. First argument is the root path.
-- Second argument is path relative to the root.
-- Returns (root path, original e, edited e, new cursor position)
editTerm :: Term.Path -> Term.Path -> Action -> e -> Noted m (Maybe (Term.Path,e,e,Term.Path)),
editTerm :: Term.Path -> Term.Path -> Action v -> e -> Noted m (Maybe (Term.Path,e,e,Term.Path)),
-- Evaluate all terms, returning a list of (path, original e, evaluated e)
evaluateTerms :: [(Term.Path, e)] -> Noted m [(Term.Path,e,e)],
-- | Returns ( subterm at the given path
@ -53,22 +59,19 @@ data Node m k t e = Node {
-- | Modify the given subterm, which may fail. First argument is the root path.
localInfo :: e -> Term.Path -> Noted m (e, t, t, [e], [Int], [e]),
-- | Access the metadata for the term and/or types identified by @k@
metadatas :: [k] -> Noted m (Map k (Metadata k)),
metadatas :: [h] -> Noted m (Map h (Metadata v h)),
-- | Search for a term, optionally constrained to be of the given type
search :: e -> Term.Path -> Int -> Metadata.Query -> Maybe t -> Noted m (SearchResults k t e),
-- | Lookup the source of the term identified by @k@
terms :: [k] -> Noted m (Map k e),
-- | Lookup the dependencies of @k@, optionally limited to those that intersect the given set
transitiveDependencies :: Maybe (Set k) -> k -> Noted m (Set k),
search :: e -> Term.Path -> Int -> Metadata.Query -> Maybe t -> Noted m (SearchResults v h t e),
-- | Lookup the source of the term identified by @h@
terms :: [h] -> Noted m (Map h e),
-- | Lookup the dependencies of @h@, optionally limited to those that intersect the given set
transitiveDependencies :: Maybe (Set h) -> h -> Noted m (Set h),
-- | Lookup the set of terms or types which depend on the given @k@, optionally limited to those that intersect the given set
transitiveDependents :: Maybe (Set k) -> k -> Noted m (Set k),
-- | Lookup the source of the type identified by @k@
types :: [k] -> Noted m (Map k t),
transitiveDependents :: Maybe (Set h) -> h -> Noted m (Set h),
-- | Lookup the source of the type identified by @h@
types :: [h] -> Noted m (Map h t),
-- | Obtain the type of the given subterm, assuming the path is valid
typeAt :: e -> Term.Path -> Noted m t,
-- | Update the metadata associated with the given term or type
updateMetadata :: k -> Metadata k -> Noted m ()
updateMetadata :: h -> Metadata v h -> Noted m ()

View File

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
module Unison.Node.Implementation (node) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Bytes.Serial (Serial)
import Data.List
import Data.Ord
import Unison.Eval as Eval
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import Unison.Term.Extra ()
import Unison.Type (Type)
import Unison.Node.Store (Store)
import Unison.Note (Noted)
import Unison.Var (Var)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Unison.ABT.Extra as ABT'
@ -36,7 +37,10 @@ import qualified Unison.Node.Store as Store
--watches :: (Foldable f, Show a) => String -> f a -> f a
--watches msg as = trace (msg ++ ":\n" ++ intercalate "\n" (map show (Foldable.toList as)) ++ "\n.") as
node :: (Applicative f, Monad f) => Eval (Noted f) -> Store f -> Node f Reference.Reference Type Term
node :: (Monad f, Var v, Serial v)
=> Eval (Noted f) v
-> Store f v
-> Node f v Reference.Reference (Type v) (Term v)
node eval store =
readTypeOf = Store.typeOfTerm store
@ -160,4 +164,3 @@ node eval store =

View File

@ -22,18 +22,20 @@ import qualified Unison.Hash as Hash
import qualified Unison.Note as Note
import qualified Unison.Reference as Reference
data Store f = Store {
-- todo may want to just bind v here
data Store f v = Store {
hashes :: Maybe (Set Reference) -> Noted f (Set Reference), -- ^ The set of hashes in this store, optionally constrained to intersect the given set
readTerm :: Hash -> Noted f Term,
writeTerm :: Hash -> Term -> Noted f (),
typeOfTerm :: Reference -> Noted f Type,
annotateTerm :: Reference -> Type -> Noted f (),
readMetadata :: Reference -> Noted f (Metadata Reference),
writeMetadata :: Reference -> Metadata Reference -> Noted f ()
readTerm :: Hash -> Noted f (Term v),
writeTerm :: Hash -> Term v -> Noted f (),
typeOfTerm :: Reference -> Noted f (Type v),
annotateTerm :: Reference -> Type v -> Noted f (),
readMetadata :: Reference -> Noted f (Metadata v Reference),
writeMetadata :: Reference -> Metadata v Reference -> Noted f ()
-- | Create a 'Store' rooted at the given path.
store :: FilePath -> IO (Store IO)
store :: (Ord v, ToJSON v, FromJSON v) => FilePath -> IO (Store IO v)
store root =
hashesIn :: (String -> Reference) -> FilePath -> Noted IO (Set Reference)

View File

@ -5,11 +5,14 @@
module Unison.NodeServer where
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Aeson (ToJSON, FromJSON)
import Network.HTTP.Types.Method (StdMethod(OPTIONS))
import Unison.Hash (Hash)
import Unison.Node (Node)
import Unison.Note (Noted, unnote)
import Unison.Reference (Reference)
import Unison.Term (Term)
import Unison.Type (Type)
import Web.Scotty (ActionM)
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.Aeson.Parser as JP
@ -58,7 +61,7 @@ route action = do
postRoute :: S.RoutePattern -> ActionM () -> S.ScottyM ()
postRoute s action = s (route action)
server :: Int -> Node IO Reference T.Type E.Term -> IO ()
server :: (Ord v, ToJSON v, FromJSON v) => Int -> Node IO v Reference (Type v) (Term v) -> IO ()
server port node = S.scotty port $ do
S.addroute OPTIONS (S.regex ".*") $ originOptions
postRoute "/admissible-type-at" $ do

View File

@ -1,21 +1,13 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Unison.Symbol.Extra where
import Control.Applicative
import Unison.Symbol
import Data.Bytes.Serial (Serial(..))
import Data.Bytes.VarInt
instance Serial Fixity where
serialize = serialize . VarInt . fromEnum
deserialize = toEnum . unVarInt <$> deserialize
instance Serial Symbol where
serialize (Symbol i n f p) =
serialize (VarInt i) *> serialize n *> serialize f *> serialize (VarInt p)
instance Serial a => Serial (Symbol a) where
serialize (Symbol i n a) =
serialize (VarInt i) *> serialize n *> serialize a
deserialize =
Symbol <$> (unVarInt <$> deserialize)
<*> deserialize
<*> deserialize
<*> (unVarInt <$> deserialize)
Symbol <$> (unVarInt <$> deserialize) <*> deserialize <*> deserialize

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@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import qualified Unison.Hash as Hash
import qualified Unison.Reference as Reference
instance Serial Literal
instance Serial1 F where
instance (Serial v, Ord v) => Serial1 (F v) where
serializeWith f e = case e of
Lit l -> Put.putWord8 0 *> serialize l
Blank -> Put.putWord8 1
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ instance Serial1 Vector where
serializeWith f vs = serialize (Vector.length vs) *> traverse_ f vs
deserializeWith v = deserialize >>= \len -> sequence (Vector.replicate len v)
instance Digest.Digestable1 F where
instance (Serial v, Ord v) => Digest.Digestable1 (F v) where
digest1 hashCycle hash e = case e of
-- References are 'transparent' wrt hash - we return the precomputed hash,
-- so for example `x = 1 + 1` and `y = x` hash the same. Thus hashing is

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@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ import Data.Bytes.Serial
import Unison.Symbol.Extra ()
import Unison.TermEdit
instance Serial Action
instance Serial v => Serial (Action v)

View File

@ -4,17 +4,23 @@ module Unison.Test.Term where
import Unison.Term
import Unison.Term.Extra ()
import Unison.Reference as R
import Unison.Var (Var)
import Unison.Symbol (Symbol)
import Unison.Symbol.Extra ()
import Test.Tasty
-- import Test.Tasty.SmallCheck as SC
-- import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck as QC
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
import qualified Unison.ABT.Extra as ABT
-- term for testing
type TTerm = Term (Symbol (Maybe ()))
tests :: TestTree
tests = testGroup "Term"
[ testCase "alpha equivalence (term)" $ assertEqual "identity"
(lam' ["a"] $ var' "a")
(lam' ["x"] $ var' "x")
((lam' ["a"] $ var' "a") :: TTerm)
(lam' ["x"] $ var' "x")
, testCase "hash cycles" $ assertEqual "pingpong"
(ABT.hash pingpong1)
(ABT.hash pingpong2)
@ -22,37 +28,37 @@ tests = testGroup "Term"
-- various unison terms, useful for testing
id :: Term
id :: TTerm
id = lam' ["a"] $ var' "a"
const :: Term
const :: TTerm
const = lam' ["x", "y"] $ var' "x"
one :: Term
one :: TTerm
one = num 1
zero :: Term
zero :: TTerm
zero = num 0
plus :: Term -> Term -> Term
plus :: TTerm -> TTerm -> TTerm
plus a b = ref (R.Builtin "+") `app` a `app` b
minus :: Term -> Term -> Term
minus :: TTerm -> TTerm -> TTerm
minus a b = ref (R.Builtin "-") `app` a `app` b
fix :: Term
fix :: TTerm
fix = letRec'
[ ("fix", lam' ["f"] $ var' "f" `app` (var' "fix" `app` var' "f")) ]
(var' "fix")
pingpong1 :: Term
pingpong1 :: TTerm
pingpong1 =
[ ("ping", lam' ["x"] $ var' "pong" `app` (plus (var' "x") one))
, ("pong", lam' ["y"] $ var' "pong" `app` (minus (var' "y") one)) ]
(var' "ping" `app` one)
pingpong2 :: Term
pingpong2 :: TTerm
pingpong2 =
[ ("pong1", lam' ["p"] $ var' "pong1" `app` (minus (var' "p") one))

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@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ import Unison.Term as E
import Unison.Type as T
import Unison.Typechecker as Typechecker
import Unison.Reference as R
import Unison.Symbol (Symbol)
import Unison.Symbol.Extra ()
import qualified Unison.Test.Term as Term
import Test.Tasty
@ -15,15 +17,19 @@ import Test.Tasty
-- import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck as QC
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
type TTerm = Term.TTerm
type TType = Type (Symbol (Maybe ()))
type TEnv f = T.Env f (Symbol (Maybe ()))
infixr 1 -->
(-->) :: Type -> Type -> Type
(-->) :: TType -> TType -> TType
(-->) = T.arrow
data StrongEq = StrongEq Type
data StrongEq = StrongEq TType
instance Eq StrongEq where StrongEq t1 == StrongEq t2 = Typechecker.equals t1 t2
instance Show StrongEq where show (StrongEq t) = show t
synthesizes :: Term -> Type -> Assertion
synthesizes :: TTerm -> TType -> Assertion
synthesizes e t =
handle r = case r of
@ -31,23 +37,23 @@ synthesizes e t =
Right _ -> pure ()
handle $ do
t2 <- (run (Typechecker.synthesize env e)) :: Either Note Type
t2 <- (run (Typechecker.synthesize env e)) :: Either Note TType
_ <- Typechecker.subtype t2 t
_ <- Typechecker.subtype t t2
pure ()
checks :: Term -> Type -> Assertion
checks :: TTerm -> TType -> Assertion
checks e t =
case (run (Typechecker.check env e t)) :: Either Note Type of
case (run (Typechecker.check env e t)) :: Either Note TType of
Left err -> assertFailure ("checking failure: " ++ show err)
Right t2 -> pure ()
checkSubtype :: Type -> Type -> Assertion
checkSubtype :: TType -> TType -> Assertion
checkSubtype t1 t2 = case Typechecker.subtype t1 t2 of
Left err -> assertFailure ("subtype failure:\n" ++ show err)
Right t2 -> pure ()
synthesizesAndChecks :: Term -> Type -> Assertion
synthesizesAndChecks :: TTerm -> TType -> Assertion
synthesizesAndChecks e t =
synthesizes e t >> checks e t
@ -91,7 +97,7 @@ tests = testGroup "Typechecker"
(forall' ["a"] $ T.v' "a")
env :: Applicative f => T.Env f
env :: Applicative f => TEnv f
env r =
view a = (T.ref (R.Builtin "View")) a

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@ -136,6 +136,7 @@ test-suite tests

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@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
-- Based on:
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Unison.ABT where
@ -17,40 +18,39 @@ import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Traversable
import Prelude hiding (abs,cycle)
import Prelude.Extras (Eq1(..), Show1(..))
import Unison.Symbol (Symbol)
import Unison.Var (Var)
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Unison.JSON as J
import qualified Unison.Symbol as Symbol
import qualified Unison.Var as Var
type V = Symbol
data ABT f r
= Var V
data ABT f v r
= Var v
| Cycle r
| Abs V r
| Abs v r
| Tm (f r) deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
-- | At each level in the tree, we store the set of free variables and
-- a value of type `a`.
data Term f a = Term { freeVars :: Set V, annotation :: a, out :: ABT f (Term f a) }
-- a value of type `a`. Individual variables are annotated with a value of
-- type `v`.
data Term f v a = Term { freeVars :: Set v, annotation :: a, out :: ABT f v (Term f v a) }
-- | `True` if the term has no free variables, `False` otherwise
isClosed :: Term f a -> Bool
isClosed :: Term f v a -> Bool
isClosed t = Set.null (freeVars t)
-- | `True` if `v` is a member of the set of free variables of `t`
isFreeIn :: V -> Term f a -> Bool
isFreeIn :: Ord v => v -> Term f v a -> Bool
isFreeIn v t = Set.member v (freeVars t)
-- | Replace the annotation with the given argument.
annotate :: a -> Term f a -> Term f a
annotate :: a -> Term f v a -> Term f v a
annotate a (Term fvs _ out) = Term fvs a out
-- | Modifies the annotations in this tree
instance Functor f => Functor (Term f) where
instance Functor f => Functor (Term f v) where
fmap f (Term fvs a sub) = Term fvs (f a) (fmap (fmap f) sub)
pattern Var' v <- Term _ _ (Var v)
@ -59,41 +59,41 @@ pattern Abs' v body <- Term _ _ (Abs v body)
pattern AbsN' vs body <- (unabs -> (vs, body))
pattern Tm' f <- Term _ _ (Tm f)
v' :: Text -> V
v' = Symbol.prefix
v' :: Var v => Text -> v
v' = Var.named
var :: V -> Term f ()
var :: v -> Term f v ()
var = annotatedVar ()
var' :: Text -> Term f ()
var' v = var (Symbol.prefix v)
var' :: Var v => Text -> Term f v ()
var' v = var (Var.named v)
annotatedVar :: a -> V -> Term f a
annotatedVar :: a -> v -> Term f v a
annotatedVar a v = Term (Set.singleton v) a (Var v)
abs :: V -> Term f () -> Term f ()
abs :: Ord v => v -> Term f v () -> Term f v ()
abs = abs' ()
abs' :: a -> V -> Term f a -> Term f a
abs' :: Ord v => a -> v -> Term f v a -> Term f v a
abs' a v body = Term (Set.delete v (freeVars body)) a (Abs v body)
tm :: Foldable f => f (Term f ()) -> Term f ()
tm :: (Foldable f, Ord v) => f (Term f v ()) -> Term f v ()
tm = tm' ()
tm' :: Foldable f => a -> f (Term f a) -> Term f a
tm' :: (Foldable f, Ord v) => a -> f (Term f v a) -> Term f v a
tm' a t =
Term (Set.unions (fmap freeVars (Foldable.toList t))) a (Tm t)
cycle :: Term f () -> Term f ()
cycle :: Term f v () -> Term f v ()
cycle = cycle' ()
cycle' :: a -> Term f a -> Term f a
cycle' :: a -> Term f v a -> Term f v a
cycle' a t = Term (freeVars t) a (Cycle t)
into :: Foldable f => ABT f (Term f ()) -> Term f ()
into :: (Foldable f, Ord v) => ABT f v (Term f v ()) -> Term f v ()
into = into' ()
into' :: Foldable f => a -> ABT f (Term f a) -> Term f a
into' :: (Foldable f, Ord v) => a -> ABT f v (Term f v a) -> Term f v a
into' a abt = case abt of
Var x -> annotatedVar a x
Cycle t -> cycle' a t
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ into' a abt = case abt of
Tm t -> tm' a t
-- | renames `old` to `new` in the given term, ignoring subtrees that bind `old`
rename :: (Foldable f, Functor f) => V -> V -> Term f a -> Term f a
rename :: (Foldable f, Functor f, Var v) => v -> v -> Term f v a -> Term f v a
rename old new t0@(Term _ ann t) = case t of
Var v -> if v == old then annotatedVar ann new else t0
Cycle body -> cycle' ann (rename old new body)
@ -110,46 +110,43 @@ rename old new t0@(Term _ ann t) = case t of
Tm v -> tm' ann (fmap (rename old new) v)
-- | Produce a variable which is free in both terms
freshInBoth :: Term f a -> Term f a -> V -> V
freshInBoth :: Var v => Term f v a -> Term f v a -> v -> v
freshInBoth t1 t2 = fresh t2 . fresh t1
fresh :: Term f a -> V -> V
fresh :: Var v => Term f v a -> v -> v
fresh t = fresh' (freeVars t)
fresh' :: Set V -> V -> V
fresh' used = Symbol.freshIn used
fresh' :: Var v => Set v -> v -> v
fresh' used = Var.freshIn used
freshes :: Term f a -> [V] -> [V]
freshes t = freshes' (freeVars t)
freshes :: Var v => Term f v a -> [v] -> [v]
freshes t = Var.freshes (freeVars t)
freshes' :: Set V -> [V] -> [V]
freshes' _ [] = []
freshes' used (h:t) =
let h' = fresh' used h
in h' : freshes' (Set.insert h' used) t
freshes' :: Var v => Set v -> [v] -> [v]
freshes' = Var.freshes
freshNamed' :: Set V -> Text -> V
freshNamed' :: Var v => Set v -> Text -> v
freshNamed' used n = fresh' used (v' n)
-- | `subst t x body` substitutes `t` for `x` in `body`, avoiding capture
subst :: (Foldable f, Functor f) => Term f a -> V -> Term f a -> Term f a
subst :: (Foldable f, Functor f, Var v) => Term f v a -> v -> Term f v a -> Term f v a
subst t x body = replace t match body where
match (Var' v) = x == v
match _ = False
-- | `substs [(t1,v1), (t2,v2), ...] body` performs multiple simultaneous
-- substitutions, avoiding capture
substs :: (Foldable f, Functor f) => [(V, Term f a)] -> Term f a -> Term f a
substs :: (Foldable f, Functor f, Var v) => [(v, Term f v a)] -> Term f v a -> Term f v a
substs replacements body = foldr f body replacements where
f (v, t) body = subst t v body
-- | `replace t f body` substitutes `t` for all maximal (outermost)
-- subterms matching the predicate `f` in `body`, avoiding capture.
replace :: (Foldable f, Functor f)
=> Term f a
-> (Term f a -> Bool)
-> Term f a
-> Term f a
replace :: (Foldable f, Functor f, Var v)
=> Term f v a
-> (Term f v a -> Bool)
-> Term f v a
-> Term f v a
replace t f body | f body = t
replace t f t2@(Term _ ann body) = case body of
Var v -> annotatedVar ann v
@ -167,7 +164,10 @@ replace t f t2@(Term _ ann body) = case body of
-- `Just t2`, `visit` replaces the current subtree with `t2`. Thus:
-- `visit (const Nothing) t == pure t` and
-- `visit (const (Just (pure t2))) t == pure t2`
visit :: (Traversable f, Applicative g) => (Term f () -> Maybe (g (Term f ()))) -> Term f () -> g (Term f ())
visit :: (Traversable f, Applicative g, Ord v)
=> (Term f v () -> Maybe (g (Term f v ())))
-> Term f v ()
-> g (Term f v ())
visit f t = case f t of
Just gt -> gt
Nothing -> case out t of
@ -177,8 +177,10 @@ visit f t = case f t of
Tm body -> tm <$> traverse (visit f) body
-- | Apply an effectful function to an ABT tree top down, sequencing the results.
visit' :: (Traversable f, Applicative g, Monad g)
=> (f (Term f ()) -> g (f (Term f ()))) -> Term f () -> g (Term f ())
visit' :: (Traversable f, Applicative g, Monad g, Ord v)
=> (f (Term f v ()) -> g (f (Term f v ())))
-> Term f v ()
-> g (Term f v ())
visit' f t = case out t of
Var _ -> pure t
Cycle body -> cycle <$> visit' f body
@ -190,22 +192,22 @@ visit' f t = case out t of
type Focus1 f a = f a -> Maybe (a, a -> f a)
-- | Extract the subterm at a given path
at :: Foldable f => [Focus1 f (Term f a)] -> Term f a -> Maybe (Term f a)
at :: (Foldable f, Ord v) => [Focus1 f (Term f v a)] -> Term f v a -> Maybe (Term f v a)
at path t = fst <$> focus path t
-- | Modify the subterm a path points to
modify :: Foldable f
=> (Term f a -> Term f a)
-> [Focus1 f (Term f a)]
-> Term f a
-> Maybe (Term f a)
modify :: (Foldable f, Ord v)
=> (Term f v a -> Term f v a)
-> [Focus1 f (Term f v a)]
-> Term f v a
-> Maybe (Term f v a)
modify f path t = (\(t,replace) -> replace (f t)) <$> focus path t
-- | Focus on a subterm, obtaining the subtree and a function to replace that subtree
focus :: Foldable f
=> [Focus1 f (Term f a)]
-> Term f a
-> Maybe (Term f a, Term f a -> Term f a)
focus :: (Foldable f, Ord v)
=> [Focus1 f (Term f v a)]
-> Term f v a
-> Maybe (Term f v a, Term f v a -> Term f v a)
focus [] t = Just (t, id)
focus path@(hd:tl) (Term _ ann t) = case t of
Var _ -> Nothing
@ -222,25 +224,25 @@ focus path@(hd:tl) (Term _ ann t) = case t of
-- | Returns the longest prefix of the path which points to a subterm
-- in which `v` is not bound.
introducedAt :: V -> [Focus1 f (Term f ())] -> Term f () -> Maybe [Focus1 f (Term f ())]
introducedAt :: Ord v => v -> [Focus1 f (Term f v ())] -> Term f v () -> Maybe [Focus1 f (Term f v ())]
introducedAt v path t = f =<< boundAlong path t where
f bs = case dropWhile (\vs -> not (Set.member v vs)) (reverse bs) of
[] -> if elem v (fst (unabs t)) then Just [] else Nothing
p -> Just (take (length p) path)
-- | Returns the set of variables in scope at the given path, if valid
boundAt :: [Focus1 f (Term f ())] -> Term f () -> Maybe (Set V)
boundAt :: Ord v => [Focus1 f (Term f v ())] -> Term f v () -> Maybe (Set v)
boundAt path t = f =<< boundAlong path t where
f [] = Nothing
f vs = Just (last vs)
-- | Returns the set of variables in scope at the given path,
-- or the empty set if path is invalid
boundAt' :: [Focus1 f (Term f ())] -> Term f () -> Set V
boundAt' :: Ord v => [Focus1 f (Term f v ())] -> Term f v () -> Set v
boundAt' path t = fromMaybe Set.empty (boundAt path t)
-- | For each element of the input path, the set of variables in scope
boundAlong :: [Focus1 f (Term f ())] -> Term f () -> Maybe [Set V]
boundAlong :: Ord v => [Focus1 f (Term f v ())] -> Term f v () -> Maybe [Set v]
boundAlong path t = go Set.empty path t where
go _ [] _ = Just []
go env path@(hd:tl) t = case out t of
@ -252,15 +254,15 @@ boundAlong path t = go Set.empty path t where
tl <- go env tl t
pure (env : tl)
unabs :: Term f a -> ([V], Term f a)
unabs :: Term f v a -> ([v], Term f v a)
unabs (Term _ _ (Abs hd body)) =
let (tl, body') = unabs body in (hd : tl, body')
unabs t = ([], t)
reabs :: [V] -> Term f () -> Term f ()
reabs :: Ord v => [v] -> Term f v () -> Term f v ()
reabs vs t = foldr abs t vs
instance (Foldable f, Functor f, Eq1 f, Eq a) => Eq (Term f a) where
instance (Foldable f, Functor f, Eq1 f, Eq a, Var v) => Eq (Term f v a) where
-- alpha equivalence, works by renaming any aligned Abs ctors to use a common fresh variable
t1 == t2 = annotation t1 == annotation t2 && go (out t1) (out t2) where
go (Var v) (Var v2) | v == v2 = True
@ -272,7 +274,7 @@ instance (Foldable f, Functor f, Eq1 f, Eq a) => Eq (Term f a) where
go (Tm f1) (Tm f2) = f1 ==# f2
go _ _ = False
instance (J.ToJSON1 f, ToJSON a) => ToJSON (Term f a) where
instance (J.ToJSON1 f, ToJSON v, ToJSON a) => ToJSON (Term f v a) where
toJSON (Term _ a e) =
body = case e of
@ -283,7 +285,7 @@ instance (J.ToJSON1 f, ToJSON a) => ToJSON (Term f a) where
J.array [toJSON a, body]
instance (Foldable f, J.FromJSON1 f, FromJSON a) => FromJSON (Term f a) where
instance (Foldable f, J.FromJSON1 f, FromJSON v, Ord v, FromJSON a) => FromJSON (Term f v a) where
parseJSON j = do
ann <- 0 Aeson.parseJSON j 1 (\j -> do {
@ -296,10 +298,10 @@ instance (Foldable f, J.FromJSON1 f, FromJSON a) => FromJSON (Term f a) where
_ -> fail ("unknown tag: " ++ Text.unpack t)
}) j
instance Show1 f => Show (Term f a) where
instance (Show1 f, Var v) => Show (Term f v a) where
-- annotations not shown
showsPrec p (Term _ _ out) = case out of
Var v -> showsPrec 0 v
Var v -> showsPrec 0 (Var.shortName v)
Cycle body -> showsPrec p body
Abs v body -> showParen True $ showsPrec 0 v . showString ". " . showsPrec p body
Abs v body -> showParen True $ showsPrec 0 (Var.shortName v) . showString ". " . showsPrec p body
Tm f -> showsPrec1 p f

