compiles, but autocomplete still incomplete!

still need a parser for Referents and Reference hash literals

Lost the ability to align terms' type signatures, due to interleaving them with types instead of treating them as a block.  Maybe there's a non-horrible way to reconstruct it.
This commit is contained in:
Arya Irani 2019-03-01 15:01:56 -05:00
parent 46aa728d25
commit 7c5e2eeb31
18 changed files with 256 additions and 259 deletions

View File

@ -33,13 +33,11 @@ import Data.Text ( Text )
import Data.Traversable ( for )
import qualified Unison.ABT as ABT
import qualified Unison.Builtin as Builtin
import Unison.Codebase.Branch ( Branch, Branch0, Namespace )
import Unison.Codebase.Branch ( Branch, Branch0 )
import qualified Unison.Codebase.Branch as Branch
import qualified Unison.Codebase.CodeLookup as CL
import qualified Unison.Codebase.TermEdit as TermEdit
import Unison.Codebase.TermEdit ( TermEdit )
import qualified Unison.Codebase.SearchResult as SR
import Unison.Codebase.SearchResult ( SearchResult, SearchResult0(..) )
import qualified Unison.DataDeclaration as DD
import Unison.HashQualified ( HashQualified )
import qualified Unison.HashQualified as HQ
@ -61,8 +59,7 @@ import qualified Unison.Typechecker.Context as Context
import Unison.Typechecker.TypeLookup (TypeLookup(TypeLookup))
import qualified Unison.Typechecker.TypeLookup as TL
import qualified Unison.UnisonFile as UF
import Unison.Util.AnnotatedText ( AnnotatedText )
import Unison.Util.ColorText ( Color, ColorText )
import Unison.Util.ColorText ( ColorText )
import qualified Unison.Util.Components as Components
import Unison.Util.Pretty ( Pretty )
import qualified Unison.Util.Pretty as PP
@ -85,8 +82,7 @@ data Codebase m v a =
, putTerm :: Reference.Id -> Term v a -> Type v a -> m ()
, getTypeDeclaration :: Reference.Id -> m (Maybe (Decl v a))
, putTypeDeclarationImpl :: Reference.Id -> Decl v a -> m ()
, allTerms :: m [Reference.Id]
, allTypes :: m [Reference.Id]
, branches :: m [BranchName]
, getBranch :: BranchName -> m (Maybe Branch)
-- thought: this merges the given branch with the existing branch
@ -172,82 +168,6 @@ typecheckingEnvironment code t = do
prettyTypeSource :: (Monad m, Var v) => Codebase m v a -> Name -> Reference -> Branch -> m (Maybe (Pretty ColorText))
prettyTypeSource = error "todo"
-- Search for names / hashes in branch / codebase
searchNamespace :: Ord score =>
Namespace -> (Name -> Name -> Maybe score) -> [HashQualified] -> SearchResult0
searchNamespace = error "todo"
loadSRTypes :: forall m v a.
(Var v, Monad m) => Codebase m v a -> SearchResult0 -> m (SearchResult v a)
loadSRTypes code (SearchResult0 tms typs) = do
tms' <- traverse loadTermType tms
pure $ SR.SearchResult tms' typs
loadTermType :: SR.TermResult0 -> m (SR.TermResult v a)
loadTermType (SR.TermResult0 t r0 as) = case r0 of
Referent.Ref r -> setType <$> getTypeOfTerm code r
Referent.Con r i -> setType <$> getTypeOfConstructor code r i
where setType typ = SR.TermResult t r0 typ as
searchBranch :: (Monad m, Var v, Ord score) => Codebase m v a -> Branch0 -> (Name -> Name -> Maybe score) -> [HashQualified] -> m (SearchResult v a)
searchBranch code b score queries = error "todo"
searchCodebase :: forall m v a score.
(Var v, Monad m, Ord score)
=> Codebase m v a
-> Branch0
-> (Name -> Name -> Maybe score)
-> [HashQualified]
-> m (SearchResult v a)
searchCodebase code b score queries = loadSRTypes code =<< results0
results0 = (localResults <>) <$> namelessResults
localResults, oldResults :: SearchResult0
localResults = searchNamespace (Branch.namespace b) score queries
oldResults = searchNamespace (Branch.oldNamespace b) score queries
namelessResults :: m SearchResult0
namelessResults = do
_ <- allTerms code
_ <- allTypes code
terms <- error "todo"
types <- error "todo"
pure $ SearchResult0 terms types
-- aggregateResults <$> traverse search queries
-- where
-- aggregateResults :: [SearchResult v' a' score] -> SearchResult v' a' score
-- aggregateResults = mconcat
-- search :: HashQualified -> m (SearchResult v a score)
-- search = \case
-- HQ.NameOnly n -> error "todo"
-- HQ.HashOnly n -> error "todo"
-- HQ.HashQualified n h -> error "todo"
-- listReferencesMatching
-- :: (Var v, Monad m) => Codebase m v a -> Branch -> [String] -> m String
-- listReferencesMatching code (Branch.head -> b) query = do
-- let
-- termNames = toList (Branch.allTermNames b)
-- typeNames = toList (Branch.allTypeNames b)
-- matchingTerms = if null query
-- then termNames
-- else query >>= \q -> asStrings (sortedApproximateMatches q) termNames
-- matchingTypes = if null query
-- then typeNames
-- else query >>= \q -> asStrings (sortedApproximateMatches q) typeNames
-- matchingTypeRefs = matchingTypes
-- >>= \name -> Set.toList (Branch.typesNamed name b)
-- matchingTermRefs = matchingTerms
-- >>= \name -> Set.toList (Branch.termsNamed name b)
-- asStrings f names = Name.fromString <$> f (Name.toString <$> names)
-- listReferences code
-- b
-- (matchingTypeRefs ++ [ r | Ref r <- matchingTermRefs ])
:: (Var v, Monad m) => Codebase m v a -> Branch0 -> [Reference] -> m String
listReferences code branch refs = do
@ -332,17 +252,6 @@ prettyBindings cb tms b = do
ds <- catMaybes <$> (forM tms $ \(name,r) -> prettyBinding cb name r b)
pure $ PP.linesSpaced ds
:: (Var.Var v, Monad m)
=> Codebase m v a
-> String
-> Branch
-> m (AnnotatedText Color)
prettyListingQ _cb _query _b =
$ "todo - find all matches, display similar output to "
<> "PrintError.prettyTypecheckedFile"
:: Monad m => Codebase m v a -> Set Reference -> m (TL.TypeLookup v a)
typeLookupForDependencies codebase refs = foldM go mempty refs

View File

@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Prelude hiding (head,subtract)
import Unison.Codebase.Causal (Causal)
import qualified Unison.Codebase.Causal as Causal
import Unison.Codebase.SearchResult (SearchResult)
import qualified Unison.Codebase.SearchResult as SR
import Unison.Codebase.TermEdit (TermEdit, Typing)
import qualified Unison.Codebase.TermEdit as TermEdit
import Unison.Codebase.TypeEdit (TypeEdit)
@ -33,11 +35,13 @@ import qualified Unison.Hashable as H
import Unison.HashQualified (HashQualified)
import qualified Unison.HashQualified as HashQualified
import qualified Unison.HashQualified as HQ
import qualified Unison.ShortHash as SH
import Unison.Name (Name)
import Unison.Names (Names (..))
import qualified Unison.Name as Name
import qualified Unison.Names as Names
import Unison.Reference (Reference)
import qualified Unison.Reference as Reference
import Unison.Referent (Referent)
import qualified Unison.Referent as Referent
import qualified Unison.UnisonFile as UF
@ -269,6 +273,7 @@ instance Monoid Branch0 where
mempty = Branch0 mempty mempty R.empty R.empty
mappend = (<>)
-- todo: audit uses of these functions
allNamesHashQualified :: Branch0 -> Set HashQualified
allNamesHashQualified b =
Set.union (allTermsHashQualified b) (allTypesHashQualified b)
@ -330,14 +335,14 @@ hashQualifyTermName :: Int -> Name -> Set Referent -> Map Referent HashQualified
hashQualifyTermName numHashChars n rs =
if Set.size rs < 2
then Map.fromList [(r, HashQualified.fromName n) | r <- toList rs ]
else Map.fromList [ (r, HQ.take numHashChars $ HQ.fromNamedReferent r n)
else Map.fromList [ (r, HQ.take numHashChars $ HQ.fromNamedReferent n r)
| r <- toList rs ]
hashQualifyTypeName :: Int -> Name -> Set Reference -> Map Reference HashQualified
hashQualifyTypeName numHashChars n rs =
if Set.size rs < 2
then Map.fromList [(r, HashQualified.fromName n) | r <- toList rs ]
else Map.fromList [ (r, HQ.take numHashChars $ HQ.fromNamedReference r n)
else Map.fromList [ (r, HQ.take numHashChars $ HQ.fromNamedReference n r)
| r <- toList rs ]
-- Get the appropriately hash-qualified version of a name for term.
@ -346,25 +351,25 @@ hashQualifiedTermName :: Branch0 -> Name -> Referent -> HashQualified
hashQualifiedTermName b n r =
if (> 1) . length . R.lookupDom n . termNamespace $ b then
-- name is conflicted
HQ.take (numHashChars b) $ HashQualified.fromNamedReferent r n
HQ.take (numHashChars b) $ HashQualified.fromNamedReferent n r
else HashQualified.fromName n
hashQualifiedTypeName :: Branch0 -> Name -> Reference -> HashQualified
hashQualifiedTypeName b n r =
if (> 1) . length . R.lookupDom n . typeNamespace $ b then
-- name is conflicted
HQ.take (numHashChars b) $ HashQualified.fromNamedReference r n
HQ.take (numHashChars b) $ HashQualified.fromNamedReference n r
else HashQualified.fromName n
oldNamesForTerm :: Int -> Referent -> Branch0 -> Set HashQualified
oldNamesForTerm numHashChars ref
= (HQ.take numHashChars . HashQualified.fromNamedReferent ref)
= (HQ.take numHashChars . flip HashQualified.fromNamedReferent ref)
. R.lookupRan ref
. (view $ oldNamespaceL . terms)
oldNamesForType :: Int -> Reference -> Branch0 -> Set HashQualified
oldNamesForType numHashChars ref
= (HQ.take numHashChars . HashQualified.fromNamedReference ref)
= (HQ.take numHashChars . flip HashQualified.fromNamedReference ref)
. R.lookupRan ref
. (view $ oldNamespaceL . types)
@ -856,3 +861,55 @@ toNames b' = Names terms types
termRefs = Map.fromList . R.toList $ termNamespace b
types = Map.fromList . R.toList $ typeNamespace b
terms = termRefs
searchTermNamespace :: forall score. Ord score =>
-> (Name -> Name -> Maybe score)
-> [HashQualified]
-> Set (Maybe score, SearchResult)
searchTermNamespace b score queries = foldMap do1query queries
do1query :: HashQualified -> Set (Maybe score, SearchResult)
do1query q = foldMap (score1hq q) (R.toList . termNamespace $ b)
-- hashNamesForTerm r b
score1hq :: HashQualified -> (Name, Referent) -> Set (Maybe score, SearchResult)
score1hq query (name, ref) = case query of
HQ.NameOnly qn ->
pair qn
HQ.HashQualified qn h | h `SH.isPrefixOf` (Referent.toShortHash ref) ->
pair qn
HQ.HashOnly h | h `SH.isPrefixOf` (Referent.toShortHash ref) ->
Set.singleton (Nothing, result)
_ -> mempty
result = SR.termResult (hashQualifiedTermName b name ref) ref (aliases ref)
pair qn = case score qn name of
Just score -> Set.singleton (Just score, result)
Nothing -> mempty
aliases r = hashNamesForTerm r b
searchTypeNamespace :: forall score. Ord score =>
-> (Name -> Name -> Maybe score)
-> [HashQualified]
-> Set (Maybe score, SearchResult)
searchTypeNamespace b score queries = foldMap do1query queries
do1query :: HashQualified -> Set (Maybe score, SearchResult)
do1query q = foldMap (score1hq q) (R.toList . typeNamespace $ b)
-- hashNamesForTerm r b
score1hq :: HashQualified -> (Name, Reference) -> Set (Maybe score, SearchResult)
score1hq query (name, ref) = case query of
HQ.NameOnly qn ->
pair qn
HQ.HashQualified qn h | h `SH.isPrefixOf` (Reference.toShortHash ref) ->
pair qn
HQ.HashOnly h | h `SH.isPrefixOf` (Reference.toShortHash ref) ->
Set.singleton (Nothing, result)
_ -> mempty
result = SR.typeResult (hashQualifiedTypeName b name ref) ref (aliases ref)
pair qn = case score qn name of
Just score -> Set.singleton (Just score, result)
Nothing -> mempty
aliases r = hashNamesForType r b

View File

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ import Unison.Codebase.Branch ( Branch
, Branch0
import qualified Unison.Codebase.Branch as Branch
import Unison.Codebase.SearchResult ( SearchResult )
import qualified Unison.Codebase.SearchResult as SR
import qualified Unison.DataDeclaration as DD
import Unison.FileParsers ( parseAndSynthesizeFile )
import Unison.HashQualified ( HashQualified )
@ -174,6 +174,24 @@ type AllowUpdates = Bool
data DisplayThing a = BuiltinThing | MissingThing Reference.Id | RegularThing a
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data SearchResult' v a
= Tm'' (TermResult' v a)
| Tp'' (TypeResult' v a)
deriving (Eq, Show)
data TermResult' v a =
TermResult'' HashQualified (Maybe (Type v a)) Referent (Set HashQualified)
deriving (Eq, Show)
data TypeResult' v a =
TypeResult'' HashQualified (DisplayThing (Decl v a)) Reference (Set HashQualified)
deriving (Eq, Show)
pattern Tm h t r as = Tm'' (TermResult'' h t r as)
pattern Tp h t r as = Tp'' (TypeResult'' h t r as)
searchResult' :: (TermResult' v a -> b) -> (TypeResult' v a -> b) -> SearchResult' v a -> b
searchResult' f g = \case
Tm'' tm -> f tm
Tp'' tp -> g tp
data Output v
= Success Input
| NoUnisonFile
@ -187,9 +205,7 @@ data Output v
| ConflictedName BranchName NameTarget Name
| BranchAlreadyExists BranchName
| ListOfBranches BranchName [BranchName]
| ListOfDefinitions Branch
[(HashQualified, Referent, Maybe (Type v Ann))]
[(HashQualified, Reference, DisplayThing (Decl v Ann))]
| ListOfDefinitions Branch [SearchResult' v Ann]
| SlurpOutput (SlurpResult v)
-- Original source, followed by the errors:
| ParseErrors Text [Parser.Err v]
@ -326,7 +342,7 @@ data Command i v a where
GetConflicts :: Branch -> Command i v Branch0
-- Return a list of definitions whose names match the given queries.
SearchBranch :: Branch -> [HashQualified] -> Command i v (SearchResult v Ann)
SearchBranch :: Branch -> [HashQualified] -> Command i v [SearchResult' v Ann]
LoadTerm :: Reference.Id -> Command i v (Maybe (Term v Ann))
@ -652,8 +668,10 @@ commandLine awaitInput rt branchChange notifyUser codebase command = do
MergeBranch branchName branch -> mergeBranch codebase branch branchName
GetConflicts branch -> pure $ Branch.conflicts' (Branch.head branch)
SwitchBranch branch branchName -> branchChange branch branchName
SearchBranch branch queries ->
Codebase.searchBranch codebase (Branch.head branch) nameDistance queries
SearchBranch (Branch.head -> branch) queries -> do
let termResults = Branch.searchTermNamespace branch nameDistance queries
typeResults = Branch.searchTypeNamespace branch nameDistance queries
loadSearchResults codebase . fmap snd . toList $ termResults <> typeResults
LoadTerm r -> Codebase.getTerm codebase r
LoadType r -> Codebase.getTypeDeclaration codebase r
Todo b -> doTodo codebase (Branch.head b)
@ -689,6 +707,24 @@ doTodo code b = do
(dirtyTermsNamed, dirtyTypesNamed)
(Branch.conflicts' b)
loadSearchResults :: (Monad m, Var v) =>
Codebase m v a -> [SR.SearchResult] -> m [SearchResult' v a]
loadSearchResults code = traverse loadSearchResult
loadSearchResult = \case
SR.Tm (SR.TermResult name r aliases) -> do
typ <- case r of
Referent.Ref r -> Codebase.getTypeOfTerm code r
Referent.Con r cid -> Codebase.getTypeOfConstructor code r cid
pure $ Tm name typ r aliases
SR.Tp (SR.TypeResult name r aliases) -> do
dt <- case r of
Reference.Builtin _ -> pure BuiltinThing
Reference.DerivedId id ->
maybe (MissingThing id) RegularThing <$>
Codebase.getTypeDeclaration code id
pure $ Tp name dt r aliases
loadDefinitions :: Monad m => Codebase m v a -> Set Reference
-> m ( [(Reference, Maybe (Type v a))],
[(Reference, DisplayThing (Decl v a))] )
@ -706,6 +742,7 @@ loadDefinitions code refs = do
Just d -> pure (r, RegularThing d)
pure (terms, types)
nameDistance :: Name -> Name -> Maybe Int
nameDistance (Name.toString -> q) (Name.toString -> n) =
if q == n then Just 0-- exact match is top choice

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe ( MaybeT(..)
import Data.Foldable ( foldl'
, toList
import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe )
import Data.Maybe ( catMaybes, fromMaybe )
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Traversable ( for )
@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ import Unison.Codebase.Editor ( Command(..)
, collateReferences
import qualified Unison.Codebase.Editor as Editor
import qualified Unison.Codebase.SearchResult as SR
import qualified Unison.HashQualified as HQ
import Unison.Name ( Name )
import Unison.Names ( NameTarget )
@ -145,25 +144,22 @@ loop s = Free.unfold' (evalStateT (maybe (Left ()) Right <$> runMaybeT (go *> ge
latestFile .= Just (Text.unpack sourceName, False)
latestTypecheckedFile .= Just unisonFile
Right input -> case input of
SearchByNameI (fmap HQ.fromString -> qs) -> do
SR.SearchResult terms types <- eval $ SearchBranch currentBranch' qs
let terms' = fmap go terms where
go (SR.TermResult name ref typ _aliases) = (name, ref, typ)
let types0 = traverse go types where
go (SR.TypeResult name ref _aliases) = case ref of
-- We load the type to determine if data or ability.
Reference.DerivedId id ->
(name, ref, ) . maybe (MissingThing id) RegularThing <$> eval (LoadType id)
_ -> pure (name, ref, BuiltinThing)
types0 >>= respond . ListOfDefinitions currentBranch' terms'
SearchByNameI (fmap HQ.fromString -> qs) ->
(eval $ SearchBranch currentBranch' qs)
>>= respond . ListOfDefinitions currentBranch'
ShowDefinitionI outputLoc (fmap HQ.fromString -> qs) -> do
SR.SearchResult terms types <- eval $ SearchBranch currentBranch' qs
let termTypes = Map.fromList
results <- eval $ SearchBranch currentBranch' qs
let termTypes :: Map.Map Reference (Editor.Type v Ann)
termTypes = Map.fromList
[ (r, t)
| SR.TermResult _ (Referent.Ref r) (Just t) _ <- terms ]
| Editor.Tm _ (Just t) (Referent.Ref r) _ <- results ]
termReferent (Editor.Tm _ _ r _) = Just r
termReferent _ = Nothing
typeReference (Editor.Tp _ _ r _) = Just r
typeReference _ = Nothing
(collatedTerms, collatedTypes) =
collateReferences (SR.referent <$> terms)
(SR.reference <$> types)
collateReferences (catMaybes . map termReferent $ results)
(catMaybes . map typeReference $ results)
loadedTerms <- for collatedTerms $ \r -> case r of
Reference.DerivedId i -> do
tm <- eval (LoadTerm i)
@ -174,17 +170,17 @@ loop s = Free.unfold' (evalStateT (maybe (Left ()) Right <$> runMaybeT (go *> ge
Just (tm, typ) -> case tm of
Term.Ann' _ _ -> RegularThing tm
_ -> RegularThing (Term.ann (ABT.annotation tm) tm typ)
_ -> pure (r, BuiltinThing)
Reference.Builtin _ -> pure (r, BuiltinThing)
loadedTypes <- for collatedTypes $ \r -> case r of
Reference.DerivedId i ->
(r, ) . maybe (MissingThing i) RegularThing <$> eval (LoadType i)
_ -> pure (r, BuiltinThing)
Reference.Builtin _ -> pure (r, BuiltinThing)
-- makes sure that the user search terms get used as the names
-- in the pretty-printer
ppe =
PPE.fromTermNames [ (r, n) | SR.TermResult n r _ _ <- terms ] <>
PPE.fromTypeNames [ (r, n) | SR.TypeResult n r _ <- types ] <>
PPE.fromTermNames [ (r, n) | Editor.Tm n _ r _ <- results ] <>
PPE.fromTypeNames [ (r, n) | Editor.Tp n _ r _ <- results ] <>
Branch.prettyPrintEnv (Branch.head currentBranch')
loc = case outputLoc of
Editor.ConsoleLocation -> Nothing

View File

@ -291,8 +291,6 @@ codebase1 builtinTypeAnnotation (S.Format getV putV) (S.Format getA putA) path
(error "todo")
(error "todo")

View File

@ -1,95 +1,26 @@
module Unison.Codebase.SearchResult where
-- import Data.List (sortOn)
-- import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Set (Set)
import Unison.HashQualified (HashQualified)
import Unison.Reference (Reference)
import Unison.Referent (Referent)
import qualified Unison.Term as Term
import qualified Unison.Type as Type
type Term v a = Term.AnnotatedTerm v a
type Type v a = Type.AnnotatedType v a
data SearchResult = Tm TermResult | Tp TypeResult deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data SearchResult v a = SearchResult
{ termResults :: [TermResult v a]
, typeResults :: [TypeResult]
data SearchResult' v a score = SearchResult'
{ termResults' :: [(score, TermResult v a)]
, typeResults' :: [(score, TypeResult)]
} deriving (Eq, Show) -- ABT.Term lacks Ord instance
data TermResult v a = TermResult
data TermResult = TermResult
{ termName :: HashQualified
, referent :: Referent
, termType :: Maybe (Type v a)
, termAliases :: Set HashQualified
} deriving (Eq, Show)
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data TypeResult = TypeResult
{ typeName :: HashQualified
, reference :: Reference
, typeAliases :: [HashQualified]
} deriving (Eq, Show)
, typeAliases :: Set HashQualified
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- May eventually want a version that includes the term or type,
-- but think about which fields this new case actually needs.
termResult :: HashQualified -> Referent -> Set HashQualified -> SearchResult
termResult hq r as = Tm (TermResult hq r as)
instance Semigroup (SearchResult v a) where
left <> right = SearchResult (termResults left <> termResults right)
(typeResults left <> typeResults right)
instance Monoid (SearchResult v a) where
mempty = SearchResult [] []
mappend = (<>)
-- note: don't use Down
-- instance Ord score => Semigroup (SearchResult' v a score) where
-- left <> right = SearchResult'
-- (sortOn (Down . fst) $ termResults left <> termResults right)
-- (sortOn (Down . fst) $ typeResults left <> typeResults right)
-- instance Ord score => Monoid (SearchResult' v a score) where
-- mempty = SearchResult' [] []
-- mappend = (<>)
data SearchResult0' score = SearchResult0'
{ termResults0' :: [(score, TermResult0)]
, typeResults0' :: [(score, TypeResult)]
-- , byReferent0 :: Map Referent TermResult0
-- , byReference0 :: Map Reference TypeResult
data SearchResult0 = SearchResult0
{ termResults0 :: [TermResult0]
, typeResults0 :: [TypeResult]
-- , byReferent0 :: Map Referent TermResult0
-- , byReference0 :: Map Reference TypeResult
data TermResult0 = TermResult0
{ termName0 :: HashQualified
, referent0 :: Referent
, termAliases0 :: Set HashQualified
-- instance Ord score => Semigroup (SearchResult0' score) where
-- left <> right = SearchResult0
-- (sortOn (Down . fst) $ termResults0 left <> termResults0 right)
-- (sortOn (Down . fst) $ typeResults0 left <> typeResults0 right)
-- -- (byReferent0 left <> byReferent0 right)
-- -- (byReference0 left <> byReference0 right)
-- instance Ord score => Monoid (SearchResult0' score) where
-- mempty = SearchResult0 mempty mempty -- mempty mempty
-- mappend = (<>)
instance Semigroup SearchResult0 where
left <> right = SearchResult0
(termResults0 left <> termResults0 right)
(typeResults0 left <> typeResults0 right)
instance Monoid SearchResult0 where
mempty = SearchResult0 mempty mempty -- mempty mempty
mappend = (<>)
typeResult :: HashQualified -> Reference -> Set HashQualified -> SearchResult
typeResult hq r as = Tp (TypeResult hq r as)

View File

@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ completion s = Line.Completion s s True
autoComplete :: String -> [String] -> [Line.Completion]
autoComplete q ss = fixup $
completion <$> error "todo"--Codebase.sortedApproximateMatches q ss
completion <$> error "todo" ss--Codebase.sortedApproximateMatches q ss
-- workaround for
-- if the common prefix of all the completions is smaller than

View File

@ -15,11 +15,12 @@ import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Monad (join, when, unless)
import Data.Foldable (toList, traverse_)
import Data.List (sort)
import Data.ListLike (ListLike)
import Data.List.Extra (nubOrdOn)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.String (fromString)
import Data.String (IsString, fromString)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Text.IO (readFile, writeFile)
import Prelude hiding (readFile, writeFile)
@ -52,7 +53,6 @@ import qualified Unison.Referent as Referent
import qualified Unison.Result as Result
import Unison.Term (AnnotatedTerm)
import qualified Unison.TermPrinter as TermPrinter
import Unison.Type (AnnotatedType)
import qualified Unison.TypePrinter as TypePrinter
import qualified Unison.Typechecker.TypeLookup as TL
import qualified Unison.UnisonFile as UF
@ -140,8 +140,8 @@ notifyUser dir o = case o of
then P.bold ("* " <> P.text n)
else " " <> P.text n
in intercalateMap "\n" go (sort branches)
ListOfDefinitions branch terms types ->
listOfDefinitions (Branch.head branch) terms types
ListOfDefinitions branch results ->
listOfDefinitions (Branch.head branch) results
SlurpOutput s -> slurpOutput s
ParseErrors src es -> do
Console.setTitle "Unison ☹︎"
@ -290,15 +290,31 @@ displayDefinitions outputLoc ppe terms types =
<> P.newline
<> tip "You might need to repair the codebase manually."
unsafePrettyTermResult' :: Var v =>
PPE.PrettyPrintEnv -> E.TermResult' v a -> P.Pretty P.ColorText
unsafePrettyTermResult' ppe = \case
E.TermResult'' name (Just typ) _r aliases ->
prettyAliases aliases <> head (TypePrinter.prettySignatures' ppe [(name,typ)])
_ -> error "Don't use Nothing"
prettyTypeResult' :: E.TypeResult' v a -> P.Pretty P.ColorText
prettyTypeResult' (E.TypeResult'' name dt r aliases) =
prettyAliases aliases <> prettyDeclTriple (name, r, dt)
prettyAliases ::
(Foldable t, ListLike s Char, IsString s) => t HQ.HashQualified -> P.Pretty s
prettyAliases aliases = if null aliases then mempty else
(P.commented . (:[]) . P.wrap . P.commas . fmap prettyHashQualified . toList) aliases <> P.newline
prettyDeclTriple ::
(HQ.HashQualified, Reference.Reference, DisplayThing (TL.Decl v a))
-> P.Pretty P.ColorText
prettyDeclTriple (name, _, displayDecl) = case displayDecl of
BuiltinThing -> P.wrap $ TypePrinter.prettyDataHeader name <> "(built-in)"
MissingThing _ -> mempty -- these need to be handled elsewhere
RegularThing decl -> case decl of
Left _ability -> TypePrinter.prettyEffectHeader name
Right _d -> TypePrinter.prettyDataHeader name
BuiltinThing -> P.wrap $ TypePrinter.prettyDataHeader name <> "(built-in)"
MissingThing _ -> mempty -- these need to be handled elsewhere
RegularThing decl -> case decl of
Left _ability -> TypePrinter.prettyEffectHeader name
Right _data -> TypePrinter.prettyDataHeader name
renderNameConflicts :: Set.Set Name -> Set.Set Name -> P.Pretty CT.ColorText
renderNameConflicts conflictedTypeNames conflictedTermNames =
@ -386,29 +402,33 @@ todoOutput (Branch.head -> branch) todo =
, formatMissingStuff corruptTerms corruptTypes
listOfDefinitions :: Var v =>
-> [(HQ.HashQualified, Referent.Referent, Maybe (AnnotatedType v a1))]
-> [(HQ.HashQualified, Reference.Reference, DisplayThing (TL.Decl v2 a2))]
-> IO ()
listOfDefinitions branch terms types = do
putPrettyLn . P.lines $
typeResults ++
TypePrinter.prettySignatures' ppe termsWithTypes ++
listOfDefinitions :: Var v => Branch0 -> [E.SearchResult' v a] -> IO ()
listOfDefinitions branch results = do
putPrettyLn . P.lines $ prettyResults ++
[formatMissingStuff termsWithMissingTypes missingTypes]
unless (null impossible) . error $ "Compiler bug, these referents are missing types: " <> show impossible
unless (null impossible) . error $
"Compiler bug, these referents are missing types: " <> show impossible
ppe = Branch.prettyPrintEnv branch
typeResults = map prettyDeclTriple types
termsWithTypes = [(name,t) | (name, Just t) <- sigs0 ]
where sigs0 = (\(name, _, typ) -> (name, typ)) <$> terms
prettyResults =
map (E.searchResult' (unsafePrettyTermResult' ppe) prettyTypeResult')
(filter (not . missingType) results)
-- typeResults = map prettyDeclTriple types
missingType (E.Tm _ Nothing _ _) = True
missingType (E.Tp _ (MissingThing _) _ _) = True
missingType _ = False
-- termsWithTypes = [(name,t) | (name, Just t) <- sigs0 ]
-- where sigs0 = (\(name, _, typ) -> (name, typ)) <$> terms
termsWithMissingTypes =
[ (name, r) | (name, Referent.Ref (Reference.DerivedId r), Nothing) <- terms ]
[ (name, r)
| E.Tm name Nothing (Referent.Ref (Reference.DerivedId r)) _ <- results ]
missingTypes = nubOrdOn snd $
[ (name, Reference.DerivedId r) | (name, _, MissingThing r) <- types ] <>
[ (name, r) | (name, Referent.toTypeReference -> Just r, Nothing) <- terms]
impossible = terms >>= \case
(name, r@(Referent.Ref (Reference.Builtin _)), Nothing) -> [(name,r)]
[ (name, Reference.DerivedId r)
| E.Tp name (MissingThing r) _ _ <- results ] <>
[ (name, r)
| E.Tm name Nothing (Referent.toTypeReference -> Just r) _ <- results]
impossible = results >>= \case
E.Tm name Nothing r@(Referent.Ref (Reference.Builtin _)) _ -> [(name,r)]
_ -> []
-- todo: could probably use more cleanup

View File

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ data DataDeclaration' v a = DataDeclaration {
annotation :: a,
bound :: [v],
constructors' :: [(a, v, AnnotatedType v a)]
} deriving (Show, Functor)
} deriving (Eq, Show, Functor)
:: (Reference -> Int -> Reference)
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ type EffectDeclaration v = EffectDeclaration' v ()
newtype EffectDeclaration' v a = EffectDeclaration {
toDataDecl :: DataDeclaration' v a
} deriving (Show,Functor)
} deriving (Eq,Show,Functor)
withEffectDecl :: (DataDeclaration' v a -> DataDeclaration' v' a') -> (EffectDeclaration' v a -> EffectDeclaration' v' a')
withEffectDecl f e = EffectDeclaration (f . toDataDecl $ e)

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@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
module Unison.HashQualified where
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.String (IsString, fromString)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
@ -28,6 +29,15 @@ toName = \case
HashQualified name _ -> Just name
HashOnly _ -> Nothing
hasName :: HashQualified -> Bool
hasName = isJust . toName
toHash :: HashQualified -> Maybe ShortHash
toHash = \case
NameOnly _ -> Nothing
HashQualified _ sh -> Just sh
HashOnly sh -> Just sh
take :: Int -> HashQualified -> HashQualified
take i = \case
n@(NameOnly _) -> n
@ -47,8 +57,9 @@ fromText t =
case Text.breakOn "#" t of
("", "") -> error "don't give me that" -- a hash mark with nothing else
(name, "") -> NameOnly (Name.unsafeFromText name) -- safe bc breakOn #
("", hash) -> HashOnly (SH.fromText hash)
(name, hash) -> HashQualified (Name.unsafeFromText name) (SH.fromText hash)
("", hash) -> HashOnly (SH.unsafeFromText hash) -- safe bc breakOn #
(name, hash) -> HashQualified (Name.unsafeFromText name)
(SH.unsafeFromText hash)
toText :: HashQualified -> Text
toText = \case
@ -56,12 +67,12 @@ toText = \case
HashQualified name hash -> Name.toText name <> SH.toText hash
HashOnly ref -> Text.pack (show ref)
fromNamedReferent :: Referent -> Name -> HashQualified
fromNamedReferent r n =
fromNamedReferent :: Name -> Referent -> HashQualified
fromNamedReferent n r =
HashQualified n (Referent.toShortHash r)
fromNamedReference :: Reference -> Name -> HashQualified
fromNamedReference r n =
fromNamedReference :: Name -> Reference -> HashQualified
fromNamedReference n r =
HashQualified n (Reference.toShortHash r)
fromReferent :: Referent -> HashQualified

View File

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
module Unison.NamePrinter where
import Data.String (IsString, fromString)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Unison.HashQualified (HashQualified)
import qualified Unison.HashQualified as HQ
import Unison.Name (Name)

View File

@ -32,6 +32,9 @@ unqualified = Name.unsafeFromText . unqualified' . Name.toText
unqualified' :: Text -> Text
unqualified' = last . Text.splitOn "."
-- Names is like Branch.Namespace, but:
-- - there are no conflicts
-- - lookup is one-directional
data Names = Names
{ termNames :: Map Name Referent
, typeNames :: Map Name Reference

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import Control.Monad (join)
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe, maybe)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, maybe)
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Text (Text)
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ data Id = Id H.Hash Pos Size deriving (Eq,Ord,Generic)
-- but Show Reference currently depends on SH
toShortHash :: Reference -> ShortHash
toShortHash (Builtin b) = SH.Builtin b
toShortHash (Derived h i n) = SH.ShortHash (H.base58 h) Nothing Nothing
toShortHash (Derived h 0 _) = SH.ShortHash (H.base58 h) Nothing Nothing
toShortHash (Derived h i n) = SH.ShortHash (H.base58 h) index Nothing
-- todo: remove `n` parameter; must also update readSuffix
@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ toShortHash (Derived h i n) = SH.ShortHash (H.base58 h) index Nothing
encode58 = decodeUtf8 . Base58.encodeBase58 Base58.bitcoinAlphabet
put = putLength i >> putLength n
putLength = serialize . VarInt
toShortHash (DerivedId _) = error "this should be covered above"
showShort :: Int -> Reference -> Text
showShort numHashChars = SH.toText . SH.take numHashChars . toShortHash

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
module Unison.Referent where
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
-- import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Word (Word64)
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import Data.Bytes.VarInt (VarInt (..))
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base58 as Base58
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8, encodeUtf8)
import Safe (readMay)
-- import Safe (readMay)
data Referent = Ref Reference | Con Reference Int
deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)

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@ -3,11 +3,9 @@
module Unison.ShortHash where
import Data.Either (fromRight)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Safe (readMay)
-- Arya created this type to be able to query the Codebase for anonymous definitions. The parsing functions can't fail, because they only try to pull apart the syntactic elements "#" and ".". They don't necessarily produce a meaningful reference; you'll figure that out during base58 decoding. We don't attempt base58 decoding here because the base58 prefix doesn't correspond to anything useful. We'll just compare strings against the codebase or namespace later.
data ShortHash
@ -24,16 +22,28 @@ data ShortHash
-- `#cWkiC1x89#1` — constructor
-- `#DCxrnCAPS.WD#0` — constructor of a type in a cycle
-- Anything to the left of the first # is ignored.
fromText :: Text -> ShortHash
-- e.g. foo#abc is parsed as #abc
-- Anything including and following a third # is ignored.
-- e.g. foo#abc#2#hello is parsed as #abc#2
-- Anything after a second . before a second # is ignored.
-- e.g. foo#abc.1f.x is parsed as #abc.1f
fromText :: Text -> Maybe ShortHash
fromText t = case Text.split (=='#') t of
[_, "", b] -> Builtin b -- builtin gets ##
[_, h] -> uncurry ShortHash (getCycle h) Nothing
[_, h, c] -> uncurry ShortHash (getCycle h) (Just c)
[_, "", b] -> Just $ Builtin b -- builtin gets ##
[_, h] -> Just $ uncurry ShortHash (getCycle h) Nothing
_ : h : c : _garbage -> Just $ uncurry ShortHash (getCycle h) (Just c)
_ -> Nothing
getCycle :: Text -> (Text, Maybe Text)
getCycle h = case Text.split (=='.') h of
[] -> ("", Nothing) -- e.g. foo#.1j
[hash] -> (hash, Nothing)
[hash, suffix] -> (hash, Just suffix)
hash : suffix : _garbage -> (hash, Just suffix)
unsafeFromText :: Text -> ShortHash
unsafeFromText t = fromMaybe
(error . Text.unpack $ "can't parse ShortHash from: " <> t)
(fromText t)
toText :: ShortHash -> Text
toText (Builtin b) = "##" <> b
@ -49,5 +59,17 @@ take :: Int -> ShortHash -> ShortHash
take _ b@(Builtin _) = b
take i s@(ShortHash{..}) = s { prefix = (Text.take i prefix) }
-- x `isPrefixOf` y is True iff x might be a shorter version of y
isPrefixOf :: ShortHash -> ShortHash -> Bool
isPrefixOf (Builtin t) (Builtin t2) = t `Text.isPrefixOf` t2
isPrefixOf (ShortHash h n cid) (ShortHash h2 n2 cid2) =
(Text.isPrefixOf h h2) && (maybePrefixOf n n2) && (maybePrefixOf cid cid2)
Nothing `maybePrefixOf` Nothing = True
Nothing `maybePrefixOf` Just _ = True
Just _ `maybePrefixOf` Nothing = False
Just a `maybePrefixOf` Just b = a `Text.isPrefixOf` b
isPrefixOf _ _ = False
instance Show ShortHash where
show = Text.unpack . toText

View File

@ -111,6 +111,7 @@ pretty' :: Var v => Maybe Int -> PrettyPrintEnv -> AnnotatedType v a -> String
pretty' (Just width) n t = PP.render width $ pretty n (-1) t
pretty' Nothing n t = PP.render maxBound $ pretty n (-1) t
-- todo: provide sample output in comment
:: Var v => PrettyPrintEnv
-> [(HashQualified, AnnotatedType v a)]
@ -121,6 +122,7 @@ prettySignatures' env ts = PP.align
| (name, typ) <- ts
-- todo: provide sample output in comment; different from prettySignatures'
:: Var v => PrettyPrintEnv
-> [([HashQualified], AnnotatedType v a)]

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@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ module Unison.Util.Pretty (
warnCallout, fatalCallout, okCallout,
@ -254,13 +255,22 @@ lines = intercalateMap newline id
linesSpaced :: (Foldable f, IsString s) => f (Pretty s) -> Pretty s
linesSpaced ps = lines (intersperse "" $ toList ps)
prefixed :: (Foldable f, LL.ListLike s Char, IsString s)
=> Pretty s -> Pretty s -> f (Pretty s) -> Pretty s
prefixed first rest =
intercalateMap newline (\b -> first <> indentAfterNewline rest b)
:: (Foldable f, LL.ListLike s Char, IsString s) => f (Pretty s) -> Pretty s
bulleted = intercalateMap newline (\b -> "* " <> indentAfterNewline " " b)
bulleted = prefixed "* " " "
:: (Foldable f, LL.ListLike s Char, IsString s) => f (Pretty s) -> Pretty s
dashed = intercalateMap newline (\b -> "- " <> indentAfterNewline " " b)
dashed = prefixed "- " " "
:: (Foldable f, LL.ListLike s Char, IsString s) => f (Pretty s) -> Pretty s
commented = prefixed "-- " "-- "
:: (Foldable f, LL.ListLike s Char, IsString s)

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@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ library