Hooking up new evaluate-terms function

This commit is contained in:
Paul Chiusano 2015-03-10 17:48:55 -04:00
parent e9e0de2e16
commit 7cd2ea1fb6
7 changed files with 60 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -47,3 +47,8 @@ contains : List k -> Trie k v -> Bool
contains k t = case lookup k t of
Nothing -> False
Just _ -> True
keys : Trie k v -> List (List k)
keys (Trie _ cs) =
let f (k,t) = List.map ((::) k) (keys t)
in List.concatMap f cs

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@ -212,6 +212,7 @@ type Request
| Search Term Path Int (Maybe Type) Metadata.Query -- global search for a given type
| Declare Term
| Edit Path Path Action.Action Term
| Evaluations (List (Path, Term))
| Metadatas (List Reference)
type alias Action = Model -> (Maybe Request, Model)
@ -329,9 +330,7 @@ accept : Model -> Model
accept model = Maybe.withDefault model <|
Selection1D.index model.explorerSelection
(List.map fst (filteredCompletions model)) `Maybe.andThen`
\term -> model.scope `Maybe.andThen`
\scope -> Term.set scope.focus model.term term `Maybe.andThen`
\t2 -> Just <| clearScopeHistory { model | term <- t2 }
\term -> Just (clearScopeHistory (modifyFocus (always term) model))
openExplorer : Sink Field.Content -> Action
openExplorer = openExplorerWith Field.noContent
@ -697,6 +696,22 @@ search2 searchbox origin reqs =
in Signal.map edit reqs
|> JR.send (Node.editTerm host `JR.to` go) ([],[],Action.Noop,model0.term)
|> Signal.map withStatus
evaluations r = case r of
-- todo: reroot the request to point to tightest bound term
Evaluations es -> Just es
_ -> Nothing
evaluations' =
let set model (path,old,new) cur = case Term.at path model.term of
Nothing -> cur
Just old' -> if old == old'
then Trie.insert path new cur
else cur
go es model =
-- todo, don't start with Trie.empty once doing proper dep tracking
norequest { model | evaluations <- List.foldl (set model) Trie.empty es }
in Signal.map evaluations reqs
|> JR.send (Node.evaluateTerms host `JR.to` go) []
|> Signal.map withStatus
metadatas r = case r of
Metadatas rs -> Just rs
_ -> Nothing
@ -709,7 +724,11 @@ search2 searchbox origin reqs =
|> JR.send (Node.metadatas host `JR.to` go) []
|> Signal.map withStatus
noop model = norequest model
in openEdit' `Signal.merge` metadatas' `Signal.merge` edit' `Signal.merge` search'
in openEdit' `Signal.merge`
metadatas' `Signal.merge`
edit' `Signal.merge`
search' `Signal.merge`
main =
let origin = (15,15)

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@ -63,6 +63,11 @@ editType host = Request.post host "edit-type"
(Encoder.tuple3 Path.encodePath A.encode T.encodeType)
evaluateTerms : Host -> Request (List (Path, Term)) (List (Path,Term,Term))
evaluateTerms host = Request.post host "evaluate-terms"
(Encoder.list (Encoder.tuple2 Path.encodePath E.encodeTerm))
(Decoder.list (Decoder.tuple3 Path.decodePath E.decodeTerm E.decodeTerm))
type alias LocalInfo =
{ current : Type
, admissible : Type

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@ -415,3 +415,11 @@ builtins env allowBreak availableWidth ambientPrec cur =
App (App (Ref (R.Builtin "View.view")) v) e -> go v e
_ -> Nothing
reactivePaths : Term -> Trie Path.E ()
reactivePaths e =
let ok e = case e of
App (App (Ref (R.Builtin "View.cell")) (App (Ref (R.Builtin "View.reactive")) v)) e -> True
App (App (Ref (R.Builtin "View.view")) (App (Ref (R.Builtin "View.reactive")) v)) e -> True
_ -> False
in Term.matchingPaths ok e

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@ -37,15 +37,20 @@ data Node m k t e = Node {
dependencies :: Maybe (S.Set k) -> k -> Noted m (S.Set k),
-- | Lookup the set of terms/types depending directly on the given @k@, optionally limited to the given set
dependents :: Maybe (S.Set k) -> k -> Noted m (S.Set k),
-- | Modify the given subterm, which may fail
-- | Modify the given subterm, which may fail. First argument is the root path.
-- Second argument is path relative to the root.
-- Returns (root path, original e, edited e)
editTerm :: P.Path -> P.Path -> A.Action -> e -> Noted m (P.Path,e,e),
-- | Modify the given type, which may fail
editType :: P.Path -> A.Action -> t -> Noted m t,
-- Evaluate all terms, returning a list of (path, original e, evaluated e)
evaluateTerms :: [(P.Path, e)] -> Noted m [(P.Path,e,e)],
-- | Returns ( current type
-- , admissible type
-- , local vars
-- , well-typed applications of focus
-- , well-typed expressions involving local vars )
-- | Modify the given subterm, which may fail. First argument is the root path.
localInfo :: e -> P.Path -> Noted m (t, t, [e], [Int], [e]),
-- | Access the metadata for the term and/or types identified by @k@
metadatas :: [k] -> Noted m (Map k (MD.Metadata k)),

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@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ module Unison.Node.Common (node) where
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Traversable (traverse)
import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
import Data.List
import Data.Ord
import Debug.Trace
@ -64,6 +65,13 @@ node eval store =
editType = error "Common.editType.todo"
evaluateTerms es = join <$> traverse go es
where go (path,e) =
maybe (pure [])
(\e -> (\e' -> [(path,e,e')]) <$>
(Eval.whnf eval (readTerm store) e))
(Path.at path e)
metadatas hs =
M.fromList <$> sequence (map (\h -> (,) h <$> readMetadata store h) hs)
@ -139,6 +147,7 @@ node eval store =

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@ -90,6 +90,10 @@ server port node = S.scotty port $ do
(loc, a, t) <- S.jsonData
t <- runN $ N.editType node loc a t
S.json t
postRoute "/evaluate-terms" $ do
es <- S.jsonData
e <- runN $ N.evaluateTerms node es
S.json e
postRoute "/local-info" $ do
(e, path) <- S.jsonData
t <- runN $ N.localInfo node e path