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ module Unison.Eval where
import Unison.Hash (Hash)
import Unison.Term (Term)
data Eval m = Eval {
whnf :: (Hash -> m Term) -> Term -> m Term, -- ^ Simplify to weak head normal form
step :: (Hash -> m Term) -> Term -> m Term -- ^ Perform one beta reduction
data Eval m v = Eval {
whnf :: (Hash -> m (Term v)) -> Term v -> m (Term v), -- ^ Simplify to weak head normal form
step :: (Hash -> m (Term v)) -> Term v -> m (Term v) -- ^ Perform one beta reduction

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@ -4,34 +4,32 @@ module Unison.Metadata where
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.TH
import Data.Text (Text)
import Unison.Symbol (Symbol)
import Unison.Var (Var)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Unison.Symbol as Symbol
import qualified Unison.Term as Term
import qualified Unison.Var as Var
data Sort = Type | Term deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
data Metadata k =
data Metadata v h =
Metadata {
sort :: Sort,
names :: Names,
locals :: [(Term.Path, Symbol)],
description :: Maybe k
names :: Names v,
description :: Maybe h
} deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
matches :: Query -> Metadata k -> Bool
matches (Query txt) (Metadata _ (Names ns) _ _) =
any (Text.isPrefixOf txt) (map ns)
matches :: Var v => Query -> Metadata v h -> Bool
matches (Query txt) (Metadata _ (Names ns) _) =
any (Text.isPrefixOf txt) (map ns)
-- | Nameless metadata, contains only the annotation
synthetic :: Sort -> Metadata k
synthetic t = Metadata t (Names []) [] Nothing
synthetic :: Sort -> Metadata v h
synthetic t = Metadata t (Names []) Nothing
-- | Nameless term metadata, containing only the type annotation
syntheticTerm :: Metadata k
syntheticTerm :: Metadata v h
syntheticTerm = synthetic Term
data Names = Names [Symbol] deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
data Names v = Names [v] deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
data Query = Query Text

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@ -1,35 +1,49 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
module Unison.Symbol where
import Data.Aeson.TH
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Set (Set)
import Unison.Var (Var(..))
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Text as Text
data Fixity = InfixL | InfixR | Infix | Prefix deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Enum)
-- NB: freshId is first field, so given a `Set Symbol`, the max element of
-- the set will also have the highest `freshId`.
data Symbol = Symbol { freshId :: !Int, name :: Text, fixity :: !Fixity, precedence :: !Int } deriving (Eq,Ord)
data Symbol a = Symbol !Int Text a
instance Show Symbol where
freshId :: Symbol a -> Int
freshId (Symbol id _ _) = id
annotation :: Symbol a -> a
annotation (Symbol _ _ a) = a
instance Var (Symbol (Maybe a)) where
name (Symbol _ n _) = n
named n = Symbol 0 n Nothing
qualifiedName s = name s `Text.append` (Text.pack (show (freshId s)))
freshIn vs s | Set.null vs = s -- already fresh!
freshIn vs s | Set.notMember s vs = s -- already fresh!
freshIn vs s@(Symbol i n a) = case Set.elemAt (Set.size vs - 1) vs of
Symbol i2 _ _ -> if i > i2 then s else Symbol (i2+1) n a
instance Functor Symbol where
fmap f (Symbol id name a) = Symbol id name (f a)
-- Note: The `annotation` field not part of identity, is "just" metadata
instance Eq (Symbol a) where
Symbol id1 name1 _ == Symbol id2 name2 _ = id1 == id2 && name1 == name2
instance Ord (Symbol a) where
Symbol id1 name1 _ `compare` Symbol id2 name2 _ = (id1,name1) `compare` (id2,name2)
instance Show (Symbol (Maybe a)) where
show s | freshId s == 0 = Text.unpack (name s)
show s = Text.unpack (name s) ++ show (freshId s)
symbol :: Text -> Fixity -> Int -> Symbol
symbol n f p = Symbol 0 n f p
symbol :: Text -> Symbol ()
symbol n = Symbol 0 n ()
-- | Returns a fresh version of the given symbol, guaranteed to
-- be distinct from all symbols in the given set. Takes time
-- logarithmic in the size of the symbol set.
freshIn :: Set Symbol -> Symbol -> Symbol
freshIn vs s | Set.notMember s vs = s -- already fresh!
freshIn vs s@(Symbol i n f p) = case Set.elemAt (Set.size vs - 1) vs of
Symbol i2 _ _ _ -> if i > i2 then s else Symbol (i2+1) n f p
prefix :: Text -> Symbol ()
prefix name = symbol name
prefix :: Text -> Symbol
prefix name = symbol name Prefix 9
deriveJSON defaultOptions ''Fixity
deriveJSON defaultOptions ''Symbol

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@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ module Unison.Term where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Aeson.TH
import Data.Aeson (ToJSON, FromJSON)
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Set (Set)
@ -23,6 +24,8 @@ import Prelude.Extras (Eq1(..), Show1(..))
import Text.Show
import Unison.Hash (Hash)
import Unison.Reference (Reference)
import Unison.Type (Type)
import Unison.Var (Var)
import qualified Control.Monad.Writer.Strict as Writer
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import qualified Data.Monoid as Monoid
@ -30,7 +33,6 @@ import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import qualified Unison.ABT as ABT
import qualified Unison.Reference as Reference
import qualified Unison.Type as T
import qualified Unison.Distance as Distance
import qualified Unison.JSON as J
@ -42,12 +44,12 @@ data Literal
deriving (Eq,Ord,Generic)
-- | Base functor for terms in the Unison language
data F a
data F v a
= Lit Literal
| Blank -- An expression that has not been filled in, has type `forall a . a`
| Ref Reference
| App a a
| Ann a T.Type
| Ann a (Type v)
| Vector (Vector a)
| Lam a
-- Invariant: let rec blocks have an outer ABT.Cycle which introduces as many
@ -56,10 +58,12 @@ data F a
| Let a a
deriving (Eq,Foldable,Functor,Generic1,Traversable)
-- | Terms are represented as ABTs over the base functor F.
type AnnotatedTerm a = ABT.Term F a
-- | Like `Term v`, but with an annotation of type `a` at every level in the tree
type AnnotatedTerm v a = ABT.Term (F v) v a
-- | Terms are represented as ABTs over the base functor F, with variables in `v`
type Term v = AnnotatedTerm v ()
type Term = AnnotatedTerm ()
-- nicer pattern syntax
pattern Var' v <- ABT.Var' v
@ -76,90 +80,90 @@ pattern Let1' v b e <- (ABT.out -> ABT.Tm (Let b (ABT.Abs' v e)))
pattern Let' bs e relet rec <- (unLets -> Just (bs,e,relet,rec))
pattern LetRec' bs e <- (unLetRec -> Just (bs,e))
fresh :: Term -> ABT.V -> ABT.V
fresh :: Var v => Term v -> v -> v
fresh = ABT.fresh
-- some smart constructors
var :: ABT.V -> Term
var :: v -> Term v
var = ABT.var
var' :: Text -> Term
var' :: Var v => Text -> Term v
var' = var . ABT.v'
ref :: Reference -> Term
ref :: Ord v => Reference -> Term v
ref r = (Ref r)
num :: Double -> Term
num :: Ord v => Double -> Term v
num = lit . Number
lit :: Literal -> Term
lit :: Ord v => Literal -> Term v
lit l = (Lit l)
blank :: Term
blank :: Ord v => Term v
blank = Blank
app :: Term -> Term -> Term
app :: Ord v => Term v -> Term v -> Term v
app f arg = (App f arg)
apps :: Term -> [Term] -> Term
apps :: Ord v => Term v -> [Term v] -> Term v
apps f = foldl' app f
ann :: Term -> T.Type -> Term
ann :: Ord v => Term v -> Type v -> Term v
ann e t = (Ann e t)
vector :: [Term] -> Term
vector :: Ord v => [Term v] -> Term v
vector es = (Vector (Vector.fromList es))
vector' :: Vector Term -> Term
vector' :: Ord v => Vector (Term v) -> Term v
vector' es = (Vector es)
lam :: ABT.V -> Term -> Term
lam :: Ord v => v -> Term v -> Term v
lam v body = (Lam (ABT.abs v body))
lam' :: [Text] -> Term -> Term
lam' :: Var v => [Text] -> Term v -> Term v
lam' vs body = foldr lam body (map ABT.v' vs)
-- | Smart constructor for let rec blocks. Each binding in the block may
-- reference any other binding in the block in its body (including itself),
-- and the output expression may also reference any binding in the block.
letRec :: [(ABT.V,Term)] -> Term -> Term
letRec :: Ord v => [(v,Term v)] -> Term v -> Term v
letRec [] e = e
letRec bindings e = ABT.cycle (foldr ABT.abs z (map fst bindings))
z = (LetRec (map snd bindings) e)
letRec' :: [(Text, Term)] -> Term -> Term
letRec' :: Var v => [(Text, Term v)] -> Term v -> Term v
letRec' bs e = letRec [(ABT.v' name, b) | (name,b) <- bs] e
-- | Smart constructor for let blocks. Each binding in the block may
-- reference only previous bindings in the block, not including itself.
-- The output expression may reference any binding in the block.
let1 :: [(ABT.V,Term)] -> Term -> Term
let1 :: Ord v => [(v,Term v)] -> Term v -> Term v
let1 bindings e = foldr f e bindings
f (v,b) body = (Let b (ABT.abs v body))
let1' :: [(Text,Term)] -> Term -> Term
let1' :: Var v => [(Text,Term v)] -> Term v -> Term v
let1' bs e = let1 [(ABT.v' name, b) | (name,b) <- bs ] e
-- | Satisfies
-- `unLets (letRec bs e) == Just (bs, e, letRec, True)` and
-- `unLets (let' bs e) == Just (bs, e, let', False)`
-- Useful for writing code agnostic to whether a let block is recursive or not.
unLets :: Term -> Maybe ([(ABT.V,Term)], Term, [(ABT.V,Term)] -> Term -> Term, Bool)
unLets :: Ord v => Term v -> Maybe ([(v,Term v)], Term v, [(v,Term v)] -> Term v -> Term v, Bool)
unLets e =
(f letRec True <$> unLetRec e) <|> (f let1 False <$> unLet e)
where f mkLet rec (bs,e) = (bs,e,mkLet,rec)
-- | Satisfies `unLetRec (letRec bs e) == Just (bs, e)`
unLetRec :: Term -> Maybe ([(ABT.V, Term)], Term)
unLetRec :: Term v -> Maybe ([(v, Term v)], Term v)
unLetRec (ABT.Cycle' vs (ABT.Tm' (LetRec bs e)))
| length vs == length vs = Just (zip vs bs, e)
unLetRec _ = Nothing
-- | Satisfies `unLet (let' bs e) == Just (bs, e)`
unLet :: Term -> Maybe ([(ABT.V, Term)], Term)
unLet :: Term v -> Maybe ([(v, Term v)], Term v)
unLet t = fixup (go t) where
go (ABT.out -> ABT.Tm (Let b (ABT.Abs' v t))) =
case go t of (env,t) -> ((v,b):env, t)
@ -167,15 +171,15 @@ unLet t = fixup (go t) where
fixup ([], _) = Nothing
fixup bst = Just bst
dependencies' :: Term -> Set Reference
dependencies' :: Ord v => Term v -> Set Reference
dependencies' t = Set.fromList . Writer.execWriter $ ABT.visit' f t
where f t@(Ref r) = Writer.tell [r] *> pure t
f t = pure t
dependencies :: Term -> Set Hash
dependencies :: Ord v => Term v -> Set Hash
dependencies e = Set.fromList [ h | Reference.Derived h <- Set.toList (dependencies' e) ]
countBlanks :: Term -> Int
countBlanks :: Ord v => Term v -> Int
countBlanks t = Monoid.getSum . Writer.execWriter $ ABT.visit' f t
where f Blank = Writer.tell (Monoid.Sum (1 :: Int)) *> pure Blank
f t = pure t
@ -190,8 +194,8 @@ data PathElement
type Path = [PathElement]
-- | Use a @PathElement@ to compute one step into an @F Term@ subexpression
focus1 :: PathElement -> ABT.Focus1 F Term
-- | Use a @PathElement@ to compute one step into an @F Term v@ subexpression
focus1 :: Ord v => PathElement -> ABT.Focus1 (F v) (Term v)
focus1 Fn (App f x) = Just (f, \f -> App f x)
focus1 Arg (App f x) = Just (x, \x -> App f x)
focus1 Body (Lam (ABT.Abs' v body)) = Just (body, Lam . ABT.abs v)
@ -213,20 +217,20 @@ pathPrefixes = inits
pathExtend :: PathElement -> Path -> Path
pathExtend e p = p ++ [e]
at :: Path -> Term -> Maybe Term
at :: Ord v => Path -> Term v -> Maybe (Term v)
at p t = (map focus1 p) t
-- | Given a variable and a path, find the longest prefix of the path
-- which points to a term where the variable is unbound. Example:
-- `\f -> \x -> f {x}` would return the path pointing to `{\x -> f x}`
introducedAt :: ABT.V -> Path -> Term -> Maybe Path
introducedAt :: Ord v => v -> Path -> Term v -> Maybe Path
introducedAt v path t = f <$> ABT.introducedAt v (map focus1 path) t where
f p = take (length p) path
modify :: (Term -> Term) -> Path -> Term -> Maybe Term
modify :: Ord v => (Term v -> Term v) -> Path -> Term v -> Maybe (Term v)
modify f p t = ABT.modify f (map focus1 p) t
focus :: Path -> Term -> Maybe (Term, Term -> Term)
focus :: Ord v => Path -> Term v -> Maybe (Term v, Term v -> Term v)
focus p t = ABT.focus (map focus1 p) t
parent :: Path -> Maybe Path
@ -236,7 +240,7 @@ parent p = Just (init p)
parent' :: Path -> Path
parent' = fromMaybe [] . parent
bindingAt :: Path -> Term -> Maybe (ABT.V, Term)
bindingAt :: Ord v => Path -> Term v -> Maybe (v, Term v)
bindingAt [] _ = Nothing
bindingAt path t = do
parentPath <- parent path
@ -244,7 +248,7 @@ bindingAt path t = do
pure (v, b)
-- | Convert all 'Ref' constructors to the corresponding term
link :: (Applicative f, Monad f) => (Hash -> f Term) -> Term -> f Term
link :: (Applicative f, Monad f, Var v) => (Hash -> f (Term v)) -> Term v -> f (Term v)
link env e =
let ds = map (\h -> (h, link env =<< env h)) (Set.toList (dependencies e))
sub e (h, ft) = replace <$> ft
@ -254,21 +258,23 @@ link env e =
-- | If the outermost term is a function application,
-- perform substitution of the argument into the body
betaReduce :: Term -> Term
betaReduce :: Var v => Term v -> Term v
betaReduce (App' (Lam' n body) arg) = ABT.subst arg n body
betaReduce e = e
-- mostly boring serialization and hashing code below ...
-- mostly boring serialization code below ...
deriveJSON defaultOptions ''Literal
instance Eq1 F where (==#) = (==)
instance Show1 F where showsPrec1 = showsPrec
instance Var v => Eq1 (F v) where (==#) = (==)
instance Var v => Show1 (F v) where showsPrec1 = showsPrec
deriveJSON defaultOptions ''F
instance J.ToJSON1 F where toJSON1 f = Aeson.toJSON f
instance J.FromJSON1 F where parseJSON1 j = Aeson.parseJSON j
deriveToJSON defaultOptions ''F
instance (Ord v, FromJSON v, FromJSON r) => FromJSON (F v r) where
parseJSON = $(mkParseJSON defaultOptions ''F)
instance ToJSON v => J.ToJSON1 (F v) where toJSON1 f = Aeson.toJSON f
instance (Ord v, FromJSON v) => J.FromJSON1 (F v) where parseJSON1 j = Aeson.parseJSON j
deriveJSON defaultOptions ''PathElement
@ -277,7 +283,7 @@ instance Show Literal where
show (Number n) = show n
show (Distance d) = show d
instance Show a => Show (F a) where
instance (Var v, Show a) => Show (F v a) where
showsPrec p fa = go p fa where
go _ (Lit l) = showsPrec 0 l
go p (Ann t k) = showParen (p > 1) $ showsPrec 0 t <> s":" <> showsPrec 0 k

