This commit is contained in:
Paul Chiusano 2019-06-30 23:16:57 -04:00
parent 8cd1b99251
commit 77bbe47c8f
4 changed files with 25 additions and 43 deletions

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@ -563,9 +563,15 @@ run ioHandler env ir = do
-- call _ _ fn@(Lam _ _ _) args | trace ("call "<> show fn <> " " <>show args) False = undefined
call size m fn@(Lam arity underapply body) args = let nargs = length args in
-- fully applied call, `(x y -> ..) 9 10`
if nargs == arity then do
(size, m) <- pushManyZ size args m
go size m body
if nargs == arity then case underapply of
-- when calling a closure, we supply all the closure arguments, before
-- `args`. See fix528.u for an example.
FormClosure _hash _tm pushedArgs -> do
(size, m) <- pushManyZ size (fmap Val (reverse pushedArgs) ++ args) m
go size m body
_ -> do
(size, m) <- pushManyZ size args m
go size m body
-- overapplied call, e.g. `id id 42`
else if nargs > arity then do
let (usedArgs, extraArgs) = splitAt arity args
@ -602,14 +608,9 @@ run ioHandler env ir = do
in done $ Lam (arity - nargs) (Specialize hash lam pushedArgs') compiled
Specialize _ e pushedArgs -> error $ "can't underapply a non-lambda: " <> show e <> " " <> show pushedArgs
FormClosure hash tm pushedArgs -> let
pushedArgs' = reverse argvs ++ pushedArgs
arity' = arity - nargs
allArgs = replicate arity' Nothing ++ map Just pushedArgs'
bound = Map.fromList [ (i, v) | (Just v, i) <- allArgs `zip` [0..]]
in done $ Lam (arity - nargs)
(FormClosure hash tm pushedArgs')
(specializeIR bound body)
FormClosure hash tm pushedArgs ->
let pushedArgs' = reverse argvs ++ pushedArgs
in done $ Lam (arity - nargs) (FormClosure hash tm pushedArgs') body
call size m (Cont k) [arg] = do
v <- at size arg m
callContinuation size m k v

unison-src/tests/fix528.u Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
(|>) : a -> (a -> b) -> b
a |> f = f a
ex1 = "bob" |> (Text.++) "hi, "
type Woot = Woot Text Int Nat
ex2 = case 0 |> Woot "Zonk" +10 of
Woot.Woot _ i _ -> i
> (ex1, ex2)

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
("hi, bob", +10)

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@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
use Trie tail head Trie
type Trie k v = { head : Optional v, tail : [(k, Trie k v)] }
Trie.empty = Trie None []
Trie.toList : Trie k v -> [([k], v)]
Trie.toList t =
go : [k] -> Trie k v -> [([k], v)]
go path t =
[] ++ join (map (p -> go [] Trie.empty) (tail t))
-- this phrasing crashes -
-- tail t |> (p -> go [] Trie.empty)
-- |> List.join
-- |> (List.++) []
go [] t
> toList Trie.empty
bombs with:
I stopped evaluation after encountering an error:
user error (type error, expecting List, got: (Lam 1 FormClosure 5MQKGmyVUfJMTmaGyk8TBmLJMoZbUKGDE4fgKBhAMzMkmwpweM7gsPPUivFuY4PeMM1Qrt7e2RnAs2sw4QJzsqjJ Ref(##List.++) [[]] (Leaf External:ExternalFunction)))
I'm sorry this message doesn't have more detail
about the location of the failure. My makers plan to
fix this in a future release. 😢