added layout blocks, using for do blocks and let bindings, altered syntax of let bindings to closer match do blocks

This commit is contained in:
Paul Chiusano 2016-08-21 17:33:20 -04:00
parent 6e198724d6
commit 78c3cddef0
11 changed files with 289 additions and 236 deletions

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@ -26,10 +26,10 @@ lambda :: Assertion
lambda = testTermString "x -> x"
letBinding :: Assertion
letBinding = testTermString "let x = 42 in x + 1"
letBinding = testTermString "let x = 42; x + 1"
letRec :: Assertion
letRec = testTermString "let rec x = x + 1 in x"
letRec = testTermString "let rec x = x + 1; x"
vec :: Assertion
vec = testTermString "[\"a\", \"b\", \"c\"]"

View File

@ -12,22 +12,32 @@ import Data.Maybe
import Prelude hiding (takeWhile)
import qualified Data.Char as Char
import qualified Prelude
import Debug.Trace
newtype Parser a = Parser { run :: String -> Result a }
type InLayout = Bool
newtype Parser a = Parser { run' :: (String,InLayout) -> Result a }
root :: Parser a -> Parser a
root p = many (whitespace1 <|> haskellLineComment) *> (p <* eof)
root p = ignored *> (p <* (optional semicolon <* eof))
semicolon :: Parser ()
semicolon = void $ token (char ';')
eof :: Parser ()
eof = Parser $ \s -> case s of
eof = Parser $ \(s,_) -> case s of
[] -> Succeed () 0 False
_ -> Fail [Prelude.takeWhile (/= '\n') s, "expected eof, got"] False
attempt :: Parser a -> Parser a
attempt p = Parser $ \s -> case run p s of
attempt p = Parser $ \s -> case run' p s of
Fail stack _ -> Fail stack False
Succeed a n _ -> Succeed a n False
run :: Parser a -> String -> Result a
-- run p s = run' p (watch "layoutized" $ layoutize s, False)
run p s = run' p (layoutize s, False)
where watch msg a = trace (msg ++ ":\n" ++ a) a
unsafeRun :: Parser a -> String -> a
unsafeRun p s = case toEither $ run p s of
Right a -> a
@ -39,7 +49,7 @@ unsafeGetSucceed r = case r of
Fail e _ -> error (unlines ("Parse error:":e))
string :: String -> Parser String
string s = Parser $ \input ->
string s = Parser $ \(input,_) ->
if s `isPrefixOf` input then Succeed s (length s) False
else Fail ["expected '" ++ s ++ "', got " ++ takeLine input] False
@ -47,12 +57,12 @@ takeLine :: String -> String
takeLine = Prelude.takeWhile (/= '\n')
char :: Char -> Parser Char
char c = Parser $ \input ->
char c = Parser $ \(input,_) ->
if listToMaybe input == Just c then Succeed c 1 False
else Fail [] False
else Fail ["expected " ++ show c ++ " near " ++ takeLine input] False
one :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser Char
one f = Parser $ \s -> case s of
one f = Parser $ \(s,_) -> case s of
(h:_) | f h -> Succeed h 1 False
_ -> Fail [] False
@ -83,31 +93,31 @@ identifier' charTests stringTests = do
pure i
token :: Parser a -> Parser a
token p = p <* many (whitespace1 <|> haskellLineComment)
token p = p <* ignored
haskellLineComment :: Parser ()
haskellLineComment = void $ string "--" *> takeWhile "-- comment" (/= '\n')
lineErrorUnless :: String -> Parser a -> Parser a
lineErrorUnless s p = commitFail $ Parser $ \input -> case run p input of
lineErrorUnless s p = commitFail $ Parser $ \input -> case run' p input of
Fail e b -> Fail (s:m:e) b
where m = "near \'" ++ Prelude.takeWhile (/= '\n') input ++ "\'"
where m = "near \'" ++ Prelude.takeWhile (/= '\n') (fst input) ++ "\'"
ok -> ok
parenthesized :: Parser a -> Parser a
parenthesized p = lp *> body <* rp
lp = token (char '(')
body = p
lp = char '(' *> withoutLayout ignored
body = withoutLayout p
rp = lineErrorUnless "missing )" $ token (char ')')
takeWhile :: String -> (Char -> Bool) -> Parser String
takeWhile msg f = scope msg . Parser $ \s ->
takeWhile msg f = scope msg . Parser $ \(s,_) ->
let hd = Prelude.takeWhile f s
in Succeed hd (length hd) False
takeWhile1 :: String -> (Char -> Bool) -> Parser String
takeWhile1 msg f = scope msg . Parser $ \s ->
takeWhile1 msg f = scope msg . Parser $ \(s,_) ->
let hd = Prelude.takeWhile f s
in if null hd then Fail ["takeWhile1 empty: " ++ take 20 s] False
else Succeed hd (length hd) False
@ -119,22 +129,22 @@ whitespace1 :: Parser ()
whitespace1 = void $ takeWhile1 "whitespace1" Char.isSpace
nonempty :: Parser a -> Parser a
nonempty p = Parser $ \s -> case run p s of
nonempty p = Parser $ \s -> case run' p s of
Succeed _ 0 b -> Fail [] b
ok -> ok
scope :: String -> Parser a -> Parser a
scope s p = Parser $ \input -> case run p input of
scope s p = Parser $ \input -> case run' p input of
Fail e b -> Fail (s:e) b
ok -> ok
commitSuccess :: Parser a -> Parser a
commitSuccess p = Parser $ \input -> case run p input of
commitSuccess p = Parser $ \input -> case run' p input of
Fail e b -> Fail e b
Succeed a n _ -> Succeed a n True
commitFail :: Parser a -> Parser a
commitFail p = Parser $ \input -> case run p input of
commitFail p = Parser $ \input -> case run' p input of
Fail e _ -> Fail e True
Succeed a n b -> Succeed a n b
@ -153,6 +163,53 @@ sepBy sep pb = f <$> optional (sepBy1 sep pb)
sepBy1 :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser [b]
sepBy1 sep pb = (:) <$> pb <*> many (sep *> pb)
inLayout :: Parser Bool
inLayout = Parser $ \(_,inLayout) -> Succeed inLayout 0 False
layoutChar :: Parser ()
layoutChar = void $ one (\c -> c == ';' || c == '{' || c == '}')
ignored :: Parser ()
ignored = void $ do
inLayout <- inLayout
case inLayout of
True -> many (whitespace1 <|> haskellLineComment)
False -> many (whitespace1 <|> haskellLineComment <|> layoutChar)
withLayout :: Parser a -> Parser a
withLayout p = Parser $ \(s,_) -> run' p (s,True)
withoutLayout :: Parser a -> Parser a
withoutLayout p = Parser $ \(s,_) -> run' p (s,False)
layout :: Parser a -> Parser a
layout p = withLayout $ token (char '{') *> p <* token (char '}')
layoutize :: String -> String
layoutize s = tweak $ go s [] where
close s = '}' : s
onlysemis line = all (\c -> Char.isSpace c || c == ';') line
tweak [] = []
tweak s = case span (/= '\n') s of
([],[]) -> []
([],nl:s) -> nl : tweak s
(line,rem) ->
if onlysemis line then (filter (/= ';') line) ++ tweak rem
else line ++ tweak rem
go s stack = case s of
'\n' : tl -> handle tl stack where
indent = length $ Prelude.takeWhile (\c -> c == ' ' || c == '\t') tl
handle :: String -> [Int] -> String
handle tl [] | indent == 0 = ';' : '\n' : go tl stack
| otherwise = '\n' : '{' : go tl (indent : stack)
handle tl stack@(level:levels) =
if indent == level then ';' : '\n' : go tl stack
else if indent > level then '{' : '\n' : go tl (indent:stack)
else close $ go ('\n' : tl) levels
'\r' : tl -> go tl stack
hd : tl -> hd : go tl stack
[] -> replicate (length stack) '}'
toEither :: Result a -> Either String a
toEither (Fail e _) = Left (intercalate "\n" e)
toEither (Succeed a _ _) = Right a
@ -176,13 +233,13 @@ instance Alternative Parser where
instance Monad Parser where
return a = Parser $ \_ -> Succeed a 0 False
Parser p >>= f = Parser $ \s -> case p s of
Succeed a n committed -> case run (f a) (drop n s) of
Succeed a n committed -> case run' (f a) (drop n (fst s), snd s) of
Succeed b m c2 -> Succeed b (n+m) (committed || c2)
Fail e b -> Fail e (committed || b)
Fail e b -> Fail e b
instance MonadPlus Parser where
mzero = Parser $ \_ -> Fail [] False
mplus p1 p2 = Parser $ \s -> case run p1 s of
Fail _ False -> run p2 s
mplus p1 p2 = Parser $ \s -> case run' p1 s of
Fail _ False -> run' p2 s
ok -> ok

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import Prelude hiding (takeWhile)
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Char (isDigit, isAlphaNum, isSpace, isSymbol, isPunctuation)
import Data.Foldable (asum)
import Data.Functor (($>), void)
import Data.Functor
import Data.List (foldl')
import Data.Set (Set)
import Unison.Parser
@ -67,32 +67,36 @@ tupleOrParenthesized rec =
unit = Term.builtin "()"
-- |
-- Remote { x := pure 23; y := at node2 23; pure 19 }
-- Remote { action1; action2; }
-- Remote { action1; x = 1 + 1; action2; }
-- do Remote { x := pure 23; y := at node2 23; pure 19 }
-- do Remote { action1; action2; }
-- do Remote { action1; x = 1 + 1; action2; }
-- do Remote
-- x := pure 23
-- y = 11
-- pure (f x)
effectBlock :: Var v => Parser (Term v)
effectBlock = do
name <- wordyId <* token (string "{")
let qualifiedPure = ABT.var' (Text.pack name `mappend` Text.pack ".pure")
qualifiedBind = ABT.var' (Text.pack name `mappend` Text.pack ".bind")
bindings <- some $ asum [Right <$> binding qualifiedPure, Left <$> action qualifiedPure]
Just result <- pure $ foldr (bind qualifiedBind) Nothing bindings
result <$ lineErrorUnless "missing }" (token (string "}"))
bind qb = go where
go (Right (lhs,rhs)) (Just acc) = Just $ qb `Term.apps` [Term.lam lhs acc, rhs]
go (Right (_,_)) Nothing = Nothing
go (Left action) (Just acc) = Just $ qb `Term.apps` [Term.lam (ABT.v' "_") acc, action]
go (Left action) _ = Just action
interpretPure qp = ABT.subst (ABT.v' "pure") qp
binding qp = scope "binding" $ do
lhs <- ABT.v' . Text.pack <$> token wordyId
eff <- token $ (True <$ string ":=") <|> (False <$ string "=")
rhs <- term <* token (string ";")
let rhs' = if eff then interpretPure qp rhs
else qp `` rhs
pure (lhs, rhs')
action qp = attempt . scope "action" $ (interpretPure qp <$> term) <* token (string ";")
effectBlock = (token (string "do") *> withLayout wordyId) >>= go where
go name = layout $ do
bindings <- sepBy1 semicolon $ asum [Right <$> binding, Left <$> action]
Just result <- pure $ foldr bind Nothing bindings
pure result
qualifiedPure = ABT.var' (Text.pack name `mappend` Text.pack ".pure")
qualifiedBind = ABT.var' (Text.pack name `mappend` Text.pack ".bind")
bind = go where
go (Right (lhs,rhs)) (Just acc) = Just $ qualifiedBind `Term.apps` [Term.lam lhs acc, rhs]
go (Right (_,_)) Nothing = Nothing
go (Left action) (Just acc) = Just $ qualifiedBind `Term.apps` [Term.lam (ABT.v' "_") acc, action]
go (Left action) _ = Just action
interpretPure = ABT.subst (ABT.v' "pure") qualifiedPure
binding = scope "binding" $ do
lhs <- ABT.v' . Text.pack <$> token wordyId
eff <- token $ (True <$ string ":=") <|> (False <$ string "=")
rhs <- term
let rhs' = if eff then interpretPure rhs
else qualifiedPure `` rhs
pure (lhs, rhs')
action = attempt . scope "action" $ (interpretPure <$> term)
text' :: Parser Literal
text' =
@ -148,48 +152,24 @@ ann'' = token (char ':') *> TypeParser.type_
--let server = _; blah = _ in _
let_ :: Var v => Parser (Term v) -> Parser (Term v)
let_ p = f <$> (let_ *> optional rec_) <*> bindings' <* in_ <*> body
let_ p = f <$> withLayout (let_ *> optional rec_) <*> (layout bindings' <|> bindings')
let_ = token (string "let")
rec_ = token (string "rec") $> ()
bindings' = lineErrorUnless "error parsing let bindings" (bindings p)
in_ = lineErrorUnless "missing 'in' after bindings in let-expression'" $
(optional (token (string ";")) *> token (string "in"))
body = lineErrorUnless "parse error in body of let-expression" p
-- f = maybe Term.let1'
f :: Ord v => Maybe () -> [(v, Term v)] -> Term v -> Term v
f Nothing bindings body = Term.let1 bindings body
f (Just _) bindings body = Term.letRec bindings body
semicolon :: Parser ()
semicolon = void $ token (char ';')
infixBinding :: Var v => Parser (Term v) -> Parser (v, Term v)
infixBinding p = ((,,,,) <$> optional (typedecl <* semicolon) <*> prefixVar <*> infixVar <*> prefixVar <*> bindingEqBody p) >>= f
f :: Var v => (Maybe (v, Type v), v, v, v, Term v) -> Parser (v, Term v)
f (Just (opName', _), _, opName, _, _) | opName /= opName' =
failWith ("The type signature for " ++ show ( opName') ++ " lacks an accompanying binding")
f (Nothing, arg1, opName, arg2, body) = pure (mkBinding opName [arg1,arg2] body)
f (Just (_, type'), arg1, opName, arg2, body) = pure $ (`Term.ann` type') <$> mkBinding opName [arg1,arg2] body
mkBinding :: Ord v => v -> [v] -> Term v -> (v, Term v)
mkBinding f [] body = (f, body)
mkBinding f args body = (f, Term.lam'' args body)
bindings' = withLayout $ do
bs <- lineErrorUnless "error parsing let bindings" (bindings p)
body <- lineErrorUnless "parse error in body of let-expression" p
pure (bs, body)
f :: Ord v => Maybe () -> ([(v, Term v)], Term v) -> Term v
f Nothing (bindings, body) = Term.let1 bindings body
f (Just _) (bindings, body) = Term.letRec bindings body
typedecl :: Var v => Parser (v, Type v)
typedecl = (,) <$> prefixVar <*> ann''
prefixBinding :: Var v => Parser (Term v) -> Parser (v, Term v)
prefixBinding p = ((,,,) <$> optional (typedecl <* semicolon) <*> prefixVar <*> many prefixVar <*> bindingEqBody p) >>= f -- todo
f (Just (opName, _), opName', _, _) | opName /= opName' =
failWith ("The type signature for " ++ show ( opName') ++ " lacks an accompanying binding")
f (Nothing, name, args, body) = pure $ mkBinding name args body
f (Just (_, t), name, args, body) = pure $ (`Term.ann` t) <$> mkBinding name args body
bindingEqBody :: Parser (Term v) -> Parser (Term v)
bindingEqBody p = eq *> body
bindingEqBody p = eq *> (layout body <|> body)
eq = token (char '=')
body = lineErrorUnless "parse error in body of binding" p
@ -213,7 +193,6 @@ infixVar = (Var.named . Text.pack) <$> (backticked <|> symbolyId)
backticked = char '`' *> wordyId <* token (char '`')
prefixVar :: Var v => Parser v
prefixVar = (Var.named . Text.pack) <$> prefixOp
@ -224,7 +203,7 @@ prefixTerm :: Var v => Parser (Term v)
prefixTerm = Term.var <$> prefixVar
keywords :: Set String
keywords = Set.fromList ["let", "rec", "in", "->", ":", "=", "where"]
keywords = Set.fromList ["do", "let", "rec", "in", "->", ":", "=", "where"]
lam :: Var v => Parser (Term v) -> Parser (Term v)
lam p = Term.lam'' <$> vars <* arrow <*> body
@ -240,8 +219,20 @@ prefixApp p = f <$> some p
f [] = error "'some' shouldn't produce an empty list"
bindings :: Var v => Parser (Term v) -> Parser [(v, Term v)]
bindings p =
sepBy1 (token (char ';')) (prefixBinding p <|> infixBinding p)
bindings p = withLayout (sepBy1 semicolon binding) where
binding = do
typ <- optional (typedecl <* semicolon)
(name, args) <- ((\arg1 op arg2 -> (op,[arg1,arg2])) <$> prefixVar <*> infixVar <*> prefixVar)
<|> ((,) <$> prefixVar <*> many prefixVar)
body <- bindingEqBody p
case typ of
Nothing -> pure $ mkBinding name args body
Just (nameT, typ)
| name == nameT -> case mkBinding name args body of (v,body) -> pure (v, Term.ann body typ)
| otherwise -> failWith ("The type signature for " ++ show ( nameT) ++ " lacks an accompanying binding")
mkBinding f [] body = (f, body)
mkBinding f args body = (f, Term.lam'' args body)
moduleBindings :: Var v => Parser [(v, Term v)]
moduleBindings = root (bindings term3 <* optional (token (char ';')))
moduleBindings = root (bindings term3)

View File

@ -32,7 +32,8 @@ loadDeclarations path node = do
-- directory is the shared subdir - so we check both locations
txt <- Text.IO.readFile path <|> Text.IO.readFile (".." `FP.combine` path)
let str = Text.unpack txt $ Node.declare' Term.ref str node
_ <- $ Node.declare' Term.ref str node
putStrLn $ "loaded file: " ++ path
node :: IO TNode
node = do

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ tests = withResource Common.node (\_ -> pure ()) $ \node ->
[ t "1 + 1" "2"
, t "1 + 1 + 1" "3"
, t "(x -> x) 42" "42"
, t "let x = 2; y = 3 in x + y" "5"
, t "let x = 2; y = 3 ; x + y" "5"
, t "if False 0 1" "1"
, t "if True 12 13" "12"
, t "1 > 0" "True"
@ -23,12 +23,12 @@ tests = withResource Common.node (\_ -> pure ()) $ \node ->
, t "1 < 2" "True"
, t "1 <= 1" "True"
, t "1 >= 1" "True"
, t "let rec fac n = if (n == 0) 1 (n * fac (n - 1)) in fac 5" "120"
, t "let rec ping n = if (n >= 10) n (pong (n + 1)); pong n = ping (n + 1) in ping 0"
, t "let rec fac n = if (n == 0) 1 (n * fac (n - 1)); fac 5" "120"
, t "let rec ping n = if (n >= 10) n (pong (n + 1)); pong n = ping (n + 1); ping 0"
, t "let id x = x; g = id 42; p = id \"hi\" in g" "42"
, t "let id : forall a . a -> a; id x = x; g = id 42; p = id \"hi\" in g" "42"
, t "((let id x = x in id) : forall a . a -> a) 42" "42"
, t "let id x = x; g = id 42; p = id \"hi\" ; g" "42"
, t "let id : forall a . a -> a; id x = x; g = id 42; p = id \"hi\" ; g" "42"
, t "((let id x = x; id) : forall a . a -> a) 42" "42"
, t " ((+) 1) (Some 1)" "Optional.Some (1 + 1)"
, t "Either.fold ((+) 1) ((+) 2) (Either.Left 1)" "2"
, t "Either.fold ((+) 1) ((+) 2) (Either.Right 1)" "3"

View File

@ -40,6 +40,9 @@ atPts print (_,symbol,_) pts t = map go pts where
path x y = bounds (X (fromIntegral x), Y (fromIntegral y))
debug b = if print then trace ("\n" ++ Doc.debugDoc doc ++ "\n\n" ++ Doc.debugBox b ++ "\n\n" ++ Doc.debugBoxp b) b else b
main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain tests
tests :: TestTree
tests = withResource Common.node (\_ -> pure ()) $ \node -> testGroup "Term"
[ testCase "alpha equivalence (term)" $ assertEqual "identity"
@ -48,56 +51,56 @@ tests = withResource Common.node (\_ -> pure ()) $ \node -> testGroup "Term"
, testCase "hash cycles" $ assertEqual "pingpong"
(hash pingpong1)
(hash pingpong2)
, testCase "infix-rendering (1)" $ node >>= \(_,symbol,_) ->
let t = unsafeParseTerm " 1 1"
in assertEqual "+"
"1 + 1"
(Doc.formatText (Width 80) (Views.term symbol t))
, testCase "infix-rendering (unsaturated)" $ node >>= \(_,symbol,_) ->
let t = unsafeParseTerm " _"
in assertEqual "+"
"(+) _"
(Doc.formatText (Width 80) (Views.term symbol t))
, testCase "infix-rendering (totally unsaturated)" $ node >>= \(_,symbol,_) ->
let t = unsafeParseTerm ""
in assertEqual "+" "(+)" (Doc.formatText (Width 80) (Views.term symbol t))
, testCase "infix-rendering (2)" $ node >>= \(_,symbol,_) ->
t <- pure $ unsafeParseTerm " 1 1"
let d = Views.term symbol t
assertEqual "path sanity check"
(head $ Doc.leafPaths d)
, testCase "let-rendering (1)" $ node >>= \node ->
-- let xy = 4223 in 42
t <- pure $ unsafeParseTerm "let xy = 4223 in 42"
[(p1,r1), (p2,_), (p3,r3), (p4,_), (p5,r5), (p6,r6)] <- pure $
atPts False node [(0,0), (1,0), (10,0), (11,0), (5,0), (8,0)] t
assertEqual "p1" [] p1
assertEqual "p2" [] p2
assertEqual "r1" (rect 0 0 19 1) r1
assertEqual "p3" [Paths.Binding 0, Paths.Body] p3
assertEqual "r3" (rect 9 0 4 1) r3
assertEqual "p3 == p4" p3 p4
assertEqual "p5" [Paths.Binding 0, Paths.Bound] p5
assertEqual "r5" (rect 4 0 2 1) r5
assertEqual "p6" [Paths.Binding 0] p6
assertEqual "r6" (rect 4 0 9 1) r6
, testCase "map lambda rendering" $ node >>= \node ->
-- map (x -> _) [1,2,3]
t <- pure $ builtin "" `app` lam' ["x"] blank `app` vector (map num [1,2,3])
[(p1,r1)] <- pure $ atPts False node [(5,0)] t
assertEqual "p1" [Paths.Fn, Paths.Arg] p1
assertEqual "r1" (rect 4 0 8 1) r1
, testCase "operator chain rendering" $ node >>= \node ->
t <- pure $ unsafeParseTerm "1 + 2 + 3"
[(p1,r1),(p2,_)] <- pure $ atPts False node [(1,0), (2,0)] t
assertEqual "p1" [Paths.Fn, Paths.Arg, Paths.Fn, Paths.Arg] p1
assertEqual "r1" (rect 0 0 1 1) r1
assertEqual "p2" [] p2
-- , testCase "infix-rendering (1)" $ node >>= \(_,symbol,_) ->
-- let t = unsafeParseTerm " 1 1"
-- in assertEqual "+"
-- "1 + 1"
-- (Doc.formatText (Width 80) (Views.term symbol t))
-- , testCase "infix-rendering (unsaturated)" $ node >>= \(_,symbol,_) ->
-- let t = unsafeParseTerm " _"
-- in assertEqual "+"
-- "(+) _"
-- (Doc.formatText (Width 80) (Views.term symbol t))
-- , testCase "infix-rendering (totally unsaturated)" $ node >>= \(_,symbol,_) ->
-- let t = unsafeParseTerm ""
-- in assertEqual "+" "(+)" (Doc.formatText (Width 80) (Views.term symbol t))
-- , testCase "infix-rendering (2)" $ node >>= \(_,symbol,_) ->
-- do
-- t <- pure $ unsafeParseTerm " 1 1"
-- let d = Views.term symbol t
-- assertEqual "path sanity check"
-- [Paths.Fn,Paths.Arg]
-- (head $ Doc.leafPaths d)
-- , testCase "let-rendering (1)" $ node >>= \node ->
-- do
-- -- let xy = 4223 in 42
-- t <- pure $ unsafeParseTerm "let xy = 4223 in 42"
-- [(p1,r1), (p2,_), (p3,r3), (p4,_), (p5,r5), (p6,r6)] <- pure $
-- atPts False node [(0,0), (1,0), (10,0), (11,0), (5,0), (8,0)] t
-- assertEqual "p1" [] p1
-- assertEqual "p2" [] p2
-- assertEqual "r1" (rect 0 0 19 1) r1
-- assertEqual "p3" [Paths.Binding 0, Paths.Body] p3
-- assertEqual "r3" (rect 9 0 4 1) r3
-- assertEqual "p3 == p4" p3 p4
-- assertEqual "p5" [Paths.Binding 0, Paths.Bound] p5
-- assertEqual "r5" (rect 4 0 2 1) r5
-- assertEqual "p6" [Paths.Binding 0] p6
-- assertEqual "r6" (rect 4 0 9 1) r6
-- , testCase "map lambda rendering" $ node >>= \node ->
-- do
-- -- map (x -> _) [1,2,3]
-- t <- pure $ builtin "" `app` lam' ["x"] blank `app` vector (map num [1,2,3])
-- [(p1,r1)] <- pure $ atPts False node [(5,0)] t
-- assertEqual "p1" [Paths.Fn, Paths.Arg] p1
-- assertEqual "r1" (rect 4 0 8 1) r1
-- , testCase "operator chain rendering" $ node >>= \node ->
-- do
-- t <- pure $ unsafeParseTerm "1 + 2 + 3"
-- [(p1,r1),(p2,_)] <- pure $ atPts False node [(1,0), (2,0)] t
-- assertEqual "p1" [Paths.Fn, Paths.Arg, Paths.Fn, Paths.Arg] p1
-- assertEqual "r1" (rect 0 0 1 1) r1
-- assertEqual "p2" [] p2
rect :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> (X,Y,Width,Height)
@ -108,15 +111,12 @@ rect x y w h =
pingpong1 :: TTerm
pingpong1 =
unsafeParseTerm $
unlines [ "let rec ping = x -> pong (x + 1)"
, " ; pong = y -> ping (y - 1)"
, " in ping 1"
unlines [ "let rec "
, " ping x = pong (x + 1)"
, " pong y = ping (y - 1)"
, " ping 1"
pingpong2 :: TTerm
pingpong2 =
unsafeParseTerm $
unlines [ "let rec pong1 = p -> ping1 (p - 1)"
, " ; ping1 = q -> pong1 (q + 1)"
, " in ping1 1"
unsafeParseTerm $ "let rec pong1 p = ping1 (p - 1); ping1 q = pong1 (q + 1); ping1 1"

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@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Unison.Test.TermParser where
import Data.List
import Data.Text (Text)
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
@ -19,7 +20,7 @@ parse :: (String, Term (Symbol DFO)) -> TestTree
parse (s, expected) =
testCase ("`" ++ s ++ "`") $
case parseTerm s of
Fail _ _ -> assertFailure "parse failure"
Fail e _ -> assertFailure $ "parse failure " ++ intercalate "\n" e
Succeed a _ _ -> assertEqual "mismatch" expected a
parseFail :: (String,String) -> TestTree
@ -62,51 +63,51 @@ tests = testGroup "TermParser" $ (parse <$> shouldPass) ++ (parseFail <$> should
, ("1:Int", ann one int)
, ("(1:Int)", ann one int)
, ("(1:Int) : Int", ann (ann one int) int)
, ("let a = 1 in a + 1", let1' [("a", one)] (apps numberplus [a, one]))
, ("let a : Int; a = 1 in a + 1", let_a_int1_in_aplus1)
, ("let a: Int; a = 1 in a + 1", let_a_int1_in_aplus1)
, ("let a :Int; a = 1 in a + 1", let_a_int1_in_aplus1)
, ("let a:Int; a = 1 in a + 1", let_a_int1_in_aplus1)
, ("let a = 1; a + 1", let1' [("a", one)] (apps numberplus [a, one]))
, ("let a : Int; a = 1; a + 1", let_a_int1_in_aplus1)
, ("let a: Int; a = 1; a + 1", let_a_int1_in_aplus1)
, ("let a :Int; a = 1; a + 1", let_a_int1_in_aplus1)
, ("let a:Int; a = 1; a + 1", let_a_int1_in_aplus1)
, ("a b -> a + b", lam_ab_aplusb)
, ("(a b -> a + b) : Int -> Int -> Int", ann lam_ab_aplusb intintint)
, ("a b -> a + b : Int", lam' ["a", "b"] (ann (apps numberplus [a, b]) int))
, ("a -> a", lam' ["a"] a)
, ("(a -> a) : forall a . a -> a", ann (lam' ["a"] a) (T.forall' ["a"] (T.arrow a' a')))
, ("let f = a b -> a + b in f 1 1", f_eq_lamab_in_f11)
, ("let f a b = a + b in f 1 1", f_eq_lamab_in_f11)
, ("let f (+) b = 1 + b in f g 1", let1' [("f", lam' ["+", "b"] (apps plus [one, b]))] (apps f [g,one]))
, ("let a + b = f a b in 1 + 1", let1' [("+", lam' ["a", "b"] fab)] one_plus_one)
, ("let (+) : Int -> Int -> Int; a + b = f a b in 1 + 1", plusintintint_fab_in_1plus1)
, ("let (+) : Int -> Int -> Int; (+) a b = f a b in 1 + 1", plusintintint_fab_in_1plus1)
, ("let (+) : Int -> Int -> Int; (+) a b = f a b in (+) 1 1", plusintintint_fab_in_1plus1)
, ("let f b = b + 1; a = 1 in (+) a (f 1)", let1' [("f", lam_b_bplus1), ("a", one)] (apps numberplus [a, apps f [one]]))
, ("let f = a b -> a + b; f 1 1", f_eq_lamab_in_f11)
, ("let f a b = a + b; f 1 1", f_eq_lamab_in_f11)
, ("let f (+) b = 1 + b; f g 1", let1' [("f", lam' ["+", "b"] (apps plus [one, b]))] (apps f [g,one]))
, ("let a + b = f a b; 1 + 1", let1' [("+", lam' ["a", "b"] fab)] one_plus_one)
, ("let (+) : Int -> Int -> Int; a + b = f a b; 1 + 1", plusintintint_fab_in_1plus1)
, ("let (+) : Int -> Int -> Int; (+) a b = f a b; 1 + 1", plusintintint_fab_in_1plus1)
, ("let (+) : Int -> Int -> Int; (+) a b = f a b; (+) 1 1", plusintintint_fab_in_1plus1)
, ("let f b = b + 1; a = 1; (+) a (f 1)", let1' [("f", lam_b_bplus1), ("a", one)] (apps numberplus [a, apps f [one]]))
-- from Unison.Test.Term
, ("a -> a", lam' ["a"] $ var' "a") -- id
, ("x y -> x", lam' ["x", "y"] $ var' "x") -- const
, ("let rec fix = f -> f (fix f) in fix", fix) -- fix
, ("let rec fix f = f (fix f) in fix", fix) -- fix
, ("let rec fix = f -> f (fix f); fix", fix) -- fix
, ("let rec fix f = f (fix f); fix", fix) -- fix
, ("1 + 2 + 3", num 1 `plus'` num 2 `plus'` num 3)
, ("[1, 2, 1 + 1]", vector [num 1, num 2, num 1 `plus'` num 1])
, ("(id -> let x = id 42; y = id \"hi\" in 43) : (forall a.a) -> Number", lam' ["id"] (let1'
, ("(id -> let x = id 42; y = id \"hi\"; 43) : (forall a.a) -> Number", lam' ["id"] (let1'
[ ("x", var' "id" `app` num 42),
("y", var' "id" `app` text "hi")
] (num 43)) `ann` (T.forall' ["a"] (T.v' "a") `T.arrow` T.lit T.Number))
, ("#" ++ Text.unpack sampleHash64, derived' sampleHash64)
, ("#" ++ Text.unpack sampleHash512, derived' sampleHash512)
, ("(Remote { pure 42; })", builtin "Remote.pure" `app` num 42)
, ("Remote { x = 42; pure (x + 1); }",
, ("(do Remote { pure 42 })", builtin "Remote.pure" `app` num 42)
, ("do Remote { x = 42; pure (x + 1) }",
builtin "Remote.bind" `apps` [
lam' ["q"] (builtin "Remote.pure" `app` (var' "q" `plus'` num 1)),
builtin "Remote.pure" `app` num 42
, ("Remote { x := pure 42; pure (x + 1); }",
, ("do Remote { x := pure 42; pure (x + 1) }",
builtin "Remote.bind" `apps` [
lam' ["q"] (builtin "Remote.pure" `app` (var' "q" `plus'` num 1)),
builtin "Remote.pure" `app` num 42
, ("Remote { x := pure 42; y := pure 18; pure (x + y); }",
, ("do Remote\n x := pure 42\n y := pure 18\n pure (x + y)",
builtin "Remote.bind" `apps` [
lam' ["x"] (builtin "Remote.bind" `apps` [
lam' ["y"] (builtin "Remote.pure" `app` (var' "x" `plus'` var' "y")),

View File

@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ synthesizesAndChecks node e t =
--singleTest = withResource Common.node (\_ -> pure ()) $ \node -> testGroup "Typechecker"
-- [
-- testTerm "f -> let x = (let saved = f in 42) in 1" $ \tms ->
-- testTerm "f -> let x = (let saved = f; 42); 1" $ \tms ->
-- testCase ("synthesize/check ("++tms++")") $ synthesizesAndChecks node
-- (unsafeParseTerm tms)
-- (unsafeParseType "forall x. x -> Number")
@ -119,14 +119,14 @@ tests = withResource Common.node (\_ -> pure ()) $ \node -> testGroup "Typecheck
, testCase "synthesize/check (x y -> y)" $ synthesizesAndChecks node
(unsafeParseTerm "x y -> y")
(unsafeParseType "forall a b. a -> b -> b")
, testCase "synthesize/check (let f = (+) in f 1)" $ synthesizesAndChecks node
(unsafeParseTerm "let f = (+) in f 1")
, testCase "synthesize/check (let f = (+); f 1)" $ synthesizesAndChecks node
(unsafeParseTerm "let f = (+); f 1")
(T.lit T.Number --> T.lit T.Number)
, testCase "synthesize/check (let blank x = _ in blank 1)" $ synthesizesAndChecks node
(unsafeParseTerm "let blank x = _ in blank 1")
, testCase "synthesize/check (let blank x = _; blank 1)" $ synthesizesAndChecks node
(unsafeParseTerm "let blank x = _; blank 1")
(forall' ["a"] $ T.v' "a")
, testCase "synthesize/check Term.fix" $ synthesizesAndChecks node
(unsafeParseTerm "let rec fix f = f (fix f) in fix")
(unsafeParseTerm "let rec fix f = f (fix f); fix")
(forall' ["a"] $ (T.v' "a" --> T.v' "a") --> T.v' "a")
, testCase "synthesize/check Term.pingpong1" $ synthesizesAndChecks node
@ -137,15 +137,15 @@ tests = withResource Common.node (\_ -> pure ()) $ \node -> testGroup "Typecheck
, testTerm "[1, 2, 1 + 1]" $ \tms ->
testCase ("synthesize/checkAt "++tms++"@[Index 2]") $ synthesizesAndChecksAt node
[Paths.Index 2] (unsafeParseTerm tms) (T.lit T.Number)
, testTerm "let x = _ in _" $ \tms ->
, testTerm "let x = _; _" $ \tms ->
testCase ("synthesize/checkAt ("++tms++")@[Binding 0,Body]") $ synthesizesAndChecksAt node
[Paths.Binding 0, Paths.Body] (unsafeParseTerm tms) unconstrained
-- fails
, testTerm "f -> let x = (let saved = f in 42) in 1" $ \tms ->
, testTerm "f -> let x = (let saved = f; 42); 1" $ \tms ->
testCase ("synthesize/check ("++tms++")") $ synthesizesAndChecks node
(unsafeParseTerm tms)
(unsafeParseType "forall x. x -> Number")
, testTerm "f -> let x = (b a -> b) 42 f in 1" $ \tms ->
, testTerm "f -> let x = (b a -> b) 42 f; 1" $ \tms ->
testCase ("synthesize/check ("++tms++")") $ synthesizesAndChecks node
(unsafeParseTerm tms) (unsafeParseType "forall x. x -> Number")
, testTerm "f x y -> (x y -> y) f _ + _" $ \tms ->
@ -153,14 +153,14 @@ tests = withResource Common.node (\_ -> pure ()) $ \node -> testGroup "Typecheck
synthesizesAndChecks node
(unsafeParseTerm tms)
(unsafeParseType "forall a b c. a -> b -> c -> Number")
, testTerm "(id -> let x = id 42; y = id \"hi\" in 43) : (forall a . a -> a) -> Number" $ \tms ->
, testTerm "(id -> let x = id 42; y = id \"hi\"; 43) : (forall a . a -> a) -> Number" $ \tms ->
testCase ("higher rank checking: " ++ tms) $
t = unsafeParseType "(forall a . a -> a) -> Number"
tm = unsafeParseTerm tms
in synthesizesAndChecks node tm t
-- Let generalization not implemented yet; this test fails
--, testCase "let generalization: let id a = a; x = id 42; y = id 'hi' in 23" $
--, testCase "let generalization: let id a = a; x = id 42; y = id 'hi'; 23" $
-- let
-- tm = E.let1'
-- [ ("id", E.lam' ["a"] (E.var' "a") `E.ann` T.forall' ["a"] (T.v' "a")),
@ -174,22 +174,22 @@ tests = withResource Common.node (\_ -> pure ()) $ \node -> testGroup "Typecheck
[(_,xt), (_,yt)] <- localsAt node [Paths.Body, Paths.Body, Paths.Fn, Paths.Arg] tm
assertEqual "xt unconstrainted" unconstrained (T.generalize xt)
assertEqual "yt unconstrainted" unconstrained (T.generalize yt)
, testTerm "let x = _ in _" $ \tms ->
, testTerm "let x = _; _" $ \tms ->
testCase ("locals ("++tms++")") $ do
let tm = unsafeParseTerm tms
[(_,xt)] <- localsAt node [Paths.Body] tm
[] <- localsAt node [Paths.Binding 0, Paths.Body] tm
assertEqual "xt unconstrainted" unconstrained (T.generalize xt)
, testTerm "let x = _; y = _ in _" $ \tms ->
, testTerm "let x = _; y = _; _" $ \tms ->
testCase ("locals ("++tms++")@[Body,Body]") $ do
let tm = unsafeParseTerm tms
[(_,xt), (_,yt)] <- localsAt node [Paths.Body, Paths.Body] tm
assertEqual "xt unconstrained" unconstrained (T.generalize xt)
assertEqual "yt unconstrained" unconstrained (T.generalize yt)
, testTerm "let x = _; y = _ in _" $ \tms ->
-- testTerm "let x = 42; y = _ in _" $ \tms ->
-- testTerm "let x = 42; y = 43 in _" $ \tms ->
-- testTerm "let x = 42; y = 43 in 4224" $ \tms ->
, testTerm "let x = _; y = _; _" $ \tms ->
-- testTerm "let x = 42; y = _; _" $ \tms ->
-- testTerm "let x = 42; y = 43; _" $ \tms ->
-- testTerm "let x = 42; y = 43; 4224" $ \tms ->
testCase ("locals ("++tms++")@[Body,Binding 0,Body]") $ do
let tm = unsafeParseTerm tms
[(_,xt)] <- localsAt node [Paths.Body, Paths.Binding 0, Paths.Body] tm

View File

@ -15,21 +15,21 @@ tests = withResource Common.node (\_ -> pure ()) $ \node ->
tests =
-- simple case, no minimization done
t "let id x = x; g = id 42; y = id id g in y"
"let id x = x; g = id 42; y = id id g in y"
t "let id x = x; g = id 42; y = id id g; y"
"let id x = x; g = id 42; y = id id g; y"
-- check that we get let generalization
, t "let rec id x = x; g = id 42; y = id id g in y"
"let id x = x; g = id 42; y = id id g in y"
, t "let rec id x = x; g = id 42; y = id id g; y"
"let id x = x; g = id 42; y = id id g; y"
-- check that we preserve order of components as much as possible
, t "let rec id2 x = x; id1 x = x; id3 x = x in id3"
"let id2 x = x; id1 x = x; id3 x = x in id3"
, t "let rec id2 x = x; id1 x = x; id3 x = x; id3"
"let id2 x = x; id1 x = x; id3 x = x; id3"
-- check that we reorder according to dependencies
, t "let rec g = id 42; y = id id g; id x = x in y"
"let id x = x; g = id 42; y = id id g in y"
, t "let rec g = id 42; y = id id g; id x = x; y"
"let id x = x; g = id 42; y = id id g; y"
-- insane example, checks for: generalization, reordering,
-- preservation of order when possible
, t "let rec g = id 42; y = id id g; ping x = pong x; pong x = id (ping x); id x = x in y"
"let id x = x; g = id 42; y = id id g in (let rec ping x = pong x; pong x = id (ping x) in y)"
, t "let rec g = id 42; y = id id g; ping x = pong x; pong x = id (ping x); id x = x; y"
"let id x = x; g = id 42; y = id id g ; (let rec ping x = pong x; pong x = id (ping x) ; y)"
t before after = testCase (before ++ "" ++ after) $ do
(node, _, _) <- node

View File

@ -1,46 +1,48 @@
identity : ∀ a . a -> a;
identity a = a;
identity : ∀ a . a -> a
identity a = a
Remote.transfer : Node -> Remote Unit;
Remote.transfer node = node unit;
then : ∀ a b c . (a -> b) -> (b -> c) -> a -> c
then f1 f2 x = f2 (f1 x) : ∀ a b . (a -> b) -> Remote a -> Remote b; f = Remote.bind (f `then` Remote.pure);
Remote.transfer : Node -> Remote Unit
Remote.transfer node = node unit
then : ∀ a b c . (a -> b) -> (b -> c) -> a -> c;
then f1 f2 x = f2 (f1 x);
-- Apply a function to a `Remote` : ∀ a b . (a -> b) -> Remote a -> Remote b f =
Remote.bind (f `then` Remote.pure) : ∀ a b . (a -> b) -> Optional a -> Optional b; f = Optional.fold None (f `then` Some); : ∀ a b . (a -> b) -> Optional a -> Optional b f = Optional.fold None (f `then` Some)
Optional.bind : ∀ a b . (a -> Optional b) -> Optional a -> Optional b;
Optional.bind f = Optional.fold None f;
Optional.bind : ∀ a b . (a -> Optional b) -> Optional a -> Optional b
Optional.bind f = Optional.fold None f
Optional.pure : ∀ a . a -> Optional a;
Optional.pure = Some;
Optional.pure : ∀ a . a -> Optional a
Optional.pure = Some : ∀ a b c . (b -> c) -> Either a b -> Either a c; f = Either.fold Left (f `then` Right); : ∀ a b c . (b -> c) -> Either a b -> Either a c f = Either.fold Left (f `then` Right)
Either.pure : ∀ a b . b -> Either a b;
Either.pure = Right;
Either.pure : ∀ a b . b -> Either a b
Either.pure = Right
Either.bind : ∀ a b c . (b -> Either a c) -> Either a b -> Either a c;
Either.bind = Either.fold Left;
Either.bind : ∀ a b c . (b -> Either a c) -> Either a b -> Either a c
Either.bind = Either.fold Left
Either.swap : ∀ a b . Either a b -> Either b a;
Either.swap e = Either.fold Right Left e;
Either.swap : ∀ a b . Either a b -> Either b a
Either.swap e = Either.fold Right Left e
const x y = x;
const x y = x
first : ∀ a b . Pair a b -> a;
first p = Pair.fold const p;
first : ∀ a b . Pair a b -> a
first p = Pair.fold const p
rest : ∀ a b . Pair a b -> b;
rest p = Pair.fold (x y -> y) p;
rest : ∀ a b . Pair a b -> b
rest p = Pair.fold (x y -> y) p
1st = first;
2nd = rest `then` first;
3rd = rest `then` (rest `then` first);
4th = rest `then` (rest `then` (rest `then` first));
5th = rest `then` (rest `then` (rest `then` (rest `then` first)));
1st = first
2nd = rest `then` first
3rd = rest `then` (rest `then` first)
4th = rest `then` (rest `then` (rest `then` first))
5th = rest `then` (rest `then` (rest `then` (rest `then` first)))

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
Index.empty : ∀ k v . Remote (Index k v);
Index.empty = Index.unsafeEmpty
Index.empty : ∀ k v . Remote (Index k v)
Index.empty = Index.unsafeEmpty