View File

@ -14,13 +14,14 @@ import Unison.Hash (Hash)
import Unison.Term (Term)
import Unison.Type (Type)
import Unison.Note (Noted)
import Unison.Var (Var)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Unison.ABT as ABT
import qualified Unison.Eval as Eval
import qualified Unison.Term as Term
import qualified Unison.Type as Type
data Action
data Action v
= Abstract -- Turn target into function parameter
| AbstractLet -- Turn target into let bound expression
| AllowRec -- Turn a let into a let rec
@ -29,7 +30,7 @@ data Action
| Inline -- Delete a let binding by inlining its definition into usage sites
| MergeLet -- Merge a let block into its parent let block
| Noop -- Do nothing to the target
| Rename ABT.V -- Rename the target var
| Rename v -- Rename the target var
| Step -- Link + beta reduce the target
| SwapDown -- Swap the target let binding with the subsequent binding
| SwapUp -- Swap the target let binding with the previous binding
@ -37,10 +38,10 @@ data Action
deriving Generic
-- | Interpret the given 'Action'
interpret :: (Applicative f, Monad f)
=> Eval (Noted f)
-> (Hash -> Noted f Term.Term)
-> Term.Path -> Action -> Term.Term -> Noted f (Maybe (Term.Path, Term.Term))
interpret :: (Applicative f, Monad f, Var v)
=> Eval (Noted f) v
-> (Hash -> Noted f (Term v))
-> Term.Path -> Action v -> Term v -> Noted f (Maybe (Term.Path, Term v))
interpret eval link path action t = case action of
Abstract -> pure $ abstract path t
AbstractLet -> pure $ abstractLet path t
@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ interpret eval link path action t = case action of
f {(v -> v) 42}
abstract :: Term.Path -> Term.Term -> Maybe (Term.Path, Term.Term)
abstract :: Var v => Term.Path -> Term v -> Maybe (Term.Path, Term v)
abstract path t = f <$> Term.focus path t where
f (sub,replace) =
let sub' = Term.lam (ABT.fresh sub (ABT.v' "v")) (ABT.var' "v")
@ -74,7 +75,7 @@ abstract path t = f <$> Term.focus path t where
f {let v = 42 in v} x
abstractLet :: Term.Path -> Term.Term -> Maybe (Term.Path, Term.Term)
abstractLet :: Var v => Term.Path -> Term v -> Maybe (Term.Path, Term v)
abstractLet path t = f <$> Term.focus path t where
f (sub,replace) =
let sub' = Term.let1 [(ABT.v' "v", sub)] (ABT.var' "v")
@ -85,7 +86,7 @@ abstractLet path t = f <$> Term.focus path t where
{let rec x = 1 in x + x}
allowRec :: Term.Path -> Term.Term -> Maybe (Term.Path, Term.Term)
allowRec :: Ord v => Term.Path -> Term v -> Maybe (Term.Path, Term v)
allowRec path t = do
Term.Let' bs e _ False <- path t
t' <- Term.modify (const (Term.letRec bs e)) path t
@ -96,13 +97,13 @@ allowRec path t = do
{ f }
etaReduce :: Term.Path -> Term.Term -> Maybe (Term.Path, Term.Term)
etaReduce :: Ord v => Term.Path -> Term v -> Maybe (Term.Path, Term v)
etaReduce path t = do
Term.Lam' v (Term.App' f (ABT.Var' v2)) <- path t
guard (v == v2 && not (Set.member v (ABT.freeVars f))) -- make sure vars match and `f` doesn't mention `v`
pure (path, f)
floatOut :: Term.Path -> Term.Term -> Maybe (Term.Path, Term.Term)
floatOut :: Term.Path -> Term v -> Maybe (Term.Path, Term v)
floatOut path t = floatLetOut path t <|> floatLamOut path t
{- Moves the target let binding to the parent expression. Example:
@ -110,7 +111,7 @@ floatOut path t = floatLetOut path t <|> floatLamOut path t
{let y = 2 in f (y*y)}
floatLetOut :: Term.Path -> Term.Term -> Maybe (Term.Path, Term.Term)
floatLetOut :: Term.Path -> Term v -> Maybe (Term.Path, Term v)
floatLetOut _ _ =
error "todo: floatLetOut"
@ -119,7 +120,7 @@ floatLetOut _ _ =
{y -> f (y*y)} 2
floatLamOut :: Term.Path -> Term.Term -> Maybe (Term.Path, Term.Term)
floatLamOut :: Term.Path -> Term v -> Maybe (Term.Path, Term v)
floatLamOut _ _ = error "floatLamOut"
{- Delete a let binding by inlining its definition. Fails if binding is recursive. Examples:
@ -135,7 +136,7 @@ floatLamOut _ _ = error "floatLamOut"
{let y = 2 in 1*1}
inline :: Term.Path -> Term.Term -> Maybe (Term.Path, Term.Term)
inline :: Ord v => Term.Path -> Term v -> Maybe (Term.Path, Term v)
inline path t = do
-- (v,body) <- Term.bindingAt path t
(_,_) <- Term.bindingAt path t
@ -150,7 +151,7 @@ inline path t = do
mergeLet :: Term.Path -> Term.Term -> Maybe (Term.Path, Term.Term)
mergeLet :: Ord v => Term.Path -> Term v -> Maybe (Term.Path, Term v)
mergeLet path t = do
parentPath <- Term.parent path
(innerBindings,e) <- path t >>= Term.unLetRec
@ -161,22 +162,22 @@ mergeLet path t = do
{- Rename the variable at the target, updating all occurrences. -}
rename :: ABT.V -> Term.Path -> Term.Term -> Maybe (Term.Path, Term.Term)
rename :: Var v => v -> Term.Path -> Term v -> Maybe (Term.Path, Term v)
rename v2 path t = do
ABT.Var' v <- path t
guard (v /= v2)
scope <- Term.introducedAt v path t
(,) scope <$> Term.modify (ABT.subst (ABT.var v2) v) scope t
step :: Applicative f => Eval (Noted f) -> (Hash -> Noted f Term.Term)
-> Term.Path -> Term.Term -> Noted f (Maybe (Term.Path, Term.Term))
step :: (Applicative f, Ord v) => Eval (Noted f) v -> (Hash -> Noted f (Term v))
-> Term.Path -> Term v -> Noted f (Maybe (Term.Path, Term v))
step eval link path t = case Term.focus path t of
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Just (sub, replace) -> fmap f (Eval.step eval link sub)
where f sub = Just (path, replace sub)
whnf :: Applicative f => Eval (Noted f) -> (Hash -> Noted f Term.Term)
-> Term.Path -> Term.Term -> Noted f (Maybe (Term.Path, Term.Term))
whnf :: (Applicative f, Ord v) => Eval (Noted f) v -> (Hash -> Noted f (Term v))
-> Term.Path -> Term v -> Noted f (Maybe (Term.Path, Term v))
whnf eval link path t = case Term.focus path t of
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Just (sub, replace) -> fmap f (Eval.whnf eval link sub)
@ -184,7 +185,7 @@ whnf eval link path t = case Term.focus path t of
-- | Produce `e`, `e _`, `e _ _`, `e _ _ _` and so on,
-- until the result is no longer a function type
applications :: Term -> Type -> [Term]
applications :: Ord v => Term v -> Type v -> [Term v]
applications e t = e : go e t
go e (Type.Forall' _ t) = go e t

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
module Unison.Type where
import Data.Aeson (toJSON, parseJSON)
import Data.Aeson (ToJSON(..), FromJSON(..))
import Data.Aeson.TH
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Text (Text)
@ -18,12 +18,13 @@ import GHC.Generics
import Prelude.Extras (Eq1(..),Show1(..))
import Unison.Note (Noted)
import Unison.Reference (Reference)
import Unison.Var (Var)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Unison.ABT as ABT
import qualified Unison.Doc as D
import qualified Unison.JSON as J
import qualified Unison.Kind as K
import qualified Unison.Symbol as Symbol
import qualified Unison.Var as Var
-- | Type literals
data Literal
@ -52,24 +53,25 @@ deriveJSON defaultOptions ''F
instance Eq1 F where (==#) = (==)
instance Show1 F where showsPrec1 = showsPrec
-- | Terms are represented as ABTs over the base functor F.
type Type = ABT.Term F ()
-- | Types are represented as ABTs over the base functor F, with variables in `v`
type Type v = AnnotatedType v ()
type AnnotatedType a = ABT.Term F a
-- | Like `Type v`, but with an annotation of type `a` at every level in the tree
type AnnotatedType v a = ABT.Term F v a
-- An environment for looking up type references
type Env f = Reference -> Noted f Type
type Env f v = Reference -> Noted f (Type v)
freeVars :: Type -> Set ABT.V
freeVars :: Type v -> Set v
freeVars = ABT.freeVars
data Monotype = Monotype { getPolytype :: Type } deriving (Eq)
data Monotype v = Monotype { getPolytype :: Type v } deriving (Eq)
instance Show Monotype where
instance Var v => Show (Monotype v) where
show = show . getPolytype
-- Smart constructor which checks if a `Type` has no `Forall` quantifiers.
monotype :: Type -> Maybe Monotype
monotype :: Ord v => Type v -> Maybe (Monotype v)
monotype t = Monotype <$> ABT.visit isMono t where
isMono (Forall' _ _) = Just Nothing
isMono _ = Nothing
@ -88,24 +90,24 @@ pattern Forall' v body <- ABT.Tm' (Forall (ABT.Abs' v body))
pattern Existential' v <- ABT.Tm' (Existential (ABT.Var' v))
pattern Universal' v <- ABT.Tm' (Universal (ABT.Var' v))
unArrows :: Type -> Maybe [Type]
unArrows :: Type v -> Maybe [Type v]
unArrows t =
case go t of [] -> Nothing; l -> Just l
go (Arrow' i o) = i : go o
go _ = []
unArrows' :: Type -> Maybe [(Type,Path)]
unArrows' :: Type v -> Maybe [(Type v,Path)]
unArrows' t = addPaths <$> unArrows t
where addPaths ts = ts `zip` arrowPaths (length ts)
unApps :: Type -> Maybe (Type, [Type])
unApps :: Type v -> Maybe (Type v, [Type v])
unApps t = case go t [] of [] -> Nothing; f:args -> Just (f,args)
go (App' i o) acc = go i (o:acc)
go fn args = fn:args
unApps' :: Type -> Maybe ((Type,Path), [(Type,Path)])
unApps' :: Type v -> Maybe ((Type v,Path), [(Type v,Path)])
unApps' t = addPaths <$> unApps t
addPaths (f,args) = case appPaths (length args) of
@ -122,51 +124,51 @@ arrowPaths spineLength =
(take (spineLength-1) $ iterate (Output:) [Input]) ++
[replicate spineLength Output]
matchExistential :: ABT.V -> Type -> Bool
matchExistential :: Eq v => v -> Type v -> Bool
matchExistential v (Existential' x) = x == v
matchExistential _ _ = False
matchUniversal :: ABT.V -> Type -> Bool
matchUniversal :: Eq v => v -> Type v -> Bool
matchUniversal v (Universal' x) = x == v
matchUniversal _ _ = False
-- some smart constructors
lit :: Literal -> Type
lit :: Ord v => Literal -> Type v
lit l = (Lit l)
ref :: Reference -> Type
ref :: Ord v => Reference -> Type v
ref = lit . Ref
app :: Type -> Type -> Type
app :: Ord v => Type v -> Type v -> Type v
app f arg = (App f arg)
arrow :: Type -> Type -> Type
arrow :: Ord v => Type v -> Type v -> Type v
arrow i o = (Arrow i o)
ann :: Type -> K.Kind -> Type
ann :: Ord v => Type v -> K.Kind -> Type v
ann e t = (Ann e t)
forall :: ABT.V -> Type -> Type
forall :: Ord v => v -> Type v -> Type v
forall v body = (Forall (ABT.abs v body))
existential :: ABT.V -> Type
existential :: Ord v => v -> Type v
existential v = (Existential (ABT.var v))
universal :: ABT.V -> Type
universal :: Ord v => v -> Type v
universal v = (Universal (ABT.var v))
v' :: Text -> Type
v' :: Var v => Text -> Type v
v' s = universal (ABT.v' s)
forall' :: [Text] -> Type -> Type
forall' :: Var v => [Text] -> Type v -> Type v
forall' vs body = foldr forall body (map ABT.v' vs)
constrain :: Type -> () -> Type
constrain :: Ord v => Type v -> () -> Type v
constrain t u = (Constrain t u)
-- | Bind all free variables with an outer `forall`.
generalize :: Type -> Type
generalize :: Ord v => Type v -> Type v
generalize t = foldr forall t $ Set.toList (ABT.freeVars t)
data PathElement
@ -179,7 +181,7 @@ data PathElement
type Path = [PathElement]
layout :: (Reference -> ABT.V) -> Type -> D.Doc Text Path
layout :: (Var v, ToJSON v) => (Reference -> v) -> Type v -> D.Doc Text Path
layout ref t = go (0 :: Int) t
(<>) = D.append
@ -188,13 +190,13 @@ layout ref t = go (0 :: Int) t
Text -> "Text"
Vector -> "Vector"
Distance -> "Distance"
Ref r -> (ref r) -- no infix type operators at the moment
Ref r -> (ref r) -- no infix type operators at the moment
paren b d =
let r = D.root d
in if b then D.embed' r "(" <> d <> D.embed' r ")" else d
arr = D.breakable " " <> D.embed ""
sp = D.breakable " "
sym v = D.embed ( v)
sym v = D.embed ( v)
go p t = case t of
Lit' l -> D.embed (lit l)
ArrowsP' spine ->
@ -206,12 +208,13 @@ layout ref t = go (0 :: Int) t
, D.nest " " . . D.delimit sp $ [ D.sub' p (go 10 s) | (s,p) <- args ] ]
Constrain' t _ -> go p t
Universal' v -> sym v
Existential' v -> D.embed ("'" `mappend` v)
Ann' t k -> go p t -- ignoring kind annotations for now
Existential' v -> D.embed ("'" `mappend` v)
Ann' t _ -> go p t -- ignoring kind annotations for now
Forall' v body -> case p of
0 -> D.sub Body (go p body)
_ -> paren True . . $
[D.embed "", sym v, D.embed ".", sp, D.nest " " $ D.sub Body (go 0 body)]
_ -> error $ "layout match failure on: " ++ show (toJSON t)
instance J.ToJSON1 F where
toJSON1 f = toJSON f

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import Control.Monad
import Unison.Type (Type)
import Unison.Term (Term)
import Unison.Note (Note,Noted)
import Unison.Var (Var)
import qualified Unison.ABT as ABT
import qualified Unison.Term as Term
import qualified Unison.Type as Type
@ -32,11 +33,11 @@ invalid loc ctx = "invalid path " ++ show loc ++ " in:\n" ++ show ctx
-- Note: the returned type may contain free type variables, since
-- we strip off any outer foralls.
admissibleTypeAt :: Applicative f
=> Type.Env f
admissibleTypeAt :: (Applicative f, Var v)
=> Type.Env f v
-> Term.Path
-> Term
-> Noted f Type
-> Term v
-> Noted f (Type v)
admissibleTypeAt synth loc t = Note.scoped ("admissibleTypeAt@" ++ show loc ++ " " ++ show t) $
f = Term.fresh t (ABT.v' "s")
@ -48,7 +49,7 @@ admissibleTypeAt synth loc t = Note.scoped ("admissibleTypeAt@" ++ show loc ++ "
Just t -> shake <$> synthesize synth t
-- | Compute the type of the given subterm.
typeAt :: Applicative f => Type.Env f -> Term.Path -> Term -> Noted f Type
typeAt :: (Applicative f, Var v) => Type.Env f v -> Term.Path -> Term v -> Noted f (Type v)
typeAt synth [] t = Note.scoped ("typeAt: " ++ show t) $ synthesize synth t
typeAt synth loc t = Note.scoped ("typeAt@"++show loc ++ " " ++ show t) $
@ -61,12 +62,12 @@ typeAt synth loc t = Note.scoped ("typeAt@"++show loc ++ " " ++ show t) $
Just t -> shake <$> synthesize synth t
-- | Return the type of all local variables in scope at the given location
locals :: Applicative f => Type.Env f -> Term.Path -> Term -> Noted f [(ABT.V, Type)]
locals :: (Applicative f, Var v) => Type.Env f v -> Term.Path -> Term v -> Noted f [(v, Type v)]
locals synth path ctx | ABT.isClosed ctx =
Note.scoped ("locals@"++show path ++ " " ++ show ctx)
(zip (map fst lambdas) <$> lambdaTypes)
lambdas :: [(ABT.V, Term.Path)]
-- lambdas :: [(v, Term.Path)]
lambdas = Term.pathPrefixes path >>= \path -> case path ctx of
Just (Term.Lam' v _) -> [(v, path)]
_ -> []
@ -74,7 +75,7 @@ locals synth path ctx | ABT.isClosed ctx =
lambdaTypes = traverse t (map snd lambdas)
where t path = extract <$> typeAt synth path ctx
extract :: Type -> Type
extract :: Var v => Type v -> Type v
extract (Type.Arrow' i _) = i
extract (Type.Forall' _ t) = extract t
extract t = error $ "expecting function type, got " ++ show t
@ -84,12 +85,12 @@ locals _ _ ctx =
-- | Infer the type of a 'Unison.Syntax.Term', using
-- a function to resolve the type of @Ref@ constructors
-- contained in that term.
synthesize :: Applicative f => Type.Env f -> Term -> Noted f Type
synthesize :: (Applicative f, Var v) => Type.Env f v -> Term v -> Noted f (Type v)
synthesize = Context.synthesizeClosed
-- | Infer the type of a 'Unison.Syntax.Term', assumed
-- not to contain any @Ref@ constructors
synthesize' :: Term -> Either Note Type
synthesize' :: Var v => Term v -> Either Note (Type v)
synthesize' term = join . Note.unnote $ synthesize missing term
where missing h = Note.failure $ "unexpected ref: " ++ show h
@ -97,18 +98,18 @@ synthesize' term = join . Note.unnote $ synthesize missing term
-- function to resolve the type of @Ref@ constructors
-- contained in the term. Returns @typ@ if successful,
-- and a note about typechecking failure otherwise.
check :: Applicative f => Type.Env f -> Term -> Type -> Noted f Type
check :: (Applicative f, Var v) => Type.Env f v -> Term v -> Type v -> Noted f (Type v)
check synth term typ = synthesize synth (Term.ann term typ)
-- | Check whether a term, assumed to contain no @Ref@ constructors,
-- matches a given type. Return @Left@ if any references exist, or
-- if typechecking fails.
check' :: Term -> Type -> Either Note Type
check' :: Var v => Term v -> Type v -> Either Note (Type v)
check' term typ = join . Note.unnote $ check missing term typ
where missing h = Note.failure $ "unexpected ref: " ++ show h
-- | Returns `True` if the expression is well-typed, `False` otherwise
wellTyped :: (Monad f, Applicative f) => Type.Env f -> Term -> Noted f Bool
wellTyped :: (Monad f, Var v) => Type.Env f v -> Term v -> Noted f Bool
wellTyped synth term = (const True <$> synthesize synth term) `Note.orElse` pure False
-- | @subtype a b@ is @Right b@ iff @f x@ is well-typed given
@ -118,13 +119,13 @@ wellTyped synth term = (const True <$> synthesize synth term) `Note.orElse` pure
-- about the reason for subtyping failure otherwise.
-- Example: @subtype (forall a. a -> a) (Int -> Int)@ returns @Right (Int -> Int)@.
subtype :: Type -> Type -> Either Note Type
subtype :: Var v => Type v -> Type v -> Either Note (Type v)
subtype t1 t2 = case Context.subtype (Context.context []) t1 t2 of
Left e -> Left e
Right _ -> Right t2
-- | Returns true if @subtype t1 t2@ returns @Right@, false otherwise
isSubtype :: Type -> Type -> Bool
isSubtype :: Var v => Type v -> Type v -> Bool
isSubtype t1 t2 = case Context.subtype (Context.context []) t1 t2 of
Left _ -> False
Right _ -> True
@ -133,6 +134,6 @@ isSubtype t1 t2 = case Context.subtype (Context.context []) t1 t2 of
-- order of quantifier introduction. Note that alpha equivalence considers:
-- `forall b a . a -> b -> a` and
-- `forall a b . a -> b -> a` to be different types
equals :: Type -> Type -> Bool
equals :: Var v => Type v -> Type v -> Bool
equals t1 t2 = isSubtype t1 t2 && isSubtype t2 t1

View File

@ -14,33 +14,36 @@ import Data.Set (Set)
import Unison.Note (Note,Noted(..))
import Unison.Term (Term)
import Unison.Type (Type, Monotype(..))
import qualified Unison.ABT as ABT
import Unison.Var (Var)
import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
import qualified Unison.Note as Note
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Unison.ABT as ABT
import qualified Unison.Note as Note
import qualified Unison.Term as Term
import qualified Unison.Type as Type
import qualified Unison.Var as Var
-- uncomment for debugging
-- import Debug.Trace
-- watch msg a = trace (msg ++ ":\n" ++ show a) a
-- | Elements of an ordered algorithmic context
data Element
= Universal ABT.V -- `v` is universally quantified
| Existential ABT.V -- `v` existential and unsolved
| Solved ABT.V Monotype -- `v` is solved to some monotype
| Ann ABT.V Type -- `v` has type `a`, which may be quantified
| Marker ABT.V deriving (Eq) -- used for scoping
data Element v
= Universal v -- `v` is universally quantified
| Existential v -- `v` existential and unsolved
| Solved v (Monotype v) -- `v` is solved to some monotype
| Ann v (Type v) -- `v` has type `a`, which may be quantified
| Marker v deriving (Eq) -- used for scoping
instance Show Element where
show (Universal v) = show v
show (Existential v) = "'"++show v
show (Solved v t) = "'"++show v++" = "++show t
show (Ann v t) = show v++" : "++show t
show (Marker v) = "|"++show v++"|"
instance Var v => Show (Element v) where
show (Universal v) = Text.unpack (Var.shortName v)
show (Existential v) = "'"++Text.unpack (Var.shortName v)
show (Solved v t) = "'"++Text.unpack (Var.shortName v)++" = "++show t
show (Ann v t) = Text.unpack (Var.shortName v)++" : "++show t
show (Marker v) = "|"++Text.unpack (Var.shortName v)++"|"
(===) :: Element -> Element -> Bool
(===) :: Eq v => Element v -> Element v -> Bool
Existential v === Existential v2 | v == v2 = True
Universal v === Universal v2 | v == v2 = True
Marker v === Marker v2 | v == v2 = True
@ -56,37 +59,36 @@ _ === _ = False
is also a valid context, and a fresh name can be obtained just
by inspecting the first `Info` in the list.
newtype Context = Context [(Element, Info)]
newtype Context v = Context [(Element v, Info v)]
data Info = Info { existentialVars :: Set ABT.V -- set of existentials seen so far
, universalVars :: Set ABT.V -- set of universals seen so far
, allVars :: Set ABT.V -- all variables seen so far
, isWellformed :: Bool -- whether the context so far is well-formed
data Info v =
Info { existentialVars :: Set v -- set of existentials seen so far
, universalVars :: Set v -- set of universals seen so far
, allVars :: Set v -- all variables seen so far
, isWellformed :: Bool -- whether the context so far is well-formed
-- | The empty context
context0 :: Context
context0 :: Context v
context0 = Context []
instance Show Context where
show c@(Context es) =
"Γ " ++ show (Set.toList (usedVars c)) ++ "\n "
++ (intercalate "\n " . map (show . fst)) (reverse es)
instance Var v => Show (Context v) where
show (Context es) = "Γ \n" ++ (intercalate "\n " . map (show . fst)) (reverse es)
-- ctxOK :: Context -> Context
-- ctxOK ctx = if wellformed ctx then ctx else error $ "not ok: " ++ show ctx
usedVars :: Context -> Set ABT.V
usedVars :: Context v -> Set v
usedVars = allVars . info
-- | Return the `Info` associated with the last element of the context, or the zero `Info`.
info :: Context -> Info
info :: Context v -> Info v
info (Context []) = Info Set.empty Set.empty Set.empty True
info (Context ((_,i):_)) = i
-- | Add an element onto the end of this `Context`. Takes `O(log N)` time,
-- including updates to the accumulated `Info` value.
extend :: Element -> Context -> Context
extend :: Var v => Element v -> Context v -> Context v
extend e c@(Context ctx) = Context ((e,i'):ctx) where
i' = addInfo e (info c)
-- see figure 7
@ -105,44 +107,44 @@ extend e c@(Context ctx) = Context ((e,i'):ctx) where
Marker v -> Info es us (Set.insert v vs) (ok && Set.notMember v vs)
-- | Build a context from a list of elements.
context :: [Element] -> Context
context :: Var v => [Element v] -> Context v
context xs = foldl' (flip extend) context0 xs
-- | `append c1 c2` adds the elements of `c2` onto the end of `c1`.
append :: Context -> Context -> Context
append :: Var v => Context v -> Context v -> Context v
append ctxL (Context es) =
-- since `es` is a snoc list, we add it to `ctxL` in reverse order
foldl' f ctxL (reverse es) where
f ctx (e,_) = extend e ctx
-- Generate a fresh variable of the given name, guaranteed fresh wrt `ctx`.
fresh :: ABT.V -> Context -> ABT.V
fresh :: Var v => v -> Context v -> v
fresh v ctx = ABT.fresh' (usedVars ctx) v
-- Generate two fresh variables of the given names, guaranteed fresh wrt `ctx`.
fresh2 :: ABT.V -> ABT.V -> Context -> (ABT.V, ABT.V)
fresh2 :: Var v => v -> v -> Context v -> (v, v)
fresh2 va vb ctx = case fresh va ctx of
va -> (va, ABT.fresh' (Set.insert va (usedVars ctx)) vb)
-- Generate three fresh variables of the given names, guaranteed fresh wrt `ctx`.
fresh3 :: ABT.V -> ABT.V -> ABT.V -> Context -> (ABT.V, ABT.V, ABT.V)
fresh3 :: Var v => v -> v -> v -> Context v -> (v, v, v)
fresh3 va vb vc ctx = case fresh2 va vb ctx of
(va, vb) -> (va, vb, ABT.fresh' (Set.insert va . Set.insert vb $ usedVars ctx) vc)
-- | Extend this `Context` with a single universally quantified variable,
-- guaranteed to be fresh
extendUniversal :: ABT.V -> Context -> (ABT.V, Context)
extendUniversal :: Var v => v -> Context v -> (v, Context v)
extendUniversal v ctx = case fresh v ctx of
v -> (v, extend (Universal v) ctx)
-- | Extend this `Context` with a marker variable, guaranteed to be fresh
extendMarker :: ABT.V -> Context -> (ABT.V, Context)
extendMarker :: Var v => v -> Context v -> (v, Context v)
extendMarker v ctx = case fresh v ctx of
v -> (v, ctx `append` context [Marker v, Existential v])
-- | Delete from the end of this context up to and including
-- the given `Element`. Returns `Left` if the element is not found.
retract :: Element -> Context -> Either Note Context
retract :: Var v => Element v -> Context v -> Either Note (Context v)
retract m (Context ctx) =
let maybeTail [] = Left $ Note.note ("unable to retract: " ++ show m)
maybeTail (_:t) = Right t
@ -151,26 +153,26 @@ retract m (Context ctx) =
in Context <$> maybeTail (dropWhile (\(e,_) -> e /= m) ctx)
-- | Like `retract`, but returns the empty context if retracting would remove all elements.
retract' :: Element -> Context -> Context
retract' :: Var v => Element v -> Context v -> Context v
retract' e ctx = case retract e ctx of
Left _ -> context []
Right ctx -> ctx
universals :: Context -> Set ABT.V
universals :: Context v -> Set v
universals = universalVars . info
existentials :: Context -> Set ABT.V
existentials :: Context v -> Set v
existentials = existentialVars . info
solved :: Context -> [(ABT.V, Monotype)]
solved :: Context v -> [(v, Monotype v)]
solved (Context ctx) = [(v, sa) | (Solved v sa,_) <- ctx]
unsolved :: Context -> [ABT.V]
unsolved :: Context v -> [v]
unsolved (Context ctx) = [v | (Existential v,_) <- ctx]
-- | Apply the context to the input type, then convert any unsolved existentials
-- to universals.
generalizeExistentials :: Context -> Type -> Type
generalizeExistentials :: Var v => Context v -> Type v -> Type v
generalizeExistentials ctx t = foldr gen (apply ctx t) (unsolved ctx)
gen e t =
@ -178,10 +180,10 @@ generalizeExistentials ctx t = foldr gen (apply ctx t) (unsolved ctx)
then Type.forall e (ABT.replace (Type.universal e) (Type.matchExistential e) t)
else t -- don't bother introducing a forall if type variable is unused
replace :: Element -> Context -> Context -> Context
replace :: Var v => Element v -> Context v -> Context v -> Context v
replace e focus ctx = let (l,r) = breakAt e ctx in l `append` focus `append` r
breakAt :: Element -> Context -> (Context, Context)
breakAt :: Var v => Element v -> Context v -> (Context v, Context v)
breakAt m (Context xs) =
let (r, l) = break (\(e,_) -> e === m) xs
-- l is a suffix of xs and is already a valid context;
@ -189,17 +191,17 @@ breakAt m (Context xs) =
in (Context (drop 1 l), context . map fst $ reverse r)
-- | ordered Γ α β = True <=> Γ[α^][β^]
ordered :: Context -> ABT.V -> ABT.V -> Bool
ordered :: Var v => Context v -> v -> v -> Bool
ordered ctx v v2 = Set.member v (existentials (retract' (Existential v2) ctx))
-- | Check that the context is well formed, see Figure 7 of paper
-- Since contexts are 'monotonic', we can compute an cache this efficiently
-- as the context is built up, see implementation of `extend`.
wellformed :: Context -> Bool
wellformed :: Context v -> Bool
wellformed ctx = isWellformed (info ctx)
-- | Check that the type is well formed wrt the given `Context`, see Figure 7 of paper
wellformedType :: Context -> Type -> Bool
wellformedType :: Var v => Context v -> Type v -> Bool
wellformedType c t = wellformed c && case t of
Type.Existential' v -> Set.member v (existentials c)
Type.Universal' v -> Set.member v (universals c)
@ -213,16 +215,16 @@ wellformedType c t = wellformed c && case t of
in wellformedType ctx2 (ABT.replace (Type.universal v') (Type.matchUniversal v) t)
_ -> error $ "Context.wellformedType - ill formed type - " ++ show t
bindings :: Context -> [(ABT.V, Type)]
bindings :: Context v -> [(v, Type v)]
bindings (Context ctx) = [(v,a) | (Ann v a,_) <- ctx]
lookupType :: Context -> ABT.V -> Maybe Type
lookupType :: Eq v => Context v -> v -> Maybe (Type v)
lookupType ctx v = lookup v (bindings ctx)
-- | solve (ΓL,α^,ΓR) α τ = (ΓL,α = τ,ΓR)
-- If the given existential variable exists in the context,
-- we solve it to the given monotype, otherwise return `Nothing`
solve :: Context -> ABT.V -> Monotype -> Maybe Context
solve :: Var v => Context v -> v -> Monotype v -> Maybe (Context v)
solve ctx v t
| wellformedType ctxL (Type.getPolytype t) = Just ctx'
| otherwise = Nothing
@ -230,7 +232,7 @@ solve ctx v t
ctx' = ctxL `append` context [Solved v t] `append` ctxR
-- | Replace any existentials with their solution in the context
apply :: Context -> Type -> Type
apply :: Var v => Context v -> Type v -> Type v
apply ctx t = case t of
Type.Universal' _ -> t
Type.Lit' _ -> t
@ -246,7 +248,7 @@ apply ctx t = case t of
-- | `subtype ctx t1 t2` returns successfully if `t1` is a subtype of `t2`.
-- This may have the effect of altering the context.
-- see Figure 9
subtype :: Context -> Type -> Type -> Either Note Context
subtype :: Var v => Context v -> Type v -> Type v -> Either Note (Context v)
subtype ctx tx ty = Note.scope (show tx++" <: "++show ty) (go tx ty) where -- Rules from figure 9
go (Type.Lit' l) (Type.Lit' l2) | l == l2 = pure ctx -- `Unit`
go t1@(Type.Universal' v1) t2@(Type.Universal' v2) -- `Var`
@ -281,7 +283,7 @@ subtype ctx tx ty = Note.scope (show tx++" <: "++show ty) (go tx ty) where -- Ru
-- | Instantiate the given existential such that it is
-- a subtype of the given type, updating the context
-- in the process.
instantiateL :: Context -> ABT.V -> Type -> Either Note Context
instantiateL :: Var v => Context v -> v -> Type v -> Either Note (Context v)
instantiateL ctx v t = case Type.monotype t >>= solve ctx v of
Just ctx' -> pure ctx' -- InstLSolve
Nothing -> case t of
@ -314,7 +316,7 @@ instantiateL ctx v t = case Type.monotype t >>= solve ctx v of
-- | Instantiate the given existential such that it is
-- a supertype of the given type, updating the context
-- in the process.
instantiateR :: Context -> Type -> ABT.V -> Either Note Context
instantiateR :: Var v => Context v -> Type v -> v -> Either Note (Context v)
instantiateR ctx t v = case Type.monotype t >>= solve ctx v of
Just ctx' -> pure ctx' -- InstRSolve
Nothing -> case t of
@ -349,7 +351,7 @@ instantiateR ctx t v = case Type.monotype t >>= solve ctx v of
-- | Check that under the given context, `e` has type `t`,
-- updating the context in the process.
check :: Context -> Term -> Type -> Either Note Context
check :: Var v => Context v -> Term v -> Type v -> Either Note (Context v)
check ctx e t | wellformedType ctx t = Note.scope ("check: " ++ show e ++ ": " ++ show t) $ go e t where
go (Term.Lit' l) _ = subtype ctx (synthLit l) t -- 1I
go _ (Type.Forall' x body) = -- ForallI
@ -384,7 +386,7 @@ check ctx e t = Note.scope ("context: " ++ show ctx) .
$ Left (Note.note "check failed")
-- | Infer the type of a literal
synthLit :: Term.Literal -> Type
synthLit :: Ord v => Term.Literal -> Type v
synthLit lit = Type.lit $ case lit of
Term.Number _ -> Type.Number
Term.Text _ -> Type.Text
@ -395,7 +397,7 @@ synthLit lit = Type.lit $ case lit of
-- their type. Also returns the freshened version of `body` and a marker
-- which should be used to retract the context after checking/synthesis
-- of `body` is complete. See usage in `synthesize` and `check` for `LetRec'` case.
annotateLetRecBindings :: Context -> [(ABT.V, Term)] -> Term -> Either Note (Element, Term, Context)
annotateLetRecBindings :: Var v => Context v -> [(v, Term v)] -> Term v -> Either Note (Element v, Term v, Context v)
annotateLetRecBindings ctx bindings body = do
-- freshen all the term variables `v1, v2 ...` used by each binding `b1, b2 ..`
let vs = ABT.freshes' (usedVars ctx) (map fst bindings)
@ -424,7 +426,7 @@ annotateLetRecBindings ctx bindings body = do
pure $ (marker, body, ctx1 `append` context (marker : annotations))
-- | Synthesize the type of the given term, updating the context in the process.
synthesize :: Context -> Term -> Either Note (Type, Context)
synthesize :: Var v => Context v -> Term v -> Either Note (Type v, Context v)
synthesize ctx e = Note.scope ("synth: " ++ show e) $ go e where
go (Term.Var' v) = case lookupType ctx v of -- Var
Nothing -> Left $ Note.note "type not in scope"
@ -479,7 +481,7 @@ synthesize ctx e = Note.scope ("synth: " ++ show e) $ go e where
-- | Synthesize the type of the given term, `arg` given that a function of
-- the given type `ft` is being applied to `arg`. Update the context in
-- the process.
synthesizeApp :: Context -> Type -> Term -> Either Note (Type, Context)
synthesizeApp :: Var v => Context v -> Type v -> Term v -> Either Note (Type v, Context v)
synthesizeApp ctx ft arg = go ft where
go (Type.Forall' x body) = let x' = fresh x ctx -- Forall1App
in synthesizeApp (ctx `append` context [Existential x'])
@ -499,15 +501,14 @@ synthesizeApp ctx ft arg = go ft where
, "function type: " ++ show ft
, "arg: " ++ show arg ]
annotateRefs :: Applicative f => Type.Env f -> Term -> Noted f Term
annotateRefs :: (Applicative f, Ord v) => Type.Env f v -> Term v -> Noted f (Term v)
annotateRefs synth term = ABT.visit f term where
f (Term.Ref' h) = Just (Term.ann (Term.ref h) <$> synth h)
f _ = Nothing
synthesizeClosed :: Applicative f => Type.Env f -> Term -> Noted f Type
synthesizeClosed :: (Applicative f, Var v) => Type.Env f v -> Term v -> Noted f (Type v)
synthesizeClosed synthRef term = Noted $ synth <$> Note.unnote (annotateRefs synthRef term)
synth :: Either Note Term -> Either Note Type
synth (Left e) = Left e
synth (Right a) = go <$> synthesize (context []) a
go (t, ctx) = generalizeExistentials ctx t -- we generalize over any remaining unsolved existentials

shared/src/Unison/Var.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
module Unison.Var where
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
class (Eq v, Ord v) => Var v where
named :: Text -> v
name :: v -> Text
qualifiedName :: v -> Text
freshIn :: Set v -> v -> v
shortName :: Var v => v -> Text
shortName v | named (name v) == v = name v
shortName v = qualifiedName v
freshes :: Var v => Set v -> [v] -> [v]
freshes _ [] = []
freshes used (h:t) =
let h' = freshIn used h
in h' : freshes (Set.insert h' used) t
freshInBoth :: Var v => Set v -> Set v -> v -> v
freshInBoth vs1 vs2 = freshIn vs1 . freshIn vs2
freshNamed :: Var v => Set v -> Text -> v
freshNamed used n = freshIn used (named n)

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@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ library